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Tentacle Souls


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Tentacle Souls

I think we just got lousy encounter rolls or such. This couldve been anything but the dice just came up World Boss. Or the boss was meant to be here and we jst walked into a bad spot. We did good with the paladin and monster in cave; demon, succubus, and rock works in Hell Dimension. So i think it was just crappy luck this time around. :p


Grim Reaper
Jan 23, 2012
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Re: Tentacle Souls

B, because diplomacy solves everything :D

In case this goes south rapidly, evolve Swim II in order to have a slightly better chance of escaping


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Jul 10, 2012
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Re: Tentacle Souls

A, ain't crap we can do right now. Make a mental note to return when we're stronger and get the hell out of dodge.


Tentacle Monster
Dec 18, 2011
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Re: Tentacle Souls

Option A) Retreat!
Correct decision.


This is too much. Right now we're trapped in this crippled form... but one day we will return and remind this fishy monstrosity what it means to cross the Tentacle Lord.

You swim back up the way the way you came down, Anglerfish-man watching you every step (well, squirm) of the way. Still the zombie merpeople swim in their endless circle, round and round, performing whatever ritual the necromancer is trying to produce (and if that crystal really was a piece of Black Archcrystal it won't be anything good, you speculate).

Anyway, your dignified retreat up the circular stone wall of the pit soon has you back at the rusted grill you entered by. You slip though with ease again, and continue along the tunnel, though in a rather more stealthy way than when you first traveled down it (if only there were something to be moving stealthily past!).

Pootling back along the passageway, feeling more than a little let down, you eventually find the three-way fork you passed by originally. The right-most passage is still blocked by rubble, but a rebellious streak flares within you, and you decide to check out the central passage.
The first few meters show it's much the same as all the others - grey, stone, really bloody dull - but flicking to Aura Sense you make out a tiny glimmer in the distance. You press on...

And eventually pass through an archway into what can only be described as a jail.

Gigantic and imposing, the structure is sort of V shaped, with many rows of cells stretching far into the distance and far below you. It looks rather like some underwater canyon, except with narrow corridors running along the sides and prisoners being held within the walls. Looking down, you can't see the bottom, just an empty black abyss - and the rows of cells continue down even into that. Above is a cracked rock ceiling, with strands of bioluminescent algae clinging to it, along with barnacles and bits of seaweed.

You swim forward and look at the first cell on your right. Partially rusted metal bars hold it shut, but it makes no difference; the merman inside is emaciated and fragile-looking, a ruin of his former self. He spies you as you pass, and presses his gaunt, shrunken face to the bars of his cell.
"Hellllp meeee..." he moans, clawed hand extending to try and clutch at you. You jerk away, and look at the next cell. Inside is a similarly shrunken mermaid, ribcage visible beneath her breasts. She just stares at you as you pass with cold, empty eyes.
The next cell contains nothing but a steel chest, though aura sense tells you there is something of notable magical power inside. Strangely, however, there is a magical field of energy surrounding the cell that prevents you entering.

Above you, gurgled screams begin, though you cannot see anything through the ceiling of the floor you're on. You could swim out to the center and have a look at the row of cells above yours... but the murmed whispers of "Guards... the guards!" you hear soon put you off that idea.

The third cell you come to is different; inside is fresher, healthier looking mermaid. Perhaps she was captured only recently? She certainly seems more full of energy; though one arm is manacled to the back wall of her cell, with the other hand she is masturbating furiously, fingers sliding in and out of her pussy (just above where the scales of her tail begin). Her eyes are closed as she moans softly, head framed by her billowing black hair. She doesn't seem to notice you.


Option A) Investigate more cells along this row.

Option B) Swim up to the floor above to see if you can catch a stealthy glimpse of these 'guards'.

Option C) Use a burst of magical energy to free the merman in the first cell you came across.
Option C2) Free the emaciated, non-speaking mermaid in the second cell.
Option C3) Free both.

Option D) Enter the masturbating mermaid's cell, and take her by force.
Option D2) Ask politely first.

Option E) Enter the masturbating mermaid's cell, but don't do anything sexual. Quiz her on this place and ask what she would recommend doing.

Health: 25/25
Energy: 57/65
Morality: 20/100 (noble)

- Infest I
- Slime Ooze I
- Scale Armor I (More protective against spells and phsyical attacks than Slime Ooze, but much less multi-purpose).

- Stealth II (20 energy required. Become even sneakier).
- Swim II (20 energy required. Can you guess what this evolution does?)
- Magic Sting II (20 energy required. The shot is rather more powerful. More akin to a punch from your average joe than the pitiful little sting level I was).
- Growth II (25 energy required. Stretch your arm out. From shoulder to end of longest finger, that's how big we'd get. The head would also split into 2, giving us a sort of stretched Y shape.)


Nov 16, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tentacle Souls

Eh, I'm wondering why this mermaid is jilling herself so vigorously while imprisoned. Drug? Hypnosis? Bait for potential passing rescuers?

So a variant on D2 - ask her, snarkily, how easy she's finding it to masturbate with one hand, and offer ourselves as a living dildo-aid.

Assuming we start getting energy, promptly start burning it in evolutions so we don't spill over our maximum - Growth II, Swim II, Sting II are my suggestions, in order.


Grim Reaper
Jan 23, 2012
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Re: Tentacle Souls

C3, in the hope that they can help get to the mysterious energy source


Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2012
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Re: Tentacle Souls

Hm... honestly do we actually need to ask her? It's free energy ripe for the taking.



Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Tentacle Souls

Eh, I'm wondering why this mermaid is jilling herself so vigorously while imprisoned. Drug? Hypnosis? Bait for potential passing rescuers?

So a variant on D2 - ask her, snarkily, how easy she's finding it to masturbate with one hand, and offer ourselves as a living dildo-aid.

Assuming we start getting energy, promptly start burning it in evolutions so we don't spill over our maximum - Growth II, Swim II, Sting II are my suggestions, in order.

This sounds good, but I say we go with E first, then D2 along with DeMatts suggestions for evolutions. Then maybe C2 afterwards.


Tentacle God
Jan 10, 2012
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Re: Tentacle Souls

D2 like DeMatt's but we should burn it on some other things instead sting II scale armor I infest I stealth II in that order so long as we don't fall under the 50% mark

Btw I am guessing stealth will eventually grant the ability to "hide" our aura?


Tentacle God
Nov 22, 2011
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Re: Tentacle Souls

E then D.

Edit: I agree that having Infest and Slime could be fine.
Last edited:


Tentacle Monster
Dec 18, 2011
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Re: Tentacle Souls

D2 like DeMatt's but we should burn it on some other things instead sting II scale armor I infest I stealth II in that order so long as we don't fall under the 50% mark

Btw I am guessing stealth will eventually grant the ability to "hide" our aura?
That 50% mark isn't all important. Being fractionally slower won't get you killed in 2 seconds flat.

And yeah. The Anglerfish man spotted our aura, but he was a fairly powerful being.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Tentacle Souls

I totally suggest infest and slime before politely helping the poor girl to fuck herself vigorously.


Tentacle Monster
Dec 18, 2011
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Re: Tentacle Souls

Well the votes are kinda all over the place again (does that mean the choices were well balanced?). I'm going to go with the one that was mentioned lots and is most beneficial to you.


Well, this is interesting. The sight of the mermaid chained in the cell, masturbating furiously, causes urges to rise within you. Urges you thought you'd conquered long ago, when you decided to travel down the path of nobility. Deep, primal urges, mostly revolving around that vagina, that sweet, softly-scented, oh-so tempting looking pussy...

You mentally shake yourself. You are not that sort of being anymore.

But it couldn't hurt to have a little fun.

"Good day!" you call out mentally, trying to sound cheerful instead of deeply, furiously lusty. The mermaid looks up and slows her pace, though her fingers continue to work themselves in and around her sex.
Spotting you, she frowns in concern.
"You're not a guard..." she replies, glancing around furtively. "What are you doing here?" (Her mouth frames the words she speaks, but you pick them up mentally.)

"Oh, you know. This and that." You can't hold back any longer. "Do you want... some help... with what you're doing right now?"

Continues to frown, as though expecting a trick - before breaking into peals of laughter.
"A polite tentacle! Now I really have seen everything." She pauses, then pushes her hips forwards, thrusting her sex at you. She smirks, whilst her tail beats against the water to keep her on the spot. "Go crazy."

You need no further encouragment. You steal forward, through the wide metal bars of the cell, and coil around her tail. The scales are hard and smooth, and you're only just big enough to wrap yourself around her diameter. Slowly you twist your way up her body, sliding smoothly over her gleaming surface, winding around like a snake winding its way up a tree... until you reach her opening.

She quivers slightly in anticipation, and you push forwards, all restraint lost. You slide your purple head once, twice over the top of her smooth, hairless sex, then brutally push your way in. She gasps aloud from the shock of the sudden penetration, her whole body growing taut. You ignore it and try to worm your way in further, sliding wetly amongst her folds, stimulating her with every twitch of your smooth, almost gelatinous body.
Buried in as far as you'll go, half your body still sticks out from her - but she seems to get the hint. Grabbing your lower half, she slides you out, slowly, tortuously, extracting every drop of pleasure possible. Responding, you allow the bottom half of your length (the part being held by the mermaid) to turn rock solid, whilst your front end remains loose and slimy, splashing and twisting inside her.
Her eyes closed, she pulls you nearly all the way out, only to drive you back in again, her hips arching as she does so. It's a much gentler pace than with the succubus, but that has its advantages - inside her you run yourself up against her clitoris, stimulating it with just the gentlest drop of magical energy. Again she spasms and contorts, though as she starts moaning you can tell she's loving every minute of it. One of her hands reaches under her shell bra and starts pinching and teasing her left nipple.

You're slowly drawn out of her again, and this time you allow your front half to become buckled and ridged, maximizing your contact with her internal walls. Though it's hard to tell with the seawater all around, it's obvious she's dripping inside with juices.

"Mmmhhhhmm..." she moans, eye closed and black hair billowing as she grinds herself on your length. It's an amazing, ecstatic feeling, and you're draining as much energy as possible.

Suddenly she climaxes, pussy flaring wide and gushing forth a torrent of juice. You absorb it all and retract out of her, feeling contented.

"That... was the best!" she mutters, sighing happily.

"Glad to be of service," you reply. "Now, to business..."


- Choose some questions to ask her (supply your own).

Then pick a non-contradictory set of options, if at all possible.

Option A) Escape from the cell and leave her trapped.

Option B) Break the manacle binding her, then open the door after yourself so that she can follow.

Option C) Take her by surprise.
Option C1) Orally.
Option C2) Anally.

Option 1) Free the emaciated and weakened Merpeople along this room of cells.

Option 2) Swim up to the cell above and study the 'guards', if any are around.

Option 3) Ignore all else and work out a way to break into the shielded cell containing the chest.


I know lots of people suggested evolutions last round, but to be honest it was just sort of vague suggestions for absolutely all of them. So.

You gained a lot of energy from the sex, so you can retroactively pick any evolution for free! Any further Evolutions you might or might not choose after that will then be deducted from your energy meter.

Full list, slightly updated with some new ideas:
- Infest I (allows you to latch onto hosts and drain energy. Try and do it when they won't immediately notice and squash you).
- Slime Ooze I (secrete slime that can be both sticky and slippery. Further upgrades allow you to do much more with it).
- Scale Armor I (More protective against spells and phsyical attacks than Slime Ooze, but much less multi-purpose).
- Perception I (You pick up on pheromones and chemical traces to gain more information from a target. For instance, you'll become able to tell if a humanoid is perhaps hiding a wound, or if they're aroused, or if they have an infection of some kind).
- Ovipositor I (Allows you to lay eggs within the orifice of a host. At low levels, these eggs are weak and may not hatch properly. Further upgrades reduces this risk. Each egg costs 10 energy to plant, but the hatched tentacle is autonomous and commanded by you).

- Aura Detect II (20 energy. Your sense of auras is refined, and you can see them from a great distance and judge their power levels more accurately. Also allows you to faintly detect Cursed auras).
- Stealth II (20 energy required. Become even sneakier).
- Swim II (20 energy required. Can you guess what this evolution does?)
- Magic Sting II (20 energy required. The shot is rather more powerful. More akin to a punch from your average joe than the pitiful little sting level I was).
- Body Shock II (20 Energy required. A powerful wave of magical energy runs over your skin. Akin to picking up a live electrical wire. Obviously limited to close-range combat, though).
- Growth II (25 energy required. Stretch your arm out. From shoulder to end of longest finger, that's how big we'd get. The head would also split into 2, giving us a sort of stretched Y shape.)

Health: 30/30
Energy: 85/85
Morality: 18/100 (noble)


Nov 16, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tentacle Souls

I will reiterate my choice of Growth II as the first (and thus retroactively free) evolution. Add Swim II and Perception I to that, and we'll save the rest for later.

Much as I like the idea of instigating a prison break, I feel we should find out whether our potential escapees actually can escape before spending effort and attracting attention by breaking them out of their cells. So... ask missus Jill about the guards, about the prison, why she's imprisoned, and so forth.

One of her hands reaches under her shell bra and starts pinching and teasing her left nipple.
...wasn't one of her hands chained tightly and uselessly to the wall? :p


Nov 26, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Tentacle Souls

Take Growth II as the freebie (because it has the highest cost), Perception I and Magic Sting II.

Ask her how many guards are here, why they're imprisoned, if theres any good loot around.

Then C2


Tentacle Monster
Dec 18, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Tentacle Souls

...wasn't one of her hands chained tightly and uselessly to the wall? :p


Sorry, what were you saying? ;)