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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley doesn't hear Clare!

Riley uses Piercer! [4Ep damage, +5 EP for +5 targets!]
9 Ep spent! [34/45 left]
Each sword deals 24 damage! [after armor]

6 of spiders are gravely injured!

Rosa casts Holy wall in a square around the party!
4 Ep spent![79/83 left.... wow]

Spiders attack!
Holy wall hold!
#1 33 vs 25 win
#2 44 Auto-win
#3 45 Auto-win
#4 37 Auto-win
#5 47 Auto-win
#6 40 Auto-win
#7 42 Auto-win
#8 52 Auto-win
#9 45 Auto-win

None of the attackes get through

Holy wall damage!
#1 5
#2 4
#3 10

1 spider dead. 5 gravely injured! 4 Healthy!

Unfortunately Jennys voice would remain unheard "Aaaah!!" Riley grasped herself in fright as suddenly all around her 9 purple transparent blades appeared?! Each blade glinted with magic and floated mid-air, their edges seemingly each trailing a spider!

Moments later the blades let loose, flying at immense speed at the scittering crawlers and slamming each against whatever surface they traveled on! Each one pierced the spider dead on and held them in place for a brief moment, before dispersing... unfortunately though their chitins cracked and bleeding profusely the spiders were still moving!!!

"To me!" Grace called out seeing the initial plan of retreat would not work, suddenly a brilliant golden light illuminated the cabin as a thick transparent gold wall surrounded the girls!

While Riley seemed to be still in shock holding herself and eyes cloed, perhaps it was for the best she'd not see what came next... 6 of spiders shot some of their web at the girls, but each time the nets would ignite and disolve without even passing through! 3 others that were on the ground floor suddenly picked up speed and lunged at the wall full speed! Only for the wall to rebound them back, their black chitin smoldering!

One of the spiders seemed to even catch on golden flame! After a few painful screeches it quickly flipped over and jerked dead... unfortuantely 8 of its comrades were still alive and clattering their teeth clearly none too happy at the golden wall!
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Grabbing Riley to put her between her and Grace Jenny readied frost. There was no telling how long the shield would hold. Of course killing the spiders would be easy. Though something felt off to Jenny. While spiders were cunning predators and could ambush prey it was hardly a coordinated affair. How they were jumped was planned and thought out. "Grace... do these spiders seem strange to you... this ambush was far to planned something is commanding them or controlling them." Riley can you use your magic to scout the area around us to see if something is ordering these these... things around. It won't do us any good to kill these little bastards if the commander is still follows us.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley casts Piercer again!
4 Ep damage, 4 Ep +4 targets!

Spiders received 10 damage. Enough.
All targets dead.

3 spiders left.
Spiders FLEE!

"H-how should I know?!" even if they were safe, clearly Grace was hardly a fighter or accustomed to battle... or being surrounded by overgrown poisonous insects for that matter "I'll keep us safe! Stop these things first!"

Riley thankfully had semi-snapped out of it, opening her eyes "A commander?" she'd blink in disbelief, though loud screech from a spider that was barely a food away and clattering its poisonous pincers at them quickly ended any discussion "Get away you freaks!"

Seeing Riley so lost was more than a little surprising to the heroine. The girl never displayed such fright before... infact the trickster seemed slightly different after the regenarative blast overall. Still herself, but with a few new quirks of sorts.

Scouting out or any clear tactical planning seemed out of the question, as Rileys eyes grew wide at the sight of the black poisonous spider sticky with its own ichor and 7 more clattering and scittering around!

Fear was replaced by fury, as the trickster clearly angered at the menaces once more created the magical blades! "Get. AWAY!" the ichor sticky spiders were slower, albeit closer to the company thus received most of the illusionists wrath! 5 blades once more appeared spinning around Riley, before lowering their edges to aim down at the spiders before nailing them in place! This as the blades dispersed after slamming down, the spiders would only meekly twitch and fall dead.

Seeing their kin slaughtered one spider attempted to jump at the wall once more only to fail, spurring a full on retreat! Just as quickly as they appeared the spiders would crawl out of through the busted windows and away!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

As they left Jenny sighed. They were safe but for how long. Looking to her friend and lover Jenny chewed her lip before searching the house. Might as well make the most of it. Only after searching the place would Jenny speak in depth to Riley about what happened.

"Riley... are you going to be okay? I can't have you blowing up everything or burning out your power in crazy power displays. Yes I know they are creepy but what if there had been more oft them? How many more blasts of that can you muster. If we are going to go threw this place we need to think threw our fights not just blast our way threw them." She wasn't upset at Riley Jenny knew how deep her fear was and was even surprised the girl had agreed to come with even after offering her a way out before they left.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Thank the goddess... I think we're safe." the wall would disperse as Grace sighed with relief "Is everyone alright?" she'd turned to the two... and to Sir who was hidding away and shivering, none too keen on the ambushers appearance as well "And STAY AWAY!" Riley called out to the spiders, before strongly and visibly shivering "Creepy..."

"I've never seen such spiders... look" Grace knelt down to inspect one of the dead black spiders "I'd really rather not.." Riley remarked crossing her hands and looking away. If Jenny looked over the spider she'd note its agresive features, the legs seemed to have numerous spikers with hook like endings, it's chitin seemed to be black and heavily overgrown to provide substantial armor. Even its pincers seemed to be long and agresive.. this spider was formed for agression.

Still as the calm settled the girls could inspect the cottage, even having enough time for a short chat. A chat Jenny had to have with Riley "I'll blast as many times as needed to keep those things at bay..." the trickster retorted, before looking to Jenny and softening up "Sorry... just it was a tight space and they were EVERYWHERE... I guess I freaked out." she'd look down guiltily.

Jenny would have enough time to discuss whatever she pleased and after abrief search through the cabin all of them came to one conclussion "Theres nothing here..." not even old food could be found, seemed when the family escaped they had plenty of time to gather their things. The place was unfit even for shelter, having numerous holes that the spiders had previously used to great effect. The place as far as clues or aid went... was a bust.

Just as the girls began to form their next step Riley would suddenly shoutout! "SPIDER!" her hands would ignite with purple magic, only for Sir to jump infront of her and shake his cristal furiously stopping any attack! "Sir, what are you doing?" Riley frowned at the construct who kept blocking her way.

Whatever spider Riley saw it was outside and seemed to have scittered away. Though if Jenny stepped outside she felt a distinct feeling of being watched... the spider commander may have prepared the second wave....
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny would indeed step out and look about a moment. Feeling eyes on her she would head back in. "Okay guys lets head out something is watching us so if you can Riley makes us less visible that would be great. As for destination lets head for the other location our friend marked on our map. After he did say something interesting was there. Though.... we might have to skirt around this area. If the spiders have made it this far a direct route might takes us right in." Looking up Jenny eyed Grace and Riley a steely determination filling her eyes and her voice taking on a not for negotiation tone. "If we get ambushed again the rescue priority is Riley, Grace, Sir, and myself. I can hold my own and Grace can fly. Riley you a little more prone to.. outburst against these guys so your top of the list." Jenny smiled and put a hand on Riley's shoulder for comfort. "Plus knowing your safe would make me happy." Turning for the door Jenny took out frost. "Okay guys lets go eyes open ears perked!"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley crossed her hands and looked away at the outbursts comment, though her cheeks seemed to subtly color at Jennys added line, spuring her to sigh and smile at the company "Alright, should be simple enough. Just remember, we'll only be invisible. Touch and sound will be as normal." she'd give them a nod and gathered the group close.

Suddenly a illusionary gold circle appeared around the ground and from it a sparkling silken curtain fel to surround the girl. After a short chant, Rileys hands would emit some silken purple energy and as the curtains fel to the floor the company had all turned invisible.

Honestly looking around the room, Jenny pretty much just had to ask "We're all still here?" she'd reach out carefully... to grasp a familiar feel "Y-yeah..." Riley answered clearly standing before Jenny who likely removed her hand from the girls cup "Grace?" "This is so strange..."

Riley snickered "Just don't look down, cause that'll really wierd you out." the tricksters grin could not be seen, but was clearly felt still soon enough she'd spur them to hurry on, because keeping the spell active took a fair toll on the mage.

"Hold hands so we'd not get lost from one another." Riley suggested before the girls would exit, be it approved or not soon enough the trio could get back on route.

Though they'd barely clear the druids house as they heard movement nearby?! Still invisible Jenny turned to the source to see one of the forests eyes that spied upon them! It was spider!... but a far different one than the ambushers.

This spider seemed almost fuzzy, white small white fluffy hair. It had 4 black eyes, but they seemed far larger than usual giving it a strangely non-menacing appearance. Nor did this spider seem to posses any obvious fangs or other means of harm. Infact, the spider seemed oddly familiar... even if that seemed impossible.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny stopped and looked at the spider. "Hold on guys..... I think I see an old friend." Jenny looked at the spider a moment. "I think hes the one from the academy!" Jenny never did give him err it a name. He was much bigger now that was for sure but Jenny still saw some familiar features. Riley drop the spell but keep you and Grace covered just in case alright." If her excitable friend relented Jenny would assume a non threating posture and try to call him over.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny would find out she was only partly correct. Riley seemed to play along, perhaps if only due to the spiders quite frankly absolutely non-menacing appearance "Shh.." she'd silence Grace just incase "T-that's not my lips." "Oh sorry..." the duo would remain invisible as Jenny stepped forward and reappeared as if throwing away a cloak of sorts.

The spider didn't seem to notice Jenny at first, but once noticed the creature instnatly faced her and backpedalled away lightly! It's eyes locked to Jenny in seeming fright, while it didn't dash away it wasn't keen to nearing Jenny at all instead slowly very slowly moving away... until.

Sir suddenly dash neared Jenny spurring the spider to back away even more, but stop as it saw what Sir held up... it was the spider that Jenny picked up seeming ages ago! The one from the chambers! It indeed seemed extremely familiar to this one, albeit significantly smaller inside. Where it barely stood half a fingers length the one in the jungle was easily the size of a big dog!

The giant spider paused upon seeing this and faced the new arrival, its pincers subtly moving as if it seemingly communicated with the itty-bitty spider Jenny had. After a brief moment the spider looked to Jenny and turned away, then stepped forward and turned to the heroine again seemingly waiting for them to follow?

"Does that thing want us to follow it?" Riley spoke up sceptically "it means us no ill will, I'm sure of it." Grace added revealing herself as well and smiling kindly, soon Riley would appear again her hands crossed "It's a spider, it eats travelers. I'm not so sure about this."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked at Sir and smiled taking her small spider friend and petting him gently with her finger before letting the little guy go where he wanted. "Well lets follow our spider guide for now. Still eyes alert it could be a trap." Jenny wanted to take Riley's hand for comfort but with the spider on her it probably wouldn't work out to well.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

While one of the group wans't too thrilled about the choice, the trio and their sidekick would continue onwards and deeper into the woods. The effects of the aura were evident as they continued, from the overgrown roots to branches blocking out the sky... though as their treck continued, the nature around them began to slowly change more and more.

It would be hours when the girls could even offer to pause as they had descended deep inside the woods. The sun was completely blocked out by the towering trees that seemed to extend upwards and almost out of view, their twisted branches blocking out any light or notion of the sky. Instead the light came from a gentle blue light emited by the fireflies, butterflies and quite a few overgrown mushrooms.

And much to Rileys joy the area seemed devoid of any spiderwebs to boot! Whether they rested or not, the trip would remain without incident and soon enough their guide would stop.

The girls were lead to a crystaline lake, this was likely the only clear opening the group had encountered on their trip. All around the trees seemed to warp make room for the shrine like area, the water sparkled mistically as a light fog surrounded the whole area. The girls could even spot small sparkling cystals floating mid-air occasionally, emitting the same light blue light all around.

"Pearl?" a gentle feminine voice called suddenly "Who have you brought me?" turning to the source the girls would see a girl unlike any either had seen before...

The female slowly approached the ground, walking along the waters surface in such a manner that she seemed to not even disturb it. Clad in a fur robe, one side of pure white furs the other black, mystical figure approached the group and smiled "I am Vanessa, Guardian of these woods and Keeper of this Grove."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Hearing that Jenny relaxed and put frost away. Giving the girl a return smile she spoke up. "My name is Jenny, these are my friends Riley, and Grace." Jenny pointed to the two people of her size before moving on to Sir and their spider... companion. "This is my little buddy Sir, and umm this little guy... I'm not sure but he seems nice enough." Jenny would look at the area and smile at the perfect nature of it. "Its nice to see not all the woods are infested with the evil spiders. Do you know what happened to the druid and his family?
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

This was the first time Jenny had actually seen the forest look like this. From the tall trees to the subtle blue-lights and not even a hint of sky above them... even if the girl thought of it as 'perfect' she couldn't help, but see it as foreign as well.

The guardian turned her head subty "Evil?" she'd smile gently "The Nyx clan are not evil, but they ARE predators." Vanessa turned to her lake "You are safe here, so long as you respect this grove and it's inhabitants."

"Darnell, Alysa and April are here as well." seemed the guardian knew the druid and his family by name "Are they alright?" Grace stepped forward with clear worry, moreso focused on April "Ofcourse." Vanessa gave the angel girl a cheery smile, before once more suddenly turning to the mists behind her.

"Excuse me, there's a disturbance. I will find you later." with those words the entity continued to treat along her lake, before a blink later she'd disappear.

Meanwhile, the areas splendor was certainly not lost on any of the company "Look at this place..." Riley spoke in wonder, her positioning clearly placing both Sir and Grace before the fuzzy spider "And the air!" she'd take a deep breath and smile widely.

Grace meanwhile knelt down near the spider and gave him a thanks from the group, before looking to Jenny with a smile "Sounds like they're all okay."

Seemed the druid and the family were indeed here... Jenny just needed to find them. The grove itself appeared to be fairly large and more or less centered on the huge lake before them. Looking to the water Jenny could only see a few feet forward before the gentle mist all around them blocked her view.

There didn't appear to be any hints of points of interest around them right now - only the huge trees and the lake providing passage either along its right or left side.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny frowned a little as the woman departed. Pretty as she was she was rather clueless. "Those are no natural predators." Sighing mostly to herself she enjoyed the peace of the moment before turning her eyes back to the paths before her. "Hummm left of right......." Kneeling down Jenny placed her little friend in the care of Sir if it let her. "I say we go left what do you guys think? Splitting up is not an option... of course...." Jenny looked at Pearl if she was still present. "Maybe our guide can show us the way?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Due to connection issues Ubber and myself have been doing our posts over instant messaging.

Unfortunately Pearl seemed to have scittered away, much to Rileys relief "This is a new place, not so sure splitting up is a good idea." the trickster commented "But this place is a sanctuary. We would be safe either way." Grace offered her take on it, but the final choice was up to Jenny.

Riley would shrug and smile "Well both ways look identical, I'll trust your intuition." she'd smile with Grace giving a just as assuring smile "Aye, we'll follow you!" Sir seemed to look to Jenny as well, whichever path the group took was up to her.


"Left it is I guess!" Heading left Jenny put frost away and moved forward at a relaxed pace letting the over abundance of nature awe her. She of course took in every detail hoping to catch a fleeting glimpse of her friends.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

[2:22:11 PM] Ranger: Jenny smiled "Okay okay don't be so pushy." Looking over the area again. "Humm lets keep on the same path for now. I'm not sure where they might be." Taking the path before them Jenny watched the deer with a slight smile on her face. They looked so majestic in the moonlight and everything was so peaceful here that Jenny could almost forget the dangers ahead.
[2:24:09 PM] Ubber: Grace cheered out and Riley snickered at the comment, before the crew could get right back on trail. Leaving the beasts to their calm, Jenny lead the crew onwards along the peaceful lake. It was indeed a calm night, the nearby lake providing a sense of warmth and comfort, though as they continued onwards soon enough Jenny heard something...
[2:39:26 PM] Ubber: And angelic voice echoed out from up ahead. It was a song, but none of the group could tell what it was about... though just hearing it was one of the most beautiful things either had heard. As they neared the source it would be revealed to be an angel!

The girls long blond hair rested on her cheek as she relaxed near the lake. Her slender long hair rested in the water as her brilliant white wings were extended behind her in their full glory. The girls body however had small ivy-like plants along it, clearly resting along her skin as if some strange clothes.
[2:41:52 PM] Ranger: Jenny stopped and stared a moment. Truly this woman was beautiful. Of course her presence here was strange to Jenny. She thought angels didn't really stay around forests. Of course all she knew of angels was Grace, the Fallen one, and Ezalor. Watching a moment Jenny stepped into the clearing and gave a tentative hello.
[2:44:33 PM] Ubber: The girls soothing voice would be instantly cut off as she heard someone adress her. Turning to them the girl blinked a few times, before a huge smile adorned her face.. somehow she seemed familiar "Mom! Jenny!" she'd suddenly dash forward with a huge grin, giving Jenny a light hug before giving Grace a far deeper hug "Dearest Naya I missed you!"

Grace seemed to be as stunned as anyone, though as she looked to the angel her eyes grew wider "A-amy?"
[3:14:39 PM] Ranger: Jenny took a step back and smiled. Clearly the aura of purity did something to Amy changing her nearly completely. "Wow Amy... how..... when....... are you parents alright?" If this had happened to her what about them?
[3:19:49 PM] Ubber: "m?" the angel girl turned cheerfully to Clare who clearly looked up and down her, hinting at her appearance change... the girl was alraune, had the magic change her so much?! "O-Oh!" Amy smiled her wings lightly pressing down behind her "It just... happened... Dad explained it that my moms genes were dominant and just... took over I guess." she'd smile innocently "We're 'angels' right?" Amy seemed to even say the word angel not quite correctly... the girl more than likely didn't know all that much about her kin.

"Oh? We're right up this way in the woods. The Guardian allowed us to stay here, come I'll show you." if asked Amy would recall how the spider encroached had slowed once Jenny, Nico and Grace left, however something seemed to have caused the spiders to go berserk recently so they had to flee their homes and retreat back into the grove. Jenny would have time to ask whatever she wished as they walked onwards.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

[4:11:18 PM] Ranger: Keeping the mood light Jenny would keep it simple. "So your parents have been in good health then?" Jenny would look to Amy. It seemed that the forest didn't really need her help after all. "The guardian seems nice enough. Dose she have things well in hand?"
[4:12:49 PM] Ubber: "Mhm~" Amy smiled while holding graces hand leading all of them onwards, Riley however seemed to lack a fair bit of context on whatever was happening remaining silent and gathering every bit of information the trio shared.
[4:20:29 PM | Edited 4:28:00 PM] UbberThe path would lead them through a fair amount of flora, though with the sheer serenity all around everyone of the group felt a certain calm "Oh she's been wonderful!.." Amy glanced aside seemingly keeping something to herself before looking to Jenny. Though before the girl could elaborate soon enough they'd stumble onto a hollow tree with a warm yellow light coming from inside!

"Well I'll be..." a familiar male voice echoed from nearby as from their side the old Druid appeared! "Welcome back girls!" he'd turn to Riley and Sir to give them an equally warm smile "And welcome new arrivals, please come! Come!"

The interior was just as their previous home, the table seemed to be a mushroom with a hard hat, most chairs just roots or twisted bark of the hollow tree and the lights seemed to be from huge, but bulbous fireflies just resting on the walls! "Back already Amy?" the hostess called out from a different room "Wife! We have returning company!" Darnell called out "Bring out the juice!"

A few tentacles suddenly crept into the room to guide the alraune and her petal in! "Oh! Jenny! Grace! And you've brought company! Such a pleasant surprise!" Alyssa smiled brightly.
[4:31:30 PM] Ranger: Jenny smiled at Alyssa her beauty still as eye catching as ever. "Alyssa its great to see you! And you as well Darnell. This Riley I helped free her from the corrupted Acadamy. Oh this is Sir he is my little companion." Jenny turned to Riley. "This is Darnell and Alyssa they helped Nico, Grace, and I escape the woods after we got away from the demon fort."
[4:34:43 PM] Ubber: Riley smiled kindly and waved, much to Darnells delight... which did result in him getting a bonk over his noggin from his alraune wife "It's a pleasure!" Alyssa smiled "Please sit! The journey must've been long, I was just about to serve dinner!" with a sparkle in her eye she'd present her dish "Mildew maggots in their own juice!" this spurred a clap from the druid and a Amy going a little green...
[4:40:00 PM] Ranger: Jenny smiled....... and turned green but still smiled. "Oh but we couldn't impose after all we are just stopping by for a friendly chat." Jenny kept her cool but was worried about Riley. After all Grace had some experience with this already. "Besides you know my hunger is a little different......."
[4:51:00 PM | Edited 4:51:08 PM] Ubber: "Oh A good hostess wouldn't want any of her guests to leave hungry," she'd wink slyly to Jenny. Grace would find herself guided by Amy to the table, with Darnell moving to sit as well "Oh I'm sorry, I've got an... allergy to Mildew maggots." Riley quickly slipped her comment and smiled with fake innocence a cold bead of sweat running down her cheek.

"But Jenny said she was starving all trip! You can have my meal, Jen!" she'd grin at Jenny with hidden evil, before guiding her to the table as well! Somehow Jenny almost felt Riley was getting at her for some unknown reason... "Really? Thats a shame, they're still fresh as well..." Alyssa sighed lightly, completely not reading or seeing through the tricksters act "Thats alright, Jen needs more than -sex- to stay in tip-top shape..." Riley smiled "Aye! Jen sit, there's plenty of room." Grace of all people joined in on the act! Giggling lightly and looking to Jenny... clearly she was stuck having the meal... seemed she was keen to have a fellow sufferer.

With everyone seated a series of small of wooden bowls was placed around only to soon enough be filled by the 'exotic' menu, before it was Jennys turn "Jenny will you have some?" looking to the nearby dish that was crawling OUT of Graces bowl nearby, the girl had to make a choice... surely it was food and likely quite nourishing.... but the food in question was still actively moving.
[5:01:36 PM] Ranger: Jenny looked at the squirming bowl and over at her two friends. Looking down Jenny smiled at Alyssa. Taking her spoon Jenny dipped in and with out really thinking about it ate her first spoonful trying not to think about what she just ate. Clearly her companions needed to suck it up a little.. that and she was so going to pay them back later.
[5:08:34 PM] Ubber: [ Jenny HP is restored!
[ Jenny gains a new hatred of natural food!

Choosing to grin and bear it, Jenny gave a silent nod and doing her best to ignore what she was muching got to her food. Unfortunately not thinking about did little to hide the foul muck or pop whenever she bit down. Still fortunately Jenny was hardly a city girl allowing her to keep whatever she ate down... no matter how much it tried to wiggle back up and out...

Riley meanwhile clearly had a field day, though her emotions were mixed from creeped out to barely containing her laughter. Still it was only brief, but by the end of it she had a content smile as if whatever spurred the prank was now settled.

Grace seemed to be in the same boat as Jenny, though by now she seemed more green than the moss carpet the house had... only one spoonful seemed to be enough for her "So what brings you all the way out here? Surely it was not just to visit us?" Darnell asked happily muching down on his meal.
[5:15:40 PM] Ranger: So that was her game. Eyes narrowing slight Jenny kept eating even offering to finish Grace's. She knew full well that Riley hated creepy crawly things. In-between bites Jenny would fill the druid family in on her original reason to come out here. Explaining she thought that they had been in danger and was going to help repay them by helping. But things seemed well In hand with the guardian.
[5:26:44 PM] Ubber: The whole mood dimmed as the discussion continued "Aye... it seems that way..." Darnell would stop eating "But you've seen our home and the Nyx ambushers." he'd look to Jenny seriously "Most of the forest is under similar assault, something went horribly wrong. The Nyx clan began to attack and rampage. They were always hostile, but never like this." he'd turn to Alyssa who had her gaze cast down, similarly to how Amy kept her eyes down.

"While this place is safe, the rest of the forest is in chaos. Noone knows what drove the Nyx to this madness." Alyssa would quickly add "We've always had an agreement with the clan, but now any ambushers or scouts that come from the nest... they're always lost and primal."

"Delirah. It has to be her." Amy stood up with clear anger "The spiders are hers, she has to be stopped!" Darnell looked angrily at Amy, who'd quickly shrink and sit back down... seemed this was a chat they had previously.
[5:31:37 PM] Ranger: Jenny stood up....... "Who is this Delirah?" Jenny gave a look to Darnell and to Amy. Thankfully this little interruption was enough that Jenny could ignore her food. "I still have another place to travel in this forest and Ill need to know the dangers I would put Grace and Riley in.
[5:35:55 PM] Ubber: "Another place?" Darnell looked to Jenny curiously, before shaking his head and returning to her question "Delirah, the Queen of the Nyx. She's their broodmother and keeper. Her brood are predators, but they usually refrained to their hunting grounds leaving the other parts of the forest alone..." he'd look to Alyssa "We've had an agreement with her, her brood would not attack those in the forests we govern." he'd take a spoonful of his food in silence "An agreement that was clearly broken."
[5:38:53 PM] Ranger: Jenny would look to Amy a moment before turning the hopefully clear headed Alyssa. "Was she an honorable sort before? Maybe something has changed?"
[6:00:11 PM] Ubber: "She was always a hard read, but noone expected this to happen." Darnell would answer instead. Alyssa looked to Jenny briefly, before quickly adding "But we lived in peace for years now."

"Those spiders always seemed to be made to kill and hunt, maybe she just waited for a chance to attack!" Amy once added "OR..." Darnell would interupt her "She's lost control of her brood."

"Still whatever case it may be at this rate we may have to take drastic actions. For now, we wait and consult with the guardian... but if things do not change, the forest will turn into a battlefield."
[6:11:31 PM] Ranger: I see... Jenny sat again and thought it over. It seemed that something was amiss and with the forest this close to Kings Coast any trouble here will eventually spill over into the town. "Maybe I can seek some answers."
[6:14:12 PM] Ubber: All three of their hosts looked to Jenny lightly surprised, before smiling "No it's quite alright." Alyssa spoke for the family "This is the forests matter, we wouldn't want to put you in unnecessary danger."

"Whatcha got in mind, Jen?" Riley spoke, previously having fallen silent to hear out the strange family. Grace seemed to look to Jenny in silence for now, no doubt having her own thoughts on the matter.
[6:16:26 PM] Ranger: Well we still have to travel deeper in and there is no telling what we might find. But if they do not want our help then we cannot force it on them. Though if it gets bad the town will be in danger and they are less likely to be diplomatic about it.
[6:26:09 PM] Ubber: "Delirah would be in the depths of her nest. There would be no way to get anywhere close to it, unless you somehow hid from the spiders senses." Darnell stated in a factual and cold manner "Anyone daring get close would get swarmed by hundreds if not more Nyx, unfortunately there is no way to approach her, unless she approaches us."

Riley seemed to tap the table with one finger, clearly thinking of something, but being absolutely unwilling to say it. Even if Jenny asked about it... "So all that's left is to wait?" Grace looked absolutely crushed by such a notion as she turned to the family.

After a brief silence Darnell would add "Ofcourse... if we do not know, there is someone else who may know more." he'd speak up "Northwest, deeper into the forest lie the forbidden grounds. Any of us daring to even approach were met with hostility by the ground keeper."

"Maybe whoever resides there could aid us in this stalemate." Darnell commented with Alyssa adding.
[6:31:05 PM] Ranger: Jenny would pull out her map and show it to the family. Is it here? Jenny would point to the dot that her skull friend had shown her. It would be beyond lucky if that was the case but then again they didn't make it sound to pleasant to go.
[6:33:17 PM] Ubber: "Yes. That's the area, we're not sure what lies within." Alyssa looked to the map and used one of her wines to point out each spot "Oh and this is where our home lies... and this is where the Nyx clan reside." she'd look to Jenny with clearly surprised "H-How did you mark all this out?"
[6:37:51 PM] Ranger: I have friends in high places. Jenny would wink at Grace before rolling up her map. I guess well head out tomorrow though it would be nice to have a point were I know Im heading from. Smiling she spoke again anyway we should get some sleep. Thank you again Darnell and Aylssa and you to Amy for your hospitality. Getting up Jenny put her things away before heading for the door. "I think tonight Ill sleep in an enchanted forest under the stars." She smiled lightly sometimes being an adventurer is great. Good night guys.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

[10/5/2015 2:36:56 PM] Ranger: Jenny looked over at Riley. "I'm sure we will." Turning her head back to look up at the canopy and fire bugs dancing in the air she sighed. For a moment her thoughts drifted to her mother, father and sister left out on their own. The whole strangess of the situation began to seep into her. Her mother was a succubus and her father a former mage. Between them they had three daughters. One a mage one a succubus and the other completely normal. Still with a faint smile and silent wish for them to be well Jenny turned her head to Riley. "So did you actually put cloths on for this mission or is this more of your hocus pocus?"
[10/5/2015 2:46:10 PM] Ubber: "Whats that supposed to mean?!" Riley smiled brightly and playfully boped Jennys nose "I'm al... usually clothed." she'd snicker and note Jennys look "My magic is VERY good. This isn't just an illusion or warped light, you know." the trickster playfully guided her own hand to her side and placed two of her fingers on the shirt "But~" she'd slowly start to glide the touch up along her body, the two fingers seemingly creating a rip to reveal the girls supreme skin beneath the clothing.

The edges of the rip, seemed to emit a bright purple as it slowly opened up more and more as Riley kept trailing her fingers "It doesn't behave quite like normal clothing." the girl looked to Jenny with clear mischief and fair satisfaction as the rip slowly began to reveal the side of her bust and more of her peerless body, before suddenly she'd flip her fingers upwards and away from the clothes, causing the rip to instantly close and restore the clothing just as it were "It's my own special little skill." Riley winked slyly.
[10/5/2015 2:51:56 PM] Ranger: Jenny smirked "And people say succubi are the naughty ones." Smiling she would snuggle closer sharing in Riley's warmth. There wasn't much else to say other than to sleep. Of course Riley was never one for idle states.
[10/5/2015 3:01:12 PM | Edited 3:02:05 PM] Ubber: "With all of the shapeshifting demonesses around, how do you know I'm not one." Riley smiled widely, before Jenny once more showed her affection "Daw~ Were you always so adorable, Jen?" the trickster snickered taking another lock of Jennys blonde hair and twirling it playfully "Seemed that explosions blew the naughty succubus out of you."

"Guess I'll have to be extra pervy to make it up." Riley would gently take Jennys cheek and turn her to face her, the tricksters eyes sharp and smile mischievious. Somehow Jenny felt what she'd do or say to the trickster now... would have yet unknown results.
[10/5/2015 3:08:14 PM] Ranger: Jenny raised her eyebrow before moving to kiss Riley on the lips lightly. "It did something.. I don't feel as..... lustful as before. Err rather I feel in better control of it. Besides I'm not surrounded by monsters sucking my energy out of my body so I don't need to feed as much. Which means I can enjoy the act for what its supposed to be a union between two people.
[10/5/2015 3:47:32 PM] Ubber: Riley returned the kiss, but kept it just as light... though more on a teasing note, than a pure romantic "Hum~ I'm pretty sure you enjoyed it plenty as is." she'd look to Jenny briefly, before ever so subtly bitting on her lower lip. Without a moments notice suddenly Riley shifted out of Jennys tight snuggling position to keep the girl on her back as the trickster firmly mounted her on top. Her supreme hips resting on Jennys own, her long legs kneeled on either side and the trickster herself sitting up on Jenny below.

"You know... speaking of which, it's been awhile since we've had a little private... adult fun." the trickster leaned forward to loom over Jenny, as her fingers ticklishlly 'walked' along the heroines dress. So caught by that stirring spark in Rileys eyes, Jenny barely even noticed that once Riley had leaned out her outfit had changed into that of her old. The very promiscious ringmistress!
[10/5/2015 10:06:09 PM] Ranger: Jenny chewed on her lip watching Riley take the dominate position. Her pulse quickened as the feel of RIley's fingers sent tingles of pleasure along their course. With Riley so close Jenny tried to steal a kiss only to be thwarted by Riley leaning away. Smirking slightly at the sudden and unnoticed costume change Jenny moved her hands to rest on Riley's thighs. "Humm usually its me asking for it." Moving her hands slightly Jenny gripped Riley's but firmly. "Good thing your magic only works on your cloths who knows what you would put me in if you had your way.
[10/6/2015 12:20:56 PM] Ubber: Riley kept her position, firmly mounted on top of the heroine as she kept a subtle lean forward allowing her fingers to continue their travel along Jennys body, slowly nearing the girls bountiful bust. Though at the words a mischievious smile adorned Rileys face "Oh? Is that so?"

She'd snicker and lean out, snapping her fingers to emit a subtle splash of purple misty dust. Though as Jenny just couldn't help, but look up along Rileys supreme body now tightly clad in the corset-esque outfit suddenly she'd note a pair of hands come from the ground?!

Looking around Jenny quickly noted that the hands were clothed similarly to Rileys and emited a subtle purple glow. Though as the palms extended past the girls side they'd soon enough and suddenly jerk up to grasp Jennys busts?!

While no doubt an illusion, the grip felt absolutely real! The hands that appeared rough at their grip, quickly seemed to soothe as they began to massage the girls cups slowly, moving them in a slow and circular manner, ever so subtle pinching or flicking the nippies below.

However, Riley was ever subtle about showing off. As Jenny could only devilishly look to the grasp summoned to tease her suddenly she heard footsteps from either side?! Looking both ways two girls identical to Riley approached and got down near Jenny each one bearing just as mischievious smile as the one before Jenny. With only giggles and a few stray glances for communication, the twins leaned towards Jenny and eagerly began to carress her hands with their gentle touch, the girls themself leaning in to gently rain kisses up along the heroines skin, nearing her neck and lips.

With each kiss Jenny felt her body stir, though consciously she knew it was one of Rileys tricks, each gentle brush, each gentle kiss... and teasing squeeze felt absolutely real. Without a doubt the girls illusionary magic was far more advanced than it seemed!
[10/6/2015 12:40:17 PM] Ranger: Jenny blushed her pale crolian complexion taking on a slight pink hue. It seemed that RIley was one of those girls that mothers warned their sons about. Of course where did that leave her. Her thoughts however were interrupted by her own sharp intake of breath as the two illusionary hands twerked her nipples. Even threw her thick shirt their readiness shown as tell tale peaks rose despite the cloth. "Your so very naughty Riley." Still Jenny wouldn't release the grip on her lovers butt. If she got away there was no telling what Riley would do next. Maybe it was good to get away from a den of sucubi. It was clear Riley needed no more inspiration from them. Starting her own teasing Jenny began to group Riley's ass hoping to throw her off game even if a little after all magic takes concentration.
[10/6/2015 1:07:21 PM] Ubber: Unfortunately Jenny seemed completely outmatched in the sensual teasing exchange "Hum~ I know." she'd laugh in a pervy fashion, as one of her copies gently placed a hand on Jennys cheek and pulled her into a fairly shallow, but easily dizzying kiss. It was then the thought that these were just magical creations completely slipped Jennys mind, the sensation of Riley while not as potent was more than enough to whisk some sense out of the girl below.

As one of the girls locked Jenny in a kiss, the other continued to gently massage her hand, kissing along Jennys shoulder to begin raining her affection along the girls neck. All while the hands from before, grew more and more greedy seemingly reacting to Jennys own arousal.

Though as the bust grope continued, the kisses grew in intensity and the kiss seemed to borderline going significantly deeper. Jenny felt Riley subtly arch her firm round ass to Jennys grip, moment before a hand suddenly interupted the kiss and dispered the illusion?!

The hand gently placed a few fingers blow Jennys chin and turned her to meet Rileys own eyes. As amazing as the copies were, Jenny could recognise that lively and pervy spark anywhere "Like my little magic show?" she was barely out of kissing distance, smiling at Jenny as now the heroine felt her bust more greedily toyed the firm grip making the bust pop upwards enough to push against Rileys silk-clad bust above.
[10/6/2015 2:07:12 PM] Ranger: "Love it!" It came out almost as a moan but still with her face flush she still held some control. Though for now she was content with Riley taking the lead on this one not that she could really go anywhere with the trickster on top of her and two magic hands holding by the boobs biting her lip the gleaming glint of perversion twinkled in her eyes.
[10/6/2015 2:22:02 PM] Ubber: "Well I can alter all manner of things with my magic." Riley leaned closer to a whisper "If you've got some kinks to explore..." she'd wink slyly "Though I imagine on your journeys you've had all manner of strange and wild encounters." Riley smirked slyly as the hands seemed to shift and change into wines?! The wines quickly wrapped around Jennys bust and tightened around each mound making them jot up! Each one extremely stressing the dress!

All the while Jenny felt the kisses from the others other much more submissive copy rain kisses along the heroines shoulder and to her neck, the girls legs would suddenly feel numerous gentle palms begin to caress the girls legs even beneath the dress. Each touch ever so subtly sliding along her skin, just enough to send subtle shivers that all mixed into an overwhelming sensual delight.

Even with all the sensual teases and brushes, Jenny could clearly feel they were all fairly gentle. Aimed more to slowly lul the girl into a deep bliss... but... this did not seem like Rileys style at all, especially with the clear and dangerous spark in her eyes!
[10/6/2015 3:01:13 PM | Edited 3:01:55 PM] Ranger: "Oh the things and stories I could tell you." Jenny felt it a slight quiver that started small but quickly escalated till it shook her whole body. Given her position Riley couldn't help but notice the small orgasmic quake and the released sigh that escaped Jenny's mouth. "Hummmm that was nice." Looking up with her normal eyes having lost her night vision to the purifying effects of the beacon. Only a hint of desire and perversion remained no longer accented by a red demonic glow. With her small orgasm ending jenny waited to see where Riley would take them next ceding independent action to her lover for now.
[10/6/2015 3:10:14 PM] Ubber: Riley puckered her lips and giggled mischieviously, her caresses and teases dispersing into a purple "Eh~ Were you always this sensitive." she'd relax briefly and turned her head looking to her "It'll take a while to get to used to the new you..." Riley would finally lean to Jenny and kiss her, passionately albeit briefly "But I'm letting you go off that easily."

Riley would once more lean into a kiss and subtly and slowly slip the dress off revealing Jennys body to the fairly chill, but already warmed up dew on the grass below.

[10/9/2015 1:12:32 PM] Ranger: Pale flesh glinted in the soft light of the twilight forest. Free of their confines Jenny's nipples perked up and stiffened from arousal and cold. Slight moans could be heard as the two woman kissed. Moving her hands Jenny quickly drew Riley into a deep kiss pulling her into direct contact. Heart pounding and head racing Jenny enjoyed the sensual delight of her lovers lips. As her desire grew Jenny kept her desire to gain the upper hand in check. She wanted to see how far Riley would go.
[10/9/2015 1:27:20 PM] Ubber: Riley wouldn't need much permission to continue as she once more leaned out, before looking up and down across Jennys exposed body openly, meeting her eyes "So thats how you are now?" she'd reach down to gently slide a few fingers along Jennys body "Skin just as pure, but not as pale..." the tricksters fingers continued down now past Jenny bust to glide along her smooth midriff "A human body, no wings or strange additions." though not stopping there, soon enough Rileys touch slid past the heroines midriff and towards her treasure, it was then the descend slowed as Jenny felt the sensual touch lightly brush along her treasure, past her buzzer and to her petals "And a true female..."

Honestly, Jenny always knew Riley as a more aggresive and carefree lover... yet now she seemed so careful, her motions more exploratory than keen on the goal. Though the girl just couldn't pinpoint why.
[10/9/2015 1:39:36 PM] Ranger: Jenny smiled lightly. "Disappointed?" Jenny slide her hands down Rileys body stopping at the girls hips. "Am I less than you desire?" Jenny sounded joking but a part of her was anxious of the answer.
[10/9/2015 1:48:41 PM] Ubber: At the words Riley seemed to tense up and break eye contact, before once more her eyes met Jennys "Disappointed? No. I wouldn't say that." the trickster smiled though the gleam in her eyes shivered exceptionally briefly... with doubt? "But it is something that I'll need to adjust to." seemingly putting on her persona once again the trickster reached one hand to fix her hat and smirked confidently "Guess I'll need to think of new things to treat with you, instead of..." she'd look to Jenny below her "Well..."
[10/9/2015 1:56:16 PM] Ranger: Jenny cocked her head slightly and looked at Riley trying to giver best impression of innocence. "Well? Like what?" Keeping the act up Jenny let her artificial cock grow making it thick before long and finally comfortable with its girth let it grow till it started to press against Riley's delicate rose.
[10/9/2015 2:05:11 PM] Ubber: "I dunno. Maybe a little finger play, a little lick..." Riley raised her finger and boped Jennys nose playfully "A little prod." she'd giggle, before suddenly Jenny surprised her quite immensely. The trickster almost if not jumped back, definedly stood up in a speedy fashion and looked at Jenny fairly changed from before.

"E-Eh?" Riley blinked her eyes wide "But I thought... you were... I mean you weren't. You didn't..." as she spoke her finger rapidly pointed from Jenny to the addition, then back to Jenny... before Riley caught herself and covered her mouth with one hand, starting to laugh? The trickster looked to Jenny with a huge smile and with great relief fel onto the grass next to her "Oh thank the gods..."

She'd giggle and look to Jenny, now seeming a lot more like herself? "To tell you the truth Jen... I've never done anything with another girl. Like ever... I was so lost on how am I going to sate a lil beast like you." she'd grin widely and turn her side "I thought you lost your abilties..." Riley would point along Jennys body down to the cock "And I think that counts as a succubus ability, hum~?"
[10/9/2015 2:15:41 PM] Ranger: Jenny smiled and rolled over and rested on Riley holding her down. "Oh I'm not as strong as I used to be but somethings are still present. To be honest... I'm not really a fan of cocks." Jenny got a distant look on her face for a moment as her thoughts were drawn to her first time before returning to the present. "But you surprise me Riley. An adventurous woman like you not having any time with another girl? Its almost a shame." Leaning down Jenny kissed Riley's belly slowly trailing down and parting the girls panties. Looking Jenny examined the girls sex. "It really is a pretty thing."
[10/9/2015 2:57:29 PM] Ubber: Riley raised an eyebrow smiling slyly "Not a fan? You seem to enjoy using them plenty." she'd lean forward subtly "I would know." she winked slyly. Though as Jenny continued, Rileys confidence no longer wavered. Seemed the knowledge that she still knew just what to do to make Jenny tick had calmed her unsteadyness "Well it takes two to dance. Maybe I just didn't have the right teacher."

As Jenny rained her kisses each one seemed to disperse the outfit, opening a view of Rileys supreme body below. More and more the outfit seemed to disperse until finally Jenny had gotten to the girls treasure, the purple silks would slowly disperse, but the reveal seemed to be spoiled as Riley teasing crossed her legs "Its not polite to stare, from what I heard." she'd cheekily comment, looking to Jenny.
[10/9/2015 3:09:36 PM] Ranger: Hindered for now Jenny grinned and kissed the mound above her hidden treasure. Only then did Riley feel Jenny's tongue slither pas her legs to tease her button. Of course Jenny didn't keep that up sampling hinting that if she wanted to she could get what she wanted. "Is it then I must be a very rude person cause all I can do sometimes is stare at you."
[10/9/2015 3:14:04 PM] Ubber: A clear aura of excitement could be felt from Riley now, steadily climbing as Jenny kept her actions up "Oh really?" she'd giggle moving her hands to Jennys hair "And how will you ever make up for such rudeness, hum~?" for that moment Riley still kept her treasure denied from Jenny, though the subtle movements of her inner thighs, grinding up and down, hinted at her enjoyment as things were now.
[10/9/2015 3:18:49 PM] Ranger: "Well~ Sense I'm in the wrong I guess I'll have to offer myself to you anyway you want." Jenny smirked at Riley nabbing a hand and gently kissing it before letting it go. the false cock slapped against Riley's legs though as Jenny shifted her weight forward to kiss Riley deeply on the lips. "And I do mean anyway you want and just about anyone you want."
[10/9/2015 3:30:16 PM] Ubber: Riley would only snicker silently and place a finger on Jennys lips "Enough talk..." she'd smirk seductively "You're going to teach me, what you enjoy as a girl... after that I'll remind you why it's so great to have that little 'surprise' ability." she'd snicker and lean out "So~ Mimicry is one of the best forms to learn something." with those words the trickster finally relaxed her legs subtly spread them, looking at Jenny while having her lower lip bit down enjoying the sheer spark in her lovers eyes.

"I'm ready to learn, Jen. Show me what I've missed." with that Riley would await Jennys motions, answering them with both curiousity and clear excitement.
[10/10/2015 8:45:28 PM] Ranger: "Are you sure Riley? You might never be able to appreciate a normal woman's affection after this. I wouldn't want to ruin you." Though Jenny sounded inccocent the tell tale glint of perversion hinted at the succbus beneath the innocent smile.
Tracing her two index fingers down and around the swell of Riley's taunt belly Jenny kept her stare on the trickster. Her fingers light barly touching the girl sending slightly ticklish sensation along their path till they met near the swll of Riley's arounsed sex. Delicatly Jenny leaned down and kissed the presenting clitoris giving it a light lick as she pulled away inhaling Riley's scent. Puples widinging at the scent Jenny grinned and licked her lips sensually. Looking at Riley Jenny's hair fell shadowing her face an drapping over her heaving breasts. Enjoying the smell and the sight for a moment longer Jenny turned back to her prize.
Once more Jenny's fingers moved eachone brifely touching the love buzzer before seperating agian to trace the outerfold of Riley's damp sex. Using her tumbs Jenny slowly parted the folds letting her index fingers tease the senstive lips as she held them in place. Lowering her head Jenny let her unnaturally long tongue slide into the delicate pulsing flower. Moving it slowly she began to lick the insides of Riely's flower while teasing the outer folds. Feeling Riley tense Jenny kept her efforts up teasing Riley and pleasing her with her tongue. She kept this up for what seemed an exhausting eternity before she felt Riley's pressure begin to build. Taking the oppertunity Jenny began to thrust her tongue like a small cock in and out of Riley till the young mage exploded spattering Jenny with her fem cum. Backing off Jenny kept teasing Riley as she licked her lips clean. She was far from done and Riley would get a full treatment of her skills......

Some time in the morning Jenny rolled over and felt a soft breast in her hand and she smiled. Sitting up she looked over at her lover and said good morning.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

[10/11/2015 10:31:50 AM | Edited 10:31:51 AM] Ubber: "Spoil me?" Riley asked teasingly as Jenny gazed over supreme body, the girls fingers teasingly gliding along the tricksters body in sheer admiration "I'd be very disappointed if you didn't." she'd smirk, teasingly moving her legs to ever so subtly grind them against Jennys body between them.

What came next was a sheer exploration of Rileys body, unlike she's ever felt before more than a few times the trickster attempted to ask what was on Jennys mind, barely moments before she felt the expert lover find yet a new sensual delight or dizzying spot to tease! Even if time seemed to slow to Riley, Jennys actual treatment wouldn't take long to push her lover over the edge...

However, even if Jenny had her own plans of continious toying... even if Riley seemed dizzy from her orgasm and her mind just tried to realise or put together every motion she was treated it with... a subtle pulse of a particular hot addition, seemed to sweep the trickster back to the here and now.

Jenny was set to demonstrate in meticulous detail just what sort of devious and perverse acts just a girl could do to another, though even if she was driven by that goal. She couldn't help a building primal need to use her alteration, from the dizzying smells to the subtle gasps... and even to just how tightly and warmly her lovers treasure embraced her tongue. The heroine could do little to deny or shun the memories of particulary lewd acts she indulged with Riley... all the while using her shapeshifting ability. And this very need was hard to hide.

Still Jenny was set on her course and there was little to shake her off it. Atleast until...
At first it was only a subtle brush that absolutely froze Jenny place. Looking from her cleaned finger to the trickster below Riley seemed to have not only gathered her presence of mind... but looked at Jenny in a dangerous fashion? The subtle brush was quickly followed by a teasing touch up along the shaft below?!

A yelp almost escaped Jenny as she looked down to see a pair of floating palms slowly begin to caress the cock?! Once more misusing her magic the summoned hands teasingly ran up and down the shaft, gently teasing every inch and ridge "Hum~ Something wrong?" when Rileys voice reached her the girl had already crawled close to Jenny and now looked up to her, her true hands gently taking hold of the girls thighs as Riley herself pushed herself up subtly.

The Illusionary hands seemed to straighten the cock just as Rileys cups wrapped around the cocks base, before the trickster glorious D's pushed on the cocks shaft from either side. Their silken, warm and wonderfully full nature all the more clear as they sandwiched the cock between them.

Her eyes sharp and clearly knowing of just how effective her treatment was, Riley pushed her cups together and continued to slide her body up and down via her knees! Each movement down revealing more of the cock as it neared her the tricksters lusty and subtly agape lips... just as each movement down sent a surge of bliss as the cock disappeared between the divine cups "Oh~ Like that eh?" Riley spoke in a teasing tone, though she herself had a healthy blush on her face.

Before Jenny could even answer, her body would feel another sensual shock as barely a few moments after the trickster asked, suddenly the girl felt her lovers lips kiss just below the crown and pause the teasing bust grinds. This time it was Clare who almost felt the time slow as she felt Rileys tongue tickle the cocks sensitive spot, the very tip feeling those luscious lips so close and ever so gently pressing down on it.... before Riley pushed herself down and cocks tip grinded past the mages lips, into her hot tight mouth!

"Ammph~" Riley teasingly let out a subtle moan, before instantly starting to bob her head back and forth along the cock. Each ridge and bump, instantly treated to the sensation of Rileys full lips grinding up and down, each inch sliding down eagerly greeted but Rileys tongue as it pressed down from below. Jenny was in an utter trance, her heart skipping beats and hands frozen still as if affraid to interupt the sensation.

"Mm mhmm~" subtle moans escaped Riley as she continued her teasing slides, alterating from slowing them down to speeding them up, each one going deeper and deeper, before suddenly she pulled back just enough for the cock to slip out of sensual trap "Ahh-~" Riley cried out subtly and giggled wickedly, her hands now rapidly stroking the cock "Hum It's almost more delicious than I remember." she'd smirk seductively looking up at Jenny, before leaning towards the cock and giving it a slow and teasing lick. Starting from her shaft and slowly sliding up to the tip.
[10/12/2015 12:22:00 PM] Ubber: That would only be the start of Rileys supreme display, though once she reached her goal. The duo kiss and from then onwards, what happened next was up to Jenny...

When next she woke, Jenny found herself near Riley who still rested from the long nights adventurers. Only stirring to life after addressed "Mm~" she'd slowly open her eyes, a few locks of her hair subtly resting on her face "Oh... I must've passed out." she'd giggle playfully "Who knew a skilled touch and a finger... can do so very much." whether Jenny answered in turn, she herself having experienced Rileys first teases... first teases of a supreme talent... was up to her.

The duo would barely have time to finally gather themselves up as a voice echoed "Umm..." it was coming from the path to the druids house, Grace seemed to stand nearby not sure what to say, her face blushing madly "I've gathered the supplies we need.... Darnell said we should move out soon. While the spiders slept..."

When next Jenny turned to Riley, the trickster was back in her expedition clothing sittng innocently. It was the heroine herself who appeared shameless, sitting in the nude on a fairly open field.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

As Jenny traveled forth, she'd successfully reach the 'Forbidden lands' and true to it's name she was blocked by a small group of elven rangers. While at first adamant not to allow the trio entry, upon hearing Jennys purpose and plea she was allowed into the protected grounds.

While walking through the lush forests absolutely teeming with magic and natural beauty, Jenny never suspected to find a whole huge city hidden behind a sentient living wall. Upon arrivals the girls were seen as outcasts and strangers, receiving numerous stray gazes, however the group was soon lead to 'The Oracles', a being that seemed to have been expecting her.

The Oracles seemed to have been served by a group of elven females, purple skinned, tattooed and with barely seen swift movements, though more curious were the 'Oracles' they had guarded.

The being calling itself the Oracles appeared as several floating stones, each one beaming a rune and speaking in a different tone, but in harmony with the others. This being would tell Jenny that the fate of numerous people, including the elves all around her right now, would be altered according to whatever Jenny will accomplish or do during her time here.

Now bearing the Mark of the Oracles, Jenny was accepted into the elven settlement not quite as kin, but not quite an outcast as well. With this freedom of movement, Jenny would command her troop to spread out and gather as much information as they could.

The girl would learn that the city was nothing short of massive and appeared to have 4 dominant clans: The Builders, The Seekers, The Rangers and The Menders, with The Oracle clan being far less pronounced.

Following the trail of information, Jenny had learned that there was a meeting of Clan leaders nearby, while curious the girl was about to pass up the chance to see or spy on it... until Riley appeared. With a little persuasion and final nudge in the right direction Jenny and Riley would gain entry into the meeting...