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The Forgotten Castle

Re: The Forgotten Castle

For a lot of reasons, bad and good ones: A.
Re: The Forgotten Castle

Rynn and the ghouls stared each other down for a moment, and slowly they began to creep within, edging away from the torches. Claws tapped against the stone floor, the nearest to Rynn opened its jaws. Drool fell in long strings to pool on the floor as a long hiss carrying the stench of rotten meat slipped from its maw.

"Yeah fuck this," Rynn said, and turned at the dead sprint towards the Eastern door the wisp had gone through. She had no idea what was on the other day, but it was closer than anywhere else and she could not stay out here.

Her boots hammered on the ground as she sprinted towards the door. One of the ghouls scurried along the wall, its claws digging into the stone, sending chips and dust falling to the floor. It looked up at Rynn, and jumped from the wall.

Unable to shift direction at her dead sprint, Rynn let out a loud shout, grasping her sword with both hands and swinging desperately at the creature's head. Steel cracked against bone, splitting the creature's skull open down the centre. Brain and blood spattered across the floor and up Rynn's sword as her swing turned her shoulder towards the door.

Even with the armour on, she felt the impact shacking down her arm as she smashed through and stumbled into the next room. More of the ghouls were rushing towards the door, and Rynn desperately slammed the door shut, crashing the heavy oak upon one of the creature's arms. Bones cracked and it pulled its arm back as it screeched in agony.

Slamming the door shut again the knight looked desperately for a lock, only finding a simple latch. She backed away from the door, hearing the monsters on the other end bashing against it. She couldn't stay in here long, so she turned to take in her environment.

The wisp was floating down a hallway, lit by torches flickering with an unnatural blue flame; floating between suits of armour put up on display. Various old weapons, rusted and broken were sitting on racks with plaques talking of ancient battles. This was some kind of trophy room, with only a single door that did not lead into the lobby, and that was in the north... past the suit of armour the red wisp was shoving itself into, blood already starting to seep from its joints.

"In hindsight this was a bad idea," Rynn muttered.

A) Quickly run north and get through the door, which looks to be too small for the tall suits of armour.
B) Fight the wisp again
C) Run back out into the lobby with the ghouls and try another direction
Re: The Forgotten Castle

I would like it on record that you people who voted for the wisp are dumb. All of you. A is the most sensible choice we've got right now, fighting that while the ghouls tear their way into the room sounds like a bad plan.
Re: The Forgotten Castle

I would like it on record that you people who voted for the wisp are dumb. All of you. A is the most sensible choice we've got right now, fighting that while the ghouls tear their way into the room sounds like a bad plan.

On the bright side, the ghouls might mistake the bloodied armour as housing flesh, which will definitely work as both a distraction and hopefully something that will thin their numbers, should we run into them again.

On that note, A. Rather not get caught between a cryptic moron and a group of dolts.
Re: The Forgotten Castle

I would like it on record that you people who voted for the wisp are dumb. All of you. A is the most sensible choice we've got right now, fighting that while the ghouls tear their way into the room sounds like a bad plan.

I would just like to point out that we don't know for sure that the wisp wants to fight us again. Maybe once it gets a body again it will serve us since we beat it in combat?

Of course, I think I'll vote A, with the surprisingly friendly wisp being the backup plan.
Re: The Forgotten Castle

On the bright side, the ghouls might mistake the bloodied armour as housing flesh, which will definitely work as both a distraction and hopefully something that will thin their numbers, should we run into them again.

I would just like to point out that we don't know for sure that the wisp wants to fight us again. Maybe once it gets a body again it will serve us since we beat it in combat?

The likelihood of either of these things happening are basically negligible. >.>
Re: The Forgotten Castle

A crash to her side caught Rynn's attention. As she turned a clawed hand had burst through the corner of the door, swiping towards her. She had no time left.

Once more breaking into a sprint, the knight took off down the hall, bashing her shoulder into the suit of armour as she passed it by. Pieces of steel fell to the ground and Rynn stumbled slightly from the motion, but the wisp was pulled free once again, floating towards the next suit, buying her some time from that particular threat.

Regaining her feet, the door getting ever closer, she heard the ghouls smash through into the long hallway from behind her. Cursing under her breath she ducked in through the northern door, and found herself in utter darkness.

She could hear crashing in the room behind her as she fumbled in the dark for something flammable. Her fingers found glass, and her heart stopped for just a moment.

"Well, looks like lady luck has decided to fart some good will my way finally," Rynn said as she took the lantern towards her, pulling the flint from the small pouch at her hip. Within minutes she had a light source that cast its glow across this new room.

It looked to be some kind of servant's quarters, with beds along one wall, and a simple table that the lantern had been sitting upon, but in the middle of the room was another corpse. The emaciated, almost skeletal, man swung from a noose in the middle of the room, the rope lashed carefully around a crossbeam along the ceiling. A chair was toppled onto its side beneath his bare feet.

"Fucking hell," Rynn said, unable to determine if this was murder or suicide. Any other marks to tell the story here had long since rotted away to become unreadable.

There was only one other door in this room, and it led west. Rynn guessed it went back to the kitchens. Glancing over her shoulder, she wasn't sure if she had much time left to herself in here as the ghouls smashed around in the hall of trophies.

A) Move to the kitchens
B) Stay and examine the room
C) Cut down the body and move on
D) Cut down the body and examine the room
Re: The Forgotten Castle

D. I'd suggest a quick glance, though, and perhaps finding a drawer something to put against the door. Just in case.
Re: The Forgotten Castle

B. Leave the corpse alone, put something heavy against the door if possible, and give the rest of the room a quick once over. This is a horror setting, leave well enough alone.
Re: The Forgotten Castle

B. Leave the corpse alone, put something heavy against the door if possible, and give the rest of the room a quick once over. This is a horror setting, leave well enough alone.
Re: The Forgotten Castle

The corpse was fine until we got here, we should probably leave it very firmly alone. I'd suggest moving to the kitchens (A) with all haste.
Re: The Forgotten Castle

B. Leave the corpse alone, put something heavy against the door if possible, and give the rest of the room a quick once over. This is a horror setting, leave well enough alone.
