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The Deciever and the Black Feathered Weaver (Azure;Copper)

Re: Competition (Azure)

Robin seemed to be in silent agreement to settle their troubles later, letting them make their way towards the temple in relative silence. "There are far less mamono as of yet..." Capri noted as they walked.

"They're avoiding us." Robin replied. "Because most mamono are individuals, rather than groups. We might get attacked if some mamono think that they can get passed us and snatch you away."

Capri seemed worried at that. "Am I really so valuable...?" he wondered in disbelief.

"And how~!" Robin nodded. "Don't worry though, if we are attacked, Azure can hold them off while I fly you to safety~" she promised, just as they reached the edge of the beach, where sand was developing, and headed towards the large mountain over the ocean water, and the single little cave entrance at the foot, which was guarded by a pair of , who stared at the approaching trio silently, never a species known for conversation.

"Hi girls!" Robin greeted. "We wanna go into undine's temple, kay?" she announced.

"Those creatures look frightening..." Capri whispered to Azure.

Wordlessly, one of the silent creatures pointed her weapon to Capri, as if demanding a toll. "Oh boy," Robin sighed. "We have no money, as if that was obvious, so they want a round with Capri to pay the toll..."

"T-these mamono can be as bad as some human men I've seen!" Capri announced, shocked.

"We can just kick their asses." Robin suggested.
Re: Competition (Azure)

Fly him to safety where I can't reach him, most likely. Azure keeps her thoughts to herself on the matter, though. "Depends on what it might be," Azure remarks. She didn't fancy her chances against an oni or dragoness, but that wouldn't stop her from trying.

"Not overly friendly," she'll murmur back.

At Robin's translation of the sahuagin's wishes, Azure narrows her eyes and shifts, actually coiling herself around Capri's legs and glaring at the pair over his shoulder, letting out a low hiss as she does so, making it very clear that her husband-to-be is off the negotiating table.

"You could always negotiate with them, Robin," she suggests instead. Attacking the guards didn't seem like a prudent thing to do and she did tend to try to rely on charm and guile before resorting to violence. If the harpy wanted to jump into it with the armed guards, she wasn't going to stop her, but, well, if they ever wanted to come back, she was fairly certain the pair would remember them.
Re: Competition (Azure)

"I have nothing to negotiate with." Robin replied. "Besides, I could just fly into Undine's temple. Also, I don't see why I should do all the work when I'm not getting anything out of it."

"Do they understand us...?" Capri inquired.

Robin nodded. "They can't speak, but yeah, they understand us."

Suddenly, Capri made his voice known to the pair of sahuagin. "Excuse me... I wish to venture into Undine's temple to write a book about it... Is there any way we can pass without... Difficulties?" he asked.

One sahuagin answered by stepping forward, and taking a handful of his genitals in her fin, which caused Capri to recoil back into Azure. "Hey!" he exclaimed with shock, caught off guard by her action.
Re: Competition (Azure)

Subtlety was definitely lost on the harpy. "Why don't you, then?" comes out in a half-mutter. As the sahuagin groped at Capri, Azure let out another hiss, this one definitely displeased. Once he had his footing from stumbling back, she slid around in front of him, putting herself between him and the pair. "Hands off my mate, girls," she snarls. "Now stand aside before I get really angry with you." Robin had offered up the notion of simply beating them up and carrying on and she doubted that the harpy would risk getting into trouble when she could, as she put it, simply fly in. Of main concern were the spears that the two other women had. Azure made it a point to keep an eye on whether or not they intended to use them or not, ready to deflect the weapons, should either of them come her way.
Re: Competition (Azure)

"Oh, girls. You're intolerable." announced a woman with a calm voice. The owner appeared to be a pink haired woman wearing a beret. She had curly hair and wore not only a relaxed smile, but a simple bra and panties that were black in color. There was a tattoo of a pair of pink hearts on the right side of her abdomen, facing forwards, just to the right of her belly button. Rather large, the two hearts, appearing as if they were floating upwards as a sign of love and passion, went from her hip to a little under her breast.

The two sahuagin stopped their aggressive behavior and stepped aside for the woman, seemingly human, but glistened wet in the sun. As well, she somehow didn't appear sturdy on her legs. "Sorry that they were bothering you." the pink haired woman announced. "Those on guard duty don't get to be around men much. Come on inside, I trust you came to visit Undine's temple." the woman beckoned Azure. "By the way, my name is Francis, and I have a fancy for romance." she greeted. "If you don't mind, I'd like to be a little nosy and watch you two love each other. That's all that I ask, and in return, I will allow you to stay at my home, and you are welcome to share in my food and drink as well." she offered.

"She's kind... I suppose." Capri said to himself absently, loud enough for only Azure to hear. "Although I feel like she's a voyeur..."
Re: Competition (Azure)

Given that they were here at Undine's, the unsteady walk could be attributed to a water creature that doesn't get on land much. Azure certainly wasn't going to fault her for that, especially since she got the other two to back down. As she mentions visiting the temple, the lamia nods. "Capri's curious about it. You live here, then?" If Francis could also serve as a guide for them, they might not be bothered by some of the other inhabitants wanting some more personal time with Capri.

"Still, it's a fair deal," she murmurs back to him. "And no different than Robin's spying. You'll just be a little more aware of it." She didn't feel the need to bring up the subject further, hoping to get some exploration out of the way before retiring to the other woman's lodgings. It was still mostly early, after all.
Re: Competition (Azure)

"Indeed, I do live here." she replied happily, before seeming even happier when Azure accepted her offer. "Oh, wonderful! I love watching others in love so much, and I always dream of the day I get married. I'd want to show everyone how much I love my future husband~" she giggled.

"I'm gonna go check on my family and get a bite to eat." Robin announced from behind, before flapping off into the sky, leaving Azure to be led with Capri, following Francis into the cave, which went a short ways before opening up into a grand scene. A large cave with a huge crack at the roof to let light in was before Azure. They stood on a ring of land sticking out from the walls for travelers to access, and just below the edge, was a massive body of water populated by so many mamono of all varieties. From that base of water stood firm pillars of earth of various sizes, each forming a plate at the top of solid earth, many of which were the foundation for structures, including a visable Inn/restaurant, and many homes, one of which Azure could see Robin arriving at far in the distance, on a tall island above the water.

The base of water below was populated by many springs, which girls of jellyfish nature were giggling and playing around, some screaming as they were sent flying through the air by the jet, only to land and continue laughing. Many rivers seemed to flow to this place, wide flow of water crashing into the waters below gave this underground cave the appearance of having banners of pure water, banners that reflected and respected Undine, the elemental of water.

"So~ this is our temple!" Francis announced.

"Amazing... Beautiful!" Capri noted with wide eyes. "I never expected to see something to majestic!"
Re: Competition (Azure)

"I've a feeling a wedding for you would be quite the spectacle and nothing less," Azure replies to Francis' giggle, chuckling softly herself.

It was hard not to be impressed by the sheer majesty of the place, that was for sure. Then again, it was a homage to the water spirit, so something grand was to be expected. Caught up by the view, she only half-hears Robin, giving her an absent wave as she heads off. By the look on her face, Capri is voicing what she's thinking. Finally finding her voice, she smiles over at Francis.

"I've never been to the like. This is, well, like he said, amazing. You truly feel the spirit's presence here."
Re: Competition (Azure)

"Would you like to meet her?" Francis asked, and that question alone seemed to make Capri want to jump out of his skin in sheer excitement.

"Yes! Please, I would be ever so grateful!" Capri replied.

His answer came in the form of Francis pointing her finger up, to the structure highest above all the others, which had several slits in it's architectural design for several waterfalls to flow, which came crashing down into the large body of water below, and was a site for many playful looking mamono to play in the wet mist that resulted.

"That's her temple?" Capri asked. "W-well of course it is... It's so grand..."

Francis giggled. "My house is the one with the heart on it, just over there." she then pointed to an average looking home with the same two heart design on it's front as her tattoo on her belly, complete with many windows to allow one to look into the interior and see a great many sexual paintings of Francis with handsome men. They were painted in such a way that one might call them art, but they were equally vulgar. One specific example being of a man looking helpless, wrapped in vines, and Francis running her tongue along his ribs with an arm around the back of his waist.

The sight of that painting and the others left Capri speechless, clearly his first time seeing such a painting. "Oh," Francis gestured in surprise upon seeing Capri looking at her art. "I hope my paintings of myself and my past lovers won't disturb our previous arrangement~ I was thinking of making a painting of you two next." she announced with a smile and a blush, as if mental images of Capri and Azure going at it were already circulating through her mind.
Re: Competition (Azure)

Seeing the temple so high up made Azure frown just a little, but there likely had to be alternate ways of getting up there. Just a matter of discovering them.

Like Capri, she finds herself studying Francis' paintings, taking in the subject matter, though likely not as disturbed by it as Capri might be.

"Why don't you give us some time to think about that while we explore the temple a little more?" she asks the other girl, not wanting to dive right into things without, at least, talking them over with Capri first. That, and she was curious as to how the paintings were done, whether they were created from the other girl's memory or some other method. That she'd ask after knowing whether or not Capri agreed to the idea.

"What do you say? Interested in having our desire for one another immortalized?" she asks him, having fallen just a little behind Francis, who was hopefully still showing them around.
Re: Competition (Azure)

"Of course. All things of pleasant nature should be done within comfort." Francis replied with a smile. "Think it not an obligation. You can find comfortable housing in this place without needing to do anyone any favors. The last thing I'd want is for you not to like me." she said with a wink at Azure, before leading them on, continuing around the ledge that circled around the whole temple. Each was it's own beautiful angle, but there wasn't more to see other than the knowledge of the many pathways one may take within. There was such a location near the base of the water, awaiting Azure among many other guests who may wish to take refuge and gather sleep. Of course Francis offered such things as well, and seemingly for free, mind the little arrangement, though she seemed likely to house them anyway, even if Azure refused.

Meanwhile, Capri was a bit flustered by the idea of him having sex being turned into art. If Azure had any knowledge of the human world, it would be a concern due to how it was supposedly 'immoral'. "So forward..." he said, flustered. "With human women to compare, they are so reserved and for a man to find a wife in a good woman would require as much effort as sieging a castle..." He took in a deep breath. "On the other hand... A woman as beautiful as you to... N-not that there's anything wrong, of course! But... Oh, what's the word... Culture shock." he nodded slightly. "Yes... This all is coming to me as quite the shock... Though, I am rambling." he waved his hand. "I... I would love to have the image of our intimacy captured in a painting..." he said, looking at Azure directly now, rather accepting of her to be his lover.
Re: Competition (Azure)

Azure acknowledges Francis' wink with a bit of a bob of her head, content to continue to explore the temple with her and Capri, since he's the most interested in the structure, after all.

She laughs a little at his rambling, catching his hand, twining their fingers, and giving it a gentle squeeze. "It's a lot to take in. And a lot to get used to. Give it time and don't be afraid to question. We're still learning things about one another, after all." She tugs him to a stop and pulls him close, giving him a kiss as he agrees to the painting. "I was hoping you would," she says with a smile. "I'll admit, I'm a little curious to see, well, how someone else sees us like that. And you are about to make Francis the happiest woman here, I think. Next to me." She grins at him after that.

Finding a good moment, she'll catch the merrow and, giving her a grin, teasingly asking her if she's going to be able to paint a good portrait if she's distracted by the subject matter.
Re: Competition (Azure)

Capri scratched at his chin following what Azure said. "Not even a day has passed and yet it feels like we've advanced weeks in our relationship... Then again, I am using human society as an example... It's true when they say that men who are caught intimately with a mamono can never go back to a normal human woman... Or..." he looked at Azure with a grin. "Maybe it's just because of you that I do not even consider being with a human woman!" he assumed. "Although, being spoiled like this by the fairer sex... I wonder if it will make me less of a gentleman?" he wondered.

As she snuck up to Francis, the merrow turned to her with a smile as they came to a stop in front of the water spirit's temple itself. "I paint from memory, as my hands... Well, I'm in front of a boy so it'd be unsightly of me to say." she giggled, putting a hand to her mouth as if to silence her lips.

"We now stand in front of Undine's temple herself." Francis announced. "And such ends the tour. It's a magnificent place, but not that complicated, I'm afraid. It is the center that all sea dwellers rest at to live in peaceful neutrality with one another."
Re: Competition (Azure)

"I'll admit, we don't often have the luxury of time when it comes to dealing with our mates, but I've always envisioned something a little more lasting. Like us." She'll give his hand a squeeze. "Well, if you start being less of a gentleman, I'll just have to point out that little flaw." She brings the tip of her tail up and swats him very lightly on the backside.

"Why do I have a feeling you're going to be painting from memory again? Rather than working off of your models?" she teases the merrow. Still, that Capri is comfortable with the situation, that's certainly more than she could ask for. And it definitely seemed less obtrusive than Robin's spying.

"Doesn't have to be complicated to be grand. This is certainly an amazing place, Francis. Thank you for showing us around."
Re: Competition (Azure)

Capri was absolutely overwhelmed with a blush when his bottom was lightly whipped with her tail. Certainly, the man never expected to get that kind of treatment from a woman in his lifetime. "... Maintaining my composure as a gentleman under these circumstances will be a challenge..." he said with worry, while both hands covered his backside.

Meanwhile, Francis giggled at the two of them. "It's my pleasure..." Her grin widened as she stared at the two of them, and how close they were. She had not an eye for them as individuals, but of course, as a couple, while licking her lips with obvious intent. "It truly is~"

"A genuine woman pervert..." Capri said, astonished that he'd ever get to see a woman who would act so lewd.

"That was not said in a negative context, I hope." Francis replied simply.

"I suppose not..." Capri blinked. If their conversation were a boxing match, Capri was on the ropes while Francis was merely staring at him.
Re: Competition (Azure)

"Mmm, and I do love a challenge." Azure tips up a little and purrs that in his ear. Her arm casually drifts around Capri's waist while he and Francis are having at it.

"That may be how humans see it, sweet, but here for us, it's, well, natural. We don't hesitate when we see something we want because that means we might lose it. We also see very little as deviant, since we usually have to keep an open mind when it comes to our partners." Her hand subtly rubs at the small of his back. "You'll hopefully come to understand."
Re: Competition (Azure)

"An open mind indeed, when a sighted partner is run down and caught." Capri said with a flush on his cheeks. "The succubus curse is something astonishing indeed... Empowering women and controlling men through their sexual desires... I recall a noble who was said to have a vampire at his neck, using seductive words to make him do as she asked while driving him mad with pleasure."

Francis waved her hand at Capri "Please don't relate all mamono kind to such evil figures." she requested. "The succubus curse fills women with a passion as great as the best love. I would only call something an 'attack' if someone were getting hurt, but such romance that this pretty snake enjoyed, I would say it's simply passion."
Re: Competition (Azure)

"An open mind regarding what can be done when you and your partner have differences to work around." She'll tip up, resting hands on his shoulder and bringing her lips close to his ear. "It wasn't the least bit thrilling when I had you in my coils?" As she draws back, she'll trace a finger down along his spine.

Almost in contrast, though, she actually blushes a little when Francis makes the 'pretty snake' remark. "What she does say is true. Not all of us share the viewpoints of those who rally around the demon lord. A place like this should, at least, be proof of that. Hopefully, you'll get to see the other side of things, not just what you might have heard in stories."
Re: Competition (Azure)

Capri blushed slightly as Azure placed her hands on his shoulder, and leaned in to whisper in his ear. He almost seemed to melt from her sensual appeal and inquisitive whisper, though when she took her finger and gracefully trailed it along his spine, his back would curl almost like a feline's while he'd let out a sudden, deep gasp. Viewing the display, Francis rose one hand and touched her fingers to her bottom lip, her mouth curling up into an interested smile while her eyes glinted with appeal.

"You are certainly a woman who knows how to appreciate her man." Francis giggled, her tone casting a light of respect to the lamia. "Count yourself lucky, Capri. You have a fine woman here who appreciates you." she lectured him.

"Forgive me for any lack of appreciation, but my mind has been going blank as of late..." Capri replied with a nervous laugh, looking to Azure behind him as if accusing her of his inability to think straight.

"Well," Francis folded her hands in front of herself. "Since our tour is concluded, what shall you do?" she asked, looking mostly to Azure, as if she didn't expect him to be making any decisions.
Re: Competition (Azure)

The reaction does seem to surprise Azure some, though it is certainly a pleasant discovery. Her hand will shift to soothing at the small of his back, more of a gentle rub than something sensual, at least for the time being. At his remark, though, she simply lets out a little titter, blowing him a slightly teasing kiss.

"Well, we're here for you, sweetness. Was there somewhere you'd like to see more of? Up close? Or would you prefer to just settle in for the evening with something to eat and relax for," she'll shoot a glance at Frances, "well, most of it." There's that titter again. And again, it's the notion, which might surprise the other mamono, that theirs is a partnership, rather than Azure ordering Capri around. It's clear what her choice is, but she's willing to put it off to allow him this, since it was his ultimate reason for coming here in the first place.