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The Forgotten Castle

Re: The Forgotten Castle

Re: The Forgotten Castle

B - Defense because attacking full armor is somewhat foolish without some strategy
Re: The Forgotten Castle

Planting her feet firmly on the ground, Rynn stood on the opposite end of the fire, staring this abomination down. Sword gripped tight in both hands before her, light gleaming off the blade, she prepared herself.

The armoured creature plowed straight through the fire, scattering the wood across the room and brought its sword down towards the knight. Rynn moved slightly to the side, and clashed her blade near the oncoming steel's end, pushing it away as she kicked towards the wielder's knees.

As steel clanged against the ground, Rynn's boot went clear through where the creature's knee should have been. Armoured skittered across the floor, the boot lost to the creature, who still stood as if nothing had happened. Empty air where its foot should have been kept it up beyond any reason. Blood dripped down from the edges of the empty greaves, pooling on the floor.

"What are you?" Rynn shouted as one of the flickering sticks went out in the corner, the emenance of light fading just that much more. Something crashed against the main doors; the ghouls outside must know something was happening within the castle.

The creature did not respond, only stared down, a glow flashing within his visor, his sword coming up once again.

A) Flee
B) Stay on the defensive and try to get answers
C) Go on the offensive and try to eliminate him
Re: The Forgotten Castle

C. Maybe if we knock away all of his armor he will be unsubstantial and unable to attack us. Or maybe he will just be an invisible, untouchable ghost and will kill us painfully.
Re: The Forgotten Castle


It's not bold, or brave, but he's proving to be untalkative and functionally unkillable. And if the ghouls break in and distract us whilst we're fighting him we're so screwed.

So my plan would be to retreat rapidly to somewhere he can't follow, or seek help from any friendly ghosts in the castle, should any exist.
Re: The Forgotten Castle

No more talking, Rynn had to figure out a way to dispatch this creature before it destroyed her fire and the monsters outside burst within. The creature moved forward, blood pattering on the floor beneath the knee joint of its armour as it lunged forward. This time Rynn moved to the side hacking down at its forearm.

Blade bashed into steel plate hard, making a deep dent but otherwise not affecting the living suit as it tried to swing sideways towards the woman attacking it. Rolling to the side Rynn chopped at its other knee, not surprised this time as crimson sprayed outwards as sword passed through the joint, knocking the boot away.

"You know not what you will become!" it roared angrily, frustration thick in its hollow voice as blood streamed downwards.

Rynn rose to her feet, bringing her sword with her, a loud crunch filling her ears as the blade bashed up into the hollow suit's armpit and took an entire arm with it. Blood spattered across her face, as arm and sword clattered to the ground.

"You have to leave! Or the world will burn! She'll take you," the suit roared before Rynn's sword hit it alongside the head, ripping the helmet off.

The entire suit collapsed to the floor, and red wispy figure emerged, shooting away back from whence it came. Blood pooled out from the body, extinguishing another torch. The darkness was encroaching once more, and the doors bashed open.

Rynn turned as lightning flashed through the opening, revealing the ghoulish monstrosities. Their hiss sounded through the lobby, and Rynn knew she had to run, but where.

A) Upstairs
B) Follow the wisp west
C) Back into the kitchens
D) Back East to the ghost
Re: The Forgotten Castle

C. Hopefully we can Barricade our-self in.
Re: The Forgotten Castle

B. Follow the friendly whisp!
Re: The Forgotten Castle

B and cross are fingers we find a demonic bed chambers. Much easier to kill demons while they sleep... oh or that... perverts...
Re: The Forgotten Castle

SINFUL! ^_^ I didn't even see your name on the CYOA until I clicked on it, please forgive my lack of observation, and provide mild public praise for this undertaking!

I would also like to suggest B. From what I've read, the being seems to... Well, it seems as though it is not overtly hostile, and is the friendliest sentient being in our area at the moment...
Re: The Forgotten Castle

Hmm... C. Nothing too awful happened in the kitchens last time, right?