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Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara walked on the forest sound gradually returning it seemed what ever had caused them to cease was finally over. It wasn't long before other signs of activity made themselves apparent as several new trade roads merged with this one. As good as this was something more distressing was occurring it had been only 2 hours sense her encounter with the weeds and already her abdomen had swollen fairly large. The gurgling was occurring more often and she was getting tired.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

As she moved along the path, Sara gradually noticed more signs of the normal sounds of forest activity. But as she began to encounter more signs of civilization, she also began to feel as though her pregnancy with the shorn-babies, better known as alraune was nearing its term. Deciding she would rather not give birth in a town, she decided to step off the beaten path, taking cover in the woods. Knowing what was coming, she decided to summon a kobold to assist with the birth and take the seedlings back to the fey-territory with it. She didn't want her...babies to cause harm to human settlements.

Additionally, she planned to ask if the kobold if he knew if any of the fey she could summon were capable of purging corruption, knowing she had taken a great deal from the shorns. Perhaps some of their sorceresses or sirens were druidic spirit wielders, she knew druid users had very powerful corruption purging rituals. It was a spirit talent definitely worth learning. Provided she could manage to keep her corruption down long enough. Still, she didn't want to summon one of the fey magic users just to find out they couldn't get rid of her corruption, the sexual costs of summoning them, while enjoyable, would just add to her corruption and completely defeat the point of summoning them.

Summon kobold: EP: 3*1*1=3
Wait to give birth
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara found a secluded part of the wood where some large animal had bedded down the night before. Thankfully the long grasses had yet to spring back up give the girl a nice comfortable place to birth the new life inside her. As the time began to get closer and Sara felt her body begin the birthing process she summoned the kobold. Golden light swirled around causing loose leaves to flit about and tossing Sara's hair about. When the light receded the small reptilian form of the Kobold stood before her. Well rather it stood in front of her briefly before falling down. This caused the creature to hiss in surprise as he woke in mid fall. Apparently he had fallen asleep leaning against something. As the kobold scrambled to his feat he brushed the leaves off himself and bowed to Sara. "Im Jarmore how may I serve you mistress?" The Kobold was dressed in simple leather armor with a small blade at his side. He had copperish tinted scales and blue eyes.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Finding a nice clearing a little off the beaten path, Sara dropped her pack and summoned a kobold to assist her. It seemed as though she had caught the reptilian fey off guard, judging by the way he promptly fell over. Well, timing was everything, wasn't it?

"Hello Jamore, sorry to did I catch you at a bad time?" Letting the unfortunate kobold right himself, Sara continued, "Well Jamore, since you ask, I find myself in an unfortunate position. I recently had a rather...intimate... encounter with a couple of shorn weeds. Its about time for me to give birth to its alraune seeds, and I wish for you to take them back to fey territory. They should be raised amongst their own people, I want them to be safe and well cared for. Though I confess I also want to protect the people in this area from them as well. It is no secret that they can propagate rather quickly, and I would rather there wasn't a shorn and alraune population boom in this area. So, can you help me?"

After conversing with Jamore about the fate of the seedlings, Sara asked him about the other matter on her mind. "Also, Jamore, I feel as though I sustained a fair amount of corruption during my encounter with the shorn weeds. More than can be dealt with through basic rituals and potions. This would most likely require druidic corruption purge rituals, or something equally as strong. Do you know of any sorceresses or sirens among the fey that I can summon who would be able to manage such a feat?"

Actions: Converse, wait to become a mother of plants
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Jamore listened to Sara's plight nodding his reptilian head. "Yes mistress I will see to the seed's safety and assure you she will be raised amongst her kind. As for your other request one of the nymph sorcerers should be able to assist you with this task." With no other tasks give to him Jamore stood and waited. He nor Sara had to wait long as she felt the pain of childbirth take her. It was just a seed but the size must have been fairly large. Sara grunted in pain and held onto a nearby sapling as her body worked to expel the foreign object from her. After a few moments Sara felt a sudden release of pressure and felt a wetness coat her legs which was quickly followed by the feeling of a large smooth object shooting out of her. She panted it was over even her belly had shrunk back down to its normal size. Jamore slowly approached Sara and picked up the softball sized seed. It shimmered in the light from the juices of birth and its own protective covering. "Oh shes a big one. No doubt she will grow into a fine Alraune. Do you want to name her after all you are her mother."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Listening to Jamore's reassurances, Sara nodded affirmatively, though she would have to deal with her corruption later. In the meantime, she was content to wait until the inevitable birth of her Alraune seedling.

Fortunately, she wasn't left to wait long before the seed was ready to be birthed. After a few moments of pain and intense pressure inside her, she managed to birth the seed with relatively little trouble. As Jamore brought it over, she smiled at both him and her baby...seed. She took the seed from the kobold and smiled, saying, "Thank you, I would love to name her." Thinking for a moment, she said, "You seem like a Jasmine to me, little one." She bent down and kissed the seed, letting a small whisp of her spirit trickle from her to the seed with the touch, her lips coming away sticky from the birthing fluids.

Handing her seed back to the Kobold Sara said, "Thank you for your help Jamore, make sure Jasmine knows her name and that she has a mother who loves her and wants to meet her some day." She gave the kobold the requisite kiss on the cheek. "Until next time, Jamore. I look forward to hearing wonderful news about my new daughter!" With a smile and a wave she dismissed Jamore back to the Fey territories, wishing them both the best, and already anticipating meeting her daughter again in the future.

After a few minutes rest, it was time to see what she could do with this corruption. Setting her mind to business, Sara refocused and tried to summon this nymph sorceress who might be able to help with her corruption, wondering who it might be.

Summon one nymph sorceress (tier 2): EP cost: 3*1*2=6
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Jamore smiled at the kiss and bowed as golden light swept him back to his home. Resting only a moment Sara channeled her energies again and summoned a Nymph sorceress to her side. The golden light once more swirled about and coalesced into a very beautiful woman. She had vibrant green hair with a band of white flowers on her head. Emerald green eyes sparkled in the soft light of the forest. She was well endowed with slightly pointed ears and was wearing a very loose wrap made of purple cloth. Turning to speak to Sara the Nymph bowed slightly. "Summoner what is your need?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Gathering her energy once more, this time to summon the nymph, Sara couldn't help let out a little exhale upon seeing her summon. She really was quite beautiful, and what's more, she reminded her of Nyeri, but that was probably just the remnants of her earlier experiences as well as the earlier birth affecting her.

After the nymph's greeting, Sara bowed her head in turn, saying, "Hello there. Please, call me Sara. May I inquire your name as well?"

The greetings exchanged, Sara described her plight to the nymph. "Well, as for what I need... You see, I was caught unawares by two shorn weeds earlier..." She gave a light, somewhat embarrassed, laugh. "At any rate, I received a good deal of corruption from the ensuing...rape." Sara wasn't sure why it was more uncomfortable to discuss this now than it had been earlier. Maybe it was something to do with her pregnancy, or something... Still she pressed on. "I am aware that druids possess a good ritual for purging corruption, and assimilating corrupted traits into the body's natural workings. Jamore recommended I summon you and I was hoping that you could perform such a ritual on me? It may be necessary to perform it twice as I seem to corrupt rather...quickly, and I believe my *ahem* repayment for summoning you would then leave me right back where I started."

By the end of it all, there was a cute blush tinging Sara's cheeks as she looked rather bashful, awaiting the nymph's answer.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Call me Spring Sara as my name would be difficult to pronounce in your tongue." Spring listened to Sara's story nodding as she spoke wincing at the mention of the shorn weeds. "I see I can do this for you but it shall take some time. Much longer to find the necessary ingredients. (4 hours total for the whole thing) You may want to improve your camp sight as you may be here through the night. As for my payment do not worry my nature will not corrupt you." With that Spring was off to search for her needed ingredients leaving Sara to herself.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara nodded to Spring, saying, "Thank you Spring, I am most grateful. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you, otherwise I will work to make this site a little nicer."

If Spring wanted her help on anything specific, Sara would happily assist, otherwise she would begin setting up a campsite, with a fire pit, something to sit on, and even a shelter. She could use her psionic power to assist in moving larger objects if it proved necessary.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

How much improving was up to Sara and she would have plenty of time to work out what ever she wanted to set up. About an hour later Spring entered camp several fragrant herbs, flowers, and mushrooms. Setting her collection down the nymph summoned a small ball of light above the camp while she sorted threw her findings. "Sorry it took so long but the Moon lily took the longest to find." Spring plopped a mushroom into her mouth and chewed. After a few moments she spit the mushroom into a earthen bowl she pulled from her kit. It was mushy and in the light of the spell she could see it had turned green. "Sarah please undress completely." Whether or not Sara complied was up to her but if she did spring would take a some of the green paste she had made and begin to trace geometric patterns following the lines of energy that flowed through her. After a few moments and several intimate touches later Spring eyed her work and nodded. Taking a small vile of slightly glowing water she poured it into the wooden vessel and took the moon lily and set it inside letting it soak in the enchanted water. Sara knew from experience and nature lore that Moon lily was a powerful aphrodisiac but also very potent in many alchemical potions due to its magic nature even if the side effects left the imbiber a little flushed. Still Spring was continuing on taking some of the herbs and flowers and grinding them together. After 20 or so minutes of this grinding Spring reached over to the bowl with the flower and poured its contents into her current mixture leaving the lily in its bowl. "Please drink" Spring held up the bowl to Sara's lips nearly causing her to gag as the smell reached her.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

As far as setting up a campsite, Sara had arranged a fire pit, complete with a stock of wood and tinder, a log to sit on, a small barrier of brush and logs to block the fire from the sight of whatever might prowl the woods at night, as well as a large tee-pee constructed of logs, brush, and heavy moss blankets to serve as their shelter for the night, with enough material that the entrance could be blocked shut once it was time to bed down for the night.

"Oh don't even worry about it, I only just finished setting this all up a few minutes ago." Following Spring's instructions, Sara bared herself for the nymph a little bashfully, but no more embarrassed than one would be when doing so for a doctor. "So why are-OH uhh ok..." As a spirit wielder, she realized what patterns the nymph was tracing, though it did little to make the situation less awkward. Sara tried to avoid looking at Spring while she did this, though without much success. And despite her best efforts to remain composed, the cool balm, combined with the nymph's touch on her exposed flesh tickled enough that a few involuntary giggles squeaked out of her, much to her chagrin. Each time she giggled she would look away, mutter an apology, and blush furiously, though her skin was purple naturally so it maybe didn't show up quite as starkly as it would have otherwise.

Once this was done, Sara would watch, fascinated, as Spring continued her work. She wanted to learn druidic powers one day, so she was very keen to watch the nymph do her work. Though she refrained from pestering Spring with questions, she didn't want to be a bother. Sure she could since she was the nymph's summoner, but she didn't believe in lording that over her. Rather she viewed this as a mutual partnership, the both of them were equals, with the summon agreeing to render assistance to the summoner. Partners, equals, maybe even friends, who knew? After all, the world was full of surprises.

As it was, she let Spring work in peace, though she was a little disturbed by the moon lily being added to the potion. When Spring asked that she drink it though she did so without hesitation, holding her breath and downing it in one go, trying to brace herself for the inevitable arousal effects.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara takes 5pp damage from the potion

Sara drank the foul smelling concoction and grimaced as the bitter liquid went down her throat. As the fluid filled her stomach she could feel a slight tingling on her skin and felt her self get a little hot. Thankfully the full effect of the moon lily was dampened by it being soaked and not added directly to the potion. The heat was spreading through her body like fire and it was becoming increasingly uncomfortable. So much so Sara couldn't help but fidget. During this process Spring was far from inactive. Dismissing her light she began to chant in her language it was melodic and a feeling of peace made its way into Sara causing her to relax and focus on the words. After awhile they seemed to blur and change she understood them on a deeper level even if she couldn't comprehend them. The patterns traced onto her body by the Nymph soon started glow a vibrant bright green casting its glow about. Free from the darkness imposed by the fall of night Sara could make out that Spring was naked. Her skin glistened with sweat as her own permanent tracings began to glow and match in intensity with Sara's. It was beautiful in away even if it was a serious ritual. Soon though she felt her body heat up once more it felt like her soul was burning. She wanted to escape this torment what was Spring doing to her. Just as she reached her pain threshold a sudden coolness began to flow through her and the green lights began to fade. Sara immediately felt different like her body had subsumed the corruption she had gained and made it part of herself. As the ritual ended a great sense of fatigue over came her and she soon drifted off to a brief sleep.


Sara's corruption is reduced to 0
Her mutation gained from the weeds no longer counts towards warped/wupernatural
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara couldn't help a small cough, but fortunately she was able to down the bitter concoction in one go. Still, it left a rather bitter aftertaste that lingered for a little too long. Regardless, she quickly got over it and stood by, entranced, as Spring began her mysterious and decidedly foreign chant. Sara almost immediately found herself enthralled by the nymphs voice and with the overall mysticism surrounding the ritual, like her and Spring's glowing spirit lines.

That was about the time Sara realized the nymph was naked as well. She had no idea when she had shed her garb, but now she was having trouble taking her eyes off of her. She watched in a trance as the nymph moved, the glowing lines across her body tracing her path through the darkness as she moved. Her words, soft and sweet, flowed through Sara's entire body as she listened and they slowly began to make more sense to her, her understanding not on an intellectual level, but on a more spiritual and instinctual one.

Perhaps part of this came from the lightly aphrodisiac affects of the potion. Though now not only her body felt warm, but her soul as well. Soon, the warmth in her soul escalated into a burning sensation, her eyes widened in a moment of panic. Fortunately the burning only persisted for only a short time, coming close to her pain tolerance, before subsiding, replaced by a coolness flushing through her body as her glowing lines faded.

She faced Spring as she felt the corruptive force leave her body, while some of the transformative effects actually felt more ingrained in her body, more natural. And then a wave of fatigue hit her and she fell drifted off into sleep, Spring the last thing she saw.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Spring caught Sarah the effects of the potion having run its course. As she held the woman in her arms the Nymph smiled. She was pretty that was for sure no wonder Lady Nyeri was so taken with her.

Spring wondered if the mutations that had happened to Sara had been directed by Lady Nyeri while she set the woman down on the makeshift bed. "It wouldn't be the first time she's altered a lover for her own pleasure." Spring bent down and picked up the moon lily and placed it in Sara's hair right behind her ear. Looking at the sight the nymph smiled and laid next to the sleeping spirit user to keep her warm before drifting off to sleep as well.

Sara awoke the early morning light just creeping into her campsite and she wasn't alone nearby Spring slept her arm wrapped around. Both woman where still naked but the forest seemed peaceful enough.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara was asleep before Spring caught her, and as such she missed the way she looked at her and the revelation of her connection to Nyeri.

As she woke up, she slowly gained awareness of her surroundings. It wasn't long before she noticed both the bare arm draped over her, and a distinct smell of moon lily that put her in a nice frame of mind. The aroma of the lily was probably not enough to induce lust in her, but it would put her in a somewhat...romantically predisposed frame of mind.

As she lay there, she turned towards the nymph, gently stroking Spring's arm, feeling her soft skin and giving her a very gentle wake up. Sara whispered to the nymph, "Good morning, Spring. Thank you for last night."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Spring smiled at Sara her eyes slowly opening. "It was my duty Sara. Im glad I could help but.... I do miss my home." Spring shifted her weight over Sara and pressed firmly against her their breasts gently squishing each other. Their was a twinkle in Springs eye and one of her hands gently caressed Sara's skin. "Is my duty done?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara returned Spring's smile, replying, "I am in your debt, Spring. And I feel I should apologize for my ignorance yesterday. It may have offended you when I mentioned you possibly corrupting me. For that I am sorry, it is just that my skin was not always...purple. Indeed, I was so changed by an encounter with another nymph, so I ask your forgiveness for my confusion." She reached up to push a lock of her hair back behind her ear and noticed the flower tucked there. "Aww is this from you? You're too nice to me Spring!"

As the nymph rolled on top of her, a playful giggle escaped her as she said, "Well, I don't want to keep you if you don't want to stay, your task has been completed, though their is the matter of your payment..." Sara could already feel herself getting excited, her...sexual affinity for fey starting to get the better of her as she slowly ran her hands up and down Spring's legs, a playful look in her eyes as well.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"No offense taken Sara some of my kind can indeed alter the body and soul of mortals." Spring looked down at Sara a smile on her face before bending down and placing a series of light kisses on Sara's neck that trailed down to the womans breasts where she stopped. "I find your skin very attractive it reminds me of lilacs." Spring shifted her weight and position so it looked like she was riding Sara. This gave the spirit user a full on view of springs large breasts. If she had to guess they where about a C maybe a little larger. Her thoughts however where interrupted when Spring leaned forward once more and kissed each nipple of Sara's breasts.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"I see, well thank you for clearing up that misunderstanding. Sara cooed gently as Spring trailed kisses down her body, then shifted to a cowgirl position. In her new position, she gave Sara a wonderful view of her breasts, allowing her to size them up before she leaned over to kiss her nipples. It seemed Spring had relaxed a great deal from her more formal manner the night before.

Sara took the opportunity to rub her hands up and down the nymph's sides and back, enjoying to soft feel of her smooth skin. "I'm glad you like my skin, Spring. Other than Ny... the one who gave me this gift, you are the first person to compliment me on it." She still tried to avoid using Nyeri's name. Not out of shame or disrespect, but she didn't want to risk angering the Nyeri by discussing their encounter with others. Though she was probably a bit more reserved when it came to discussing sex than the fey were, and she was yet unaware that Spring knew Nyeri, knew about their time together, and that Nyeri was of some importance among the fey.

Nevertheless, Sara sat herself up, and gently kissed her way up Spring's arm, onto her shoulder, up her neck, and once on her forehead, before kissing her way back down her other arm. She enjoyed giving her these kisses as her skin hinted of flowers, and she tried to follow the permanent lines on her body that had glowed so brilliantly the night before, enjoying the attention that Spring was giving her chest.