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Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Yes but its willing sex so Im not going to tally it up. Speaking of which for the extra round Sara will gain two new mutations so the rp power and two mutaitons total.

Feeling the magic infuse her being was a pleasure onto itself. No doubt only those attune to magic could feel it. With renewed vigor Sara plowed into Nyeri once more causing both to cream themselves and collapse into a puddle of their own making. The scent of sex was in the air as the two lovers cuddled. "Maybe or perhaps Ill ask her to teach you some more little lessons. Laying there Sara felt a few drops of warm water fall on her as small magic cloud began to rain on them. Looking up Nyeri began to clean herself her eyes sparkling with magic.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Alright, I'll figure out which mutations I'll take in a bit, probably lactation and something else.

Sara was transfixed by Nyeri's beauty as her eyes sparkled in the magical rain. "Goddess you're beautiful. I just can't keep my eyes off of you, you know? Thank you for spending time with me, I'm not sure why I'm here or who brought me, but it was a treat to get to make love to you. I'm also glad I got to be on top this time, I finally got to show off some of the more scandalous benefits of what I've learned on my journey. I don't think I will share that knowledge when I return to my village." She stood up and began to rinse herself off in the rain with Nyeri, letting her conjured penis fade away.

It occurred to her that she should probably tell her lover about her current situation with Asha. "So a lot has happened on my journey. I still haven't recovered Asha's daughter yet. Though I'm on my way to the city of Endus it could still be a few weeks before I reach it. The worst of it is that I've managed to encounter some daemon fused to the soul of woman that's wreaking havoc on the woods surrounding the town I stayed at. Used to call it the Ice Witch. I'm going to have to deal with that at some point, but I'm not quite strong enough now. I need more power and allies before I can take it on." She paused to let Nyeri say what she would about that.

After discussing the menacing daemon, Sara would bring up the happier, if awkward news. "And also, this is somewhat trickier to deal with, believe it or not. I may have...accidentally, sort of...went nuts one night and...well... " She took a deep breath and sighed. "I got Asha pregnant. She'll probably give birth in a few weeks." She looked at Nyeri to see how she would react.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

With Sara joining her Nyeri helped to clean the girl, listening to the little update. "We are aware of the creature my dear Sara but right now we let it stand as it is. Some of the Winter court want to try and bring her into their fold." For a moment Nyeri sounded all to serious almost regal as she spoke before her carefree attitude asserted itself again. "So how come your not going to teach that to all the young girls when you get back home? Worried that you'll cause the men of your town to go extinct. The fae woman laughed her voice like music. Looking to Sara with a hint of mischief in her eyes as she spoke. "Oh a little daughter for our dear Sara. I wonder if Asha would join the summer court so I can see her." The nymphs hand moved to her own belly. "Of course I could always take the plunge with you." Nyeri moved up and kissed Sara on the lips the rains still falling on them.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Hmmm..." Sara contemplated what Nyeri had told her about the creature commonly known as the ice witch. "Well the winter court might want to hurry up. I fully intend to put that thing down when I get the chance. I will release Lumi from her torture and put an end to a vile creature that would kill the innocent so readily." She sighed and returned to enjoying the rain, though Nyeri's comment about men going extinct in her village caused her to laugh. "Well mostly I'm worried about what the parents would think! That and if I spent my time teaching a bunch of hot, horny eighteen year old girls I think I would wind up with a lot more children than I have now. I'm not made of stone, you know!" She laughed again as she imagined having to explain how she knocked up all of her friends to the parents in the village. She was surprised to find that the thought turned her on a little bit.

With a shrug she continued, "Well I could ask and-" Sara was silenced as Nyeri kissed her. She sank into it, enjoying it as the rain fell around them. "I...do you want that? I mean I haven't really considered it. The time with Asha definitely wasn't planned, I was actually under the effects of a very potent lust potion when I conceived the child. That and I don't know if I'm ready to settle down just yet...But if you wanted me to just leave you with a baby girl to remember me by, well, I did cum in you twice so you might...ermm...well, you know... You might already be pregnant." Sara was a little embarrassed to be saying these things out loud, but she blushed proudly as she considered the suggestion. "I don't know if you were serious, but thank you for even suggesting that we have a child, I am honored that you would even consider me."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Nyeri giggled "Maybe someday but not today. No babies for me for a good while yet I have to much to do." The nymph winked at Sara before finishing drying off. "And why wouldn't I consider you? I've even thought about the joining. Though.. your still young and have many travels yet." Nyeri threw Sara a serious look her voice adopting that near regal tone again. "Don't disappoint okay?" Then it was gone and she was all smiles again.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara breathed a sigh of relief as Nyeri said she wasn't ready for children either. At the mention of the joining Sara beamed and hugged her. "I am certainly honored by your consideration. And of course I won't disappoint!" Still, Sara couldn't help being a bit puzzled by her tone. She sounded almost regal, like she definitely spoke with considerable authority. "You know, I've never thought to ask, but what is it that you do exactly, Nyeri? What is your position amongst the fey?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Oh I attend the court and speak for the mistress when she doesn't want to deal with anyone. Or is busy with her latest toy." The nymph giggled. "I guess you could say I'm a handmaiden." Getting Sara dressed Nyeri lead her on to a small picnic basket with some food. "Come on lets eat before you go." Tugging on Sara's arm the nymph lead her blanket and began to feed her some food, blushing while she fed Sara.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara grinned as she joined Nyeri on the blanket and let the nymph hand feed her. Every once in awhile she would catch one of her slender fingers in her mouth, licking and sucking on it sensually before letting it go. The whole time she edged closer and closer to her and before long she was actually sitting on her lover's lap. Enjoying the moment, she started to feed Nyeri as well, carefully pushing succulent berries into the nymph's mouth before kissing her passionately. "Mmmm...thanks for the food, my dear. That was a delicious meal. Unfortunately I fear it may be about time for me to go. I don't want my adventuring companions to get too worried about me."

After a moment she thought of a question she wanted to ask before she left. "Say, do you want me to ask Asha about her moving to the summer court, like you mentioned earlier? I have absolutely no idea what that would entail, but regardless I would be happy to ask for her so you could see her and meet the baby."

Once the conversations were concluded Sara gave Nyeri a wistful smile before pulling her into an extremely lewd, sloppy kiss that she only released her from after almost a minute. "I think it's about time I returned to that way too cold Fort Droth. Please give my apologies to your mistress. I wish I could have met her and found out what she wanted from me, but it seems she is too busy to meet me today. I love you, and I can't wait for next time! Maybe I'll give you the cock when I come back!" With a sultry grin she blew a kiss at her lover, before being transported back to Aya and Thelia at Fort Droth.

Mutations gained: Lactation, healing milk
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

The sensual lunch seemed reinvigorate Sara and more than once she caught Nyeri feeling up her breasts. The Nymph it seemed was unsateble but she refrained from going down on Sara again. Getting ready for the cold again and saying a few goodbyes with passionate kisses Nyeri smiled. "Don't rush her Sara it would be a big step for Asha it would be a big decision. Oh and I do look forward to that cock next time better show me a few new tricks though!" With that Nyeri's voice faded away only to be replaced by a harsh wind. Looking threw the trees Sara was startled to find out that night had already began to fall. Thankfully she was more or less where she was when she left and could clearly see panicked foot steps around her location before they lead back to the fort.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Oh dear...new tricks? Great, now I've gone and set the bar high for myself. Well I'm bound to learn something new traveling with a succubus..." Sara pondered this as she reappeared in the cold woods near Fort Droth, though was shocked at how late it was. "Aw shit." She cursed to herself as she realized how freaked out Aya likely was. Thelia probably didn't care too much, but from the tracks she had probably really thrown Aya for a loop. It was rather inconsiderate of her, frankly, and she realized she would have to take care to leave a warning if she was going to vanish again in the future. With that she set off back to the fort, hopefully the two women wouldn't be too upset with her.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Heading back to the fort was easy enough the sun still sat high enough that it cast faint reddish light on the snow. Reaching the fort she found no one on watch which frightened her slightly. Heading into the keep she found a fire going and Thelia passed out naked a table. She was breathing but judging from the cum stains she was out for a good while. She found Aya a moment latter as the succubus cried out from upstairs. heading up she found the girl in their room passed out from her sexual escapades as the Fae sorceress pulled out of the girl with a pop sending seed spilling out of the well used hole. The woman was sweating as her cock went limp. she quickly covered it up upon seeing Sara. "Mistress I have been paid by these two lovely woman and our time is up. Fare well and do not worry I didn't force them. Though the woman downstairs took some convincing. Ill tell Spring you said hi." With that she vanished in a sparkle of dust leaving Sara with two sexed up companions.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara's eyes practically bugged out of her head as she saw Thelia sprawled out lewdly on the table. She actually stopped where she was and just stared, marveling at the sight of the well-fucked half elf. The lust she had sated with Nyeri was definitely starting to come back while she looked at the assassin, but she managed to pull away and follow Aya's moans. She arrived just in time to see the two finish up, the lovely sorceress pulling out of Aya and vanishing almost as soon as she entered. "Okay bye then!" That was a shame, she had been looking forward to having some more hot nymph sex. She shook her head, hardly believing she had come from an innocent village girl to someone who wanted to fuck every nymph she met in such a short time. Right now though, she had some companions to deal with.

"Hey you...I'm back." She nudged Aya in the side. "I wanted to have sex with her too, you slut. Now she's gone, so what are we going to do about that, hmm?" She said this levelly, but it was clear from her tone that she wasn't actually angry with the succubus, just pretending to be upset to try and get some sex, or at least the promise of sex later, from Aya.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

It seemed Aya knew Sara was there but couldn't really muster much of anything to say to her. Looking at the girl Sara could see why Aya's ass twitched as a fresh load of cum leaked out causing the girl squeek a little before panting. "S-so full......." Flipping over Sara got another shock as the girls swollen belly jiggled. Pressing it the succubus winced and cried out as more cum dribbled out of both her holes. "I'Im never having sex with the Fae again.!" Despite what she said the look on Aya's face spoke otherwise. "Finally registering what Sara said the succubus looked at her with a half smile. "Ill make it up to ya but if your that upset, it makes me wonder whos really the slut of the two of us." Aya looked absolutely wore out and barely climbed into bed before passing out leaving Sara alone to deal with Thelia.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara whistled, impressed at the load of cum that was filling her succubus companion. "Wow, she really did a number on you..." At her remark about being a slut Sara laughed. "I guess I am a bit of a slut, I do enjoy putting my dick in beautiful women, after all. But I'm not actually that upset, get some rest." She grinned and left Aya to sleep while she went back downstairs to check on Thelia.

Returning to the half-elf, Sara climbed up onto the table with the exhausted girl. If she was still asleep, she would pull Thelia's head and shoulders into her lap and gently ran her fingers through her hair, straightening it out and massaging her scalp. If the half-elf still didn't wake up, she would move to gently caressing her shoulders, chest, and arms. Sara found herself admiring Thelia's beautiful face, unable to break away. Now that she was asleep and well-fucked, she didn't seem so intimidating, cold, or forbidding. In fact, the young spirit-wielder found herself getting aroused by the assassin.

Then she felt an unfamiliar sensation of pressure in her breasts, followed by a slight wetness. Curious, she peeled off her armor and shifted her cloth top to reveal a breast and found to her surprise that she was lactating. "Guess I can thank Nyeri for this," Sara thought to herself humorously. On an instinct, or perhaps a compulsion, she gently raised Thelia's head to her breast and slid a nipple into her mouth, sighing in pleasure as the half-elf's mouth closed on her leaking nipple.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

o_0 Sara is gonna do what! Better save her from a painful death!

Unfortunately for Sara she was denied use of her new addition. Thelia stirred under her touch. Opening her eyes and looking right at Sara, it took a moment for Thelia to realize who it was before she sat bolt up right and covering herself. "What are you doing?" Thelia sounded upset but not angry which was probably good. It was also probably good that the assassin's custom guns where not nearby and at hand. Looking at the girl Sara noticed that she was having trouble closing her top as if it had somehow gotten smaller or rather maybe the cute elf girl was growing. A look of frustration crossed her face as her button top refused to behave. Stll after a moment the woman managed to get it tightened up. Of course it wouldn't last a moment latter she heard twang as a button flew off and hit the stone. Looking down Thelia gasped as each button burst as her breasts grew to a much larger size ruining the shirt.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Well.." Sara caughed awkwardly, hardly believing what she had just tried to do. Of course, given how much her sex drive had increased lately, maybe it was only a matter of time before she tried something like that. She took a deep breath as she watched Thelia try and dress herself. "Ermm sorry, I guess I was a little hot under the collar, and seeing you like that...Sorry..." Her awkward apology was interrupted as Thelia's breasts started exploding out of her dress, buttons flying everywhere.

The spirit wielder was overwhelmed by sight of the expanding breasts, her eyes expanding to match Thelia's bosom. "Oh dear, Thelia...I'm sorry. If it's any comfort, you're not the only one to acquire something new from a nymph today..." Sara gestured to the milk leaking from her own slightly expanded breasts. Then she realized she was pointing at her own exposed breasts and hastily shifted her top back over her goods. "Come on Thelia, let's find something to cover you up." She gestured to the assassin so she could walk with her up the stairs to the room.

On the way to find something to cover Thelia and restore her decency, Sara said, "I'm sorry you got over-exposed to magic. Maybe I shouldn't have left you alone with that nymph. Did you at least have a good time with her?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Thelia was silent though her eyes wandered to Sara's breasts as she pointed them out a slight blush running across her face. Heading up stairs Sara apologized to the elf woman who stopped. "I won't lie it was pleasant but had I known this would be the result... I would have told her to fuck off." Reaching the rooms Thelia peeled off to her own little section. Leaving Sara to wonder how the sorceress managed to get Thelia to submit. After all she did say she didn't force either one of them. A moment later Thelia appeared wrapped in a blanket. "G-Good night Sara after all thats happened today Im going to call it a night."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Okay, I'm going to make sure the front door is properly sealed against intrusion. I may summon someone to keep watch again. By the way how...erm...how big are your...breasts now? I'd like to try and get you some new clothes tonight as an apology." Whatever the response, Sara would go downstairs to see about blocking the main door, simply using telekinesis to move the barricades back into position. If Thelia had given her a bra size or let her measure her bust, Sara would summon The Merchant, expecting to just pay a couple of denarii for a larger bra and top for her.

Afterwards, she would summon Spring, happy to have someone to talk to for a bit she would make some small talk with the nymph before letting her know that she wanted her to keep watch for stray bandits trying to break in as well as the rogue daemon.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"I-I don't know." Thelia was blushing madly now and before Sara could get another word in closed the door. Heading down stairs Sara easily moved the barricade back in place before stocking the fire. Deciding to summon Spring Sara was about to start when she heard a cute little cry from upstairs. The floor creaked a little and stopped. After a moment the noise began again with Thelia's cute little voice crying out once more.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara was very alarmed by the cries coming from upstairs. She suspected something had broken in and was molesting her companion, so she started sneaking upstairs to the door to Thelia's room. She tried to peek into the door through the door, and if that wasn't an option then she would scry the room.

Scry the room: 5 EP