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Chapter 2: Absolute Power

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Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

The solid oak door of the nunnery is opened by a rather young looking sister, who bows her head peacefully as Vezina asks to be shown to Sister Pallas. She nods her head and leads Vezina into the simple building and past what looks almost like cells in a prison except for the lack of bars. She knocks softly at one of the doors, which is soon answered by Sister Pallas, who nods in greeting and dismisses the other nun before ushering Vezina in.

"I wondered when you might come to call on me, Lady Vezina. You needn't worry about speaking freely in here, the walls are quite thick. Now what brings one of my fellow scions to see me in my haven."

She says indicating for Vezina to make herself comfortable in the small room. A simple bed, a chair, and a small table are the only furnishings in the tiny room.

Jourdain doesn't seem any less nervous than Jocelyn does as he glances about the dark alley as much as she does. He smiles as though trying to reassure her though it does little to assuage her fears, as do the voices telling her get away to someplace safe.

"Yes, I know Rebekah we are or were both Hospitallers. She asked me to make sure you stay safe and I could hardly refuse to honor a boon."

He listens to Jocelyn explain once more about the man and the old woman as he takes her hand gingerly and examines it before saying.

"Unusual, but the dagger must have been blessed by someone of true faith for it to burn you from merely touching it. The old woman sounds like she might have been possessed. Hopefully it was mere happenstance that you blundered into their path, though I doubt it since Rebekah wanted you watched. Did the man happen to say anything before he came after you?"

Upon closer examination of the effects lying on the ground both Eliza and Anabelle notice the ash or dust. Almost as if someone had simply turned to ash while they were wearing the armor. A mystery to the watchmen for sure but they both realize that they are more than likely looking at the remains of a fellow cainite who has met his final death.

The watchman dismisses the other man, a simple innkeeper from his appearance. Turning to face Eliza on horseback he immediately bows but not before catching her gaze with his own eyes.

"Milady, we seem to have stumbled upon something of a mystery as you can see. The innkeeper seems positive that the personal effects you see was worn by a soldier who had been at his inn. Supposedly he had left after some screams from outside followed shortly by more screams. though as you can see there are no signs of a fight, no blood, no body. It's a complete mystery to your humble servants, milady."

spend 1 BP to masquerade and stunning success on her dominate attempt
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"Language brings me to you, Sister Pallas," Vezina said as she swept into the room, took a look around and remained standing. "I have come across a tome, written in the Germanic tongue. I was told you could read it. There were some interesting measures taken to prevent Cainite eyes from perusing these pages, so I am hoping whatever is in this book will be worthwhile to know. Would you be willing to take a look with me?"

Vezina waited for an affirmation, and if such were given, she would produce the book, leaving the puzzlebox alone for the moment and place the tome onto the simple table, leaving room for Pallas to seat herself over it.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Eliza's eyes shifted to the ash strewn about on the ground, lingering there for a long moment. Now that she knew a cainite had been killed, it took a lot of effort to prevent herself from looking around for attackers and appearing suspicious. Her lips curled down from the effort as she focused on the watchman before her once again.

"How very strange... Well then, it fills me with joy to know you have the situation so well in hand. What is the name of this inn?"
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Anabelle didn't make a sound as she noticed the ash, her eyes lingering for a moment on the armour and the gray dust scattered around it. She simply stayed behind Eliza, arms crossed, and listened to what was being said.

Werewolves, missing kindred, and now murder. The city's underbelly was churning.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Sister Pallas eyes betray little emotion as she nods her head and takes the book over to her desk. A thin taper sits in the far corner providing a sparse light in the cramped cell as she first flips through the book. A more thorough reading of the first few pages and she looks up.

"It is a journal of sorts, belonging to one Abetorius of the house of Tremere. Much of the journal seems given over to the study of the occult and various magical formulae."

She reads a bit deeper into the journal and her eyes suddenly darken and she looks up once more.

"This house of Tremere whatever it may be, certainly seem worthy of investigation and extinction. If this is true a house of wizards as they call themselves have usurped their way into our ranks. Perhaps more appropriately into your ranks as they stole the blood of one Gallod of clan Tzimisce to perform some ritual which transformed them into vampires."

The watchman remains kneeling as he almost seems to blush at Eliza's compliment. He seems almost stunned by Eliza's beauty and he refuses to stand until he has been dismissed.

"I thank you milady, though I'm not entirely sure I deserver such compliments from one so high. This is the inn of the Guilded Noble, one of the finest in London so I am told. Though I'm sure it will most likely pale compared to what you must be used to milady."

The other watchman stands near the remains looking at a set of prints leading away. Unfortunately they are lost once they reach the muddy street, only a skilled tracker might be able to follow them and even then it's unlikely.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"He said... He said I'm not worthy of the chance I was given." Jocelyn replied, sounding heartbroken. "He said he was going to punish me. I... I chose wrong. I tried to help, but I messed it all up..."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"Well then, I shall leave you to your business. I am sure you have much stellar investigative work to do."

Eliza nearly laughed as she turned away, instead just smiling to herself. Stupid humans... They really had no idea what was good for them.

The Lasombra woman found a stable to leave her horse, and then made her way into the Inn of the Guilded Noble, first looking for Jourdain or anyone that looked familiar or approachable.

Was going to wait and see if Sin was interested in the tracks, but since she's going to be away for a bit, I just did what Eliza would do.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Jourdain raises an eyebrow as he stands looking down at the much younger Malkavian. His entire demeanor seems to change as though he's trying to act in a way he has almost forgotten.

"The monks who raised me always used to say everyone had a chance at redemption, even if they don't deserve it. Just because some holier than thou hunter thinks you've lost that chance doesn't mean you have. You just have to do better the next time you receive that chance."

He looks around the alley once more as the more superior demeanor returns and he continues.

"Now to get you someplace safer and more conducive to protecting you from whatever might be after you. There's an inn nearby that a hunter would have to be insa...er have a death wish to enter. Don't mention that I'm protecting or even keeping an eye on you to anyone. We already have a hunter after you, no need to attract further attention."

With that he begins to walk calmly further down the alley towards the street. Though he hardly seems relaxed as his eyes flash to every shadow and movement in the cold, dark alley.

The watchmen return to their search as Eliza heads for the inn, Anabelle trailing behind quiet as she normally is. Having stowed their horses in the inn's stable Eliza notices Jourdain's familiar horse, black with two white stockings on it's left side. The beast doesn't seem to shy away as even her own horse does.

The inn is quiet except for a the few servants still about at this hour of the night. They seem to pay little attention to the new arrivals as Eliza looks the room over. Jourdain's not in the main room at the moment, though she doubts if he would leave his horse here without planning to return. A low fire burns in one corner though most of the tables seem to have been set a safe distance away for their kind.

Makes sense to me. We are working on individual side plots right now anyways.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Jocelyn nodded along with Jourdain's speech, though she stayed quiet. She gathered herself up when he spoke of going to an inn, following him close. "Yeah. Yeah, okay..." She muttered softly, staring at the ground as she walked, though if the trip was long she'd pick her gaze up and look around after a while.
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Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

The trip to the inn is relatively short, maybe ten minutes in total. Jourdain doesn't seem to mind that Jocelyn is quiet as he seems to be musing on some event from the evening in his own mind. The voices have hardly let up one bit the entire time.

he's evil,
why would he help us if he's evil
cause we're evil
not yet we aren't

Jocelyn looks up just as they arrive at the door of the inn, a painted sign indicating it as the Guilded Noble. It looks to be rather high class, the kind of inn where she used to stay before she had come to this place. Jourdain opens the door and politely offers for Jocelyn to enter first.

"After you, milady. Don't worry about the state of your clothes, we'll just say we both fell if asked."

The room is well-appointed though fairly empty as she enters, a few servants is all. They seem to have arrived a few seconds after two of the others she had met the previous evening. Jocelyn tried to remember their names over the argument inside her head. Eliza and Anabelle she seemed to remember just as the voices began to argue louder than before.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"I don't... we aren't... stop..." She muttered to herself, trying to get the voices to go silent with little luck, picking at her ear and rubbing her temple. When they reached the place, she focused on Jourdain again, then looked down at her dress, which was considerably dirtier and had perhaps a new tear after her scuffle in the alley. "Maybe we should... I need to find a change, sometime..." She said apologetically, following him in.

She notices the other two petitioners quickly, having almost followed them in, to all appearances. The small smile she gave in greeting looked a little pained, the voices causing her to cringe a little as the argument intensified.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

After following Eliza into the inn she quietly mentioned something about the tracks, wondering what they had belonged to. Before she could finish her thought however, she heard a familiar voice behind her, and turned to find Jocelyn behind her, with Jourdain beside her.

"Seems tonight is full of convenient meetings," she said with a smile.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"Three times. Though once was less convenient, I think. but two is still the majority, so yes. The angels are watching out for us, I think." Jocelyn stuttered out quickly in reply, pausing for a second before adding a 'Hello." to the end, smiling apologetically.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

A pained look briefly passes over Jourdain as Jocelyn mutters to herself, though it passes just as quickly as he adds. "Maybe my sister or Anabelle has some extra clothes they would be willing to share."

Noticing Anabelle and Eliza he smiles and nods his head to the pair before pointing to a table in the corner of the inn away from the fire. "Convenient meetings do seem to happen a lot with our kind. At least depending on your definition of convenient. Shall we sit, or should I look for someplace more private?"
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Eliza slowly turns with a nod to the two newcomers and somewhat arrogant smile after having stared off into space for a long while. She follows toward the table and sits herself down at the end.

"Good evening brother. I suppose we can make do here. It is not like there is anyone around unless they are hiding somewhere. I hesitate to say so for fear of ballooning your ego, but alas I have been looking all over for you this night."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Assuming none of the others object, Jourdain takes the seat closest to the wall. A smirk crosses his face as he responds to Eliza. "Bored with your new playmate already or is it something more important, dear sister."

He takes a quick look behind him as someone might be hidden nearby before continuing. "Speaking of stroking ego's. I was planning on finding you later tonight so that I could pass on better instructions from our sire. First we can discuss your matter, since that is clan business."

He nods towards Anabelle and Jocelyn briefly as if to reassure them that they don't need to leave.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Jocelyn follows the group to a table, taking a seat where she could see the fire, giving it a wary glance before responding herself. "I don't really have any business..." She said, offering a shrug and looking over to Anabelle. "I could probably keep you occupied if they want to talk, though." She told the woman, sounding a bit more certain. She glanced towards the fire again and cringed, scratching at one of her temples with an annoyed look on her face.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Eliza rolled her eyes at Jourdain. "No quite the opposite actually. It seems there are some in this establishment who do not appreciate her finer qualities. I shall not say more on that matter for now however given our location..."

The lasombra woman glanced at the others for a moment before deciding she should continue. "Genevieve tells me that D'Ombro of Gravesend and yourself are the local Amici del Nocte and that he is a fellow disciple of the shadows. I hoped you could arrange a meeting for me or tell me where he is, so I could find out if he has any information on my attackers - or perhaps arrange some sort of alliance."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Anabelle pulled up a chair beside Eliza, spinning it around before sitting, leaning forward against its back. She listened carefully, but did not have much to say at the moment. She had been looking for something to do, and for the moment, helping Eliza seemed to be a better option than doing fuck all.

She smiled carefully at Jocelyn though, before turning her full attention back to the conversation.

"You think what happened outside has any connection to your attackers? Or the missing prince?" Anabelle asked after thinking a moment.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Eliza shrugged. "It's certainly possible. Both crimes were likely performed by kindred and barbaric ones at that." The Lasombra paused before adding darkly. "London seems to be full of them though, so who knows? As for the missing prince, I do not really care."
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