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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As Giselle, Kylie, and the little alraune all fell over into a big cuddle pile, Giselle laughed aloud and hugged Kylie to her as the alraune all jumped out of Kylie's lap to keep from being squished by the two larger girls, with Hope clambering up onto Kylie's chest after they rolled around a bit, where she hugged Kylie again. As they hugged and played with one another, the rest of the group was getting the food all set on large picnic blankets all around the large fire pit.

"Mama... do I have another little sis in here?" Hope asked Kylie curiously, one of her little tentacles poking at Kylie's pregnant belly.

After a few more minutes of hugging and cuddling with the little alraune she and Giselle had rescued the month before, Kylie saw the picnic area was set and all of the food, including that which the alraune had cooked and prepared was all ready now and they could dig in. Seeing the food was ready, the little alraune all bounced off of Kylie, with the two little reds helping little Hope down so she didn't hurt herself any, where they then all hopped over to grab some food. Giselle pulled Kylie up and followed everyone else over to the picnic area and sat down, helping her pregnant fiancee to sit down without any trouble, right next to Hope, whom Ayane had put a little wooden plate in front of with mostly fruits and vegetables prepared or cooked in various ways, but there was a single half of a porkchop on her plate too. The other little alraune had virtually the same as Hope, but the two little reds had a little less in fruits and more in meat, and all of the little alraune had a little wooden cup of root juice.

Giselle laid a plate down in front of Kylie a minute later, packed with a couple of fried porkchops, plenty of the potatoes she'd made in the big pan, as well as a big chunk of the fresh bread she'd baked before they left, and there was plenty of other fruits and vegetables that Kylie could grab from the large picnic blanket in the middle of the set of blankets where everyone was sitting down eating and talking with one another.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie giggled along with everyone else why they played, until Hope poked her belly and Kylie laughed, before winking at her. Mmm, Whole bunches of little sisters. just you wait. Kylie answered, kissing Hope on the cheek before kissing Giselle AGAIN! Because kisses!

Once everyone made a beeline for the food though, Kylie hopped up with Giselle and made her way over as well, sitting next to Hope and looking around at the food, before getting her own plate.

It seemed Hope's diet was Mostly plant matter, which made sense, but so did the pork, the Alraune's body would need a solid source of protein given how mobile they were. Setting aside the pseudo-science aside for now, Kylie just enjoyed herself, eating her fill and helping Hope eat if she had to, it was everything she could have hoped for.

Looking forward to Hespera? she asked Giselle, leaning against her for a moment while she enjoyed the bread and whatever fruity concoction she had wound up with in her glass. it was good, that was all that mattered really.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Hmhm... definitely. I can't wait to see you in a sexy bikini down there, your beauty outdoing even the succubi and angels that'll be on the beach with us. Plus... nice and tasty alcoholic drinks, as many as you want, and many different kinds of them too," Giselle said with a giggle as Kylie cuddled up and leaned against her.

Kylie's root juice she'd been given in her cup tasted rather fruity, almost like a mix between a strawberry and a lemon, save without the sour part of the lemon. "That root juice is a mix from my own roots and that lovely pink alraune over there. She's... our pink matron you might say, as she's the oldest pink alraune here," Ayane said to Kylie with a smile as she got a couple of other little alraune's plates set down in front of them full of food.

"Giselle... this food is as delicious as I remember. Gods I'm glad to be back here so I can eat your cooking again," Palla said as she chowed down on her food, 2 of the largest porkchops Giselle had cooked on her plate and a large portion of the potatoes, both of which she goliath girl was shoveling down.

As they sat there eating, Kylie would look over to her left at Giselle one moment as they chatted and after Giselle thanked Palla for the compliment on her cooking abilities, and the next moment when Kylie looked back over at Hope she'd see the little thing wasn't there. She was quickly found though a few feet behind Kylie off the blankets, where she bent over and plucked a pretty little purplish colored flower from the ground and brought it over to Kylie. "Here mama, for you," Hope said as she handed Kylie the flower before flopping back down to eat some more.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Root juice? I'm not gonna grow leaves am I? Kylie asked, looking at Ayane, before shrugging and drinking more with a chuckle. Palla was as in love with Giselle as ever, the goliath was hopeless. But who said Giselle couldn't have a Harem, Kylie certainly didn't mind. Whatever made her happy.

Looking for Hope, Kylie popped an eyebrow before turning and seeing her with a little purple flower that Kylie couldn't name, which was odd for her. But, this was a grove populated by plant people, there was A LOT here she wouldn't be able to identify. So, either it was completely alien to her, OR, it couldn't be used as a venom or medicine, the two usually interchangeable in reality. Depended on what you wanted to do.

Taking the flower, Kylie tucked it into her hair next to her ear with a smile. Thank you Little One she said, stroking her cheek before she got back to eating. Kylie meanwhile, despite devouring Giselle's cooking, was heavy into the fruits and vegetables present, eating like a rabbit for the moment, who knew, maybe she was a rabbit in disguise, that could be fun, who knew. Lamenting not thinking to sprout a fluffy tail for this party, Kylie pondered her full stomach and decided that was probably for the best anyway.

So Giselle, Love, any idea when the house will be complete? she asked, wondering if Giselle had kept an eye on their dream house. Still, it was nice to see Giselle, who used to be so meek and quiet, out of her shell properly, a lot of healing had been done for her heart it seemed, that was for the best.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Heh, you shouldn't grow any, though... people's hair has been known to turn green on occasion," Ayane said before cracking up, letting Kylie know she was joking around.

The little flower Hope had given Kylie looked like a violet from what Kylie could tell, though she couldn't be sure without asking really. By the time Kylie was done eating, Hope and the other little ones had already finished and were mostly having their faces cleaned up from where they were a bit messy. Everyone was mostly done eating after about half an hour, and then the music started, harps, lutes, flutes, ocarinas, and drums, along with a few others. The green and blue alraune were mostly the ones that played the music, while the pink ones danced, pulling some of the red alraune out to dance with them. Unless Kylie went and did something else, she would soon hear some beautiful singing start from a few feet away and she'd see all of the siren sisters singing one of their songs together, the entire grove turning into a place of peace and serenity that would have brought even Kylie out of one of her darkest possible moods.

Hope she would see was dancing with the other little green alraune sister of her's, while the two reds were both dancing with the little blue and pink alraune, all of them looking like they were enjoying themselves greatly. As Kylie sat there watching the entertainment in the form of her fiance singing, Giselle stepped over beside her and pulled her up and into her arms, spinning her around slowly before dipping her back slightly while keeping up her song.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

It'll be a nice change from the Blue then. You should have seen everyone's face when the dye I used wore off all at once. Because until then I was just a blue haired girl shacking up with other sirens. And then here was this mousy haired vagrant. I thought it was funny at least. Besides, if I turned into a flower I'd be all thorns Kylie joked back, sticking out her tongue.

However, she stayed with Hope, no matter what she stayed right next to Hope, cleaning her up after she ate, letting her ride on her shoulders if they moved, but when the Siren sisters started singing, her old fighting instincts told her to run, only little Hope's hands in her hair, and Giselle's face stalled her out and let the tension she had been hiding bleed away, struck away by the music. She let herself lose herself in the song.

STILL! She was a terrible dancer which Giselle found out firsthand when she was dragged into the fray, Hope flailing away in her hair in what children called dancing.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Hmhm, well this would be only a temporary color change, and it may not happen at all really. It depends on how much of our juice you drink as far as I know," Ayane said with a smile, drinking some root juice herself.

Hope giggled when Kylie cleaned her up after she finished eating, her little arms and legs flailing wildly as she did so. When Giselle pulled Kylie up to dance though, Hope hopped down from Kylie's shoulders and did her dancing to let her mama and papa dance together. Tina and Delilah both looked happy as they continued singing their pleasant song for everyone while the alraune played their instruments, and when they saw Giselle pulling Kylie up to dance they grinned and just kept singing.

Giselle soon became aware of Kylie's lack of dancing skill as Kylie kept stepping on Giselle's feet while they danced around. Giselle laughed mirthfully though, not caring one bit about it and simply moving her body in ways that prevented Kylie's feet from stepping on her own after a minute or so, making their dance a bit chaotic looking to anyone else, but Giselle didn't seem to care much if at all.

"Hmhm, I'd have thought with all that training you told me about that you would have learned how to dance at least some, since your job might take you to places where you'd have to mingle and stuff," Giselle giggled while they danced, her right hand reaching around and groping Kylie's butt and pulling her closer so she could kiss her. "And don't look so tense, this is a party and you're home with me now, so enjoy yourself and forget all your worries okay. I mean just look at Hope over there hon, she's so happy that you're back, so you should be happy too," Giselle went on to say, nodding over at Hope and getting Kylie to look at her having so much fun dancing around with her sisters.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie blushed as she proved she was woefully incompetent in the realm of dance, and when Giselle mentioned her training. It was true, she could dance. She could Ballroom dance, in a few very specific ways, and just as Badly as she was now, because it was considered cuter.

More that I was trained to seem Harmless... I was trained to dance Poorly. Most of the time I was using a cover as a servant, I can do anything any servant in any household can from cooking, cleaning, massage... sex... But dancing meant being the center of attention, which can backfire horribly... so... yea. Kylie explained, trying to follow Giselle without trampling her toes.

It took her awhile to properly relax, and a lot of it was her fighting tooth and nail not to be influenced by the singing out of reflex. That eventually faded when Giselle spoke to her and she stole a glance to look at Hope enjoying herself.

Smiling and moving with Giselle in a looser and more relaxed way, Kylie finally loosened up and just enjoyed the day.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Hmhm... I can tell you were trained at sex love... I mean you can make me cum really hard pretty quickly. But come on honey, let me sing and serenade you okay. Take away all that stress so you can relax for once in your life, with me," Giselle said with a smile, leaning in and kissing Kylie as they danced.

When Kylie finally started loosening up to enjoy herself after seeing Hope having so much fun, Giselle smiled and kissed her again before dipping Kylie back. Hope saw this and giggled, slinging her little tentacles around Giselle's neck and pulling herself up, landing right between Kylie's breasts and was smushed between Kylie and Giselle when Giselle leaned in and kissed Kylie after dipping her.

"Yay kisses. Give me kisses too," Hope said, hugging Kylie and Giselle both with her arms and tentacles, one clutching either of the two.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Hey look! I found a munchkin! Kylie exclaimed when Hope bombed between herself and Giselle, kissing Hope ALL OVER HER LITTLE FACE... AGAIN! And then they were back to the dancing with Hope nestled between them... maybe. Kylie had no idea.

Butttt it was a party, Kylie had to be social and stuff. Besides, she was with her new family, life was good, there was a midget stuck in her boobs, and her girlfriend had a dick. She didn't even need straps, it was a lesbian dream... Problem? No. Kylie was a slut, her sexual orientation was so confusing that it would take another human being their entire lifetime to comprehend.

Still, party had been her idea, but it all became a bit chaotic when Bob and his brood showed up looking for Kylie. Kylie blamed Wraith. Still! The guards had not been at fault, because Kylie could see a familiar Red riding on his back flailing at him to turn around.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As Kylie bombarded Hope's little face with kisses, Giselle followed right after with her own attack of kisses, leaving Hope a giggling mess between the two of them before Giselle scooped her up and placed her on her shoulders for now, where she held on for dear life as Giselle and Kylie continued dancing with one another. Hope flailed around a little bit as they danced and fell forward, landing right between Kylie's breasts head first, her little legs kicking like crazy to get free.

As they danced and the party continued, Kylie saw Sheila the red alraune that had taken to Bob sometime before riding atop him, trying to stop him and get him to turn around and go back home. "Hey... d-dammit you... stop already. Kylie's just fine, and... you're too big... gonna cause a scare if you don't stop," Sheila cried at Bob as she tried to pull him back, though riding on top of him wasn't doing any good on that regard obviously.

As Bob approached, Kylie saw Wraith along with the rest of the little darkmantles riding atop Bob as well, just hanging on to him as he came in. The little alraune all scattered as soon as bob came within sight, all of them heading for the older alraune and hiding behind their legs, letting out little cries of fright as they scattered. Hope meanwhile, who Kylie had likely pulled out from between her breasts and placed her right side up down in there wrapped her little tentacles around Kylie's neck and buried herself down between Kylie's breasts to hide while her 5 sisters all clustered around Kylie and Giselle and hid behind their legs.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, o.o; ing as Bob made his grand appearance with the munchkins in tow, saw the reaction of all the children, as well as Sheila's desperate attempts to stop what had JUST happened and just sighed, before pulling Hope up and setting her on her shoulders to ride, and hide, and whatever else she wanted to do, before untangling herself from Giselle, putting her fingers to her lips, and letting out a whistle that would cause canines a mile around to cringe.

Walking towards Bob, only then did she start to laugh at Sheila's predicament, finding the entire situation hilarious as Wraith came over to say Hi both go Kylie and to Hope, the other little ones zipping around to look at everyone while Bob... did whatever Bob was gonna do. Not like anyone here besides her could stop him.

Sheila... climb off him BOB! No you cant play with her. Come here. she yelled, before plopping against Bob in a hug. Yea, it's not fair we all had a welcome back party without you, but no molesting, or swallowing. no sex here. Later. There are children here, a lot of them. So be nice. she said, patting his head before looking at Wraith who was poking at Hope, who was Poking back in a little tentacle poke war you'd expect from a pair of children.

Inspecting him for a moment, Kylie reached up before popping a gold coin out of his little maw and chastising him a little. you don't eat those, I KNOW they taste funny! she said when he flailed at her. They're not food. Cmon out everyone, they're all harmless, on a sliding scale, smallest to biggest.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Bob stopped dead still when Kylie whistled, his large red eye shutting halfway as if her loud whistle either startled him or hurt a bit... likely the latter. This might come in handy later Kylie would figure, as a means to stop Bob from getting uppity when she didn't want him to, and the smaller darkmantles also cringed a bit at the whistle. Giselle let Kylie go and walked over to Bob with her, while Hope held on tight to Kylie's head, her little tentacles clinging around Kylie's forehead like a bandana of sorts while she laid against the back and top of Kylie's head to make herself as small as possible to the bigger strange creatures.

Bob looked over at Kylie as if he hadn't done a thing while Sheila began to climb down and off of him, hoping to get away before he tried something as she hefted her spear up just in case he tried something so she could knock his tentacles away. As he was chastised by Kylie, Bob hovered there looking innocently at her, as if he only came here because the little darkmantles insisted on it.

Wraith zoomed over to Kylie and made to flop onto her head before he noticed something in his way and began poking Hope with his own little tentacles, trying to figure out what she was exactly. Hope giggled with each poke for 3 or 4 times before she began poking back, at which point Wraith flailed his tentacles wildly in frustration and just flopped down onto Kylie's head anyway, sandwiching Hope's upper body between him and Kylie.

"Eek! G-Get off you... you... big icky fingy!" Hope cried in a muffle voice before Kylie pulled Wraith down.

Wraith had more than just the one gold coin with him, the one in his mouth being only one of three in total, as he had another couple plastered to his underbelly. He attempted to take them back from Kylie when she took them from him, but to no avail, and Hope meanwhile chastised him further with a few pokes from her little tentacles, ending with a couple of little slaps, though nothing that would really cause him any pain from someone so small as Hope.

The children, as well as the grown alraune, all began coming forward again once they saw Kylie had Bob well in hand now. "Alright everyone, let's continue with the festivities okay. Friend Kylie has him in hand and he doesn't seem to be aggressive, so let's get the desserts all ready," Ayane said to everyone, though the younger alraune all gave Bob a wide berth, though the smaller darkmantles were quickly making friends with the little alraune that weren't toddlers like Hope, wrestling with them and holding them down and tickling them until they surrendered, where the little darkmantles moved on to the next little alraune before the ones they'd already tickled into submission tackled them again and it all started over once more.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Yea... you're about as innocent as an axe murderer. Thanks for coming though. Though Sheila, how did you get up on top of him? Kylie asked the fleeing Red as she put some distance between herself and Bob, still laughing.

As everything returned to normal, a swarm chasing a gaggle, as it were with all the children playing, Hope and Wraith continued to combat eachother here and there before Kylie looked up into her hair. Hope, that's your little brother Wraith, stop pestering each other. And he's not icky, he's nice... ish. Depends on the day. Kylie said, still smiling at the insanity.

Flopping down, leaning against Bob and watching, Kylie just beamed. This was better, everyone was here, the children were getting along, AND! There was apparently dessert. The only minor downside was that All the rugrats here were about to get an entire army of MORE siblings all with their own unique ways of pestering everyone... The big house was a good idea, small would have been disastrous. Yanking Sheila down with her, Kylie just pointed. It's good to be defensive, but cmon, this is priceless. Kylie said, giggling as another darkmantle got tackled and another war started. All the children would be worn out by the end of the day.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Huh... oh I jumped up on top of him to try and ride him to the ground like a bucking horse or something. See, first I tried to hold him back by getting in front of him and pushing against him, but he's just too damn big to do that with, so I then hopped on top, and the rest I already said," Sheila said, still eying him warily.

"Aye I agree, it's fun to watch, but we can't let down our guard for even a moment, else something could take some of the little ones again. I mean you yourself were the one that told us not to be lax in our defenses ever again remember," Sheila said as she was pulled down against Bob, who'd flopped down on the soft mossy ground next to the river near Hope's little bed and little tiny tent of sorts.

"He is too icky and slimy. He got my head all icky," Hope said from her perch on Kylie's shoulder.

One of the smaller darkmantles was chasing down the tiny little green sister of Hope's as she ran for Kylie away from the thing. "Eek... mama... mama help... oof," the little green cried, her little head full of hair bouncing about just before she fell to the ground mere feet from Kylie. A second later the poor little thing started crying as she clutched her knee, which she seemed to have bumped on the ground.

Hope was off of Kylie's shoulder before Kylie could even react to this, even with her assassins training on her side. Hope jumped down into Kylie's lap and shot her little tentacles out and used Wraith to swing over to her little sister, flailing her own little tentacles at the other small darkmantle that had been chasing her little sister to drive it away, though it had stopped chasing her and was looking at her curiously at this point while Hope flailed her tentacles and waved her little walking staff at it. "It's okay sis... come here to mama, she kiss it and make it better," Hope told her little sister as the rest of her sisters all ran over to see what had happened, the two reds flanking Hope who was carrying her smaller green sister with her tentacles and one arm over to Kylie, where she set her down in Kylie's lap and the young assassin could see the little green's knee had a little scratch on it and had dirt around it.

Meanwhile Hope and the rest of her sisters all began climbing up into Kylie's lap around their littlest sister, with Hope flailing her tentacles at any of the darkmantles that came towards them and got too close. When he realized why Hope was doing this though, Wraith began ushering the other darkmantles away as well before floating over and landing next to Hope, who looked over at him with a look of approval while his red eye turned to look up at Kylie while the little alraune waited for Kylie to make their sister feel better.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

I'm always sometimes mostly aware of what I say Sheila, but these guys aren't threats. If anything they're allies. You bet your sweet red Ass Bob here would take care of something slipping by. He likes you all too much. O dear, the first casualty of child warfare, the runt of the litter. Kylie commented, pointing as Hope's tiny green sister came flailing their way.

As she fell, Kylie didn't immediately move, she wasn't THAT overprotective. If anything the smallest of the group would need to be the toughest in the end. She had no doubt though, that Hope, with her own little reflexes and instincts would be the most dangerous of all of them come her full size, if anything because Kylie had every intention of training all of them to their strengths like Gestalt had done with her and her fellows. Hope was sure to be something to see with a blade and these thoughts as she watched Hope dash to her sister to help made her beam with Pride. They'd all be the protectors the Alraune would surely need one day and colors be damned.

Scooping up Hope and her little Sister as she came by, Kylie brushed the knee off and kissed it, before looking down at her. Remember, as long as you don't panic, you never need to be afraid. Kylie said, planting the seed early in her little mind, and likewise chastising her overreaction as the cause for her fall at the same time, as gently as anyone could. Yes, the fall was the little one's fault in a way, and the darkmantles in another. But Wraith, being the oldest of the herd here, was quick to run defense for the little orphans while Sheila watched.

See? she whispered to the older alraune as Wraith shoo'd his fellows away for them, before taking a spot nearby, Kylie quick to reward the little darkmantle by scooping him up and introducing him to the whole flock in her lap.

Little Ones, this is Wraith, he's your little brother, and he's the Oldest brother to all the little Darkmantles here. He's not icky, he's different, just like you're all different, the reds, and blues and greens. You're only a little scared because you don't quite understand. Hope, why don't you show them? Wraith, maybe you could pick some flowers for the little girls? please? Momma would appreciate it... I'll give you your coins back if you don't chew on them... Kylie said, resorting to outright Bribery.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Sheila leaned forward as Hope had hopped down to help her sister, giving Kylie a bit of a disapproving look that she didn't immediately move to help the little ones who called her mama. "Oh Kylie, you can't blame her for panicking. She's smaller than them and they're something that she's never seen before, of course she'd run if she were chased by one of them. They're just barely a couple of months old or so, so you can't expect them to really think like a grownup even if you tell them things like that, and they're still fairly delicate even though they're that old, just remember how easily Hope was hurt. I mean I'd have run too at her age, even though we reds are supposed to be strong and fearless," Sheila said as Kylie scooped Hope and her littler green sister into her lap.

The littlest green alraune looked up at Kylie, sniffling and rubbing her eyes with the backs of her hands while Kylie held her and chastised her after kissing her knee. When Kylie pulled Wraith over into her lap with them, he looked at them all and waggled his little tentacles at them, where he then went and did as asked and brought back a half a dozen little violets like Hope had gotten, giving one to each of the little alraune, though when Kylie gave him the gold pieces back he did nibble on one of them while he put another on top of his head like a little hat, giving the third piece to the littlest green alraune sister.

The little green sniffled again and held the gold piece, looking at it curiously and then back to Wraith before she smiled at him. "T-Thank you mister W-Waith," the little green one said, though she still had tears in her eyes.

Bob meanwhile took some action and didn't just laze there next to Kylie, reaching one of his much longer tentacles out into the water they were sitting next to where he scooped up a good bit and he then reached over and gently wiped the little green alraune's knee off with his wet tentacle with that tentacle, while with his other one he pulled a leaf of a nearby plant off and crushed it with his tentacle and rubbed the juice on her knee and then a bit more water before he placed Kylie's hand over her knee, where she felt Bob moving her hand in a motion that told her to rub the juice he'd placed in a little bit.

"Oh wow, those are elemosyna dolor leaves. The juice from their stems mixed with water makes a mild pain relieving effect on a persons skin. He's rather smart knowing to grab that," Sheila said, taking the remnants of the leaf and looking at it and then looking over at Bob in a whole new light.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie chuckled, watching the whole situation, before frowning as Wraith started to chew on the coin again. Maybe he was teething, who knew. Or it was a darkmantle thing, she had no idea. Letting it go for now, she watched too as Bob went about helping in a way no one had rightfully expected.

Rubbing in the mixture Bob had made with as much effort as sneezing, Kylie just chuckled at Sheila's remark and face. Keep telling everyone, he's as smart as anyone else here, smarter then others I've met, and that includes people. If people always screamed and ran away from me, I'd probably wait in a cave and ambush them to. I swear their situation is a result of their interactions. Look at the Driders, they have just as many issues. Overseas they're regarded truly as monsters, and honestly? You can still find them underground as evil as they've always been from what I've heard. Here? I was shocked to find out otherwise, I was shocked by a lot of things in honesty. she remarked, finishing with the mixture and blowing on her little knee to cool it, before sending them all scampering off to go back to playing.

As for being harsh, well, you learn these lessons young, and they stick better. It's not as if this place is all that sheltered. Should an emergency arise, it would be best for children as well to keep their heads as hard as that can be, or as cruel as it seems. I certainly don't want them to grow up, just need to steer them into Clever rather then Hasty. Hope here has been fighting fire with fire since the darkmantle's showed up. The older Alraune are just playing with them. Kylie explained, pointing to them all while they played, Wraith Doggedly staying with her and Hope.

I mean this in the best way, but if our little runt there, had paid attention to her sisters, she'd be able to judge what best to do. They're all just children, it was no different then a little girl running from a little boy. Adorable really. Honestly, Hope has been fighting fire with fire since she woke up. Stubborn little thing aren't you. she continued, leaning down to kiss Hope on the head while they both watched.

She's a bit like me, Little Hope. Prefers to be on the sidelines, watching over everyone. If they're not happy, she's not happy. If Giselle wasn't happy? I wouldn't be. And she knows me well enough to know I'm done dancing for now and just to enjoy herself. Some of us are just Wallflowers. And there's nothing wrong with that. Kylie kept on, patting Sheila on the shoulder.

Besides, I think it would be good if we could find out once and for all, what on this Island is truly dangerous, and what only seems to be. Sure, the darkmantles, the wild ones, will be rough, but as soon as Bob found out I wasn't gonna fight him or treat him like a monster, he stopped being one. To everyone but Kagome... Ahh well, I mean, you have these giant bees I've only heard about, then the succubi, the driders, the elves. If you look at how many different species manage to mostly coexist here, it's mind blowing that some things are still viewed close-mindedly. Succubi I understand, the damage they can do if they go rogue is unbelievable. To be honest, the creatures we KNOW are predators, and those beings more human in their intelligence, are more dangerous then any unknown. And as much as I love you all, You need to be prepared. This island wont stay secluded forever, and a human in the wrong mind could cause far more danger then any rogue element. You're Black Alraune that started all this for me, that was dealt with by two people. But what about a dictator and his armies? Or simply a psycho? We need to be both warrior and diplomat, ready for peace, prepared for war. Other places in this world churn with wardrums and bloodshed, and it spreads like a disease, right minded assassins stem the tide, but all we do in the end is slow it. We rarely prevent what seems to be truly inevitable. When I told you to be more vigilant, you were, and are, and I appreciate that, but the more I can expose the children to now, the better they can cope when we pass the torch. Life is never without danger, not to a warrior or a priest, a tyrant or a saint. It's how we react, plan, prepare, and execute that determines if we see the next dawn. For example, it would not be unwise to integrate yourself into the actual village here, though I understand why you don't, needing large swathes of land to handle your own unique needs as a people. But I'll talk to Hiro about sending scouts out to your outskirts to check in on you nightly, that way there's always a safety net if the worst comes to pass. kylie finished for the moment, stroking Hope's head as she watched everyone at play.

After a minute of just that, Kylie patted Sheila's shoulder. Believe it or not, an assassin is the best person to plan out security, we're the ones tasked with breaking it after all. Trust me, I'd never endorse something that would bring you harm. So if someone comes trying to use my word to trick you, remember those words, and if there's any doubt at all, strike first and ask questions later. O lords above, then there's the question of the youngsters. You reds train the other reds right? I'd like the orphans who wound up under my wing to come to me for their training when they're older Other skillsets are invaluable, and little Hope, don't discount her, she's got the makings of a real fighter, all the guts, reflexes, and instincts are right there, just waiting to be tapped. She'll make all of you and your ancestors proud, and at other times make you want to shake her. But that's the fun.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As she rubbed the mixture in on the little green one's knee, Kylie noticed that she was getting some almost instant relief and her sniffles died down, though she still clung to Kylie a little bit while the others aside from Hope hopped down once they made sure she was okay. "My meaning though Kylie, is that they're barely old enough to talk and stuff, they can't be expected to learn life lessons that quickly this early in their little lives. Hell they're lucky if they can even remember where the bathroom is half the time," Sheila said, patting Hope's little head as she stroked her little sister's hair gently with her hand.

"It's okay sis, just watch where you going next time okay. Now go play with the others. Mister Wraith here will take care of you and won't let them be mean again," Hope told her little sister, looking at Wraith with a serious look in her eyes before motioning him over and helping her little sister to climb up on top of him, where he zoomed her around and chased her other 4 sisters around while she cackled happily.

Sheila sat there and listened to Kylie talk while they watched Wraith flying the little green alraune around before Hope hopped down carefully and walked over to them and motioned Wraith over again and got him to fly another one of them around, taking turns to ferry them about the little area around Kylie and Bob, as the majority of the other little alraune were running around with the other little darkmantles.

"Well Kylie... you see. The reason why we don't pressure the children to learn those kinds of lessons so early in life is because they deserve to be children when they're children. They grow up so quickly so they should enjoy it while it lasts. We alraune, at least we red alraune anyway, spend only about a fifth to a quarter of our lives if that much as children. I mean sure we start learning how to hunt and fight when we're about six or seven, but we only live to be about forty at most, give or take, so we mature the fastest of all the alraune. We don't have a lot of childhood time, so we let the little red alraune make it count by letting them play as much as they can without any worries about responsibility and that kind of thing," Sheila replied when Kylie was done talking, telling Kylie her peoples reasons for not teaching the children like Kylie was intent on doing with her half a dozen.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie nodded, thinking before answering. That's all well and good, especially for the reds who have so little time, but we humans aren't all that different. For every year you get, we get nearly the same, less in some places. Much less for myself. I was a tested and tried killer by 13. What little I remember of my own childhood is... dark. Hard times are coming, ravens moving this way and that, flocking in murders that span the skies. Honestly, I didn't even remember I had a childhood until a couple weeks ago. I will live to be 60 if I'm lucky, longer if I have my way, but to slip out of your prime and have more then 2/3s of your life left... that's death all on it's own. That dream of happiness is just a dream for so many people. I'd love nothing more then for these children here to grow up without a care in the world, no worries, no storm clouds waiting to greet them as they grow. But that's not reality. Kylie said, sighing sadly as she watched the children.

Kylie fell silent for a little bit, shaking her head to clear any cobwebs. But remember, their lives almost ended so much earlier... Now... now it's my job to make sure they not only make the most of it, but survive the worst of it. I wont always be here to save them, neither will you or anyone else. I need to be sure they can save themselves if they have to, though I fervently hope that is Never the case. Yes I'm harsh, I'm a harsh person, my childhood was harsh, the death of my family was harsh, my training was harsh, my profession is harsh. I have been tried and tested again, and again, and will continue to be. There's more ice in this chest then blood and if it was any other way... well. Let's not dwell on that. Giselle can coddle them, let them play, pamper and spoil them all she wishes. Me... I'll love them with everything I am, and in the spirit of that love, I'll prepare them in any way I know so that they can do the same one day. If we all looked through the same eyes, the world would be a different place. To date I have slain countless men, women... On this island alone that count includes an ogre, a kraken, a displacer beast... More blood will flow by my hand before my life is done, and If it hadn't at the time, others would surely have suffered, or my life would have ended already. Kylie continued, helping Sheila see things through her own eyes, if only a little. Sometimes a glimpse was all it took. But it seemed Kylie was sharing her own wisdom a lot these days in this paradise that seemed to have no idea what the world could really be like.

Kylie patted Sheila one last time on the shoulder, and this time held on, squeezing her affectionately and giving her a smile as she stood, before ending the conversation on the only note that may get her point across. Not much older then Hope. I watched my parents murder, they were Rotted from the inside out by an abomination. My brother saved my life by remembering these simple, early lessons I'm trying to pass on. And he wasn't much older then I was. I can't say Never Again. I can only prepare them for the worst... she said quietly so the other youngsters couldn't overhear, before heading into Giselle's arms with a smile, scooping the runt up on her way.

Holding the tiny thing in her arms, Kylie kissed her forehead and thought for a moment. I bet you need a name. Little and Strong. I'll call you Spinosa. or Pino. Yea? it's a good strong name just like you are. The rest of you little monsters, where are ye? she called out, gathering the orphans around them before naming them all. Pointing to the reds, she smiled and YANKED everyone into a hug, before going back to her task.

Oak and Maple. Tall, Strong, and fast growing. Patient, Kind, and always with something to give. Cmere ya sleepy goober. she said, yanking the blue onto her knee, before kissing the reds on their heads.

Willow, That's your name little one. Sweet, Kind, and always listening. Sharing rest and shade for your sisters. she said, kissing the blue, before bouncing the Pink up onto her head.

You, trouble maker, are Orchid. Pretty, soft, and always bringing a smile to everyone. Drinking in the sun and sharing love. I've named you all. And every name has meaning, hold tight to your name, it's who you are, no one can ever take that away from you. she said once she'd set everyone back down. Now go on, have fun. And share the good news. she finished, shooing them all off to keep playing, before finding going back to Bob to watch everything and everyone with a smile, Giselle plopped next to her, and somewhere, magically, dessert finding it's way into their hands along the way, a third plate for Sheila.
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