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Tentacle Souls

Re: Tentacle Souls

Oh great she's a Paladin, the likelyhood of reward smex is small...

2. Take a ride in her clevage (wait, is she wearing proper armor or fantasy armor (aka metal bikini)?), whilst we're being transported slowly absorb the pendent to not raise much notice.
Re: Tentacle Souls

Oh great she's a Paladin, the likelyhood of reward smex is small...

2. Take a ride in her clevage (wait, is she wearing proper armor or fantasy armor (aka metal bikini)?), whilst we're being transported slowly absorb the pendent to not raise much notice.

I'd like to cast I vote for this one ^^
Re: Tentacle Souls

5. Accept her offer; but rather then just taking her energy for ourselves, ask her to imbue some of the pendant's energy unto us. Just enough to completely refill what may have been lost during evolution and any fights we happen upon on our way out.

Re: Tentacle Souls

Heh, guess my plan was more of a Black Tentacle plan of attack...gotta remember Purple, Purple!

3 Take it at face value, but maybe try and coil around her arm playfully/thankfully/cute worm puppy to get a closer 'look' at the aura of the pendent...or is this more of a Blue plan? bah! So hard to think of a strategy for being a good magical tentacle without some bad thrown in...

You know, you may have hit on a rather good idea there. This story is just a piece of fun - who says there can't be hybrid tentacles? A combination of Black/Purple would make for something terrifying, as would Purple/Green, even Purple/Blue. Perhaps I might try and find a way to fit that in with the upgrade system.

Anyway, update's in a few hours.
Re: Tentacle Souls

Heh, guess my plan was more of a Black Tentacle plan of attack...gotta remember Purple, Purple!

3 Take it at face value, but maybe try and coil around her arm playfully/thankfully/cute worm puppy to get a closer 'look' at the aura of the pendent...or is this more of a Blue plan? bah! So hard to think of a strategy for being a good magical tentacle without some bad thrown in...

I like this plan. 3.
Re: Tentacle Souls

Maybe we should gain hybrids by defeating and absorbing the other tentacles
Now would we have multiple tentacles of different colors or stripped like a candycane tentacles?
Re: Tentacle Souls

Votelock between TentanariX's 5 and the traditional 3. Next reply steals it.

(Can anyone think of a better system of dealing with votelocks that I could use in the future?)
Re: Tentacle Souls

5 try rolling a dice or simply take the first number :)
Re: Tentacle Souls

Flip a coin. Heads goes to the one that was highest first.

In the event of threeways, 1d3!
Re: Tentacle Souls

Threeways? Did someone mention... a threeway? :eek:
Re: Tentacle Souls

TentanariX's option 5 it is!


You decide to accept the offer of the female warrior. Her mention of 'honour' makes her appear trustworthy, and at least she was open and honest about her deep distrust of you.
But there might be further leverage to exploit here, especially surrounding that delicious-smelling pendant...

Regardless, for now you broadcast your ascent to her, and wind your body up her arm, eventually coiling firmly around her upper bicep. Ideal, really - the close physical connection allows for constant communication, from here you can see what's going on, and it'll be easy to abandon ship if things go south. Hopefully.
You notice feelings of barely contained disgust emanating from the woman, as your moist, purple flesh coils around her body - but she manages to avoid passing comment. Resigning herself, she sets off out the cell, and turns right, down a similar-looking stone corridor. It's much the same; cracked, mossy, small pools of water on the floor where it's dripped in from the ceiling. Small cracks and crevices in the wall and floor. Honestly, the place really needs a care-taker.

Five minutes later, with no unpleasant surprises, and just the sound of the warrior's footsteps and the occasional soft splash filling the corridor, you feel it might be time to broach the tricky subject.
"My lady, this way not be the best time... but I am drastically weakened, trapped in this form. Might you permit me to draw some energy from your pendant?"

She almost visably balks. Whoops.

"That talisman to which you refer was a sacred gift from my grandmother! I shall never let your revolting form anywhere near it! Indeed the very suggestion -"

She continues in this vein for quite some time; 'sacred' this, 'relic' that, etc. It basically boils down to 'No, fuck off'. After a while you just tune her out, because rather more concerning is an aura you sense further down the corridor; deep orange, glowing with power and more than a hint of maleovalence. The flickering flame torches in the walls don't cast enough light to illuminate that which it surrounds yet... but it's drawing closer all the time. Whatever it is, it's big, bad, and not to be trifled with. And your dear female friend, ranting as she is, hasn't detected anything wrong - she's walking right towards it.


Time to think of a plan.

Option 1) Slide off the woman now, and try and shelter in a crevice or something on the floor, leaving her to the mercy of whatever-the-hell this monstrosity is. If possible, drain the pendant after it's finished.

Option 2) As above, but drain as much of the talisman as possible before trying to escape.
Option 2A) If you do drain it, choose an evolution to apply immediately as you run away, or just N/A.

All Level I upgrades require 10 energy to 'unlock'.
- Swim I
- Infest I
- Stealth I
- Slime Ooze I
- Growth II (25 energy required)
- Aura Detect II (20 energy required)
- Magic Sting I (Fires a small bolt of magical energy. Does negligible damage to most foes, but use enough of them and weaker enemies might eventually be overcome. And it's better than nothing. Each bolt of energy costs 1 Energy to shoot).

Option 3) Alert the woman to the imminent danger, and stay with her as she tries to fight it off. She's tougher than she looks.

Option 4) Alert the woman to the imminent danger, then:
A) Drain the pendant and run away.
B) Don't drain the pendant and run away.

Option 5) Other.

Next update will be longer and more interesting, I promise.
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Re: Tentacle Souls

Warn she of the scary thingy, then tell her you're really getting the short end of this relationship. Hop off to go investigate and report back and hopefully not catch a bad case of dead.
Re: Tentacle Souls

I say option 3, we may be able to convince her that we are trustworthy and she may allow us to take some of the energy in thanks for alerting her to the danger she almost blindly walked into. If we can convince her we're trustworthy then she may actually want to willingly stay with us. Also try and distract it and give her an opening.
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Re: Tentacle Souls

Go crazy suggestion 5!

Warn her, warn the crap outta here! Bark and yell wildly in her mind to keep focus!...well that is assuming it is some kind of close range telepathy since you mentioned being so close to her and being able to just tune it out...

Also since you mentioned the next update will be longer, if that includes some kind of fight and said fight starts to go south or just looks like its going to be difficult for her then...

I say we go ahead and drain just a factional amount from the pendent, just 10 energy well so long as it has that much, then evolve Magic Sting. This way we aren't left too weakened and we can assist her during the fight. If nothing else something getting hit by random Magic missiles will keep it distracted enough for her to take it out. This way it's not us just abusing the trust to steal energy but its used to protect her.

And for some reason when i think of doing that, i see the purple tentacle wrapped around her forearm multiple times turning her into a ye old Samus with a magic pew pew cannon arm :p
Re: Tentacle Souls

Lets go with 3 but before remember to apologize for asking, something like this: "I'm very sorry for asking about it my lady, however I have to inform u about something big and probebly unfriendly coming this way." this is best way to get her trust and if we do this enough times she will be less disgusted by us and eventually may even let us drain some off the amulet.
Re: Tentacle Souls

3. and apologize for offending her.
Re: Tentacle Souls

Ujisato's 5 with a bit of bane's 3, apologizing if we offended her and reluctantly taking a sip from the amulet if it looks like she might lose the upcoming fight- proceeded by apologizing a second time immediately after the fight is resolved.
Re: Tentacle Souls

I was going to say 1 but seeing as we seem to be going for the chaotic good route ill give a +5
Re: Tentacle Souls

3, w/ magic sting I. Hide on the sidelines and fire off at a strategic moment to give her an opening.