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RPG Maker Game Collection

Re: RPG Maker Game Collection

Download [H-Game][140831][ツチヒゲ族]【RPG】 退魔師ショタの受難
Title: 【RPG】 退魔師ショタの受難
Brand: ツチヒゲ族
Release: 2014/08/31
File size: 54MB
Genre: RPG

Read more :

1. There is already a thread for this game.
2. All links at that site either require premium, are malware hosts or simply don't work for me.
Re: RPG Maker Game Collection

I know this might not be the right play (please feel free to redirect me to a more appropriate place to ask), but I've had this memory of a game stuck in my head for the longest time and I absolutely can't find it or remember the name.

I'm 90% sure its an rpg maker game (or at least an rpg style game if its not) and the main features of the game that I remember are:
  • Different Costumes/Outfits
  • Tame/befriend/capture monsters/creatures based on outfit wearing
  • Unlock outfits throughout the quest

One of the only events I can remember enough to describe is that during the main quest you have to agree to agree to provide a favor to a group of bandits so that they will help you defeat the last boss (a big dragon or something if i remember correctly). After the quest ends when you go back to the bandits the main character pays up on the favor and a friend/quest giver from the first town submit to them and are forced to bear children for them. Sometime during this event I remember the main character and the other chick wearing these pussy spreaders during the conversation.

Not sure if that's enough for someone else to recognize the game, but its been bothering me for a while now... so I though it wouldn't hurt to ask.
Re: RPG Maker Game Collection

1. There is already a thread for this game.
2. All links at that site either require premium, are malware hosts or simply don't work for me.
If u want to more account premium active , pls contact me . I will give to u about 6-12 hours . Thanks
Re: RPG Maker Game Collection

Download [H-Game] [140817][あんこ屋] 俺得RPG!!迷宮さん

Title: 俺得RPG!!迷宮さん
File size: 72MB
Genre: RPG

Read more:
Re: RPG Maker Game Collection

Download [H-Game] [141009][TKHソフト] 大鳳大学病院の狂気RPG~院内盗撮ファイル~ Ver1.5,3DCGエロ-3 for Windows (2G)

Title: 大鳳大学病院の狂気RPG~院内盗撮ファイル~ Ver1.5
[M-design] 3DCGエロ-3 for Windows
Bland: TKHソフト
Release: 2014/10/09
File size: 125MB
Genre: 院内盗撮型RPG


<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/h7SlbS3ZWk4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Last edited:
Re: RPG Maker Game Collection

Download [H-Game][140310][PIXEL FACTORY] parasite in city Ver 1.02 & Ver 1.03 – Reupload

Title: parasite in city Ver 1.03
Release: 2013/12/03
File size: 151MB
Gerne: ACT

<iframe width="320" height="240" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/gSLRkT2FyZg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe><iframe width="320" height="240" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/xICrqfuFEVg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe><iframe width="320" height="240" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/6EqIsHXt6EM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Re: RPG Maker Game Collection

does anyone knows about that game i dont find it ?
Re: RPG Maker Game Collection

Anyone know the English title for "Kureha Shinobu Michijo"?

Wish sites would put titles in English next to the Romaji ones for those of us who can't tell what that means in English...
Re: RPG Maker Game Collection

Great List thanks :)
Re: RPG Maker Game Collection

Just wondering if this list is being maintained, as I see many full translations being posted on Yugifan's Partial Translation list. Just in the last week got a post from Lt. Col. Vinny Rial with a full translation of Vitamin Quest...
Re: RPG Maker Game Collection

New to RPG maker games. Came across them after finding Adventures of Garnet and liked it. I was wondering could anyone help me with some suggestions? I am looking for some games that include beastiality, slaves, impregnation and possibly insects. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Re: RPG Maker Game Collection

Just wondering if this list is being maintained, as I see many full translations being posted on Yugifan's Partial Translation list. Just in the last week got a post from Lt. Col. Vinny Rial with a full translation of Vitamin Quest...

It doesn't seem so. Last edit on main post was in May. It's a shame :(
Re: RPG Maker Game Collection

So this is the RPG Maker thread, huh?

Have this thing:

Astynoos and the Four Futa Priestesses. I think it's by a French guy, so the translation is slightly off, but it's serviceable.

Derpy little game about being the Greek demigod son of Aphrodite. You die and then have to acquire the blessings of the four priestesses to stick around in Aphrodite's crib instead of fucking off to Hades' shithole. The four priestesses each govern a separate fetish: Cum, feet, piss and throatfuckin'.

I dunno if it's my crappy computer or what, but about halfway through I started getting annoying little freezy-lag things.

So yeah. It's not exactly quality, but it's a thing and it's got some pretty intense fetish stuff going on. No tentacles, sadly.

Three endings. Normal and Good ending are both pretty easy to figure out, but I'm not sure of the third. Also there's a locked door in the obligatory debug area that I'm not sure how to unlock.
Re: RPG Maker Game Collection

New english game -
Re: RPG Maker Game Collection

Another new one - - purely in native english, and once past the prologue quite good...