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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Aw honey, what are you sorry for?" Giselle asked softly as Kylie helped her up.

They helped each other over to the bed with Maria, where Giselle flopped nearly lifelessly into bed next to Maria. When Kylie began to tell the spiders to not free Maria, Giselle shook her head. "No no, at least uncover her head. She'll be terrified if she wakes up like that I think. You can untie her arms too so she can move, but leave her in the suit though," Giselle said, kissing Kylie and spooning up behind her instead of Maria, pulling Kylie close against her instead of Maria.

Behind Giselle, Kylie noticed Maria instinctively spooning up behind Giselle, wrapping her arms around the siren in a loving embrace. "Just before she wakes up though little guys, you can tie her arms back to her," Giselle told the spiderlings as an afterthought before she fell asleep, and with that she closed her eyes and together the three of them fell into a very deep sleep.


"You are welcome dear. Take care now," Kylie heard a voice call out to her as the blackness of sleep fully took her.


When she next woke, Kylie could still feel Giselle's arms wrapped around her. It was dark out, and hard to tell what time it was. The spiderlings were nowhere to be seen, and looking over down past the foot of the bed, Kylie saw a large clock standing against the wall, which read "2:57".

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie grinned and let Giselle take the lead with the spiders, She had the right idea, and bonded to her or not, they would have figured out who the Mistress was quickly enough in this little trio. Her sleep was untroubled, and like always, she woke up first, after her minimum sleep needs without any prompting. Nestled against Giselle, Kylie kissed her very lightly, and stealthed her way out of bed.

Once more, she stretched and took care of herself quickly, before pondering her equipment, and putting on her swimsuit, and her gauntlets along with her normal Belt. But this time she left all the money at the beach house. She didn't want to be carrying it.

Reaching up, she stroked her collar lovingly and grinned, before setting out the bitchsuit for herself for later, along with a note.

"Going out to exercise. Back around 6." It read, on top of the suit and her plugs and leash, before she finished out her belt with her knives, and considered herself armed well enough between her shining fists and her knives to handle any emergency if it came up.

Heading outside, Kylie took the time to breathe in the air, before stretching, and then taking off for a long run on the water, taking long measured strides over the ocean blue and getting a real hard workout session in.

She ran for solid hours, one hour straight alongside the beach, and the other back, before starting a combat routine just inside the waves, using the waves as an obstacle while she practiced her flips and strikes, always landing on her feet instead of using her hands as a crutch. And she continued this until the sun started to rise, before diving properly into the water to rinse the swear from her body and then padding along the sand towards the house, wondering if anyone else was awake yet.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Giselle wriggled around in her sleep as Kylie slipped out, with Maria cuddling closer while Kylie got ready. Once ready, Kylie was easily able to slip out into the very early morning and down to the beach. There were a few couples here and there sitting and watching the moonlight, but so few that Kylie could have counted them on both hands.

As she ran down the beach and back up, having to make two trips both ways to make up the two hours, Kylie saw the lights of Hespera city still shining inland. After finishing her run, Kylie did her combat exercises on the water itself, working up a very good sweat before diving in and rinsing off. A tiny fish nibbled at her toes as she swam around a bit and rinsed off, her muscles aching a bit as she got to shore and started back for their beach house.

When she arrived, she saw Giselle was awake and cooking breakfast with some ingredients that she apparently had gotten, or maybe the place was already stocked with some. "Hey hon, Maria's still asleep, and I figure I'll let her sleep until breakfast is ready," Giselle said, kissing Kylie on the lips.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie returned the kiss and nodded, groping Giselle's ass a little before stepping back and letting her cook, sitting down with the bitchsuit and trying to figure out how to get into it herself while Giselle cooked.

That's for the best I think, we had our fun, she had hers. But I think hers was a little more tiring. she said with a chuckle, stripping herself down and drying off before turning the suit around in her hands. Ok... so this piece went here, and that went there...

Sighing happily, she let Giselle cook, before slipping her plugs in and giving them a good twist to set them off, holding back her soft moan completely so she didn't distract Giselle before she started to feed her arms and legs through the front of the suit. No matter what she at least wanted to try this thing on.

After that she found that the hands ended in thick mitts, but that she could still work the straps on the back if she left her arms free and did the halter strap around her neck first, before finding that the back wasn't straps, but silk laces. Tightening those off so the latex hugged her tightly, she tied them off and started on everything else.

Her legs first, which were now in very harshly pointed heels. The straps fed through heavy buckles which folded her calves up against her thighs tightly, and then the crotchstrap, which she removed. She had her plugs, she'd rather they be on display personally. Though the crotchstrap would be useful if Giselle wanted to give her a real vibe. So she laid it on her stuff.

Then it was her arms, which were trickier. Reaching into her pouch first, she pulled out two small bottles from her stash of shapechanging gear, and again opted for a big bushy fox tail and ears, before opening a small hip flask of scotch and drinking that down to make it last. Then she was feeding her hands into the arm holes all the way, her hands balling into fists inside the mitts, before using her teeth to pull the straps into place tightly, having to contort a bit to get them properly settled, but it was possible. The straps took some work, but soon she managed to thread the double steel pins through their respective holes and the straps were locked off, Kylie rolling onto her back to struggle a little, her big bushy tail wagging around and her ears alternating between perking up, and laying flat, listening for the breakfast meal. But it still wasn't done yet. maybe another 10 minutes or so. Wobbling up onto her elbows and knees, which she found were heavily padded so she could walk around like that without it being uncomfortable, Kylie scooped her gag plug up and used the bed rail to turn the D ring, gagging herself, before moving carefully over to Giselle and nuzzling against her leg gently, her back showing a bare and sensitive line of skin along her spine, overlapped with intercrossing laces against the thick black latex, her arms and legs folded tightly, and the rest of her body tightly gripped in the shining rubber as well, her face half masked again by the plug, who's magical keyhole had just faded from view, her holes locked off again, and while her ass was tightly wrapped, and presented very well by her position, her crotch was entirely free, showing the plugs.

Mmmmmmph. Hmm hmmph. she moaned up at Giselle, nuzzling her again, her tail brushing her leg, before looking up at her seeming to be wondering what Giselle wanted to do today. Mmph?
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Giselle cooed as her ass was groped, and she groped Kylie's ass in return with a smile. "Yeah it was quite a lot for her to endure. I know you want to train her and stuff, but I feel that doing that again so soon might break her. So let's take it easy with her okay. Besides, she was saying something yesterday about giving us a day to ourselves today while you were fishing. Said that she'd come back late tonight when she got too tired to stay up and just slip into bed with us unless you had anything against that," Giselle said, winking to Kylie as she kept cooking.

"Oh hon, don't put those mitts on your hands yet. You've got to eat breakfast after all, and you can't eat very easily with them," Giselle told Kylie.

Giselle didn't stop her though and let Kylie play dress up if she wanted to, while she continued cooking. When Kylie finally finished getting herself dressed up into her garb and came over to Giselle, Giselle knelt down upon getting nuzzled against and looked to Kylie. "You want to play pet already? Don't you want to at least eat breakfast first?" Giselle asked Kylie with a serious, but obviously aroused look in her eyes.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie nodded, and Mmphed through her gag, but wouldn't allow her to remove the suit, instead pawing at the floor by the table and laying down, looking at her. When her gag was removed, she whimpered. Pet's don't eat at the table with their Mistress. she said seriously, eating on the floor just like she was, displaying a surprising amount of ability to do so not only quickly, but neatly. It wasn't hard really, and she lapped a large bowl of water down before picking up her gag and twisting the ring on the floor like a good bitch.

Mmmmmmmmph she moaned hungrily, nuzzling against Maria's thigh when the priestess woke up, laughing with her eyes when she saw the spiders swiftly rebinding her arms at Giselle's request when she started to wake up.

Of course, they didn't hesitate to release her upon Giselle's command either, and ate the latex, hungry as well it seemed while Kylie continued to nuzzle and nose at Maria and Giselle until they were done.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Well I won't make you eat off the floor like a common animal, you've been a good pet. You can eat off the coffee table in the living room then," Giselle told Kylie, petting her head before Kylie started eating off to floor and setting her plate of food on the coffee table.

When Maria began to wake and Kylie nuzzled against her, Maria moaned softly as her arms were attached back to her waist. "W-What's going on? Where am I?" Maria asked, opening her eyes and looking around as she yawned.

Maria began to move around and when she found her arms bound she began to panic a bit. "H-Huh? What the... what is this? Why am I tied up?" Maria asked aloud.

"It's alright honey, you're just a little tied up still from last night," Giselle told Maria a little white lie, as she hadn't been tied up the whole night, but Giselle was making her think she'd been. "Do you want out? Or do you want to be pet Maria all day instead?" Giselle then asked curiously.

"N-No I promised yesterday that I'd give you and Kylie today for yourselves. Besides, I was gonna hang out with Delilah, Tina, Selara, and Palla at the gambling houses here in Hespera. I've heard they got a few good ones on Greed street," Maria replied, where Giselle nodded and smiled before leaning in and kissing Maria on the lips.

"Alright hon, come on little guys, let her hands go, and take her bitch suit off," Giselle said, patting the nearest of the latex spiders.

"What happened last night? I remember this... blindfold, and then it was just... I don't know," Maria asked, shaking her head slightly as her arms were freed and she was able to stretch.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Yes Mistress. I love you so much. Kylie said honestly, wagging her tail happily as she ate off the coffee table instead. She did Gag herself the moment she was done again, but only really because she loved it, and because Giselle hadn't taken it away.

Listening to Maria complain, and then talk about last night in a day, she was glad she was gagged, because she just smiled as wide as her eyes would let her, moving to Maria's lap and nuzzling her very affectionaly, her tail drifting over her cheek, hoping for scritches.

When Maria said she'd be going out, and the little spiders set about releasing her though, Kylie personally liked the idea of Maria keeping the latex suit on, but just being free to move. But that wasn't her call, and she giggled and flailed after one of the spiders with her folded limbs and tail, soon having one gripping it as she waved it around, laughing through her gag, which was an odd, but very cute sound, playing with the little spider as best she could as she got used to moving around before Giselle opted to do anything.

When Giselle got her attention again, she'd look up, Onyx stones glinting around her neck from her place on her back on the floor, legs waving as the spiders rolled around on her, tickling her a little, before wiggling back clumsily up onto her elbows and knees, and crawling over to her Mistress.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"And mistress loves you too pet. Mistress will always be good to you," Giselle told Kylie, kissing her on the cheek.

As Kylie nuzzled against Maria again, Maria pet her without thinking and scratched her behind her ears. "Hmm, keep her suit intact though if you little guys can manage that. That way she can put it back on tomorrow," Giselle said, smirking at Maria who groaned softly, but made no attempt to say otherwise.

When Kylie scooped up the one spiderling, it chirped as she swung it around, waving its feelers back and forth with her movements. After that, she made her way back to Giselle, who pet her again and kissed her on the forehead. "So pet, what do you want to do today?" Giselle asked as Maria made her way to the bathroom in a hurry, where Kylie heard her sigh pleasantly moments later.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, in response to being pet and scratched, cooed pleasantly until Mistress asked her what she wanted to do, Kylie responding by scooting over to get her moneybags, and other such stuff, and nosing it to Giselle, saying clearly that it was Giselle's Treat, whatever she wanted. Anything for her Fiance. Even intentionally dressing up as a pet in every sense of the word and being paraded about.

After that, she curled up at her feet and purred happily, resting her head against Giselle's leg. She really didn't care what they did, but she did want to see more of Hespera and she had promised to go get that odd slimey thing the other shopkeeper had mentioned. So probably a wander down lust street at some point, and of course anywhere Giselle wanted to go or do. Or Buy it seemed. Kylie truly wasn't overly worried about her money. She'd take care of her business in Hespera later in the week. But at that thought, she perked up, and nosed Giselle's hand, Mmphing loudly seeming to want to say something.

If she removed the gag, Kylie would smile up at her. I want to go see the tattoos and stuff I can get here. For sure. But after that? Anything you want. she affirmed, going back to being a cuddlebug.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

When Kylie nosed the money bags towards Giselle a bit, Giselle smiled and picked one of them up and shook it to make the coins jingle. "Let's go out and see more of Hespera. We still got to go by that place to get the living slime clothing or whatever it was called. And yeah I remember you saying you wanted to check out the tattoos as well," Maria said, looking down at Kylie and petting her again after removing Kylie's gag so she could speak.

"We'll wait until Maria's gone and then get ready to go. That sound okay to you?" Giselle said, kissing Kylie on the cheek.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Sure. Kylie said, her tail flopping around madly for a moment as she was kissed on the cheek, before she flopped down and curled up happily, watching the door and smiling. And yeah, we can go light now, I think most of the hard work was done last night. Kylie commented about her training while she was in the bathroom, giggling to herself.

She was completely oblivious to the fact now it seemed that if she pointed her backside and Giselle, she could see everything, including how wet she was between the black latex along her crotch, including her bare shaven pussy. While her tail lazily flopped around, her ears perked forward.

And no matter how stringent it looked, and was, Kylie was comfortable in the suit, it didn't give her any problems, so she was smiling the whole time. But, when maria seemed to be taking her time about her business, Kylie came over and stuck her head between Giselle's thighs, whimpering and kissing gently.

Is this turning you on Mistress? she asked a little slyly, turning her head to smile up at her, before going back to teasing Giselle.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Giselle was obviously watching Kylie's ass as she crawled around, and Kylie would notice her staring if she glanced over at her. When Kylie came over while Maria was finishing up in the bathroom though and asked if Giselle was getting turned on by what she was doing, Giselle giggled. "Hmhm, what do you think silly? Just lift my skirt and look," Giselle replied, and if Kylie lifted Giselle's skirt up she would notice that her shaft was quickly hardening up again and that she was trying desperately to hold it down with her hands.

"I think you need to take responsibility for this Kylie," Giselle told her, releasing her shaft and letting it bounce to full mast mere inches from Kylie's lips.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie immediately and eagerly wrapped her lips around the head of Giselle's cock when she saw it, moaning loudly while her tongue wrapped around the sensitive tip, sucking on it while she continued to whimper and moan softly, letting the vibrations as well as her very active tongue do some of her work, her tail raised behind her and arching over her displaying her lower holes more completely as her tail reacted to her lust in the most natural way.

Lowering her head to change the angle, so Giselle's cockhead would scrape along the roof of her mouth if she pushed forward, Kylie's eyes found Giselle's, and she stared straight at Giselle, while she groaned and began to press forward, Giselle watching her lips, wrapped tightly around her cock, slide down all the way to her base, Kylie raising her head slightly at the end so Giselle could feel herself enter her throat, while Kylie's tongue played havoc across her shaft, swallowing around Giselle just to make it even more pleasurable, before starting to bob her head slowly with a moan, her hips squirming and her holes clenching around her plugs as she did, sucking off her Fiance hungrily, using every ounce of skill her constant practice with Giselle's dick had given her to coax her seed into her mouth.

When Kylie climaxed, whether pushed down or not, she'd moan loudly and shove down to her base, taking her entire length, and swallowing hungrily, making sure to drink down every drop, before pulling back very, very slowly, when the spurting stopped, to take her time using her tongue to clean Giselle's shaft, before popping off with a wet smack, and looking up at her, licking her lips, before saying something that probably drove Giselle wild...

Thank you very much Mistress. her tail still standing behind her, her own lust at the situation apparent.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"That's a good girl, suck it good for mistress. Make mistress feel better," Giselle told Kylie while petting her head.

Giselle moaned as Kylie's tongue started to work her good along with the vibrations caused from her moans. Giselle was obviously liking what Kylie was doing, giggling playfully and moaning louder as Kylie went. Kylie was apparently doing very good, as Giselle's cock was throbbing in her mouth quite a bit, and she could feel the plugs buzzing away inside of her, driving her wild while she drove Giselle wild.

"Oh Kylie... you're so good at this," Giselle panted aloud, her hand on Kylie's head guiding her up and down.

Kylie felt Giselle's shaft shudder in her mouth before Giselle pulled her all the way down to the base of it, where she erupted into Kylie's throat like a fountain as her seed spurted out. When she finally finished spurting her seed, Giselle panted softly and watched as Kylie slid her lips slowly back and off of her shaft, letting out another moan as Kylie's lips made a very audible pop as she pulled off. "Yes pet, you're very welcome. And mistress liked that very very much, thank you," Giselle told Kylie, petting and scratching her behind her ears.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie beamed at the praise, making a happy little sound in her throat much like a purr as she was petted, nuzzling against Giselle's hand lovingly with her eyes closed, her ears fluffy and wonderful to touch while her tail slid back down to wave back and forth slowly.

Pet is always happy to please. Always. Anytime anywhere anyway. Kylie purred, waiting for commands or simply basking in her attention, flexing her arms and legs in their restraints just to demonstrate for Giselle how helpless she'd made herself for her, before pulling away, and bringing Giselle her leash with her mouth.

I only ever want to make you as happy as I can. Kylie added in a light whisper after setting the leash on Giselle's thigh, nuzzling her leg.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"And mistress is glad pet does," Giselle said softly before she pet Kylie's head again. "I love you Kylie. I just want you to know that," Giselle added before fixing the leash around Kylie's collar.

Maria came out of the bathroom a couple of minutes later and smiled to the two. "Well I'm off you two. Love you both, and I'll see you later okay," Maria told Kylie and Giselle, kissing both on the lips and hugging Kylie. "I'm gonna get you back for the blindfold sometime. I won't say where or when, but I'll get you back for it," Maria then told Kylie as she hugged her, a naughty catface as she went out, wiggling her ass enticingly to Giselle.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie just returned the affection from Maria, before giggling as Maria said she'd get her back. Looking forward to it. she replied, catfacing right back and watching her ass sway as she left, her leash now clipped on and both of them free to go.

Turning back to Giselle, Kylie sat down, moaning as she unintentionally gave the plugs in her holes a shove without thinking, and shook her head, the leash jangling slightly on her collar. She had to wonder what she looked like, sitting on her haunches.

Her ass had been set on the floor, so she was sitting with her legs folded, in a traditional kneeling pose, sitting on her legs basically, while her arms, likewise folded, were pulled up near her collar with her pawbags showing off her bound hands, like a caricature of a cat almost as she waited.

Between her thighs if anyone looked, they'd see the black latex, tight against her body and her breasts, gave way to the slightly tanned skin of her crotch, and the ring from her vaginal plug, while her ears twitched atop her head and her tailed wagged behind her.

Reaching up with her teeth, she gave the leash a little tug, and whimpered.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

When Kylie sat down and slipped her plugs a bit further inside and wriggled them around, she felt her body shudder. As she gave the little tug on the leash, Kylie saw Giselle kneel down and grab her shoulders, where she stood her up and undid the stuff keeping her from straightening her legs out. "Probably best to walk just your legs on the way into town. I don't know how the laws about here see this kind of thing, plus it's a bit quicker," Giselle said, kissing Kylie on the cheek before getting changed into a cute light green dress with a knee length skirt, some green stockings to match the dress, and her regular green slippers she often wore back home.

Giselle took the leash and gave it a tug as she headed for the door, leading Kylie along and locking up on their way out. "Alrighty, let's go Kylie pet," Giselle said, walking towards Lust street.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie looked at Giselle as she undid the leg restraints, stretching her legs as she was stood up and nodding. Shouldn't be any law against it, I'm completely willing. she said, walking barefoot as she often did, her arms still buckled tight, so she kept her hands up by her collar, really no matter how she moved her elbows, and watched as Giselle got dressed.

Giggling as Giselle tugged her leash and told her to come, she stepped in line immediately, following. Yes Mistress. she purred, going whever Giselle pulled her. As they got outside, Kylie, unlike last time, would bask in any attention she received, thinking to herself how proud it must make Giselle to have her pet admired.