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Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

The man looked at Sara and simply snorted. "Quite whore if I wanted you and would have paid for you." This did little to improve Sara's perception of the man and seemed to reenforce her luck at finding the worst people in this place. The woman on the other hand simply nodded to Sara before moving to leave. "Sounds reasonable I will see to the service desk for a room." Heading out of the gambling hall Sara caught sight of the twin guns on the woman's hips. They where large and ornate clearly a custom job.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

With considerable effort, Sara restrained herself from hurting the man. She doubted Tanya would appreciate it, even if the man was an ass. She turned, rolling her eyes before smiling at the woman and walking with a ways until she had to split to go to the gambling area bar. "You'll want to talk to Rose." She indicated the bar, frowning at how busy it was. "Good luck getting her attention, we're packed tonight. I hope we have rooms left...well, if we don't then come find me, I'll work something out for you, ma'am." As the woman left, Sara caught sight of the impressive guns secured to her hips. Thoughts of what sort of adventure the woman might be on swirled through Sara's head. She hadn't forgotten that she was here to help Asha, but if Asha was laid up for at least another week and a half, maybe more... Maybe she could help this woman in that time-frame, and if she did that then maybe the elf-woman would help them in return.

Sara's thoughts were buzzing at the thought of adventure. She turned and caught a last look at the woman, and after a moment's contemplation decided that she thought her elf ears looked rather cute.... She returned to her work with a smile. Asha would pour a glass of cold water on me if she was down here right now... The thought caused her to giggle as she went about her work.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Thankfully the rest of her shift passed with little disturbance. Sure she got propositioned a few times but unlike the rough fellow earlier most of them let it go with a simple nod and a few disappointed looks. Picking up the last of her orders and collecting the rest of her tips Sara noted that the men tipping her did not give as much as normal customers. Sighing slightly as she brought her tray in and the last of the men filed out she found Mindy nursing a drink. "So how did it go?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Glad to have made it through her shift, the lower tip count was somewhat disappointing, but she was glad to take the hit there rather than chance hurting Asha again. While the nymph had given her to go ahead, she thought it might be different if she was just handing out sexual favors for money rather than because of genuine feelings.

Making her way back to the bar where Mindy was, Sara grabbed a stool and sat down tiredly in front of her. "It went well enough, I think. I met an interesting elf-lady, I think she's getting a room here. Other than that it wasn't too eventful. What about you, how's your foot? I can take a look at it for you, I might be able to heal it so you can get back out here tomorrow."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Oh its fine it should be fine. Ive kept my weight off it not to mention Jules here had me keep ice on it." Smiling Mindy sat a while longer and offered Sara a drink and sighed.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Oh hush you, I'll hear none of it!" Sara lightly chided Mindy before gently lifting her injured leg up and propping it on her own leg, taking a look at the ankle for herself. "What's got you feeling down, dear?" Sara asked Mindy after hearing her sigh. She took a sip of the offered beverage before gently placing her hands on Mindy's injured ankle and allowing some of her power to flow out in an attempt to mend the injury while she listened to what the girl had to say.

"Now, how does that feel, better?" She allowed herself a bigger drink of whatever it was Mindy had gotten her now that she wasn't using her powers.

Sara uses lay on hands
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Its just a little tender." Indeed it was slightly swollen but besides that it looked as if she would be fine in a day or so. Still being on the safe side Sara poured some of her power into her ankle which brought a small giggle from Mindy. "That tickles." After her work was done Sara took a larger drink of the offered cup. It was very sweet liquid that popped and burned on her tongue. Looking at the expression Mindy simply giggled. "How do you like it? I think Tanya called it cola or something like that. I have no idea where she got the stuff but it helps me to keep going on long shifts." Sara hardly got a chance to reply when one of the card dealers came running up to Jules and whispered to her. The woman simply sighed. "Mindy we need to find a few more players for the high roller. He's in one of his moods again." Mindy this time sighed. "I see if I can find some girls to play stip pocker with him." Getting up Mindy limped a little before she tested her weight on her foot and smiled. "Well what do you know...."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara laughed and moved one of her hands to physically tickle Mindy's foot when she started giggling. "Oh really? Does this tickle too?" She laughed and released the waitress' foot and returned her drink. "Wow, that is really good! I'll have to remember this one...cola..."

When Mindy went to find strip poker players, Sara watched her limp with some concern, but smiled brightly when she was able to put weight on her ankle and walk normally. "What did you expect, Mindy? I'm good at what I do, and I'm here all week!" She winked at her and went to see if Aya was done and if she was she would go sit with her at an empty table or bar area and relax for a bit, otherwise she would keep Rose company at the bar. She would also keep an eye out for Mindy, and if it seemed like she couldn't find enough girls to play strip poker she would consider offering to help. If it was one of Tanya's big clients she figured she owed it to the woman to help her keep him happy. Still, she wanted to save her body for people she cared about, not devalue it by giving it to anyone who paid some fee or another, so she didn't volunteer right off the bat.
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Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

As Sara made her way back to the bar she failed to spot Aya anywhere nearby. Sighing she made her way up to a tired looking Rose. "Well how did it go? I see your lipstick is still in perfect condition which means either your very self conscious or you didn't take the bait." Rose eyed her as she wiped down the bar.

The setting was very quite almost all of the people had come and gone with a few stubborn drunks lingering at the far tables. "So... Asha has come fairly quickly along in her pregnancy... thats not very normal is it? Mind telling me what she really is?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Good observation. It's just, well...there's so much out there..." she gestured to the world outside the bar, "that just want's to take your body, use and abuse you against your will..." Sara stopped, taking a shaky breath. "And when you have people who really care about you, well, I want to share my body with those people. I want it to be a gift I give to the people I care about, not a product I sell to get by..." With a shrug she added, "Don't think I look down on anyone who does though. There's nothing wrong with doing that if it's the only way, or the best way available, or if you just like doing it. I personally just don't like it."

Sara was quiet for a moment, letting Rose work. When she asked about Asha, Sara cocked her head to the side, thinking for a moment about how to respond. She knew there were some people who did not like nymphs, or anything non-human for that matter, hence the reason Asha disguised herself as a half-elf. Still, Rose seemed nice enough, and she had to know about Aya, if not Tanya's secret as well. Since she seemed to not mind succubi, Sara decided it wouldn't hurt to let her in on the secret.

Leaning in close to Rose she whispered in a quiet voice, "Well, as it happens normal is a very relative term in this world of ours. I think I'm proof of that..." she gestured to her altered appearance before continuing, "but if you must know, she is a nymph. Is it important?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Rose smiled "Nah I was just curious never saw a woman draw that much attention besides well Tanya and Aya." Rose shrugged "As for the other topic Im glad. I've seen to many girls get seduced by this way of life. Thankfully Tanya is rather kind to her girls and takes care of them. Some other brothels are not so discerning."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Rose's comment caused Sara to grin. "Yea, she really is eye-catching, isn't she? They are such a beautiful people, the nymphs. And she really is a sweetheart, adventuring through the woods wouldn't be half as nice without her." Memories of their time together in the wilderness brought a blush to Sara's face. Though she still smiled happily as she thought about their numerous and deeply sensual experiences.

When Rose talked about the more scandalous way of life and Tanya's kindness, Sara nodded. "Definitely. Tanya has been very kind to Asha and myself. I will not forget her benevolence." She smiled at Tanya and patted her hand. "Nor yours, Rose. Thanks for always being so nice to talk to!"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"No problem hun. Though can you do me a favor though? The big roller is in the house tonight celebrating the return of his work crew and the money the timber will bring in. He's ordered the house finest as well as the special for the girls hes playing with tonight." Rose brought up a tray with several bottles and mugs on it. "Hes in the private rooms number four I think."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Oh dear, the house special?" Sara giggled before taking the tray. "Of course, happy to help! I'll be back down in a second!" Grabbing the drinks, she went to take them up to the room. Knowing that the house special was being sent up made her glad she hadn't volunteered herself, especially remembering what had happened the last time she drank the 'house special'. Knocking on the door, Sara entered the room Rose had told her to go to with the drinks. "House finest and the House special! Here for your drinking pleasure!" If nothing outrageous happened, Sara would make her way back down to the bar to report to Rose.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

As Sara opened the door she found an intresting scene play it self out. Aya was topless and throwing down her hand in disgust while a fairly tall and buff man currently bounced another completely naked girl up and down his cock. Two other girls including Mindy sat dealing out cards while yet another girl sat in the corner resting spunk slowly oozing out of her well abused hole. "IS this all you got ladies come on! I expected better. At this rate you'll all lose before the night is over."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara's eyes widened in surprise at the state the room was in already. Yet again she was glad she hadn't volunteered herself for this. She wasn't sure if she should feel bad for the girls or if they legitimately enjoyed this kind of work. Setting the tray of drinks down by the card table, Sara bent down next to Aya and gave her a friendly peck on the cheek. "Oh dear, getting some bad hands?" Since Aya had voluntarily taken Asha's shift, Sara already felt like being nice to her. The possibility that the succubus had saved one of them from having to come up here made her doubly in Aya's debt. With her mind she gently probed out to touch Aya's mind and established a mental communication link with the woman.

How are things going here? Are you okay? I can help you if you need. I'm not getting naked for him or fucking him though...
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Ya Im fine though I could score an easy meal but it looks like Im gonna be out soon and Ill take Kendra's spot on the cock." Sara could feel a mental sigh come from Aya as a new hand was dealt. She could of course stay and see how the game went but there was a chance that she might get confused as one of the contestants.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Oh that's too bad... Sara responded mentally with some sympathy for the succubus, though a moments thought led to some confusion, so she mentally asked Aya another question. Wouldn't you be able to eat even if he's 'dominant'? It was clear Sara knew Aya would be the one actually in control of things. Or is it just that you don't want him to be aware of what's going on when you do it? I did bring up the house special if that's the case...

It was then that Sara decided to make her exit, certainly not wanting to be confused with a player, Aya could fill her in when she left. Mentally, she told the succubus, Good luck, I hope you get your meal...

For a moment, she felt a sense of disappointment. Aya had really stepped up for Asha, even though the two didn't seem to be getting along at all. In fact, a part of her had wanted to thank her with by offering to 'feed' her. She knew what that would mean, but she thought it was a good way to display her gratitude and perhaps bring the two of them a little closer.

Then she realized the mental link was still open, and she was sending these thoughts to Aya. Her eyes widened in embarrassment and she severed the connection and left the room before Aya could say anything, returning to Rose at the bar. "Wow....I really dodged a bullet on that one. Can't say I'm that good at poker, and it doesn't look so good for the losers..."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Aya frowned a little more as she got her new hand. "Well I can its just the winner gets the pot and Mr. Spender drops a lot of coin if you ya know what I mean." Leaving Sara streamed her thoughts before realizing what she was doing and ending it quickly. She did catch a glimpse of a smile on Aya's face just before she left.

Back at the safety of the bar Rose pour her a drink and sat down herself. "Yeah he only comes in once the boys get back. He may be a pig but he sure is money wise. Only spends what he can spare and well this year has been kind to him. As for the losers thats why its a volunteer event. Each girl knows the risk and they are paid well either way win or lose."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

As she left and returned to the bar, Sara shook her head, chiding herself for her mental slip. Shy was certain she would have to own up to that later tonight or tomorrow depending on when Aya got free. Still, she was surprised to find that she was actually looking forward to talking with Aya. Tonight the succubus had shown signs of softening up, smoothing out her normally abrasive demeanor. Even if she was only doing it because Asha was pregnant, it was a welcome change.

Back at the bar, Sara gratefully accepted the drink, taking a big gulp to try to wash away her embarrassment at sharing too much of her thoughts with Aya. "Well...good for him, and I guess as long as the girls think it's worth it..." She shuddered a little bit and took another big drink of the alcohol Rose had so thought fully furnished for her. She decided to switch back to an earlier topic, someone Sara found far more appealing than the high roller. "So Asha...she's drawing a lot of attention, you say? You're not eyeing her up behind my back, are you?" She laughed and took another drink, making it obvious she was kidding. "She certainly is enchanting, isn't she?" Sara had a bit of a dreamy look in her eyes, part of it was the alcohol she was drinking, she didn't have any tolerance for it to speak of, but a good part of it was the genuine affection she felt for her traveling partner, and soon to be mother of her child.