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Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

Intermission: Celia

The Tentacle Armor fed from her constantly, it had constantly prodded her in every orifice she had underneath her neck, injecting and sucking and fucking all at once, her bodily fluids would feed the tentacle armor and the armor would feed her, she had not needed to eat in over a week, and she felt stronger and quicker than she had ever been.

The pleasure she felt was constant and enhanced by the fluids pumped into her body, her breasts and cunt constantly flowed, but the tentacle armor made sure that extra lubrication was put to good use.

At first she couldn't do anything but sit down and accept the pleasure, but she was finally becoming attuned to it, harnessing it and using it as part of her technique.

The armor would soon need someone elses energy to sustain itself and grow, her life would become a quest to rape and harvest energy for the armor, but that was the path her master had chosen for her, and one she accepted.

As she got up, the pink tentacles wrapped around her arms and legs tighter, as if she might have an idea to somehow try to remove them, she felt the wet tentacle press deeper into her pussy and press against her G-spot and momentarily she hesitated before she recovered.

Her breasts were elevated and had grown larger as well, leaving little to the imagination, she knew that she was lactating and that her milk was feeding the armor as well, the tentacles covering her breasts formed a hard shell over her chest which shined like armor in the light, the rest of the tentacles were bound so tightly that their slippery texture would deflect any blow as often as it absorbed one.

From her side she drew the sword from two tentacle loops which formed around her tentacle leggings, when she wasent wielding the weapon, the armor attacked itself to the hilt and drew any latent energy from that as well. She inspected to see how the sword grew and hoped it had evolved as the armor had as well.

The sword was as purple slimy and slick as any tentacle could be, it had veins which came from the hild and pulsated like meaty tentacle cock. when it was around women it became soft enough not to hurt them, yet still hard enough to pierce them below, against anything else it was as durable as any metal, its point could penetrate men's armor as easily as it would penetrate a woman's privates.

She Shealthed the Sword again, the armor immediately reattached to it as she did, searching for any energy she may have drained.

'Soon' she said as she pat her hip, she couldn't recall when she started treating her armor like a hungry pet, but she knew that the power it had granted her thus far was only a fraction of what she could eventually obtain, assuming she did her duty.

She started walking out of the forest she had practically crawled too when her body was wracked with pleasure.

She began to think about the nearby villages she had passed before she stopped her and how many young women she saw living in them; it was finally time to wet this sword.
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Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar


As the silver blade slid across her neck, the blood poured from her body and ran down her chest and stomach, as she was sliced open she barely made a murmur, her release had come at last and the pain she felt was likely a refreshing reprieve from the constant dull pleasure she had been forced to endure for hundreds of years.

Odella released her, dropping the dagger to the living ground as she did, the woman fell to her knees, making no attempt to grab her neck, perhaps she had no will left to live.

You watched at the tentacle monstrosity before the both of you writhed and squirmed, it was at least 10 feet tall, and had hundreds of tentacles, it said it was the 'old one' and offered a parley, some of it's tentacles we're still damp with the white blood of the slugs left behind who odella was feeding.

Odella agreed to the parley, but rewarded the creature with only treachery, all she needed was to see the dagger to know the creature's origin and how to destroy it.

The old one crumbled to the ground, its vast might extinguished with the death of it's master, a fate you may one day share if you arent able to protect your own master.

The small tentacles were spared, and they crawled away from their dead mother terrified, some trailing blood as they moved through the pool beneath her body.

With the deed done, Odella walked wide eyed toward the pillar, it was a shining beacon of energy with throbbing purple veins erupting from the ground itself. The pillar itself was phallic of course, and pulsed with its own excitement.

Odella stood over the pillar and spread her legs in front of it, the Pillar itself was no larger than yourself, but it glowed with a fascinating blinding light, which made it difficult to see in the distance.

The light glimmered off her sweety skin as she judged the glowing phallis beneath her, though it was incredibly bright, she could see it clearly in her mind, it was a mage's sense for mana.

Without much more thought she knelt onto it and felt it enter her pussy, it pulsed quicker as she was impaled by it, her eyes went black and her arms went back, she went unconscious for a moment before she reawoke and screamed in pain and terror, the glow seemed to dim as the energy flowed into Odella, the pillar ejaculated into her almost immediately and with it's semen came its energy as well. the veins and the meaty ground itself seemed to tremble with jealous as the juices seemed to flow endlessly into Odella's body, a river of empowered cum ran out from the sides, oozing against her legs and flooding the ground up an inch from the soles of her feet.

At last the transfer stopped and Odella bobbed her head lazily as she got off of the pillar, her body was vexxed but her mind was teeming, and her irises we're glowing with a pale red light.

As she walked back towards you and the corpse of the woman she had slain, a trail of cum oozed from her pussy.

'Lets go home' she said to you and the lone remaining slug, the one who had joined you in your short adventure down here.

Her eyes glowed brighter as she opened her shaking hand and a dark power seemed to emanate from it, a blue portal opened up, similar to the one which had brought you here, but larger and more stable.

Odella struggled to lift the woman's corpse up, but she finally got a grip of it and pushed it into the portal, the slug went next, hopping in happily, you crawled into Odella's waiting arms and wrapped around her neck draped over her like a shawl, she looked around and took a deep breath, you couldent tell if she was happy or sad to leave this place.

She jumped into the portal.


Odella walked onto the cold ground as she arrived in her old world once more, it was night and a light snow was coming down onto the land which was sparsely coated in some of it already.

The slug and the beautiful corpse were waiting when you arrived but the slug was already shivering.

'What are we going to do with her' you said as you faced the corpse.

'she will walk with us' Odella said, she was shivering. the tentacle planes were a warm environment, and this snow however light was too much to bear.

Odella crouched down next to the murdered corpse and placed her hand over the wound.

the flesh started to mend, it came together again leaving not so much as a scar, her necromancy had improved significantly, the pillar had given her great power.

Putting her hand over the heart of the woman, it began to glow red, her eyes seemed red again as she pressed her hand against her flesh, in an instant the woman sat up and gasped.

She brought her hands to her neck and looked around franticly.

'Where am i.....who are you.....who?' the woman asked.

'I am your Master Thrall, and you will address me as such' Odella said with a tone so cold it rivaled the snow.'

'M.....master' the woman said as she got up quickly and nodded.

'What is your name?' Odella asked as she placed her arms around you and pressed you closer against her skin as she would a coat.

'My name.......i....don't know.....my master' she respond

'I am not surprised, the necromancer's touch strips memory and loyal, you were dead long enough that many of your old brain cells we're destroyed, i've restored the ones which will serve me best and granted you fresh ones which will serve me differently, choose your name quickly thrall, i may not to restore you again if you die of hypothermia'

the risen beauty crouched and picked up a handful of the soft cold substance 'Snow' she said as she dropped it.

'It will do' it would, the woman's hair was silver, it made her look wise, but she body was as young and fertile as Odella's was.

'Carry the slug Snow, we have miles to walk'

Snow nodded as she picked up the trembling slug, if Odella and you were cold, the slug seemed more uncomfortable than the two of them together.

You walked through the snow, it bothered you quite a bit but Odella seemed to march through it as if she had a new purpose, not long ago she had her legs spread to feed her other slug-children, her mind and body were fading and she had relinquished control to you, she seemed much more confident now and perhaps angrier, you hoped it wouldent be a problem, as far as you were concerned you were still the 'master' and Odella could have as many thralls calling her master as she wanted as long as she bowed to you herself.

You had a few more miles to go as Odella walked through the snow relentlessly, maybe you had better get an idea of her state of mind.

End of Chapter 2.

What do you do?

A. Ask Odella what she learned from the Pillar.

B. Make Odella re-swear her dedication to you, after all you are her master and she had best remember it.

C. Talk casually about your adventures in the tentacle plane.
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Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar


It's the clear choice so this way if she does revoke what she said to us we know a little of how to make her kneel or at least can't push us aside easily.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar


The snow started to fall more quickly now, the moonlight shined through the bare branches of the trees above and dimly lit the cold path before them.

snow carried the slug against her chest, she body was shivering and her movements were slow and tired but she carried on though the biting pain, perhaps it was the necromancy which revived her, she was surprising strong enough.

Odella felt much of the same cold, her skin shined a bit of moonlight, and her body was shaking just as much, but her eyes were focused and she was motivated purely by willpower.

The light snow crunched underneath their feet as the group went on quietly through the forest, when they had left, the beginning of winter were evident, but now it appeared as though they were in the middle of it.

any sense of time had been lost in the tentacle realm, without a sun, the two had slept when they were tired. The rest came to them. Odella had been raped countless times in the living plane, her body had been defiled in ways which seemed cruel even to you, but through it all she seemed unscarred....or was she?

Before leaving the tentacle plane Odella had been a broken woman, she relinquished control of her mind and body to you, and you were finally her master, but now she seemed to have a renewed vigor.

'What happened with the pillar?'

'My body absorbed it's energy, i learned the ancient secrets of the tentacle species.' Odella said, her pace unchanged.

'Your body absorbed alot more than that' you said

'indeed i did, and i will absorb much more by the time we are done'

'I intend to fuck you myself once we get out of this frozen hell' you said as you shifted from around her shoulders to around and underneath her breasts, elevating them slightly as you coiled around her chest.

'i suppose that is your right'

you were happy to hear that.

'This human body is nothing if not a vessel for power and semen, some would say they are one and the same'

'Ature' Snow said

'Ature' Odella agreed

'what does that mean?' you asked

'It means natural in the language of the Tacvi, your forgotten language....'


'It has long been thought that a great witch from ages past created the tentacles so that she could rule over humanity with them, but it was the opposite, humanity was created to help the tentacles rule over the other predatory races'

'explain' you commanded

Odella continued though the snow at her usual pace even as she told the forgotten story

'In the age before time, a race of gods existed and ruled all of the universe, they created many creatures and watched over them for a time until they began to compete against each other with the races they had created, one of the races was that of the tacvi or the tentacles.'

'The Tacvi were a weak race, but they were parasitic in nature, and able to subdue the other creatures the gods had created, the creator of the tentacle is unknown, but it is believed to be the god of deception, even the Tacvi don't understand their creator, and thus, i don't either'

she continued

eventually the other creates were starting to become resistant to the parasitic nature of the Tacvi and started to wipe them out, it was then that they asked their god of deception to create another race, solely for the purpose of siphoning and exerting energy.......the human race.

'so the human race was created to be cattle for the tentacles'

'Yes and more, the tentacles were able to control these creatures, controlling their minds while using their fragile bodies as power conduits, a tentacle creature will never stop growing as long as it has a endless supply of energy'

'What happened then?'

'The Tacvi gained so much power that they defeated all of the other species the gods had created, even when the gods created new predators in order to destroy the humans, the Tacvi were strong enough to defeat those as well, the Tentacles and the humans eventually become unstoppable and the Tacvi then challenged the gods themselves.'

'As a parasitic creature, the tentacles raped and absorbed the energies of the gods themselves, instilling them in the bodies of humans under their control, as only the human's were able to use the spells with the energy their bodies created, the remaining gods quickly acted and moved to kill the god of deception, but as he lay mortally wounded, he sealed his body in a secret dimension and told a select few tentacles how they may contact him'

'Your demon god......'

'Yes, the god of deception is able to grant his power to humans and tentacles alike, but most of the power remains inside of pillars or inside the minds of sealed humans and tentacles from that age'

'What happened after that?'

The remaining gods were raped and destroyed, they knowledge and power in the control of the tentacles and their human slaves, the galaxy became quiet, and the tentacles ruled their planet....this planet for many years until...


'something happened, the tentacle masters were sealed away in their own planes, but the humans remained her, years went by and they eventually forgot their masters, until the witch was able to contact the god of deception and open up a pocket of tentacle creatures to use herself, you descend from this ancient race'

'What happened to this witch?'

'She was believed captured and burned, her tentacle creatures destroyed or sealed once more, but the truth is, she evacuated to the tentacle planes...the same plane we evacuated to, in order to find the pillar and bolster her power.

'what happened to her after that?'

Odella smiled

'Why don't you ask her yourself?' turning her head towards snow.

Snow looked over at both of you, she seemed more confused than ever.

'I thought you said her memories were destroyed?'

'They will return in time, once i am able to unlock her brain and delve further.'

The rest of the trip was quiet, you pondered what you had learned, no wonder Odella seemed different, she was the only person in the world who knew what she knew now, knowledge was of course, power.

You arrived at the cabin, it was right where you had left it, the roof was covered by a foot of snow and the half-rotted rails along the porch were partially encased in ice, even the front door had a generous amount of snow which had accumulated over the weeks of months since they had been away.

What do you do?

A. Enter the Cabin and fuck Odella. Ature indeed.

B. Go around the back and check on the Zombies.

C. Go inside and talk to Snow and Slug.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

A, of course. Naughty tentacle.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

A restores us and possible gets Odella's mind weakened to us again since it seems like that pillar gave her mental strength too so it'll increase her lolty to us.

However I'm going to go with B since as said before knowledge is power and the zombies should have some sort of track of time and so may have known what's been happening whilst we were gone. Since for all we know people have been keeping an eye out for us to return or they are using the place for their own things.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

I say A as well. Ature indeed.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

I'm splitting time between this and Annwn whenever i start that up again. Of course i've already got Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat going again which is currently my main focus, im having alot of fun writing that one. As you can tell by now, there is alot less dialogue in that one, that story is going to have alot of 'make a decision' and then 'shit happens to you' that is not to say that it won't have a story or characters, but the scope of that stuff is going to be much more narrow.

Dark Ritual and Annwn (especially Annwn) have alot of characters with their own personalities and goals, The next time i update Annwn, the characters are going to go on an adventure and they will undoubtedly encounter a few hungry monster girls along the way.

This one needs a tiebreaker between A and B, after that, you can expect an update sometime soon.

P.S. This CYOA won't be ending like i had originally planned, i've simply decided to keep open Cyoas instead of abruptly ending older ones, this CYOA may eventually end in order for the sequel, just like the TLE series.
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Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

A I'm changing my vote then to break the tie.