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The Deciever and the Black Feathered Weaver (Azure;Copper)

Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Zidane turned to the side as Azure blew a kiss at him, making it difficult to read his facial expression to tell what he was thinking.

Zwei meanwhile seemed to give what Azure said some thought. His head leaned back a little as he openly pondered, before looking back to her with an expression of conclusion. "I would like something unique." he replied. "Anything not usual that you deem worthy." he clarified, leaving out any specifics, and claiming to trust Azure's judgement if she tried to pry further.

Capri seemed to give Azure some thought as well. "Actually, I heard of a man who lives amongst mamono, who is supposedly a genius inventor. I've read that he is an anti-social man who dresses up warmly no matter where he goes." Capri stated.

"You mean Trafalgar Law?" Marth chimed in.

"I don't know his name. But he sounds familiar to you?" Capri inquired.

"He's been living here for a little while." Marth replied, causing Capri to suddenly give a shock.

"Are you joking!?" he exclaimed.

"Do werecats bark?" Marth chuckled merrily.

"Azure, we have time, don't we?" Capri inquired, excitement mixed with urgency in his tone. From the sounds of it, Law was a man who did not resign himself to one place.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

She doesn't push, either Zidane or Zwei, giving some thought to the quiet man's words, at least for the time being. At the exchange, she lets out a soft chuckle.

"I suppose that we do. We're not leaving until tomorrow morning." She'll cant her head to the side slightly. "Marth? You seem at least passing familiar with the man. Care to point us in his direction? Or walk us there?"
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Marth looked a bit hesitant to jump on the idea that Azure presented with Capri. "Ah... I can, but it's likely to be a wasted trip. He barely talks to men, let alone women. I never really visited him myself but once. He rented a book and I went to ask him if I could borrow it. He handed me the book without a word and shut his door." Marth explained.

Capri took what Marth said into consideration, but still looked determined. "He's a brilliant man. Famous for his inventions. He likely became like that after being hunted down by all manner of different factions seeking his genius. Some coming with good intentions, others without." Capri explained. "Who knows? He might fall victim to the world's latest mankiller." Capri indicated towards Azure in regards to her recent flirtations, seeming to be making light of it, likely in an attempt to cope with it.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"But, at least he didn't refuse to interact with you completely," Azure observes. "It's up to you, Marth. If you'd rather not go, directions will be fine. There's nothing to be lost in trying, right?" She chuckles a little at Capri's words, leaning in and giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Flatterer. Besides, if he does, means you get to talk to him, right?" She doesn't seem inclined to play up her status, keeping this little excursion more about him than anything else, because, well, it was his suggestion, after all.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Marth shrugged, before deciding to go with them. Capri blushed a bit at Azure's kiss, before nodding at Marth. "I would like to give it a shot." he'd say.

And if they had no further business, then Marth would lead the way through the temple. It almost looked like he was searching for the most remote island in the giant cavern in the ground, going to the furthest area to the side that was still in the sunlight, warmth apparently mattering enough to this man that he wouldn't trade his heat for total isolation.

"Here it is." Marth declared, as they came off from a single bridge, the only one that led to a stone house in the shape of a half-sphere, with windows covered with leopard styled, thick cloth to keep eyes out. There was a single door in front, which they all faced. Both Capri and Marth looked hesitant, before looking at Azure, as if expecting her to be the test in case Law rigged his house to explode.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"Worst he can do is slam the door in our face, right?"

While they're heading for Trafalgar's section of the temple, Azure puts in a little detour. If they were going to be calling on the man, showing up empty-handed and simply demanding his time would be rude, so, perhaps with a suggestion from Marth and possibly Capri, she'll pick up a bottle of light wine to bring along with them. She'll tuck it in her bag for the time being, just wanting to have it on hand, should the opportunity arise to present him with it.

When they finally did reach his abode, she chuckles softly at the two and will approach. She makes no move to try to peer into the windows, though she will pause and listen for a moment, trying to determine if there's movement going on inside of the house before she knocks.
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Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Capri and Marth shrugged at the idea, before the three went out and took a detour to get some wine. Neither looked sure of what to buy without knowing the man personally, but Capri decided to go with a safe choice, purchasing the most standard looking red wine he could.

When at the house, both men would watch Azure's approach with great observation. Nearing the door, Azure would hear sounds of wood being struck inside, as if construction was underway. When she knocked, the hammering stopped, before one of the leopard shades were lifted, a single eye peeking out and staring at Azure for a moment before it was lowered.

Perhaps he thought that Azure and her company meant business. He opened his door while wearing a most sour expression.

He was much like he was described. He wore warm clothing, but it seemed that there was a reason for that, as a very slight wind chill would come in from his home. It was cool, not chill inducing, but quite cool. He seemed quite used to it as he ignored it completely while looking at Azure as if she were here for trouble. "What do you want?" Law inquired with a grimace, not sounding friendly nor pleased.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

She would try to time her knock when it wouldn't overlap with the hammering, not needing that farce on top of trying to convince him to speak with Capri.

There's a very brief pause as Azure considers how to answer his question, wanting to both get her point across and be respectful of the man at the same time. "An audience," is her reply, "with an esteemed inventor. Rather, my companion would." She inclines her head to indicate Capri. If she's given the chance to continue, she will. "He's heard of your work and is something of a scholar himself. He'd like the time to talk to you, if that's all right."

If Marth and Capri are still hanging back, they'll catch the tip of Azure's tail curling in a "come here" gesture. Might not be a bad idea to let him speak for himself, or at least contribute.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Capri and Marth took a single step forward before Law took the initiative. "I'm not a tutor," he said, moving to close his door.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

She shakes her head. "Not a tutor. He'd heard of your work and wanted to meet you. I don't think apprenticeship is what he had in mind. Just...conversation."
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Law seemed hardly convinced over Azure's clarification. His sour expression fortunately didn't appear to be able to get any more sour. "I'm not one for conversation." he replied quickly.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

“That reputation precedes you," she says with a bit of a chuckle. "My intended," she'll indicate Capri with a slight incline of her head in his direction, "is a scholar and impressed with your work. He wanted to see if he could meet with you before we have to set out. It sounds like you're busy, but would mean a great deal to him." There's nothing but sincerity in the lamia's words. Despite Capri's earlier jest about her being a mankiller, she's actually not amping up the charm when dealing with Trafalgar, having a feeling he'd be more annoyed at her if she were trying to flirt her way in.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Law looked more than inclined to finish closing his door, before Capri walked forward, and stuck his arm in the door, demanding at least one question be answered. "There's one thing about you that doesn't make sense. Why do you hide from the world, and not create anything more than useless prototypes!? You created the Magi's airships, something no one knew how to do. Why don't you create more?" he asked Law.

Law was silent for a moment, before he gave his reply. "Because all the world wants from me are weapons. You don't know of any of my inventions besides that, because they aren't what people want." Law replied, before swinging his door open to show Capri what he was working on. On a wooden platform with wheels, there was a metal box sitting inside of Trafalgar Law's home, with a rectangular extension sticking out like a pipe, from which cold air seemed to be coming out. Capri stared at it blankly for a moment. "That's... So simple." Capri said. While it was fascinating that Law made something that could do it on it's own, it wasn't unusual for the temperature to be conditioned as he was doing it. It simply required more manual weaving of spells to take effect.

"That's why you won't really hear about it. I prefer making simple things. It's much more convenient for me that way, since people will leave me alone." Law stated, before looking to Azure and Capri. "That's all I have to say." he announced, seeming to indicate that he wanted them to leave.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

And yet, for someone who didn't work magic, like herself, the...invention would be rather useful. If she liked the cold, that is. Still, it was the principle of the thing, not the thing itself.

"Personally, I'd rather hear of the simpler things. Means the fighting's over." Azure will reach up and gently take Capri's hand, twining her fingers with his. "You've got a lot of work cut out for you," she says to Law. "I wish you the very best of luck."

She's willing to let Law get back to his work. Getting on the man's bad side by making nuisances of themselves is not the goal. With him living and working here, Capri might yet get other opportunities to speak with him. She will, though, remember the bottle in her bag and withdraw it, offering it to Law. "Something for celebrating another job well done when you're finished."
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Law blinked, but accepted the gift quietly, looking at it for a moment before he seemed to note how average the wine was. "I prefer white wine... But, thank you." Law said, actually opening a compartment in the device he made and storing the wine inside. "How much did it cost?" he inquired.

Capri found the question strange of Law, before he answered the man.

"I don't like owing debts. If you're traveling, take this. It's a little more of worth than what you gave me." he replied, handing Azure a small white cube that felt rough to the touch. "It's medicine. Cures most known venoms." Law explained.

"You made this?" Capri inquired with interest. Law simply nodded.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"I'll keep that in mind," is her reply to his remark about his preferences. As he inquires about the price, she finds it a little brusque but given that Capri answers, there's not much she can remark about it. "A gift doesn't incur any debt, but, thank you." She'll accept the cube, examining it and perhaps wrapping it up before placing it in her bag so it doesn't get too damaged, if the cube itself is the medicine. She seems to find the choice of gifts a little amusing and a tad ironic. "Hopefully there won't be any reason to use it."
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"There likely will be, in their line of work." Law said in reply, gesturing to the men Azure came with.

"Is there anything else?" Law inquired.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"We'll let you get back to your work. Thank you. Again." She'll incline her head to the man and once he's retreated back inside, she'll put her attention on Capri. "What did you think?" she asks, retreating from the door and likely the banging noises that are probably resuming now that Law is back to work.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"I think he just doesn't trust people." Capri replied. "He doesn't seem like a bad person, he probably got his talents used a lot by all the wrong people. So he ended up like that." Capri said his thoughts on the matter. "He's not... On your radar, is he?" he inquired warily.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"I'm inclined to agree," she remarks as he speaks of Law. "I think getting to know him further is going to take quite a bit of work but isn't out of the realm of possibility. Though he's not so much of a shut-in as he hasn't heard of what's been going on." She seems to indicate Marth, given Trafalgar's parting words. At the question, she laughs and shakes her head. "No. What about yours?" The question is a slight tease, more meant regarding his admiration for the man's work than how he meant it regarding her.