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Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger



Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sadly the walk threw town did take up most of the time Sera wanted to use to explore the city. However when she arrived at the ruin she felt a cold chill in the usual warm summer air. The ruin its self was spectactular, a stone structure that jutted up from the surrounding greenery with plenty of vines growing in around and on the once elegant structure. At the base of the tower sat what was once a beuitiful cort yard full of statues. Many of these where intact but from her current distance and with the fading light it was hard to make out. Staring a moment Urma gestured to a dark window. "Wait a moment...." Doing as instructed Sera saw a light come to life in the window only to fade a mere moment later. "Mother said many of the enchantments in teh place have gone haywire. Triggering randomly making it a very strange and dangerous place.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera wasn't overly pleased that the walk to the tower through the town took quite a while, but she dealt with it and didn't look angry at this. When they got to the ruined place, Sera got a bit of a chill running down her spine as she beheld it with Urma, her wings fluttering slightly. The courtyard was full of old statues that stood about, though they were quite worn and the images of whoever they were statues of seemed to be fading slightly. When Urma gestured at the window, Sera shuddered at the fact that the enchantments on or in this place triggered randomly, feeling that it might not be good to enter, but at the same time she felt that there could possibly be something worth finding inside with all of the enchantments, maybe even something to help her out with her quest, though she doubted it, but it was still worth checking at the very least, as there could be valuables that were missed when Jolynn looted the place.

"Hmm... sounds interesting to say the least. About how long has this place been here exactly? I'm wondering what sorts of things might be in there that your mother didn't take before. Also what sorts of enchantments are in there?" Sera said, asking how long the tower had been here like this, the young angel wondering what they would find.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Mother told me she found it while she was rather young. Long before I was born. When I asked her about it she simply told me that the enchantments where mostly minor things. Lighting or moving pictures. Though I was quite young at the time and she may have shielded me slightly from the true horrors." Urma looked at the tower before moving to the statues on the courtyard. "Matriarch follow me please I want to show you somthing." If Sera followed she would find herself being lead threw the statues noting that none of them where on a base and they all seemed to be standing on the flagstones. Eventually she was lead to a wide area of the courtyard. Here she found an angelic figure in a protective pose a stony intricate shield forward in a dfensive position her wings out streached a look of determination on her face. Oddly enough the face seemed familar.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Hmhm, mothers have a way of doing that, shielding their children from the true horrors of the world until they're ready and old enough to handle them. But please, lead the way," Sera told Urma with a giggle, following her on over through the statues in the courtyard to wherever it was she was taking her.

When they came upon the statue of the angelic looking figure, Sera looked up at her and thought she looked familiar somewhat, but she couldn't place just who it was. Whoever she was though, Sera thought she was exceedingly beautiful, and if she were real she'd be even more beautiful to behold. "She's beautiful Urma. Who was she? She looks to have been protecting this place it seems," Sera said as she beheld the statue, reaching out and gently caressing the face of the figure in front of her.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

The face had an erie quality to it as if she had seen it before. Still at the moment she couldn't place it. "I don't know but mother says they are not natural statues. She said something about a great battle taking place here though she wouldn't elborate. Though I know its true just take a look here." Urma lead her to another set of statues. These ones where of two woman in similar get up that the palace guards wore. One had a cloak and a magnificant spear while the other looked to be a simple soildier holding a wound. "Meet my great great grandmother Urma Panther." Indeed the statue had a very similar look to both Urma and her mother.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera could have sworn that she'd seen the face of this angel before somewhere, though where that somewhere was she couldn't remember right off. Perhaps if she sat down to think on it a while she'd remember, but for now she would look over at the other statues as her and Urma looked about. Following Urma to the other set of statues, Sera listened on as Urma explained who one of them was, looking a bit amazed at this. "Wow, your great great grandmother is this one here? Was she... turned to stone? Because these statues are all much too perfect to be anything but people turned to stone. And even one of my kind is here, so something must have happened for her to have been here trying to help your people," Sera asked Urma curiously, gently caressing the statue of Urma's great great grandmother. "Who was this with your great great grandmother Urma?" Sera asked, looking at the statue of the other woman with her.

"Perhaps I shall ask your mother about all of this, along with a couple of other things when I get a chance to speak alone with her again," Sera said afterwards, going back to the angel statue for a few moments and trying to place her in her head where she'd seen her before.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Urma looked at her stoney reflection and sighed. "Im not sure but given my families history it was undoubtedly a slave or some such. Maybe even one of my great great aunts." Urma crouched down and looked at the statues. "I would like to think my people or family in general would be worthy enough for an angle to save them but..... Im not so sure." Urma got up and looked at Sera. "We best go before the wasps make their evening runs." Heading back Urma was greeted by pet at her door who gave her a hug before ducking out and running down the hall. Inside she found June laying on a couch wore out holding her stomach. "Ugh... not doing that again...."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Hmm... your family would enslave it's own blood then? I mean outright enslavement like the men I've seen about this place," Sera asked curiously, patting Urma on the shoulder when the girl spoke about the angel. "And I'm sure that in their own way your family and your people are good, though it isn't for me to judge your city's culture or and all to be honest. And while personally I dislike slavery... in all forms, though I wouldn't say no to being a sex slave to a few sexy women like yourself so long as it was just all in fun and games, the way that your mother Jolynn has... done so here in her time, it has brought peace to her people, which as a leader I'm sure she must think on more so than anything else," Sera went on to say, giving her newer opinion on the matters of state within this city, though she still thinks there is a better way than slavery, the way Jolynn has employed the things she has done has brought peace and a bit of prosperity to the majority of her people.

With that, she followed Urma out of the grove, wondering what these wasps the mentioned were and what they might do. "Urma, what are these wasps you spoke of back there?" Sera asked Urma curiously about halfway back to the palace.


Once she made her way back to the palace, Sera parted company with Urma, thanking her for going with her and telling her that she shouldn't need any of them for the rest of the evening and to go ahead and head off to get some rest. Then she headed on back to her room, where once she arrived she passed Pet heading out as she was coming in, hugging the young catgirl as she made her way inside. She shut the door behind her and noticed June laying on the sofa inside holding her stomach for some reason. Sera immediately rushed to her side and knelt beside her as June spoke.

"June sweetie, are you okay? What happened?" Sera asked quickly, taking June's hand in one of her own and gently caressing the girl's cheek and brushing her hair out of her eyes.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Oh they are giant insects that steal woman to implant their eggs inside to hatch new wasps. Dangerous at night and in groups they are no to much a threat on their own if your a capable fighter." Parting with Urma Sera had a pleasent walk back to her room. Moving to June's side the young pristess simply smiled at her. "Im okay Pet showed me some of her sisters today. They of course decided to throw a party. Those crazy girls all energy I swear." June smiled at her as she rested. "Though next time I will pass on the drinking game. Ive never drank so much milk in my life. So how was your day?"

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Sounds quite dangerous if you ask me. How come they haven't been eradicated yet? Something so dangerous near to the city I'd figure they would have been wiped out," Sera said to Urma on the way back, keeping the conversation going a bit before they parted ways, enjoying Urma's company quite a bit since she was more... opened minded about things from what she could tell.


"Ah I see, so that explains the tummy ache at least and why you're a bit worn out from your day with Pet," Sera said with a smile, the concern draining from her face after June explained what had happened and why she had a belly ache like she did.

"My day on the other hand was a bit less eventful, though I did learn quite a few things while I was out and about actually. But let's get you to feeling better before I go into any great detail okay sweetie," Sera then said to June, gently rubbing June's belly with her hand and leaning over to kiss her there.

While Sera gently caressed June's tummy with her hand, the young angel would push forth her holier healing powers into June, to help her stomach out a bit so they could talk about the day's events in more detail with one another. Once she was fixed up and right as rain again, June would likely be taken aback somewhat as Sera then leaned over and kissed her on the lips, one hand sliding up and down the young nun's inner thigh. After breaking their kiss, Sera joined June on the sofa and pulled her into her lap and kissed her again. "Now sweetie, tell me more about this party and everything, I'm curious," Sera said to June while they sat there, a loving look in her eyes. After June was done, Sera would set about telling her all that happened from the time she left her earlier that morning up until now, and what all she and Urma spoke of whilst they went to where all of the statues were.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

As Sera rubbed June's belly she heard the young woman burp and caught the blush that crossed her face. Still invoking some of her healing powers Sera managed to ease June's discomfort some. June's initial surprise didn't last long and she kissed Sera back. "Well at first they all keep looking at me and rubbing against me. I guess they where checking me out. After a few moments of this Pet said they should have a welcomming party. Oddly enough it mostly consisted of chasing things and wrestling. It was actually quite a bit of fun though I havn't rough housed like that sense I was a little girl. Eventually as the girls got tired out more docile games started up. The one that did me in was the drinking game. It was pets idea to. The game consisted of holding your hand behind your back and chosing between one and 5 fingers. When everyone was ready they would show their hands. Who ever was in the minority between odd and even had to drink a glass of milk." June held her stomach again. "I swear thoe girls where cheating..."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Oh you poor thing, come to Sera and I'll make you feel all better," Sera said to June as the young nun told her about the welcoming party they'd thrown for her, pulling her over and kissing her once more. "Do you need some more healing sweetie?" Sera would ask before launching into her day's events, gently caressing June's tummy and doing so if June needed it.

After that, Sera would tell June everything that happened to her throughout the day, stopping to kiss her on the cheek every now and then as well as groping June's butt a bit while she spoke just to see the young nun's reaction to her flirting. "And then I got back here to find my lovely little June holding her little tummy, all sick and pooped from the fun she had today. I almost wish I'd have gone with you instead, because I didn't find much in the way of what I'm searching for, though I think I did find out some other things," Sera said to June as she finished telling her about what happened to her throughout the day. "And after last night, I think there are several ladies here in this city that seek to steal me away from you for a night June. But don't worry, I don't think they can outmatch you and your sexy body just because they may know more about sex than you do," Sera added to June, pulling her into a deep kiss and exploring her mouth with her tongue a bit.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

June of course blushed at all the flirting finnally turning aorund to kiss Sera directly and returning some of the grouping. When they moved to the kissing June dived in deep letting her passion lead. For a long while they held their kiss their tongues danceing together. Finnally June pulled away smiling and backed down form Sera to her waist. Shifting her skirt aside june began to gently stroke Sera's member letting it get nice and firm before kissing it slightly.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera giggled at June's blushing from all of her flirtatious behavior, unable to contain herself for long before doing so. When June finally returned her kisses, Sera was very pleased and would show it by kissing back even more so and caressing the young nun's body. As their tongues danced with each other, Sera pulled June in close and held her lovingly, gently caressing her back and giving her butt a firm squeeze. As they kissed, Sera idly wondered where Ivy was hiding at, as she hadn't seen her at all that day really, and only remembered seeing her the night before when she and June had finished up and she was going to sleep, telling her little friend goodnight for the evening. As June climbed off of her, Sera looked around for Ivy, trying to spot where she might be lurking around at, though when the young nun shifted Sera's skirt around and grasped her member and started stroking it, Sera couldn't help but let out a soft gasp at the feeling as her gaze tore away from looking for Ivy to looking directly at June, the young angel smiling at June's actions.

"Oh goodness June, I didn't expect that, and... oh that felt nice," Sera began saying as June kissed her quickly hardening member the first time, letting the young nun know how good it felt by gently caressing her hair and urging her on if she felt brave enough to go for this. Then Sera remembered what happened to the girl from the night before and suddenly stopped June. "Wait June, let's not do that okay. Remember what happened to that poor girl I told you about last night? I don't want to risk that happening to you by some chance if there is magic all over the palace to cause that to happen or something of the sort," Sera would tell June after stopping her, pulling her up and into another kiss while setting her in her lap for the moment.

After kissing her again a time or two, Sera would stand up with June in her arms and carry her over to the bed and lay her down on it, undressing herself and then June afterwards. "I'm sorry for this June, but I'm just really horny right now, especially after the flirting a minute or two ago... I don't know why. I guess it's just stress... at feeling like I'll never even find a lead for what I am searching for, among other things. Don't worry though, I'll continue to choose for us to have no children for now, until you're ready for that big step, so we can screw like rabbits if you want us to without worrying about getting pregnant, in case you had been worrying about that I mean," Sera would say to June after laying her down on the bed, leaning in and kissing her again as she slipped out of her clothes.

Once she had June's clothing off of her too, Sera still wanted to let June take the reins this time since she had taken the initiative before and started to give her a blow-job or was about to do so anyway. So she laid back on the bed and splayed her wings out and patted her lap, gesturing for June to climb on. "I'm still going to let you take the lead this time though sweetie, so climb on up and show me what all you've learned so far okay love," Sera said to June in a sultry voice, urging the young nun to take the lead and do whatever she wanted. "If you'd like though then I don't mind taking the lead again, either way is fine for me, but we'll just make this one a quickie before dinner okay, and later tonight we can have Ivy join us. She can teach you a lot of things about sex too, some that even I might not be able to teach you," Sera added to June, reaching over and pinching her on the butt if she hadn't climbed on top of her yet.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

June slipped out of her robe and let it fall to the floor letting the cooler air around them harden her nipples a moment. Looking at Sera she smiled and began to walk towards the bed pausing only a moment to gaze at Sera longingly. Soon enough however she crawled onto the bed and stat straddling Sera's legs. Once there she brought her hand down and began to stroke Sera to full firmness while she teased herself. After a while of this she brought her self up and lowered herself down on Sera. Grimacing once more as she took in Sera's girth June soon went as far as she could. "So big so big..." Sera however smiled as she realized June had gone deeper than she had on their first night. Soon however June started her thrusts grunting as the massive prick streached her further. At this moment Ivy made her apperance. "Good good just like that June just like I told you." Soon enough Ivy grew larger and brought her hands around to grab June's breasts. Sera knew that June always felt a little odd around Ivy given her demonic apperance but this was proof of their deeping trust. Soon enough though June gasped and fell forward revealing Ivy had inserted her tail into the nuns ass. "Come on Sera lets show her a good time." June didn't seem to oppose the idea as she lay on Sera panting and moaning.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera smiled as June slipped out of her robes and came over to the bed with her, patting her lap as June got over beside their bed. When she crawled onto it with Sera, the young angel smiled even more, then gasped softly as June grasped her member again and began stroking it, licking her lips hungrily as June teased herself in order to get ready for Sera's large erection to enter her. Sera maneuvered around as June mounted her, straddling her lap and her member with her butt for a moment before lifting up and positioning herself. June would feel Sera's hands on her hips, guiding her down slowly and not too quick so she didn't hurt herself by the sudden entry of too much too quick.

"That's it sweetie, not too fast or anything, I don't want to hurt you now alright. There you go," Sera whispered into June's ear as the young nun lowered herself down with Sera's guidance. When June was down all the way to Sera's hilt and grimaced at the sheer size of Sera's dick inside of her, muttering what she did, Sera caressed her cheek and kissed her on the lips. "Shh shh June, it's okay. Just stay there for a minute or two alright sweetie, get used to my size and all before you try anything more," Sera cooed into June's ear after the young nun said what she did, smiling lovingly at June's determination to take her all the way to her hilt.

As June began thrusting Sera in and out of her by rocking her hips, Sera noticed Ivy coming out of her hiding place, wherever it had been, where she began growing in size to their size and her hands reached around and groped June's breasts as she spoke. "I see, so you've been teaching her things too huh," Sera commented on Ivy's words.

June fell over onto Sera after a minute or so, where Sera saw why she had done so, as Ivy's tail had slid around and was pressed up June's tight little butt. "Yes Ivy, let's. Now June, we'll take you to heaven and back for a few minutes okay, just bear with us," Sera whispered to Ivy, and then June, who didn't seem to mind the fact that Sera and Ivy were double teaming her. "Ivy, don't be too rough on her poor little butt okay, I don't want to overexert her alright," Sera told Ivy as she began to thrust up to meet each of June's, grinding their loins into each other and bringing great pleasure to both, as Sera let her own pleasure and lust take over.

Sera let June ride her until the young nun didn't think she could keep going, at which point Sera would raised up and gently roll June over to take the lead, but she would be even happier if June continued taking the lead this time, and she'd let June know that by moaning and cooing sweetly with every thrust. "Oh June, you're wonderful, just absolutely wonderful. And so sexy right now. I'm almost there, just a bit more and I'll be all yours," Sera cooed in June's ear, hoping to encourage her to on go a bit harder to bring them both to their sweet release.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"I-I can feel both of you ugh!" June jerked a little as Ivy began her own thrusting. After a moment June began to match Ivy's pace rolling her hips in a circular motion to please both Sera and the little familar. For now June just focused on her thrusting her hands going still and holding onto Sera almost hurting her with their grip. Soon enough June's hunny began to spill out as she picked up pace her body starting to glisten with sweat from her efforts. "Uh ah OHHH! NO! NO! NO! NOT YET PLEASE GODS NOT YET!" June trembeled with desire her body at the breaking point. Sera could feel June's sex tighten around her memeber grasping pulling sucking her in deeper and deeper. Though another sensation presented its self to. Sera could feel Ivy's tail thrusting into June their tandem thrusts pleaseing the nun and stimulating them as well.

Sweat flicked off June's breasts as they gyrated from the hip movements, the twin orbs roatinging with their owners efforts. Eventually it proved to much as June arched her back in a passonate yell her sex quivering and dumping loads upon loads of fem cum. Sera wasn't long in following shooting her steril load into the young woman causing her belly to bloat slightly with the seed. For a moment she held her position in this manner before she fell exhausted onto Sera.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

As June began jerking her hips a bit from their combined thrusting into her two lower holes, Sera felt her own lust increase further, to the point she couldn't contain her own moans any longer or stop herself from thrusting up harder into June. June's grip on her was so tight that Sera grimaced slightly at it when it got too much, but she didn't make June stop holding her, she merely loosened her grip a bit with a gentle caress as she rode her. Sera held June when June began trembling, holding her close so she'd know that she was right there with her and to help calm her down a bit. As June tightened up around her length and began pulling her in deeper and deeper it seemed, trying to milk her dry, Sera let out a lewd moan as her hips bucked up against June. She could feel Ivy's tail through the thin layer of skin between it and her penis while June rode her and Ivy thrust into her ass. All of this combined together was quickly bringing Sera to a very intense climax that was building up the longer June went, as Sera refused to let herself pop before June was good and ready for it and had gotten her own pleasure from this.

"It's okay June, just calm down alright. I've got you, and I won't let you fall," Sera said to June as they went on, her own climax fast approaching.

As June's sweat dripped off of her and her breasts wobbled in front of Sera's eyes, Sera couldn't stop herself and reached up and grabbed one of June's breasts to squeeze while her lips wrapped around the nipple of the other one, catching it in her mouth and suckling on it a time or two before letting her tongue work on it a bit, trying to bring the young sensitive nun to her peak so she herself could achieve her own.

Working in sync with all of June's movements, Sera soon felt June's sex quivering around her in orgasm and clamping down as her back arched into a perfect crescent while she was atop Sera. "O-Oh gods June... yes... yes," Sera panted then cried, her seed gushing out and filling June's tender little pussy as June's sex gushed its own fluids out all over Sera's lower body.

When June finally fell over on top of her, totally exhausted from the exertion she'd just gone through, Sera caught her and gently lay her down on her chest for her to rest. "Oh June, that was so wonderful, you're getting better each time we do this," Sera whispered in June's ear as she held her close, stroking her hair softly as she shifted around enough so that her member flopped out of June's tender folds, though she was still hard enough despite just finishing that it lay perfectly between June's butt cheeks. "Would you like some more now June? Or would you rather wait a while after we eat dinner and get ready for bed?" Sera asked June in a soft voice, her own body still ready to go another few rounds before stopping, but she wouldn't push June if the young nun didn't think she could manage it.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

June simply muttered the poor girl utterly beat. While slightly dissapointing Sera knew it was only a matter of time before her endurance began to build up. In a way it was if she was training her own personal fuck buddy. Each day they got a little further and each day June got a little better. Cuddling June for a moment as the girl rested Ivy picked upthe slack taking Sera's massive tool into mouth. After a few licks and bobs she pulled back a little. "Ohh a rare treat both you and June taste so good." Smiling and licking her lips she dove back to her job of pleasing Sera with her mouth.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera just kissed June's head as the poor thing muttered all exhausted from their sex, gently stroking the young nun's hair back some. She was sure that June would be able to handle more soon enough and then they'd be able to really have fun at night. She was so glad she met June and asked Joy to heal her eyes that day, because they wouldn't be here now in the bed. Though Sera felt a little ashamed that she was having sex with June, who was a nun and all and supposed to remain pure. "Oh my poor brave little June, rest for now then okay, I'm in no hurry to exhaust you," Sera whispered in June's ear, kissing her cheek again.

After a short time had passed with June resting, Sera watched Ivy help her out a bit as she helped to lift June's pussy off of her member, leaving it slick with June's juices and Sera's seed. "Oh yes Ivy, thank you for this. I really kind of needed it to be honest and I don't want to tire poor June here out too much. Just be careful okay, I don't want what happened to that one girl last night happen to you too. Oh gods what kind of angel am I honestly? enjoying sex and pleasure so much," Sera said to Ivy, again feeling a bit ashamed that she enjoyed sex so much.

She just lay there with June still on top of her while Ivy sucked her off, unable to really do anything about it save buck her hips a bit in response as the pleasure was just too good and she hadn't moved June yet. "I could never get tired of this though, it just feels so good Ivy," Sera moaned as Ivy continued sucking, her eyes rolling up as she went.