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The Great Hunt (Tassadar) GM'ed by MAF

Re: The Great Hunt (Tassadar) GM'ed by MAF


RJ: (Was holding onto it until Kavika looked at her directly, but since our session ended early, I'll leave it here.)

RJ: (Olga: (Link: )

Tass: More slaughter. Kavika was starting to get tired of it, but still there was nothing she could do, even if the slaughter of noncombatants filled her with deep disgust. Though the logic put forth by the woman now doing the killing might have been sound, from a certain perspective, but divorced from morality as this group seemed to be they were quickly growing to be as bad in Kavika's eyes as Korgoth and his minions. She would watch, and slide down from Atego's horse to walk among the numerous dead. She would approach the final slaughter at the top of the hill slowly and calmly, watching each orc die and remembering. When Korgoth was dealt with, this woman would pay for her crimes. Perhaps beforehand, if things didn't go well here. Regardless, Kavika would wait until she was acknowledged rather than announce her presence.

RJ: "Chief Olga." Atego announced herself, as the blond woman turned about, her eyes fixing on Kavika, but not making a single move to act as if Kavika were a threat. "Lieutenant Commander Atego." Olga acknowledged her, as the Lt.Commander saluted her official. Olga did nothing, not seeming to salute someone of lower rank. "I bring to you, Svana's daughter, Kavika." Atego announced, which caused Olga to smile. "Very good. I expect she is much like her mother. You are here for an alliance, of course." Olga said, addressing Kavika.

Tass: "I am here for negotiation," Kavika replied in a stony voice, "if such results in an alliance, all the better." It was beginning to sicken her, having to hold herself in, but... One problem at a time.

RJ: Olga immediately frowned. "We live in times where humans must band together against threats of orc and corruption. Where do you stand that you cannot immediately see an alliance between fellow human beings?"

Tass: "We live in times where monsters kill and destroy without remorse or conscience, and where violence is commonplace and the easy refuge of relying on those who are of the same race as yourself is any easy trap to fall into. I have not lived through what I have by being trusting," she said quietly and calmly, again keeping her bile down while speaking and tinging her voice with an earnestness suggesting simple practicality.

RJ: "So it seems." was all Olga said in reply, seeming neutral in all regards. "Regardless, the Red Army is the last hope for humanity in this part of Crolia. Many other villages are recognizing this fact. If our reputation isn't enough, then what else do you need?"

Tass: "Prudence," Kavika replied simply, and would pause for a moment before saying; "You seem to be finished here. Would you like to relocate elsewhere that we may discuss this further, or shall we negotiate right here?" It was a calmly asked question, no hints of her distaste showing still, but it was also a question that would determine an important part of Olga's character in Kavika's eyes, and so she would observe the other woman's reaction carefully.

RJ: "It would be best if we negotiated elsewhere." Olga stated. "But I must take a moment to honor the dead who have fallen while fighting in battle. Atego, see to their burial while I relocate back to HQ with comrade Kavika. Just as well, gather the corpses of the orcs and have them all burned." Olga ordered, as Atego saluted her commander. "Da, I will see them honored, Chief Olga." Atego replied, before Olga walked along side Kavika. "Are you not impressed? Surely our forces will be valuable to... Well, I'm sure you have an army of your own." Olga assumed.

Tass: "Oh, I am most certainly impressed. You have a large force who are growing well disciplined. I have done similar with my own forces, but in a fairly different manner. You will forgive me if I would prefer to retain my autonomy and strategies, I trust. I prefer agility and precision to brutality such as this, even if the latter is admittedly sometimes necessary." Kavika would follow along with Olga, giving Atego a nod as she'd departed, and speak as she walked alongside the other woman's horse.

RJ: "Do you prefer to walk? Join me on my horse. The child of Svana is great enough to be offered as much courtesy." Olga announced, offering Kavika a hand. Whether or not she accepted, Olga didn't seem to entirely prefer one way or another. "Exactly the kind of tactics I would expect from such a woman. You have learned well from your dear mother I see. A shame what happened to her. If I were there, I would have proudly executed her myself before letting those pigs mount her for their purposes."

Tass: Kavika would hesitate for only a moment before accepting Olga's offered hand, and that thankfully kept her from seeing the frown that creased Kavika's face at that proclamation, so tinged with pride. How could someone value life so little and pride so much? "I... Am sure she would have appreciated that. I saw your lieutenant kill one of your own earlier when they were attempting to quit the field. Are your soldiers all here with you by choice?"

RJ: "Of course. Everyone is given a task, which they are free to choose. But in the case of that..." Olga sighed. "Sadly, many of my soldiers were but villagers before all of this. So despite their answer to the call of war, they sometimes break down. They cannot kill, cannot slaughter for the sake of winning the war. I think you and I can both agree that pacifists will get nowhere in this war." Olga said, glancing back at Kavika. "It is our goal to die in battle, because in all honesty... How many of us can come back from what we have endured, and live the cozy, villager life? All soldiers dread being away from war when it's all over. Others can stand neither idea. So, those who die in battle are the envy of others."

RJ: "Glory, to the first man to die." Olga qouted.

Tass: "In war, no, but we do not march to war for the sake of war. If there is no one to fight for, then we spill blood for no purpose. As for what happens after... I won't bother to disagree. I don't see myself in a cozy retirement after this either. I will say that I prefer to go without casualties, and have done so mostly successfully up until now."

RJ: "That is your ability that shows, but you dream, Kavika... But in fact, can you clearly say that no one important was lost? That you truly protected everyone?" she inquired, as Kavika may remember Nidhog, who died protecting Routa.

RJ: "What about later? Can you still protect them? In all the fighting, the war... Can everyone truly survive? That is the dream. And it is called as such for a reason."

Tass: "Of course it is a dream. But if it is my way to fight for a dream, then it is my way. I do not expect others to do the same, and do not expect all whom I care for to survive it. I wish it, and will do all in my power to make it so, but living in these lands required a sense of realism even before Korgoth's horde came."

RJ: "It is good that you recognize as such. I won't criticize you for your methods. I find them adorable, and precious. An innocence that I lack. But I ask that you do not hate me for what I do. It's an honest kindness to even the enemy. If I took prisoners, the angry husbands and wives would cry for their torture. It's my gift to the enemy. A swift death."

Tass: "Prisoners are a waste of resources. Though, when I cannot use them, I generally let them go if they did not fight. Even if they continue to work for our enemy, I retain the ways of war of my people." That Olga called her attitude an innocence did not sit particularly well with Kavika, but again she kept her complaints to herself.

RJ: "You let them go? How naive..." Olga sighed. "Alas, we're almost there." she said, before inquiring as to whether Kavika was hungry, and what kind of tea did she prefer, before nearing a large construction, presumably Olga's personal chief hut. Olga would ask two human girls to prepare whatever Kavika wanted, before inviting Kavika to sit inside of her home as it were, which was lined with various militant latches and windows that were perfect for fighting from inside the home while also insulated enough to stay within. As militant as it was, it was also simple. A bed, stove, counter, table and four chairs, and a bed to be found within. No rugs, few candles. It seemed that Olga survived on very little, possibly indicating that their resources were thin.

RJ: "Now," Olga began, sitting across from Kavika. "You have the floor. You speak, and I listen."

Tass: "I do not have set defenses or positions for them to report on, and my force composition and tactics shift constantly. They feed fear and misinformation into Korgoth's ranks, which serves my purpose nicely." Arriving at Olga's home, Kavika was surprised to find servants, but not at all surprised to find its spartan contents. "Something simple if I must. Icicle mint, if you've got any," she said when offered food and tea, naming a relatively abundant local tea that was used to help with minor illnesses. She would sit across from the other commander, her gut still clenched after the scene from earlier. >>

Tass: She would remain silent for a moment at Olga's statement, and then let out a sigh. "You and I both know that we cannot pass up on those who would fight at our side, but I find that lies taste ill in my mouth, and so I will be candid. I would appreciate the same from you, Olga, that we might speak as one woman to another as much as one leader to another," Kavika said, and then slowly reached up to pull her hood back, revealing her inhuman features, her eyes and her ears. She would await Olga's response to that, and move on from there.

RJ: Olga's immediate reaction would be to draw back in pure shock, eyes going wide. For a long moment, she said nothing. The shock seemed to stay at a high note for Olga for the longest time, before she found the words to speak. "... How did it begin?" she inquired.

Tass: "I don't truly remember. Have you heard of what happened before Korgoth attacked my mother's camp, on my coming of age hunt?"

RJ: "I assume you succeeded."

RJ: "She was quite proud... She said you were going to slay an impossibly huge boar. She assured me of your success. She trained your heart and mind to not fail... Even taking note of another woman who was captured." she revealed that her mother knew about Routa.

Tass: "I did, though I also did not. The great beast was slain, but its kin cornered me while I attempted to aid that woman who had been sent before me. I was there for several days before orcs killed the boars, allowing us to recover our strength and go free. From there I found the ruins of my mother's camp, found my own village enslaved by poison and lies, and then the war began. I came from that place changed. My breasts leaked, and my body... Craved more of what had almost broken me. From that point on the changes continued as... Well, the eyes came next. Then the tail, and the ears. I am, at this point, not entirely human myself anymore, as you would put it. So.... There's that. Now, I will be candid, and would prefer that you do the same." >>

Tass: "Now, I find your methods of leadership abhorrent, your slaughter of noncombatants without proper reconnaissance or assessment despicable, and the lack of empathy for those you kill displayed both by yourself and your officer an abomination. But I do not have any more right to tell you what to do than you have to do otherwise, and as I am not leading your forces I will do nothing to inhibit the running of your operation so long as you return the same courtesy. Naive as you may consider me, your effectiveness is not to be questioned. An alliance of convenience would suit us both, but working too closely together would only cause friction for both of us even with the present threat of Korgoth's forces." >>

Tass: "So, I will offer you the same that I have given to many others before. I would be your ally when you need me, and fight at your side until Korgoth's threat is ended. But, I would ask in exchange that you respect the boundaries of those I have made similar agreements with. We are not all the same, and while we might kill one another when the threat that unifies us is ended, we should save it for then. I came from the West, from the lair of the corrupted wolves that you mean to eradicate. An ally of mine is there, and I would see the fight between you and she postponed or prevented."

RJ: Olga remained silent through everything Kavika had to say. Her expression sour, mostly after the surprise faded, focused on her mutations after the fact that she revealed that the boars captured her. Though she was quiet until Kavika finished, not changing in the slightest before it was time for her to speak in any readable way. "... Have you become like Wolfe, then?"

RJ: "A... Maiden of the beasts... Is the best way I can refer to it... Politely." she said with disgust on her tone.

Tass: "No, much as some would like it otherwise. I merely do not have the luxury of being able to throw aside an ally, or the ability to betray one who has done me as many favors in times of need as Wolfe has."

RJ: "What of those who were captured by Wolfe? Who are bred by her canine creatures? I would like them returned. I care not for any complaints she may have about their numbers or the wolves we have slaughtered."

Tass: "Most of them are dead or broken, but I can most likely get them returned to you. If I cannot, then you obviously have little reason to do as I have asked in turn. I understand that it was part of a retaliation on your part, but that will only devolve into a cycle that will destroy one and leave the other weakened."

RJ: "If such is the case, then I demand justice. Have Wolfe come here to be punished for her crimes. I won't kill her as you so demand, but I will have her feel what it's like to be taken and violated. Not for myself, but for those among me who demand such justice. I cannot simply inform everyone that Wolfe will be allowed to be at peace. The men and women who cared for those lost will never forgive me."

Tass: "I..... Doubt that she will go for that, but I will deliver your demand, and do what I can to help you come to a compromise of some sort. Who knows, maybe it will work. Can you guarantee her release after whatever you have concocted is finished? Unharmed?"

RJ: "If you doubt she will do it, and you owe her favors, it's a good thing that no one knows what the real Kavika looks like, asides from Atego and myself. I don't care how it happens, in all honesty, so long as the issue is resolved." Olga said, suggesting Kavika take Wolfe's place if it mattered to her enough. "But the only other alternative is for them to see Wolfe's blood. As for release, naturally I'd let her go... Any injuries I will take care of myself, in secret. I'll pretend that I took her off to be executed."

Tass: "That, I can do. There are other things that I must do, however, and so I will ask after Wolfe first and then return. If she calls in a favor, then I will submit myself for your punishment, though I will make sure after that I do not end up with child after I depart."

RJ: Olga sighed. "I can't say that the punishment will be just for a day... I'll find a reason for you not to become pregnant. I'm sure if I pass around the idea of a mutant having babies, that will do enough..." she said, before looking very disappointed. "... I'm still shocked that you failed your intended test... Svana trained you to be better than this. Why would you..." Olga cut herself off, closing her eyes as she was about to argue against pointlessly trying to save Routa when it was supposed to be a trap of it's own as per Svana's intentions. One Kavika was to avoid. "I am sad, Kavika. Sad that Svana failed to truly ice your heart away so that you could suffer abandoning a comrade for the greater good of yourself and others." With that, Olga rose, but, with a bit of hesitance given her appearance, cringed as she acted as if she simply had to put her hands on Kavika's shoulders.

RJ: "That kindness will not help you. It will cause you to fail as it did before. Korgoth uses that kindness against us, as does his generals. He plays at heartstrings and destroys all that is good. He will use your good heart against you... This is why I insist we be allies, especially now. Kavika... You do not have the heart for this. I implore you to reconsider your disgust of me. You must!"

Tass: "I can deal with it myself after, I was merely making sure that you knew that, if I did as you ask, I wouldn't be carrying anyone's child to term." Kavika would then scowl darkly at Olga's exclamation of disappointment, finding the woman's patronizing attitude not only insulting but, given the source, ludicrous. She had never met this woman, and as far as Kavika was concerned she had no right to display such feelings. As such, when she reached down to touch Kavika's shoulder, the huntress's hand shot up and caught her wrist, and looked fiercely up at Olga as she allowed the leader of the Red Army to finish her plea. >>

Tass: When she had finished, however, Kavika would reply with the icy cold that Olga and Svana had probably wished her to have forevermore; "My mother is a sociopath and, by any decent standard, barely even a human being. She has never shown a moment of anything but rage and cruelty in the guise of attempting to teach me in the entirety of raising me, and though the skills that she has endowed in me are of use I will not at any point offer her thanks for that, nor will I ever seek to emulate her. Given your statements and attitude, I cannot help but think that you are another of the soulless fools who worship her for her attitude toward others. At this point, I can do nothing for you but offer pity at how empty your existence must be. I will never be like Svana, nor would I ever seek to be. >>

Tass: "Korgoth has already attempted what you warn of, and it has failed, both in besting me and in breaking me as you would wish. You say that I do not have the heart for this... And you are so wrong. You do not have the heart for this. Svana did not have the heart for this. She failed, just as you will fail, just as Korgoth will eventually fail. Because you, none of you, understand the value of people, nor the value in true sacrifice. I have no interest in seeing you change, but mark my words Olga. You will meet the same fate as my mother when Korgoth truly turns his attention upon you, and even though I might truly despise you, I will attempt to save you. Because I understand... I understand that blood is worth nothing, that the color of one's skin is meaningless, and that what really matters is who we are and how we treat one another. >>

Tass: "I understand that you are a product of the life that has shaped you, just as my mother is, and just as I am. I understand that you think because I am mutant, and because I do not share your worldview, that I am lessened in your eyes. And, I do not care. I will fight with you, against one who is worse than you, because it is necessary. Thank you, for helping me truly understand my own feelings on this subject." With that, Kavika would release Olga's wrist and stand up, replacing her cloak and turning to leave. "Thank you for the tea. I will be back soon, with Wolfe's answer."

RJ: Olga would release Kavika, but the words to follow seemed to be slowly less surprising to her. In fact, Olga would adapt a seeming bored expression, as if Kavika had already said as much before. Of course, the information about Korgoth wasn't possible given the circumstances, but Kavika's true meaning behind it was one that was not alien to Olga based on her reaction. With a shake of her head, Olga simply sighed at the conclusion of Kavika's speech. "... It was a long time ago. You weren't even born, and I was still a young girl. Wolfe, before her name was as such, faced your mother and said nearly the same words to her. I can see now, that you are not the daughter of Svana. You are the daughter of Wolfe, if only spiritually." Olga said in reply. "For all the beasts she openly rutted with before us all to prove her point, bringing dozens of tamed mutant creatures to our doorstep to parade them in the light of peace, and as disgusting as she appeared... Wolfe was still a clanswoman. One of us. Just as you are." >>

RJ: "Here you stand, doing the same thing. Wolves at our doorstep, and you singing desires for peace. We cannot accept such things into our lives, Kavika. Perhaps you can, but not us. Wolfe tried to get so many of us to see. To coexist. It was not by my hand that she was banished."

RJ: "It was everyone who scorned her."

Tass: Kavika didn't bother listening to Olga's reply, as she simply started walking once the woman sighed.

RJ: Kavika's lack of lending an ear noted, Kavika would find her shoulder held for but one moment as Olga got one line in. "Damn woman of disregard! If you are so confident in your ways that you disrespect me by turning your back on me, then let us see the source." she said, before Kavika would either pull herself free or be let go by Olga, walking outside. "Turn your back on me now, and you know how this will end!" Olga voiced after Kavika as she walked. "I will not strike you down, Kavika. Our war is one you can prevent, for you shall be the one to draw first."

Tass: Kavika would pause when grabbed by Olga, having an inward sigh herself but outwardly keeping silent. When release, she would begin walking again, but when Olga threatened war she paused again and slowly glanced back, one eye hidden by the hood that she wore. "I have no interest in conflict with you at this time, Olga. It would be a waste of my time and resources. I aim to leave, to fulfill the conditions set by you to prevent a war between you and Wolfe, however I may. If you are willing to go back on your word by continuing that pointless conflict and declare me an enemy in the name of your pride, then say so now."

RJ: "You know well enough that such is not the issue here." Olga stated. "I respect you, and I respect Wolfe. I'd see neither of you dead despite it all. But you speak quite clearly of your thoughts, and leave before hearing mine. All that tells me is that in the future, your eyes of war will set upon me. I am no fool, I know you have at least considered it. And I tell you, that war is one of your own design. You alone are free to stop it. I make no demands, I give only statements. If we fight, I will be defending myself and my people against you. If that is in your interest to prevent, you are welcome to do so."

Tass: "I do not hear your thoughts because I know them already. Whether you would believe it or not, I am Svana's daughter, and have heard all of this before. More than once over, now. As I have said, I have no interest in conflict with you. Much as I might desire to see your ways corrected, I recognize the pointless folly and hypocrisy in trying to do so through force. You and your people are safe from me, so long as your brutality is directed only at each other and at those who are not my allies. Even after that, do not think that I will add to my already long list of enemies out of spite or anger. Not lightly. Is that all?"
Re: The Great Hunt (Tassadar) GM'ed by MAF

The Conundrum of Wolfe's Infamy.

RJ: Olga was about to reply, before an ensign ran up and quickly whispered something to her, his eyes looking at Kavika as if worried she'd hear him. "... I'm about to discover if you are a liar, Kavika. We shall see. Let it be known that I have given you your chance. This is as merciful as I'm going to be, struggling daughter of Svana. I will watch, and not interfere." Olga promised, before letting Kavika walk off, not bothering to speak over the wind as she returned into her building. She and the ensign seemed to speak for a moment, before the ensign came running towards Kavika, carrying a message. "A lightning fast beast traverses the snow, Olga claims it belongs to you. It evades our sentries and refuses to communicate."

Tass: "That would be one of mine, yes. I will go and see to it," Kavika said, and then went in the direction that Bitey seemed to be coming from.

RJ: Going off into the snow, Bitey would eventually reveal himself to her, keeping wary of the sentries. "A lot of trigger happy humans here." Bitey commented after landing in the snow in front of her from seemingly nowhere. "I spotted you with some blond human woman with... Voluptuous assets. I was worried that you were captured, so I called for help."

Tass: "Yes, they are quite violent. I was not captured, I was negotiating. Return to the others and let it be known that I wish them to stand down.... Though, tell them that I want them to remain in the area, if a bit far off. And to bring Luxanna up." She paused, and then sighed and added; "You do good work Bitey. Sometimes better than even I can imagine. Thank you."

RJ: "Ah... Um..." Bitey seemed a bit flustered at her words, his eyes losing focus, and ending up eyeing up her breasts for a moment. "... N-no problem..." he replied. "Also, I've been observing these people's movements. It seems there's been a total recall of a lot of their stretched out stations around when you arrived, I think. Like, they're being less aggressive and waiting for something. The wolves they were fighting with have also backed off. What happened?"

Tass: "I am organizing a peace accord, so that we can concentrate on Korgoth. Stop staring at my tits, they look better when I'm not covering them. And when you are about to be allowed to suck on them. Which you will, when I am finished with all of my various goals and can return to camp. Now go, and deliver my orders." It was as much a reward for Bitey as it was spite at Olga's hatred for mutants, and as the latter was harmless Kavika didn't fight down the satisfaction at her work.

RJ: Bitey nodded, before rushing off to go acquire Luxanna, thusly leaving Kavika to her own devices. The wind was blowing harshly, and a lot of the guards and the like were watching Kavika move about as if expecting something from her. All looked nervous, both at her and at Olga. It seemed they were not used to Olga behaving as she did, and clearly saw Kavika as the reason why.

Tass: Kavika would turn, and begin the journey back to Wolfe's den to continue the negotiation.

RJ: Walking back to Wolfe's territory, the black haired woman seemed half surprised and half not in regards to Kavika's return. "Are you still ill?" she inquired with concern.

Tass: "No, I am fine. The humans to the East have stood down, but there are... Conditions. Namely, you are not to be forgiven. Those you have captive who still live are to be returned, and I was told to demand that you go to submit yourself for punishment by the villagers your wolves have harmed. I was told that I could take your place for that, but I have a plan to avert both that might save both of us a great deal of headache if you are willing to perform the first demand. We can end this territory dispute right now, if you are."

RJ: Wolfe looked a bit sour at that, but it was not directed at Kavika. "Does Olga know of the important details? Or did she hand you the demands and shove you out?"

Tass: "Which details? Our meeting did not go.... Smoothly. She is too much like my mother."

RJ: "That. She. Is..." Wolfe snarled. "I'm likely to be tortured at their hands. I would never ask you to take my place, and this other plan of yours sounds flimsy without details." Wolfe went over quickly, a nervous look on her face, no doubt worried that it might come to her being a punching bag for the angry villagers.

RJ: "And then comes the issue of my numbers. They will falter without this catch."

Tass: "Oh, that I already knew. I wouldn't begrudge taking your place after all you have done for me, but I figured that you would say that and so have come up with a better idea. An illusion cast by a mage will take our place. As for your numbers...." Kavika grinned slightly, "my womb, and those of my comrades, can alleviate that problem I think, even if briefly. I can keep my eyes out for a few orc women to take as captives on my journeys as well, and will send such to you if I succeed at capturing them."

RJ: Wolfe rose to her feet, shaking her head at Kavika. "There is a limit, Kavika. You said it yourself before, you haven't the opportunity to spend carrying many pups for me to replace those that die of the cold or by constructed weapons every day. To replace what I have, there would be a canine knotted inside you every day. Several more to confirm your carriage after the fact. That is too much to offer me, a punishment I would give to those who would butcher me and my pups." Wolfe announced. "And there is no assurance that you'll find such orc women. It's too much to expect."

Tass: Kavika frowned slightly. Well, that made things more difficult. "There is no guarantee of me finding captives, tis true. I am not sure what else I can offer, however. Would you be caught between two forces killing you, Korgoth's and Olga's, as you are now? It isn't like we can lie and say some of those you have captured are dead if we are to return others, and even then they would likely want what remained to bury. Are the female wolves you have infertile or somesuch?"

RJ: "Results vary..." Wolfe replied. "Indeed, some can, but they refuse to be treated like the slaves we have. They choose their mates carefully. And then, some are pleased with just one bunch of pups. I cannot deny them their freedom, or treat them like those who have done us wrong." Wolfe announced. "Let us explore our other options first. What is your secret weapon here? Some illusionist?" she inquired.

Tass: "Yes. The one that I captured, Luxanna."

RJ: Wolfe looked like she nearly had a heart attack. "Are you... Are you mad!? One of Korgoth's Generals!? Kavika, what possessed you!?"

Tass: "One of Korgoth's other generals came to kill her, and her magic has been sealed since then. She is both a coward and an idiot, and I am not so foolish as to trust her. I am going to give her a deal that she won't want to refuse."

RJ: Wolfe sighed. "You play a dangerous game... Do you mean to say you protected her?"

Tass: "Yes. I do not give up my captives to be executed unless I have no other choice. I have my honor."

RJ: Wolfe looked rather amazed. Eyes wide, staring at Kavika for a moment. "... Amazing, you are... To defend your enemy. I wouldn't have it in me." Wolfe said honestly. "... Very well. You've won me out with this news. I have nothing to say. Can I at least see this Luxanna before we discuss further?"

Tass: "Yes. She will have to see you, to fool the villagers with a convincing illusion."

RJ: Wolfe nodded, agreeing to wait. Provided Kavika was as well, later there would be a flustered looking Luxanna riding piggy back on Bitey. "I-I... I've never gone so fast before... In my life..." she trembled, clearly having been frightened. Though once the fear cleared away, Luxanna stood upright with the collar still around her neck. Wolfe looked ready to tear out her throat in a moment's notice. "Okay... Bitey told me I was needed, but not what for." She said to Kavika, passing a mere glance at Wolfe.

RJ: "Oh god, you're not going to trade me to the wolves are you!? No! Don't! I can be more useful!"

RJ: Luxanna suddenly began to beg and cry.

Tass: "Yes, you are needed" Kavika said, but before she could explain Luxanna burst into tears and began to beg. Sighing, Kavika glanced sidelong at Wolfe before saying; "Enough! You are to help me in sealing a ceasefire and acquiring an ally. It will require your magic, not your body."

RJ: Luxanna smiled, looking quite happy. Wolfe meanwhile, looked dumbfounded. No doubt thinking, 'this is one of the terrifying generals?'

RJ: "... S-so... What do I do?" she asked, her arms hugging around Kavika's leg.

Tass: "How skilled are you at illusions?"

RJ: "Pretty skilled?"

Tass: "Can you convincingly fake a version of Wolfe here?"

RJ: Luxanna seemed to think about her question in depth. After a bit of prolonged humming, Lux looked to Kavika. "I can... But, it all depends on how fake you want it... I could disguise any of us as each other. It's all convincing until someone decides to touch my illusions." She said, as Kavika would recall the fake orc that walked right through her.

Tass: "You cannot make them seem solid?"

RJ: "If you want convincing though, It's best used on someone with a physical body. That way, when they touch, the feeling comes with it, sorta. But... No, I can't make solid things. They wouldn't really be illusions then... I think."

Tass: "Hrm.... Could you convincingly fake someone being tortured and raped, but somehow protect the person within?"

RJ: Luxanna looked to one of the captured slaves, before chuckling. "Like her for example. I could easily look like her, and sound like her!" she said with a grin.

RJ: "... I'd give an example, but..." She tugged at her collar.

Tass: "Can I trust you to do this for me, if it means the collar will not be put back on, and that you will be free to do as you wish after besides going back to Korgoth?"

RJ: "You'll... You'll take it off?" Luxanna inquired with disbelief. "Oh... W-well, what do you expect me to say!? Yes!!!"

Tass: "Alright... Lets see what you can do then," Kavika said, and then unlocked, removed, and pocketed the collar. Luxanna trying something now would likely get her killed, so she would have to be pretty stupid to try anything.

RJ: "Okay..." Luxanna said with a smile, before focusing on the slave. She concentrated, magic seeming to flow forth from her, before she suddenly stopped. "Oh, I don't know what she sounds like." she said, before Wolfe went over and prodded the woman a bit. The woman awoke, suddenly crying and mumbling inane babble, enough to seem like she were trying to say a million things at once in a slobbery mess, before Wolfe seemed to use her own magic to put the woman back to sleep. Soon to be revealed to be a trinket on her arm, rather than her own talent. Luxanna nodded with that, and used her magic. Slowly, she seemed to change, as if reshaping herself on the outside, until she looked like a complete copy of the slave, wearing Luxanna's clothes.

RJ: "Ta-dah!" Luxanna said with a flourish, spinning herself around. She sounded totally different, much like the woman from before.

RJ: She now had curly red locks of hair, and brown eyes with a slightly larger chest and hips. She looked like the slave as if she were totally fine. Believable if Kavika didn't know any better.

Tass: "Alright.... Now, how to use this... We need to put forth someone for, ahhh, punishment. It will be severe, and I would not expose you to such, but I don't want to do it, and Wolfe shouldn't have to either."

RJ: Luxanna looked a bit shocked at the idea. "Ah... Uhm... Well, even under the illusion... They'd still feel it. The illusion might even break under all the stress, someone might disbelieve it." she said. Then, Wolfe came forth and explained the situation to Luxanna. "Hm... Well, they expect their partners to be broken, right? What if we... Hear me out... Pose as their partners, and appear to be totally fine!"

RJ: "Wolfe will get forgiven if she reveals that she didn't harm the women, right?"

RJ: Wolfe looked a bit doubtful.

Tass: "Uhh...... Mm.... Maybe? I... That wouldn't work... In the long term. We three can't go around like that forever, and what if you had to go to sleep, or were distracted? Or we were separated?"

RJ: "It should be fine." Luxanna replied. "Well, the real problem would be getting out of there, wouldn't it..." Luxanna hummed, whining a bit that her idea had such an obvious flaw.

Tass: "Yes.... I mean, it's not like we can say that we want to go back to the wolves, is it?"

RJ: Luxanna looked depressed at Kavika's question, while Wolfe hummed. "... We fake our deaths." Wolfe suggested, looking to Kavika. "That's the usual way people disappear, right? We all go out, some kind of girl's outing, and we fake our deaths. Can you make it seem like we've been killed?" She asked Luxanna. "Easily." Luxanna nodded.

RJ: "But..." Wolfe hummed. "The issue of the bodies comes into play again. They'll want to bury us..."

Tass: "Mmmm..... Fire? Or an avalanche?"

Tass: "Some way of not leaving a body behind, or at least not a recognizable one. There are corpses to spare not far from here."

RJ: "Avalanche." Wolfe seemed to like that idea. Luxanna seemed to be smiling again as well. "Great! N-now, there's one more thing." She said, looking to the slaves. There were three. A convenient amount. Each roughly matched the body types of the three girls in the cave. But that didn't seem to be the issue Luxanna had. "... These women are married."

RJ: Wolfe went a bit pale. Husbands. That meant husbands.

Tass: "... I had a feeling that I wouldn't get out of this without getting fucked," Kavika quipped quietly, but she was smiling. It was all turning out a lot better than she'd thought, to be honest. "If we could question them, it would be best. We ought to learn the names of their families, and such. It will be awkward otherwise. Also, we'll have to plan the avalanche, I'll get Bitey some explosives."

RJ: Wolfe sighed, smiling as well. "... Well, I've never been a married woman before. Besides... If you want to get mushy, those husbands will be awfully happy to see their loved ones again. At least that treatment will be a firm different from torture." Wolfe announced. Luxanna seemed to nod happily, before giving a start. "Wait, what the fuck am I smiling about!? I'm getting fucked too!" Luxanna cried out. "Oh... Oh frost bite... Oh shivering shambles..." she said, while blushing deeply, before walking over, and taking the rings from the broken women, handing the appropriate ones to each woman in the cave, and slipping her own onto her finger, watching it shine in the sunlight. "... I'm married..." she said distantly. "Not literally..." Wolfe replied. Luxanna gave a start. "I-I fucking know that! I'm just... Trying to get into the zone! Fuck you!" Luxanna cried, while Wolfe laughed with amusement.

Tass: "Mmm, shall we say that we have amnesia or something then? It's not like we can talk to them and ask them, is it? Maybe that we're still traumatized, but are glad to be back... In fact, maybe hurrying to the sex is a good idea. Spending a few hours sitting around after riding some oaf into a stupor isn't exactly ideal, but it is better than having to fake that for an entire day. And.... I suppose we ought to feel a little bit bad. We'll be giving someone their loved one back, only to take them away again. Still, I don't think we have any real alternative, besides giving Wolfe or myself over to be tortured."

RJ: Luxanna went silent when Kavika mentioned the cold, hard truth of the matter. With a bit of a whimper, she revealed a bit of a conscience. "... Um, when you guys are ready, I'll set up the magic... I think... Well, we'll see when we get there... Maybe I'll actually try to pretend for a while. If he's a good man, you know?" she said with a meek tone, looking quite guilty.

RJ: Luxanna suggested letting them fake their deaths first.

RJ: "Regardless," Wolfe replied. "We will indeed see. Do you want to do some recon first, Kavika? Find the husbands and information about their wives?"

RJ: Bitey spoke up then, "Alisa," Bitey pointed at the red haired curly one who looked to fit Luxanna. "Valentina," Bitey pointed at the meatiest of the girls, her hair short and blond, obviously fitting Kavika's build. "And Viktoriya" he pointed at Wolfe's match.

Tass: "Good job Bitey... And their husbands?"

RJ: Wolfe and Lux were told their own husbands names, as well as Kavika's. "Boris." Bitey announced Valentina's husband.

RJ: "I don't like that goblin, furry goblin..." Wolfe said in regards to Bitey. "He knows way too much."

RJ: "The wife-less husbands were just loud." Bitey shrugged.

Tass: "Alright then.... Boris it is, I guess," Kavika said, "Luxanna, errrr...... Alisa, work your magic." Once it was done, Kavika would examine herself with a sigh and then say, in a voice not her own, "it will have to do. We'll have to guess at their mannerisms, if you've got an info on that Wolfe... Viktoriya, you'd best give it now." Then, looking to the transformed Luxanna, Kavika said; "Do as you wish, but even as cruel as I made it sound I would advise not letting it last too long. It will only hurt more when you have to pull away, or you might let the illusion slip or be forced to fight with the others, and then you might risk really dying. These people are not kind, and I cannot imagine them taking such tricks well." With that, Kavika would strip naked and set aside her various belongings. "If you can take these back, make sure that Routa takes care of them for me." she said, gesturing to Bitey.

RJ: Bitey seemed to try very hard to blush through all the fur on his face, but was unable to as Kavika got naked in front of him. "Oh.... O-o-o-o-h... Right... Take good care of them... I'll definitely do that..." He said, his eyes fixed on her breasts, before Luxanna lightly slapped the side of his head, causing him to panic and hurry up, taking Kavika's clothes away while Wolfe provided some stitched up rags. "Since they came mostly intact, I decided to repair them once I thought they had been punished enough, before it seemed being violated by wolves was too much for them." Viktoriya said, adjusting her long, straight black hair through the dress, the illusionary hair flowing perfectly. "Right! We need to know how to act!" said Alisa. >>

RJ: Viktoriya hummed. "Well, I was rather cold and harsh. Hardly spoke much as I tore into the wolves without remorse. So Viktoriya was a very cold woman. Alisa... was a bit of a psychopath. Honestly, I'd say to keep being yourself, Luxanna... She often giggled a lot, even while killing my wolves. Seemed to find joy in everything." Viktoriya said, while Alisa looked confused. Then, came Valentina. "Valentina... She seemed like the caretaker of the group... But in all honesty, same applies to you. I think you'll be fine with your current mannerisms." she stated. "Just remember... You're happy to be who you are... That will be the hardest part, I think." Viktoriya said grimly, the tone matching the expression.

Tass: "Very well, I think I can handle that." Kavika said after Wolfe's explanation, but then she smirked and said; "I would suggest you taking my part, if Valentia was the matronly sort, but.... Well, I don't think you could," Kavika ran her hands down her illusion body while speaking to Wolfe, "fill her out quite like I can~" Her teasing remark aside, Kavika put on her own rags, glad to be out of the cold air somewhat, "is that everything then? I can't think of anything else... It's not like we'd be sent back armed."

RJ: "Maybe we should?" Alisa suggested, digging around and finding where Wolfe stashed their equipment. A pair of guns for Alisa, a whip for Viktoriya, and a bow and arrow for Valentina. "You fill her out in more than one way." Viktoriya said in reply, noting the preference for weapons. "What if we came and talked about how good Wolfe was to us? Maybe we can get them to think she's good!"

Tass: "That.... Might be a bit much, I think. Maybe just that we weren't mistreated? I can't imagine them believing we were taken kindly, knowing these people and their attitude toward nonhumans."

RJ: "O-or that!" Alisa said nervously, giggling as Wolfe said to do. It came somewhat naturally. "Indeed. Perhaps we can clear my name, but we mustn't blow our cover like fools." Viktoriya said with a cold tone, Wolfe also getting the part down. No one seemed to question how well Kavika was doing it. It seemed she and Valentina had a lot in common. Still, the two women set out, headed for the village. "T-this is actually kind of exciting! In the scary way!" Alisa laughed. "You're overdoing it. Be crazy, not nervous, idiot." Viktoriya said with a cold tone. Putting forth her acting skills. "W-wait, was that Viktoriya or Wolfe!?" Alisa growled. "Both." she replied. Alisa grumbled and held her rage in as they walked.

Tass: "Enough chatter, we have to look at least a little scared, relieved, and happy all at once." Kavika barked cooly, and watched about as she always did for any potential threats.
Re: The Great Hunt (Tassadar) GM'ed by MAF

Mutant Check

RJ: Making their way through the snow, the girls all kept their act up, with Valentina in the lead. Eventually, they'd come into view of the town as the sun was beginning to set. The sight of the three girls making the whole village erupt with immense chatter. "It's... It's them!" a scout cried, showing that the three girls still live, and have returned seemingly unharmed! Men and women lined the streets, excited to see them approach, while the three girls had to carefully plan their opening strategy. While Viktoriya waved, she spoke to Valentina. "This will likely be our last chance to speak together for a while... So what's the plan?" she asked quietly, the sound of chatter swallowing her voice up.

Tass: "Act naturally. Try to talk as little as you can get away with. We meet up again tomorrow morning, to plan our... Outing. Do whatever you have to to keep from blowing your cover until then. Talk in an accent, like zis. Do you think you can keep the illusions up until then L.... Ahhh, Alisa?" Kavika said quietly, while making it look as if she were hurrying and holding a relieved smile on her face. She faked the accent she'd heard from Olga's people as best she could, and had told them of it on the walk over, so hopefully they wouldn't blow their cover.

RJ: "He, he, he! Of course!" Alisa giggled, waving energetically to the crowd, seeming more confident as everyone seemed to respond favorably, as if recognizing the behavior. As they got closer to the town, hurrying like girls who longed to be home, suddenly, three men burst from the crowd, sprinting at their wives. An averaged sized man ran up to Alisa, calling out her name with joy, while Alisa seemed to enjoy him picking her up and spinning her around, laughing as if it were a ride which only seemed to overjoy him more. The second was a smaller man, who ran up to Viktoriya and fell to his knees like a loyal subject, clutching to her skirts and calling her his mistress. Wolfe, Viktoriya, looked positively flustered, but quickly acted the part, acting like she was mildly pleased to have her servant back. Both women in the meanwhile briefly touched on the fact that they weren't hurt. >>

RJ: Then, came Boris. He was quite possibly the largest man in the village. A giant of a man. Over seven feet tall. Walking up to Valentina, he took a knee and got down to see her face to face, looking at her with one eye as the other was scarred shut. "Valentina...! Oh, Valentina!" he cried out, suddenly embracing Kavika tight, squeezing her until she could barely breathe. "You have gotten so strong, Valentina!" he said, looking down at her and brushing a finger along Kavika's arm, feeling her muscle. Surprisingly, the illusion held. Valentina had one moment to say something, before Boris would lunge forward, planting a big, tongued kiss on her lips, swirling his tongue around her own as he attacked her with intense lonely passion, holding her as if Kavika would have to rip his arms off to pry herself loose.

Tass: "Boris!" Kavika cried happily, holding to her part as she bounded forth to meet the giant of a man who was apparently her husband and hug him as he knelt down. She imagined being this woman, Valentia, and acting similar to how she would if returning to Routa or Twig after being brought home. Of course, neither of those fantasies including the sloppy kiss planted onto her mouth by the man, but Kavika quickly covered up her surprise by closing her eyes and letting out a light coo into his mouth, her tongue returning his aggressive swirling with initial submission but steadily increasing aggression. Getting a feel for how another person kissed was hard, but she tried to emulate Boris' expectations as best she could, until the huge man's incredibly tight squeezing would begin to choke the air from her lungs, at which point she would give him a light pat on the shoulder to try and get him to ease back a little.

RJ: Boris eased back immediately, though he too looked surprised at the kiss, her aggression seeming to be a surprise to him. A pleasant one at that. "Oh, Valentina... How everyone has missed you! Look-look, our children!" Boris said, tears pouring from his eyes as two little blond children came forth from the crowd, both crying as well, before they hugged Kavika's legs, crying out, "Momma!" Sobbing their little hearts out. Boris looked to the skies as if thanking some greater god before hugging Valentina and their children all at once. "You're home, my love... You're finally home..." he said, before his eyes dashed about the crowd quickly, Kavika would sense panic within Boris. "E-excuse me please, my wife needs rest..." he said, quickly taking Valentina inside their home and looking to his children. "Go say hi to Alisa and Viktoriya, yes? Momma will have a nice supper for you in a few hours!" he said, before both children ran off, excited. >>

RJ: Then, Boris shut the door, and suddenly gripped Valentina by the shoulders in a panic. "They corrupted you, they must have! My darling, I'll pack up everything. We must flee! Whatever mutations you have suffered, I will bear it! I will not lose you a second time! Oh..." Boris began to cry once more, hugging Kavika again. "I thought I had lost you forever...!"

Tass: Reacting naturally, Kavika would hug Boris and Valentia's... Her, children, and would force tears to come to her eyes as she clutched at them and Boris gazed skyward. This was all getting very awkward, and while Kavika would happily be done with it when she could, she would also know that she would be heartbroken when she had to force Boris and the children to watch his wife die again. Shit.... She didn't know the names of the children! "Yes... Yes, I'm home! Oh, it was... I was so afraid, even though I... I wasn't harmed. Not badly. And then they... I was just, let go!" she said, trying to sound convincing, but then was surprised when Boris led her off into a house and dismissed their children. >>

Tass: Gripped suddenly, Kavika adopted an alarmed look followed quickly by a reassuring one, and then said; "No! No, my love, it is alright.... I... They did.... Things, to me, but then I fell ill, and the wolves left me while their mistress tended to me. I... I think I would have died, if she hadn't been there to give me medicine. There... There is nothing! I'm... Almost just as I was when last we kissed, my love! I thought I had lost you too, but now we're together again!" Kavika was inwardly praying that she was putting on a good performance, because she was selling it as hard as she could.

RJ: Boris went silent, his expression of panic and distraught fading, into one of pure bewilderment. "Valentina... The evil wolf mistress saved your life? The very same who killed our man and dragged their bodies away to be devoured?" he inquired. Some did die, but Wolfe also did not kill when she could help it. "What are you saying? To take and to violate you, why would she help you and then release you for no reason?" Boris inquired, apparently unaware of Olga's terms.

Tass: "Yes! She.... We were in their territory, Boris. What happened... It was horrible, but it was a mistake. We should never have been there. We killed them too, and it was all so pointless.... I was... We were... Made to.... Replace... Those we had killed, but then, when Wolfe spoke to another woman, one with dark red hair and a bow, we were set free with our clothes and our weapons. It... I heard something about a truce, and she seemed to have spoken with Chief Olga already."

RJ: "Replace..." Boris paled at those words. "That is the woman's reasoning?" He inquired, before his eyes shifted a bit. "... How could she expect such a thing... Men come to the tavern every other day, boasting their many trophies... Is that what she was after? Was it revenge? But you remember, Valentina! Atego informed Olga that it was the wolf mistress who struck first! Did you hear of nothing else? What other intention did the wolf woman have?"

Tass: "Lieutenant Atego was wrong! We shot first," Kavika said insistently, "or, rather, Alisa did. The woman and Wolfe spoke of that, and when we were sent on our way she gave us potions to give us the strength to move on our own again. They... The wolf woman said that all she wanted was to be left alone, and that she would take revenge on any more incursions."

RJ: Boris held Valentina's face firmly. "Do you understand the madness which you speak! Keep your voice down! You..." He leaned in closer. "My dear, are you suggesting Lieutenant Atego lied!?"

Tass: "No, only that she was mistaken!" Kavika said, her eyes now slightly frightened, "I... I don't want to start anything over it! It's not worth the risk to our family, whether or not the lieutenant was lying or just wrong!"

RJ: Boris slowly shook his head. "No... She wouldn't just be wrong.... Not Atego... She is either correct... Or she is wrong... Atego publicly executes anyone who dares claim she is anything but correct... Don't you remember, Valentina? She said that we tried to make peace with the wolf mistress, and she savagely attacked us. She swore, her information was correct..." Boris took a deep breath, before shaking his head. "We will not speak of this again. Do you understand me? We never had this convers-" he was cut off at a sudden loud knocking at his door. "This is Lt.Atego. Please open your door." the woman herself announced, causing Boris to panic, putting a single finger to his lips to desire Valentina to be silent, before he stepped over to the door, opening it with his wife in his arms. "Y-yes?" >>

RJ: Atego herself was standing there, and like before, she had a rather firm smile, but unlike what Kavika would remember, it looked impossibly faked. Kavika would be able to sense the extreme fury behind that mask as the Lieutenant stood in their door. "Good evening, comrade Boris. I'm so glad to hear that your wife came home." she said. Boris nodded slowly. "Y-yes... I'm still in shock myself." he said, smiling down at his wife, before Atego suddenly stepped inside. "If you do not mind, I'd like to check her for mutations." she said assertively, before Boris paled immediately.

Tass: Kavika would nod enthusiastically at the idea of never speaking again, but then a plan would form in her head at how they might fake their own deaths more convincingly. Her look would sour slightly at the intrusion, however, and she would keep silent when Atego spoke to Boris, who was obviously terrified. Kavika would force a similar expression, but she would also salute respectfully as she'd seen others do to the lieutenant. "It's alright, Boris... She will find nothing!" Kavika said, in a voice of mixed fear and confidence while her tail, hidden by Luxanna's illusion, pressed closely against her back.

RJ: Walking into the house, Atego went silent, simply slowly stepping through the house, eying up everything inside. Eventually, she'd suddenly snap. "Comrade Valentina. Are you deaf?" she asked suddenly, glancing back at Kavika with a gaze that could set the entire house aflame with the fury behind it. "This is a check up. Take off your clothes or they shall be removed from your corpse." she said. Boris looked ready to try and make Atego calm down on her death threats, but all it took was her to snap her head his way, and the giant turned into a mouse.

Tass: Kavika would jump in surprise, but then nod and strip.

RJ: Once Valentina would strip down, Atego's fury would contain itself, as she began to slowly walk all around. Suddenly, she announced herself. "Enlarged breasts. Mutation." she said, Boris immediately argued. "Her breasts were always like that!" he insisted. She snapped at him, "Were they, Boris? Were they? I don't remember. Am I lying? Am I lying?" she asked twice, her voice shaking a little, a lot of emotions swirling through her as she spoke, Boris dared not argue as he meekly said that she was not. "That is one mutation. I believe we draw the line at three. Am I lying, Boris?" she asked. Boris shook his head, but he looked like he wanted to say that she was. Boris looked impossibly scared, even backing towards a nearby candle holder, as if expecting to knock Atego out with it in an emergency. >>

RJ: Then, she suddenly gripped Kavika's breast, stimulating her nipple, before gathering milk into her hand. "No signs of pregnancy, and yet her breast leaks. Mutation. Our second." Atego stated, and Boris looked ready to claw his own eyes out from the stress. Atego circled Kavika about twenty times, looking more like a vulture each time, before putting her hand on Kavika's back, and encouraging her against the wall. "Hands flat on the wall. Spread your legs." she commanded, before Kavika would feel Atego's fingers squirm into her folds.

Tass: "I... I was made to bear pups by the corrupted wolves, that's why my breasts are swollen and leaking!" Kavika protested in a frightened sort of voice, but then shook her head towards Boris as he seemed to back toward a lamp. Ordered against the wall, Kavika forced her body to loosen as Atego forced her fingers up into her sex, and made herself ready in case the woman should attempt to shock her into tightening. It certainly wasn't a pleasurable thing, this violation, and despite her ashamed blush Kavika made sure to make it look like it wasn't pleasant.

RJ: Atego began fingering Kavika religiously against the wall, curling her fingers, and striking her pleasure points to try and make her tighten. Kavika would hear a deathly growl come from Atego as Kavika refused to submit, before Atego began slamming her fingers in and out of Kavika's pussy. "Tighten, you fucking whore!" Atego growled in a whisper. "You mutant bitch. You filthy cur! TIGHTEN YOUR FILTHY CUNT!" Atego screamed with absolute fury, but couldn't get Kavika to submit before Olga burst through the door. >>

RJ: "Six is the limit. Breasts still leak after recent birth. And yes, her breasts were that large." Olga announced. "Atego, hands behind your back." Olga commanded, before cuffing a furious Atego and hauling her through the house, while Atego stared bloody hatred at Kavika. >>

RJ: "I'm so terribly sorry." Olga said to Boris and Valentina, before shutting the door behind her as she left.

RJ: (Kavika gets 2 exp for surviving Atego's fingers)
Re: The Great Hunt (Tassadar) GM'ed by MAF

To Fuck a Man while Disguised as his Wife

Tass: "That.... Was intensely unpleasant," said a Kavika who blushed with shame and distaste, glad that Olga had arrived in such a timely manner. She moved quickly to hug Boris, as if for comfort.

RJ: Boris returned the embrace, silent for a long while. He remained there, holding her quietly, before he smiled and let out a breath of relief. "... I'm so sorry... I'm sorry you have to deal with this just after getting home...." Boris said, crying once more. "But... It all worked out, didn't it?" he said with a smile. "Come on... Let's get you a nice bath and then some rest in a good bed." He said, smiling at Valentina, kissing her on the lips before heading over to prepare a bath for her.

Tass: Kavika wouldn't complain about that idea. "It did... Thankfully!" she replied, and Kavika was beginning to think that Atego would be a bigger problem than Olga. Still, too much in too short a time, she didn't need to think about it now. "So much is happening... That would be lovely! But... Shouldn't I make dinner?" she continued, adopting a brave smile, "didn't you like it when last I did that?" The reaction to that would be important, as if Valentina was a good cook she might be in trouble.

RJ: Boris nodded, though didn't look too enthusiastic. "Heh, my dear, keep it simple, yes? Remember the last fire you started!" he chuckled. "I'm going to go get the kids. Is getting late." he said, before Boris crouched to fit through the door, and headed outside with a sweet goodbye to his fiance. Now that the house was quiet, Kavika would hear the sounds of a loud party going on. Alisa was over there. The windows were hardly covered that well either, holes torn open in the rags that covered the house's windows, allowing Kavika a clear sight into what seemed to be an orgy. From one of the open holes, it appeared Alisa was having a four-way, just as Kavika heard a loud snap of a whip from another house. Viktoriya. A man's howls of pleasure came from that house as well. "Oh, yes! YES! D-do you want me to wear the panties again, mistress!?" the man asked his wife, while Wolfe seemed to be going crazy with shame. "Oh for goodness' sake!" she cried. "B-but you loved me in them!" the man argued. "Of course I do!" Viktoriya replied with a crazy and nervous laugh.

Tass: "Eheh... Of... Of course!" she said, thinking that that was probably good. She was competent, but not an excellent cook, so she would get dressed again in clean unshredded clothes and then fix up food enough for four, figuring that Boris would eat whatever was left if the kids didn't eat like adults. Glancing outside while doing so, she would see Wolfe and Alisa playing their parts well enough, and both blushed and smirked at each of the two sights, Luxanna getting laid and Wolfe playing up her domme role as best she could. She made a decent meal, as she usually did, and had the table set by the time Boris returned with the children. She was starting to get used to this, and despite herself Kavika couldn't help but imagine Twig and herself in similar circumstances, though Twig would be the one cooking in her fantasies while Kavika went out in the role of the man.

RJ: Boris would eventually return with the kids while the food was still being made. They'd cry out for their mother again, and complain that they couldn't see Alisa because she was wrestling with a large group of men and women. The two boys eagerly sat at the table, along with their father, who watched Valentina cook with a dreamy look on his face. Madly in love with his wife. When dinner was served, he extended his hand, putting it over Kavika's, before holding it just like that as he ate, as if he never wanted to let go. Once dinner time was over, Boris looked at his wife with a smile. "Boys, it's time for bed." he said while smiling at Valentina. "Yes father," the boys would reply, putting their dishes away and straightening up their chairs, before heading into their rooms, while steam would be coming from a room adjacent to them, opposite where the boys were. "Looks like... Our bath is ready~" he cooed.

Tass: "It... Looks like it is," Kavika said, blushing. This was what she'd been expecting, but somehow the build up only made it feel all the more wrong that she was doing what she was doing. She would take a steady breath as Boris put the children to bed, clenching the hand that had clutched in Boris's during dinner briefly into a fist, before rising to her feet and following him into the room with their bath. She just had to act naturally. That was all. Act naturally, and it would be fine...

RJ: Boris, with that in mind, would lead his wife to the bath. The steam coated Kavika's skin. The illusion well designed enough to make Valentina's skin shimmer and shine with her attractive sexuality. Once in the room, Boris closed the door and began to slowly undo her dress, gingerly kissing her on the neck as he began to slowly strip her. "Valentina..." he moaned out her name, eventually exposing her large breasts with his own hands. "I still keep wanting to check. Wanting to feel you. I keep wanting to reassure myself that you're real..." he said, hugging her from behind, one hand going over her breast to lightly play with her leaking nipple. "Yes... You're real. I can really hold you again... I can make love to you again." >>

RJ: he announced with calm glee, before slowly, and casually peeling her panties off. Letting her go, he'd allow Valentina to turn around, to see that Boris was already naked himself, and she wouldn't have to worry about an average size letting her down. Boris' size was shown even where it counted. Not quite a minotaur, but certainly thick and long, not to mention already erect.from his excitement to be with her again. He lifted her, and then gently placed Valentina into the open tub, which was seemingly built for a giant. Tall enough for Valentina to sit in and be up to her chin with water, and wide enough for him to sit with her.

RJ: Once she was in the tub, he joined her, taking some water into his hands and washing off all the grime and dirt off of her body. "I thought about us joining Alisa for her welcome home orgy, but I wanted a little alone time between us." he said with a smile, using a bucket to get her hair wet, while one hand smoothed along her back.

Tass: "I am real, my love..." Kavika replied softly, smiling as she allowed herself to be felt up, kissed, and then undressed. She moved with him smoothly, her motions slightly nervous but also excited, and again Kavika prayed that she was selling it well enough. Her breasts leaked naturally onto his hands, and their sensitive tips hardened automatically against his touch, and she smiled more broadly and softly purred; "Yes... You can." From there, Kavika would bend as he stripped her, allowing her undergarments to be left on the bathroom floor while she was carried into the tub by Boris. He was hung, nice and big for her and already hard, and Kavika was starting to think it would be easier and easier to enjoy this. >>

Tass: She would permit him to rub her, cleaning her body of grime while Luxanna's illusion did its work perfectly to make her appear as she should, a very impressive thing. Hopefully it wouldn't break because she was engaged in that orgy, as that would be... Problematic. "I prefer it this way," Kavika said softly as Boris cleaned her hair, her own hands moving to rub along the large, muscular man's body as he worked to clean hers, "it is more... Personal~"

RJ: "Indeed~" he cooed in return, gently moving his hands up and down her body until there was nary a location he hadn't gently gone over, Kavika's body already feeling lighter without all the dirt and grime on her body. Once her body was washed, Boris gently took Valentina by her chin and kissed her on the lips, gently darting his tongue into her mouth, squirming his around her own, similar to before, but much more slowly, as if to savor her taste as he held her close, Kavika feeling his impressive rod slipping between her thighs, and rubbing under her petals. After a moment longer, he'd let the kiss go with a soft, wet pop, before gently taking her by her hips, adjusting Kavika around until her back was facing him. His hands firmly but also gently gripped her large, round rump, while lining himself up with her folds, bending her over the side of the tub so that she could put her hands on the edges for support while he prepared to thrust into her.

Tass: Kavika would coo appreciatively and squirm as Boris explored her body, matching so well the body of his wife through Luxanna's illusion, and return the kiss in turn as she slid her own hands back against Boris' body. The first touch of his impressive rod against her petals made Kavika, the huntress having quickly adopted an easily excited sex drive and thus easily getting aroused at the thought of having something so big inside of her. Shifting around with Boris' direction, swinging around and waving her thick rump back and forth encouragingly as he prepared to line himself up, Kavika let out another encouraging moan as she steadied herself by holding the side of the tub, looking back at Boris with eyes full of need.

RJ: Holding her firmly, Boris slowly, but steadily began to insert himself, as if worried that he was going to hurt her, so he tested the waters to see how welcoming she truly was. Soon he'd find that Kavika was more than welcoming. Her pussy tightening around his cock as if sucking him in, causing him to quickly thrust in deep after the tip, mostly just by following the pull Kavika gave. This was clearly new to Boris, who seemed shocked at Kavika's hunger. "V-Valentina... You feel so different..." he said, looking at her directly.

Tass: "I've missed you.... So much!" She purred after the moan produced by his entrance, letting her pussy easily stretch to accommodate his length, but inwardly there was a hint of fear. It was one thing that an illusion definitely couldn't replicate, the feel of her insides, but hopefully he would just take it as a result of his wife's time with the wolves. A good distraction would serve nicely too... And so, Kavika began to shift her hips back and forth, her inner walls clamping and sucking on his length, letting out encouraging moans and coos in order to try and get him to start moving. "Come on.... Take me~ Just the way I like!"

RJ: A little encouragement, especially with Kavika's sexuality to help Valentina along, was more than enough. Boris looked like he had much to say, but the ass and pussy of Kavika demanded silence in their presence. As such, Boris obeyed, and revealed that Valentina and Kavika were even similar in the intimate way, as Boris began thrusting wildly into Kavika's pussy. His large length taken in easily and sheathed entirely into her pussy while he was already quickly drawing back to deliver another quick and lustful thrust into his returned wife. After an undetermined amount of time of him pounding into her pussy, he suddenly pulled out, looking to her and seeking to adjust. Turning her around, he brought her up so that her limbs were hanging around him, inviting her to wrap around him as his hands found her ass, held her close, and guided her so that his cock slipped in once again.

Tass: The pleasure rolling up her spine as Boris began to thrust into her with increasing ferocity, quickly building up until he was fucking her just the way she liked it normally, hard and fast so that her plump rear jiggled every time his tip kissed her cervix at the end of every thrust. Though she would have happily remained there until the end of their union, and even reached between her legs to fondle his balls for further encouragement, she didn't protest at the sudden pause and shift of position. Throwing her arms around Boris' neck and wrapping her legs around his back, she let out an eager moan as he sheathed his immense rod back into her tight sex before muffling her sounds of pleasure by pressing her lips against his once more, kissing him aggressively while leaving Boris to take her however he liked.

RJ: Boris continued their rough pace while returning her kiss, his hands that roughly held her pulled her up and down as he shifted his hips, fucking her at such an angle that she could truly feel his cock inside of her from that new angle of access. He'd thrust and pound, his moaning and her moaning combining together in mutual sign of impending climax. Though Kavika was no light woman by any means, and eventually even the heavy Boris would put her down before he got tired. Pulling up a stool, he'd adjust it within the tub and sit, inviting Kavika to sit onto his lap so she could have a turn riding him, experienced as well as slightly skilled as he seemed to be clearly attempting to keep both their stamina fairly high so that they could go on until both were satisfied., on the verge as they were.

Tass: Feeling him pistoning smoothly into her, filling her tight pussy filled again and again by his large, thick cock, Kavika felt a climax steadily building. Boris would put her down shortly before she reached that peak, however, and she looked at him in confusion and gave a needy moan as he pulled up a stool and sat down. She smiled knowingly and crawled up into his lap seductively, her ass hovering over his rod teasingly while she planted her feet on the floor of the tub behind him, semi-standing for a moment before setting her hands onto his shoulders and dropping down, sheathing her tight pussy back around Boris' rod. Moaning eagerly, Kavika began to grind back and forth, letting their pleasure build back up after the short break while kissing him eagerly again, but just as they were both getting ready to cum she stopped again. >>

Tass: Shifting again, she folded in one leg and then the other, kneeling in his lap and placing her knees around his hips, his member inside her the entire time. "Now..." she purred, and then began to bounce up and down on his lap, his thick rod impaling her with every motion as her ass bounced up and down wetly, her pussy steadily growing tighter and tighter as the knot of tension built up in her stomach. She would hold herself back, however, until she felt Boris' rod begin to throb, at which point she would drop down so that he was hilted and started grinding again. Only the first spurt of his seed into her womb would cause Kavika to let her orgasm come, her pussy spasming and milking him as she moaned in the throes of an intense peak that only got stronger with every pulsating spurt of his semen into her thirsty depths.

RJ: When Kavika suddenly teased him, Boris looked full of complaint. He had a look on his face that almost seemed to question how damaging that experience with Wolfe truly was, when his wife had this much spirit to play around with. But yet again, Kavika demanded a little too much attention, and Boris found himself forgetting what he was thinking about in light of that. Boris would demand one last kiss before they both came, holding their lips together as Kavika would feel his first telling throb, that his climax was coming. Soon enough, before she could even react, his seed was spilling into her as he moaned into her lips. Her climax didn't go unnoticed as well, as Boris groaned louded from the sensation of her cumming around his cock, her extra tightened folds making him spurt out that much little more cum as she sucked it out of him.

RJ: After the fact of their union, Boris leaned back. Kavika could feel it all inside of her body, he let out what was more than normal for human partners. No doubt he was extra satisfied. And no wonder, he just unknowingly had sex with a woman who could handle a minotaur's cock.

Tass: "So much.... I think... He missed me too~" Kavika purred while panting, holding herself down impaled on his cock and giving the occasional squirm to make her folds squeeze around Boris' length, squeezing small amounts of his sperm out but keeping most of it plugged up inside of her. She reveled in the sensation of being full of so much warm cum, as she usually did when thoroughly filled, and even though Boris was no minotaur she had quite thoroughly enjoyed herself. There was a moment in which she pondered the risk she'd just taken, but Kavika simply dismissed the worry while teasing Boris further, eventually sliding up and off to let his cum begin to drain out of her pussy into the bath.

RJ: Once the cum began to dribble out, Boris seemed to find that high time to get out and let the bath drain out proper. He'd fetch two towels, one for him, and the other to wrap around Kavika and draw her into him, letting him dry her back for a moment as he kissed her, before putting it on her head and wrapping his towel around his waist. "Come see me in bed~" he cooed, heading out first, as if it would take Valentina much longer to get ready for bed. >>
Re: The Great Hunt (Tassadar) GM'ed by MAF


RJ: Just then, a head popped up through a shaded window, so no one could see inside. "Kav... Valentina!" Luxanna whispered from outside. She looked like a mess. "Hey!" she whispered further, knocking on the window lightly.

Tass: "Of course~" she purred, and then gave Boris one last affectionate goodbye kiss before he went out. But, after Boris left, he wasn't sure what she ought to do. She supposed that some preening was in order, perhaps, but before she could figure out what to do Luxanna, still disguised, appeared at the window. Glancing at the door, she would go over and open it, "Found a way to entertain yourself I see.... What is it?"

RJ: "T-This is not entertainment! This woman's boyfriend is a massive polygamist! Man after man, I've had eight rape me on a dining room table, and I can't take it anymore! How is this woman broken!?" she whispered from outside the window, since if the only door were open, or the back door, someone else would notice. "Help me!" she pleaded.

Tass: "Help you? How am I supposed to help you? I've... Got my own problems! Just... I don't know, try to say you're tired, maybe? I can get you a potion to make sure you're not with child, don't worry about that, but I don't think I can do anything about your situation right now!" she whispered in reply, glancing around behind Luxanna and behind herself, making sure they weren't being listened to.

RJ: "There's really nothing you can do!? I thought you were a great problem solver! You're useless! I can't even count how many men are left in that building. Over half the village is there, and it's some kind of welcome back rape-fest!" she declared. Briefly looking around, Kavika would see a drunken man approaching, an obvious bulge in his pants, with two other men with similar interests heading for Luxanna. "Potty break over? Come on~ It's cold out here~" the man cooed, while Luxanna panicked. "Ah-ha-ha! It's... I'm tired, you know?" she said. And the men looked a bit confused. "What? This is nothing, right? Hell, yer toughness is the reason why you came back successful from that mission." he announced, as Luxanna seemed to catch something in her throat when he mentioned that last bit.

RJ: Looking to Kavika, Luxanna's expression clearly read the words she wanted to speak. "Mission!?" she would have asked.

Tass: Kavika's frown deepened, not particularly liking the insults at this juncture even though Luxanna's situation was pretty bad compared to her own. Normally she might have just tried to go out and help her in a fairly direct manner, but with Boris... It would probably be out of character for Valentia, and after the mishap with the drunk men that was very nearly disastrous Kavika said; "Keep a clear head! Try using your mouth and your hands, and if I can I'll come and help you. I don't think I will... But I'll try. You've been through an ordeal remember, so if your stamina slips a little it might be acceptable... You'll just have to take a little more, for now."

RJ: Luxanna gave an exhausted look, before nodding to Kavika. When the men came over, Luxanna continued to desperately act her part as the men swept in and took her back to her husband's house to continue the party, both men on either side of her getting a handful of her ass as they walked. "You're welcome to come anytime as well, Valentina~" one of the men cooed at Kavika, apparently inviting her to the party.

Tass: Thinking for a moment, Kavika opted to smirk and quietly say back; "Maybe I will be over later then!" Hopefully that would let Luxanna take heart and maintain her stamina. For now, however, Kavika would wash up a little bit more, preen her hair, and then would go to Boris and Valentina's bedroom.

RJ: Walking into the bedroom, it appeared that Boris was waiting for her, but he had already passed out on the bed with the covers open for his wife to join him. Despite his large frame, he made no noise as he slept, not even the sound of his large lungs breathing gave any indication that he was there.

Tass: "Boris?" Kavika asked questioningly, glancing up and down at the large man as he slept seemingly peacefully. She would gently poke the sleeping giant, seeing if he was faking in an attempt to surprise her somehow or if he were really out.

RJ: Boris shuffled slightly, though when poked, his eyes opened slightly. "Ah, sorry..." he replied. "I haven't had much sleep lately... But I can rest easy now~" he cooed, inviting Valentina into the bed.

Tass: "Ahhhh, I'm sorry... I should have let you sleep!" she said apologetically, and then crawled into bed. "I was thinking about joining Alisa's party.... But I don't have to~"

RJ: Boris chuckled at her words. "I only remember you joining that... Once. Then you came back and just said that you had fun and never really seemed eager to go back... I doubt they hurt you, given Vlad's presence, but there's just so many things you don't tell me..." he said with a sigh, petting Kavika's back with one hand.

Tass: "Mmmmm, it was an adventure..." she said, trying to sound like she was reminiscing while trying to think of anyone she'd met named Vlad. She drew a complete blank, and so instead nuzzled into Boris and would speak again after a moment; "Would you mind? I know you're tired, and I promise that you'll wake up with me right next to you... We've just been through so much together, Alisa and I, that I want to help her celebrate." That much was partially true, at least.

RJ: Boris looked a bit hesitant, before he smiled. "You enjoy yourself, darling. You've earned it." he said, letting her do as she liked, stopping her only to give her one last kiss before laying back down.

Tass: The disguised Kavika would return that kiss, and then slip out of bed. "I think I'm already properly dressed," she said, posing to show off her nude body, and unless Boris opted to protest further she would head off to go and make sure that Luxanna wasn't fucked to death.

RJ: "You'll freeze to death in a second." said Boris, who threw an extra blanket over Kavika's face to wear before she went out. Heading out to where Luxanna was in the middle of an orgy, finding the correct house wasn't hard at all. There was music, laughter, merriment, and plenty of moaning combined with the sound of sex. Inside the windows, clear as they were, revealed that most if not all patrons were nude as they day they were born, even those providing food and entertainment, a naked man tapping his feet while he played a fiddle and a busty woman bringing out some freshly cooked ham just to name a few. >>
Re: The Great Hunt (Tassadar) GM'ed by MAF

Orgy Celebration

RJ: The house was full of people, making it hard to move around without bumping shoulders. Luxanna wasn't readily identifiable in the crowd, plenty of bodies to block Kavika's view as everyone talked together and shuffled about. Someone at the door, a handsome man with a clean shave and average muscular build would greet Kavika from within. "Valentina! How long has it been!" the man greeted her with a wide smile. "You came back for more of Vlad, eh? I still find that you've got the best lips in the entire town!" he said with a laugh. "Come in! Come in! Food! Sex! poison! Everything here is yours! Enjoy yourself, darling!" he encouraged her. "My wife is in the dining room. My friends are playing with her. You remember them, yes?" he inquired. "They missed you even when you were still here! Why'd you only come once, sweetie?"

Tass: She hadn't thought of that. Kavika rarely was bothered by brief bouts of dealing with Crolia's cold, but she took the blanket anyway, and simply put it aside when she went to the packed house. It wasn't exactly hard to find, and when she arrived she was promptly introduced. Producing a familiar and indulgent smile, she replied; "Hello again Vlad... And I am here to enjoy myself~ Perhaps you'll get another chance at my lips while I'm here, hrm? I hadn't wanted to spoil the memory of the first time by doing it too often, but now I'm here for a good time... And I think I'll start by going to find Alisa~" And with that, Kavika would move through the crowd, being extremely careful to keep her tail tucked between her legs. She didn't need people looking too closely at her given the state of the illusion protecting her.

RJ: "Like I said, in the dining room. Come on in~" he cooed, standing aside and letting her come into the warmth. Everyone certainly had an eye for Kavika, even the women, before she'd find her way through all the people to the dining room, where Luxanna was laying on her back, on top of another man who had his cock slipping into her ass. A second man was on top of the table, getting her legs around his hips while he buried his length into her pussy, thrusting into her while moving her hips so the man up her ass could fuck as well. A third man was kneeling over her face, fucking himself into her lips while two more men off to the side stood casually, grinning as Luxanna had to stroke their cocks while being stuffed from three sides. Plenty more men were off to the side too, waiting their turn. >>

RJ: That also meant there were plenty of women to go around. Many men Kavika would spot to be with several women, often one of them mounting his face. So there were plenty that occupied those left out. Meanwhile, Vlad walked up from behind Kavika and spoke to Alisa. "Valentina is here to see you, Alisa~ Say hi to her when you've got a moment!" he announced, before slipping himself behind Kavika and hugging her waist. "So, did you plan to stand around, waiting for Vlad to come up and embrace you?" Vlad inquired with a flirtatious grin.

Tass: Kavika was not surprised by the state in which she found Luxanna, as much as she probably should have been. She couldn't help but wonder whether Luxanna had ever had this happen before, but decided after a moment's thought that she didn't want to ask. Besides, she had her own concerns for the moment as Vlad followed her in and then came up behind her. Grinning knowingly and rolling her eyes, Kavika giggled at his flirtatious move and replied; "Oh, no.... I wasn't planning on standing much at all, actually. But first...." She reached out and grabbed a wine glass, drained it, and then slowly slid to her knees. "I need something to hold all of it~" she cooed, and then leaned forward to give the tip of Vlad's member a kiss. "Don't be shy boys! I've got a glass to fill!" she said loudly, licking her lips lasciviously, and the first two takers would get her hands on their cocks, stroking them, while her mouth went for Vlad's.

RJ: "Valentina seems... A lot more attractive than usual." One onlooker would note, pulled in by Kavika's aura as it were, before finding himself with a hand around his dick. Vlad as well, with his cock kissed, would become erect fully, sporting a healthy sized cock. Not like Boris, but Kavika would get an idea in her head based on how Vlad moved that he had far more skill than Boris. A third man soon joined, giving Kavika one cock in each hand to stroke. Vlad's hand went to the back of Kavika's head, guiding her to take him in to the hilt, moaning as Kavika's throat would bulge from his cock sliding down her throat. Meanwhile, in the background, Kavika would hear Luxanna moaning loudly as the men around her seemed to cum almost in unison. Cum overflowing from her pussy and ass as they erupted, soon pulling out to let it all drip out, before quickly enough, another set of men were quick to fill Luxanna's holes.

Tass: "Mmmmm!" Kavika moaned wordlessly as Vlad pushed his cock down her throat, making her gag but causing the disguised huntress no further inconvenience, as she had quickly learned to deepthroat fairly well. As good as Vlad seemed, she worked to suck him off as best she could while letting him have his way. The other two men she steadily pumped with her hands, teasing them mostly at first but quickly moving to try and get them towards their peaks. Her mouth was easily the most skilled, of course, and so Kavika would expect him to cum first, but regardless as each man erupted she would try to shift to catch their release in the glass that she had stuck between her breasts. Vlad, however, she would try to swallow some of before taking the rest of it in her mouth, allowing the rest to dribble down out of her mouth along with her drool into the glass.

RJ: Vlad let out a loud groan as Kavika seemed to get serious. "Spirits, you're even better than before!" he moaned, thrusting his hips eagerly to encourage her, while the two men moaned as well as they were being nursed. The two men were quick to cum, filling the glass while getting some strands of cum across her face and breasts. Vlad proved resistant, enduring her mouth for far longer than most would, before he hilted her lips, cumming one spurt down her throat, and pulling out to fill the rest in her mouth, before watching her fill the glass with it as it ran off of her tongue. By that point, Kavika had drawn a small crowd. She now had half a dozen extra men who came to see Valentina's return. Though each of them looked a little eager to do more than see as they boxed Kavika in. Not to trap her exactly, but to try and demand her attention, showing off their dicks and balls, as if trying to do what they could to impress her.

Tass: "Mmmmm, look at all that cum~" Kavika purred, glancing down at the glass and gauging how full it was. She had accomplished what Luxanna had and gained a crowd, and her glass wasn't full yet. "Mmmmm, all that yummy cum, ready to come out of so many yummy cocks~ I want to taste them all!" she said, and then leaned forward and gave the next man's cock a quick lick. She would do a circle first, stroking some, licking others, and pausing to briefly suckle on a few men's balls, but she never stayed on any man for long. Once she had picked out the man with the biggest cock, she said; "You, get down here and get that thing ready for my pussy!" To the next biggest, she said; "You, you get my ass!" As the two did as she commanded, Kavika added; "You'd better not cum inside! I want to taste all of it!" With that, she would go back to stroking and sucking random men, leaving the two men in her ass and pussy to thrust as they liked, letting them cum inside without any actual protest if they didn't listen to her.

RJ: The man with the largest cock laid down, and pulled Kavika over, to have her sit on his lap and impale herself on his thick length, while the next biggest came up from behind her and embraced her hips, before sliding himself into her ass. The rest of the crowd got in close, one man standing over her and slipping his cock into her lips, two others taking her hands, and the rest nursing themselves as they enjoyed the show. "Her ass is so slick and slippery~" the man fucking her ass would coo. Indeed, it was made so from all the anal sex she did with Clavicus. The man in her mouth was quick to cum, pouring his load into her mouth before yet another man took his place, moaning as he had at her lips. From here, she could barely see Luxanna, but what she could see was her just as swamped as Kavika was. Vlad was even over there, plunging himself into her pussy ferociously and making Luxanna cry out in orgasm, followed by yet another. Her cum squirting out and hitting Kavika's cheek. >>

RJ: Luxanna looked quite limp, putty in Vlad's hands as he dominated her on the table. "Who's got the best dick in the house~?" Vlad cooed to his wife. "Y-You!" Luxanna replied, with a startling amount of honesty in her voice that Kavika would detect. But Kavika herself was being swamped. The men around her didn't seem to last terribly long. One was already cumming inside of her pussy before he could draw out and fill up her cup some more. And then another man simply slid underneath and slipped himself into her dirtied pussy. The man behind her bit her ear and groped her breast as he came into her ass, leaving her with a kiss on the place he bit before another healthy man replaced him. The two men on either side of her expelled their seed, dirtying her further and filling the cup. The man in her mouth came, and stepped away, Kavika unable to take a breath before another man slipped into her lips. All of them with full vigor, a new partner each time, Kavika was consistently fucked. >>

RJ: And more and more men seemed to gather around her, half even were returning customers. It became impossible to count how many. Even some women joined, one of them putting her pussy to Kavika's lips for her to lick while Kavika got another two fresh cocks inside of her. In no time at all, her glass became full. The men even got more wine glasses, having her drink the wine before leaving more cups to be filled.

Tass: Even though it was slightly disappointing, Kavika was inwardly glad that most of the men were quick shots, even the one in her pussy who added another dose to the batch that was sitting dangerously in her womb from Boris. Every man was quick to be replaced, however, not giving her a break even as all of her holes were filled, swallowing the loads pumped into her mouth because she couldn't get a break to drool it into her wine glass. That glass very quickly became full, but rather than give her a break Kavika would be made to drink more wine and then given more glasses to fill. Again and again she would be taken, filled up with cock, and with cum, while her glasses were filled and set aside one by one. >>

Tass: The huntress was tireless and prepared to continue on until her partners tired of her, but inwardly at one point as she felt another man pouring his cum deep into her pussy, she had an odd thought. 'I wish they were orcs...' Kavika startled herself, but then imagined all of the human men suddenly with more brutish features, the more potent scent of their semen, so virile and as hot as lava in her womb, and green skin. Thinking of their exceedingly strong seed inside of her made her cum for the first time as the man in her pussy pumped his load into her, and for a few moments after her peak she was ashamed of her thoughts. Pushing them from her mind, Kavika continued as she had, seeing glass after glass of sperm filled up, until four of them sat in front of her, and she considered her efforts good enough. "Nnnn.... Soo.... Much! I want to drink it all now~"

Tass: Taking up the first glass, Kavika lifted it up for all around her to see, and then downed the soupy mixture in one gulp, showing it off with her wide open mouth for a moment and garlging it before swallowing it all down. The next soon followed, followed by the next, and then finally she opted to savor the last a little bit longer before swallowing down the last of her cum and giving a satisfied sigh.

RJ: The crowd gave a roaring sound of applause at Kavika's success. Downing four full glasses of cum left her feeling quite full from her experience, and the knowledge that she filled her gullet full of male seed. "Well done, Valentina! That display earns you a prize!" Vlad announced, before taking Kavika and putting her on all fours, while she could feel Vlad's cock sliding between her cheeks. "You get a nice fucking from Vlad!" he announced himself. "How many times do you think I can make her cum, eh? Before I cum myself?" he inquired to the crowd. Everyone shouted random numbers, one even suggested, Kavika would cum ten times before he'd reach his limit. "Ten times... Even I'm not that great!" he laughed, before licking his lips, holding Kavika's ass firm and putting his tip to her folds. Just from his teasing, Kavika could feel the pleasure of his skill, knowing just where to poke.

RJ: Of course, Kavika already knew someone who could live up to that one ten time bidder's expectations, as her thoughts would no doubt go to Junger.

Tass: Kavika's thoughts at Vlad's boast did indeed turn to Junger, and she adopted a sly smirk as she felt his tip aiming between her cum-coated rear cheeks. "Mmmmm, that's quite a reward~ But, lets see... I think you'll manage.... Three times.... Maybe~ What do I get if I get you off faster than that, hrm?" she said while rolling her ass, rubbing her petals against his tip even as semen leaked from her well-used cunny. Though she was quite thoroughly used by that point, Kavika would tense her sex as he pushed in, slamming her plump ass back so that it jiggled against his hips. Now was as good a time as any to get some practice at her sexual techniques in, and she didn't underestimate Vlad's abilities given what she'd seen earlier, trying to resist her own orgasm and bring about his with as much prowess as she could.

RJ: "Hah, three? Why, if you manage that, you can have whatever you want!" Vlad replied, before their hips slammed together. Right off the bat, Kavika could feel how skilled Vlad was. It wasn't overwhelming, not like Junger, but she felt as if he was her equal, if not a little more skilled than her. "How...? When...?" Vlad questioned, surprised at Valentina's skill with her pussy. Still, he quickly looked serious, thrusting eagerly into her pussy while steeling himself, Kavika's tight pussy and his skilled cock battling it out. It wasn't too long before her weakpoint was found, and Kavika found herself mercilessly under attack. Kavika would try to resist, but she could do little, he was hitting her best spots, and rapidly so, giving her little choice but to thrust back or be at the mercy of his cock. (Kavika takes 27PP and deals 22 to Vlad)

Tass: "Nnnnn... I've... Ahhh... Learned some things~" Kavika purred, and then they were at it. As quickly and accurately as Vlad pumped into her, Kavika gave just as good as she got, slamming her hips back and squeezing lightly before pulling away while squeezing like a vice, using her sex to practically milk Vlad's rod. "Oooooh, yeah! Right there!" she moaned, trying to make it seem as if he were winning handily. In truth, he was hitting her g-spot just the way she liked, nice and rough, and given that he obviously wasn't a quick shot she knew she was in for a fight before his sperm was added to the mess already in her deepest chamber. He was good, but she had stamina to spare, particularly when she was trying to keep herself from cumming. As it was, Kavika would continue in that position, her hips slamming back and her butt jiggling with the impacts of their lewd joining.

RJ: "Pussy's so tight!" Vlad moaned, "Gonna make you cum!" he announced, making good on his promise by hitting her sweet spot over and over savagely, grinning the entire while despite how good Kavika would know he felt. (Kavika deals 14 damage, Vlad does 23.) Vlad would continue pumping his cock in and out of her pussy, leaning forward to grope her breasts while Kavika was free to reach under and get a handful of his balls as he pumped himself into her, groaning into her neck as he chuckled. (Kavika deals 18, Vlad deals 17). Despite how close they were to each other, Vlad didn't seem to lose confidence. Vlad's thrusts grew faster, driving himself hard and fast into Kavika, before he slammed deep, making her cum as he hilted. Kavika could feel it, he was on the brink, his cum would flow soon after her climax... >>

RJ: But it didn't. Vlad didn't cum. He somehow resisted it. With a grin, as Kavika stood on all fours in shock from her climax, Vlad leaned over and kissed her ear, before thrusting anew, as if he were still ready to cum at any moment while leaving her pussy hungry for the seed she was being tricked out of. (Vlad makes Kavika cum. Vlad resists orgasm.)

Tass: It was neck and neck for a while, Kavika moaning loudly while she and Vlad fucked one another intensely. Her breasts leaked against his hands, and her moans grew louder and stronger with each passing second as her pussy tightened from the growing knot of pleasurable pressure that was building up inside of her. So close... She could feel him throbbing, ready to burst and fill her up, and then suddenly he pushed Kavika into her peak. The disguised huntress moaned loudly as her folds milked him for all he was worth, but for some reason the burst of warmth she expected didn't come even though she had a fairly intense climax from him hilting into her. As she came down, she groaned; "No... No fair! I want it... Inside!" she groaned, her body quivering before she was set to moaning again as he started thrusting, her will briefly broken before she got herself together and started trying to milk his seed out again while fighting off her own pleasure at the same time.

RJ: "How much do you want it?" Vlad cooed back, teasing her with his words while sliding himself back and forth at his quick speed, pounding into her roughly. "If you beg hard enough, and give yourself to me, I'll give you as much as you want~" he cooed. But his overconfidence wouldn't last. Kavika was a demon in her own right, and Vlad let out a loud moan as Kavika's pussy suddenly caught his dick, sucking on his cock with insatiable desire as Vlad moved as if he were stuck. He groaned loudly, before Kavika would find his seed successfully extracted, overflowing with such great quantity as if he never even came before. Shocked, and looking spent, Vlad fell backwards onto his ass, while a jet stream of cum gushed out from Kavika's pussy. All onlookers were struck with awe, staring at Kavika in sheer surprise.

Tass: Another groan of longing, and then another groan of victory as Kavika brought Vlad to orgasm due to his own overconfidence. She groaned as he felt his seed spurting into her, so much of it pumping into her womb, before he fell away and was left with his last spurt adding to the mess already on her ass. "All of it~" she purred triumphantly, but then realized that maybe she'd overstepped herself by winning, as Valentina likely hadn't been quite that good. "Alisa didn't tell you? I got some practice~" she said, hoping that that might salvage the situation somehow even as her pussy emptied. Still, she was full in more ways than one, and it was probably time to try and get cleaned up and get out of there. They still had to die tomorrow, after all.

RJ: Despite being stunned and shocked, it didn't seem to much deter the onlookers. Soon enough, Kavika was swamped again, men and women crowding around her, two even taking advantage of the weakened Vlad by mounting him. "We still haven't had our turn!" a man announced while others gave a cheer. Luxanna unmoving, she too had more replacements, more men fucking and pumping her holes. Just then, Kavika would see the moon in the sky through a window. It told vaguely how much time had passed. Many, many hours. Halfway into morning. And with so many men blocking her way, it would continue until the sun rose. Already, men were lining themselves up, eager and excited. Thus, left Kavika in the middle.
Re: The Great Hunt (Tassadar) GM'ed by MAF

They're on their Way

RJ: Morning. The glow of the sun mixed with the glow of satisfaction in the air. In one night, Kavika and Luxanna had fucked an entire town's male population. Kavika might be able to pose as a slime if she truly wanted, given her state following the end of the non-stop sex. Finally allowed rest, Kavika would soon find herself cleaned up, and within Valentina's home. Boris wasn't immediately around, and it was already past noon. Viktoriya (Wolfe) was the reason Kavika was waking up it seemed, as she was being shaken rather insistently. "Kavika! Wake up! Wake up now! Damn it, you cock fiend, wake up!"

Tass: "What!" Kavika said, shooting upright immediately, and scowling both at being awakened so abruptly and at being called a cock fiend.

RJ: "The original three are on their fucking way right now!" She declared with urgency. "Don't ask me how, because I don't know! They could be more fakes for all I know, either way, their presence will get us killed! That and some men from the party are claiming mutations! This is quickly becoming a bad situation, and Luxanna is still in there!" she announced, sweat on her brow, clearly from running in a dress and lady shoes.

Tass: ".....What?" Kavika said, now completely confused. "How? No, never mind.... We'll figure out how they escaped from the wolves later. There's nothing that can be done about the mutations.... How did you find out about the women returning? If you're the only one who knows, I can... Deal with it. You'll need to go and get Luxanna."

RJ: "Bitey snuck in through my window and told me. They'll be here by tonight." She revealed, looking around to listen for anyone that might be eavesdropping. Though it didn't seem to be the case. The town was still going about it's merry way outside. Laughing, conversation, wagons rolling over the road, women gossiping. It was as if the massive orgy last night never happened.

Tass: "I'll have to sneak out of town then," Kavika said coolly, rising out of bed and getting dressed. She would need to find a weapon.... And probably hurry in regards to that morning after potion, though one thing at a time. The town, at least, seemed to be largely unbothered, so maybe she could escape unseen with a bit of help from her magic.

RJ: Viktoriya passed Valentina the very potion she needed. "I came prepared." She stated. "I'll also go fetch Luxanna. Anything I should watch out for in that house?"

Tass: "Puddles," Kavika said dryly, "and her husband. He's a... Bit of a horndog. Tell Luxanna that she'd better be ready to make our escape.... I'll have the real bodies ready." With that, Kavika would enact a spell (Inner Strength Nature Level 2) that would cause her form to shimmer and then vanish, making her difficult if not impossible to see. Combined with her natural talent for stealth, she should be able to slip out of town with relative ease.

RJ: ".... A horndog..." Wolfe seemed to take a moment to let that sink in, before nodding at Kavika. "What are you going to do with the real bodies?"

Tass: "They'll be dragged where they need to go," Kavika stated reassuringly, "as quietly as I can make it, which probably won't be easy."

RJ: "... You're not going to kill them, right? I'd like to think you won't."

Tass: "That was the plan, actually. We can't exactly leave them there for the townsfolk to discover, when they won't remember the day we just had, and I'll have no way of sending them back to the wolves."

RJ: "I don't entirely agree with that course of action. I don't want to resort to methods that someone like Korgoth would use." she stated. "But... Do whatever you want. We don't have the luxury for argument."

Tass: Kavika didn't offer comment on the fact that Wolfe was keeping the women captive to be raped repeatedly by her wolves, and then telling her she didn't like the idea. "Maybe I will send them back instead.... But I don't know how they escaped. For all we know, all of your wolves might be dead, or scattered."

RJ: "Would it... Be so wrong to have them returned? It seems we've already reached an agreement of peace with these people. The blood on my hands was from self-defense, and their capture was punishment. If we need not fear retaliation, must we still kill them?"

Tass: "....... While, in theory, that is a better plan than killing them, do you really think that these people will take this deception well?"

RJ: Wolfe went silent at that. "It just sounds like something your mother would do." She finally said, before leaving the house, finding that too much time was spent already, and action needed to be taken.

Tass: Kavika would mull that over as she left the town, intending on intercepting the trio of women before they could be spotted by any scouts.

RJ: Sneaking out of the town was easy. No one suspected anything. Kavika even heard along the way that Boris was out on patrol in case the wolves attacked. She'd even spot him sitting in a watch tower near the border of Olga's territory. They were indeed far away, as Kavika would spend hours in the snow, heading in the direction of the trio, before finding them together, treading through the snow. "Those fakes had better not have hurt Boris." Valentina said angrily. Alisa also looked to be fuming. "I bet the blond whore is wetting Vlad's dick as we speak! I bet that idiot doesn't even know it's not me! I'll have her whipped in public if she took his love from me!" she growled. Viktoriya looked much more composed. "They posed as us to prevent the dog lover from being slaughtered. They didn't do it to steal your husbands, half-wits."

Tass: "Really, more to avoid having to waste resources on slaughtering you," Kavika stated coldly from a ways off as she came upon the trio, throwing her voice and remaining hidden so as to avoid detection. They weren't as stupid as Luxanna, but the same trick would probably still work. "So, no, we really didn't have any interest in stealing your husbands."

RJ: "So, the bitch herself reveals her voice. Here to silence us?" Viktoriya stated. "The kind woman with animal ears told us you'd be aware of us. That you might try to kill us. Indeed our savior, it seems she was right."

RJ: "I've got a new light on mutants. They're not all bad, though still disgusting. However you, Kavika, are far less worthy than Svana. She wasn't someone who ever hid or cowered. Nor slaughter her fellows when a greater threat was at stake. How far have you fallen? And all for a beast's cock."

Tass: "The kind woman with animal ears?" Kavika asked curiously, slowly moving from spot to spot to avoid detection. She suffered no hurt for the insults, or the comparison to her mother, and instead when they had indulged her curiosity said; "you don't know my mother, nor how she fought, if you would say that she never hid from her foes to gain a better position. Perhaps, however, she thought like you.... And that may have been why she failed so pathetically against Korgoth. Regardless, you are not my fellows just because we are the same race, and given the cruelty with which your people act, I only considered allying with Olga because killing her was a worse option strategically. Your methods are barbaric, as bad or worse than Korgoth's, and your opinion of me and mine thus couldn't possibly matter less than they do to me now. >>

Tass: "What's more, your assumption on my intent is baseless. If I intended to kill you outright without thought, I would have skipped speaking to you and simply done so by now."

RJ: "Types like you enjoy toying with their victims before death, no?" Viktoriya inquired.

RJ: But before she could continue, Valentina took over. "What about Boris!? He better be alright, animal lover, or I swear even in death, I will make you suffer!" she shouted. "I don't care for your hypocrisies, all I care about is my people, and Boris!" Valentina announced.

Tass: "Boris is fine. He is on the wall even now, and was happy to have you back." Kavika answered Valentina simply, "and I do not have time for games, nor do I enjoy cruelty."

RJ: Valentina looked enraged. "Happy... Did you lay with him!?" Valentina growled, before Viktoriya silenced her. "We are ready to do battle with you, Kavika. If you are not here to kill us, then what are you here for?"

Tass: "To determine whether or not killing you is necessary," she would reply, "is it? Or do you value the lives of you and your people who would be killed to sate your senseless hatred enough to lie for them?"

RJ: "... Am I to take that statement as the supposedly mighty Kavika being naive? Did you expect us to be able to provide proof that we'd lie as you so want? I'll have you know, we will not lie to allow the orcs or mutants to rape and slaughter us. We won't dance for you only to suffer further peril, so if you're fishing to manipulate us for your wretched purposes, you won't find us willing."

Tass: "There is no proof you could offer beyond the practicality of it. Going after the wolves, who will from now on leave you be so long as you do the same, would be waste of resources better spent on fighting Korgoth. The peril is there whether you would suffer it willingly or not, and your leader knows it too. Consider it manipulation if you wish, I care not, but if you think fighting more foes is worth it as the cost for honesty, then there is nothing that I can do for you."

RJ: "You still haven't said what you want us to lie about." Alisa announced.

Tass: "It is simple.... You need only forget," Kavika replied simply, "forget that you do not remember the last few days, due to head injuries... That you will receive shortly. I would simply let you walk into town.... But I doubt your kin will take the existing deception well."

RJ: "Now you're asking us to willingly let you crack us over our heads." Alisa said in disgust. "You fakes should just leave the town on a girl's outing. We'll take over."

RJ: "We've also suffered mutations from those damn dogs," said Valentina. "Wait... Is it a good idea to return?" Alisa inquired, then they all seemed uncertain.

Tass: "You would not actually be harmed, but I suppose if you are cooperative it might not be necessary," she said, but then smirked at their worry. "You have already been checked, and found sufficiently unmutated. Vlad's orgy may have cast that in doubt, but it's for you to deal with your people's irrational fears and hatreds."

RJ: "Vlad's orgy!?" Alisa inquired with shock. "Vlad, what the hell!?" she exclaimed about her husband's lustful nature. "For your information, as irrational as you claim us to be, the mutants we have encountered so far have all been hostile, either as whores for animals or one of those cannibals. When all your enemies are mutants, that helps with identifying them." Viktoriya replied. "Olga will listen to us." Valentina claimed.

Tass: Kavika, despite being unseen, would simply shrug at Alisa's exclamation. "I have no interest in arguing further. If you will cooperate, then you get to go back to your families unharmed. Judging by the gist of the conversation, that is your decision now...Am I right?"

RJ: "Show us your face." Viktoriya announced. "I want to know that this is the real Kavika and not a ruse."

Tass: "I'm under an illusion," Kavika stated, but then simply opted to show herself, from far enough away that they couldn't jump her without giving her a chance to react of course.

RJ: "I am NOT that fat!" Valentina stated. Viktoriya simply flicked Valentina's tit and moved on. "That's good enough, I suppose. We'll move slowly. You do what you have to by dusk, that is when we will return."

Tass: Kavika would simply direct them to the place where they intended to go, and then returned to the village to notify Wolfe and Luxanna of the slight change in plans.
Re: The Great Hunt (Tassadar) GM'ed by MAF

Orgasmic Interrogation

RJ: Returning to the village, presumably hidden, Kavika would arrive to find the town as she had left it. Boris' house was empty. A caravan was rolling through the streets with a sheet over the back to hide what might be inside. There was a man and woman playing poker, and a larger group seemingly preparing for Olga to give a speech to her people, setting up a place for her to stand so that she could be seen by all. Past that, it seemed that there was no sign of Viktoriya and Alisa.

RJ: Or rather, Wolfe and Luxanna.

Tass: That was bad. Kavika, remaining sneaky, would try to catch a glance into the covered wagon. Perhaps they were slavers? Unlikely, but if Wolfe and Luxanna had been discovered.... She would check Alisa and Vlad's house next, and then to where Viktoriya lived, and then the jail. If she couldn't find them in any of those places, she would try to climb a tower and get a look around.

RJ: Taking a peek into the wagon, Kavika found a large group of people inside who all looked huddled together. They seemed like refugees in hiding.

Tass: If they weren't Wolfe, Luxanna, or the people they were impersonating, Kavika would let them be for now. They didn't appear chained, so not slaves, so that was possibly something she wouldn't have to worry about, at least.

RJ: At just a glance, she didn't see them inside the wagon. Though she didn't see that well either while continuing to remain discreet. Just the first few in the front, most of them wrapped in blankets and rags save for their faces.

Tass: She would look harder, until she was sure.

RJ: With some fortune, she managed to get a look at everyone in the wagon without getting caught. Lux nor Wolfe were inside. Though she did see some people with mutations on board. Olga was actually with them as well, sitting amongst them with her arms folded under her bust.

Tass: Kavika would then go looking elsewhere for them.

RJ: Visiting Alisa and Vlad's house first answered the question she'd been seeking to ask for some time. By some miracle, the house was cleaned up entirely as if that party didn't happen. Looked like a normal house at first glance, though the noise from one of the nearby rooms gave away the personality of the home. Sneaking in, Kavika would hear sounds of Wolfe moaning in the house along with the rapid sounds of flesh meeting wet flesh. "F-fuuuck!" Wolfe cried out in pleasure as Vlad's fat cock was no doubt plunging into her. "Yes~ This is why you came to me~" he cooed, enjoying himself. It seemed the action was happening up stairs, the sounds of a bed creaking loudly came from above to help justify that.

Tass: Kavika, sighing knowingly, would proceed upstairs to where the sounds of Wolfe's pleasure were emanating from. She had warned her.... Kavika kept her spell active and kept her steps light, opting to remain undetected and see what was happening before making any further decisions.

RJ: Looking into the room, Kavika saw something she perhaps didn't expect. Alisa was tied up with her legs curled up and her hands behind her back and a gag in her mouth, while Wolfe was tied to the bed posts on her front, with Vlad on her back, plunging himself into her pussy with rapid thrusts. "Keep talking, my dear~ Tell Vlad more, or shall I reveal who you really are?" he cooed. "The... The real three are fine! Mnnnn! I swear it!" she moaned, before Vlad slammed deep, causing Wolfe to moan loudly. "So my dear Alisa is fine?" he asked again, grinding himself around inside of her. "Yes! Yes!" Wolfe moaned. "What about the one pretending to be Valentina?" he asked. "S-she left!" Wolfe answered. "Where?" Vlad asked. Wolfe didn't answer, seeming to try to fabricate something. That's when Vlad began thrusting wildly, fucking Wolfe hard as she cried out, cumming. "Where!?"

Tass: Kavika would simply sneak up behind Vlad, quite calmly, as he interrogated Wolfe in a surprisingly effective manner. Leaving the question as to how he had managed to tie the apparently capable Wolfe up to get her in such a position, Kavika carefully examined both the room and the entangled partners while assuming her position, and then smoothly slipped out of her clothes before dropping her spell. She would glance towards Luxanna, silently mouth to her to drop the illusion on her, and when she was back in her own natural form Kavika would gravely intone; "Why don't you ask me personally instead, Vlad?"

RJ: Vlad snapped his head around, looking at the woman in the room as he stopped his thrusts, leaving Wolfe to catch her breath. "... Who... Who are you? Who looks like a goddess?" Vlad inquired. "And I do ask, what your intentions were posing as our wives." he inquired, though seemed ready to do something should Kavika go violent.

Tass: Kavika would not go violent.... Yet. "The one you knew as Valentina last night," the huntress replied calmly, "am I correct in guessing that you have determined that we are not who we said we are? Do you know who precisely you are fucking right now, in other words? If you can tell me, I'll let you know my name and our intentions." Her black tail swished back and forth, and her ears twitched this way and that, seeking signs of danger or of someone coming upstairs.

RJ: Nothing. Rather, it seemed there would be nothing. Vlad had his whole house cleared out. There were no signs of his usual invitations either. It seemed he too didn't want their true identities being revealed. Vlad looked shocked that she revealed herself as Valentina. "The best woman I ever had... Was you? A... Wolf woman?" he looked shocked in regards to how mutant pussy could feel that good. "Yes, I know who you all are. I learned soon enough that my wife over there was not my own. As it turns out, she's quite the talker when she's scared." he said, resulting in Luxanna giving Kavika an obvious 'I'm sorry...' expression. "Luxanna... The Korgoth general... And when I found the disguised tail, Wolfe, the leader of the wolf pack... I've laid with many incredible women as of late, but what is the name of the third?" he asked Kavika.

Tass: "Kavika," the huntress gave her name simply as Vlad finished, "and that doesn't surprise me. Luxanna does not handle pressure well, and you are... Apparently quite persuasive." She gestured towards his cock, wet with Wolfe's juices, which had been his key tool of interrogation when she had walked in. "So.... The question I have to ask is... What now? The women, the real women, will be back here tonight. We simply meant to establish a peace, through whatever means were necessary."

RJ: That name. Vlad's jaw hit the floor. Realizing that Kavika stood before him made him speechless, before he began to laugh and shake his head. "That is a lie, hahaha." he chuckled. "You cannot be Kavika. Kavika is the daughter of that Svana, the most deadly woman known alive. No member of that family would allow themselves to bend over for anyone, they're too proud and arrogant! You take me for a fool!" he chuckled, though the announcement still shook him a little.

Tass: Kavika quirked an eyebrow at Vlad's disbelief. That was a new one. "Proud, capable women aren't allowed to like dick? Or are only allowed to take it in one position, with them on top?" she asked dryly, "my mother is a proud, arrogant cunt. I try to emulate her more useful examples, namely the capable part, rather than attach all of the baggage. Olga already knows I was here, though she does not know that I am here now."

RJ: "Peace? But the wolves attacked first?" Vlad questioned, the fluids from Wolfe's cum dripping off of his still erect cock while Wolfe looked to be happy where she was, taking a break from the rough interrogation she had. Luxanna was whining in her bindings. It seemed she had a bitch of an inch she couldn't reach. Without losing focus on Kavika, he kicked over a back scratcher to her. which she used on her butt, her eyes rolling back with relief. "Werewolves, Wolfe's greatest beasts." he claimed. "I don't... Have werewolves... You mook." Wolfe claimed. "Then who does!?" Vlad questioned. "The wolves came with other wolves, who looked just like Wolfe's beasts. Isn't that enough proof that you're lying?" he said. "It wasn't me." she said.

Tass: "She definitely doesn't have werewolves," Kavika confirmed frankly, "and I suppose that might explain why both sides tried to convince me that the other attacked first. That means.... That there may be another person active here, trying to set you against one another or simply searching for prey and using Wolfe as a convenient scapegoat."

RJ: "But... Who else?" Vlad shook his head. Wolfe did as well. None of them knew what third party might be responsible. "Regardless... We'll see if the three return as you say. If they do... I'll help you escape. Until then..." Vlad smiled. "I'm going to put these ropes on you." he said to Kavika. It seemed she was to be interrogated next.

RJ: But then a knock came to his door. "Agh... Damn it. Quickly, come on! Tied up, now!"

Tass: Kavika quirked an eyebrow, and was about to refuse when a knock came at the door. In an instant she had silently uttered her stealth spell again, now much stronger, and rather than be tied up simply vanished. "We'll discuss what you can do with your ropes when you've gotten rid of them. I will remain here," she said coolly and quietly, so that whoever was outside wouldn't overhear her. In this case she would keep her word, and remain where she was, and if Vlad protested she would say; "If you are good to your word and do not rat us out, and let us go so that we may go on an excursion to be replaced by the real women, then I will submit. But if I am to be tied, Wolfe must be free. I do not trust you or Olga nearly that much." (Nature's Lore, 4th level Nature, for Stealth)

Tass: (Errr, Aspect of the Beast, that's the 4th level one)

RJ: Vlad growled. "And I cannot trust you!" he said, before taking Kavika's hand once he reached out, finding where she last was. "If I let you go, and you're lying about them being safe, I cannot forgive that!" he declared.

Tass: "You can come with."

RJ: The knock came again, "Vlad? Baby?" a female voice came. "You'll set them free while I'm down there!"

Tass: "I won't. I won't even have time to, I'm unarmed and there are no blades up here for me to cut them free, and I don't know your knots well enough to undo them before you return." The person downstairs was growing more insistent, and Kavika sighed. If Vlad really insisted further, she would say; "Fine!" And do as he requested. She could probably slip out eventually if she really wanted to, but it would get the man at ease then she had little choice in the matter.

RJ: With the insistent knocking, Vlad seemed to decide that he didn't have time to tie up Kavika. Quickly, he put a straw hat over her head, and a blanket around her waist before opting to drag her downstairs. Provided she didn't refuse, he'd hug Kavika close and smile as he opened the door to face a red headed woman. "Ah! Scarlet! I'm a bit busy with a merchant girl who came through down!" he laughed. "Pearl, sweat gal!" he chuckled. Either way, if Kavika accepted coming down or not, Scarlet stormed through the door angrily. "You got me pregnant, you asshole!" she stated. "Give me one of your medicines!"

Tass: Kavika would, dragged while practically invisible, go downstairs with Vlad, covered only in a hat and a blanket and quickly canceling her spell to appear normal. She looked sheepish and nervous - pretty close to what she suspected she was actually supposed to feel in that situation really - as she was confronted by a redhaired woman, who was angry about the expected consequences of Vlad's sort of lifestyle. She would opt to keep silent, merely keeping her look the same, and waiting for Vlad to play out the conversation.

RJ: Vlad fought with the red haired woman, who ransacked his medicine cabinet to find he had no medicine. She began to grow increasingly vioent, calling him worthless and only good for his dick before Vlad promised he'd help raise the child. Then Scarlet looked all sweet, kissing Vlad before leaving. "..... Sorry." Vlad apologized before heading back upstairs. "I gave the last of my medicine to these two." he directed at Wolfe and Luxanna. "So I had none left. Anyway... Let us wait... You thirsty?" he inquired. Then, if Kavika was willing, he'd wait until the return of the trio was announced.

Tass: "We were supposed to go out on an outing.... To make things look like they made sense," Kavika stated crossly, "it will look strange if we walk in twice. I can show you where they are without leaving, with a bit of magic. Luxanna is the one with the illusions, or if you want you can look with the item yourself, rather than trust me. You need only concentrate on what you wish to see, and you will be shown them." Kavika would pull out Medea's Sapphire headband as she spoke, retrieving it from her clothing.

RJ: "It's fine. Boris is out there spotting for me. He'll know long before anyone else does. He seemed to know before anyone else... And claimed that you were a sweet girl who meant no harm." Vlad replied, claiming that the reason he was doing this was just due to paranoia.

Tass: "....Well, I never said I was a good actress!" Kavika said, blushing in annoyance, and then settling down to wait.

RJ: Soon, Boris' loud feet were heard in the house. He came up the stairs and greeted Vlad, confirming that Kavika was telling the truth. Once Vlad looked pleased, the ropes were cut, they were free. Though Boris spent a long time looking at Kavika, before suddenly embracing her. "Thank you. No matter what happened, you tried your hardest to make me happy to have my wife back." he said, before letting Kavika go. "Can't I help you in any way? Might you need a blacksmith?"

Tass: Kavika was quite surprised as Boris seemed grateful to her, and stood stunned for a moment before slightly embracing him back, momentarily at a loss for words. She mulled over his thanks briefly, before frowning. "You will have your wife back truly now... And while I was glad to ease that pain, I will not lie and say that it was my intent, even if my overall goal was to prevent anything like it from happening again. I.... Will not lie and say that such skills would not be valued with us, but you have roots here. Children. If, for whatever reason, you need to leave this place... My people will take you and yours in. I suppose that goes for you too, Vlad."

RJ: "I do not feel safe here, truthfully. Olga is a good woman, despite those she leads being often cruel. But it's those cruel people I do not feel safe around. Besides... I'd be more than happy to be of assistance to you, even if you're not just being modest. You are a good woman, Kavika. I saw it... Nay, I felt it... You are beautiful inside and out." he nodded. "I can get a caravan ready, we can all leave together." Boris stated. "You three should get out back. Vlad's backyard is quite safe, and we can park the wagon there for you to hop into." Boris explained. Vlad nodded as well. "Ah... Well, Kavika... I've got a condition... And I'm afraid I may not be able to offer much." Vlad said >>

RJ: "I... Am not normal. I'm surprised I haven't been killed already. When I have sex... I can draw the spirit of others if I choose to. I seem to need to do this to survive. So... That is why I do what I do. I cannot just survive off of my wife."

Tass: "Very well.... It is settled then," Kavika said, and then simply waved off Vlad's concerns, "you aren't the only one with such needs in my company. It can be attended to when your wife cannot handle it."

RJ: Vlad looked pleased, as did everyone else. Waiting out back as Vlad and Boris took care of everything and explained everything to their wives, that left the trio out back. "... Well, that was quite something." Wolfe said. "Ah, Kavika, you still have the medicine. You didn't drink it?" she inquired. "I'm still so sore..." Luxanna whined, wincing as she sat in a chair. "So many... Hundreds of men..."

Tass: "Oh, right!" Kavika said, and then took the medicine to ensure that she didn't end up with an anonymous man's child. It wasn't exactly the morning after, but that generally wasn't an issue. They would have to wait a while before they could escape, but it seemed as if Wolfe would soon be back home, and that Kavika would soon be on her way to her next objective while Luxanna and the others returned to her camp.

RJ: The wagon rolled up, and Boris hurried everyone inside. Kavika ended up shoulder to shoulder with Valentina inside the wagon as they rolled out, Wolfe soon jumping out to return to her own camp, or to jump out herself if she so chose. "So..." Valentina began. "Yes, Valentina. I laid with her. She is not a bad person." Boris said. Valentina sighed. "Whatever... Hey, I get to fuck your husband now. Do you have a husband?" he inquired.

Tass: (Another reminder of quest order for myself: Meet Wolfe, then Doran, then ye orc if she can't get DRUGS from ye goblin, then go investigate the demons.)

Tass: "Yes, I have a husband. You can.... But I don't think you'll enjoy it much. He tries, but...." Kavika shook her head. "His name is Twig." With that, Kavika would jump out with Wolfe, and speak to the woman as she headed back to her own domain, "I am heading to go and see Doran, the goblin. Try to find out who it was that attacked Olga's people. Safe travels, until we next meet!" And then, Kavika was off to do as she had originally planned. The detour with Wolfe had taken longer than she'd expected, though she had also learned of the dangerous orc under Korgoth's command, Lu Bu and in a manner of speaking protected Wolfe from Olga, securing a tentative alliance with the xenophobic human.
Re: The Great Hunt (Tassadar) GM'ed by MAF

Ronkan: The Beginning of the Next Era

RJ: "Twig? He sounds like a weakling... Heh, could be fun." Valentina chuckled. Then, Wolfe nodded at Kavika. "I'll keep that in mind. If I ever need your help, one of my wolves will seek you out." She announced, before they went their own ways. Then, a familiar scene of endless snow and confusing landscapes all too familiar to one another. However, once she found a few that looked familiar, she realized soon enough that she had found Doran's location after a short time of travel. Soon, she came upon what seemed to be a village consisting of mostly shoddy buildings, with only one building in the center that looked to be built by someone who actually knew what they were doing. Fire came from the chimney of this building made of logs, easily leading Kavika to its' location. Though for it's ease at being spotted, it had its' own guards. Armored goblins popped out of the snow, holding spears pointed at Kavika. >>

RJ: Their trap was clever, almost too clever for goblins, as it was impressive enough to catch her by surprise. Kavika was quickly wrapped in several bola which were heavy enough to drop her to the ground. "Huzzah! booty mates!" The goblins cheered. "Wait, dun she look familiar?" one goblin wondered. "Who cares! Booty!" another one slapped the one who asked. That was when a pistol was heard firing from the town, as Doran himself was walking up through the snow. "That's Kavika, you damn fools!" he cursed. The goblins quickly got Kavika loose as Doran offered her a hand to stand back up. "I'm sorry. It's a nightmare working with who I cannot understand being my kin."

RJ: Side note, Kavika stopped over at Wolfe's for a quick moment to get her shit back.

*Tass said various painful things about doo doo here. I censored it for your own sake. It was horrifying.*

RJ: (I feel your pain, Doran.)

Tass: Kavika found the place easily enough, once she located the place where the goblins had been moved to. Though it might all look the same to one less practiced in tracking than she, Kavika knew well how to differentiate the wintery Crolian wilds, and marked the route to it from Wolfe's, where she had retrieved her gear, and then mentally marked a route back to her own camp if she ever needed to get back. So busy was she thinking on navigation that she was caught by surprise by the goblin's trap. She was about to shout out a warning, that she was a friend, when two bolas came sailing through the air. An Anudorian invention meant for catching the skittish desert elk and goats, the weapon took Kavika completely by surprise, and wrapped around her legs and arms, binding her and dropping her to the ground. >>

Tass: Banging her head on a rock, the huntress was briefly stunned while the goblins gave their enthusiastic explanation regarding their catch, and was only just recovering when Doran's shot silenced them and ended any thoughts of raping her. Released from the bolas, Kavika rubbed her head as Doran apologized, and gingerly nodded her acceptance of it. "It's alright.... How have you been, Doran?"

RJ: "Miserable. But other than that, I've been good." Doran replied. "Come with me to my house, I can tend to your head and fetch you something warm to consume." he offered, walking back to him home through the camp of stupid, pervy goblins. Many of which tried to reach out and touch Kavika's ass, forcing her to either endure or snap at them over and over again before reaching the shelter of Doran's home, which was quite comfortably warm. A teapot was whistling, causing Doran to rush for the pot quickly. "Oh, bullocks!" the goblin cursed, taking the teapot off with a mitten to protect his hand. "So, it is good to see you again, my dear." Doran said. Surprisingly enough, Kavika didn't need to duck her head in his house. It seemed built for a human.

Tass: "That would be lovely, thank you." Kavika, not unused to the lust of men, merely gave disdainful looks to the goblins with the courage to reach out and grab at her meaty rump. It was annoying, but nothing she hadn't had to put up with before. Thankfully she was protected from such once she was actually in Doran's house, which was surprisingly built for a human to fit into comfortably despite Doran's small stature. "And you as well," she stated smoothly while moving to take a seat on whatever was convenient. "Expecting many visitors? Or did you find and modify the house?" she asked curiously, not even suspecting that the goblin had stolen it from anyone. Crolia had its share of abandoned buildings, after all.

RJ: "Built it myself to model after the home I was raised in." Doran explained, gesturing to the windows, the cozy atmosphere, the fireplace, the stove, the disk near a window overlooking a mountain in the distance as a scenic view from the warmth of the cabin. "I lost precious years of my life trying to coordinate these idiots correctly to make it. After that, they built their shoddy structures. But once it was done... It felt quite nice to call this my home."

RJ: Doran poured two glasses, before presenting a cup of tea to Kavika, and giving himself one as well as he sat down at the table in a boosted chair.

Tass: Kavika would take the tea, and a sip of it, before nodding. "We have just moved as well, to an abandoned village. I can show you where it is, in case you need to contact me. How are you faring, out here?"

RJ: "I've had to make advanced defenses I've learned through my mentor and through my many books," he gestured to his collection, "-to prevent attackers, including orcs, humans, and monsters. This was made worse as those creatures have been wanting to steal women to make children and 'fun' with. I've managed to keep them from mutiny by allowing them to attack females, but not capture them, in hopes the retaliation will be less severe. Well, turns out they were still quite angry about that... I've managed to get others who would attack me to respect my defenses for now... But the little bastards are still wanting to go out there and be wild."

Tass: "Mmmmm, and they cannot be reasoned with, I assume.... " Kavika murmured thoughtfully, "and you have no female goblins here?"

RJ: "Female goblins are less common, and even then... Who knows if they'd want me to try and beat one of them in combat or something. I'm no good at that. I'm a thinker, not a fighter!"

RJ: "But these are my troubles, of no interest to you. So, what can I do you for? Oh, as well, before you leave, I do have a surprise for you..."

Tass: "A surprise?" Kavika asked, already surprised. "Mmmmm, well I would like to help... If I could. I'm not sure how, however. I can at least offer advice; You should learn to fight with your mind. Physical prowess isn't the only tool that a warrior needs, and if your kin see that you are capable of defending yourself when needed, it might assuage them a little. Anyway, my real reason for being here is..." The huntress hesitated somewhat. It pained her, the admission of her reason for visiting the goblin, "I have... I wondered if you had any of the... Orc's drug on hand. The withdrawal is...." She trailed off, her cheeks colored with shame.

RJ: Doran's face seemed to shrink with despair as Kavika said that. "Kavika... I'm so sorry... Had I known earlier..." he sighed. "I... Had some, and I sold it to get some supplies... I'm so sorry, Kavika." he apologized again.

Tass: "Ahhhh... It's alright. You have your needs, and must look after your own people," she replied earnestly, in truth somewhat relieved despite the knowledge that the effects of withdrawal would soon hit her again, leaving her all but helpless.

RJ: "I do have a little bit of news though, in case you weren't already aware. One of Korgoth's generals, Lady Swiftclaw as she calls herself, runs some kind of wrestling arena. I understand she deals in great amounts of the drug. She might also know where the cure is." he explained. Though, he thought for a moment. "If you'd be willing to stay for a while... Perhaps loan me some money, I can get you some of that drug... If I can estimate correctly... It should be priced at about... 200 denarii."

Tass: "I do know of her, yes. I suspected that she might have a great deal of it, or even the cure. I intend to visit her... Soon." The offer to procure some for her, despiute herself, interested Kavika. "What would be the danger to you?" she asked guardedly. "I generally leave my coin at home, but can have it sent out."

RJ: "The person I'm buying from is a slave trader. There's little danger to me, a mere goblin. I'm not worth the effort to them." Doran replied simply. "I'm a weak goblin who cannot perform labor and my intelligence is too insulting to them to want to keep me around."

RJ: "I... Hope you'll forgive me for saying this, but I use the money from the drug to buy a slave. A woman. She's helped me satisfy the camp a bit."

Tass: "We do what we must," Kavika said grimly when Doran admitted to buying a slave. "Very well... If it is of no threat to you, then I suppose that I must, given my... Condition, when I first set out. It is only thanks to Lady Wolfe that I could even make it here."

RJ: "Lady Wolfe, eh? She ought to keep her hungry wolves away from my soldiers, as stupid as they are." Doran grumbled. "I've only one bed though. We will have to sleep together, as the floor gets too cold during the night. It's ultimately up to you though."

Tass: "That won't be a problem," Kavika stated simply. She would rather Doran relieve the need instilled by the drug when she took it than his men, and she was comfortable enough with the goblin to sleep with him with or without sex involved. "I'll talk to her next time I see her about leaving you alone. Now... About this surprise?"

RJ: Doran rubbed his hands together, grinning happily before jumping out of his chair. "It all came to me in a breakthrough! Watch, Kavika!" he encouraged her, before taking a piece of paper with nothing written on it. "Are you watching? Watch closely..." he encouraged her, before throwing the paper into the fire. Rather than catch on fire immediately, it flew upwards as it burned. A force causing it to ascend seemingly due to the fire itself. Laughing, Doran throw his hands up into the air with celebration. "With fire... We can fly!"

RJ: "Come with me!" he stated, grabbing his coat and rushing outside.

Tass: Kavika watched the goblin's demonstration, confused. While she was hardly slow witted, the huntress didn't follow why this discovery, seemingly so mundane, would excite the goblin so much. Still, she followed him outside, wondering what she was about to be shown.

RJ: They walked for a bit, approaching a nearby rock formation, before entering a cave. A recently dug cave at that. Going deeper down through the roomy tunnels that lasted for only a moment, Kavika came upon a glorious sight. An unfinished ship, with only the main foundation complete, as well as an odd addition above it, seemingly for something oval shaped. "Behold, Kavika! My designs for... An Airship!" he declared, beholding it as if the incomplete structure was like seeing your god of choice appearing before your eyes. He looked quite happy to be showing it off. There was a desk with a blue print laid out, and many supplies for the completion of the ship. The front of the ship was rather obvious, as it seemed to have a block of wood jutting straight out from the topmost addition.

RJ: "I've decided to call her the Ronkan! What do you think? One day, she shall soar into the air!"

Tass: "An... Airship? A ship that flies?" Kavika asked, amazed, as she surveyed the incomplete work. It looked to be in pieces, unfinished, but Kavika couldn't help but be amazed not only at the idea, but at how much effort Doran had put into making his vision a reality. "How close is it to completion?" she asked excitedly, "this... Even if not used for battle, is amazing!"

RJ: "The design and the blueprint was the hard part... This, should be completed within a month, by my estimates." Doran replied, rather happy as his goblin cheeks were flush from her excitement. He looked so happy that she shared his feelings for the ship. "Look at the blueprints," he invited her, showing her what the ship will look like once it's done. Indeed, the oval shape seemed to exist. Its' presence was called 'balloon' in his design. It seemed to act as the sole thing that made the ship lift. Though he seemed to think of its' vulnerabilities as well, as the balloon had plans to be covered in armor so that it was less vulnerable to small fire.

Tass: "What will you build the... Balloon from? And what will it hold? Surely not pure fire!" she asked, examining the blueprints, and specifically the armor. "Here... And here," these points in the shape are where armor is most needed, to protect the structure. And the rims.... The people on deck must be protected as well, both from falling and from fire. There is a metal, weaker but much lighter than iron or steel, which doesn't rust.... My people rarely use it, but some of the settled folk often use it for minor things. Maybe you could use that, reinforced where needed with steel, to keep the armor light and useful all at once?"

RJ: "Brilliant, Kavika!" Doran cheered, patting her back, but mostly her butt given where he stood. "The fire seems to make things above it float, as you saw with the paper. I find, that with the right amount of fire, the balloon should inflate, and take the ship into the sky!" He declared. There were also designs on the back in order to make the ship move, but it looked uncertain. "This... This confuses me. I must make the ship move, but all I can think of to make is something I've decided to refer to as an engine. This device on the back will allow the ship to turn, and move forward and backwards."

RJ: "Though, The balloon itself, I've decided to make out of fire resistant hide that I've gotten my hands on."

Tass: "How does it work?" she said, in regards to the engine. "That'd probably be best, yes. You don't want it to burn."

RJ: "Well, you know when you fan yourself?" he said, using his hand to swish at her face, letting her feel the wind. "The act of such, with strong enough force, should allow the ship the movement I desire."

Tass: "Oh... How will it, uhhh, work though? Surely not like that... Like a fish moving through air?"

RJ: "Something like that! Indeed, I've found that air can be treated much like water... Though air has far less consistency. But what is air? Fire seems to do something to air that makes things go higher. I'm not sure what though."

Tass: "Huh.... Well, you've got this far. I'm sure you can make it work!"

RJ: "Of course I can! Thank you for your confidence!" he said happily. "I promise, once its' ready... You shall be among the first to experience the Ronkan's very first takeoff!"

Tass: "Excellent! I'll be looking forward to it!" Kavika exclaimed. It was rare that she got to enjoy something so earnestly light hearted and exhilarating, and the huntress would let herself revel at the prospect of flight a while.

RJ: Doran couldn't seem to stop talking about it. The ideas, the sights to see, the advantages, the safety, the weather effects, what the engine could be made out of. He'd hold Kavika there all day if he could, but the cold eventually stopped the conversation if Kavika didn't, forcing them to retreat back to the warmth of his home. "Indeed, indeed! The whole world is opened up if you can fly! It'll be truly glorious!"

Tass: Kavika would be as engaging as ever, letting it be the cold that eventually drove them back to Doran's residence. "It will be," she said, tired but satisfied with her day with the inventive goblin.

RJ: "Let us have something to eat... Before we go on a stroll. I've one more thing to show you." Doran said with a smile. He prepared some meat from an unknown beast, already gutted by the time he revealed the meat. He cooked it over the fire for a time, coming over to Kavika after looking at the fire for a time. He put his green hand over her own, looking up at her sincerely. "Kavika... You're the only human being that hasn't shunned me sans my father. I appreciate you, greatly."

Tass: "Sounds good," Kavika said to the prospect of food. She was, indeed, quite hungry, and would wait while Doran cooked, helping when she could, though the simplicity of the meal made things easier. She was slightly surprised when he came over, but understanding dawned within her when the goblin placed a hand upon her own, and offered his sincere thanks for her acceptance of him despite his race. "It is nothing, Doran... Or at least, it should be. Race is... Not something that concerns me any longer."

RJ: "I've heard tales of your mother. Your clear deviation from her path is admirable. But most of all... Heh, I'm just glad to have someone around who doesn't pick their nose and fart during conversation." He chuckled, going to season the meat with something as he rotated it over the fire.

Tass: "Yes.... I too am glad to not be as like her as some say I ought to be, if I am to win the war against Korgoth. Frowning, Kavika looked to the fire as Doran turned the spit some more. "Yes... I can see how that would get old," she said distantly, dwelling on the words of those like Ivy and Olga, who thought that she ought to be more like Svana, crueler. It amazed her that they always seemed to forget... That Svana had failed against Korgoth. All of her cruelty and deviousness, and the woman had failed in her most crucial test against the orc lord.

RJ: Providing the prepared meat, Kavika would find that Doran was actually a fine cook. The meat was a luxury compared to the usual fare she might hunt. It tasted like boar, but with an extra taste that made her mouth water and crave for more. Their plates were cleaned in no time at all. "Now... I know you might think this unwise, but lets' go for a dusk enjoyment." He invited her to come outside once more. If she did, he took her to the back of his house, where another construction was waiting for them. It looked like a box on a sled. It had four doors, one of which had a wheel at the front. Doran opened one of the doors for Kavika. "Come on in. This construction is the first engine I ever made." he said. "It uses coal as fuel." he said. It seemed to have treads along the belly, and some kind of port sticking out from the back.

RJ: The seats were made to be rather plush, and Kavika could easily relax with her full stomach once inside. Doran got in on the other side, and operated the constructions complex controls, a loud sound coming from outside of the vehicle as she felt it begin to vibrate, before moving on its' own. "Protection from wind chill, and the excess heat from the engine is allowed to slip into the inside here so it should get quite warm in just a while."

RJ: "I also painted it red. For some reason, things seem to go faster when I paint them red."

Tass: "It'll be fine, I'm sure!" Kavika said when Doran suggested that she might think it unwise to go out following a surprisingly excellent meal. The meat was cooked just right, and had an unusual flavor to it that she quite liked. Following him out, she found another of his inventions, seemingly an oddly shaped box on wheels with treads between them, with plush seats that she found quite comfortable on a full stomach. The loud sound of the engine starting made her jump, but she rapidly settled back down while watching Doran operate the seemingly complex controls of the device. "I had wondered about the color!" she said cheerfully, smirking, and then laughed as they started off, the engine's excess heat keeping them warm and the metal and glass protecting them from the wind.

RJ: Like that, they road slowly along the snow. Though Doran picked up a little speed going over a hill, letting Kavika feel herself lift slightly from her seat before coming down softly as he went over the hill of snow. "It's quite loud, but, quiet enough to talk normally inside." He said. "And, you can use it like a wagon, it can go rather fast too. Or, you can use it for our current purpose... A leisurely drive through the snow." he said with a smile, showing Kavika how it could easily go up a hill thanks to the many spikes it had, before he parked at the top, letting Kavika enjoy the warmth, and the great view of frozen Crolia. Like that, he powered the engine down, and put his hand on her knee. "I never aspired to make anything like this. I could have much sooner... But I was depressed. I had no one to make anything for... Then, I found you." Doran said, his tone serious. >>

RJ: "It's all for you, Kavika. My inventions. I have no greater aspirations. But I know you can make use of all this. So, I feel I have purpose."

Tass: "Mmmm, it does seem like it might be quite useful for that. How much can it pull?" she would ask curiously, smiling. It was actually quite effective a tool, it seemed, and was able to easily ascend a hill only to descend the hill while picking up speed. She didn't quite freeze when he put a hand on her knee, quite easy in the close compartment, but she did give pause at it. The words he spoke, so serious in tone, were listened to intently and with respect to their gravity, but Kavika felt a bit guilty as the goblin finished. "Doran.... You don't need.... I... Uhhh.... This... This is all from you. I'm honored, if I was your motivation, but you should make these at least as much for yourself, as for me."

RJ: "What am I going to do with all this, Kavika?" he asked her. "Do I look like I'll do anything useful with the Ronkan? With this? I've no need for it, so I never thought of it. But when you came along, and accepted me... I knew I could make these, and that they'd be useful to you." He said, patting the metal casing they were in. "Armor to protect you, speed to help you move, storage to escort goods and friends through danger. Why else would I make this?" he asked her. "I'm forcing this on you, and it must be a burden..."

Tass: "No... Not a burden, just.... Dramatic. I won't say it isn't useful, and I certainly appreciate it... Thank you. You, among all of my allies, are helpful without expectation of me. Whatever you create, I am sure I will be able to use."

RJ: Doran looked a little happy about that. "Well, I do hope you won't ignore me in my time of need, at the very least. I don't make good designs for bad people! So I'm not entirely without expectations! So... I do expect your kindness, which you give by default."

Tass: "Yes... And as I said, whenever you need me, you need only call for it. I will come as quickly as I can."

RJ: "Thank you, Kavika. If I wasn't so ugly, I'd say I had a chance with you, heh." He chuckled. "But I appreciate your kindness, for all that it's worth."

Tass: "Who says you're ugly?" Kavika said teasingly, smirking. "Lets hope that it's worth enough to see us both through this."

RJ: "I've faith in you, Kavika. Right now, you sit in a technological era far beyond that of Korgoth. Soon, to him, you will be the god he aspires to be." Doran announced. "Flying through the sky like a true diety." he said, though her comment about him not being ugly made him chuckle. "Now now, Kavika, don't be kind to me. I'll take it as an invitation."

Tass: Kavika would merely chuckle, softly at his pronouncement that she would be a god in comparison thanks to his inventions and giggling as he offered a retort to her unsubtle flirtation. Inwardly, she wasn't so sure on either count. Though Doran's inventions had incalculable potential, she knew that magic could offer many things, no the least of which being the ability to fly. What was more, she knew the effects of the drug, and though she was starting to feel mildly guilty over it, she had intended to allow Doran to take care of the aftereffects for her.

RJ: After a moment in the warm carrier, Doran let out a sigh. "Get some sleep, Kavika." he said, starting it up again. "We're going to go purchase you some of that wretched drug, until we can find a cure for you." he announced. The seat she was in had a mechanism that allowed it to tip back. The way the front was designed also allowed her to rest her feet up and sleep as if on a bed. Offering to let her sleep, Doran would drive them to the merchant with the drug.
Re: The Great Hunt (Tassadar) GM'ed by MAF


Tass: "I didn't have the money delivered yet," she reminded him, though if she could get to Bitey that would be fixed quickly. Nodding if something came of that idea, Kavika would lean back and get some rest, trusting Doran implicitly.

RJ: With rapid acceleration, Doran's vehicle cleared the distance back to collect her money in drastically reduced time. Kavika would awaken with the rest of her gear in the carrier, and Audi as well laying casually in the back like royalty, eating grapes. "This is like a stage coach, but faster." Audi chuckled. "Kavika is going to pound your meat raw, my friend~" Audi cooed. "Why... W-why would you say such a thing?" Doran inquired. "Because you gave her a freakin' high speed luxury stage coach that's armored and useful in every way! You're even being her driver! She is going to Suck. Your. Dick. Dry." Audi giggled.

RJ: "If she doesn't, I'll just force her to. So there's that~"

Tass: Of course, someone had to tease Doran over it. If it wasn't her, it would be Audi, whom she awakened to find sprawled out on the back seat like a domineering, mischievous cat. Blushing, she yawned and then sat the seat up, offering no comment on Audi's lewd comments and instead asking, "What are you doing in here? Sick of putting up with the mercenaries?"

RJ: "Hmm? Oh, no. I just happened to be stopped by, and saw this rolling up. So I gathered all your things, threw them inside, and hopped in myself. Figured you're probably feeling really bad from withdrawal, so if the deal goes bad, I'll cut their fucking heads off~" Audi winked.

RJ: "... She's a lot stronger than I am... I couldn't persuade her not to come." said Doran

Tass: "Ahhh.... Well, I guess that's fine. I'm not that bad right now, but the extra help is appreciated. Is Routa pregnant yet?"

RJ: "How'd you know?" Audi giggled.

Tass: "Well, she's fucking you, and has been training under Junger to fight that other orc, and tends to... Overdo things. Did she win yet, or am I going to have to negotiate with someone for the return of my second in command when I get home?"

Tass: "And is it going to be yours or his?" she added, smirking.

RJ: "Who knows who's kid it's going to be? Routa looks pregnant after every match of training with Junger. I even took him once in the ring, that guy is damn good~" she cooed. "I might be pregnant too, who knows."

Tass: "Ahhhhh..... Eheh, well, I guess that's to be expected, given the nature of what's going on," Kavika brushed off the subject after that. Really, it was best not to think about it too much.

RJ: "Yup. I've given birth before though. Being altered by magic seems to make life easier. Really, my motto to life should be to all guys and galls, 'find some fae, and fuck them,' because none of them would regret it I'm sure."

Tass: "It really does, doesn't it?" Kavika mused, while inwardly she was slightly jealous. She had always been curious about the nature spirits, the fae, but had never met them.

RJ: After some time of driving, Audi never seemed to stop being fascinated with the machine. She'd be looking out of the windows, almost seeming to wish she could observe it closely from outside, but it would be difficult given the progress they were making. "Doesn't this thing run out of power?" Audi inquired. Doran nodded. "Yes... We'll need to refuel it at our next stop." he replied. "So these people we're going to meet, they have the drug, and the fuel? Speaking of, who are they exactly?" she wondered. Doran let out a long sigh at Audi's series of questions. "I don't know if they'll have any of the drug left, but I do know they'll have fuel. They seek to continue doing business with me." he stated. "As for who they are... Well, they're demons." Doran stated, causing Audi to nearly jump from her seat. "What!? No, turn this thing around, Doran!" Audi demanded.

Tass: Kavika listened, also mostly watching their surroundings, while Audi questioned Doran about the vehicle they were riding in. It was a good thing to know, the vehicle's limit in regards to fuel, but she made no mention of it for the moment. The clarification on the nature of the group they were going to see caused her stomach to clench nervously, but Kavika was content to let it be at that even though her last meeting with demons had included them throwing her into a labyrinth full of enraged, horny captive minotaurs. Audi, however, was apparently not, and Kavika sighed at Audi's statement. "Doran is also a demon, Audi" she reminded the assassin, "they aren't trustworthy, but that they are slavers was enough to make that clear already. We merely need to be careful, also not an unusual circumstance, all things considered."

RJ: "Slavers are bad, demons are double bad." Audi stated firmly. "I've fought with demons before, Kavika. Even defeated by one once and made to be their cum dumpster before circumstance was good enough to me as to cause her death. You have no idea the kind of destructive force a demon can pack!"

Tass: "I really don't," Kavika agreed readily, "which is why I don't plan on finding out when that kind of power is pointed at me. Avoid detection, avoid interaction whenever possible, and keep your eyes open. I plan on being invisible the entire time. Doran, have you thought up a reason to be buying the drug yet? Other than giving it to me?"

RJ: "I sold the drug with the explanation that I had no reason to use it, so no... I'm afraid I'm still thinking of what to say." Doran said, nervousness in his voice. That was when Audi leaned in, and whispered to Kavika. "Kavika, how expendable is Doran?" she inquired. "If things go south, and Doran gets in trouble, how willing would you be to let it go?"

Tass: "He isn't," Kavika whispered back, her voice low but approaching a growl. "Tell them you think you might be able to make a more potent version, one that might be applied to weapons. I'm only going to take half of whatever you get, and I want you to very carefully try and learn what you can from it."

RJ: Audi growled and returned to her seat, giving up trying to play the situation as safe as possible. "There's no promises that the demons will even be unable to detect us. I spent my entire life dedicated to the art of stealth, and I was found as if I were standing in plain sight!" Audi declared, the thought of the demons ahead making her so nervous that she was biting her finger nails. "Fear not. I shall go alone." Doran announced. "There is no reason to risk your lives. Kavika, you have seen how I drive this, yes? I can teach you how. If I do not return, escape with this vehicle."

RJ: "As for my plans for the ship, just follow the blue print." he continued.

Tass: "I doubt that will be necessary," she said after both Audi and Doran had their say. "You are a customer, aiming to purchase something. They are, presumably, businessmen, and even if they are suspicious, they will most likely deal with you in as good faith as a demon slaver is able of such a thing. If they don't.... We'll work it out from there."

RJ: "Hmm..." Doran hummed. His eyes cast a nervous glance in Kavika's direction. He was worried for Kavika's safety naturally, but it seemed he was content with her words, willing to trust in Kavika. The drive continued in relative silence, until Kavika would identify an unnatural sight. A construction of sorts that seemed almost out of place. "What...?" Doran inquired, just as intrigued. "That wasn't there before..." he said, eyes locked on the black colored structure in the distance. "How long ago?" Audi inquired. "Just last month... It looks like it's massive..." Doran said. No map Kavika had indicated that the structure even existed. In fact, it was just a blank spot on the map. If Kavika wished, she could mark it on the map, though as she'd look at the construction, she'd feel a force of both warning and invitation coming from it. Danger and reward seemed to come from it, as well as a feeling of a void in the world. A suction as it were. As if it brought things in, and hardly let anything out.

Tass: Kavika would mark it in the map, and would stare at the strange construct intently. "Magic must have built it," she reasoned, using the general catch-all excuse readily and appropriately in this case. "What is it? Is that where we're going?"

RJ: "No, the place we're going to is ahead." Doran stated. Then, another hour of driving, all while the atmosphere was filled with tension, mostly from Audi, who looked concerned about what they had just seen. Rolling over a hill of snow, they came upon the sight of a settlement Kavika would recognize as one belonging to a clan that was allies with her own. Their chieftain, a woman considered as a master of her own spirit, Freyda, had her banner that flew over the town torn and slashed. Strands of the cloth fluttering in the wind, barely recognizable having been destroyed. The camp itself was clearly one taken over by slavers. Taking a tool out of his compartment, Doran handed Kavika a telescope so that she may observe from afar. Indeed, individuals with horns and outright red skin walked through the village. They had been taken over by demons. As well, another banner was flying, red in background with a detail in blue, one that took the shape of a demonic Helmet of sorts, outfitted with a pair of horns and ominous eyes.

Tass: Kavika would look ahead, scowling, and see the torn banner that she recognized and the one of the new owners. It twisted her stomach in the same manner as the likes of Korgoth's minions doing the same, and mentally Kavika added yet another target to her already fairly extensive list. Demons walked through the overtaken camp, in their unnatural forms, as if they deserved to walk the world in that form, and she felt her own discontent rising. This was going to be difficult, and as they drew near she mentally prepared the spell that would hide her from prying eyes that might identify her. That would start a fight that she most likely would not win, and problems that she didn't want to deal with just then, though if an opportunity to depose them came up..... "Do you know if any of the ones who once lived here are left, or have they all been broken or sold off? In particular their leader, Freyda."

RJ: "Their leader, Freyda, and her people, are not slaves here. From what I understand, they fought with the demons, and Freyda surrendered." Doran revealed. "So, they're acting as part of the demon's army now." he claimed. Audi found that curious. "Wait, these demons aren't operating alone? Let me see that telescope, Kavika." She said. If given, Audi's face would pale, before she put the telescope down. "Agares..." she murmured under her breath. "Do you recall the sightings of demons, Kavika? This is them."

Tass: "I do.... And that changes things," Kavika said, increasingly troubled as revelation upon revelation was piled onto her. "I was hoping to make them into allies, but this.... The Red Army were bad enough. Doran, do you know if they know about my quarrel with Korgoth? And their general opinion of the orc and his army?"

RJ: "They're well aware, I'm afraid. Though as for their stance... They seem to act more neutral than anything else. They've far more orc slaves than human from what I've seen. I was concerned that they'd force me to be apart of their little army, but the one I spoke to, a large demon of orange skin, looked at my inventions and was actually rather fascinated. He's... Part of the reason why I had enough supplies to build this." he indicated towards their vehicle. "He said he'd like to purchase anything I make, rather than steal it as I expected he would. As for their opinions of Korgoth... Well, we didn't talk about it, but they definitely don't appreciate his presence."

Tass: "I had heard they were fighting..... Audi, what do you know of it?"

RJ: "Honestly? I know nothing. I've kept away from the demons with all my might. But if you want my opinion, these demons are no good. No demon can be good." Audi said with extreme prejudice. Then, looking through the telescope, Doran handed it to Kavika again. "There's Freyda."

Tass: Kavika would examine the state of the woman, whom she had never met face to face but had seen before when her own elders had met with her, and pondered Audi's words. She was obviously prejudiced, but perhaps not necessarily wrong about this group. Still, she wasn't exactly looking for good. Slinger was hardly "good" under any definition, and she employed a minotaur, an assassin, a succubus, a demon, and any number of other unsavory characters in her own ranks. Olga wasn't a good person by any stretch of the imagination either, even if her lieutenants were far worse by comparison, and she suspected that she could stomach a similar alliance in this case. She would wait to see the state of Freyda, before making any decisions.

RJ: Looking through the telescope, Kavika would eventually spot the woman herself. Freyda, her characteristic long platinum blond hair flowing in the cold wind, stood amongst the demons, decorated in her armor and moving throughout the village. She looked to be pointing a finger at something, her voice shouting but her words not reaching Kavika in full detail, before a large demon, arguably the size of one of the minotaurs, came into view behind her. A large, muscular, and fat demon with a long black beard and demon horns made himself known to Freyda, who turned to greet him. The large demon spoke with a devilish grin, which caused Freyda to frown, and launch her fist into the gut of the demon. He seemed to feel it a little, but laughed it off, waving his hand at Freyda. The difference in power was clear between the two, and why Freyda lost to him, as he was clearly the dominant actor. As Freyda walked away, the large demon followed after her, putting a hand on her back as they walked through the town.

Tass: Well, not a slave, apparently. At least, not an overt one, though the difference in power between them was clear, and a huge threat to Kavika at the same time. "I'm going in with you," Kavika said simply, returning Doran's telescope. "Audi, I'm not going to force you to do anything, and I understand that you don't approve of this course of action. You may do as you think best."

RJ: "What!?" Doran and Audi exclaimed at the same time. Both remained sitting there, shocked at Kavika's decision. "Kavika... Why!? Walk straight into the belly of the beast!? Your lack of fear will be the end of you, damn it!" Audi growled.

Tass: (Link:

RJ: (There you go folks, free porn.)

Tass: (lol, wrong window) "I wasn't planning on walking," Kavika said simply, "but yes. Because I might be able to make an ally out of this demon, however briefly, and even if he is as bad as you say his kind is I've made allies with worse over the last few days anyway. To say that I am unafraid is completely incorrect, but in this instance fear is not useful, so I set it aside." It was a thing she'd heard her mother say before, and unlike many of Svanna's teachings she didn't reject that particular saying.

RJ: "... Fine, I'll go too." Audi said, though she seemed to instantly regret it as they pulled up to town. Several demon females waved at the vehicle and the one driving it. "Hi Doran~" they cooed, before Doran glanced to his passengers and climbed out.

Tass: Kavika would nod, and when they arrived in town would climb out as well, her hood pulled up over her head. She'd pondered going in hidden, but climbing out after Doran would be too obvious, as would making him stop, and she opted to try to be straightforward rather than clandestine for this one. She probably couldn't have snuck in without being detected anyway. Doran knew the place better than she did, so Kavika would let him lead the way for now.

RJ: The life of the village seemed to keep going as Doran arrived, stopping only for a moment to welcome the inventor, before his passengers stepped out as well. When Audi and Kavika came out, a large amount of the chatting stopped. Armed women, both with hoods over their heads. The sight was enough to distract everyone. As Doran led the way, nervous in his stride, a demon in black armor stepped forth to intercept Doran and his two companions. "Doran, what is the meaning of this? Who are these two?" he inquired. Doran tensed up. Another question he didn't of an answer for beforehand, especially with Kavika's sudden decision. He looked hesitant in even revealing their names, and it became clear that he thought about lying. He looked stuck, and was sweating considerably.

Tass: "Associates," Kavika intoned simply. The dark armor suggested authority, and Kavika let a note of simple respect that would make it clear that she intended to make no trouble while she was here. "On business."

RJ: The knight heard Kavika, before looking to Doran again. "Yes... I showed them my new invention and let them come along for the drive. They were excited to meet you, told them all about how good you were to me." Doran said, trying to keep up face. The knight looked skeptical, and clearly he regarded Audi and Kavika as possible threats to their settlement. He made a circular gesture with his hand, and others of various dress and armor came forth, responding to his command, soon surrounding them with a dozen various threats, many armored, and a few seemed to practice magic. "We'll be taking your weapons, for security's sake."

Tass: "Of course.... If you would treat other diplomatic emissaries as such," Kavika replied casually, relinquishing her obvious weapons, her bow, arrows, and her enchanted dagger and sword, sheathes and all.

RJ: Allowed, a pair of demons clothed in leather stepped forth, taking what was offered and putting their hands on Kavika and Audi, running their hands along Kavika's body in search of other weapons she may have, while the one searching Audi would part Audi's robes open, revealing her breasts and cock, as well as an enormous amount of weaponry. Guns, throwing knives, daggers strapped to her wrists, a short sword, the works. The demon who saw it gasped in shock. "What the fuck..." he said, while the male demon behind Kavika was running his hands over her breasts, searching for weapons, but keeping his hands there for a moment longer seemingly to enjoy the feel.

Tass: Kavika put up with their touch with an impatient scowl, the search for weapons turning up nothing else on her. Audi, however, turned out to have a small arsenal on her, and ended up having her robe pulled open to reveal both it and her nudity. "One would think you'd never seen a cock before," Kavika remarked dryly, "can't find your own? I thought demons could fix that sort of deformity, or at least weren't subject to it." She then glanced back at the one who had had his hands on her chest just a little bit too long for it to be considered searching, "are you quite finished?"

RJ: "My apologies. You've such a beautiful body, and..." Causing her a bit of pleasure from his hands running over her nipples, creating a stimulating sensation of her energy gently being sucked at for just a moment. "... and such a divine spirit. What's it take to get more than just a taste?" he inquired, flirting with Kavika while putting her clothes back in order.

Tass: "Respect for personal space is a good start," she said dryly, having given nothing more than an eye twitch at the sensation of pleasure redoubled by the light nip taken at her soul, a tiny sliver of her energy drained. She then turned to the succubi who had taken her weapons and said; "I'll expect those returned untouched. As will my companion. You get a good reputation for doing business, and I don't think you want that spoiled."

RJ: "Alas, you don't understand the ails of a demon. For a taste like yours, some would even agree to be killed after just one night." he declared, before seeming to go to extra lengths to properly secure Kavika's bow and arrows within cloth that would protect them from the elements. "We've more than just a business reputation, my dear~" he cooed, giving Kavika a wink, before moving to put a band around Kavika's wrist. "This'll seal you so that you cannot cause explosions at will. Easy to remove on your own, but do keep it on, or else everyone will put you down on the spot. When leaving, feel free to remove it once out of town."

Tass: "I'm sure," she said, her voice still dry as a bone as the demon continued flirting with her, "we can discuss it later." Taking the bracelet, she quirked an eyebrow at it and said; "I can't make explosions at will anyway, but if it calms you down." She carefully examined it before putting it on, and then waited for a few seconds before taking it off, just to make sure that it was possible. If it was, she would then simply put it back on.

RJ: It looked stretchable, and easily could be cut off with a blade. It didn't seem to be permanent in any stretch of the imagination, as its' intended purpose was no doubt to let the one wearing it feel like less of a prisoner despite how they'd lose their means of offense. Still, Audi wore the same bracelet, and said nothing to the one who also fondled her, unlike Kavika, only looking back at the woman doing it with a glare. The woman didn't seem to care that much for Audi's glare, even giving Audi's shoulder a kiss before stepping back. "Thank you for your cooperation." the knight said as the other two demons stepped away. "If you wish to buy weapons or other such goods, they'll be waiting with the rest of your belongings after purchase." he said as if reciting. "If you have any further questions, please contact Geebs, for all your weapons and armory needs." he referred to himself. "Enjoy your stay, ladies. Mind the playful locals and enjoy yourselves."

Tass: "Thank you.... Geebs," Kavika replied patiently, and then turned to Doran and waited expectantly.
Re: The Great Hunt (Tassadar) GM'ed by MAF

Truth or Rape: The Party Game

RJ: Doran led Kavika and Audi through the town, towards a familiar sight of a chieftain's hut. From inside, even more familiar sounds were heard. So familiar to Kavika now that she could even put together the picture. A man the size of the Orange demon, and a woman. Rapid thrusting. The moans of her voice put a figure to the woman, Freyda. It sounded like Freyda was being ferociously pounded inside, all up until Doran knocked on the wooden door with his walking cane. Heavy breathing, loud steps. Then the door flew open. The door had been resized it seemed, but he still had to lean down a bit. His characteristic wide, demonic grin showed itself as he looked at the small goblin. "Doran! I would have punched anyone else but you for disturbing me! Come on in, friend! Bring your two beautiful friends with you, by all means! Come on in, beauties!" he invited Kavika and Audi in joyously, not seeming to question their presence as his guards had, seeming to trust Doran. The large demon returned to the large bed in the room, the center of the large space. All of the constructions made for councils had seemingly been thrown out or scrapped, replaced to be a den simply for carnal pleasure. Freyda was laying on the bed, her ass in the air, still breathing hard as the after effects of the demon's large cock showed in the form of her stretched pussy.

RJ: Doran led Kavika and Audi through the town, towards a familiar sight of a chieftain's hut. From inside, even more familiar sounds were heard. So familiar to Kavika now that she could even put together the picture. A man the size of the Orange demon, and a woman. Rapid thrusting. The moans of her voice put a figure to the woman, Freyda. It sounded like Freyda was being ferociously pounded inside, all up until Doran knocked on the wooden door with his walking cane. Heavy breathing, loud steps. Then the door flew open. The door had been resized it seemed, but he still had to lean down a bit. His characteristic wide, demonic grin showed itself as he looked at the small goblin. "Doran! I would have punched anyone else but you for disturbing me! Come on in, friend! Bring your two beautiful friends with you, by all means! Come on in, beauties!"

RJ: he invited Kavika and Audi in joyously, not seeming to question their presence as his guards had, seeming to trust Doran. The large demon returned to the large bed in the room, the center of the large space. All of the constructions made for councils had seemingly been thrown out or scrapped, replaced to be a den simply for carnal pleasure. Freyda was laying on the bed, her ass in the air, still breathing hard as the after effects of the demon's large cock showed in the form of her stretched pussy.

Tass: Kavika would frown at the lewd sounds coming from inside of the tent, easily imagining the scenario playing out inside. True to form, when it burst open and the orange demon let them in, Freyda would be present inside, her ass in the air and her sex gaping obscenely, her breathing heavy from the aftereffects of what had going on before their arrival. Inside the tent, the tools that had once been used to rule had all been tossed aside, discarded to make way for the demon's bed and other tools of carnal pleasure. Not surprising, really. She would follow Doran in, and once the door was shut behind them would lower her hood respectfully. It was rude to hide one's head in another's domicile. "Greetings," Kavika said calmly, "my apologies for the interruption."

RJ: "Oh my, wow!" The demon gestured in surprise. "You've got the cutest little button nose! Did you know that! Ha-ha-ha-ha!" the demon laughed. "Greetings, my dear." he introduced himself while only wearing his vest, his erect cock on full display and seemingly a natural state for him to be in. "My name is Osmodai! You're not interrupting at all, my dear! In fact, I'd be happy if you joined me!" he said with cheer, fetching a nearby large jug and drinking from it, the jug itself being the size of a human being. The smell of alcohol was also thick after he popped it open and drank from it before sealing it and putting it back down. "This is my wife! Freyda." he gestured to the woman who had been thoroughly violated on his bed.

RJ: She turned, and saw Kavika. Her eyes went wide, but she said nothing. "I was traveling across the land one day, looking to help out my dear elder brother by finding whatever I can when I came across this clan of humans! Freyda here took me for an enemy, and she was so beautiful that I decided I wanted her. Neither of us wanted to make a whole battle out of it though, so we agreed on a duel. I didn't know the next part though! I was just going to beat her and see if I could get her to join our cause! Then she comes out of the blue and reveals that whoever beats her, she has to marry! Obviously, I accepted! Hehehe! Who wouldn't?"

Tass: The huntress had no response to the compliment save to look back blankly, and so simply let it pass by with a curt nod. It wasn't too terribly hard after the initial glance down to keep her eyes from wandering down to the demon's cock, which was as immense as his stature suggested it ought to be, and instead she watched him take a literal barrel of ale and start drinking it. She nodded to Freyda, glad for the woman's silence given that she seemingly recognized her despite the mutations, and then she flitted her gaze back to Osmodai as she told a story of how he and Freyda had come to meet. Kavika wasn't sure if she believed that, at least not all of it, but now wasn't the time to question it, particularly given that it was at least mildly plausible. Such practices weren't exactly unheard of, as foolish as she had come to find them. "And what cause would that be?" she asked curiously, "what aid does your... Brother... Need?"

RJ: "So interested! But I haven't heard your name, little lady? Come on now, don't be rude to old Osmodai!" he requested, laughing as he leaned back and looked at Freyda. "Get them some drinks, won't you?" he told her. "I'm not your servant, fat ass." Freyda snapped. Osmodai chuckled, patting her ass. "Come on, be good to our guests. I'll have the maids give you a massage~" he cooed. Freyda sighed, and went to go fetch some water or ale for Kavika and the rest, whichever they preferred to have in the cups Freyda gave to them.

Tass: "Just water please," she grunted to Freyda. She didn't feel like being poisoned today. She carefully considered giving her name, but then said; "Names are precious things, especially these days. They can mean more than the breath with which they are given. They can dictate allegiances, and mark one's enemies... Or friends, at times. Understand, then, that it is not rudeness that drives me to hesitate to delivering my name. If you were an enemy of the orc lord Korgoth, for instance, what if my name marked him as my master? What would you do? And what if I were instead an enemy known to your brother?"

RJ: Osmodai's grin faded with Kavika's words. He put his hands on his knees and looked firmly down at Kavika, as if judging her. "I like to call myself a good judge of character." he began. "I've met those who do things for Korgoth. Come to find they aren't the ones I should hold anything against. It's the man himself I don't care for, little lady. But I don't know you yet, and unfortunately, you seem to be telling me you're my enemy, unless I've got you figured wrong? If you were an enemy, well, I couldn't exactly let ya leave, now could I? You might come back 'round and not only hurt old Osmodai, but also my wife here, Freyda. Not to mention, our enemies are like those cannibals and Korgoth, I won't lose sleep at night for any suffering they go under. That being said..." He took another sip. "I'm afraid I'll have to hold you prisoner until I understand you better."

Tass: "You do misunderstand, but it is alright," Kavika replied, sounding relieved. "I am Kavika, daughter of Svanna. I merely needed to have some reassurance that you wouldn't attack me and sell me to Korgoth, which you have given well enough."

RJ: "Svanna...?" Osmodai uttered that name as if it were poison. He then looked to Audi, who still had her hood up. A gust of wind came from nowhere, seemingly of magical origin, and Audi's face was revealed. "I recognize you. The girl my sweetheart kept as a pet before her unfortunate death. You two think you can kill me?" Osmodai inquired with roaring anger. A rush of magic hit them both, dropping Kavika and Audi to their knees. Their control over their bodies was gone, as if they'd become puppets. "Words cannot express how much I hate that woman's name. I'm glad Svanna is getting raped by Korgoth. It's all the woman deserves for her genocide. Kavika, you're a mystery, but you're a spawn of that woman. No matter how bound you are, I won't underestimate someone who came from that human's womb."

Tass: "I wasn't... Nnnn... Planning on trying," Kavika grunted uncomfortably. Well, it's not like everyone had to like her, even if they did oppose Korgoth. "That makes two of us. Let me guess, she led attacks against your people until there were almost none of them left?" she continued, not struggling to stand so much struggling to hold still. "I hate my mother, have done so since I was little, and it's mostly for things like that. And the comparisons, which haven't gotten any less old after the hundredth time. It's not the first time I've had to deal with the fallout of her atrocities, and I'm not saying she doesn't deserve a good bit of payback for her crimes, against you and plenty of others. I'm not going after Korgoth purely for her, or even mostly for her."

RJ: "I was fortunate enough to not face her, but I know enough to respect a threat." Osmodai replied. "But, now that I have you in the palm of my hand, old Osmodai is going to get the best form of honesty." He declared, before putting his hand on Kavika's head. Then, she'd feel him trying to invade her mind, prodding at her memories while Audi cried out. "Kavika! Let her go you fucking demon pig!" She snarled, desperately trying to break the spell cast on her before Osmodai simply looked at her, and Audi's eyes went blank for a moment as she looked to relax. Then, Osmodai focused on Kavika, invading her mind.

Tass: "Calm, Audi!" Kavika said, frowning, and with a scowl the huntress turned her eyes up to look at Osmodai, "look, don't touch." And then she eased her resistance just a tad, letting him find what he was looking for. He would find plenty of cruelty on Svanna's part toward Kavika, and not a whole lot to create affection. That she was facing Korgoth would likewise become fairly obvious, and he would let him see more or less what he liked so long as she didn't feel any images changing while he prodded around.

RJ: He only looked for Svanna for just a moment. Rather, it seemed he was feeling for her life actions. Her choices, and effects on the world around her. He saw her in the Red Army village. He saw her spare Luxanna's life. He saw her mate with a wolf and give birth to its' pups. He saw her free the savage minotaurs from captivity, which was the one thing he didn't seem to entirely disagree with, but her circumstances made him ignore it. After learning so much, Osmodai sat down cross legged in front of Kavika, as she'd feel her limbs freed, and herself sitting on her heels. "So, you're here to seek alliance." Osmodai said, now aware of her purpose. "Yet, you seem ready to clump us in with the Red Army. Forces to eleminate after Korgoth's demise? Just to use us for now?" he interrogated her.

RJ: As he said that, Kavika would find him constructing what seemed to be a ritual circle around her. She felt suddenly an inability to tell lies.

RJ: (Not that she can't lie, she just feels that it won't be effective)

Tass: "Yes," Kavika said simply to his question about allies, remaining in place. His interrogative tone and his accusations didn't exactly make her feel better, however, and when he constructed a circle of magic around her that would prevent her from lying she scowled harder. That wasn't ideal, but really nothing about this situation was, and she hadn't any need to lie at that point anyway. "Yes," she repeatedy, but then explained, "I was introduced to you as slavers, told to be cautious, and then saw that you had conquered a tribe whom I would have looked to for assistance against Korgoth, seemingly enslaved them. I had no details, and more than a few good reasons to think ill of you before I had met you, for which I owe no apologies. A few revelations have made me shift my thoughts on the matter, gradually, as new information is presented." >>

Tass: "My most pressing goal is Korgoth's elimination, and that is because he seeks the genocide of my people. If he had his way, he would enslave us all and then breed us out of existence. He is a slaver, a brute, and a poisonous man who would reduce all around him to the most base and primitive state of survival of only those most martially able. He also has an army and a not insignificant amount of personal power, unfortunately, so I can't exactly pick and choose my allies as much as I might like. So, yes, I planned on using you and yours against Korgoth, just as I intended on using the

Tass: Red Army. Olga and her ilk would be just as bad, if not worth, as they would seek out and slaughter everyone and everything that doesn't fit into their narrow worldview. Genocide of nonhumans and genocide of humans are equally repulsive in my mind, but Korgoth is presently the bigger threat, so if I could not turn the Red Army from their path after the orc lord is beaten, I would have no choice but to eliminate them. They would, after all, be seeking to kill me. Looking at you, and seeing a view of your operation from one who hates your race on principle and from one who doesn't know you, I saw very little immediate difference between how you operate and how Korgoth operates. That has since changed, since more actual facts have become available."

RJ: "So, your view has changed? We still use slaves, Kavika. We even sold one to Doran." he pointed to the goblin who was sitting with a worried expression. "But I have no need for genocide. It is merely that as more demons are born into this world around me, under my care, ready to serve me, I cannot let them starve. So, I invade, and lay claims. The willing are welcome and appreciated, but most are not. Thanks to Freyda, I can rest in this town and not invade others. The supplies they have are also useful to my brother. But there are certainly others out there, hungry, who need to feed. What say you, Kavika?"

Tass: "Not all of your kind need to feed as such," Kavika remarked, "and I know you are able to control your fertility, often go for long periods of time without feeding if you don't use magic, and more than capable of finding energy without having to pillage and rape for it. I find slavery repugnant, but given that my own people have practiced it for centuries I don't think I'll have much luck with that particular crusade. I am not looking to eliminate all slavers from these lands, and when Korgoth is dealt with you will have his followers to prey upon rather than my people, at least in the short term. I will say, however, that you need not invade anyone to get what you need. That everyone tries to get what they want by taking it from someone else by force is hardly a sustainable model."

RJ: "Then, if we need something, you'll provide? If I'm to understand friendships correctly, that's how it works. We aid one another. Which means that if after a battle, my forces need a refuel, you'll provide?" he inquired. "Or, is the thought too... I liked that word you used, repugnant?"

Tass: "You just looked into my head," she replied flatly, again slightly annoyed, "you should know the answer to that. It's not even a deal that I've only made once. I can't promise that me and mine will have that much to spare, and I don't force any of my people to do anything that they don't like, including sex, but I would do what I can to provide."

RJ: "Alright then... So, here comes the big question. Where is your base located? I looked into your head and saw you with a demon, but you hardly ever seem too enthusiastic. I don't know how you feel, personally. I'd rather know you... Very well, before I see you depart. If I know where your base is, we can also engage in trade, something I'm sure your isolated location needs desperately."

Tass: That was unenthusiastic? And of course, there was what she'd expected, the want for sex. Kavika didn't even blush, and slowly withdrew her map and showed him where her base was. As she did so, however, she pointed to the strange fortress they had passed on the way here and said; "Do you know what this is? We passed it on the way here." After that, she would say; "We have a large group of mercenaries with us as well, who probably have more wealth than we do. Trade would be appreciated, even if we do have little besides what we can take from the wilds and those that we hunt."

RJ: Osmodai nodded, though also found the location interesting. "Odd, that's right within our territory. Rather close too. I'll have to ask my brother about it, probably his doing." he said, fairly assured that was the reason. "As well, your army could certainly use greater numbers. Our slaves that we have are for you to purchase. You can do whatever you like with them." he stated. Past that, knowing the location of her base, and fairly sure of her character, Osmodai broke the ritual circle with his hand and stood up, offering a hand to Kavika to help her up as well before Audi shook her head. "W-what? Wait... What happened?" she questioned, as if she had been unconscious the whole time.

Tass: "So you don't know of it? Strange," Kavika said, surprised "I was planning on going to look at it on the way back, but if you'd prefer I not do that, I will respect it." She accepted the hand up, and though she didn't personally plan on buying any of Osmodai's slaves, she didn't bother to let that fact be known. Audi shaking off his mental pacification brought a slight smirk to her face, and Kavika simply said; "I am afraid we settled on an agreement. You won't be fighting any demons any time soon." Turning back to Osmodai, she continued; "What is your brother's name, and should I go and see him as well?"

RJ: "His name's Agares. Love him to death." Osmodai said with a grin. "He doesn't let anyone but those he trusts enter his chambers though. If you wanna meet him, I can take you there. You'll get a free pass. You'll also probably have to talk to him if you want to establish a serious alliance."

RJ: "By the way, you also wanted some of that drug? We've still got some left over, but there's just one bad thing. I kind of already put it all over myself to enjoy a night with Freyda. I was told something about withdrawal something or other, but I haven't encountered any of that since I started using it a while ago. Must just only work on you mortals."

Tass: "I know a succubus who is immune to it entirely," Kavika said simply, "maybe that's it, or maybe you just take it often enough. Though the effects are severe, I only begin to suffer the really negative effects after a long while without taking it." His announcement that he was covered in the drug didn't help matters. Her mouth began to water, and her gaze flitted wide eyed back down to his cock, but she managed to force it back up while fighting off the craving that rose up for the wretched substance. "I'd like to meet with your brother... As soon as I can. It's alright that you're out of the drug, I'll live a little long without it."

RJ: "Alright then. I can make a special trip. Stay in town wherever you'd like. I'm actually at my limit now, had this stuff on me for a while, and I didn't quite get to finish with Freyda." he explained.

Tass: "Uhhh.... Alright then," Kavika said, and then bowed. She resisted the urge to lunge on his dick and lick it clean. With that, she would take Audi and Doran and depart, unless Osmodai had anything else to say for some reason. Once they were outside, Kavika would sigh heavily and give herself a slow shake.

Tass: "That.... Might not be good," she said heavily, wearily, and shook her head.
Re: The Great Hunt (Tassadar) GM'ed by MAF

Getting Laid for Free Rent: Kavika Economics

RJ: "Don't let me stop you. Everyone noticed how you were looking at his dick." Audi said, seeming a bit fumed. "If you need more of the drug, you already know where it is. Though I understand why not. I'd never let that giant pig cork me." Audi said with disgust. Doran silently walked behind the two women.

Tass: "Really don't need that kind of talk right now Audi," Kavika said flatly, while looking among the camp. Someone would have extra space, and she could pay for it. First, however, they would need something to eat, fuel for Doran, and maybe she could look around and get a better idea of how people were doing around here, demon and slave alike. "Doran, have you ever stayed here before? Is it all tents?"

RJ: Much like Kavika's own camp, there were plenty of huts around. It might as well be a reorganization and expansion upon her previous home. There were also a few new structures, mostly towers seemingly of demon design to keep a lookout for the town. "No, never stayed here before... Twas just a visit, really."

RJ: "Wherever we stay, we'll likely end up sucking the dick of whoever owns the place as payment. Let's just get it over with." Audi said.

Tass: "Or they'll end up sucking yours," Kavika remarked flatly, "yes, we'll have to just... Pick at random. Maybe someone will just accept money in a reasonable amount." She would look at the larger huts first, trying to find the occupants and asking after lodgings for the night.

RJ: Asking around, a fair few refused politely, claiming to be full. As she searched, the familiar demon who frisked her before approached, smiling. "Looking for a place to stay?" he inquired. "Plenty of room, warm beds. I've got some food too." he offered.

Tass: Kavika looked blankly at him, pondering refusing on principle, but then sighed. No sense being rude. "Yes, alright" she replied, and would then follow the demon back to his home.

RJ: As promised, it was a warm home. Clearly he was a bachelor and his eyes were set on Kavika and her friend. He didn't seem cruel to Doran either, even clearing out a messy desk so as to allow Doran some study space, apparently aware of the inventor's needs. "There you go, buddy." the black haired demon said encouragingly to Doran. "Much obliged." Doran said, happy to make that space his own and lay out some of the plans he had for Ronkan. Meanwhile, the demon wrapped an arm around Kavika's shoulder. "So, what can I do for you?" he inquired.

Tass: "We only need a place to stay for a day. We can pay for it, and for food," Kavika replied, not shying away from the embrace. "In coin, but I suspect that I know what you'd prefer," she added casually, her tone making it clear that she wasn't against such an idea. Prostitution wasn't exactly glamorous, but Kavika would do what she had to, and this demon wasn't the worst she'd met. He at least gave Doran a place to work, and was hospitable enough.

RJ: "Coin is fine. The other is fine too." the demon stated. "The one I prefer is obvious, of course. What do you prefer?" he inquired, the smell from him one Kavika was slightly familiar with. The wolves had it. Smelling him and being near him seemed to build up a slight desire for sex. This was perhaps helped as the man produced something amazing. "How much do you love me?" the demon said with a grin as he produced a dose of the drug. It was small, but it was there. "I've heard a lot about you, Kavika. Was planning on being the bringer of the good word when I found you and offered this. Then you just show up out of the blue. I love the mistress of coincidence~" he chuckled.

RJ: "Plus, who isn't apart of the bandwagon of 'people who want to fuck the daughter of Svanna'?" he chuckled further.

Tass: Kavika was uncertain how she was going to answer, even though the honest answer was coin, when the demon suddenly produced the vial of drug. It was small, but her eyes widened and her body tensed excitedly at the sight of it, and Kavika started panting softly. "You..." she started, but then couldn't find words to continue. It was what she wanted, needed, but Kavika didn't want to be at this demon's mercy while under its effects. In truth, she'd sort of been relying on having Doran to work out her frustrations, or at least Audi, but this was too much of an opportunity to pass up. After a dew moment's deliberation, she simply nodded and looked up at the demon. "What is your name? And.... What is your price?"

RJ: "It's yours." He slipped the drug into her pocket. "As a token of peace. Now... If I tell you my name, do you promise to keep it a secret?" he asked with a sly grin.

Tass: "Uhhh... Sure, I'll keep it a secret."

RJ: "My name is Agares. Surely you've heard of me before~" he said, seeming to take pride in being a bit of a smartass.

Tass: "Uhhh.... Osmodai's brother?" she asked quietly under her breath, mildly confused.

RJ: "We have a winner! Indeed, but I'm incognito right now." he stated. "No one knows who I am, all they know is that I'm a guy named Sam. Not even my own brother recognized me. I slipped out of my domain under the pretense of having a month-long orgy in order to meet with you, Kavika."

Tass: "....You know I'm going to see... You... Tomorrow, right?" she asked, thinking that the man might be messing with her.

RJ: "... Pardon?" He blinked. "Uh... It'll probably be fine." he said, tapping his lip for a moment. "I'll worry about that later. I suppose we'll talk in full once we get there. It'll also allow me to give you a tour of my fortress!" he said with enthusiasm. "Oh, but beware of the maids. They look unassuming, but they're quite strong. They're my elite guard." he announced. "Your best fighters are women wearing skimpy maid clothes?" Audi inquired. "Why... Yes!" Agares replied. "They've got the best arsenal I have!" he followed up. Audi folded her arms. "So they have the best your army has to offer, and they sit within your fortress doing fuck-all?"

RJ: Agares looked stunned by what Audi was saying, so stunned that he was struck silent.

Tass: "I'll...." She was about to say "keep that in mind" but Audi cut him off with her appraisal of his tactics. Well. That was blunt, if true, but Kavika didn't have the heart to tell her of for her bad manners. "Well..... Maybe that's not the best use of them," she said diplomatically, "but it's not like we have the right to tell you how to run your group."

RJ: "Ah, well, I see your point, but there's also the persistence with my protection." he replied. "I suppose I should try to get some of them out there." he said. He seemed to take the blunt criticism rather well. "Well... Nevermind that. Welcome to my home! I'm actually rather proud of my cooking. Come on and rest, enjoy yourself. If you want to use the drug, my private room is in the back. You might want to bring someone in there with you though..." He said, though didn't suggest anyone in particular, even though the flirtatious look he gave her said he was very interested in being picked. Doran over at his desk, broke the tip of the feather he was using to write when he had heard it, looking flustered. yet another interested candidate.

Tass: Well. Shit. If he wasn't such a fool, at least by appearances, Kavika might have thought that she was being manipulated by the demon's apparent kindness. On the one hand, riding Doran was innately more appealing, particularly when she was in that vulnerable moment. On the other hand, the Agares was being far too kind about it for her to not feel bad about not picking him to be the one to relieve her, and it was his house and his bedroom after all. It actually took a moment's deliberation, but then Kavika opted to simply not decide right now. "Food first, then I'll think about who's getting laid," Kavika said, before moving over to sit with Audi for a minute.

RJ: Agares actually laughed at what Kavika said, seeming very amused. "The way you worded that... Ha... It's funny to me." he said, managing to calm himself down from the chuckling. "I'll get the food ready." he said, heading to cook up some meat stored with some ice to keep it fresh. Sitting with Audi, the assassin glanced over at Kavika. "... Okay, maybe the picture I had in my mind of the leader of demons was a bit different."

Tass: "Yup," Kavika said back, doubting she could keep from being overheard but keeping her voice low anyway. "Just a bit.... I don't know though, I at least didn't have much besides Isaac to base my assumptions on."

Tass: "Think he's telling the truth?"

RJ: "He could be lying. But why bother? What's in it for him? He also seemed to know who you were. He could be lying, but I don't see him gaining a lot from it, unless he decides to do something suspicious."

Tass: "Exactly.... Why lie?" Kavika asked, for that in itself was the most dangerous question. Why lie indeed. It seemed mad to do so, irrational, but in a situation like this, Kavika didn't believe for a second that she had all of the pieces, even as straightforward as Agares was seemingly being.

RJ: "I feel we don't know enough about Agares to be understanding this one's motives." Doran said, sitting next to them. "Sneaking out, being silly and flirtatious. I'd never met the man myself, nor heard of him, other than his neutral attitude of wanting nothing to do with Korgoth's desire to rule, nor the plight of those he attacks. However, that seemed to change, as he now wages war with Korgoth, though only enough to keep Korgoth's advancing forces at bay."

Tass: "Mmmmmm, we do lack for information, don't we? Demons...." Kavika shook her head, but then amended, "present company excluded of course." The huntress fell into a brooding silence for a moment or two, frowning while Agares cooked for them, and then simply shook her head. She wouldn't puzzle it out like this. Perhaps he was just mad? That was always an option. Shrugging, she would wait until their meal was ready, eat, and then ponder again who she was going to invite to help relieve her of the effects of the drug, one way or another.

RJ: The food came out, but before it did, the smell came forth. Seasonings, smelled like onions of all things, and garlic, pepper, and other smells Kavika's nose couldn't immediately identify. The scent was juicy, thick, and made everyone in the room hungry. Even Audi looked barely able to maintain her grumpy face as she salivated for some good food. When it came out, Agares walked out with a silver platter and wearing an apron that read, "Kiss the Chef" as he put the food onto the table to reveal a massive slab of steak. "That is a lot of meat!" Audi exclaimed, her hunger obvious. Agares winked at her. "Why thank you~" he cooed. "Shut up and give me a knife, clown!" Audi demanded. Laughing joyously, Agares presented everyone's eating tools, while everyone ate from the same plate, the first bites driving Audi and Doran mad with the desire to eat more.

Tass: Kavika, too, would be unable to suppress her hungry reaction at the smell and sight of the food, and she, too, wouldn't stop herself from absolutely gorging herself when it was presented in front of her. She'd thought that her increased appetite was an aspect of the withdrawal from the orc drug, her body needing more energy to fight the insatiable need for it, but that was only an assumption on her part. She would cut a fairly sizable chunk from the steak, though not so much that she would deny anyone else their share, and then artfully cut it into mouthful sized bites, chewing each one, savoring the taste, and then swallowing only to replace it with another chunk of meat after drawing a quick breath. Her meal was gone within minutes, and Kavika let out a contented sigh when it was all gone, for she would have no mercy upon the leftovers until the steak was down to nothing but bone and gristle. When it was over, however, Kavika found that she had a fairly difficult choice to make, and then sat and sipped at a glass of water for a few minutes while deliberating internally.

RJ: Everyone, including Agares, leaned back after a fine meal. Indeed, nothing but bones left, and everyone looked rather content with their full bellies. "Indeed... A fine chef you are, Agares." Doran nodded. "You are a genius in your own right." he complimented him. "Coming from you, that means a lot my friend~" Agares said with a grin. Audi grunted as well. "So, demons can be great chefs. At least they're good for something." she said, causing Agares to chuckle. "I'm glad you enjoyed it, my dear." With that, Agares announced he'd be off to add more fuel to the chimney so as to keep the house warm, leaving Kavika with the choice that night.

Tass: And then she could delay no more, leaving Kavika frowning while Agares added more fuel to the fire. If it came down to who she'd rather fuck, the obvious answer was Doran, for he had proven nothing but honorable in regards to her while Agares still inspired suspicion given the sheer irrational nature of his actions. She trusted Doran more, and even if Agares would be the better partner she would be in a very vulnerable state, something that the demon would be able to take easy advantage of. If Agares wished to ensnare her mind while she was under the effects of the drug, Kavika doubted that she would be able to offer any resistance, at least at first, and the grave threat to her soul was another matter worth considering. Even with all that stacked against him, however, there was still the matter of her responsibility as a guest. He had taken them into his home, after all, and even if he assured them that he would accept coin for his efforts she knew what he would prefer. >>

Tass: She had had long enough to deliberate, however, and so with a smooth motion Kavika rose. Holding a hand out to Audi, she waited for the assassin to accept what she held, the small bottle of drug, and then turned to shoot an apologetic look at Doran. A less dangerous, though hardly safe solution to all of her problems. Doran would have to wait for his reward, even if it felt more and more like she was using him. Quickly washing away her tight expression and putting a completely neutral one in its place, Kavika moved behind Agares and tapped the demon on the shoulder. When he looked to her, she simply gestured with her head toward his bedroom door and quirked an eyebrow.

RJ: Taking the drug, Audi looked at Kavika with a curious glance, while the drug seemed to roll down her wrist and vanish entirely into her robes. Doran was also curious as to her actions. When she approached Agares, the demon looked up at her with a wide smile, but her silent disposition seemed to make him curious. "So silent, and so mysterious, so suddenly!" he gestured, laughing a bit while looking to the two others to see if they were amused as he. They were not. So, his grin faded, and he seemed to think for a moment. A bit of distrust seemed to come from the man himself, but one look at Kavika's serious nature and he seemed to have no interest in acting on those thoughts. He rose and smiled to Doran and Audi. "Just a moment, yes?" he requested approval of his absence, which the two gave silent acknowledgment to. Agares followed Kavika until they found their way to his main bedroom. Once there, Agares still held a smile, but it was a businesslike smile. "Yes?" he inquired towards her once they were alone. "What concerns do you have that I may address, my dear?"

Tass: "Debts.... In a manner of speaking," she said, her voice carefully kept from being cool even if she failed to make it as sultry as she'd intended. She casually removed her cloak, followed by undoing the fastenings of her armor. "It was what you want, yes? You have performed your duties as host admirably.... And I was going to get laid tonight either way. Just do one thing for me if you can... I know demons can avoid it, so.... Don't sire a child in me, if you can help it."

RJ: Interest from his eyes was unavoidable as the strip tease begun, though as she spoke further, Agares gave her a concerned look. "Why did Doran and your other friend need be kept in the dark about this? If you planned on getting laid tonight, then with whom? And why not them?" he said with concern, before stepping forward, and putting a hand on her shoulder. "... Are you ashamed of doing this?"

Tass: "Because it's an easy manner of paying my debt as a guest, for myself and for my companions, and because you make me... Curious," she replied, and then simply shook her head earnestly. "No, merely concerned. I can ill afford to take things at face value these days, even if you have by all appearances been fairly straightforward with me. Even so, I am willing.... Eager, you might say," as she finished, Agares would find his hand grasping bare skin as the archaic armor that she wore slid away, smoothly slipping down her form to reveal the full breasts that he had been holding earlier that day under the pretense of searching her, their tips hardening from chill and excitement. Her only other clothes were her trousers and the panties she wore beneath them, which for now Kavika left on as she awaited the demon's response. "I trust you at least enough to fuck your brains out. Is that not enough?" she said dryly, not even trying for outright seduction and instead hoping that her frankness would be effective.
Re: The Great Hunt (Tassadar) GM'ed by MAF

Giant Demon Cock​

RJ: Agares slowly nodded, his grin widening. "Aaaah... So, you think that I might be lying about who I am. Well, there are ways I can prove it to you, you know. Though the methods are rather attention grabbing to be sure, and I'd rather not let my people know I wasn't at the castle lest they start realizing their leader walks among them while they ignore my orders." he declared. "Much like that fool who shat on my desire for a prison for our enemies and turned it into a maze of some kind, or at least that's what I thought I saw when the rubble was being cleared out." He referenced to the time Kavika was in the Minotaur Maze. "But that's then, this is now... I cannot think of any reliable way to prove to you what you doubt, but I cannot refuse your offer either..."

RJ: So, with a grin, he approached Kavika, and put one hand to her left breast, pinching it lightly and letting her feel the sensation of having her soul gently nipped away, losing barely anything but still giving her the sensation of it. Meanwhile, his other hand wrapped around her back, holding her to him so that their noses were touching. His excitement clearly evident as Kavika felt his stiffness against her crotch through his pants. "I'll have to have one of the women around here made to give Doran a good time. Can't stand the thought of leaving him out."

Tass: "He'll get his turn," Kavika purred reassuringly, her pink tip naturally hardening further at the light attention. Her lips were left parted invitingly after she spoke, and while one hand settled onto the demon's hip the other ventured just a little further down, finding the hardness she felt rubbing against her crotch through their clothes and deftly gliding against it, her fingers applying added pressure when she found the tip and slowly working back and forth over the first inch or so of the demon's cock. Her eyes were half closed already, and if Agares took advantage of her offered kiss she would close them entirely, her canine ears twitching softly while her tail gently swished back and forth, its soft hairs occassionally tickling the arm he had wrapped around her.

RJ: Agares accepted the kiss, pushing forward to take her lips, his assertiveness making Kavika take steps backwards, towards the more comfortable bed. One hand of his got a handful of her behind as they kissed, one hand running along the back of her head, through her crimson hair and tickling her canine ears. His other hand only spent a moment enjoying her wide, juicy bottom through the fabric of her pants before Kavika acquired the full scale of Agares' length. It didn't seem like it would ever stop getting 'more excited', as it's size reached a point where his own clothes had to be removed. With a chuckle, he sat Kavika down on the bed before letting his clothes fall to show her a size meant for a minotaur.

RJ: "What size fits you best, my dear Kavika?" he inquired, as if suggesting he could make it even bigger, but mostly implying that he could let it be whatever size he wanted.

Tass: Giving encouraging murmurs into the demon's mouth as he moved things along at a fine pace, groping her plump rear and holding her into the kiss, the occasional touch of his fingertips against the base of her ears causing them to twitch while a noticeable blush appeared on her cheeks. When she was pushed back onto the bed, Kavika quickly got an eyeful of the tool that would no doubt soon find its way into her pussy as Agares removed his pants, and there was nothing if not approval in the way that she looked upon his practically monstrous member. "What size? That looks like it'd fit more comfortably in a horse," she said dryly, but if the smile and the way that her legs drew apart invitingly didn't reveal her true thoughts, what she said as she slid her pants and panties up her toned legs, revealing glistening pink crevice between her generous rear cheeks, surely would; "Can you make it bigger?

Tass: Whether he took her words as a jest or not, Agares would quickly enough find the huntress on the floor at the foot of the bed, her opened mouth and tongue applied to the latter half of his rod while she looked up at him with a mix of curiosity and lust in her eyes.

RJ: Agares smiled, and while looking at Kavika, he sighed with a chuckle. "Of course, how foolish of me. I forgot who I was dealing with. Nothing but my true form would please you." he said, speaking as if he was naive to think anything less would make Kavika happy. As she kneeled before him, ready to play with his length after removing all of her clothing, the demon began a most overpowering transformation. His thin form bulged, muscles thickening as if he had the power to change the structure of his body so immensely that he could grow in size and mass. His small horns erupted from his skull into tall, deadly horns, even growing four more so that he seemed to have a demonic 'crown' over his skull. His size nearly doubled, rising over Kavika to such a degree that would make the minotaurs look up at him. He had to actually take a knee to avoid breaking the house with his new form. More horns erupted from his shoulders, and all along his spine. Two more just above his eyebrows, and a long spaded tail that looked thick enough to count as a fat cock, even looking suited to be as much.

RJ: His length had grown in massive size as well, one that looked capable of raping a dragon if the fancy so took him. Now in his new form, and his towering length in front of her with massive balls just at the end, the far more imposing and threatening Agares smiled a most dangerous and toothy looking grin. "I am Agares, my dear Kavika. And I have fucked a dragon."

Tass: Kavika watched the transformation taking place before her eyes in awe and steadily rising terror, and even though she didn't expect to have to fight the gigantic demon, it was still a humbling moment to see just how badly outclassed she would be if things came to blows. Well, at least she was now sure of his identity. Huge, and horny in more ways than one, and standing so tall that he was forced to crouch to avoid breaking through the ceiling, and Kavika was on her knees at his feet.... And had to actually stretch up a hand so that she could feel his massive tool. "Lets see if I can compare," she replied dryly, now much more in her element even though she was so far out of it. This was, after all, going to be a challenge. She couldn't hope to get her mouth over the thing entirely, but Kavika's mouth clamped over the tip anyway as she stood back up, letting him feel her lips and tongue on his gigantic tool while her tongue began to swirl. Bringing one hand up to caress one of his massive balls, the other gathered up her breasts and brought them up to squeeze them around his shaft. >>

Tass: Wrapping him in her pillowy flesh, Kavika began to pump her chest up and down along his length while licking Agares' titanic rod wherever she could find a sensitive spot, intent on finding out just how much she was about to be filled by licking up a bit of his pre.

RJ: Taking on the task of pleasuring his length, Kavika would find that she was truly up against a demon ruler. Not just his scent, but attempting to pleasure the massive cock was a task most would have to call help for, and likely have according to the fact that he happens to keep many women around. His cock was the first that her breasts could not wrap around entirely. The giant red tool with a purple tip throbbed powerfully in the wake of her touch. Each pump of pre forth from his tip was like receiving a whole load from a normal human being. As her mouth licked the tip, a single throb later and her mouth was overflowing with cum. While her soft, white breasts smoothed up and down along his length, the pre continued to ooze forth, getting onto Kavika's body, and within the time of a few minutes, her entire body was soaked in his cum while he never even was brought to climax. "There was no point in leaving things unsaid, Kavika." Agares declared. "While I'm fucking you, what's happening will be made clear." he stated. >>

RJ: His cum, as it turns out, was strangely addicting. Soon enough, Kavika found herself a slave to its taste. Her feminine juices were overflowing with desire as Kavika was at the mercy of demonic temptation. In fact, this was all very familiar to her. In so many ways, it was like the drug itself. So much so that she found her desire vanishing! "This was part of what I wanted to inform you, Kavika. You can feel it, yes? Indeed, the drug's origins came from a demon." he announced. "Though, the very demon linked to all this, I know nothing about them. I'm sure that helps you, yes? Indeed... I think a deserve a reward for it as well!" he chuckled. "I can help you so much, Kavika... What say you and I become... Partners? In a most binding sense..." he chuckled. "I'm all you need, Kavika... Keep drinking, my dear~" he encouraged her, using his large hand to put her lips to the tip of his cock.

RJ: "Power, relief, Korgoth destroyed, everything you want, Kavika... No, everything you NEED! I want to give it all to you. But what I want in return... Is to forever be your closest friend~" he cooed. "Are you willing to make a deal with the devil, my dear?"

Tass: That taste.... That feeling burning in her stomach, in her loins.... It was familiar, and Kavika would make the connection quickly enough as her craving eased the more she drank of the pre that Agares seemed all too eager to release, so much of it leaked out onto her that it coated her breasts and even leaked down her body. Some of it ended up on her cheeks, but the more she drank the more she needed to taste it, and soon Kavika's mouth scarcely left the slit from which the addicting liquid was leaking. Even as hard as she tried, Kavika couldn't please the entire thing with just her breasts, and her loins were aching to feel this massive tool inside of her... But then Agares spoke, offering her something that set off warning bells in her mind. Her licking stopped after a moment, her mouth hesitantly pulling away, but her breasts never stopped pumping along his shaft. She tried to resist, to speak, but then he forced her mouth down again and her lips were suckling up the potent goo anew. >>

Tass: For another few moments that was all she could do, suckling down the fluid that ate away at her ability to resist the demon's offer, that made her hunger for him to simply take her as he saw fit. But some nugget of herself that was inured to Agares' poison as surely as it was to Korgoth's drug fought back, and again she would pull away, her head fragile like an egg in the gigantic demon's grip. "You would have me.... Claim my soul, feed on me as you willed.... Take me... Fuck me.... Breed me?" she said, barely managing to remain coherent. "I... Won't belong... To anyone.... Even with your candied words, you would own me....." she continued, and then suddenly rose, and planted herself on the bed with her legs spread wide, her pink crevice drooling with anticipation. "Stop talking.... And hurry up and fuck me!"

RJ: "That's a slave." he said. "What I want..." he began, lining his length up with Kavika's pussy while shifting forward to put his hands over the bed, his massive form towering over her like a massive beast ready to plow into her smaller form, despite Kavika's size. "IS A REAL WOMAN!" he declared, wanting Kavika in all her might to be his. Still proud, still free, victorious over Korgoth. She could feel his desires as their souls linked, his massive rod splitting her open and taking her on the bed. He could feel his soul wrap around hers, but it wasn't taking it. He wasn't stealing her soul away in an instant, as she felt he most likely could. It was an offer that whispered to her as his large cock entered her only half-way before she could take no more. He ferociously raped her, abusing her pink folds while the sounds of their copulation could no doubt be heard via the sounds of his giant cock slamming into her pussy alone. >>

RJ: Her breasts bounced wildly from the fast and ferocious sex. The demon Agares gripped her legs like handles, bringing her closer so that he could slam into her and work his way towards fully taking her. It was as aggressive and powerful as one might expect a demon to be, but to destroy her mind and tame it was something he wasn't pursuing. Instead, it was a constant, aggressive attempt at her willingness. "Your will is something I respect, Kavika! I thought I made that clear!" Agares announced. "I want the most precious thing you have to give!!!" he declared, before giving her further hints as to what that was through his aggressive mating. Thrusting so fast that Kavika could hardly breathe, forced to focus and take the large cock inside of her, relentlessly pounded until he decided they were done. Though as short a time he fucked her, Kavika was already at the point of climax. Rather than plow through her and make her mind go blank with pleasure, he stopped, leaving her on the brink while mad with lust. >>

RJ: "Come the death of Korgoth. Never turn on me. When this war is over, we will be together. Allies. And lovers. Give me your everything, Kavika, and I will give you mine."

RJ: He, the devil, announced his terms. What he wanted most of all from the strongest woman, was her heart.

Tass: An insect before a giant. That was how Kavika felt once Agares had buried himself inside of her, had sent pleasure coiling through her entire being as he filled her like no one ever had before, and had coiled around her soul. He could have consumed her in her entirety or simply enthralled her right then and there, and she could have done nothing to prevent it. Every thrust ripped away what little breath she could manage to bring in, building her up to a powerful peak but somehow not quite bringing her there as he stretched her more and more, burying himself deeper and deeper as her body stretched to contain his furious thrusts. The price and the offer he made, even in that state, managed to reach what little remained of her conscious mind. She couldn't breath, ensuring that her moans were nothing but silent gasps, bursting from her widely parted mouth as he hammered away at her helpless body. It was sex unlike anything she had experienced before, unlike anything that the human body was meant to have. >>

Tass: And Kavika could not deny it. Agares offered her an end to Korgoth's threat, and more of this.... And in exchange, she merely needed to become, in essence, one of his women. When the orc lord was fallen, she would be his, without conditions save that those he placed, but Kavika understood the threat in that offer even as he tried to knock away what little sense she still had using his cock. It would be so easy..... Just draw in a breath quickly..... Just say yes.... Just let him have you, and all of your pain and problems can go away, washed aside in indulgent ecstasy as she became Agares' plaything.... >>

Tass: "Nnnn~" she managed to make a sound, the sound that her will forced her to make, but then she was left dangling on the edge of her peak, hung like a worm on a hook, and again... All she needed to do was say yes. Give this demon her heart, and all she could ever want would be hers... Just sign over her soul and..... "Nnn... Nnnn.... Nnnnnnn...... No!" she managed to gasp, forced to call upon every ounce of will that she could muster even as her hips feebly pushed against the demon's cock, trying to get it to let her finish, demanding that final satisfaction. Were she not being driven utterly mad with arousal she might have offered a more eloquent response, but for now her refusal would have to do. It was all that she could say.

RJ: Agares became furious, but then looked calm. "I understand... Tis too soon. Or perhaps you still don't understand despite how clear I've been. As a slave, as a plaything... You're nothing, Kavika. What I truly want... Is like what my brother has with Freyda. I want you, Kavika. In all your glory." he announced. "I won't deny you, I'll show you how serious I am, my love." He said, before finally driving himself back inside of her, thrusting wildly, and making her explode with a powerful climax. But he kept thrusting. Powerful motions that were filled with all the passion of a demonic overlord. Eventually though, her body could only take so much pleasure before it became too much to take normally. Her true limits were being tested with the massive demon cock inside of her. With her latest climax, he finally drew out of her, leaving her feeling heavy now that she had a chance to draw full, normal breaths. >>

RJ: He sat on the bed, his cock still erect, looking down at Kavika. "I shouldn't expect to win you so soon, forgive my naive attitude, and allow me to prove it to you. Come, Kavika." she gestured for her to come and ride his dick. "Give me a chance. That's all that I ask. Give me one chance to earn your true affections, and I promise I won't disappoint."

Tass: Overwhelmed again, Kavika was pushed into the strongest orgasm she'd ever had, the only possible way it could have been stronger being if she'd had the added pleasure of feeling his seed spilling inside of her. Helpless before the demon's fury, she could only endure his powerful thrusts, but even though he quickly calmed Kavika found herself still having her brains fucked out. Another orgasm came soon enough, leaving her silently shuddering while her love honey sprayed out around the demon's rod, and then another. And another. Unconsciousness threatened her, but before the blackness closed in she felt him slide out, leaving her pussy gaping and her chest heaving as she tried to recover from the furious session. >>

Tass: Even so, Kavika recovered.... Somewhat. She found Agares' cock standing tall as he sat beside her, a beacon for her to focus on, and after a moment she forced her exhausted frame to move, to climb atop the demon and position her abused folds over the gigantic tool that her nearly broken her. "It isn't that...." she said, and then slowly slid down and unleashed a loud moan, a satisfying sound to hear from her own mouth as she descended as far as she could, until the head of his cock was again deep within her womb. "If I don't take it myself...." she began, and then unleashed another moan as she began to slowly buck her hips, leaving Agares' feeling every inch of it as her folds sucked on his colossal rod with all their might. "It doesn't... Even... Count!" she continued, and then her hips were rising and falling as quickly as she could make them move. "You want me..." she gasped slowly, barely able to keep getting the words out. >>

Tass: "You want to have me as your own... Your wife.... Then claim me. Feed from my soul... Drink from my breast.... Make me cum again and again.... Seed me with your child..... Claim me in every way you can! Make me long for you.... Make me dream of you even as I lie with others! Conquer me.... Not as you would a slave, but as one you would take as your wife~"

RJ: "Claim you... Again, you don't undestand! With your own approval, I WILL EARN YOU!" He declared, letting Kavika be the judge of his success, before she could feel it. The precum leaking into her pussy take on a different texture. It was fertile. Her desire to be seeded was heard, and he was ready to do the deed. She could feel him start to drink from her soul. Her essence being emptied slowly, but sparingly, so she'd last until the end, and be just aware enough to know he had done as she had asked. Her word was his command, all for the promise of her own devotion to him. He lunged forward, his passion wild and unstoppable. He looked as if should the whole village be on fire, he'd continue to fuck her and suck her breast despite it all. His lips sealed around her tip, eventually taking most of her breast into his mouth, sucking on it and licking it with his huge tongue. His hips thrusted wildly, while his hands gripped her ass, moving her up and down with even more ferocious passion than before. >>

RJ: Without her knowledge, his tail flipped around, and squirmed its way up Kavika's ass, toying with her rear entrance and giving her even more wild pleasures from her dirty hole. Kavika's legs were trembling uncontrollably as Agares began to succeed in what she demanded. The best partner she had ever had in her bed, the demon lord Agares. With her pussy being filled with gradually increasing precum, she felt bare increases of her libido being enough to keep her going. Even then, Agares took her by her mouth again, embracing her with his massive arms and locking her into a kiss, his mouth, filled with her milk, launched forth his tongue that also seemed to contain traces of the aphrodisiac that cured her hunger for the drug. Kissing him made her even more horny if only due to the nature of his existence. By the time the kiss broke, Kavika felt her vigor restored. With a smile, Agares seemed to know. He was going to keep Kavika horny for a long time.
Re: The Great Hunt (Tassadar) GM'ed by MAF

Distraction, Before Being Fucked Silly​

RJ: But then, the door slammed open, as if it was sealed. Audi, furious, looked at the scene. Kavika's back was to her. Her pussy stretched unbelievably by a massive demonic cock. The demon's fat tail stuffing itself into her asshole. Kavika's face warped in pleasure, whispering her desires to be fucked and impregnated. Audi wasted no time, but the Master was no match against the King. "No inturruptions." Agares said, before Audi was wrapped in black tentacles that bound her, holding her harmlessly still despite her protests. "Let her go, you bastard! I'll fucking murder you!" Audi exclaimed with hate, before Agares broke the kiss with Kavika, and drew out his cock enough to let Kavika speak for herself.

Tass: Kavika felt it, felt what her body naturally craved whenever her arousal hit its peak like it had now, the legacy of the beasts that had stolen her purity. She felt the demon's seed thicken, grow warmer as it was laced with sperm, sperm that would no doubt find an egg waiting for it was enough had been unleashed inside of her. She felt the natural aphrodisiac of it burning inside of her, making her crave more and more. At the same time he gave in to her every other demand, began siphoning away at strings of her essence while drinking from her mother's milk. He claimed that she didn't understand, but in truth, she did. The demon needed to feel like she'd given herself over willingly, like she'd chosen him. He didn't understand, however, that as much as he needed that, she had been raised to believe that she was a thing to be conquered, to be claimed, and that to do that this arena was more important than any other. >>

Tass: Her hips rose and fell, hastened by the urgings of his powerful hands as ecstasy left her mind molten with pleasure, her full body rapidly approaching its peak as she cried her pleasure towards the ceiling. Faster, and harder, and suddenly he was kissing her again, Agare's inhuman lips meeting her own, more of the aphrodisiac filtering into her system mixed with some of her milk, but she let it happen all the same. Energy of a different sort suffused her as the drug revitalized Kavika's lust, and the busty huntress began to furious buck herself up and down on the demon lord's rod as she sought to bring them both to their final completion. It was getting so close....>>

Tass: And then, of course, Audi had to interrupt. Kavika whined as the assassin burst in, turning her head to throw her a reproachful look, but on she came anyway. Even bound in tentacles that were deceptively harmless, she squirmed and thrashed for an escape, and Kavika sighed in frustration as Agares pulled out of her to let her calm the assassin. Panting heavily, her impending orgasm aborted when she was just on the cusp of it, the massive tool in her ass and the tail in her pussy having combined to leave her rising so high only to now come tumbling down in an entirely not-fun manner. Kavika sighed as soon as she could catch her breath in full and climbed off of Agares on shaking legs that could barely take her weight. "Dammit Audi..... I'm engaging in diplomacy here!" she said in annoyance, unsteadily crossing the room. She gently bopped the assassin on the nose, and then glanced at Agares and said; "Release her, if you please."

RJ: Released, Agares also looked rather upset that they were interrupted, but still looked respectful enough of his guest to keep his demeanor. "As I said, I'm fucking Agares! What did you expect to see, paranoid woman!?" the demon growled. Audi, released, looked to so desperately want an excuse to try her hand at killing him. "Kavika, he's probably taken over your mind already! I said demons couldn't be trusted and I meant it!"

Tass: "Hit me," Kavika said simply to Audi, crossing her arms over her ample, leaking chest. "In the head, right now. If he'd wanted to take over my mind, he would have by now, and probably yours too. Bloody look at him! If you think he has, then hit me over the head, attack him, and get wrapped up in tentacles again. You're smarter than that Audi. Honestly, while this was a huge risk, I needed to know where his intentions were........ And now I do. Mostly."

RJ: Audi looked frustrated. Her own prejudice from her own experiences were clearly fogging her mind. Still, Kavika's words reached her, the logic true, even as Audi noticed all the pre and her own lustful juices leaking from her pussy. Audi's face twisted in frustration, before her face blushed. She touched her face, to find that some of the precum had gotton on her face when Kavika flicked her. She looked to be getting slightly excited herself, and with the current situation, Audi seemed to find it best to withdraw. "Right... Then..." she said, walking backwards to leave the room.

Tass: "Wait," Kavika said simply but commandingly, and if Audi obeyed she would calmly intone; "Your prejudice is not unfounded, but you need to look at this from a practical perspective. We are outsiders here, very heavily outnumbered and outmatched, and it's not like I'm going to be staying for any length of time. Yes, his seed contains something like the drug, and yes that helps.... But I do recall that I have a war to win. Now, are we going to have any more problems right now?"

RJ: "I do not like your decision, but I have no choice but to accept it!" Audi said, a but frustrated that she was being held back, as clear evidence of her wetness showed itself on but a slight spot of her robe. "I have everything to gain from a most friendly relationship with my dear Kavika." Agares announced. "Audi, if I wished her a broken victim, what is the point? Only a pointless psycho would be happy. I like to think of myself as a psycho with a good point."

RJ: Agares said to Audi

RJ: Then, Kavika was free to do with Audi as she will.

Tass: Kavika wasn't sure that that last comment from Agres had been helpful, but even though she frowned, still she nodded, giving Audi permission to leave. When she did, Kavika would make sure that the door was closed before turning back to Agares and breaking out into an eager grin, her drug-induced lust burning brightly again as her entire body returned to its flushed state. "Now.... Where were she?" she cooed as she sauntered forward, steadily approaching the demon until she could again climb on top of him, only this time she planted her feet rather than knelt, and leaned back as she made her moaning descent, reaching down with both hands to cup his balls, massaging them, urging them to give her a big release that would leave her bloated and content.

Tass: Her legs were unsteady, but a couple hands on her plump rear could easily alleviate the uneven rhythm of her initial thrusts as she started bucking up and down once more, her folds fluttering around the demon's shaft with every pull upward that left her with an almost painful emptiness, and then squeezing like a vice every time he bottomed out into her. The intention possessed by the huntress was obvious by that point, and her warped body was ready. It was high time that she found out just how much Agares could cum.

RJ: Agares was pleased with her grin. To him it no doubt looked like progress as he welcomed her back, eagerly taking her and helping her get into position, his hands gripping her ass and moving her as he moved upwards, thrusting into her in the angle they both found to be the best choice. At the sight of her unsteady legs, one deep kiss and Kavika was rejuvinated despite her body telling her that she had gone beyond her limits as a human being. But her lust was unending so long as she was with Agares. Their sex rapid and never without a moment of rest, mind Audi's interruption. As she felt his balls, she could finally tell the signs were coming. That he was cumming. His massive balls throbbed, the largest load she'd ever taken coming forth, and with full fertility. As the suspense drew, he made her cum again, and again and again without cumming himself. Withholding his climax for just a little bit, until he confirmed her desire to be seeded. >>

RJ: Once he saw it, Agares licked his lips, before, in the first time since they began, he hilted inside of her. Her body stretched out painlessly as his lips stole her own. His balls throbbed in her hands. The sound of his cum shooting into her pussy audible from the sheer size of him. His thick, extremely fertile spunk doing the job of attacking her egg, leaving the potential doubtlessly realized as her belly inflated with his copious amounts of cum squirting into her en mass. Even as the excess cum erupted from the point of penetration, he was filling her faster than she could push it out, her well toned stomach bending to the excess spunk all while his tail grinded into her ass to stimulate her further, and his mouth stole her lips. Filled with an incredible amount, she had made the demon cum. The orgasm of her own that followed, now without Agares' influence to keep her going, left her feeling now completely limp. >>

RJ: Eventually, Agares pulled out of Kavika, a few more squirts coating her breasts and face before he set her down on the bed on her back, while he loomed over her, watching his excess seed ooze out of her, and her body deflate while pushing it out. With that, he gave her one last kiss, before smiling at her. "I have done as you asked, my dear."

Tass: "Yesssss~" Kavika moaned as she felt the orbs in her grip pulse, their virile seed readied to empty into her. It was easy, with that sensation and the anticipation that it inspired, for Agares to bring her to another peak... And then another.... And another. Every time her folds hungrily squeezed him, but he denied her, for reasons that she couldn't even begin to comprehend in that state. Every orgasm left her weaker, her body already well beyond its limit, but she went on regardless until, finally, she felt the first burst of liquid fire erupted into her glorious depths, prompting one last climax that left Kavika hanging limp as a ragdoll on Agares' dick, every remaining ounce of her energy reserved so that her sex could drain as much seed from the prick buried inside of her as it possibly could. >>

Tass: She bloated up, unsurprisingly, her taut stomach stretching to contain the seed that must inevitably take root inside of her, until she looked well beyond the ninth month of a traditional pregnancy. Her warped body strained to its limit to contain it all, and for a moment it seemed as if Kavika would literally burst at the seams, but then Agares pulled her off, his last few spurts landing on her chest and stretched stomach and painting her white, before she was flopped limply onto her back so that the excessive amount of his potent cum could drain out of her, leaking out into a puddle on the floor while she steadily drifted away from consciousness.
Re: The Great Hunt (Tassadar) GM'ed by MAF

Crolian Culture

RJ: Then, sleep... Kavika would feel a sensation of being submerged in wet water in her sleep, dreams of a nice warm bath to cleanse her and help her sleep well, before she awoke with Agares besides her in his hidden form, thin and about her own size. But they weren't alone together. Audi had nudged herself between him and her as if to protect Kavika, while Agares happly snuggled up behind the sexy assassin. Meanwhile, Doran was sleeping there as well, his back to Kavika's back, not making a sound as he rested. The first to wake up, Kavika found herself sleeping with all those whom she knew, who would soon awaken with a yawn, including Agares, who smiled at Kavika. "I shall make breakfast before seeing you off. Best to keep this a secret, Kavika. They mustn't know!" he encouraged her to keep his true identify unknown

Tass: "Uhhh.... Uhuh.... Uhhhh" Kavika grunted simplistically, though her nod would signal her agreement. Slowly, tiredly, she would clamber out of bed onto legs that still wouldn't properly support her, get dressed on unsteady legs, and then wait for breakfast. She still had to officially meet Agares, as far as his people were concerned, and that would probably be extremely awkward.... She'd have to give birth to his child there before she left as well. Or children. Shit, maybe that hadn't been the best idea in the world.... Kavika sighed. It was much too late now. She'd as much as felt his seed hit its mark before she'd passed out, and given how much there'd been she doubted that it had failed to perform as intended. Even despite the numerous complications that it created, the huntress couldn't bring herself to go for a potion to erase it this time, and inwardly she resigned herself to bearing a demon as her first truly intelligent offspring.

RJ: Audi and Doran gathered themselves together. As always, Agares' cooking was delicious. "I cook for my attendants and maids often times. I do believe half of them continue working for me simply due to my cooking alone~" he chuckled, and Doran tipped his hand, willing to believe it. Then, once the food was eaten, the trio would leave the house to find Osmodai well prepared for their trip. Freyda actually looked a little along the way with her own demon baby as she stood by the large orange demon's side, who chuckled at Kavika. "Hah! Wait till you meet him! He's a heck of a guy, I tell ya, Kavika!" he promised ignorantly, unaware of the truth. A guard looked prepared to accompany them, but Osmodai turned them down. "Protect this town. I'm more than enough protection for my wife and Kavika." the orange demon said with a flirtatious wink at Kavika.

Tass: While she ate, Kavika would be able to determine the changes taking place in herself. Her breasts had grown slightly, swollen with added milk to feed the child growing inside of her already, and though it was modest still she could feel that her stomach was slightly swollen already with the life growing within. It wouldn't be long before she bore his child, she knew, and the matter of how that would be explained would have to be figured out later. When they departed the demon lord's home to meet with his brother, Kavika found Freya even more swollen than she, obviously with a child of her own. Osmodai had prepared for their journey to the demon's castle, it seemed, and the huntress wouldn't seem bothered by the spurning of the guard who looked ready to accompany them. "Indeed.... We shall see," Kavika replied to the demon's enthusiastic work with a flat tone, hiding any signs of the truth and not even thinking about it should the demon be listening to her thoughts.

RJ: Indeed, her womb was growing with a demonic child. Agares quite a fertile one indeed to impregnate Kavika in their single intimate session. His words would linger in the back of her head as Osmodai got the preparations made for the trip. It seemed he had five large wagons prepared and ready to roll out towards Agares' castle. In the fluttering wind, Kavika would spot crates and materials in the rear most wagon. Seemed to be wood and stone mixed with iron bars. Building materials. Though she wouldn't get such a chance glance inside the other wagons unless she deliberately looked while Osmodai called in his own personal wagon. The largest of them all, looking large enough to fit an appropriately sized man such as him like a small house. It was a grand if albeit unholy design of engineering. It was pulled by ten corrupted horses, their eyes red and their body seemingly emitting black, shadowy fire without temperature, complete with tentacle appendages squirming from their backsides.

RJ: "Now~" Osmodai declared himself, "I encourage you all to partake in the enjoyment of the finest in traveling comfort." he said, gesturing to his own transportation. "Room for you all, but you may have to cuddle with each other a bit. Not cramped, but snug I say~" he said, not hiding at all his appreciation of Kavika as a woman in his presence. "But if that's no good, mayhaps you can share tents with one of the drivers of the wagons to stave off the cold... Especially bein' as you seem to be expecting!" Osmodai noted Kavika's slightly swollen belly. "Ah, just like a powerful one such as yourself to be prolific with your youth and life. You're the definition of a war lord!" Osmodai complimented Kavika's appearance and seeming status. "So, which shall it be? with us or with the others?" he inquired.

Tass: "I suppose the first night could be spent in yours," Kavika replied casually, "if it feels to cramp, we can always sleep elsewhere later." Building materials and something hidden, presumably slaves, which explained why they hadn't simply been flown or teleported to Agares' domain instead. The wagons were drawn by corrupted horses, rife with the signs of the magics that had forcefully warped them, but while she didn't particularly care for such corrupted creatures it wasn't really her position to pass judgement. She didn't offer any remark on the burly demon's appreciation for the fact that she'd been impregnated, keen to let it pass as much as was possible.

RJ: (Also, Kavika gained 939 corruption from the super intensive sex with Agares. It's a huge number and I'm sorry I'm so horrible ;3;)

RJ: "Very good! We shall set off immediately then! Unless you have further business, let's climb aboard and enjoy the ride!" Osmodai encouraged, letting all the ladies, and the goblin, go in first before the heavy demon stepped in himself. Indeed much like a small house, there was one place to sleep, a few places to sit, and some food stores for things ranging from snakes to preserved meals. "Hold on for a moment, momentum's a bitch!" Osmodai laughed, sitting down before the corrupted horse beasts outside began to pull the wagon, following the others. Once the momentum was going, Osmodai sat down on the large bed he had. Enough for everyone to snuggle together given it's room. Audi looked a bit disgusted to be sharing a space with him, while Doran secretly, yet quite obviously, was holding similar desires as Osmodai. He seemed like one of the last who'd protest snuggling up to Kavika, or Freyda for that matter.

RJ: Once the wagon was on the go, Osmodai fetched some liquir from the cabinets up front. The scent of which strong and making Kavika's vision blur just from a whiff. He sat back down, calling Freyda over to his side, as his hand happily found her rounded ass as she sat next to him. "So, Kavika, I must inquire. You seem to be disobeying Crolian customs. Word reaches me that you were married to a beast! Your little side of the snow hill respecting a custom where any crolian woman defeated obeys the one who defeated her as her husband. Did you break this tradition?" he inquired. And though Audi was disgusted by his words, she too was interested.

Tass: (Kavika is taking Keen Nose and is opting to add Fertile 1 as well.)

Tass: Keen to get underway, Kavika would climb into the house-sized carriage that was to be their temporary home. It did indeed seem built like a place that one could live in, the modest space dominated by a single massive bed that was the only place to sleep, though there were other places to sit. Kavika would brace herself at Osmodai's warning, not needing to sit like the massive demon since she was so much shorter, and once the carriage was rocking and rolling down whatever path it traveled Kavika would move to the bed and sit against it. Osmodai would plop down with a bottle of extremely potent smelling liquor, calling Freya to his side and then opting to bring up a most uncomfortable topic. The reminder of her defeat in her first true hunt against the corrupted boars still rankled, and how the demon could know of such a thing was a mystery she considered putting effort into solving. >>

Tass: For a moment the huntress contemplated how to respond, but after a few seconds of hesitation she opted to tell the truth; "I was, but the creature that best me was killed, not by my hand. That freed me from such obligation and allowed me to return to my village, albeit in failure. Then the issue of Korgoth's servants began enslaving my home, and the rest.... Just sort of played out how it did. I haven't been bested by anyone else in a fair contest since."

RJ: Osmodai looked surprised despite bringing it up himself. "So it was true. Though I know nothing of the details. Not even what beast it was, or when. To be honest, the information seemed to stem from your connection to Wolfe. One thing led to another and the few chatty ones I heard from told many different stories. All with each different manner of beasts. The most popular one being that you were taken by wolves in the wild. But none could truly claim that they were there for it. They couldn't even recall often enough the color of your eyes." he snorted. "But... That is interesting... So... You obey the same customs as Freyda?" he pondered, looking curious.

RJ: Audi immediately turned her face to Kavika. She shook her head. 'No' she mouthed, though Osmodai, not blind, rolled his eyes at her gesture, as if finding such a thing ridiculous to do when it came to ones beliefs. Either she did, or she didn't.

Tass: "Not quite the same," Kavika replied simply, "and it isn't purely for forced marriage, but can also solve property or honor disputes. The contest must be agreed to first, and it must be fair. A much stronger warrior challenging a much weaker one, or one who isn't a warrior at all, would be nothing more than rape and theft. I wasn't taken by wolves, Wolfe's servants are my allies by my choice rather than through any debt of allegiance."

RJ: Osmodai nodded, looking like he had obtained a little more wisdom. "Makes far more sense now... So, you are trying to enable more rights for women in these frozen lands? Because as far as I knew, such an outlook wasn't entirely shared. Why, when I met Freyda, it was surprising to me when the news of my new wife was laid on me! Though I wasn't upset in any way~" he cooed. "Though, given those conditions, you'd decline me, wouldn't you?" he inquired.

Tass: "Most tribes used to be that way," Kavika replied, "but one too many craftsmen and physicians were killed, or enslaved, or had their property stolen and were forced into exile by braggarts and brutes looking for a bit of time at an easy life, so my tribe and a few others started refining the rule." She offered no disdain on the archaic custom, though more conservative groups like Freya's would look down on her tribe for their choice. "I'm not looking to change things now, though I suppose when Korgoth is overthrown and peace is restored I might look into that." She paused, sizing the demon lord up, before shaking her head in response to his question. "I would not accept a challenge from you, no. I could not win in a fair fight."

RJ: Osmodai clicked his tongue, he looked unsettled, as if Kavika were treating him unfairly. "But what does that mean between us, as chivalrous sorts?" he questioned her. "A fair fight indeed, perhaps the odds were stacked, but what of the one who refuses? What does it mean for you to refuse? The topic is over, suspended? I cannot obtain a woman or wealth I seek because I am too strong? Isn't that a backwards view on the strength of Crolians? I understand if the craft of battle is not yours, but it 'is' yours! Forgive my ignorance, I've been in these lands little longer than half a year, and I understand quite little."

Tass: "Were it a real dispute, an intermediary would be required, though for marriage challenges usually there isn't any repercussions for the one refusing the challenge. It is considered shameful to one degree or another to refuse a challenge, but especially a fair challenge. That will be taken into account for an intermediary. It isn't so much that the strong can't obtain what they want, it's merely that they.... Need to actually earn it, rather than bludgeon someone over the head and take whatever they want by force. That is how the civilized folk to the South and West still see us, and for a long time that was true. Thankfully, most of us have moved beyond that."

RJ: Osmodai scratched his chin. "... Perhaps I'm mistaken, but the situation for women is better than I had heard. Or, is this your own philosophy, adopted from the ashes of what once was?"

Tass: "It is my philosophy, and the one my tribe held for a time before Korgoth destroyed it. I wouldn't precisely call it common, as many tribes did still follow the older way, but as they struggled and we thrived others started to adopt it. We didn't come up with the change originally, of course.... Though I know not what happened to the tribe that did."

RJ: Osmodai nodded, seeming to fully understand. "I see, so Crolia is to see changes ahead if you have anything to say about it!" he declared. "I like you, Kavika! You're not like most boring humans that stutter and speak of boring things. You're like a good book!" he praised her, perhaps. "But alas, I don't think I'll be able to win your favor before we reach my brother! I had hoped to beat him to the punch and show up with such a lovely lady, and make him look upon me in envy as he saw us." he stated. "Hrm, but a woman like you takes a lot of lovers, no? I've heard of other women of power, seeming to make just like kings and indulge in the lust of others for them."

RJ: "After all, human or demon, everyone likes to have a little fun, yeah!?" he declared, chuckling much like a drunk would, pouring Kavika a small shot, and offering his bottle up in cheers, a wide grin on his face.

Tass: "No alcohol for me today," Kavika replied automatically, "but thank you.... I must think of the little one, after all. To answer your question, I have taken many partners, yes. Whether or not you become one of them... Remains to be seen." Kavika would lean back on the bed, lying down and facing the ceiling, and with gesture beckoned Doran over, inviting him for the cuddles that the gigantic bed seemed made for.
Re: The Great Hunt (Tassadar) GM'ed by MAF

Goblin Sexy Times

RJ: Doran spent a moment looking confused, before stepping closer. His head bowed a little bit, respectful towards Kavika. "Ah..." his posture shifted, and he swallowed a lump in his throat at the prone figure of Kavika before him. "Yes, I, uh... Do you need... Me?"

Tass: "Lie down."

RJ: Doran seemed to do a doubletake. Pondering if Kavika meant what he thought she meant. He seemed to have a moment of bravery, and put his walking stick aside to lay on the bed next to her. Bashful maybe, but there was no removing his eyes from her form. "Everyone lusts for you..." he noted the obvious.

Tass: "Mmmm," Kavika said, and as Doran laid down she simply dragged the goblin closer, pulling him in until his head could rest comfortably on her collar, between her breast and her shoulder, while her arm hugged him tightly to her side. "Do they now?"

RJ: Doran's reaction was immediate. Although an intellectual, he was still a goblin. He began to sport a sizable length underneath his dapper clothes, and upon being pulled in closer, he took the time to embrace her in return, running a hand along her swollen belly. His eyes focused, Osmodai's eyes focused, Audi's eyes focused. All on Kavika. His length up against her side, he nodded slowly. "Very much so." he replied, his limitations on lust seeming to give way to Kavika's less than subtle demands for him to remove those barriers of control. "I... barely spend a moment with my work without reminding myself why..." he said, his hand sliding over her hip opposite the side he was on. Fingers just barely gracing to feel the grip of her ass, while testing the waters, seeing if the waters were safe for one such as him.

RJ: "Why I do it... For whom I build and for what purpose... It's always you." he states, though more than aware of the audience, looking a bit ashamed of what he said. "It feels like insanity of some kind."

Tass: Well, that was sobering. And uncomfortable. "Mmmm...." Another wordless thoughtful murmur bought Kavika a moment to collect herself, throwing off the uncomfortable stares she was getting. Audi... Probably wouldn't approve of her behavior, but Audi also didn't make her decisions for her. Besides, the assassin seemed to like Doran well enough. That everyone seemed so enamored with her still confused the huntress, but it wasn't exactly something that she could question aloud. That he reminded her of the purpose for his work being the huntress in question, however.... They had only met once before a few days ago, and even that was very brief. She had sent him books, yes, but this... Could all this infatuation really be from merely her treating him like a person rather than a lesser being? >>

Tass: Distracted by her thoughts, Kavika didn't notice his lewd groping initially, but when his hand snuck down and took a handful of her plump rear she gasped slightly and directed her gaze down at him in surprise. She could feel his erection pressing against her side, through their garments, and without thinking her other hand drifted across her belly towards that hidden member. Her fingers delicately slid over it through the fabric of his clothes, gliding back and forth slowly over it, testing its length and thickness and hardness as she briefly bit her lip. She didn't need to take the drug, and she'd intended to have Doran there when she did, but.... Really, it would be better, to have their first time be more honest. Idly, she tiled her head upwards, towards Osmodi who was undoubtedly watching the lewd display.

RJ: Doran's goblin side seemed to be coming out the more Kavika encouraged it out. His hips moved to her touch, and though her gasp made him hesitate, he already looked to be like a snowball getting out of hand. His hands roamed further, he gripped her breasts, feeling how soft they were underneath her clothes, before pulling her clothes up to reveal her naked belly and bare breast. "I-if you'll have me... I'll happily..." he panted, looking far less composed than usual as he took a mouthful of her lactating breast and move a little more on top of her, swinging one leg over and fondling her large breasts in his hands. Lips dripping with her milk, he leaned up at her as she stroked his length through his pants. "Forgive me," he said to her, before kissing Kavika's lips. After a moment of lip embrace, Doran seemed beyond the point of redemption. "I want to fuck you!" he said assertively.

RJ: When Kavika looked up at Osmodai while this happened, the larger demon grinned, and waved at the huntress and her regard in his direction. His own length was hard for the occasion, as was Audi's. Even Freyda looked interested, the normally stoic woman trying to hide her interest while biting her lower lip. Osmodai took a moment to look back at Kavika before humming. "I'm at your service, lady Kavika." Osmodai said in reply to Kavika's look towards him. Rather shamelessly as well, one hand went to nurse himself while watching the scene of Doran eagerly wait for Kavika's mutual response. His length throbbing and impossibly stiff in her hand, his movements driven by wild arousal.

Tass: Doran grew more and more assertive by the second, his instincts overriding his intellect as their bodies responded to the mutual attraction. His boldness in sliding her top up until her only slightly swollen belly and one of her swollen breasts was revealed caught her completely by surprise, and before she could answer his stuttered question Kavika's was left breathless by a soft gasp as he clamped his mouth over her leaking peak, her body eagerly surrendering a mouthful of her mother's milk while pleasure rolled up her spine. His boldness took new heights as he climbed on top of her, fondling her ample bosom while he leaned up and kissed her. Kavika's lips parted, her tongue accepting his into her mouth automatically, her hand moving from her light gliding to outright gripping the goblin's rod through his pants, stroking it. >>

Tass: When he broke their first kiss, Kavika's eyes were wide as she gazed up at him. A glance up revealed that Osmodai was enjoying the show, and that was goon enough for Kavika, who had only been seeking permission. Even Audi and Freya seemed caught up in the air of lust, and while she would leave the other pregnant woman to deal with her conquering husband, Audi would no doubt receive a bit of attention as well.... At some point. But not now, now it was time for Doran to be the center of her attention, and at his assertive command she would look back down at him and, after a moment, nod. Leaning up slightly, Kavika pulled her armor the rest of the way off and tossed it into a corner, leaving her ample bust completely bare. "By all means then...." she purred, before leaning up to whisper into the goblin's ear; >>

Tass: "I'm going to.... Suck your dick dry~" Her fingers tightened around his hardened shaft, outright stroking it through his pants, and awaited the goblin's response.

RJ: Osmodai had little time to fret, Freyda seemed to have had enough of his attention on Kavika, and pulled his eyes over to her. The larger demon began to kiss and fondle Freyda just as Doran fondled Kavika. Those two wasted little time. Freyda removed the heavy armor that she wore at all times, the thick metal making a metal clang as it hit the ground floor, while Osmodai had little to remove for the occasion. The both were naked just as Kavika was tossing aside her own armor, and were getting into the position. Freyda on all fours face down, with her ass in the air, and Osmodai standing above on his feet, his cock, comparable in size to Agares, aimed right at her pussy. The events that followed became it's own scene. Freyda howling with lust and pleasure as Osmodai made short, quick thrusts into her pregnant pussy, just deep enough to not harm the baby.

RJ: Doran seemed to notice the events, but was hardly focused on them, instead inspired to try and not disappoint Kavika. He threw his clothes off as well, tossing them aside before embracing Kavika again in the bare flesh. He seemed to fancy kissing her lips as well as her breasts while worshiping what he could with his hands. Unlike other goblin hands, his never knew a day of true hard work. The green skin was smooth against her own peachy white tone as he rubbed his hands along her breast, her back, and down to her thighs. His cock, a little over a foot long with three inch diameter, was almost erupting like an active volcano in Kavika's hands, precum pouring down his shaft and dirtying her hands as he stood and kissed her. Still not convinced he had found all the bodily ways he could say what he felt, before he said it regardless. "This madness, tis love." he said, before accepting it completely.

RJ: He kissed her neck as she whispered into his ear. His tongue ran along her silky smooth flesh before he nibbled on her ear. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see his happy grin. "By all means then~!" Doran said enthusiastically, before standing up, and putting his cock to her lips. "Suck me dry!" Doran almost demanded she make good on her promise. Excited, the moment she'd open her lips, Doran would happily let himself in. Sliding past the rosy red colored lips that promised to suck him for all he was worth. Doran was made with lust and pleasure, pulling his thick, and long cock out of her throat to encourage her to lick and play with his thick sack, before putting both hands on the sides of her head, and sliding back into her mouth.

RJ: Doran's thrusts would get faster, and faster, moaning louder as he might as well have been fucking Kavika's mouth. His eyes were rolling back a bit, and Kavika would constantly taste the goblin's pre leaking out from his tip, forced to drink and lap up any he released. "Gonna... Cum!" he declared, thrusting fast, and holding her head desperately, though letting her take her own pace if she wished. "Drink it all down!" Doran declared, before he let it all out. His cock pulsed, pumping copious amounts of cum into Kavika's belly, his balls throbbing against her chin as he was deep throated inside her mouth for a moment before emerging, looking far from satisfied.

Tass: Kavika's ears twitched as Doran became increasingly aggressive, stripping to reveal a practically massive tool that had the huntress licking her lips with anticipation. Doran took her promise literally in a gloriously lewd way, and as he knelt over her and put his rod to her lips he would find them parting even before he touched her, Kavika's tongue rising forth to greet him and welcome him in, tasting her flesh and his copiously released pre before he began to slide into her mouth. Soon enough he was down her throat, practically fucking her face and making her gag, but when he pulled back and offered his sack Kavika opened her mouth and started to suck on the swollen orbs, her tongue flicking back and forth over his skin. Her tongue rolled up the underside of Doran's rod as he pulled back to start thrusting again, her lips tightly sealed as he plunged rapidly into her eager mouth. >>

Tass: When he offered his lewd announcement, Kavika moaned and sucked so hard that she dimpled her cheeks, her lips drawing for all they were worth as he neared his peak. A load of the goblin's potent baby batter shot down her throat soon enough, followed by another, and another, and more still as Doran erupted directly into the huntress's stomach. She swallowed every drop despite her disappointment at not being able to taste it, and when he pulled back, obviously far from finished with her, Kavika grinned and licked her lips. Climbing off of the bed, she slid out of her pants and boots, leaving her form fully naked as her tail brushed over her plump rear, and she strolled towards a nearby chair. Directing Doran to sit in it, Kavika was soon on her knees, between his legs. >>

Tass: Her lips sealed over his tip, suckling gently while her tongue started rolling over it, gathering up his pre and the lefyovers of his first peak, before running along the underside as she descended, inching down his length until his balls were resting on her chin once more. Moaning around him, Kavika began to bob, both hands near the base of his rod, one forming a tight ring that began to move in time with her mouth, stroking the goblin, while the other massaged his sack. Her golden canine eyes were directed up at Doran's face, watching his reactions to her efforts intently. For a few moments Kavika would continue like that, working her mouth steadily onto the goblin's cock, while her tail wagged back and forth over her plump rear. >>

Tass: Eventually, however, she would linger on the tip for a moment, twisting her head while she crawled a bit forward so that she was higher. Her breasts were brought up into his lap while her tongue worked over his tip, wrapping around Doran's saliva-slick shaft and leaving him enveloped in her pillowy flesh. Soon enough her bust was working up and down with the same urgency that her mouth had worked with previously.

RJ: Doran's first orgasm into Kavika's mouth was a powerful one, leaving Kavika feeling somewhat filled after the fact as his seed began to rest in his stomach. She got to taste the last few spurts as he drew out of her mouth slowly, her lips squeezing his length of the cum that lingered still inside of his shaft. Her golden eyes would find Doran with a distant look in his eyes. Drowning in the aftermath of his climax, as if he found the afterlife and was happy to rest on the plush clouds of the ideal heaven. So content was he, that his grip on her head became weak. His hands pet along her fiery red hair in a sign of affection and appreciation. Doran happily sat in the chair, a rather blissful smile never leaving his face. No regret nor shame lingered. Just pure happiness. His hands stroked her hair from her brow, getting loose strands out of her face so as not to bother her as she worked his shaft. It was as if he was trying to touch her as much as possible while doing such in a way that she wouldn't dislike it.

RJ: Doran seemed a bit interested as to what came next. His eyes seemed focused on her crotch for a moment. Though it would be silly to say that was all he looked at. Her entire nude form. Doren acted like he hardly lost any inspiration at all. Rather, his level of affection seemed to give him his second wind. A full recovery. When she began sucking on his tip, her lips still sucking out the little droplets that came out, Doren's eyes and head rolled back when Kavika enveloped his length in her breasts. Even more than before, he seemed ready to ascend to the next life. So happy that even if Kavika were a succubus draining his soul, he'd pass with no regrets. But alas, she was no such creature, and there were plenty of signs that this was just going to continue. Though he wasn't just focused on her face and sexually attractive features. Seeing her wagging tail, Doran seemed to derive a chuckle out of it.

RJ: "So cute, that tail~" he said with appreciation at her wagging wolf tail.

Tass: Kavika would smirk lightly at Doran's remark about her tail, her lips curling even as they kept pressure on the head of his cock. After a few moments more, she would release him from her oral attentions and stand, turning around quickly and putting her hands on the arms of the chair for stability as she lowered herself down towards the goblin's cock. Her tail would continue to wag back and forth, now in front of his face, even as she aimed her folds at the tip of his manhood and slowly started to drop down, taking inch after inch of his big, thick cock into her tight depths with one long moan, dropping down until he was fully inside of her and then beginning to grind into his lap.

RJ: Not content to be lazy, Doran had passion to convey. The goblin, unable to put his legs on the floor due to the chair being more meant for a human's size, instead lifted his legs and put them on the edges of the chair for support. Leaning backwards, he put his hands over Kavika's and gripped them tight as he lifted his hips up. From below, Doran moved his hips, thrusting upwards into Kavika's experienced folds while meeting her hips on her descent, matching his pace with hers so that they both controlled their motions. He'd release one hand for just a moment to grope at Kavika's voluptuous rump while Kavika felt him explore places she'd recall others exploring as well. Not limited to the very first creature, who ironically spared her Korgoth's capture. The boar. No doubt that if it weren't for that day, that misfortune, she'd be within Korgoth's camps. A whore. Pregnant with future orc warriors. Though this path had her pregnant with a great demon's child. Some would argue that she had gotten the worst deal.

Tass: Feeling him shifting to offer his own motions into the mix, Kavika cooed in excitement, a noise that would be repeated as she felt him grasping her plump rear. He was hitting her deep, in places that weren't often explored save by her larger partners, like the boar who had claimed her virginity and the minotaur, and of course Agares, whose child she carried. Were that not the case, Kavika might well have carried Doran's child after their present union, though that wasn't to say that she would never end up pregnant by the goblin beneath her. As he moved, Kavika began bouncing up and down in his lap, moving to match his pace while letting out encouraging moans every few seconds. It was an odd time to reminisce, but Kavika could only think as she was struck so deep that, had that boar not bested her, she would likely have suffered the same fate as her mother. An orc would be her husband, her owner, and she would be moaning under him as he rutted her, getting a child destined to serve in Korgoth's horde on her.

RJ: Doran, having been worked up quite a bit by Kavika's charmed combined with her foreplay, would find Doran among those who were quick to cum. It seemed he was enjoying his time with her, excessively so. His lower half confirmed his honesty to Kavika as the pleasure of being with the woman of such covet overwhelmed him. His speed rapidly increased after just a short time of love making, before Kavika would feel the goblin erupting inside of her fertilized womb. Despite how pointless the act, Doran continued to moan and pump his hips, his genitals pulsing as the seed poured inside of her. Though there was no convincing the current occupant to make way for a guest. They were paying their rent and had a signed contract, they weren't leaving for a while no matter how much Doran's children-to-be didn't like it. Once Kavika had become full with his seed, granted there was little room, there was an eruption of Doran's goblin cum around the base where Doran was inside Kavika, leaking down his length and balls and dripping to the floor in a small mess.

Tass: Even as pointless as his efforts to impregnate her might be, Kavika would moan with pleasure as she felt the goblin quickly erupt inside of her, filling her womb to the brim with his hot cream and then causing the rest to spill out from around his thick length, leaking down onto the floor beneath them. The huntress wasn't exactly worried about the mess at that point, as she was far from finished with Doran, and after feeling him finish cumming Kavika would slide herself off of him and descend to the floor, going down on her hands and knees and waving her plump rear encouragingly until Doran came down to join her. She would happily let him take full control at this point, pounding into whichever hole he liked however he liked, and when next he filled her the huntress would find her own climax as well.

RJ: Perhaps Kavika had awoken his latent goblin instincts, or perhaps he had shut them away for the sake of his lifestyle. Either way, Doran's demonic side revealed itself as he eagerly followed up. Rather than just taking her as she got on all fours. Doran reached forward, and grabbed her arms, pulling Kavika back and putting her bust on full display to their audience, Audi, who was content to pleasure herself while watching. Pulling Kavika back like that, Doran thrusted forth, getting inside of her pussy once more, seemingly wise to Kavika's weaker points as he began striking a good spot inside of her pussy due to being pulled back. He had a grin on his face as he pet her tail, and wrapped it around his shoulder before holding her wrists and slamming in deep to the hilt. moaning aggressively as he thrusted into her.

RJ: These motions continued as Kavika was built up to her own climax. The goblin leaned forward to place a few teasing kisses on the side of her neck while sparing a moment to smile at Audi to the side, showing her his long green dick connected to Kavika, and spreading her open. This only seemed to excite Audi further as she was nearing her own climax. Doran hugged himself around Kavika, and made his final thrusts, before hilting inside of her, adding to the current amount of cum already inside of her body, before slowly drawing out, his seed oozing out of the huntresses fuck hole. "I think I'm addicted." Doran said simply. Then, he looked at the excited Audi. "And I'm not quite composed with you over there." he stated. Audi was confused for just a moment before he walked up to her, and lifted up her legs on the chair and slamming his cock inside of her dripping wet womanhood.

RJ: Audi let out a cry of shock. "D-Doran!? The hell, warn me at least~!" Audi cried, before she was quick to cum with Doran fucking her next. She sprayed her own seed all over her breasts while Doran pounded her, soon to cum inside of her as well while Audi gave out difficult to understand gestures. "D-D... W... Sss...!" She moaned, before Doran erupted inside of her pussy, filling her just as he filled Kavika, twice, before drawing out, looking satisfied. Audi looked a bit upset, if relieved in the glow of after sex. "I was going to say, don't cum inside me..." Audi grumbled at him, a bit angry. Doran looked shocked. "Ah... I-I was caught up in the moment, and you were over there, legs spread, and looking frustrated, and jealo-" at that part, Audi put her hand over his mouth and tapped his cheek with a bit of scolding. "I was not jealous." she stated, though it was difficult to tell if she was lying. Seemed it could have been either way.

Tass: "Ooohh~" moaned Kavika as Doran pulled her back, allowing him to grind his dick against her g-spot while he thrusted into her. He would make her cum, hard, in short order before he filled her womb one last time, all in front of Audi who was seemingly enjoying the show. When Doran pulled out, Kavika would collapse forward, groaning softly against the floor as the goblin's seed oozed out of her well used pussy. The huntress would be able to watch as Audi got her turn, Doran walking over and pounding the assassin briefly, Audi's protests half-hearted as she was roughly taken. Both of them came quick, and Audi's protest at being filled made Kavika chuckle briefly before she reached between her legs, gathering up some of Doran's seed and tasting it, marking the goblin's musk through her own honey that it was mixed with. At that point, if Doran was content, Kavika would be as well, and after cleaning up she would get dressed again to wait out the rest of their day's journey.

RJ: The trio would rest together. Despite the little quickdraw on Doran's side, Audi seemed quick to forgive, stating that he was lucky she wouldn't be spending months with a baby due to Doran's race making her carriage period short. Indeed, the next day, she looked as rounded as Kavika had the previous day, while Kavika herself had seemingly progressed about halfway. She could feel the familiar sensations of a baby moving around inside of her, though it was far different. There seemed to be less than the pups she carried for Shadow, but more than one. As the day went on, Kavika felt her belly getting rather heavy despite the time requiring another day or so for her to give birth. There was little doubt that she was carrying at least twins. >>
Re: The Great Hunt (Tassadar) GM'ed by MAF


RJ: For the night, the wagons came to a stop. Osmodai would be seen speaking with the various demons he had on patrol, before coming back to inform Kavika and her group of his discussion. "There's been orcs sighted in the area. Just stay in the wagon, even if you hear some noise. We'll take care of everything." Osmodai promised, before heading back outside to discuss their apparent strategy.

Tass: "Mmmmm," Kavika would remark in response to Osmodai's command. She pondered actually listening given her state, but after a moment she would casually cast a spell to hide her, making her blend in with the area around her like the creatures fielded by the aliens, and sneak outside in order to see what was going on. It wasn't that she didn't trust Osmodai's ability to handle the situation, but she would rather see how the demons and orcs interacted, and be ready to intervene if such was necessary.

RJ: "It's a raid band." said an armored demon to Osmodai as Kavika stepped outside, with Audi hiding as well to eavesdrop. "We're not sure how they knew, or if it was coincidence, but there's little doubt why they're here." he said. Osmodai growled. "When we're just about to secure an alliance with the growing human forces as well... I feel they took our rejection a little too much to heart." Osmodai sneered at the mention of the orcs. "They're likely just after supplies, trying to harass our supply lines so as to harm our efforts... No matter the case, they clearly don't know what they're about to get themselves into. We need to make the Kavika girl's trip to my brother as seamless as possible. If we allow these orcs to disrupt our relations, she might see us as unworthy or untrustworthy. The last thing we need is someone educated in guerrilla tactics deciding to cause us trouble as well." Osmodai said with a sigh. >>

RJ: "Please don't be so stupid, Osmodai. Look at what you prepared for Kavika. Are you stupid, insane, or both? Of course we'll get targeted if you sound the trumpets and roll out the carpet for her. All this effort to impress her and she's likely going to refuse alliance anyway, because she's the daughter of that woman." advised Freyda. Osmodai merely chuckled at that. "I'm not stupid. Kavika need only meet with Agares and she will side with us. She came here to acquire that drug, so she's afflicted. We merely need to provide her with our own version, and everyone wins. I don't doubt that she'll want to kill us later on. Likely only using us for the advantages we can provide. I'm not convinced in the slightest that she intends to have a long lasting alliance with us. She will wait until she grows in power, and force her demands on us."

Tass: 'Jerks' Kavika would think snidely as Osmodai laid out his opinion of her. Everyone always judging Kavika by her mother.... Even the demon, who had looked within her mind, seemed to think so. It was really getting very tiring, but there wasn't exactly much that the hidden huntress could do at that point. Having nothing better to do, Kavika would wait, seeing how the demons prepared for the orcs. It would be good to see how they organized themselves, both so that she could use their tactics and strategies to complement her own and so that she could figure out how to counter them should they ever become enemies.

RJ: Confident, powerful, and without fear. Traits that all had their weaknesses that Svana taught her to exploit. The demons formulated a strategy to simply head straight for the raid when identified, instead of defending against their rush. "It's best we don't let them plan their attack, let them react to us." Osmodai advised. "I doubt they're aware of my presence if they're staging a foolish little raid like this." he said. "They're prepared, Osmodai... This carriage isn't for unimportant persons. Even the dumbest orc would get a clue." Freyda said. Osmodai looked convinced though that he couldn't be beaten by whatever they had. "Muster the scouts and find them. Get ready to march, hopefully in the cover of dark, and slaughter them without Kavika hearing a sound. There is much beyond success at stake here. If we perform flawlessly, no doubt she'll come to respect our power... As she already respects mine~" Osmodai cooed, recalling how Kavika stated that he was more powerful than she. >>

RJ: With that, Osmodai had his men spread out. Soon there was word, though perhaps too soon. Kavika would identify what Osmodai did not. It was convenient. The enemies were revealed not long after he began searching. "Lack of effort is sometimes intended, as effort is directed elsewhere" Svana once taught her. This seemed like a replication of that lesson. Osmodai and his forces were being led away from the wagon.

Tass: The flaw in Osmodai's plan, or at least the potential flaw, was obvious to Kavika but apparently not so to the demons, who began to fan out in search of the orcs, scouting at first but then preparing a directed attack. She would wait, despite her reservations, but as he prepared to march under cover of night Kavika would quickly slip into the wagon. "There's going to be trouble," she would say, still practically invisible but obviously speaking to Audi and Doran. "We're about to be attacked, the demons are being led into a trap." Of course, it could be a ruse on Osmodai's part, but the burly demon lord didn't seem the type to pull off that sort of maneuver. No... This was on purpose, and despite it being their usual tactics the orcs had planned around Osmodai's reaction. >>

Tass: Slipping through the camp as the demons prepared to march, Kavika would stand beside Osmodai for a moment, waiting to see if she were detected. If she were, she would reveal herself, but if she wasn't she would remain invisible, and either way she would calmly state, "you're being led away so that the orcs can go after your supplies. Freyda's right, the orcs have a plan."

RJ: "It's one thing if they get annihilated, but to put us at risk... Oh yes, quite impressive." Audi rolled her eyes at what Osmodai said before. But then, Audi gave an inquisatory look towards Kavika as she left once more. She was not followed by Audi. Making her way through camp, Kavika would find herself suddenly without control of her body. Once she revealed herself, Osmodai apparently released whatever magic he used to bind her, thinking her a stealth assassin. "Is that right?" he inquired towards her. "I thank you for the advice, but I assure you that we can handle this." Osmodai said, seeming to drop his needless merriment since he knew Kavika was listening in with her words to him. There was no need for kind words after what she heard. "We've left behind a guard just in case." he said. "You will be protected."

Tass: "Okay," Kavika replied simply, and then went stealth again, returned to the carriage, grabbed her weapons, and said; "Doran, find someplace to take cover. Audi, you know how to handle yourself, watch my back. I'm going to go and keep watch." And with that, the huntress would sneak out of camp entirely, finding some place to perch and watch from not too far off where she would be difficult to detect.

RJ: "But, you're expecting!" Doran said to Kavika with concern. Audi hummed as well. "Kavika, perhaps we should sit this one out. Isn't this not our concern?" she inquired.

Tass: "If orcs attack the camp we're in while it's undefended other than us and one demon, it will very quickly become our concern," Kavika replied dryly. "The orcs won't politely walk off if they find out I'm pregnant. They'll probably abort my children and set about trying to replace it with some of their own if they catch us, which they probably will if they attack while we're sitting around in here, doing nothing."

RJ: "No, Kavika. I'm saying we avoid this situation. We... sneak out and let the situation resolve itself." Audi advised.

Tass: "Well, that's sort of what I'm planning on doing, but if we can take out the attack force we might as well. Hence, Doran should hide somewhere, while I go off out of camp, and you do as you think best."

RJ: Doran and Audi looked a bit conflicted. Doran seemed a lot more attached, even more so than before, concerned for Kavika's safety, especially while she was in her condition. Meanwhile, Audi seemed a bit lacking in approval of Kavika's thoughts on helping out the demons instead of letting them destroy each other. "I'll take care of Doran. Kavika... Don't do anything foolish." she said, before waiting for Kavika to leave first.

Tass: "I don't intend to," Kavika replied, and then went out and hid out of the camp, carefully hiding her tracks as she'd intended, waiting to see if her hunch had been right.

RJ: Going out, and waiting, Kavika would spot the signs of combat from afar. And so did someone else apparently, as her hunch was indeed correct. It was a ruse. But instead of an army, it was a single individual. Wearing black befitting of someone who walks in the night, a thin figure dressed in thick black robes stepped casually through the snow, their features hidden underneath a dark hood. They were tall, either the tallest human alive or something else, and the only definable feature was two long locks of red hair flowing down from the hood and dancing in the night winter wind. They seemed rather calm, no rush intended as they headed for the wagons.

Tass: Well, no surprise there, but an agent instead of a full on attack force. A simple assassin? Disappointing, but also much more dangerous. Kavika would watch the unnaturally tall figure glide towards the wagons, making no effort to stop them as she simply watched intently from her hiding place, her bow in hand. She didn't focus her attention entirely on them, letting her other senses account for any other agents who might have stumbled across her location, but she would watch the dark figure carefully as they headed towards the wagons, waiting to put an arrow through their heart but not taking the shot just yet.

RJ: As they approached the wagons, one of the demons on guard duty would spot the individual as they seemed to care quite little for stealth. "Halt, who are you!?" the demon questioned, drawing his weapon, which was promptly thrown from his hand, landing almost perfectly within the possession of the individual, who spoke with a woman's voice. A familiar one. "What are you transporting? If you give me a good answer, I'll let you go." she inquired. Rather than answer the demon guard called for reinforcements. "When I try to be reasonable..." they sighed with annoyance. It seemed a fight was about to break out.

Tass: Familiar, but Kavika couldn't place the voice just yet. She displayed the ability to pull weapons from a person's grasp from afar, though how exactly she did so Kavika did not know. They didn't seem to want to fight the guards, but that didn't mean anything to Kavika, and she would watch the demons engage the intruder without making any effort to intervene.

RJ: The guards were ready to defend the carriage from the prying intruder. Neither seemed intent on simply leaving the other alone, and came to a wordless agreement that a contest of arms would settle the disagreement. They made no aggressive moves, letting the demons decide how to engage the fight. Using the same power as before, they stole the first aggressor's weapon, a second long sword, before spin kicking the side of their head, knocking them unconscious in one movement. Then a trio of guards rushed her at once, hoping to overwhelm her defenses. And they would have, had she not suddenly warped backwards, or perhaps moved faster than Kavika could blink. Either way, they swung at nothing, before the woman stretched out her hand, and lifted two of the demon guards into the air before smashing them together head-first. Like the others, they fell unconscious to the ground. >>

RJ: "VOLLEY!" a demon announced, before they fired a hail of arrows at the figure. What she did was amazing, but to be fair, they threw their efforts at her one by one, too shocked that they couldn't handle a single combatant. Their arrows flew, and seemed to irrationally curve out of the way and land harmlessly around her. "Yup, always bring something for random arrows." The cloaked figure said confidently. With that, she stepped forward, and held the demon at sword point. "Now, if you can explain to me in one sentence, why you thought that was a good idea, I'll let you go." >>

RJ: The demon stood, shocked and silent.

RJ: "Yeah, I don't get it either."

Tass: Kavika would watch the display, waiting, and was glad that she did. The figure proved able to best the small group of guards left, proficient in both telekinetic powers and able to deflect arrows in some way. She could sheath hers in magic to evade most such defenses, which she would have anyway, but all information was useful information. Her heightened hearing proved useful, allowing her to hear the person's sarcastic remarks to the guards, but despite the urge to put a frost-laced shaft through the person's throat Kavika continued to hold her fire, waiting to see what the guards would do now that they'd so clearly been bested. These demons were proving a fairly great disappointment.

RJ: After holding the demon at sword point, he merely frowned at the female assassin type figure. "I don't know why someone like you is assaulting our supply transport, but all we have are basic supplies and male slaves taken from battle." he stated. The cloaked figure chuckled. "No, perhaps you aren't aware of what I'm talking about. Heard of a little man named Doran? Does that ring a bell?" The man's eyes bulged, and he seemed ready to lie, but she seemed to quickly understand. "So he is here! Wonderful~ If you could kindly point me in his direction." She inquired. "No." the man replied. "Hahaha, I'm sorry?" the woman laughed. "No. You will not touch him. Of all people, you won't hurt that kind little goblin." the demon suddenly sounded ferocious against the skillful foe. >>

RJ: The remaining demons gathered together, despite her defensive measures, they began getting serious. The woman got ready her blades, ready to fight the defending demons. "And all I wanted to do was talk to him... Well, I'll try not to kill most of you. I'm not good at negotiation."
Re: The Great Hunt (Tassadar) GM'ed by MAF

Tass: Kavika watches the stranger kill the demon soldiers, doing nothing, and used the amulet of telepathy she had to tell Audi to stand down, showing her what had happened and what was going on then. She didn't know why this stranger wanted to talk to Doran, and she really didn't care, since she apparently wasn't hostile to them. The lives of the demons meant nothing to her, and even if she shrouded her arrows in magic she had her doubts about whether or not they would pierce whatever magical defenses they had. Better to let the demon soldiers die and not risk it. (Skip to the aftermath of whatever happens.)

RJ: The strange figure went to face off against the demons ready to defend Doran; however, the voice of Doran himself spoke out amidst the chaos. "Enough. It's quite obvious that this stranger shouldn't be taken lightly." he declared, standing in front of the window to the inside of the wagon and looking down at the cloaked stranger, who looked up at him. "Doran!" she cried out. "How nice of you to finally come out. Can you believe that these people?" she chuckled. Though Doran didn't look too amused. "What do you want?" he inquired. "I want you to come with me." she declared. Though her desires were met with obvious suspicion. "Why should I be okay with being taken by someone I've never met?" he asked, while the figure let out a chuckle. "Because, I need you. Your brilliant mind can save the world, you know?" >>

RJ: "Sorry, I've already got arrangements with another. Someone who I trust to use my inventions well." he apologized, frowning at the invader. "Don't worry about it, Doran. You'll learn eventually, but I don't have the time required to make that clear to you right now. Let's go." she commanded him.

RJ: If Kavika continued to do nothing, it wasn't clear what was going to happen.

Tass: 'Dammit' Kavika thought as the stranger made her intentions clear, at which point she simply drew an arrow back and began to silently shroud the arrow she had drawn in power. It would be invisible from that distance, as she sheathed the shaft in force to make it even more potent and hopefully let it pierce whatever defenses the stranger had. Normally she would make such an attack nonlethal, letting it hit with a blunt impact, but Kavika was out of patience and saw no reason to let the stranger live, so instead she focused the power into a point and simultaneously focused her aim, ready to simply end the person while they weren't paying attention. Their cause meant nothing to the huntress, and their antics annoyed her.

Tass: (50 feet away means Kavika's total stealth is +47, her three attacks. One range increment away and 3 attacks with full Deadly Aim and Enchant Weapon, so a total of 12d10 + 12 attack, 2d8 + 35 piercing and 17 force damage. Counts as a spell for defenses and gets a +4 bonus to Resistance checks to get past them, ignores strong against damage types and the first 5 AV of armor. +10 attack, doubled and maximized weapon dice damage, and ignores all worn AV if it's a successful sneak attack.)

RJ: Her arrows flew, with slightly greater speed and power than the normal arrows that the demons had fired, but the moment Kavika stood up, the figure stood in place while her arrows met the same fate as the others before it. "I thought you knew better than that." The woman commented, as if disappointed. Then, she turned back to Doran. She went as if to take a willing victim, before Doran shook his head. "Sorry, but I remind you that I have other plans." he said, before the work of Audi caused the goblin to disappear from sight as they seemed to teleport somewhere else. "That's a pain in the ass." the woman commented, before the woman looked to be in an awkward spot. "Well, bye." She declared, before she too vanished.

RJ: Osmodai returned with his soldiers, looking victorious. Audi and Doran were missing, causing Osmodai to inquire with concern.

Tass: Well. That wasn't good. Even so, there was nothing for it but to keep trying, but as she raised her bow for another shot Audi grabbed Doran and vanished, prompting the mysterious stranger to do so as well. "Dammit," Kavika grunted in annoyance, and returned to the camp. There was no tracking someone who had vanished via magic, no footprints in the snow to follow or scent to trace, but until Osmodai returned she tried anyway, all the while pondering that there was yet another absurdly powerful enemy against whom she could never hope to win. "Let your minions explain," Kavika said, scowling, when the demon inquired about what had happened. Most of them were unharmed, so she hardly needed to speak. In the meantime, she again contacted Audi via her psychic amulet, "what in the hell was that.... Thing? And does Doran have any idea why the fuck she wanted him?"

RJ: "Neither of us know why." Audi explained. "Doran says that the only reason anyone would care about him would be if they knew about his project for Ronkan, and according to him, only you and his goblins know that."

Tass: "Well then.... That raises some questions about how much he trusts his goblins," Kavika continued, and at that point opted to wander off to think, having nothing better to spend her time on.

RJ: "He says he doesn't trust them at all. They're complete idiots."

RJ: "Anyway, what do you want me to do with him?"

Tass: "I have no idea," Kavika replied, scratching her head as she sat up in a tree, "don't come back here, obviously... Maybe take him back to Osmodai's camp and then go back to ours, so he doesn't leave the buggy. I can't think of anything better right now."

RJ: "Will do. By the way, say what you want, I still don't like Agares, and I think you're making a mistake even remotely trusting him... And I fear what he might have done to you besides impregnate you." Audi said, before going silent, likely returning Doran to his home. All that was left was for Kavika to enjoy the rest of the trip, and give birth to her first demonic baby.
Re: The Great Hunt (Tassadar) GM'ed by MAF

(Also, due to Tassadar making like red light and accepting all patrons to his game, the format this will be delivered in will be in post by post to accommodate his lack of time to play a single long session of Great Hunt.)

(If you are new to DG and are reading this, feel free to make a character. Make all of the characters until he learns.)
Re: The Great Hunt (Tassadar) GM'ed by MAF

"I am aware," Kavika replied simply but gravely to Audi's continued protest, before closing the connection. In truth, if the demon had wanted to do more to her, he could have with ease. All that was left now was for her to relax, await her birth and her "official" meeting with the demon to seal what could only tentatively be called an alliance. She was carrying Agares' child, so there wasn't much that she could get up to.