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Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara (Sturm)
Sara Hp: 55, Pp: 55, Ep: 51/90, Status = Fine, Energy.. umm tube, Battle Aura of cheating +12 hit, damage, dodge, and speed. +4 resistance ;) honestly she really doesn't need it

Speed to see who hits first
34 vs 35 Thelia acts first! Sara was so close.
66 vs 82 Thelia misses
66 vs 45 Sara hits

Setting up and gathering her breath a moment Thelia backed up a little and took on a stance so her left side faced to Sara her massive chest ruining the otherwise slim profile. Standing their a moment it didn't looked like Thelia would attack. Pressing her advantage Sara moved forward lighting fast with Thelia moving but slipping slightly due to her adjusted weight. Still the elfin assassin was light on her feet and recovered almost instantly. Bringing her sword down to block Sara's energy weapon the spirit user was surpised to feel very little force in the counter as her weapon easily knocked the blade aside. It however was a trap and in her other hand Thelia brought up her gun like a sap to strike Sara. Thankfully the decoy had thrown Thelia off and Sara was able to avoid the blow and land a telling smack on Thelia butt.

Panting Sara watch Thelia get up and put her gun away and retrieve her blade. A moment later she spoke. "Damn it.... next time Im just going to shoot you. The game is yours." Sadly Thelia's tone was always hard to read and Sara couldn't be sure if she was joking or meant it.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara's overconfidence almost cost her the point, as she only barely noticed the gun coming up in time to avoid it. The frown that creased her face quickly gave to a laugh at Thelia's comment as she chose to treat it as a joke. "Ah don't be a sore loser, Thelia! Duels are silly things anyway. They're good for practicing sword skills sure, but we both fight in very different ways." After releasing her sword and battle aura she went over to Thelia and clapped a hand on her shoulder. "It was a good match though, I'd be happy to help you with your swordplay if you like. Do you want to stay out here longer, or go back to town? I could always use some more practice."

If Thelia wanted to return, Sara would join her, otherwise she would spend some time talking with her before training more. "You know...I don't think I'll make you sleep in my bag every night on our way up if you don't want to. That would be cruel. Of course, I did win fair and square, so you'll have to do something else to get out of it..." She tapped a finger against her lip and tapped her foot theatrically as she thought up an alternative for Thelia, letting the half-elf stew for a moment. "Oh I know!" She exclaimed excitedly. "You will be free to sleep on your own each night, however..." There was a sly look in Sara's eyes as she continued, "Any night that you aren't going to sleep with me then you will have to make out with me for no less than one minute. With tongue. Deal?" Sara winked at Thelia and gave her a demure look.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Im going to warm back up in the inn you can practice more if you want." Thelia began to walk away before Sara caught up with her drawing a grunt and a flinch of movement. Speaking about her thoughts about her prize Thelia offered her own slight smile. "Now that I think about it you never offered terms if you won. But now the game is over what to do what to do. Though if you insist on the other then Ill just sleep in your bag and pass on the make out sessions." Thelia picked up her speed a little waving her hand as she moved away in a taunting goodbye.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Humm...I suppose I didn't offer terms, but you did offer up your ability to use your own bag." She laughed and shook her head, watching the half-elf walk away with her cocky little wave. She let the elf get partway back before teleporting in front of her and leaning against a tree casually.

"Well it was all in good fun anyway. I enjoyed our little duel. As far as sleeping accommodations go, I won't force you to sleep with me if you don't want to, though I might try to wheedle and cajole you into doing it anyway." She pushed off from the tree and joined Thelia on the walk back. "I suppose you could say sharing a sleeping bag with me was in the spirit of the bet, but if you don't feel like honoring that, could I perhaps interest you in a romantic rendezvous as a congratulations for getting the better of me in a game of wits?" She gave Thelia a cocksure grin and a playful shrug, prompting her to consider her offer.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Thelia did look surprised at Sara's sudden appearance but quickly collected herself. "Though your right the spirit of the duel should be honored. I did offer up sleeping by myself in my own bag. That dosen't mean I would be sleeping in yours either. Guess Ill have to invite someone in to honor the bet. Maybe Aya would like to stay warm on these harsh winter nights."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

At Thelia's sly remark she feigned a chest pain and clutched at her heart. "Oh, such biting words! Your tongue is cruel, Thelia." After a moment, she sighed and offered another suggestion. "Fine, you force me to be more forward... Why not invite me into your bag? I get awfully cold at night, and I would positively love the chance to cozy up with you. I could make your nights much more enjoyable, if that's what you want. I could also be more restrained than Thelia if you aren't in the mood for such romantic company..."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Thelia paused a moment before relenting. "Okay okay we will share a bag just don't expect me to spread my legs like that succubus." With that resolved Thelia moved into the inn and sat by the fire to warm herself. Meanwhile Aya was back and already chatting up a rather shy looking boy.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara couldn't keep a wide smile off of her face as she followed Thelia into the bar. "Sweet", she thought to herself. Inside, she tossed Aya a wink while she seemed to work over a shy boy. She wasn't particularly keen to join her, given her preference for women over men, but she wouldn't begrudge Aya her fun. Instead, she went to the bar and ordered two hot drinks and joined Thelia.

"Here you go, this should help warm you up. Gods almighty I don't much care for the cold either. Where I'm from it doesn't ever get much colder than this, and it generally doesn't stay that way for more than a few months..." She shivered a little and sipped from her mug, before settling back with a contented sigh. "You know, I had fun dueling you. I'd enjoy training with you in the future. I'd be happy to teach you how to use a sword more effectively, and maybe you could teach me how to move quicker, or maybe how to use a gun?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"From what I was told its worse up in Gods Reach. Im not sure how the orc's don't freeze to death in those wastes." Thelia sipped the warm cup of coffee and warmed herself by the fire before answering Sara about training. "Not really fond of the blade myself as for speed... well it takes a certain physical aptitude. I can however teach you a few tricks to help train your speed with out making you run for miles each day. I can teach you how to shoot as well but it dosn't seem your style especially if you can create energy balls out of thin air."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"True, I'd almost never use a gun over spirit powers, they're just too much fun for me not to use them!" Sara gave a laugh and added, "That's not to sound ungrateful or superior, I would appreciate any training you could give me. I'm just a master of my craft, which is spirit wielding, and you are certainly a master with those pistols. But I'm sure there will come a time when I can't use my powers and I would be most grateful for your training then. If they were sealed, I'd have precious little to fall back on. There are also enemies who are resistant to powers... Come to think of it I believe Orcs are like that..."

She tapped her chin a moment before adding, "I imagine they must be tough as hell. But why Gods Reach? I thought that was an elven city? You'll have to forgive me, my village is pretty far out of the way. We don't get much news about events from the world at large." Truthfully, Sara knew very little about the war between Orcs and Elves, only that it happened...or was happening. She wasn't quite sure...
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Gods reach has fallen as well as a good number of other Crolian cities. High elves well most of them anyway are slaves now." Thelia pointed at Sue. "Thats what that tattoo on her next is all about. Some orc used to own her." Sue looked over and waved a couple of patrons who came in from outside. "I hear several of the Crolian city states have rallied and are trying to push the orcs out but the beasts breed like rabbits. Its a pity that the aliens didn't wipe them out first."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara was dumbstruck by the revelation and just turned to gaze into the fire for awhile. "Wow...I had no idea it could be so bad... I just imagined... I don't know what I imagined, but I never thought the elves could lose. I'm sorry..."

After a moment she looked back at Thelia. "I must have sounded pretty insensitive, huh? So are you going to go fight them? I know you're only half-elven, but I don't know much about your past, or how you feel about the elves. In fact, all I really know about you is that your father killed your mother, and was pretty terrible to you besides, and that you gave him what he deserved. I don't even know side of your family is the elven one."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Fight? No all I got from the elves was a hateful step father and exotic looks. I suppose my elven father could be good person but where was he when my mothers husband beat us no one came to save us. She died I lived that is that. So I don't really have ties to the elves and for the most part people think I'm human till they see my ears.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Oh...I see..." Sara eyed the fire some more. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry. That must have been terrible." Still staring into the flames, she added, "I've had a pretty good life, a happy one, so I don't know that I can relate to you very well. You seem a lot different from me. But if you ever need someone to talk to about the stuff you've been through. I...well, I'd like to think I'm a good listener." With that, Sara leaned back and sipped at her drink. She was content to either talk with Thelia or sit and warm by the fire in silence.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

And sit they did for a long while a growing silence between them. It was then that Aya got up pulling the young man with her out the door of the inn. The brief cold caused Thelia to shiver slightly before standing up. "Im going to clean my guns and sort my gear." This left Sara alone where she sat though there where plenty of other people around to talk to if she wanted.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Okay, I may come join you in a bit, but I'll hang out down here for a little while." Once Thelia left, she surveyed the bar, looking for anyone who caught her eye. While doing that, she decided to check in with Asha. Establishing a mental link with the nymph, she said, "Hey lover, how are you doing? We've stopped over in a small town for another day. And guess what, I met someone coming from Endus who met Naomi! she said she's doing well!"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Sara! Im so glad your safe. Which town are you in?" Sara relaid the message the of where. "Wow your so close how did you get their so fast. Also someone met Naomi? Are they there can I speak with them?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Chuckling, Sara replied, "Well you have Thelia to thank for that. She sets a positively brutal pace. We were run pretty ragged by the time we got here. Boy I sure am glad we're almost there." As Asha asked after Naomi, Sara regretfully replied, "Sorry, she left this morning, and I don't know her well enough to establish a link with her." After relaying that message, Sara thought of something to ask. "Any information from Hope about the daemon? Any way I could fight it? And how is your pregnancy coming along?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"No word on Daemon but our little girl is growing so fast. Tanya put me on bed rest. It should be anyday really. Gods I don't miss this part of it. The swollen feat and strange urges. Do you know how hard it is to find a purple sweet fruit. They don't grow in the mortal area's and Ive craving one for a whole week now."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Oh my, how exciting! I'll be sure to check in again. And I'll keep my eyes peeled for purple sweet fruit!" Sara felt a tingle at the thought of her child being born soon. It was a surreal thought, that she was going to be a parent soon. She wasn't quite sure how she should feel though, maybe she would with time. Sara happily chatted away with Asha for awhile, catching up with her lover.

When it was time to let her go, she would wish her lover a fond farewell and end the connection. Alone in her mind once again, she surveyed the room, looking to see if anyone caught her eye. If nothing stood out, she would go rejoin Thelia.