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RPG RPG Maker [azurezero] princess escape (NOW FREE because fuck it it's my anniversary) RE100845 RJ100845


clothing damage pictures
6/6 girls completed, originally planned for 7 but i ran out of good ideas
hentai scenes
2/12 completed and implemented :)

still need to draw the images of the demon lord Eros
and create his special arena for the boss fights

oh and the endings which may or may not need images to help them :)
allready got 2 of them planned

if i think of a decent 7th girl to put in i will do :)
Re: princess escape

I'm almost finished with Erojanken 1st edition
and have a poll on pricing.

really looking forward to the version where i get to draw yaoi...

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Re: princess escape

as of yesterday i have shared the full game in the hopes of generating a few extra sales... basically the full game
is now the demo/try before you buy etc...
160 of you have snatched it up allready

if you fancy paying for it you can do so

EDIT - the more i get feedback, the more I'll know when i make my next games, the erojanken series doesnt really count ^^ but i plan on making a proper rpg, spending a lot of time creating interesting mobs for my roaming monsters (instead of encounters)
Re: princess escape

Well your art is good but the game play could be much better. At the moment it is just boring, sorry.

If you make a game similar to virgin island and/or Arm Devicer, with lots of quest, free-roam, no game over but many different endings, lots of scenes in the city with chikan, BF, so on you got my promise of when I get my new card I shall buy your game. Since it will also be in English.

Plus your sales in general will be better. It will take much more time to make however in the end it will be worth it for all of us (buyers and you)
Re: princess escape

Well your art is good but the game play could be much better. At the moment it is just boring, sorry.

If you make a game similar to virgin island and/or Arm Devicer, with lots of quest, free-roam, no game over but many different endings, lots of scenes in the city with chikan, BF, so on you got my promise of when I get my new card I shall buy your game. Since it will also be in English.

Plus your sales in general will be better. It will take much more time to make however in the end it will be worth it for all of us (buyers and you)

I am getting more accustomed to the battle side of things, one of the best games i've seen was magical girl teto. all roaming monsters, a lot of gor... main problem is that it was too linear for some :)
Re: princess escape

My favorite RPG Maker game will always be the Kunoichi Ninpocho series. I just love the card battle system.
I have to say that the slime area forced me to rage quit and delete the game instantly. I couldn't move 2 steps without getting thrown over the side by the slimes and the fews times I dodged the slimes and managed to get to the gate or 1 of the girls I'd end up getting trapped in by the entire slime army.
A little word of advice on making areas like that. Don't put too many monsters in. There were enough to fill in the hall to the exit.
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Re: princess escape

My favorite RPG Maker game will always be the Kunoichi Ninpocho series. I just love the card battle system.
I have to say that the slime area forced me to rage quit and delete the game instantly. I couldn't move 2 steps without getting thrown over the side by the slimes and the fews times I dodged the slimes and managed to get to the gate or 1 of the girls I'd end up getting trapped in by the entire slime army.
A little word of advice on making areas like that. Don't put too many monsters in. There were enough to fill in the hall to the exit.

when testing it, it was hard but possible :)...though even ive been having dificulty with it lately...I really should have included a save point so it could be reattempted easily...it's quite easy to avoid the arena all together aswell but succeeding in saving one of the girls makes a later quest a lot easier...

edit- note for future...less nintendo hard
Re: princess escape

Not sure if I've done my job of creating a good game with replay value... or that 234 don't like my game...

The fact that not one of you people who got to try my full game for free (barring the few i personally messaged way before i released my download link in the rpg maker thread) has actually paid for the game... is very demotivating... not to mention that by releasing the download link i have given pirates and link droppers the chance to try and make money off it...as before only a few copies had been shared without being paid for...

sigh... I know it wasn't a game everyone could enjoy, but it still took time and effort to make...
Re: princess escape

Biggest turnoff is the grammar/spelling errors/punctuation etc.

The story seems to lack direction. I get more out of Drunken Paladin, a non-h game, than I do with this.

You put save crystals in the game only to have it bug out and still allow you to save anywhere (except the throne room intro scene).

Artwork isn't horrible, but it isn't great either.

In my opinion, if there's one thing you need to focus on if you want more sales, it's the artwork. There are Japanese who sell the games for less than you due to their art.

Also in Kurovadis, which was a big hit for both hemispheres, you really didn't need text to understand what was going on. Even though DLSite has an English website for it, it probably only does less than 10% of the total sales than it actually produces from its Japanese site.
Re: princess escape

Biggest turnoff is the grammar/spelling errors/punctuation etc.

The story seems to lack direction. I get more out of Drunken Paladin, a non-h game, than I do with this.

You put save crystals in the game only to have it bug out and still allow you to save anywhere (except the throne room intro scene).

Artwork isn't horrible, but it isn't great either.

In my opinion, if there's one thing you need to focus on if you want more sales, it's the artwork. There are Japanese who sell the games for less than you due to their art.

Also in Kurovadis, which was a big hit for both hemispheres, you really didn't need text to understand what was going on. Even though DLSite has an English website for it, it probably only does less than 10% of the total sales than it actually produces from its Japanese site.

he also got a lot of sales from his blog aswell though, and i really wish i had the skills to compete with his platformers, i can't sprite at all...if i could, I'd have made my stealth platformer as my first game...

as for price...Princess escape didn't even earn me minimum wage for the months I was working on it... I know for a fact my game is better than slave island, which i could easily have made a better clone of...and that game made £3000

thank you for your feedback though, I'm sad at the people not giving feedback, because if it isn't worth $5 I really want to hear why it isnt...
Re: princess escape

I played it for an hour wont continue.

the main issues i have with it

- Art. Is not main stream enough. Probably the main prob of your game. It doesn't appeal to many people.

-Game breaking bugs. Like when i went back into the cell and opened the doors with an Ice sprite who wasn't even here. This somehow broke the teleporter back to the cell. Same with the mirror to the demon tower. I pass the 2. trial and get an auto game over with a slime scene. Is that intended?

- Your town is way too huge for the content. Runspeed is too slow. It looks artificial. Over half of the NPC's have no dialogues with the PC. Feels extremely unfinished.

- It's too easy to get lost in your game. It needs more linearity.
Re: princess escape

I played it for an hour wont continue.

the main issues i have with it

- Art. Is not main stream enough. Probably the main prob of your game. It doesn't appeal to many people.

-Game breaking bugs. Like when i went back into the cell and opened the doors with an Ice sprite who wasn't even here. This somehow broke the teleporter back to the cell. Same with the mirror to the demon tower. I pass the 2. trial and get an auto game over with a slime scene. Is that intended?

- Your town is way too huge for the content. Runspeed is too slow. It looks artificial. Over half of the NPC's have no dialogues with the PC. Feels extremely unfinished.

- It's too easy to get lost in your game. It needs more linearity.

that slime bug was reported, but as something that freezes the game... i honestly can't figure out what causes it... theres nothing that should realistically cause it to freeze...it's weird...
also i've never been able to get it to happen on mine
Re: princess escape

Oh i forgot something.

Pressing Z or space like crazy in action scenes is annoying for laptop users. Maybe you should change that mechanic to something like pressing 1 - 3 times at the right moment.
This way no one will sue you for keyboard damage or broken fingers. xD
Re: princess escape

I had no problem with Z mashing and I'm on a laptop. You really don't have to mash that fast really.
Though to be honest the Z mashing is still annoying in general cause it happens so often.
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Re: princess escape

Random question. I'm actually kinda interested in buying the full version of the game, but I'd like to know two things before putting this on my list of t hings to buy next time I acquire money:

1. How many paths/endings are there in the game?

2. Is there an ending where she eventually just gives up and decides to just be a prisoner forever? Recently I've been playing a lot of Saki's Quest and Twins' Game, and they got me interested in "girl eventually learns to love it" games.

And I guess a 3rd, but not as important: Are you gonna be updating/expanding on the game, or will you take a break (aside from major bug fixing) before moving on to a sequel?
Re: princess escape

Random question. I'm actually kinda interested in buying the full version of the game, but I'd like to know two things before putting this on my list of t hings to buy next time I acquire money:

1. How many paths/endings are there in the game?

2. Is there an ending where she eventually just gives up and decides to just be a prisoner forever? Recently I've been playing a lot of Saki's Quest and Twins' Game, and they got me interested in "girl eventually learns to love it" games.

And I guess a 3rd, but not as important: Are you gonna be updating/expanding on the game, or will you take a break (aside from major bug fixing) before moving on to a sequel?

3. Princess escape taught me a lot but i intend to expand on it only after I've done this big game starke thinks i've got in me, a fully fledged rpg with combat and limited gor and bad endings...princess escape is pretty much a world where everything wants to screw you...

2. I will consider adding a time limit if i ever update the game, and add a lot more quests so hitting the time limit is more likely ^^ did you get snagged by the snatchers yet? my friend was half way through a quest )and hadnt saved) when night fell for the first time and he was instantly surrounded

1. there are 3 main endings, a bunch of bad endings and 2 possible partners you can end the game with, i allready posted a walkthrough but it might ruin your enjpyment of the game...in fact ive been told off for it... you should be able to find the endings if you follow the rpg convention of talk to everyone you can talk to, and think carefully about the characters motivation.
Re: princess escape

as of yesterday i have shared the full game in the hopes of generating a few extra sales... basically the full game
is now the demo/try before you buy etc...
160 of you have snatched it up allready

if you fancy paying for it you can do so

The mediafire link is dead.

I tried the early demo of Princess Escape a while ago, and it was a buggy mess. The art I've seen looks pretty nice, though. I'm curious if the game's gotten any better. Would someone care to re-upload?
Re: princess escape

The mediafire link is dead.

I tried the early demo of Princess Escape a while ago, and it was a buggy mess. The art I've seen looks pretty nice, though. I'm curious if the game's gotten any better. Would someone care to re-upload?

after letting 260 people download it for free i shut that link down :)
I can tell you it still has quite a few bugs in, one of which i have no understanding of and can't recreate on my own copy... I did fix the majority of the bugs from the demo though