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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Do you know anyone else as gorgeous?" The archmage pulled back his hood to reveal... a black head-mask covering his head, only his 'eyes' remained clearly visible each seemingly nothing more than a source of an immense orange glow "Er.. you'll just have trust me on this, I'm absolutely marvelous underneath this." he'd suddenly pause and raise his finger, seemingly thinking something over "Well I should soon be.. I think."

As Jenny rushed for a hug the archmage lightly pointed his finger at her and moved it lightly "A-tut-tut-tut.. careful." the blonde girl suddenly felt the ground beneath her steps seemingly dissipate, before Jenny felt a most peculiar floaty feeling in her gut... as she was suspended mid-air, floating "I'm trying to create a presentable appearance, best not disturb the magic before it settles."

Jenny would float for a bit, even start to slowly turn helplessly as Azrael seemingly forgot he casted the spell to begin with! "Can't return to certain Council with a flaming skull for a head... some people just wouldn't understand." he'd shrug casually, Jenny by now seemed to be floating on her side. Only after the girl called out, would he quit the spell and let Jenny go from her floaty condition "Oh... my bad."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Mid hug lunge the mage stopped her and Jenny felt the floaty sensation in her stomach. Looking about she had seen what the mage had down and crossed ehr arms pouting. Still she would hear the mage out not overly world about her floating state. "A council?" Jenny began to turn ending up with Riley seeming upside down from her perspective. "So how are things at the academy? Get them straightened out?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Oh it's just some buerocracy. If I'm going to reopen the academy, I need to make it official... and have someone spread the word." the archmage seemed to search for something through his papers, a few pages flying off the table near Jenny. The girl could see it titled 'The new Me'. The page itself seemed to be filled with numerous drawn faces on it, some sharing similar features, but the majority being drastically different than the others.

Due to her positioning Jenny couldn't notice Riley... nor hear the trickster, however a moment later Jenny felt the girls touch on her leg?! The world spun a bit faster ending up with Jenny facing her mischievious companion... her face adorned with a dangerously predatory smile "After the forced purge from before and a bit of trimming of the overgrowth it's back to it's lovely form. Cleaning the dorms took a bit of work though..." the archmage continued oblivious what the other two were up to... or well what a certain someone was up to. Riley leaned closer to Jenny with a smile and placing her hand on the girl, suddenly pushed downwards spinning her quickly!

"Some of those stains... Ugheww..." Azreal shuddered "Took a bit of effort." likely hearing Jennsy reaction the archmage turned back and with a light flick of his hand stopped Jennys spin upright, before snapping his fingers seemingly whisking away the dizzyness and drowsyness that came over the girl as well "But more or less, everything is in order again." he'd add completely non-chalantly.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny couldn't help but yelp a little as she suddenly spun in circles. Thankfully Azreal stopped it before Jenny lost her lunch. Having been steadied Jenny threw a dark look at Riley before speaking to Azreal. "Thats good how are you going to spread the word?" Sadly Jenny's revenge would have to wait given that she was still floating and she doubted Riley would get close enough for her to munch anyway.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Still working on that." a few moments later Jenny felt the spell lifted as gravity once more took hold "The town should be back in order soon enough. More than in order even..." he'd turn his gaze back to the two likely before Jenny could get back at Riley, who seemed all too happy about the recent prank.

"The new Kings Coast will be far grander than it's predecessors." the archmage walked over his drawer and took a small object out of it "And it was you, Jenny, who made it possible." Azrael opened his palm to reveal a small pure diamond "You saved both my town and my academy, consider this a gift from a thankful Archmage."

The diamond would float from his palm to reveal a thin gold chain attached to it. Riley would lean over Jennys shoulder curious to see what the reward is herself "Neither the necklace or it's diamond has a name, nor a peculiar charm, but if you wear it, no matter when or where, I will always come to your aid."

The mage would give a light nod as the necklace floated towards Jennys neck and clipped itself around it "Ofcourse, it won't work on demand. Aid will come only when your own efforts have been expended." he'd lean out and chuckle light "Wouldn't want to spoil the danger of adventure, would we?"

If Jenny tried to give a hug in thanks, she'd once more find herself floating up in the air without any ceremony "Speaking of which, you're planning a trip to the nearby forests?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked at the necklace and held it a moment. It was pretty and would draw attention. Thankful she could hide it under her cloths at lest saving her from the attention of bandits. "Azreal thank you." Jenny would smile kindly before Riley's closeness became a far to interesting opportunity. Still if she tried something so overt Azreal would just stop her, so she waited for the right moment. "I am I have a promise to keep. You don't happen to have any notes about the forest?" Hoping that Azreal would turn away to look for said note Jenny would quickly whirl around and wrap Riley in a tight embrace. She already knew the girl didn't wear actual cloths well with the exception of the hat, so it was only a matter of time before Jenny's teasing fingers would feel threw the illusion she just had to ignore it. Still even if Riley was wearing normal cloths it would still ruffle the girl. She grinned evilly as her fingers began to tease the girls bust. She avoided the more sensitive area leaving Riley some decency in front of her old Dean. If Azreal turned around she would of course stop.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"I'll do you one better." the archmage did indeed turn away and faced his bookshelf that seemed to extend up to a shadowy corner of the room, giving an illusion that it extended seemingly infinitely.

The spin worked like a charm, with a sudden motion Jenny would all too easily catch the trickster mage into a particulary deep and personal embrace. So caught in looking at the jewelry Riley fel for the trap both feet in, only managing to catch her top hat from falling off her head just in time!

Riley blinked at Jenny, who was now fully and quite suddenly facing her. Wasting little time Jennys dexterious fingers began their dance up along Rileys corset-esque top up to her bountiful bust, keen to tease and tickle through the illusionary material. Jenny smirked knowingly, all too aware just how the tricksters clothes actually worked and soon enough a clear blush adorned the tricksters face.

Riley not keen on losing the exchange, didn't linger for long as her own hands danced along Jennys thin dress and began to toy with the girls own cups beneath as well! Unlike the heroine, Riley seemed to not hold back at all even with Azreal flipping through a book not a few steps away! Soon enough a few gentle illusionary hands began to caress Jennys longs legs hidden beneath the dress, Riley even subtly bitting down on her lower lip as her motions rapidly escalated.

While no doubt Jenny had her own recourse in mind, suddenly Azreal closed the book loudly instantly dispersing any extra illusions Riley had conjured up... or perhaps it was the trickster herself who dispelled them. Riley would quickly stand up right and fix her clothing, taking on a dutiful and innocent stance behind Jenny.

Azael would turn to the two and pause, his gaze suspiciously glancing to the far too dutifully standing Riley and then to Jenny "Anyway..." he'd motion lightly only for a small map to fly to Jennys hands. Jenny had seen similar maps like these, except this one had a larger area dedicated to showing the wast forest above the city. On it 3 dots stood out clearly recently added "The blue mark is the druids shack. The red dot is the spider nest." while these two were relatively near the city with the spider nest clearly deeper in the forest... there was a third mark? "Honestly such relatively close neighbours and neither knows of the others existance, maybe you could be the towns ambassador." the archmage chuckled, clearly knowing more about the forest than he was letting on "The green dot may come in useful later. Explore it if you will." the green marker was far beyond city limits even beyond the spiders nest, it was placed at the very top edge of the map likely at the very core of the forest.

"Spider nest?" the red dot seemed to catch Rileys attention "Mhm, there's quite a few of them there as well. Do be careful you two, spiders that big are likely used to feasting on travelers." the comment seemed to spoken in a oddly cheeky tone and aimed at Riley, who appeared to turn pale "W-wait.. why do we want to go to a spider nest?!" it wasn't often that the trickster lost her confidence, but right now seemed absolutely at a loss for words.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"It was a promise made before I saved your butt at the academy." Jenny would look at the map and frown. She would need more supplies than she thought she would. "I understand if you don't want to go to the spiders nest, but Grace and I made a promise and I intend to keep it. You can always spend the time with the druid he has a fondness for female company." Jenny winked at Riley giving her a nudge. Turning back to Azreal Jenny smiled at him. "Not going to tell me what the green dot is then?" Undoubtedly the Archmage had a easy quip to tell her about solving mystery's on your own being the most meaningful. Still Jenny would thank him for the help and blow him a kiss before waving goodbye and heading out. She needed round up supplies after all.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Where would the fun in that be?" Azreal turned his head, seemingly confused at Jennys question. While not spurred by obvious zen wisdom, the archmage seemed to be quite content with how much Jenny knew. No more, no less.

"Remember, keep that necklace on. I'm not that omnipotent." he'd chuckle as the duo took their leave "See you two soon." with that the moment the girls stepped outside the room, the classical music ceased. The magical door had disappeared along with the archmages quarters.

"Jen, wait." Riley would stop Jenny and look to her clearly still concerned, infact this was the first time she had seen the trickster this lost in a long while. Even her jab at her from before seemed to have fallen on deaf ears "I... REALLY don't like huge spiders."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"I know silly didn't you hear me? You don't have to go into the spider forest. You can wait at the druids place till me and Grace finish up the issue. Im not going to make you face giant spiders Riley." Jenny smiled at her and put a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Heck if you want you can even stay here till I come back. Im sure the girls would love to have an extra set of hands around town."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley looked to Jenny in a fairly iffy manner "Yeah, but what kind of partner would I be?" the trcikster stepped aside and seemed think through something. She'd open her mouth to speak only to fall silent a few times before finally saying "But it's a huge spider nest, Jen! Whats the plan exactly?"

She seemed to want to add something, but shushed it "I'm not sure shooting guns in a spider swarmed area is such a good idea... and fire was never my specialty."

Still the two could discuss it over as they gathered supplies, Sir would instantly join company with a light beckon of his name. The tiny construct would wave goodbye to his kin, who'd eagerly wave back before getting back to work.

Write down the supplies you need
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny smiled and picked Sir up and gave the little guy a hug before turning to Riley. "Hang on tiger we are not leaving right away. Grace still needs to get ready and we have our supplies to gather. As for a plan....." Jenny tapped her lip while she thought. She didn't have any reliable intel on the situation as of yet and undoubtedly it would only really come up once they reached the druids hut. "We'll gather supplies for the road some insect repellent food.." Almost on cue her stomach rumbled slightly bringing a blush to her cheeks. "So yeah lets work out what each of us will need and get cracking."

Things Jenny will look to get.
A tent, insect repellent, bedrolls, trail rations at lest 14 days worth for three people, waterskins, Ammo for her rifle and Frost, extra cloths *maybe a sexy explorer number. Actual physical cloths for Riley and Grace fit for travel.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"I don't think they sell bug repellant in buckets..." Riley looked to Jenny wryly, spurring the heroine to snicker at the very thought "It's not for the spiders." the trickster seemed to still come along with Jenny, albeit not particulary happy at the prospect of meeting the towering horrors in the forest.

Gathering most supplies was a breeze, with the abundace of supplies the town had received 'from some strange robed man' Jenny didn't even have to pay a single denarii for her esupplies. That was up until the clothing question came up "There's no tailor?" "Well Tina was our tailor, but she's busy in the sheriffs office. Though I doubt she'll have fitting clothes in stock."

By the time Jenny looked away from Meril and turned to Riley, the tricksters promiscious ringmistress outfit had changed completely! Riley now donned some fairly tight dark green cargo pants, with quite a few visible pockets to boot, a white tanktop and a fitting open jacket. Even Rileys hat seemed to have changed it's appearance to much more wide-rim western styled hat, seemingly made from dark brown leather "Will this work?" she'd smirk confidently to Jenny.

It was now Jenny who found herself completely underdressed, donning a pretty albeit simple dress. Though just as she considered where to get a change of clothes Sir clinky-clanky stone steps could heard as her was carrying a decent sized chest above his head?

As Jenny inspected the chest she'd note a small note with a picture of Azrael, as Jenny last saw him, giving a thumbs up. Opening it up, the heroine would find....

Create your next adventure clothes
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny would smile as Sir deposited the chest giving him a thanks before noting the absolutely cheesy picture of Azreal. Giggling as well Jenny would take the necklace and whisper thanks to him as well. Opening the chest Jenny would take out a pair of pants similar to Riley's conjured one as well as a shorts version of the same. Next was a nice pair of hiking boots followed by two pairs of wollen green socks. Next was simple white T-shirt followed by a tank top. Setting these aside she decided on long button up tan shirt and a tan "There we go all set with an extra change of cloths." A moment later Jenny would change into the lighter shorts, tank top, and long sleeve shirt. Rolling up the sleeves Jenny would smile putting the hat on. "I feel kinda silly."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The Forest Eyes

Once more Jenny found herself following Sirs blue light, just as in her previous adventure in finding the lost magical academy. The little guy was guiding the trio towards what Azreal pointed out to be the Druids shack.

Jenny had met this 'druid' a fairly long time ago. The man graciously lead them to safety and healed their wounds, however in return he asked for a child. It was Grace who was picked to mate with the Alraune that granted them shelter. True to his word the strange man kept the girls well-fed and taken care off, before leading them through the depths of the forest and back home. However Jennys altruistic nature heard a call of aid from the odd family, a call that she would go answer now.

"You know, I used to sneak off to the forests around the academy." Riley smiled looking around the lush flora all around them "The air just felt different out here, you know." the luscious illusionist smiled to Jenny, her far less promiscious than usual... though whatever the girl wore, her appearance was always nothing short of stirring.

"I still can't believe you survived in such a place for this long..." Grace spoke up looking to the mischievious trickster, who'd smile confidently and silently to her. Jenny and her had agreed to keep the details of just what happened in the academy or to them during their time there a secret.

Grace herself was a surprise find to say the least, first found as the prized... prize in a demonic dungeon, Jenny had learned that Grace was actually an angel! Though it would only after some time after their meeting, it seemed Graces memories were fractured or lost. Though what caused this was still unknown.

And leading the three heroines was Sir. A tiny construct, who had proven time and time again that he was much more than what met the eye. Sir would float onwards, his small stone body powered by some unknown magical and alchemical forces. It was his job to take care all the girls made it back safely... and without sore backs from their brought items.

Jenny had braved the Kings Coast forests before, but this was far different. The magical aura she had activated seemingly healed and empowered all of nature it reached. The leaves had grown full and healthy green, the tree roots had spread and engorged. Even the trees themself had grown to varying degrees, some now towering far beyond whatever heights Jennys had ever seen.

With the sun still high in the sky, the walk was nothing short of a joy. Only Riley still seemed slightly wary knowing full well where they were heading "So... this druid. You sure he'll know how to stop these..." she'd shudder "Spiders? Or are we just going to blow up whatever scittering monstrosity we see?" "We can't just exterminate a species, there has to be a different way." Grace would interject on the 'offered plan'.

Whatever case may be, as they'd continue subtle signs of cobwebs would slowly come to view in the distance. The druids shack was still nowhere to be found.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny frowned hopefully they were not late in saving the druid and his family. The sheer density of the forest prevented them from gaining a flight advantage. For a moment Jenny's mind drifted to her first few flights around King's Coast. The rush of air the feeling of freedom. She would never again feel the wind whipping threw her feathers, but she wouldn't regret their loss. They had been given to save the town and people she cared for and in that she was thankful and considered it a price worth paying. "Aye he should have an idea if we even find the place. Hey Grace any of this look familiar?" Jenny would keep an eye out but honestly with as much growth as the forest had done she doubted either one of them knew exactly. Plus if the healing magics reached this far maybe, just maybe the spiders had been cured as well?
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"When we passed through here... I had something else on my mind." Grace blushed subtly, recalling the conditions under which the druid gave them refuge. Suddenly before the two in a poof of purple smoke, Riley appeared?! The girl leaned closer and whispered to both "I think we found it." she'd point to a nearby clearing, before disappearing in a same poof of smoke.

Seemed Riley didn't want to shout... as the two approached they'd realise why. The girls had found the druids shack... but this place seemed completely abbandoned, heavy and numerous cobwebs created through the area "There... can we go back now?" the real Riley stood utterly frozen and stiff as she looked on to the sight, before turning to Jenny and Grace a bit more pale than usual.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny frowned and drew Frost. Motioning for the others to keep their eyes open and quiet Jenny moved forward. Her own eyes moved between the shack and the canopy of the forest. Once to the shack she would walk in gun ready. Hopefully the druid and his strange wife had moved.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Do we have to?" Riley whispered clearly knowing herself the question will be left only rhetorical "Doh..." the illusionist would follow the duo closer to the shack. Unfortunately Jenny could see clear signs of intrusion, from the broken windows to the busted open door that was still sticky from cobwebs... though no clear signs of a struggle or battle could be seen. No blood or inchor marks, no burns nothing.

The trio carefully entered the shack hoping for any signs of where the family went "By the goddess I hope they're alright." inside the area was busted up quite badly marks of scittering and cobewebs covered every inch of the walls. If the family was here during the attack, no doubt the spiders claimed them...

"I will fry the first eight leg monstrosity I see so bad..." Riley growled looking around "What if they're friendly?" Grace argued "Spiders are not. Friendly. What do you think they feed on?" Riley shuddered visibly "But some--" suddenly the trio heard movement from the trees as an mistakeable scree could be heard soon followed by some clattering!

With the girls inside suddenly from the busted windows black and spiky spiders began to flood the room. Each one the size of a huge dog! It was a trap!

The girl are attacked by 9 spiders!!!

3 on the ceiling 6 on the ground floor! [3 coming from the entrance, other 3 scattered around coming from the busted windows!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

There was too many of them to fight. The girls would just be overwhelmed. "Riley give me a flash of light we need to get out of here!" Hopefully the girl complied as Jenny tried to usher them out of the door past the three blocking the way. Smart little buggers Jenny had to give them that. Hopefully in the open the girls had a better chance to fight than in the cramp confines of the shack.