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The Deciever and the Black Feathered Weaver (Azure;Copper)

Re: Competition (Azure)

"I know it shouldn't, and I should expect it here... But yes, it does bother me a little..." Capri admitted, looking rather beat down now that she slammed the fact on him that she wasn't devoid of thoughts with Zidane. A frustrated look was on his face, and the flush that went with it was no doubt his jealousy spelling out what the act may look like between the two. He didn't look pleased, certainly not content with the thought, and yet his body heated up with arousal all the same.
Re: Competition (Azure)

"Mmm," she replies, a touch on the thoughtful side at his admission. She doesn't seem upset by it, though, nor by his jealousy. That finger traces through his hair again, this time gently brushing the curve of his ear from the back. "It doesn't mean that I'm any less attracted to you, you know that, right, sweetling?" If he's for it, she'll inch a little closer and lay a gentle, lingering kiss on his lips.
Re: Competition (Azure)

"Demon..." Capri said to Azure, before she sealed her lips over his. He referred to her as a demon in every sense of the word. A being irresistible, they had a way of making men say 'yes' to their seductions when by all rights they should say 'no'.

Lured in by her seductions, and her kiss, pushed close together, Azure would feel his excitement against her body, growing stiff under the impression that it was being called for. Granted he was getting excited, Azure would find Capri pulling away slightly as his eyes kept going to Zidane on the other side. "Stop already, he's right there..." Capri complained.
Re: Competition (Azure)

"Mmhmm," gets purred into the kiss and he can feel the smile that pulls at her lips while they're doing so. When he draws back, she doesn't protest, though that smile of hers grows a little more mischievous. "Are you suggesting we take ourselves elsewhere?"
Re: Competition (Azure)

Azure's mischievous reply made Capri blink in shock. He quite literally said nothing until a moment passed, the worlds slowly coming to him. "I never... In my dreams, thought that my significant other would be too sexually active for me." He stated honestly. "I-I mean, just a while ago, we..." he shook his head, before taking her hand. "No... I'm just surprised. We can go someplace else if you want." he assured her. "I must say though... I was poorly prepared to have a lover such as you. If you'll tolerate it, it'll just take me some time to get used to it, I think."
Re: Competition (Azure)

"We what?" Her brows raise just a little bit. Seems she knows the answer, or thinks she does, anyway, but maybe she just wants to hear him say it. "Well, to be honest, I'm not entirely sure where around here we could sneak off to, since I'm not all that familiar with the temple or the grounds. And if I know you, you'll want a little privacy." She doesn't say that as though that's a bad thing, however. Leaning close, she'll lay a kiss against his forehead and then dip down and press one to his lips as well. "I understand, Capri. Time is something I'm certainly willing to give."
Re: Competition (Azure)

"Seems like no matter where we go, someone could be watching us..." Capri said with a bit of discomfort. "Though, I get the feeling you might delight in the idea of being watched. I suspect that comes from your pride." He explained his reasoning for thinking she was of such a confident disposition. "Though I mean no disrespect. I was well aware even when I first began studying mamono that lamia were a very proud race. Territorial too if I might add. The thought of favoring another over you gave a tight impression of a tail around my neck." he said, rubbing his neck as he spoke.
Re: Competition (Azure)

"Likely true." She combs her fingers through his hair, carefully tracing the softer strands behind his ears, though making sure she doesn't come in contact with them, knowing how sensitive they are. "Though there's a time and place for...sharing and another for simply being with your partner." Her hand drifts down, giving his shoulder a squeeze. "Then again, I have a very handsome man who is alllll mine," she purrs playfully, leaning in to give him a few slow kisses on his lips. "Could you blame me for wanting to be proud of that fact and for wanting everyone to know it?" She lets out a little giggle. "Mmm," she hums thoughtfully as he continues. "I hadn't thought about that. Guess I'll have to make certain you don't want to stray in the first place." Her hand will drift down further, brushing at his side and around to massage at his lower back, the grip there something of a tight knead, though it is meant to relax the muscles, not squeeze or tense him up.
Re: Competition (Azure)

"Still..." Capri hummed, seeming to relax at her petting. "You get to be the only selfish one in that regard. That's hardly fair. Get too greedy and I, as well as any other you decide to take most likely, will drive you up the wall." he promised, nodding as he seemed sure of himself that his statement would make Azure reconsider trying to have a little fun around the block.
Re: Competition (Azure)

"Too greedy. What's too greedy?" She arches a brow, letting her hand move more toward the base of his spine and up a little into the curve of his back. "And you make backing me against a wall sound like a treat." She puts that little purr in her voice, obviously twisting his words around and having fun with it.
Re: Competition (Azure)

Capri's eyes narrowed a bit, trying to maintain some air of seriousness on the topic. "You know what I mean," he replied, before pinching her cheek between his finger and thumb. "And it's 'not' a treat. You'll have to be pretty amazing if it's some form of polygamy you're after." he said, releasing her cheek halfway through, only pinching her lightly to get her attention. "You might think you're amazing, but if you're not, then your hubris will be your downfall."

With that, he lowered his head, put his hand against her cheek, and looked at her directly with a sense of regard for her answer. "Do you still think such a 'treat' is really worth it?"
Re: Competition (Azure)

She wrinkles her nose a bit at the pinch. As he switches gears, she pillows her other cheek on her arm, her hand still brushing up and down his back. "I don't know. I've never tried." She doesn't seem to be getting flippant with her answer, it actually being quite honest-sounding. "I won't lie and say that intimacy isn't a part of this. But part of intimacy is making your partner happy and that goes beyond physical pleasure. Zidane is looking for luxury, but ultimately, I think it's comfort. Ragna, I think, is looking for security. Marth," she sighs, "direction. Power." She furrows her brows a little, clear that Zwei has her a bit stumped. "Maybe the same with Zwei. And you're looking for knowledge. And maybe a little fame." She taps the end of his nose. "If I can help you," it's an encompassing 'you,' "find that, is what I'm looking for so bad of a trade?"
Re: Competition (Azure)

He pursed his lips a little. Buying into her scenario somewhat, he nodded slightly. "Granted... But I still plan to give you trouble for it." he said honestly.
Re: Competition (Azure)

That gets another little purr out of her. "So you're going to be obstinate on purpose, are you? We'll see if I can't change that somewhere down the line." Her hand slips around, fingers idly tracing up and down his chest. Seems she's willing to accept that little challenge, perhaps just as much as what the others have set before her as well.
Re: Competition (Azure)

"You've a problem with that?" Capri asked, sounding haughty now as she began to pet him. "Yes, I'm quite obstinate. Especially when a smooth talking snake ensnares me and takes advantage of me when I'm none the wiser and suddenly announces that I'm expected 'share' her with some others, whom I've only just met today I might add! Granted we only met today in a way but I stand by my argument! No sin goes without punishment, and I will play the devil's advocate and be the one who reminds you of the hearts you wish to toy with."
Re: Competition (Azure)

She lets out another soft chuckle. "No. And maybe that's a good thing, to have a little devil on my shoulder." She smiles, then chuckles again. "So I'm a demon and you're to be a devil. Interesting." Her arm drapes around him in a casual hug and she leans in, giving him a kiss, if he'll let her. Nothing about her demeanor suggests she's bothered by his announcement, nor does she seem to be dismissing it, either. If nothing else, she seems content with his declaration, especially as he seems to want to watch over both his and the other's hearts.
Re: Competition (Azure)

Capri grumbled and sunk into her embrace. It seemed his intention was to have her react differently, likely to be more affected by his words, but he clearly showed that he consider the current reaction a failure on his part.

All was quiet for a while, before the third presence began to shuffle and groan. Rising from the bed a bit after a short cat nap, Zidane looked down at the two, and gave a start. "Agh! You two didn't 'do it' while I was right here, did you!?"

"We didn't!" Capri shouted back.

"Supposing you didn't, what the hell are two of you doing crawling into the bed of an injured man!?" Zidane inquired further. "Seriously, who the hell does that!?"
Re: Competition (Azure)

Azure's fingers will slip up into his hair, combing there lightly, meant to soothe rather than coddle. Being as close to her as he is, Capri can almost feel her thinking as the two of them lie there, at least until Zidane starts to stir. Her attention will drift to the werecat, blinking a little as his voice raises.

"You forget, I was already in bed with you." Azure reaches over and swats at his nose with a finger, though she isn't aiming to connect. "And Capri and I were talking and I wanted him closer to me. It's not as though he was angling to cuddle up with you while you were indisposed. Besides, the bed's plenty big enough that we could give you your space."
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Re: Competition (Azure)

"No! None of that!" Zidane shook his finger at Azure as she defended her actoins. "Shame on you!" he stated. "It's still not fine! I'm injured and defenseless, and this is a violation! I demand compensation!" he stated, no doubt desiring material goods.

"If you're going to state that you're injured, then don't move around so much." Capri added.

"Compensation!" Zidane demanded.
Re: Competition (Azure)

Azure will shift away from Capri, rolling over to face the other man, not really an easy feat, either, given her anatomy and the position she was already in. "Compensation, huh? Well, I'm not moving, so you'll have to make due with what I've got."

Before he can question that, her hand slips around to the back of his head and neck, holding him still for a brief moment when she lands her lips on his, a slightly exaggerated "muah" sounding as she draws back. "Now calm down and I'll go get you some milk. If you can stand being alone with Capri for a few minutes."