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Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Oh Endus my old stomping grounds." Rose smiled and blushed a little with a slight giggle. "Its a shame of what happened to it. But if you get the chance you should swing by the Silken Princess. Its the best brothel in the region and maybe all of Crolia." Rose smiled again looking away a wistful look in her eyes. "I used to work there as a bartender till my sentence was up. I couldn't wait to leave that place but now that Ive been gone so long I realize it wasn't that bad."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara could scarcely believe her luck when she found out Rose had worked at the very brothel Asha's daughter was being held in. She was excited and barely managed to keep from losing her cool right there. Gathering her wits, she decided to try to figure out a little bit about the Silken Princess now. When she had a moment alone with Asha they could discuss this new source of information and determine how straightforward they could be with Rose.

"Oh, what do you mean by 'sentence'? Is serving at the Silken Princess a form of prison sentence? What was it like working there?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Rose filled a few more cups and sent them out before getting a chance to answer Sara. "Indeed it can be a prison sentence but only for minor crimes like stealing and such anything more serious like murder is still punished the old fashioned way. It may seem crude but considering the former punishments for the minor crimes used to be slavery. Well spending a few years as a bed warmer seemed better than a lifetime of servitude." Rose began to clean a few mugs before speaking again. "As for what it was like working there. Well lets just say I learned more than bar tending during my stay." Rosa smiled at Sara but knew the cryptic answer wouldn't be enough so offered more. "During your trial and depending on the crime your accused of you get a choice. One you can serve your time in prison or two serve a much shorter sentence in the brothel. If you chose the brothel like most woman do they send you to be evaluated. In all honesty its just so a bunch of purvey old men and woman getting a chance to see the fresh meat. The brothel madam Sasha asked what you used to do before this incident and depending on your answers she assigns you to a group. Thankfully I worked at an inn much as I do now so I was assigned to the bar. Still that didn't absolve me of performing for customers if they paid for the privilege." Rose got herself an ale and downed it in a few gulps giving Sara a chance to ask a few more questions if she wanted.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Wow, that's really...something..." The alternative form of punishment was a totally foreign concept to Sara, however she supposed it did have a certain appeal to it over prison. She didn't know what the prisons were like in Endus, but if they were especially rough a brothel would probably be a very desirable alternative indeed. It also begged another question, "So, what did you get arrested for? If you don't mind my asking, that is. I promise I won't judge!"

After a moment's consideration, the possibility that she was their when Naomi was there. "Say, you didn't happen to err, work with a woman named Naomi, did you?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Rose smiled at Sara. "Well if you want to know I was arrested for assaulting a diplomat. Thankfully he had a reputation for being "rough" with woman so my sentence was light. Though at the time it seemed so wrong that I was being sent to the brothel for defending myself from rape but when I was released I found out that the Hall of Justice spared me from a worse fate. The sick freak wanted me as compensation." Rose shuddered a little before looking to Sara and lowering her voice. "Your familar with a little kinky fun am I right some whips and leather." Rose winked at Sara. "Well this sick bastard took it to an extreme it was no sexy game to him it was how he lived his life. I saw his "servants" and well lets just say I would have ended my own life rather then ended up one of his broken playthings." Rose poured herself a stronger looking drink and downed it as if she was trying to wash the memory away.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara winced as Rose poured herself an even stronger drink, feeling guilty for bringing up a memory as bad as that. She gently lay her hand on Rose's and softly squeezed it, saying "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked. For what it's worth though, I understand what you mean about that sick man. I don't think I would have been able to handle it either. I...I hate to say it, but there's one more question I have to ask you about your time there... Did you, did you work with a girl named Naomi while you were there?" She had to lean in close to ask, her voice was barely over a whisper.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Naomi.. humm doesn't sound familiar then again most workers at the brothel are only there maybe a year or two that is unless they agree to stay as actual employees. Not that I can blame them if I had the choice to do it again I might have stayed at the brothel. It really is a great place given what it is. Sure your selling your body for coin but at the end of the day you can make great friends or even greater lovers." Rose winked at Sara before pouring her a stronger drink and sending it her way. "Sure many brothels are just dives and ridden with filth and pretty much just a sad place to be but the Princess is different your cared for there not used." Rose sighed seemingly thinking of the place with great fondness.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Well, it had been worth a shot. Sara smiled sympathetically, "Well it sounds like a nice enough place, especially considering what it is." It did leave her to wonder how Naomi ended up in the bar. She had always just assumed she had been sold there as a slave, but maybe there was more going on. They would just have to ask Naomi herself when they got there, she supposed.

When Rose slid her a stronger drink, Sara cast a look around to make sure there wasn't anyone who needed her before she took a large gulp from the drink, trying to be as good a drinker as Rose. However the strong alcohol burned her throat on the way down more than she expected and after she choked it down found herself coughing lightly, a slightly embarrassed blush on her face. Still, she felt emboldened by her drink and continued drinking it, just going a little more slowly. The alcohol made her more friendly, and so she decided to joke with Rose a little, leaning close and saying , "Well for what it's worth, I'm sure you make a great bar girl and wench!" She offered the woman a giggle and a friendly wink to let her know she had been kidding.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Damn right!" Rose laughed out loud drawing attention to their conversation. "Oh looks like you got a couple more customers." Indeed two men in cloaks had just entered taking the far table in her section.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara laughed and left her drink at the bar with the enthusiastic woman, then turned and happily bound over to the new arrivals. "Good evening, gentlemen, what can I get you two tonight?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

One man kept his hood up and didn't look up at Sara at all but the other man pulled back his hood revealing a mass of dirty blonde hair an greenish looking skin as well as other orc features. In a gruff voice he spoke his accent rather thick. "Get me some ale wench." Sara didn't like how the man looked at her but took his order.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara arched an eyebrow at the rude orc, but took the order down and went to fill it. She went to Rose and remarked in a low voice, "An ale for our rude orc friend over there. She would return with his ale and give it to him, forcing herself to maintain an air of politeness. "Your ale sir. Is there anything else I can get you tonight?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

The orc snorted and eyed Sara in a not so innocent manner but apparently was well aware of the rules and slammed down a few blood stained coins... "Get going wench and keep the ale flowing." As Sara made her way back to Rose the woman was eying the two at the table. "Damn bounty hunter. I wish he would break just one of the rules so we can his ass. Sorry you get to deal with him tonight Sara do you want me to get another girl to take on your section?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara took the coins back to Rose, obligingly keeping the ale flowing his way. Rolling her eyes she replied to the bartender, "Don't worry about it, as long as he doesn't actually do anything I'm fine. And if he does do something, it would be my pleasure to...see him out..." She giggled and took another ale over to the orc.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

The orc seemed unstable as he called for ale after ale paying each time while his companion sat in utter silence. After about the 7th ale the orc was fairly drunk. "Hey pretty wench want a go with me humm. You know what they say once you have orc you'll want nothing but pork!" The drunk orc laughed at his own racial insult before looking at Sara lust obvious in his eyes. "What do you say wench want a quicky?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara mentally sighed as the orc almost inevitably propositioned her after inhaling quite a few beers. To her credit, she maintained a pasted-on smile in the face of such a revolting suitor as she said, "Sorry dear, but I'm not really interested. Maybe you would like some more ale instead?" She didn't know what his sober companion was up to, but she decided it would be best to stay out of arm's reach of either of them. While she was confident that she could defend herself, she still didn't want to chance an unpleasant encounter, especially with the hooded figure being an unknown.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"No I want you on my cock wench!" His voice had a hint of anger to it but he didn't move from his seat but fumed a moment. "Ehh your probably disease ridden anyway." Looking at the other robe companion the orc suddenly pulled on a chain he had attached to his waist causing the robe figure to jerk forward flipping the hood off the figure revealing one of the most attractive woman Sara had ever seen. Her ears where slightly pointed and she had yellow eyes. Her skin was flawless and her face in perfect symmetry her lips where full and the woman had light makeup that drew attention to her features. Her hair was a deep red and she had two small black horns poking threw it. However the thing that drew her attention the most however was the sealing collar on her neck that was glowing bright red as the woman tried to break it. "Come on ye damned succubus I need to put you in a safer place."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

When the orc's behavior turned to more blatant rudeness and hostility, Sara just continued to smile as she retorted, "And people said diseases never helped anyone. If they could keep rats like you from bothering me I'd take all the disease I could get!"

She turned to leave, but stopped when the bounty hunter revealed his 'companion.' Truly a prime example of forbidden beauty, Sara couldn't look away from the chained and collared succubus. The collar was red with the succubus' struggles, and it saddened Sara to see someone reduced to such a state. Especially when they were at the mercy of someone as vile as the orc bounty hunter. Of course, Sara knew that succubi could be extremely dangerous creatures, but she couldn't judge someone she hadn't met. There could be good succubi as surely as there could be evil fey. In a moment of emotional righteousness that was almost guaranteed to disrupt Asha and her's plans for a rest from their travels, Sara resolved to find out more about the succubus and potentially free her from the orc's collar.

"So desperate for company that you resort to chaining women to you?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Ha don't take me for a fool whore. I know better than that it would only take one careless slip and I would be a soulless husk. I'm taking her to what passes for a jail in this shit hole of a town. That way no foolish whores get any idea's."
With that the orc pulled the succubus out the door the woman looking back at Sara eyes pleading.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara scowled as the Orc lead the succubus out. It took a lot of restraint on her part to keep herself from blasting the orc, but it seemed from the way everyone was acting that the fiend was operating within legal boundaries, so there was nothing she could do. Her expression softened as she made eye contact with the woman being dragged off. It was obvious she was a succubus, and that made her dangerous, but she was a person too. And while Sara didn't know all the details yet, her gut told her she didn't deserve to be treated like this.

Once she had been taken from the bar, Sara cleaned off their table and went back to Rose. "So what was the deal there? Does he always bring people in like that? Do you know anything about that woman or where the jail is he would take her too?" She was keen to meet this woman, already planning to visit her once she got off work, but she wouldn't mind knowing a little bit more beforehand.