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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"M'kay, we can do that," Giselle said with a smirk.


"You're welcome honey. Now give me some sugar before we get inside," Giselle said, leaning in and kissing Kylie on the lips and stealing her breath.

When they got inside, Kylie saw a man sitting next to a young human woman who was laying back in another chair. He was a tiefling man with dark brown skin rather than the average red skin. He had the tattoo utensil in his right hand and a pair of spectacles on his face as his long tail swishing behind him as he worked. "Come on in, I'll get to you as soon as I can," the tiefling man said without turning away from his work. If she looked close, Kylie saw that he was drawing a tattoo on the small of the young woman's back, which looked like a succubus' tail that curled around her left butt cheek.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie moaned softly into Giselle's lips as they kissed, squirming as the Siren literally took her breath away, leaving her panting softly for a moment, before she got tugged inside for daydreaming immediately after about what was under Giselle's skirt.

Once inside, Kylie regarded the tiefling though, and decided that while she waited, she'd deal with this rediculous suit, since being covered in latex wouldn't help the tiefling with anything. Using her teeth if Giselle didn't help, Kylie would free her hands from the straps, and then get to the laces on the back, sighing as she stripped the bitchsuit off, stretching and cooing happily before folding it up and standing proudly in front of Giselle, one hand over her womb, just under the half moon Tattoo to show Giselle.

Like I said... Owe her a thank you Mistress. she whispered, smiling softly while they waited for the tiefling to finish what he was doing.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie instantly started getting help from Giselle in taking her latex bitch suit off. When they got the suit off of Kylie, Giselle noticed the tattoo there on her waist. She smiled and stared at it a few moments before kneeling down and kissing Kylie right there. "It's beautiful Kylie, almost as beautiful as you are," Giselle told Kylie, looking up at her with a smile as she knelt there.

"I have a book there if you want to look at the stock tattoos I do. If you have a specific one in mind, I have paper for sketches and stuff too, as well as various inks for you to fill in the colors as you like. They're right there on the main counter," the tiefling man said as he continued working.

Kylie saw a few other girls in there as well, likely in line ahead of her, though there were other artists in there as well, all of whom had someone on their chairs. "If you're wanting magic tattoos ladies, then you'll need to wait for Kairon to get done. He's the best and if it's stronger magics you want, then he's the only one who can handle it," a girl sitting next to Kylie and Giselle told them.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie could only smile and then giggle as Giselle kissed her belly button, before she heard what the lady said, and nodded, before snatching up the sketchbook, and a pencil, and starting to pass the time furiously drawing.

What was being put to paper was in fact, a to scale drawing of herself with amazing detail and speed as she recalled herself in a mirror, as well as the times she had been tailored for clothing and armor, resulting in exact measurements for each body part before she started on the actual tattoo design, since apparently it was alright to draw your own. She didn't fucking know how it worked. The tattoo artist did.

What started as a full petaled rose in bloom right on the center of her back, turned into a twisting whorl of vines that slid down her spine to the small of her back, before branching down her legs to the soles of her feet, all thorned slightly, three vines making a twisting trinity down each limb, as well as along each arm in the same way.

When they reached her hands, again they formed blossoms, however, this time they were closed buds, not full blooms, and on her feet, they spidered out along the soles as more roots rather then vines.

Across her front as she allotted space, Kylie drew the pattern down along her abdomen, circling around the half moon of Sehanine in a wreathe, before drawing a full bramble below the moon, as if the light of the moon was shining down on it, this patch ending just above where her more intimate area. Higher up on her chest, the vines that had twisted around her arms, came along under her ribs and up to her neck along her cleavage, leaving her breasts free save for a single curling vine ending at each nipple, and a tight tattooed Collar around her neck, heavily thorned, with spaces every 2 inches or so for Runes. Or even just Giselle's name. her artist was likely done and ready by the time she finished, and Giselle likely watched the drawing as well as flipped through the book. But this was the tattoo design Kylie had in mind.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Giselle simply sat there and watched as Kylie drew out her desired tattoo, though the more she drew, Giselle seemed to look a little disappointed about something. Finally as Kylie neared completion of her drawing, Giselle spoke up as she looked over at Kylie. "Hey hon, why do you want to hide your gorgeous body from everyone with all these tattoos? I mean, it's a very beautiful tattoo for sure and I don't mind if it's what you want. But that is an awful lot of drawing for him to do. Don't you think?" Giselle asked curiously, wrapping an arm around Kylie as she finished drawing and tracing circles around Kylie's nipple with her index finger.

"No tattoo is too much for me to draw miss, so don't worry about that. Though this could take me more than one session to do if you're okay with that. Plus if you're wanting magics woven into it, then that leaves less space for additional magical tattoos, as I can only do one enchantment for each tattoo, although I could separate it in certain places so that I could do more than one. What sort of magic did you want woven into it?" Kairon said, taking a look at the sketch Kylie drew out and then looking at Kylie.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie gently took Giselle's hand off her breast, and using her own hand, traced Giselle's finger along all the thin scars along her back, and the thicker ones along her arms. It'd still be the same body you Love Giselle... Just with a bit of Artwork. she said, before considering the design again, and paring it back.

As Kairon came over and said what he did, Kylie nodded and then pulled the vinework back to a single twisting line along the inside of her arms and back of her thighs, rather then the spinning pattern, and moved the vines so they'd split around her breasts, rather then over them, before simply sighing and doing away with the design on her chest entirely, leaving most of the work on her back.

There. A little less intrusive. she said, leaving the design on her back fully intact. before turning to Kairon. I do want magic, But... it may not be what you usually get asked for. I want the tattoo to draw in ambient energy passively. All the time. Offensive, Defensive, Natural, Unnatural, Doesn't matter. Though the Rose has multiple meanings to me, the Magic should feed it. And then well... it'd be really handy if I could blink short distances. Use the power from the large tattoo to power that, maybe put that in my palms. And then well, Anything my Lover here wants set into the Collar. she said, explaining what she wanted. A bit like a Golem actually, pulling Magic from the air and nature around her, as well as spells and using it to power something else. though in this case, it would be her body.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Mmm, yeah I guess you're right. I just think you're already perfect the way you are is all. I guess what I'm saying is, that you don't have to hide your scars from me, they're what make you... well, you," Giselle said, kissing Kylie and leaving a hickey on her neck.

"Hmm, I think I can do all this in one sitting now. If you want to come back later and do the rest, then you can. But with the magics, you gotta let them set for a few days before you try to add more to give your body time to become accustomed to it all. Overdoing it can harm you," Kairon said as he looked at Kylie's new design.

As Kylie explained the sort of enchantment she wanted, Kairon whistled softly. "That's a tall order. Now I know a lot about magics, but something that complex may be beyond my skill. If you don't mind waiting an extra half an hour though I can call a friend of a friend to help me out with this. She knows the best mage around just about," Kairon said about the enchantment while scratching his chin.

"I think we can wait a bit longer if you need to. You don't mind do you hon?" Giselle said, looking to Kylie as she asked if she minded waiting.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

I don't mind at all. And admittedly I know it's a tall order. But it's important to me. And well... This kind of enchantment carries risks all it's own. She said plainly, sitting comfortably while leaning into Giselle, nuzzling her softly.

As they waited, Kylie felt the need to explain a little. I'm going to find a way to join you for more then the sad 90 years of a human lifespan. I'm going to be with you and our Children for as long as I can any way I can, no matter what. She whispered, burying her face in Giselle's neck.

Don't turn me away now that I'm taking the first steps. I don't know if this will help with that. But the flower is Me, and our Family, and Hope. And... I want one more thing here... I want you to think of a tattoo to put on the collar. Something special, something yours that no one can ever take away. I want you to do that for me. I'll never be without you. she said, letting Giselle know that she hadn't put that issue to rest, but wasn't going to let it destroy their relationship either, instead choosing the hard path to try and claim both victories rather then a short happy life and a bitter farewell.

I want you to meet my family when we're done in Hespera. Meet the Rose in Garellia... If you want... that is. she finished, now blushing so hard that she wouldn't pull her face out of the crook of Giselle's shoulder for fear of being seen like that.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Indeed it does. It's doable, but I don't know if I could do it myself is all," Kairon replied.

"Aw honey, I love you so much," Giselle said, nuzzling Kylie back. "You don't got to explain anything to me, and I'll never ever leave you. So don't you never ever leave me either. And... if you want to cover your body in tattoos, then I don't care, just so long as you always love me. Just, don't cover your face with any, because I want to be able to keep looking at that beautiful face of yours," she went on to say, kissing Kylie on the lips.

"I'd be honored to meet them all Kylie... every one of them. And I know my sisters would love to as well. If you want, once we leave here, we can go see them. We can take Tina and Delilah with us, and maybe they could teach your family a thing or two and vice versa," Giselle replied, entwining her tongue with Kylie's as she kissed her again.

"Well you know ladies, there are magical means of hiding tattoos so they're only visible when you want them to be. I should have mentioned that before, though it costs a lot more because that's a tough spell even with small tattoos," Kairon told them both.

Giselle looked to him and then back to Kylie and smiled. "Well go wild with your tattoos then hon. I don't mind in this case, because I get my hot fiancee, and you get all the tattoos you want," Giselle said, though she looked to no longer care about the tattoos now as she pulled Kylie into her lap.

Kairon left the two for now, smirking as he witnessed their love blooming. Giselle completely lost herself in the moment as she kissed Kylie.

(I should be more open to stuffs, so you know what I will be. She gets the original tattoo if you still want it. :))
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Nah nah nah, It's Ok. The second design is fine. It's probably easier to hide. But I had a sinking feeling that this particular request would take up a fair bit of space. And well, I don't know if this is the case, but I thought the symbolism would be important. Kylie explained, simply smacking a thought out cherry on top before she heard that if she wanted to pay for it, that they could enchant the tattoos to be hidden.

Well if it can be done, do it. I was already a little leery about having marks on my body that were unique to me... And then I remembered these scars and realized it was a bit late for that worry. But yes, if we can get this all done in a single sitting then by all means. That way it doesn't take up my whole trip here. Just take your time and see it done right and well. Kylie said, deciding.

When Keiron called her up, with whoever his apparent friend was.... Probably fucking Hazel. Then she'd go and get her ass up on that table to let the drawering begin, perching her chin on her hands and smiling at Giselle.

Anyone can climb a mountain, one step at a time. she said, grinning.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Technically the symbols you want don't need to be anything in particular for any enchantments to work on them. Like say if you wanted a nature enchantment of some sort, you wouldn't need a drawing of plant life or some such," Kairon said as he headed off.

Kairon was gone for some time, leaving the two to cuddle on the chairs there as they waited for him. He returned a little over half an hour later and had not Hazel in tow, but a robed elven man. "So do you think you can do magics this strong?" Kairon asked him as they stepped back into the store.

"Yes I believe I can manage it. So... which of these ladies wants such powerful enchantments?" the elven man said, looking around at everyone in there not already getting a tattoo.

When his gaze fell on Kylie, the elven man went still for a few moments before shaking his head. "I uh... I'll need a few minutes to get ready. There's someone I need to go see before I do this. You can go ahead and start on the tattoos," the elven man said before walking back out of the tattoo place.

"Alright then young miss, come on up and we'll head to the master chair," Kairon told Kylie, gesturing her to come to the back room, where a larger and more comfortable chair sat. "This is for long sessions, so that you or whoever can relax back for a longer period of time without needing to get up," he then explained once they were in the back room.

"Can I come and watch?" Giselle asked curiously as she got up to follow.

"Of course, there's extra chairs to sit in back there," Kairon answered.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie froze when the man noticed her, and paused, seeming to recognize her, saying something about needing to see someone else, Kylie's reaction was immediate, violent, and to the point, hand slipping into a free chair to hurl it into his path before appearing at his side, hand slamming down against the wall near his throat.

Completely Naked, she was pretty sure she could take an old man at this range.

AH! Keep your fucking hands still. How do you know me, And Who do you need to see. she growled, eyes shining like knives.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As the chair came hurtling towards him, the elf flung his hand up and batted it easily aside with a spell, and as Kylie's hand came flying towards his general direction he stepped brought a hand up so that it was right in her face. When she made no other moves of hostility towards him other than this before demanding who he was and whatnot, the elf man sighed softly and shook his head from side to side, more to himself than anything.

"Kylie... honey, w-why don't you let him talk at least," Giselle said softly, though Kylie could tell that she was scared by the sudden reaction.

"No no, I probably deserve a punch for it. If you're willing to listen though, then we can talk. Besides, you'll not likely find another mage strong enough that's willing to perform the kinds of magics you're wanting on those tattoos," the elven man told Kylie, looking slightly tense, but not frightened in the least by Kylie's actions. "We can put the tattoo on hold for a few minutes if you have any questions. I'll do my best to answer them for you," he added gently to Kylie lowering his hand first as a show of trust.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

They stayed just like they were for a tense moment, Kylie feeling him out while he likely did the same, judging how quickly he could get a spell up before Kylie turned him into a human pretzel... Mages had problems with close combat, like blowing themselves and their attacker up this close.... But Kylie let out the held breath and stepped back.

You're not gonna get a better chance at catching me unarmed I guess. Kylie muttered, moving to the tattoo bench to start the work. Come on then. I'll be stuck here long enough for you to explain. she said, though she kept herself between the man and Giselle for as long as possible.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

When Kylie lowered her hand back down, the elf man nodded and let her sit down without trying anything, following her and Giselle to the back room and waving to Kairon to give them a few minutes. "So, is there anything in particular you'd like to ask me before Kairon comes back with his tools? Anything in private rather. Although first I suppose I ought to introduce myself. I'm Merrick, Merrick Greenleaf, I'm an archmage," he asked Kylie as he took himself a seat, introducing himself afterwards.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie grunted as the archmage introduced himself, still pretty sure she could have taken him down quickly enough armed. But... She was naked, it wasn't worth going into anymore. An Archmage Huh? So you know who I am, which makes me wonder first and foremost, who you need to get permission from to do this kind of work involving me. Better not be Fucking Elise. Kylie said, glaring at him.

As for In Private? If you know Who I am, you probably know What I am. Which makes me wonder why stammering and trying to slip out seemed like the clever play unless you wanted me to notice. Bah, I was all cuddly before too. Damnit Merrik! Tell me what's going on. may as well just spit it all out.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Permission? From Elise? Shit I don't need her permission to do anything. We're in Hespera, she has no say here. And yes I know who and what you are. I was going to go ask Elise if she knew you were here though actually, I just... didn't expect you to be the one Kairon needed me for is all, so it kind of surprised me. So don't let me kill your vacation mood, and I'm assuming you're here for vacation and all since Hespera is the best place for it," Merrick replied, looking incredulously at Kylie about him needing Elise's permission.

"So... do you know what happened to Kylie mister Merrick?" Giselle asked curiously.

"Yes I do. And I neither agreed nor approved of it too. I told Elise and the others that it would have been so much better to have simply used some calming spells to keep the trauma from affecting you as badly rather than block those memories altogether," Merrick replied before heaving a sigh. "But they didn't listen to me. Elise had a troubled past too, her father tried to sacrifice her to a powerful demon, and did sacrifice her mother to said demon. Her mother's cousin Cosimo and his companions rescued Elise from her father and were just a few steps too slow to save Brianna, her mother. Brianna spent seventeen years trapped in that demon's grasp, and luckily it hadn't devoured her soul yet when we found and summoned the thing to rescue her soul. Elise's memories were sealed using the same kind of spell that was used on you. And like you, her memories came flooding back one day when that seal finally fell," he went on to say.

"That's... so sad," Giselle said, looking very saddened about what had happened to Elise in her past.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Yeah, Cosimo Gets Around. he's my adoptive father. As for everyone being in my head.... Kylie bristled, before letting it go. She knows. Hazel is here and I'm sure Hazel has already spilled the beans that we're here as well. So there's no reason to go scurrying around like an alarm bell. I just came here to relax and spend time with my lady love.

Another thing, Merrick, when was it anyone elses business when, where, and how, I go? Seems a bit rude all things considered. I've had enough dealings with Elise to last me a life time and if we were to meet now I fear it would go poorly. But if she wants a meet she can catch me at the lighthouse at night. Tonight. That should be good enough. Not to be a bitch but I'm nervous enough. Kylie said, grumbling as she thought about it.

As for questions? What is there to really ask? My seals already fell.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Heh, Elise's cousin is a different Cosimo than your adoptive father. And fair enough. I didn't know you came here with Hazel. And it is nobody's business where you go Kylie, you're right. People are concerned about you though, and Elise is one of them. She's a good person, I know, because I watched her grow up to become a very beautiful and very kind person. So don't judge her too harshly for what happened, though... I won't deny that she can be a bit meddlesome when she wants to be," Merrick replied, looking over at Giselle. "And I see that you're in good hands with people that obviously love you," he added.

It was Giselle's turn to blush cutely, where she put a hand on either cheek and turned her head away from Merrick slightly. Her gaze fell on Kylie, where she blushed even deeper, but didn't look away. "O-Of course I love Kylie, she's my moon and stars," Giselle said softly as Kairon came into the room with his tools.

"Alright all, ready to start?" Kairon asked, looking between Kylie and Merrick.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Whenever you are. Everything is all cleared up, sorry about the trouble, just a bit of a misunderstanding. Kylie said, smiling disarmingly, which wasn't hard considering she was naked on his table, tail flopping onto the top of Giselle's head to hide her blush.

And then she'd lay there, and wouldn't make a sound while they worked regarding any discomfort instead turning to Giselle.

What do you think Lover? Should I finally meet the Illustrious Elise? she asked, popping an eyebrow.