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Tentacle Souls

Re: Tentacle Souls


I suggest that we have our own stipulations. Also we should stay standing strong and tell him the following with our mightiest voice (bluff).

We allow him to go where ever he wants but if it sounds like he wants the nexus we immediately fight him to the death.

We will not promise to not kill him. Rather, promise that we won't follow but if we ever meet again somehow then we'll probably try to kill him.

We will not kill the necromancer as she's ours now (on our side at least... ON THE SIDE OF GOOD!*).

We get what we came for. The hostages are released.

Honestly this entire thing could have been resolved at the start if he'd simply given us a cup of tea and said he was planning on leaving... >_> ....Which leaves me to believe there's more to this than meets the eye. I have this uncomfortable feeling that he wants the nexus and means to leave us trapped on this world.

If it looks like he won't let us have those things then switch to Plan B or C (which ever has the more points) and use a three pronged attack with crab in the center, us and the necro flanking from sides.

*is any one else greatly amused by the fact that a necromancer and a tentacle monster are on the side of good?

Also, I can't wait to see the face of paladin when she sees us coming back with a necromancer.
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Re: Tentacle Souls


Also, I can't wait to see the face of paladin when she sees us coming back with a necromancer.

I really hope the situation pans out in a way that means I get to write that scene xD
Re: Tentacle Souls

B. Evading the gargoyles will probably cause us to trigger a trap.

Try to spot a pattern with the steam vents, they may provide a route to avoid the traps
Re: Tentacle Souls


I suggest that we have our own stipulations. Also we should stay standing strong and tell him the following with our mightiest voice (bluff).

We allow him to go where ever he wants but if it sounds like he wants the nexus we immediately fight him to the death.

We will not promise to not kill him. Rather, promise that we won't follow but if we ever meet again somehow then we'll probably try to kill him.

We will not kill the necromancer as she's ours now (on our side at least... ON THE SIDE OF GOOD!*).

We get what we came for. The hostages are released.

Honestly this entire thing could have been resolved at the start if he'd simply given us a cup of tea and said he was planning on leaving... >_> ....Which leaves me to believe there's more to this than meets the eye. I have this uncomfortable feeling that he wants the nexus and means to leave us trapped on this world.

If it looks like he won't let us have those things then switch to Plan B or C (which ever has the more points) and use a three pronged attack with crab in the center, us and the necro flanking from sides.

*is any one else greatly amused by the fact that a necromancer and a tentacle monster are on the side of good?

Also, I can't wait to see the face of paladin when she sees us coming back with a necromancer.

I agree with this vote, but I vote C if this fails.
Re: Tentacle Souls

C steam vents sound cool
Re: Tentacle Souls

Don't we just have to, like, touch him, to bind him? Or is that just our assumption - that touching him will bind him to us - on the basis that we are the One True Tentacle Lord? Also, where did the spidercrab go? Also also, why would it be a terrible idea to infest that bastard?

Assuming it's worth the risk, I say infest the spidercrab, using its body as a shield to get close to blue so we can subsume his slimy ass. If infesting wouldn't be worth it, at least try and ride that sumbitch.

Else, if the spidercrab is AWOL, try and bargain with blue; offer terms he would never agree to (sorry, I don't know much about what a blue tentacle would or would not agree to) and try and maintain negotiations for the 30 minutes it will take for us to get magic again. We're probably going to need it if it comes to a fight, even if our energy is low. Honestly, not a fan of this plan, as blue will probably figure out what we're up to at around the fifteen minute mark, but it's better than agreeing to just let him go, even if we can convince him to drop the "kill the necromancer" clause. Frankly, I've read and re-read the first half of the text like five times now, and I'm just not seeing any hints, subtle or otherwise, that would let us both eat blue and, eventually, "eat" the necromancer [aside]if you know what I mean[/aside].

EDIT: All right then, couple more things: why didn't the lightning leave a mark on the floor? Beginning to suspect that was an illusion. Also, why would an anti-magic field continue to affect us if we aren't in it? Try moving out of the field and hitting the blue bastard with some hocus-pocus.
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Re: Tentacle Souls

Don't we just have to, like, touch him, to bind him? Or is that just our assumption - that touching him will bind him to us - on the basis that we are the One True Tentacle Lord?

It's an assumption, but it's a correct assumption.

Also, where did the spidercrab go? Also also, why would it be a terrible idea to infest that bastard?

Assuming it's worth the risk, I say infest the spidercrab, using its body as a shield to get close to blue so we can subsume his slimy ass. If infesting wouldn't be worth it, at least try and ride that sumbitch.

'Strengthening your resolve - you will not be beaten by this upstart - you push through the magical fog into the heart of Blue's lair, the Necromancer one step behind you, the Spidercrab shuffling along one step behind her. If you didn't know better you'd say the stupid thing was scared.'

The Spidercrab avoided the lightning bolt and Anti-Magic Trap, by the way, and at the moment it's hanging back near the fog entrance.

The problem with infesting the Spidercrab is that it's whole body is covered in an impenetrable shell - the only entrance to its innards is its mouth, which you can't pass through at the minute without being cut into lots of tasty bits by its mandibles.
Technically you could Infest it if you put it to sleep (making the mandibles stop moving) but as you don't have the Sleep Ooze evolution...

Frankly, I've read and re-read the first half of the text like five times now, and I'm just not seeing any hints, subtle or otherwise, that would let us both eat blue and, eventually, "eat" the necromancer [aside]if you know what I mean[/aside].

The hints are there to indicate that all isn't what it seems, which should help guide your decisions. I don't recall saying anything about hinting for a way to solve the problem, consume Blue and get sexy with the Necromancer all in the next five minutes. ;)
Re: Tentacle Souls

Shadow, can I get the current hp on the crab and whether or not the blue bastard knows he's there?

If the crab has alright hp I might switch from 'I don't care whether it's B or C' to a simple B.

That crab is like a tank and I suspect he *MIGHT* just be able to barrel right through all the traps while we run behind him. When doing surprising things it helps to do them with all the quickness of a glutton eating a candy bar.
Re: Tentacle Souls

Hey new here, finally signed up after following these threads for like 2 years

anyway voting D with C as the basic plan. And anyone who read Lost in the jungle knows shadow is pretty good at puzzles with a lot of elements to consider. Might take me a while to lay out all the ones I could although I'm not sure which strategy is best.
Re: Tentacle Souls

Aw man, wish I would of come back in time to suggest Infesting the Necromancer before we entered the room and then having her beg for sexy times then surprise! Oh well, I'm going to have to go with C using the spidercrab as a tank to keep the attention of the bats off of us for the final push.
Re: Tentacle Souls

Aw man, wish I would of come back in time to suggest Infesting the Necromancer before we entered the room and then having her beg for sexy times then surprise! Oh well, I'm going to have to go with C using the spidercrab as a tank to keep the attention of the bats off of us for the final push.

+1. Never let a good tank go to waste.
Re: Tentacle Souls

Ok I'm gonna try and layout all the elements that seem to be at play here.

First theres a number of things to suggest Blue doesn't have nearly as much control over the situation as he lets on.
1. The necromancer is badly payed and shes apparently the one actually controlling the spider-crab. Shes probably also the one who summoned all them zombies which means her control of the zombie horde should super-cede blues control. This is the real reason Blue wants her dead so badly.Plus we don't have any necromancy in our tentacle evolution tree so he shouldn't either. He also retreated as soon as he released them earlier, that may have just been another magic circle instead of direct control which only a Necromancer should have.

2. So far all Blues own attacks have been magic circle while his only offense is through minions. That means we might actually be stand still to avoid any more circles and wait out the magic nullification.

3. This only leaves the gargoyles as a big threat really. And those are in chains instead of being free to actively gaurd Blue. They are likely something only to be released as a last resort since blue is really afraid of them. The magic circles could actually be meant as a defense against blues own minions.

4. Anyway all that stuff is the real reason hes so desperate to make binding pact and leave the lair. Some other things that could affect the battle are that weird magic mist, maybe some kind of illusion, the steamy molten ground might erupt somehow, and the black birdbath could be a last defense.

5. As a last resort we do have enough energy for a last minute evolution.
-growth 3 would let us get a surprise last second 3-4 ft closer to touching blue.
-aura detect 2.55 might let us detect and avoid the magic circles.
-magic shield 3 should just pretect us from some of the circles.
either of the first would help the most aura would leave more spare energy but if we don't need it surprise growth is best for a last push.

6.So my plan would be to negotiate for as long as possible which could work if we dont move into another circle, then avoiding the circles at all costs we get between them, so if the gargoyles are released we can lure them into the circles. If we can hold long enough with the spider crabs help, and the necromancer gets back her powers she should be able to use the zombies as fodder to take care of the circles and gargoyles.
Re: Tentacle Souls

Shadow, can I get the current hp on the crab and whether or not the blue bastard knows he's there?

Blue knows the Spidercrab is there. I didn't actually plan out a HP for the Spidercrab, but thinking about it it'd be around 60/150. Which doesn't give the full story because he has better defense than us anyway.

And anyone who read Lost in the jungle knows shadow is pretty good at puzzles with a lot of elements to consider.

You flatter me. Although I still quite like the whole four different drinks thing at the very end, especially considering I made it up while writing it.

Ok I'm gonna try and layout all the elements that seem to be at play here.

First theres a number of things to suggest Blue doesn't have nearly as much control over the situation as he lets on.
1. The necromancer is badly payed and shes apparently the one actually controlling the spider-crab. Shes probably also the one who summoned all them zombies which means her control of the zombie horde should super-cede blues control. This is the real reason Blue wants her dead so badly.Plus we don't have any necromancy in our tentacle evolution tree so he shouldn't either. He also retreated as soon as he released them earlier, that may have just been another magic circle instead of direct control which only a Necromancer should have.

2. So far all Blues own attacks have been magic circle while his only offense is through minions. That means we might actually be stand still to avoid any more circles and wait out the magic nullification.

3. This only leaves the gargoyles as a big threat really. And those are in chains instead of being free to actively gaurd Blue. They are likely something only to be released as a last resort since blue is really afraid of them. The magic circles could actually be meant as a defense against blues own minions.

4. Anyway all that stuff is the real reason hes so desperate to make binding pact and leave the lair. Some other things that could affect the battle are that weird magic mist, maybe some kind of illusion, the steamy molten ground might erupt somehow, and the black birdbath could be a last defense.

5. As a last resort we do have enough energy for a last minute evolution.
-growth 3 would let us get a surprise last second 3-4 ft closer to touching blue.
-aura detect 2.55 might let us detect and avoid the magic circles.
-magic shield 3 should just pretect us from some of the circles.
either of the first would help the most aura would leave more spare energy but if we don't need it surprise growth is best for a last push.

6.So my plan would be to negotiate for as long as possible which could work if we dont move into another circle, then avoiding the circles at all costs we get between them, so if the gargoyles are released we can lure them into the circles. If we can hold long enough with the spider crabs help, and the necromancer gets back her powers she should be able to use the zombies as fodder to take care of the circles and gargoyles.

This is almost total genius, except you've made one big, big false assumption.

The Gargoyle Bats aren't chained to the ceiling.

Full update to come in a couple of hours, but feel free to keep talking things through until then.
Re: Tentacle Souls

Ok I'm gonna try and layout all the elements that seem to be at play here.

First theres a number of things to suggest Blue doesn't have nearly as much control over the situation as he lets on.
1. The necromancer is badly payed and shes apparently the one actually controlling the spider-crab. Shes probably also the one who summoned all them zombies which means her control of the zombie horde should super-cede blues control. This is the real reason Blue wants her dead so badly.Plus we don't have any necromancy in our tentacle evolution tree so he shouldn't either. He also retreated as soon as he released them earlier, that may have just been another magic circle instead of direct control which only a Necromancer should have.

2. So far all Blues own attacks have been magic circle while his only offense is through minions. That means we might actually be stand still to avoid any more circles and wait out the magic nullification.

3. This only leaves the gargoyles as a big threat really. And those are in chains instead of being free to actively gaurd Blue. They are likely something only to be released as a last resort since blue is really afraid of them. The magic circles could actually be meant as a defense against blues own minions.

4. Anyway all that stuff is the real reason hes so desperate to make binding pact and leave the lair. Some other things that could affect the battle are that weird magic mist, maybe some kind of illusion, the steamy molten ground might erupt somehow, and the black birdbath could be a last defense.

5. As a last resort we do have enough energy for a last minute evolution.
-growth 3 would let us get a surprise last second 3-4 ft closer to touching blue.
-aura detect 2.55 might let us detect and avoid the magic circles.
-magic shield 3 should just pretect us from some of the circles.
either of the first would help the most aura would leave more spare energy but if we don't need it surprise growth is best for a last push.

6.So my plan would be to negotiate for as long as possible which could work if we dont move into another circle, then avoiding the circles at all costs we get between them, so if the gargoyles are released we can lure them into the circles. If we can hold long enough with the spider crabs help, and the necromancer gets back her powers she should be able to use the zombies as fodder to take care of the circles and gargoyles.

The only problem I have with stalling is that I think blue would notice pretty quickly then unleash the gargoyle horde on us. Blue is smart after all and it's a simple trick he'd think of. Hell he might even play along while some how causing the gargoyles to surround us in preparation of when we attack. Best bet might be to look like we're going to start stalling and then just charging him. Could keep him off balance long enough for us to get some what close or at least past the gargoyles.

Shadow, can I get a confirmation whether auto detect would detect the magic circles? Since it's something of a passive skill we should be able to use it with out actually being able to use magic, right?

If we're able to detect the magic circles then we could take point while the rest are right behind us. Then when the gargoyles are released the crab and the necromancer (maybe the necromancer... I'm not sure how much worth she'd be in that fight... But then, controlling the crab while actively partaking in that battle might be easier then say controlling the crab and contending with blue) could break off and keep them busy while we reach blue who probably doesn't know to many offensive skills.

Yes, I like this plan... As long as we can actively detect the magic circles to some degree. Of course, the only problem with the plan is once blue is ours we're still in a room full of traps and really mean gargoyles. While being really low on energy I might add. Should run away really quickly and head for the zombie horde. Which should be easy for the necromancer to control and then those can fight the gargoyles!

I should add that if our fight knocked the crab down to under half his hp then he should be able to hold off the gargoyles (or at least many of them) long enough for us to at the very least reach blue.
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Re: Tentacle Souls

At Shadow thanks, guess I forgot to reread the part with the prisoners and mixed the chain thing up with the gargoyles. If aura detect works the way i described than it should work really well, although we'd only have a little energy. If were slow because of that maybe we could have the necromancer carry while we guide her, maybe have the spidercrab act as a shield for both of us. Anyway most of this is all open to debate.
Re: Tentacle Souls

I just assumed we'd gain control of blues resources once we combined, that doesn't neccesarily help with the gargoyles but should with most traps, I think he has to activate them, and we should become considerably more powerful once we absorb him, so i didnt think getting out would be too hard. Anyway going into the city now. So I'll see how it turns out.
Re: Tentacle Souls

As much as I can discern through the various votes being thrown around all over the place, the general concensus is Option C, with a little bit of specified caution and stuff. So let's go for that!


You glare at Blue from across the room, but ignore the golden ring in front of you. It only takes a moment to decide; you're not going to kill the Necromancer. She's just too nice.

You communicate this to her telepathically, and she flashes a quick smile down at you. Turning, she calls the Spidercrab forward with various hand gestures - her magic may be gone, but those two still get along famously.

"Do you have a plan?" she whispers to you as she brings the Spidercrab closer.

"Working on it," you reply, then spin around to face Blue again. You briefly consider just stalling him for as long as it takes for the Anti-Magic effect to wear off, but soon discard this idea. Blue is far too cunning to fall for it, unfortunately.
That doesn't mean Blue is invulnerable, though. You just have to get close enough to touch him.

"I've got to get close to Blue," you whisper back to the Necromancer. "If I can touch him, he'll bind to me and all our problems will be solved. Presumably."

"What are you whispering about?" shouts Blue. "It won't work, whatever it is. Please take the deal. I have neither the time or inclination to scoop up your splattered remains from the floor with a teaspoon."

Oh, that bitch. That settles it. You scoot forwards towards the plinth across the tiled floor, feeling around for traps with your Aura Sense.
Blue looks momentarily perturbed - at least as much as a tentacle is capable of looking perturbed - before sighing resignedly.
"You're missing an opportunity," he calls - all joviality and whiny sing-song tone seems to have evaporated. As you approach, he calls out another word of magic, one you don't recognize - and the Gargoyle Bats descend.

Humanoid, but with stone-like skin, large wings, radiant red eyes and freakishly long claws, the Gargoyles are powerful foe, and not one to be taken lightly.
They shriek as they descend, flapping their way around the room. One targets you immediately, but you duck, and send a Magic Sting at its retreating backside. It strikes the hardened flesh but leaves barely a mark.
As you slide forwards, you hear the Necromancer and Spidercrab following, knowing the route you've taken must be clear of traps. She's calling out wildly and laying into the winged menaces with naught but her staff, and the Spidercrab is scuttling and clicking furiously. Indeed, it seems oddly protective of its humanoid friend - you hear a loud thump as it clubs a Gargoyle out of the air inches from the Necromancer's unprotected back, and a soft spurting sound as limbs are abruptly severed.

You press on, and in your haste step straight into the next trap. A tile sinks beneath you, and before you can react, the magic kicks in - a huge burst of rain falls from the ceiling.
"APOLOGIES!" roars Blue, barely audible over the crashing downpour. "THAT WAS FOR ANY FIRE DJINN."

Great, you think, slithering further forwards, but it's only a couple of seconds before the torrential rain stops. You're more than half-way to Blue now - this is going surprisingly well!

"Wait!" Blue shouts, and for the first time you hear genuine panic in his voice. "Don't touch that tile in front of you!"
You stop immediately, gliding forwards a couple of inches on the water-soaked floor, coming to a halt just a millimeter in front of the next golden floor tile.

The Necromancer, however, is not so lucky. The Spidercrab stumbles after decapitating a Gargoyle in one smooth motion, one of its many armored legs knocking into the Necromancer. She staggers, reaching out with her staff for support... landing it squarely on the offending tile.

"Shit." whispers Blue.

For the longest time, all is quiet. Hold on... too quiet. Where's the rumbling that filled the room gone? Why can't you hear any clanking chains anymore?


Behind you the floor explodes upwards, shattering into a thousand pieces. Tiles and bits of soil and stone fly into the air, spraying everything in the vicinity. Everything in the room stops dead.
From beneath the smoking floor rises a titanic, scaled, horned head, covered with gleaming crimson scales. Its maw opens, and a roar fills the room, a brutal, primitive roar promising death and destruction. You catch a glimpse of a blood-red tongue, shining black rows of sharpened teeth, before the jaw closes and a beady crimson eye fixes on you.

"YOU HAD A DRAGON?!" you roar at Blue, sprinting towards his altar, all thoughts of traps forgotten.

"IT SEEMED LIKE A GOOD IDEA AT THE TIME!" retorts Blue, leaping out of his bird bath and landing in a heap on the ground. He bobs his head around, desperately seeking a way out, but with the Dragon's huge head behind you and blocking the fog gate, options are pretty limited.

Behind you hear a deep, feral snarl, and duck as a burst of flame passes through the air to your right. Boiling heat washes off it, scalding you, but you weren't even the intended target - a char-grilled Gargoyle lands in a smoking heap on the floor.

The Dragon's head vanishes out of sight again, before reappearing in another burst of tiles and rubble slightly to the right of the Spidercrab, which scuttles furiously out of the way.


Option A) Flee back out of the fog gate ASAP.
A1) Provide protective cover (somehow, without magic) to get the Necromancer and Spidercrab out first.
A2) Sprint yourself and leave everyone behind. Can't help them now.

Option B) Clamber across the floor to bind with Blue. This option will cost you time, which is precious, but perhaps the power boost from binding with another tentacle will let you fend off the Dragon long enough to escape.

Option C) Drop down one of the holes the Dragon's created in the floor. You don't know what's down there, but right now it's looking an awful lot safer than up here.
C1) Dive down yourself, leaving everyone.
C2) Alert the Necromancer (and thus the Spidercrab) to your plan first.

HP: 75/80
Energy: 45/80
Morality: 8/100 (Saint-like)

- Thunder Bolt I (Like Fire Bolt, Thunder element).
- Water Bolt I (...ditto).
- Ovipositor I (Allows you to lay eggs within the orifice of a host. At low levels, these eggs are weak and may not hatch properly. Further upgrades reduces this risk. Each egg costs 10 energy to plant, but the hatched tentacle is autonomous and commanded by you).
- Dread I (Releases pheromones that make organisms more afraid. The higher the level, the stronger the effect it has, and the better it works on people (lower levels are effective mostly against animals).
- Teleport I (allows you transport small, inanimate things back to the Dimensional Nexus, or wherever you set up a lair in the future. Further upgrades allow you to move bigger, and eventually alive things. NOTE: This spell will never be usable on yourself).
- Confusion I (Launch a magical blast that can disrupt the brain-waves of a foe. Useful against well-armored creatures that aren't very vulnerable to normal attacks).

- Firebolt II (Like Magic Sting II, but Fire Element).
- Scale Armor II (tougher scales, reduce damage taken).
- (Lust) Slime Ooze II (your slime induces lust in those that contact it).
- (Sleep) Slime Ooze II (your slime makes those that touch it sleepy. Very... sleepy).
- Perception II (20 Energy. Use body language and other subtle, chemical clues to put together a general hint of what someone is feeling at any given time. Is that a molecule of sweat? They're nervous. Are their fingers tapping? Clearly impatient.)
- Aura Detect 2.55 (20 energy. Your sense of auras is refined, and you can see them from a great distance and judge their power levels more accurately. Also allows you to faintly detect Cursed auras).
- Stealth II (20 energy required. Become even sneakier).
- Swim II (20 energy required. Can you guess what this evolution does?)
- Body Shock II (20 Energy required. A powerful wave of magical energy runs over your skin. Akin to picking up a live electrical wire. Obviously limited to close-range combat, though).
- Tentacle Arts II (20 Energy required. Recover HP through sex).

- Growth III (30 energy required. Grow to a chunky, 6-foot long python, complete with split heads.)
- Magic Shield III (30 energy cost. Lasts longer and tougher to break than Level II).
- Magic Sting III (30 Energy required. Costs 5 energy to use, but a direct hit will send most foes flying off their feet).