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The Deciever and the Black Feathered Weaver (Azure;Copper)

Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Francis would go about healing Azure's wounds, pulling out the knives and mending the open flesh. "Good thing Metal is on her way out of here. No one can stand her shoving people around." Francis replied.

"I can't believe it, it looks like they wanted to kill you!" Capri exclaimed.

"This is nothing." Francis said to Capri. "Don't underestimate a mamono, dear Capri~" Francis cooed.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"Not soon enough, if you ask me." Little noises will sound from the back of her throat as the merrow works on fixing her. "Thank you," comes out breathy as she finally relaxes, which likely isn't until Francis is done.

"Probably did," is her reply to Capri. "I stole the crew from them, not to mention that's a source of embarrassment right there, getting beaten by men in a fight, something they probably blame me for, even if it was the others doing the fighting. Maybe leaving for a while isn't such a bad idea after all, though we'll have to keep an eye out for them if that rumor about them getting run out is true."
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

After Francis' healing was done, Azure would feel as if she were as good as new. Her natural mamono resilience made her tough enough to almost completely ignore the pain should she have chosen to. Now it was like she merely had tiny splinters removed, as if her wounds never happened. So tough were mamono, that if Azure had a sword run through her stomach, there was still a good chance of her survival even without treatment.

"Let's just get you home," Capri said with worry on his face, while Francis smiled and shook her head, as if thinking he were worrying far too much.

Azure in the meanwhile, was free to pretend she was worse off and allow Capri to attempt to carry her, or to show him that she was none the worse for wear.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Although avoiding such situations was pretty much ideal. Not to say that she wouldn't bounce back from it, but it was the getting there and recovering that took the most time. From the sound of things, though, there was a good chance there might be more of this in the future, especially if they were to be Claire's bodyguards for the duration.

"There's a lot of me to bundle up, sweetheart," she tells Capri, nudging the back of his legs with her tail. "I should be all right, but I wouldn't mind a little support. Unless you think you can manage." Capri clearly wanted to help but the last thing she wanted was him to have to struggle under her weight. Support would be a good compromise, unless he surprised her by being able to bear her back to the merrow's dwelling.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

He heaved, and he struggled, but a big snake Capri could not lift. And he ended up straining something as well, causing Francis to pass Capri over so that Azure was carrying him instead. Azure already had no need for support, according to Francis, and such was true. She took minimal damage and was healed of such. Meanwhile, Capri's face was deep crimson, and his eyes wide with shock. He clearly never expected to be the one being carried, but he didn't show too much one way or another as to whether he hated it or enjoyed it. He still seemed to be figuring out whether such was really happening or not.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"I appreciate the thought, sweetness," Azure tells him as she holds him. "Guess I'm not as dainty as I'd like to be." She lays a kiss against his temple, doing her best to carry him so as not to make a spectacle of their situation. If anything were to make him feel worse about it, that would be it. Instead, she gives him subtle nuzzles and kisses, making it, at the very least, worth being carried by her rather than something he simply has to endure. "I do appreciate you wanting to look out for me," she remarks quietly. "I haven't really had that, not since I was younger. I'd like you to promise me that you'll be careful, though, in the future. I'm a lot tougher than I look. I don't want you getting hurt on account of me, this notwithstanding," she adds with a soft chuckle.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Capri continued to look flustered, as if he still yet couldn't make himself believe what was happening. "I... I haven't been carried since I was a child... I... I can't believe your strength." he said with amazement.

Francis seemed amused at his confusion. "It's sometimes a bother when men who are unused to mamono think they are the protectors. Trust me on this, Capri, your beloved Azure needs little protection." she said with a smile.

"I get it..." Capri sighed, looking up at Azure directly as she loved on him a bit. "So strange, mamono are... I will need some time to decide whether I dislike it." he announced. "With this kind of strength, I can't believe I thought those four men necessary to win the fight." he chuckled. "If you had helped, you would have easily won." he said, amazed still by her strength.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"Not necessarily. I mean, those rocks falling? That was the amazon's doing when she slammed her axe into the ground. If she'd have hit me, there's likely a good chance she'd have taken my tail clean off. And Metal's magic isn't something you can just punch and have it go away." She pauses. "Unless I were to hit Metal herself, that is." That comes out slightly deadpan. "And," she continues, "that was something of the point. They wanted to prove they could do it without my help. It would have defeated the purpose if I'd stepped in."
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Capri did think on that. "I suppose you're correct... This kind of power is normal for mamono, and since they are mamono as well, I suppose that still makes it an uneven fight..." he said, and was correct. All three women had their own degrees of ferocity, while Azure alone had the strength of a lamia, she was still against a witch, a powerful amazon, and a deadly shinobi.

They made it back to Francis' home, while Capri seemed to note something in private, after Francis said she was going to freshen herself up by splashing some water on herself. As a sea creature, it seemed she didn't like going around dry. "Francis doesn't really seem to mind us being here..." he said to Azure. "You could say it's just her friendly attitude, but she even has the extra space for it, so it's not like she's inconvenienced..." Capri thought to himself for a moment. "She lives alone... So perhaps she enjoys the company?" he suggested.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"Very much indeed," Azure concurs regarding the fight. As Francis goes to freshen up, Azure will help Capri to get settled, not babying him, but making sure he's comfortable, at the very least. She cocks her head to the side, considering his question. "It's possible. Most of us prefer to live alone, since there's usually a lot of competition over men, but it's not uncommon to find those of us who are naturally social creatures, too. Much as I hate to admit it, harpies are like that, as an example, at any rate. And some of the lizard-kin and amazons form tribes. The centaurs. Francis just might like being a hostess. Or, well, there's her art, which she might like to accommodate her subjects."
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Capri didn't say anything more after that, seeming happy to think on it as he laid where Azure had rested him. Francis was soon to come out from the wash room with a face that appeared as if she eavesdropped on their conversation. "Are you thirsty, Azure? With all the excitement, you and Capri haven't had much to eat, have you?" she inquired. "It might be strange, but hopefully sea food will satisfy?"

Capri nodded, and looked to Azure for her response, though still gave a passing glance to Francis. Indeed if she heard what they said, her first reaction was to offer more hospitality. Capri looked reinforced in his opinion following that.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Azure is idly running her fingers through Capri's hair when Francis emerges, though she's being rather careful not to tease at his ears. "Yes, thank you. It's been, well," she chuckles. "I don't remember the last time I ate. And seafood's fine. I got a taste for it while I was living on the beach." She smiles. "Anything I can do to help?" Just because they were guests didn't mean Francis had to do everything.

Good ears seemed a trait among a few of her brethren. Given that whenever they made incorrect assumptions about her, Francis seemed quick and willing to correct them, and she wasn't this time, it might mean that they were correct. Still, a bit of friendship and companionship was a small price to pay for everything the merrow had been doing for them.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Francis was someone who always had a sort of kitsune grin, a term straightforward enough that most (even those who never saw a kitsune before) would know. Kitsune were creatures known to have magic powerful enough to the point where they did not need their eyes to see. So, the grin begins with closed eyes, or nearly closed eyes if someone were merely imitating, as Francis seemed to be doing. Complete with eyes that did not seem open, there was also a crescent shaped grin. Many often regard what they see as ominous when they look at someone who smiles like that. "Sly and tricky like a kitsune," even lamia would say to someone who smiled like that. Yet it seemed to be a somewhat normal face for Francis, though her grin was nowhere near as wide as examples go. Francis had a small smile, and her closed eyes made it quite easy to look directly at her if being stared at was an issue (Medusa victims claim to often develop a phobia against people staring at them).

With that kind of face, Francis' usual expression, she looked at Azure directly. "There are a lot of things you can do to help, Azure... Though I don't mind spoiling the both of you~" she cooed.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

And with a smile like that, and a statement like that, Azure had an idea on where some of those ‘things’ might lead. And yet, the lamia continues onward anyway. "I know, but it seems rude to take complete advantage of your hospitality. I mean, we're complete and utter strangers and yet you're letting us stay here. Yes, you've got your painting out of it, but seems like I should be helping you out somehow."
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Francis' smile seemed to widen. For a brief instant, the merrow seemed to adopt a very sadistic aura that was gone as soon as it was there. "Stories of love are my passion. It's what I live for. I never tire of those written tales of two falling in love, be it man and woman..." She giggled, "A man with another man, or..." Azure would find Francis looking at her most directly now. "A woman and woman..." She said with undeniable suggestion. Meanwhile, Capri was laying on his side, watching the two women with raised brows and wide open eyes, not oblivious to the air that surrounded Francis.

Francis' next move was to simply walk past Azure, not moving to invade her personal space. "I do what I can to survive. Beyond that, in my spare time, I meddle in love affairs and enjoy doing my part in them. Seeing a blossoming relationship from beginning to end... When a couple finally makes love and pledges marriage to each other, the many little happy feelings I get are beyond explanation!" Francis explained, looking red in her cheeks.

Capri's reaction then changed from surprise to concern. He seemed to think Francis was someone not in her right mind, but was unclear whether he thought that a bad thing in her case. Still, he decided not to keep silent. "How much do you meddle?" Capri inquired.

As Francis began preparing the food for cooking, some shrimp with some cod, her smile maintained itself. "The whims decide." She replied. "Do you find me meddlesome?" she asked.

"A little..." Capri said honestly.

"Shall I cease?" she inquired. Though rather than answer immediately, Capri seemed to blush a bit. The interaction prior between her and Azure seemed to come to mind in Capri's head, as Francis' intentions seemed to lean towards. After a moment, Capri looked to Azure, and that seemed to help him find his answer.

"I think a woman of her whims is just fine. Just fine indeed." he said, speaking to Francis but seemingly directed at Azure with a partly scolding expression.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

The shift in demeanor isn't lost on the lamia, either, but as Francis seems to calm away from it, she doesn't say anything for the time being. As she makes the remark about two women falling in love, Azure's only response to that is a slight shift in her posture to help her settle onto a corner of the bed, one near Capri, close enough that she can rest a hand somewhere on him. It's a response that seems to silently convey her thoughts on the matter.

"I think if Francis were exceptionally meddlesome, one of us would be dragging the other to the sea bishops without a second thought," Azure remarks. Yes, the notion was for the two of them to be married, but she's still being patient enough to let Capri make up his own mind on the matter.

At his statement about whims and his expression, the redhead arches a brow. "Do you now? What brought on that train of thought?"
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"A whim," Capri replied to her question, being evasive but still somewhat transparent. Sizzling began to be heard from the kitchen, a rush of sounds that allowed Capri to whisper with insurance that only Azure would hear. "You're entirely clear on what you like, I think," Capri whispered to Azure. "Seeing you and Zidane kiss was one thing. At least with Francis, the recipient of your lips appears to be willing. Or do you prefer your victims unwilling?" he inquired. "Regardless, assertive, isn't she? Someone like Francis strikes me as someone with enough determination to never give up so long as she has a small fraction of a chance to succeed. Not that her succeeding in this matter is a bad thing. Not at all." he announced, supporting Francis' advances, a strong reason seeming to be that he mostly wanted to take a side against Azure and see her defeated. The event of her defeat being but a bonus, according to his blush when Francis suggested the idea.

Meanwhile, the smell from the kitchen would reach their noses, smelling appetizing indeed.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"And you're being rather clear on what you seem to like as well." Her brows arch as if challenging him to contradict the statement, especially given his comments near the end. "To answer your question, I certainly do prefer my partners willing, but there are times you just don't let opportunity pass you by. As you would recall, I hope, I still gave you the chance to turn me down."
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"As clever as you are, you made rejecting you unwise and arguably stupid no matter how one looked at it." He replied. "Don't assume me so foolish that I wouldn't know who held all the cards in their hand. Well, I hold a rather valuable card now, my 'lover'." He announced, suddenly looking a little more bold as he leaned in closer to Azure with a confident grin. "So I won't allow you alone to have the privilege of being whimsical." he announced. "I'll have Francis make me a nice painting," he cooed. "In return, I'll overlook your capture of Zidane's lips. When it comes to Marths', as I suspect will happen soon, I'll have more demands." he promised.

Then, Francis peeked her head out. "Food's done." She announced, then frowned a bit. "... You two weren't fighting, yes?" she inquired.

"Coming to an understanding. I can't wait to eat~" Capri announced with a sing-song voice, looking to raise himself up before recalling his strains as he felt them ache, forgotten in his mirth.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"Don't," and she plants a finger in the middle of his chest, "presume to know my mind, Capri. That is likely the more dangerous and unwise option." As he mentions having sway over her, her eyes narrow, and there's that low hiss of hers as he talks about having Francis make him a portrait, not to mention the end of her tail flicks back and forth. She may be getting upset, but it's not jealousy that's coloring her temper. She's already told him how she feels about his possibly using Francis as retaliation and if that's the direction he's going, he is likely going to have a very displeased lamia on his hands.

"It's a conversation that can wait," Azure cuts in as he states that they've come to an understanding. He may have, but clearly she hasn't. "Never good to deal with serious topics on an empty stomach." For the time being, she's letting him flounder with his injuries, not stepping in unless it's painfully clear that they're inhibiting him.