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Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Heh I see Sara has been hearing about the Goddess Amasael
Sturm said:
...Sara dragged Ama towards the bed, 'helping' her get ready by peeling off her clothes, even though they had a guest.

"You did what? She's who?" Still Asha's protests where quickly pushed aside as Sara began to strip her and mentioning the sexy times planned for later. She couldn't help but smile as she felt Asha's skin warm up from the blush. "I-I guess." Letting the woman push her onto the bed Asha soon pulled Sara down on top of her giving her a kiss before cuddling next to her as Sara got into a more comfortable position.

In the morning Sara woke to find Asha looking at a peice of paper and holding a key in one hand looking rather puzzled. Noting that Sara was awake Asha handed the paper over. In a well written hand a single line was written. Its a gift.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Blast, I knew that would happen at some point, it was only a matter of time lol

Sara relished taking Asha's clothes off, and then lying naked in bed, feeling the comfort that only skin to skin contact can provide. Cuddling up to Asha, she was content to be the little spoon, the little naked spoon, as the two slept in their comfortable embrace.

Waking up in the morning Sara examined the mysterious key and note as well, wondering how on Earth it had gotten there, though it wasn't unreasonable to expect that Tanya had a hand in the matter. "I'd wager it's the key to Aya's bindings... I wonder how Grack lost it?" Sara looked over at Aya. If she was still sleeping, she would ask Asha what she thought of having potentially having her around, otherwise she would go to unlock the succubus.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha looked at the sleeping succubus with an eyebrow arched. "Well I supose that she will come in handy just as long as you keep your word right Aya?" The bundle of blankets shifted a little and a moment later Sara heard a slight "Damn." Moving to a sitting position Aya yawned slightly. "You don't know that I will or I won't guess you'll just have to take the risk."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Shaking her head bemusedly, Sara got up and went to undo the succubus' bindings and collar. It didn't occur to her until she was almost to Aya that she was naked. She mentally shrugged, it was too late at this point, it would just make it more awkward if she went back and got something to cover herself. Besides, the woman would need to get used to seeing them naked at some point, might as well start early.

Kneeling before Aya with a pleasant smile on her face, Sara replied to her assertion that they would have to take a risk by saying, "You call it a risk, I call it trust. I trust you Aya, I don't think you're a bad person..." After a pause she got a cocky smile as she looked the woman in the eyes and undid the sealing collar. "...And I trust in Asha's and my abilities to track you down if you run off. I mean, if Grack caught up with you, I'm pretty sure Asha and I can manage." She winked and undid the collar. "Bet you're glad to have that thing off, huh?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

The binding slid off one by one making dull clanging metal noise as they hit the floor. Feeling the collar loosen Aya held her breath. As the collar lock clicked open Aya grabbed the thing and tossed it to the ground. "Damn the mage who made that." Rubbing her neck Aya looked to Asha noting the blade that was in hand. "No worries you sexy little Nymph I won't harm your girlfriend besides I don't command any magic. Free once more Aya sniffed herself and got a disgusted look on her face. "Ugh Im gonna take a bath." With that she was off Heading to the private bathroom that their trade suite had. "I hope you know what your doing Sara. While I doubt shell sell us out she is a loner."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara just shook her head and rolled her eyes, letting Aya go take a bath. "And you two were getting along so well yesterday!" She said this with a bit of humor, not really put off by the looming difficulties of bringing such a strong-willed newcomer into the party. She was definitely a wild card, no telling what she would do. That just made things more exciting though.

Smiling at Asha, Sara swept behind her, resting her head on her lover's shoulder. "Yea I know... I'm sure it'll be difficult to work with her for awhile, but I looked into her mind last night and I feel like she's good at heart. You know what they say, 'what's good is worth working for,' after all. I think if we can get her to come around she'll make a welcome addition to our team." A giggle escaped her lips as she took on a more sultry tone. "Maybe you should go in there and seduce her right now... I'm sure she wants you. And doesn't some steamy bath sex sound great right now? Or should we both go in, overwhelm her with 'sexy times', hm?" The look Sara gave Asha was designed to make her have trouble figuring out if she was joking or telling the truth. In reality she was joking, just trying to get Asha hot under the collar, but if the nymph called her bluff...
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Humm maybe another time." Asha spun around discarding her blade lightly to the ground and cupped Sara's cheeks. "Besides who knows how long shes been in those same dirty cloths." Asha moved in for a kiss pressing lightly against Sara's lips. I bet she needs that bath more than a little sexy time.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha's response elicited a giggle from Sara, glad that she was comfortable enough to play around like this. "Hmmm..." Sara kissed Asha back. "And what about you? You don't need a bath... Does that mean you need sexy time?" Sara began to edge Asha toward the bed, hoping to coax her into having a little romp on the bed while their new addition was in the next room bathing. Who knew maybe the prospect of having someone who was more or less a stranger walking in on them would excite the nymph? Sara had promised to help Asha find her hidden little fetishes after all...
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha only ha eyes on Sara. As the more sexual dominate of the pair Sara had great sway over Asha who had likely forgotten about Aya in the other room. Bumping into the bed Asha eeked a little but smiled at Sara before pulling her down and on top of her. "Oh did you have something in mind Sara?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

A mischievous twinkle flit through Sara's eyes as she looked slyly at Asha, pressing her down onto the bed and lying on top of her. She didn't break eye contact, even while her hand gently glided down to the outside of the nymph's nethers, gently stimulating it to get her warmed up. "How about some endurance training? Like a game, see how long you can go without orgasm while I try to make you cum? You can it on me afterwards, if you can still move?" She winked playfully at Asha. Of course the secret goal here would be to keep Asha going until Aya came out, so Sara wouldn't try to get her partner off. Instead she would try to get her too hot and bothered to realize what she was doing, and keep her there for as long as she could. Her fingers gently slid around Asha's labia, waiting for the nymph's permission before entering her.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Sounds fun!" The sexy Nymph spread her legs for Sara and smiled her sex already damp. "I hope I can hold out against your touch Sara just being around you makes me wet."

Sense its a contest we will be using rolls
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara smiled and kissed the nymph before sliding down her body and delivered a long, slow lick to her pussy. "Ready or not, you're gonna cummm..." Briefly suckling Asha's clit, she let it go in favor of using her fingers to stimulate the nymph's love box while she perched her head on Asha's flat tummy, gently kissing the soft skin and looking up into her eyes.

Roger that[/SPOILER
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara uses foreplay on Asha 4pp damage (1+1+2)
Asha is at 45/49 pp
We need to get some sexual teachings for Sara at lest spunky for sure.

Sara looked up at Asha who was biting her lip waiting for Sara to start. Watching the pretty Nymph shiver in anticipation caused Sara to miss her mark at first but soon she had her fingers where they needed to go.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara tsked herself as she stumbled from the getgo, but she kept at it. At any rate is was more or less a win-win-win for her, and Asha too she supposed. If she got Asha off really fast, then she was just showing off, if she was slow, Aya might see them, and regardless of it all she was having a great time with Asha and Asha was having a great time with her which was probably the most important.

Yea, looks that way :( lol
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara uses foreplay 9pp damage
Asha 36/49pp left

The momentary hicup forgotten Asha was soon breathing heavy as Sara's fingers worked her sex expertly. In the distance she could hear Aya whistling as she washed up. Asha had a blush across her face and her ears wilted a little as her breath started to get heavy.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Mmmm...how do you feel, lover? You're getting a little wet down here...Are you trying to make a mess of our bed sheets? Are we going to be sleeping in our own cum tonight?"

Talking dirty to the nymph, Sara kept on massaging her vaginal walls. Slow and steady, in and out.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara pleasures Asha 8pp
been forgetting Asha's sensitive flaw she takes 8 more pp as catch up
Asha is at 20/49

As Sara spoke she slowed her motions causing Asha to gasp slightly her ears twitching as she bit a finger trying to hold back. Her blush had deepened and the sweet smell of Asha's sex began to waft up to Sara's nose. "N-no....." Asha gasped again as her overly sensitive flesh sparked sensation threw her.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Yesss...." Sara hissed in a low, seductive voice as Asha tried to resist her. She ran her non-fingering hand up and down the soft, tender, sensitive skin of the nymph's stomach while her lower hand shifted so that her palm would rub over her clit on it's way in and out of her depths. "Just let it out cutie. Can't you smell it? Your nectar has such a nice fragrance, I think we could really use a little more of it. Just give it up to me, sweetie..." Slowly, Sara began to plant a trail of kisses up Asha's torso.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara pleasures Asha for 8pp
Asha has 12/49pp left

Asha jerked a little as as a fresh flood of fluids started to seep out of her damp sex giving Sara's hand a fresh coat. "Ah!" Asha called out her muscles starting to clench around the invader. Asha's face was beat red as she tried to control herself but it was a lossing battle her chest heaved from the sensations and her hips bucked at Sara's touches.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Oh Asha...You're so close..." Sara slowly continued pleasuring the nymph's horny, wet slit. She scooted back a little and lowered her face to the nymph's glistening, fragrant pussy. Removing her fingers and using them to simply hold Asha's labia apart, Sara began to slowly and evenly lick her pussy, occasionally plunging her tongue deeper in and plumbing her delicious depths rather than just licking across the whole thing.