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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Doesn't seem like a church like thing to have. I wonder why they took it over." So the church has access to the newspaper well that could be annoying especially sense she didn't share the faith that apparently had dominance over here. " Well is their anything else you need help with Mistey?" Jenny had finished organizing the shelves and was wondering if the girl had anything else to do.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Well~ it would be nice to resupply on the healing potions." Mistey smiled at Jenny "Wanna go make a few? I'll teach you." Well Jenny still had some time and she couldn't deny she was curious... besides maybe she'll get a freebie.
"So why the sudden interest in our towns paper" Mistey lead Jenny to a different part of her store.

Whatever Jenny answered soon she'd find herself in a rather large room with a numerous shelves containing pots honestly there was easily at least 20 of the things throughout the wall. At end of the room there was a fairly large table with all kinds of beakers, bottles and tools nearby. "And THIS is where the magic happens." Mistey giggled to herself, it was rare to have company over... well except for the sheriff.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Well to be honest someone told me a ghost story but know one wants to talk about it. Then I found out that the newspaper did a story on it. I was hoping they kept a copy so I can read it over might be an interesting story to send home." Jenny looked around the pots and potions completely at a loss for what did what. "Well let me know what I need to do Im so completely lost."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Ghost-- Oh... you mean..." Mistey quickly looked away and down, seemingly almost guilty about something, but not saying anything. Soon after both girls reached the alchemy lab.

"Well~ these two rows are my base materials. They decide whats the main effect of the potion is" Mistey ran her hand down the row of jars and pots in the shelve, substantially larger than the others... and with names Jenny would struggle to even say "The rest are to enhance, weaken or add upon their initial effects." the elven girls smiled at Janney "Honestly I sometimes like to mix and match just to see the potential effects. The potions rarely have long-lasting effects so~ it's not dangerous, I don't keep anything poisonous around"

"Now to make a healing potion we'll need the third Jar from top, labeled rosis. Bring it to me" Mistey smiled at her "assistant", this could prove to be great fun.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny reached up to grab the Jar of Rosis and brought it to Mistey. "What else do we need Mistey?" Jenny wanted to ask more about the paper but decided to wait a little bit before asking again sense obviously it was sore point for the alchemist.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Mistey smilled warmly at Jenny and placed the jar on the table "Now we'll be making 3 strong healing potions and 5 weaker potions... so~ I'l need helaithus and virgineum cruorem, they're right next to the Dark grass and moon lillies."
the alchemist smiled warmly looking over to Jenny "You know~ I've recently refreshed my supplies of materials... we could play around with them" the elven girl likely meant to mix and match the materials at random and see what happens... likely fun, but who knows what they might concoct.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny grabbed the jars for Mistey or at lest she hoped they where the right jars. "Well I suppose if their mostly harmless right?" Jenny's heart skipped a beat the last time someone wanted to show her the fun of alchemy she got a rather big and meaty surprise.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Mistey clapped her hands excitingly! "Yay~ Noone ever--- it's been so long since I've done this!" the elven girl quickly ran up and hugged Jenny, taking ehr hand after "Come on I'll show you how it works"

The table had 3 distinct tools placed on it. A heating beaker with some water nearby, a herb masher and some weighted scales "It's actually really simple, you mix the base with some water and heat it up. Add the other herbs... then leave it to me. That's where you'll an alchemists touch." Mistey grinned.

"Like here look, a simple healing potion. We take some Rosis, drop it into the heater... add some water. Mix~~ Mash the dark grass..." the alchemist continued to narate her actions when at the end, with a final mix and seeming chanting the potion changed color to dark red. "And you have a healing potion~"
Mistey grinned happily. "Here you have a go... I'll go fetch the other materials I need teste. Be right back~ Don't spill or drop anything." with that the alchemist ran off. Hopefully Jenny knew what she was getting herself into.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Thankfully Jenny was a quick study and soon she was mixing and mashing like a pro or at lest in her mind she was whether or not Mistey thought as much she did know. Prepping her first attempt at the potion Jenny waited for Mistey to return so she could do her part and make the potion turn red.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Mistey returned shortly and placed a substantial box containing 6 jars "Well~ how are you doing?" the alchemist quickly moved in to inspect the work. The girl stireed and stared at the concoction briefly and smiled warmly at Jenny "Slightly too much Dark Grass... but it should be good, if I just..." Mistey placed her hands on the vial and chanted some unaudible words, the potion turning dark red too "You can have this one. It's your handywork after all" the girl winked slyly at Jenny and looked towards the crate. "Thats 6 brand new materials I haven't really tried out yet... wanna give it a shot? Tell me which one should we mix and we'll check the results!" Mistey almost squeeled in excitement, it was the most fun part of any alchemists work, finding new recipes "Don't worry about the effects I have a special brew to rid us of any effect.... it's tasty too"

The girl walked over to the box and beckoned Jenny over "So~ which ones should we try base and what to add?"
The Jars read:
Moon spring
Luna lillia
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked over the jars not sure what to pick they all sounded foreign. "And your sure none of them are poison?" Mistey simply nodded at Jenny her excitement clear. "How about Serrago as a base and Luna Lillia as an additive?"
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"I'm certain. I have a supplier who double checks these things" Mistey winked at Jenny and grabbed the two jars "Let's go set it up!"

A few moments later the potion was set for actviation as Mistey, put her hands on the vial. The potion turning a bright pink color "Oh~ that's a new one... I'll go first next one is for you. with that Mistey raised the vial and drank it down. "Mmm~~ it's so sweet~!" the elven girl smiled, when her eyes suddenly grew wider "Ah~" the girl blushed visibly and crossed her legs where she was sitting "Oh~ this one feels. So nice... and warm..." Mistey slowly rubbed her legs together tapping the table "Y-you go get the next two..."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny followed the steps and and quickly recreated the base and addative heating mixing and mashing making it ready for Mistey to work her magic on the vial. "Okay you get to pick the next two items to try out." Once Misty worked her magic Jenny would down the potion to feel its effects first hand.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny takes 12 resistance damage from Aphrodiasiac poison! Once resistance turns out Jeeny gains Horny.
2 more ticks left!

Mistey quickly placed her hands on the potion as it too changed color, slightly different due to differeng amounts of reagents, but mostly the same. "T-try it..." Mistey seemed to breath slightly deeper than before as her slight blushe seemed to grow brighter and brighter.

Jenny downed the drink out of curiosity aswell, the alchemist was right! It was delicious! Honestly it would be something worth buying just for the taste!... but then the other effects of the potion started to set in.

A quick jolt ran across Jennys body, warming her whole body and making her pusys pulse ever so slightly. Her nipples started to grow harder and harder as the warming electric sensation spread throughout her body... was this... a lust potion?

Meanwhile Mistey wobbled over to the box and came with two more jars, now it was clear why the cute elven girl looked so akwards she herself was trying to hide her arousal.

"H-how about Umor and Serrago?" Mistey was too caught up in her arousal to even await an aswer as she got to preparing the potion.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny felt sinfully good in all the right places but helped Mistey with the next ingredients occasionally bumping into the other woman in a sensual manner. Waiting for Mistey to work her magic Jenny gulped the next potion down and awaited its effects.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny succumbs to the Aphrodisiac poison!
Jenny gains Aroused -> Jenny gains HORNY!
Mistey is grappled! Submission hold!

Atleast that was her intentions, Jenny placed herself right behind the alchemist breathing on her neck sensually as her hands were placed firmly on the girls waist, Mistey didn't seem to mind or fight back at all, as she slowly succumbed to the same effect as the one that easily took hold of Jenny.

The elven girl panted hotly and looked back to the girl besides her, her blush bright red. Unconciously Mistey darted a kiss to Jenny as she activated whatever potion the girls mixed up.

Quickly turning away from her work Mistey faced Jenny, her blush and absolutely lost expression showing that the girl never felt this hot and wanted to do such naughty things with another female... however the potion that was forgotten turned a deep green and starter to swirl and swing the vial uncontrollably before it dropped down on the floor spilling it's contents. The two girls were too busy with each other to notice the liquid boil for a brief moment on the floor, when numerous tentacles shot out from the puddle!

Only Jenny could see the green tendrils strech out and even if she tried she'd be too late to warn Mistey as one of the thicker one quickly wrapped around her waist and pulled her to the others. There was more than enough tentacles to constrict the girl. As some of the leaner tendrils got to work on removing her clothes! Oddly enough most of tentacles had very phallic endings... they weren't aiming to harm the girl per say. This creature was looking to do something else with it's captives.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Sadly Jenny had very little say in the matter and simply removed her own pants for the tentacles to have easier access. No sooner than she removed her cloths than the first of the tendrils wrapped around Jenny's leg. Jenny silently begged for the tendrils to invade her and it was all she could do to not throw herself on the wriggling mass.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

No rolls due to consensual nature of sex.
First round of sex
Corruption gain (11pp from milking 18 from penetrative + Bloodline)

Jenny willingly removed her clothing as the creature finally reached her. Heck she knew it would have to drag her so she lied down, the moment she felt the creature make contact with her. And on cue the tentacle wrapped itself around Jennys feet and dragged her deep into the numerous tenctacles to join Mistey.

Some of tentancles had small suction cups for endings, and attaching themselves to Misteys clothing they quickly pulled off the overall protecting the elven girl from their onslaught.In her white shirt and white panties the alchemist was quickly overwhelmed by the tentalces several slipping down under her shirt as the other ones continously tried to plunge into her. Not smart enough to move the panties aside. The sensation of the tentacle contiously pushing against her panties, pretty much made Mistey go crazy with anticipation she was already soaked and with this continous force, it was only a matter of time when her panties slip aside or tear.

Meanwhile Jenny was embraced by the creature aswell, the moment the girl was in reach another thicker tentacle wrapped around her waist not much unlike the way Mistey was whisked away and carried the peasant girl to the other tendrils. With the girl already naked the tentacles instantly got to work. Two leaner suction tentacles each coiled around the girls breast tightly squeezing them roughly as the suction cup end firmly attached itself against the girls rock hard nippes clamping down and sucking with force seemingly too great for the girl to take. Jenny could feel her legs opening apart as two tentacles forced her legs open as another rather thick tentacle seemingly opened up right infront of Jenny as it slipped out a cock like ending complete with some ooze running out the tip. Wasting no time the tentacle quickly lingered down and plunged into the girl forcefully. Starting to fuck Jenny at an angle.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Ugh!" it didn't have to be so forceful thankfully she was already wet so most of the pain from the sudden intrusion was dissipated. Still for her third sexual experience of her life Jenny sure found an interesting partner. Grabbing one of the flailing tendrils Jenny tried to guide it into her mouth her body demanding she be filled in every hole. If she succeeded in her attempt now doubt the strange creature would know what to do. Looking over at Mistey Jenny wondered if she was going to enjoy this as much as she was.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny indulges in perversion gaining
66 corruption!
109/100 JENNY GAINS A MUTATION! Counter reset.
Jenny indulged herself in the perverse pleasure, lightly stroking a nearby tentacle and leading it closer to herself, giving the tendril a kiss on the tip, spurting it inside her mouth. This was a completely different sensation, than her previous encounters. The girl remained suspended in the air the thick tentcale holding her firmly as other two plowed her mouth and treasure, but even with the crazy amount of stimuli, NOTHING compared to that night with Nico.

Soon Jenny could feel the tentacles holding her legs apart lightly shift forcing the girls legs up, if she wanted she could hold on to them at this point. The constant and seemingly in-tune pace of the tentacles continued to ravage her as another one slowly came closer to her final hole. Placing itself firmly at the entrance the tentancle started to ever so slowly wiggle it's way in...

Meanwhile, Mistey finally succumbed to the constant groping and her arousal. With trembling hands the girl reached down and pulled her panties aside allowing the eager tentacle entrance. A cute yelp escaped her as the tentacled instantly lunged inside her soaked treasure, giving an opportunity for one of the green tendrils to slip into the elfs mouth aswell. The alchesmists muffled moans echoed throughout the room, as her shirt absolutely drenched from the tentacle slick surface had finally been lifted revealing her bust held just as tightly as Jennys own, only hers had the tentacles separate at the end to play with her nipples.
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