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The Great Hunt (Tassadar) GM'ed by MAF

Re: The Great Hunt (Tassadar) GM'ed by MAF

Routa would await the proper display of Kavika's secret handshake whenever she felt like showing it.

"Each tournament happens starting every month, and there's bracket matches held every week. So if you lose during the first week, you'll have to wait out the rest of the month. However, if you're in the stalls, the longest they can hold you there is a week or until you're pregnant. After that, they let you go in order to either get you back to training, or to let you give birth." Junger stated.


Once Kavika offered her neck, she snapped the collar around her flesh, causing an arousing rush flow through her mind, as if one person's will was connecting with her own. A connection of sorts, of slave to master, and quite an erotic master at that. However, Kavika did not feel as if her master was the elf in front of her. Routa seemed to suffer a similar feeling, a flush on her face as a result. "So eager to get fucked, are we?" the dark elf chuckled, before looking to the other elf, who nodded at her, seemingly indicating that she'd handle things while she delivered the two new entrants. "Follow me, whores." she declared. Her command had no impact due to the collar, further indicating that the master was indeed not her.

Leading them through a short tunnel and hooking right through a tunnel that rounded with the circular nature of the arena building, the dark elf approached a pair of orcs in heavy armor guarding a heavy door that had runes and seemingly all kinds of magical protections on it. "Fresh meat, boys." she declared. Then, the orcs looked at the two girls. "Whatever your reasons are, you have my sympathies." one orc said to Kavika and Routa. Then, they patted Kavika and Routa down, checking all over, even under their breasts and around their ass and crotches. "You will probably be here the rest of your life, unless you sell yourself as a slave." the other warned them of their fate. "Sorry, that's just how it always goes." he then apologized.

Once they were patted down, they were led inside through the door that made a loud creak as the orcs both struggled to push it. It made a loud slam once they walked through and the orcs sealed it tight, the girls suffering a tingling sensation as they walked through what could only be magical barriers. This place was no doubt heavily protected to prevent it's contestants, or rather it's victims, from leaving. "I'll be writing your names down in the list of contestants to be drawn into a lot to determine who you fight and when." the elf announced. "You maggots just need to sit in the contester commons. Train, sleep, eat, shower, do whatever you want. What happens here is out of our control. So you'd best manage yourselves. If you can't make it to a match because your opponent seduced you and knocked you up, that's your own fault, and is considered a failure." She said, walking through the simplistic and prison-like hallways with various signs that gave directions to: Beds, Messhall, Training, and Showers. That was it. The dark elf led them to the showers, where it seemed a mass of the contestants seemed to be. Largely a mix of crolian humans and orcs, but also had rarer breeds here and there. "Hey, maggots, listen up! You have a new addition to the family!" the dark elf cried out. Everyone in the showers, naked and some covered in suds, turned to look at the two entrants into their territory while steaming water poured onto their bodies. "This red haired bitch calls herself the Huntress. She's an arrogant bitch, so I'm sure you'll enjoy breaking her in. And this one named herself Stampede. She looks tough, so I'm pretty sure she'll survive whatever abuse you want to give her~" she said, as if encouraging them to harm Kavika and Routa with a sadistic coo.

"Welcome to the family." The dark elf laughed, while Jungar shook his head. She then gave the two girls a shove, before close the doors behind them. Almost immediately, various members of the showers turned, and approached them. Three orcs, one female, one tall bald crolian man, two crolian women of similar builds to Routa, and a demoness with blue skin and huge breasts. "Welcome to the family indeed." the demon giggled, while the bald crolian fumed. "Who the fuck are you, huh!? And what's with that stupid fucking mask!? I'm sick and tired of seeing new contestants! Do you know how fucking long we've been here!? How much humiliation we've suffered!?" he accused the two women. Then, the human woman gestured angrily at Kavika. "Take off the mask." she said, while an orc shook his head, putting one hand to his crotch, stroking himself. "No, take off everything." he said. Though they were an intimidating force, there were plenty others in the showers who just ignored what was happening. "This is your initiation into the pit." the female orc declared. "So, shall we do this the easy way, or the hard way? Either way, you're going to learn just how 'welcome' your sorry ass is."

Erect, and looking aggressive beyond belief, it was Routa who stepped forward with initiative, folding her arms around her breasts and glaring at the group. "The easy way. Where you all back the fuck up and get out of the way." she declared, before the crolian man drilled a punch into her midsection... And did absolutely nothing. Routa didn't even budge as a smack of flesh against flesh was heard. Routa simply glared at the man as he started backing up, sudden fear on his face as Routa simply nullified all of his punch with her toughness. "That 'almost' hurt. Anyone else?" she taunted.

"Do you think you can take all of us on?" the orc male questioned.

"Do you want to find out?" Routa retorted.
Re: The Great Hunt (Tassadar) GM'ed by MAF

Kavika let herself be searched, having been warned of the pointless gesture already, and didn't respond to the orcish guard's apologies in any notable fashion. She continued to follow the dark elf, listening to the elf's instructions without offering any further response to them, and all too soon they were off to the quarters where the other "contestants" were held. It was all the necessities, but when their guide announced them the reaction of the varied occupants was far from welcoming, though that didn't come as much of a surprise either. Kavika simply scowled at them, and once the door slammed behind them she scowled a little more.

The human woman who demanded she remove her mask earned an annoyed look and a roll of her eyes, but the huntress would let the exchange between Routa and their prospective opponents proceed as it did without adding an interruption of her own. When things looked to be getting heated, however, Kavika sighed as if tired. "I think we can already tell exactly how welcome we are, thank you. Not that this is surprising, but don't you have something more worthwhile to do than to get beaten up *before* you even step into the ring? You're wasting your time and ours with this... Display, so why not go back to your business rather than get beaten and left weaker for your next match? Besides, it's not like any of you can trust each other. What happens when you're busy with us and someone with a grudge decides to take advantage of your distraction?"

Kavika's arms were crossed as she spoke, and she fixed them with a look of mixed annoyance and disinterest while inwardly hoping that they'd simply go away without need for further conflict.
Re: The Great Hunt (Tassadar) GM'ed by MAF

"My partner is right. How tired do you think you'll be after this? What if you take an injury despite winning against us? If you want to get out, focus on the ring." Routa said to the others. "To make my point, whoever steps up first is going to get their arm broken." she warns. They still looked angry, but then hesitant as no one looked ready to lead the charge. It became an awkward standoff, one side looking at another silently. Then, a red skinned demon that looked like the twin of the blue one spoke up. "Might as well give that one up, sister. They look capable enough." she said from a shower further away. The brief twist allowed Kavika to see a familiar sheath that was resting over her crotch, not unlike the one the minotaur had. The blue one shrugged at the red, looking back to Kavika. "Capable enough to talk big without shaking. The sign of either a hero or a murderer, I say. You're either one or the other in a place like this." The blue one stated. "You get to escape for now, wolf girl~ But I'll be severely disappointed if you don't even give us a chance to really lay into you~" she giggled.

The red twin chuckled as well. "Unlike you, we're here willingly~ We've had Swiftclaw's permission to leave." The blue one folded her arms underneath her breasts. "Win or lose, we promise that once our match is over, we'll have filled you completely with our thick cum~"

"So look forward to it~"

"And don't fail before fighting us~"

With that, everyone seemed to lose interest as the succubi took the center stage and departed from it all the same. Routa and Kavika were left alone. "It kind of pisses me off that what they say is probably inevitable." she grumbled, before approaching one of the showers, figuring she'd get washed. "Will you keep the mask on even while bathing? If your face stinks, he won't want to kiss you." Routa joked, earning a few glances from the other contestants.

However she responded, the doors suddenly flew open, the dark elf leading the charge. "Alright, maggots! Shower's over! I see you're all still soft and weak, didn't give this newcomer a good welcoming seeing as how she can still use her legs!" she declared, before looking at Kavika and Routa. "Good news, cows. You two were selected to be first to go. You're against a team that has twenty eight losses and one win, an adequate challenge for such a pathetic pair of meat bags like yourselves." the dark elf chuckled. "And an adequate punishment as well. For various reasons, the crowd doesn't care for the veteran losers you'll face. So, trust that the crowd will be highly favored against you~" She giggled sadistically. "It's a mad house out there, and you're the exhibit~ Chop, chop, whores!" she said, clapping her hands loudly. "Get your asses moving, follow the nice green men~ You'll need to be nice and lubed up for the match~" she said, indicating to the two orc cohorts standing behind her, looking ready to lead Kavika and Routa. "I'll go get the other two worthless piles of shit." she said with far less amusement, as if ready to flay the useless combatants until they were chunks of meat.

Once they would walk outside, the pair of orcs would take them through the hallways, through a locked and heavy door that led deeper into the arena, and into another long hallway that led towards the loud sound of cheering. There were rocks that glowed a golden light placed every 7 meters, providing just enough yet a very minimal amount of light. The tunnel ended with a doorless square room with naught in it but more lights and long benches to sit on, barbaric and simple in design the rooms were to be sure. And at the other side of the square room that they walked into, was a vast opening, the Dome as it were, of the arena, where a massive white orb hung over a square arena made of stone foundation and a slightly elastic looking floor standing over the simple stone ground. The uplift of the arena itself was surrounded at the top by four poles of Crolian wood that had ropes tied around each one and connected to the other poles mind the one across from it, diagonally across the square, so that the contestants would not easily fall to the hard ground below unless they so chose.

Once in this room, the orcs uttered a word in a language seemingly not familiar to either human nor orc. Though when doing so, Kavika felt her body lock up as if awaiting command. "Bend over." the orc commanded, and both Routa and Kavika would find themselves bent over, their bodies moving on their own, before the orcs dipped their fingers into a strange cup made of marble that they each had of their own. It was a clear liquid that coated their fingers, and it was an odd marriage between water and ooze. It flowed like water, but seemed to stick to their fingers as well. With both girls bent over, the orcs pulled apart their one-piece wrestling suits to reveal their ass and pussies. Routa was gritting her teeth, frustrated as she seemed unable to fight the collar, just as Kavika was; helpless, as they felt the orc fingers dip in deep into their pussies, fingering around inside to get the lube inside, before doing the same to their anuses. The orcs then replaced their suits, showing no reaction to having done what they just did, and moved with such efficiency while doing it that clearly told that this was just a job for them. With lube dipping from both their rear holes, the orcs said to the girls, "Stand up, then do as you like." they said, before both girls stood back up as they were as the orcs simply turned and left, leaving them in the square room, while Jungar could be heard stomping his way towards them from outside in the large arena area, his large figure casting a shadow over the both of them from the main light.

"The audience will be your greatest enemy in this fight." he began, before gesturing at the two girls for them to follow as they heard the announcer's voice roar, welcoming the crowd to the depraved display. "Remember what I told you. Your enemy may be weak, but everyone wants you to lose. There's no telling what an audience member will do to sabotage the match. Unlike me, the audience doesn't know how good you are. Don't make it too clear, lest you find someone throwing their chair at you, or slipping a toxin into your drink between matches." he warned the pair.

"We cannot just win outright? What kind of crap is this?" Routa complained.

"This place favors the audience before you. If the audience wants you to lose hard enough to do anything about it, you will lose. It's almost never as bad as it might be now, but you can tell their determination..." Jungar trailed off as Kavika and Routa heard their names called. "AND IN THE GREEN CORNER, THE HUNTRESS AND THE STAMPEDE!" shouted the other dark elf who had been at the entrance. Following her declaration, the crowd began to roar, "Fresh meat! Fresh meat! Fresh meat!" in an almost religious chant.
Re: The Great Hunt (Tassadar) GM'ed by MAF

Kavika didn't let her relief at avoiding a fight show, but to the demon sisters she would merely smirk and reply; "Indeed... I will enjoy robbing every drop of it from you, when it becomes time for us to enter the ring." She merely shrugged after the two left and Routa grumbled at the inevitable, "I expect we'll be laying with many we wouldn't find particularly to our tastes while we are here. It's something we'll just have to put up with." She would smirk at her question about the mask, and replied; "Of course not! It's only a prop."

She was about to remove it and ask Routa to a shower when the dark elf burst in and announced that they had a match to fight, and after the disgusting humiliation of being "lubed up" they would be ready to enter the arena. Jungar was with them shortly, towering over them, and Kavika frowned but nodded in understanding to his warning about the audience's roll in this fight. "What can we expect from them?" she asked, "they cannot enter the ring directly I assume... But how can they decide the outcome of a match without directly interfering?"

After Jungar's answer, Kavika grimaced and sighed. "Trust nothing here... Wonderful. But not surprising I suppose," she grunted coldly, "looks like we'll have to make it look more interesting than one sided Routa... This is a spectator's sport after all." With that said, she would be ready to enter the ring, intending to be the first in the fight.

(Figured I'd do some response to that stuff, the actual matches can be done via chat stuff.)
Re: The Great Hunt (Tassadar) GM'ed by MAF

"Well... Yeah. We enlisted for a fucking sex arena." Routa said flatly. "I don't care though. I just wanted to make sure you were okay, as my battle sister..." She said, before shaking her head. "No, more than that. As my family." Routa said with a soft smile, which worked in addition to her new long hair to really bring out her attractive feminine side.

Then, once they met up with Jungar, he answered their questions. "You can trust that the referee has had some favors delivered to her from some influential audience members. They don't want to get caught cheating, since Swiftclaw punishes rather heavily for that, but don't underestimate what they'll try to do. Some may have even paid off some members of the audience to truly jump in and interfere with the match personally. But the ones responsible will be sitting quietly. If it turns out you will win, they will ensure that you don't. By any means necessary." he said firmly. "If you can pull out a victory without leading on that you will win, then they should leave you alone, since as I said, any risk they take means that Swiftclaw will have them be the ones in the pillory, or worse. There's money involved with this as well, meaning that their desires aren't just based on lust." he stated.

Once they were ready to go, Jungar looked to them. "I have to do something. I hope you will fare well in your match." he said.

"Oi, where are you going?" Routa said with concern.

"I can't say here. Good luck." Jungar said in reply, before heading off into the interior of the arena, somewhere they weren't allowed by the looks of things, if they guards said anything about it as they let Jungar pass.

"Okay..." Routa said with confusion, before the orc guards came and gave Routa a shove and a command to move on. "Oi, I'll break your face if you touch me!" Routa snarled at the orc, before growling as she walked at Kavika's side while the orcs snickered behind them.

The two would walk up to the arena, where a sad looking gruff with snow white hair and a depressed woman with violet hair stood in the corner of the ring. It looked like they already decided they were going to lose to Kavika before even looking at her. They were whispering at each other, and seemingly fighting at that. They didn't seem to be very happy with each other as both looked very stressed. Once Kavika had climbed into the ring, the dark elf would regard both parties. "Alright, shut the fuck up you maggots, because I'm speaking!" The dark elf said to the entire audience, and they actually listened to her. "Here, we have the yellow team, Kiyri and Cand," she introduced them, before the audience booed excessively. "BITCH SHUT UP!" she screamed, and the audience went quiet again. "And on this side, we have the Huntress and the Stampede! Yet more Crolian women here to do something about The Big Boss Korgoth!" She giggled. And the audience went wild with cheer. As if they were supporting them, ironically. "Think they'll manage to win?" The audience shouted their agreeance that they would not in fact win. "Me either." she laughed. "If they're so pathetic that they lose this match, you know what that means!" The crowd cheered. "An all-you-can-eat whore buffet!" The crowd's cheers became almost deafening, as if that's exactly what they wanted. Their desire to see Kavika and Routa fail was overwhelming.

Then, the dark elf looked to the two women, facing them directly with a very intentful expression suited to someone who had done as Jungar said, and had been paid off. "Choose who among you will go first. And be sure not to score a single point, okay~?" She laughed. Then once Kavika and Routa decided amongst themselves who would go first, with Routa being okay with whatever choice Kavika made, the dark elf would move to sound the bell as the Gruff stepped forth, with the violet haired woman in a black skin-tight one-piece behind the ropes. "Listen..." the gruff began whispering to Kavika and Routa. "We can't take much more of this. Swiftclaw promised us freedom if we won just one more match. Please, please forfeit! I beg of you!" he said with a pathetic pleading tone. "We've been threatened with horrible punishment in the pit by masked people if we lose against you here. Please, have mercy!" he begged further.
Re: The Great Hunt (Tassadar) GM'ed by MAF

Bracket 1: Loser Tier part 1

Tass: Kavika ignored the responses of the audience to the elven announcer's words as she waited for the proper time to step into the ring, taking the first round against the gruff while leaving Routa to gird herself for her turn. The gruff's whispered plea fell on deaf ears, for she had been warned of such ploys. "No," she said simply, coldly, as she waited in the corner of the ring for the match to start. When the bell was rung, she advanced slowly, stalking towards the faerie like a cat, her body priming itself for combat... And what was likely to follow. She had heard the warnings, and knew to not give her all early both in order to conserve her strength and to keep the audience at bay. She wouldn't open with a grapple, however, intent on dodging the first strike and then aiming a kick at the gruff's side.

RJ: Cand's movements were slow, untrained, and weak. Moving in to grab her, Kavika easily dodged, before countering with a side kick that hit the Goat man roughly. His body was tough if nothing else, absorbing some of her damage. "You're just like the rest..." Cand said with disgusted anger.

RJ: The crowd was already booing. They didn't like Kavika getting the first point.

Tass: "Your desperate situation is your own doing," Kavika replied as she stalked around him, avoiding his lunge and landing her blow. He was tough, durable, but not impossible to bring down. Twisting, she lunged in with an open palmed strike meant to push him back and away, though she wouldn't be putting forth her all, possibly giving the goatman an opportunity to land a hit.

RJ: Before Kavika could land her strike, leaving herself open, she allowed the gruff to come in and grab her. He wrapped his arms around her in a sort of bear hug, trying to get her into position.

Tass: Knowing that she needed to placate the audience some, Kavika put forth little effort, though outwardly she seemed to struggle. Routa would have seen this tactic before, used to lure her opponents into thinking she was vulnerable, but her current opponent - and more importantly the audience - probably wouldn't have.

RJ: Struggling not, Kavika merely squirmed as the goat man seemed inspired. "Woah! He's actually pinning someone down, ladies and gentlemen! Look at him go!" the dark elf announced as Kavika felt herself lifted up by the somewhat strong goat man, and slammed down into the mat face down with her ass in the air. Holding her down, Kavika felt Cand grasping her outfit, seeking to rip it off.

Tass: Letting out an overblown gasp as she was slammed down into a pin, Kavika continued to squirm rather ineffectually on purpose, wriggling her ass while her fluffy tail thrashed in front of the gruff's face distractingly in an apparent effort to get out of his grasp while not doing much in the way of effort.

RJ: Still putting forth no effort, Kavika felt herself victim to his hands, ripping off her wrestling attire and tossing it aside as her breasts bounced freely in the open air, which was surprisingly warm, as beads of sweat ran down her round breasts and thick thighs from the heat alone. The crowd was cheering now as the numbers quickly scaled in the goat's favor. The audience looked appeased, no suspicious activity from the audience, while the goat man adjusted himself, barely a minute having passed in the round before it seemed sex was about to begin. Kavika felt him press the tip of his cock to her folds, seeking entry eagerly.

Tass: Giving a startled moan, the masked huntress arched her back purposefully as her outfit was torn away, exposing her naked body for the audience to see, her soft flesh shaking pleasantly and glistening with sweat. The audience seemed pleased as the points ticked up for the goatman, giving them an early advantage, but as Kavika felt the tip of his shaft brushing between the soft cheeks of her ass, aiming at her seemingly helpless petals, she shuddered. Her head turned so she could look up at him, her face a flushed mask of shame and fear as she seemingly quivered helplessly. It was a ruse, and if he seemed to buy it she intended to twist instead, her ankle hooking one of his cloven hooves and pulling his feet out from under him, so that she could leap on top. (Escape pin)

RJ: Trying to hook her leg, Kavika found her sweat used to appeal being her downfall. She slipped a bit on the mat trying to leverage herself, ending up in the perfect position to receive his cock. Cand didn't hesitate, gripping her and sliding himself into her pussy. Her senses scrambled as the large dick went inside her pussy, stretching out as his thick beast like cock filled her up quickly and began stretching even her limits. His balls dangled between her thighs until a wet smack was heard as his hips met her own.

Tass: The gruff sliding his massive length into her left Kavika shuddering and gasping rather genuinely, the goatman's bestial appearance, immense size that stretched her out so nicely, and faerie nature making it very difficult for her to concentrate on keeping the physical sensation the penetration brought on at bay. She had heard stories of the gruffs, the inhuman manifestations of male potency, and they had actually been what had inspired her lust for faeriekind, which had endured even after her inexperience had been quite thoroughly done away with. She couldn't help but push her hips back a little, and as he started bucking wildly into her she made no effort to resist... At least not the fucking. Letting her moans go loud and strong, she shut her eyes and bucked her hips, and as she felt his cock twitching inside of her she only redoubled her responses, though her whole will was concentrated on trying to keep him from getting her too close.

RJ: With Kavika not resisting, Cand doesn't put forth any effort to hold her down, simply bucking his hips into her own as the crowd cheered at the sight of her getting dominated. His thrusting grew faster and faster, pumping himself in and out of her wildly as her pussy made loud wet squishing noises for the audience to enjoy in addition to the thick wet slaps heard from his hips hitting her ass. Cand reached down under her, his hands grasping her breasts and squeezing them lustfully, encouraging the milk to flow forth from her tips while he drilled her from behind. A minute had seemingly passed, a minute of Kavika being fucked hard by the goat man, before Cand was soon to drive his hips in deep, burying himself in her entirely and releasing his seed into her folds. She could feel his huge cock pulse inside of her body, and his firm balls throb powerfully between her thighs. Her womb felt hot as copious amounts of gruff seed filled her, searching for her egg en mass.

RJ: While Cand looked tired, suddenly Kiyri stepped into the ring to interfere and prevent Kavika from freeing herself. Routa was calling out to Kavika, asking her if she wanted help.

Tass: It was more like a rut than a battle as Cand pounded into Kavika's pussy, her folds squeezing around his length hungrily as he pounded into her like the wild beast that he so resembled. His stamina was no match for hers, however, and as her breasts unleashed some of their milk into his palm and against the mat she felt him throbbing. She let out a particularly loud moan of pleasure as his balls contracted, her inner walls clamping around him as she worked her inner walls to drain him of every drop. Spurt after spurt was sucked up into her womb, and the birth control that Jungar had said they would be given hadn't been provided, leaving it up in the air whether or not his supernaturally potent sperm would hit the target that her fertile body was as eager as ever to provide for him. >>

Tass: With his orgasm came exhaustion, however, and though his companion seemed to want to come in Kaivka saw Routa eager to come in as well. The huntress gestured for her to block the attempt by the gruff's partner, never doubting that the capable warrior woman would succeed while she once more pushed out and tried to get the gruff onto his back.

RJ: Kavika, after feeling the gruff cum, began getting herself up, turning to face the gruff who looked like he wasn't even in the ring, but at peace in the next life from having experienced Kavika's apparently wonderful pussy. Kiyri and Routa went at it, with the larger woman easily throwing the nymph back as the ref had her retreat back to her corner because she lost the bout. Routa then approached, getting behind the gruff and grabbing him from behind, pressing her breasts up against his back while she whispered a sweet something in his ear. Such seemed to quickly make him ready again, as his dick sprung to life again inside Kavika.

Tass: Feeling the slightly softening cock spring to life once more in her depths made Kavika let out another shuddering groan, and for a moment she considered simply bucking herself onto her opponent until he had emptied his balls into her thirsty folds. She managed to resist that temptation, however, and instead made to pull off of him, trusting Routa to hold him while she turns about, seed leaking from her petals. (Escape penetration, Routa pins)

RJ: Meanwhile, the audience was a bit indifferent, a mixture of boos and yays. Cand didn't seem to put up much fuss, letting the two women do as they will as Kavika removed herself from his cock, and Routa then took initiative, pinning the goat man to the floor on his back.

Tass: With their opponent, or some might say victim, lying on the floor, Kavika would join Routa in holding him down while both of them applied their mouths. The pale haired woman only had a few more moments in which to help, but they made the most of them, Kavika lapping at his shaft as if it were a lollypop while Routa was given the tip to work with as she pleased, something that Kavika would claim only once Routa was back in their corner, instead seeking out the most vulnerable points on the goatman's shaft with languid licks.

RJ: The points began to count up as the crowd began to boo, demanding Routa leave. After just ten seconds of Routa, with a deep and heavy blush, taking his tip into her mouth and sucking on it with enthusiasm while Kavika worked her own magic. Cand was soon cumming again as the two women worked his shaft, exploding into Routa's mouth as the girl let out a cry of shock, his cum actually exploding out of her nose as it had nowhere else to go before she swallowed as much as she could. The ref soon came and called Routa off, causing the other woman to up and leave while wiping her mouth of various juices and coughing. Cand meanwhile just seemed to have no interest in fighting, his mind in a haze as Kavika seemed to have already won the fight. Much to the dismay of the crowd, who looked ready to jump in the arena themselves.

RJ: "Nevermind! The huntress' points fly past Cand's in a single sweep! Guess we have losers again, folks! Isn't that a shame?" the dark elf declared, enraging the audience further.

Tass: Kavika would have been grinning widely were it not for the crowd. Even as she lapped at the sensitive nerves along the lower portion of the gruff's shaft, feeling him pumping his seed into Routa's mouth, she heard their disapproving cries and hisses. They would have to do something to placate them... Somehow, but for now they could get ahead in points handily. As Routa moved, Kavika lapped a strand of cum from her lips, smirking at her thankfully for the assist, and then threw herself over Cand. With how passive the gruff was, she knew her real opponent was not him but the crowd, and while she would normally have simply taken advantage of her situation to max out her points now she instead spun, holding only his legs as she positioned herself over him and sank down, impaling her sex onto his cock and groaning hungrily, her tail brushing over the faerie's chest.

RJ: The gruff let out a loud groan as Kavika sank herself down onto his dick, his hands touching her ass but not doing much else as he whined pathetically beneath her about how he couldn't possibly win, thus allowing Kavika to bounce herself up and down, scoring even more points as Cand seemed to just let this happen out of sheer incompetence. Bucking her hips up and down, Cand simply took it, his hips helplessly thrusting upwards into her own as she'd see his big balls bouncing from thrusting and feel his cock sliding in and out of her cum filled orifice, soon to add more to the leftover seed as Cand came again, not resisting Kavika's pussy and giving up all the sperm she desired, before the goat man fell backwards again, exhausted.

RJ: Then, when Kavika's points doubled Cands, the audience could take no more. Kavika would spot with her adept vision, a Crolian man speaking with some goblins and an orc, very suspicious behavior. Soon, after feeling Cand cum inside of her, something flew out from the audience. A pouch it seemed, which hit Kavika smack in the face and released a yellow powder. It seemed to be a paralyzing agent, but Kavika quickly dashed it off and it's effects were seemingly not strong enough to set her off.

RJ: Meanwhile, the referee was conveniently distracted, scolding a goblin trying to get into the ring.

RJ: The conspiring group began talking again, seemingly an argument, before gesturing somewhere else in the audience and sitting still.

Tass: With Cand helpless below her, Kavika rode him enthusiastically, rising up onto her feet and slamming her hips up and down on his lap, making her plump round ass jiggle and produce a loud wet smacking noise along with their intermixed groans. Her pussy worked to milk him dry, which he easily submitted to, quickly surrendering another burst of his warm potent seed into her womb. She had handily overtaken him in points by that point, and the audience seemed discontent with that. Her distraction wasn't enough to keep her from spotting a suspicious looking group seemingly plotting something, however, and sure enough a sack was soon thrown her way. She quickly raised a hand to deflect it, but it exploded against her, releasing some sort of paralytic agent that she thankfully didn't get much of a dose of.
She quickly wiped the rest off of her, but the ref hadn't noticed, so she simply continued pounding herself onto Cand until he unleashed another load inside of her, at the end of which she pulled off and let his last few spurts cover her ass.

RJ: The audience's disapproval only seemed to get worse, while Cand and the ref only looked all too willing to let it get worse, but for different reasons. Cand was at her mercy, enthralled by the voluptuous Kavika as he round and alluring ass bounced off of his crotch while his long and thick cock vanished in and out of her pussy. His aching cock soon pulsed again, making Kavika raise her ass and let her rump get covered in his spunk as he released a fourth time, soaking her round ass in his seed as Cand seemed just about done. Meanwhile, the audience seemed so upset about this one-sided fight that they began to riot. The ref went down to quell a group that was rising over the border protection that separated the outside of the ring and the audience, using powerful spirit magic to push them back, while grinning and peeking back over her shoulder. "I'm a bit occupied here, security, could you handle the other side?" she cooed. >>

RJ: Having said that, rather than stop them, the orcs that were dressed in armor opened the floodgates as it were and let a horde flood in. They made a line for Routa, who began to fight and struggle at the hands grasping her ankles, before she fell backwards and vanished into the sea of green skin. Various sounds of an angry Routa came from the mass of people, as sounds of ripping followed as they tore her outfit apart, migrating back towards the audience area.

Tass: Even with them winning handily, things found a way to go downhill. Cand was done, but the audience - with the guards doing nothing to stop them - came in and seemingly kidnapped Routa. She climbed off of the gurff immediately, shouting at the guards; "Oi! Do your jobs!" Of course, they were corrupt, and did nothing, but Kavika couldn't exactly let her partner be raped. Jungar was nowhere to be found, and with her opponent subdued she moved to the edge of the ring, looking for Routa in the crowd. There was no way she could fight the entire group, and she had no magic to aid her thanks to the collar, but if she could drag her out somehow maybe they could avoid this insanity.

RJ: Moving in closer, Kavika peeked over and saw Routa struggling in the crowd, but there were simply too many. Routa arms were held by about six hands each, and her legs with just as many arms. She was lifted and being carried while they played with her breasts and exposed pussy, leaving behind her outfit on the ground as the guards tried to rush them through back into the army of an audience. Meanwhile, the dark elf seemed to be clearing things up on her end, which was why they were trying to hurry.
Re: The Great Hunt (Tassadar) GM'ed by MAF

Bracket 1: Loser Tier part 2

Tass: Kavika does nothing, because she can do nothing since the announcer and the guards were both obviously corrupt. She raped points out of the gruff with her hand until the round ends.

RJ: Going back to Cand, the gruff was standing back up, and ready to fight again. But upon seeing Routa missing and going into the crowd, he looked at Kavika approaching as he rose his hand. "Stop... Why are you coming after me? Your friend needs help!" he said, before looking at the ref who was reentering the ring. "Are you such scum that you don't even care so long as you win!?" he inquired.

Tass: "The ref isn't going to do anything. The guards aren't going to do anything. Me jumping in there isn't going to do anything." She turned to the ref, and in an equally calm tone said; "My partner is currently being kidnapped by the audience. Might you be able to do anything about that?"

RJ: "I might." the dark elf offered. "How much does it matter?" she inquired, seeming to be in a bargaining mood.

Tass: "Excuse me?"

RJ: "Well, I'm not entirely certain if your partner just... Left... Or if she truly was kidnapped. So I'm wondering how much it matters to you. If you'd do 'anything' to have her back, then I might be convinced you're telling the truth."

Tass: "Fine, whateveR"

Tass: *Fine, whatever you want*

RJ: The dark elf seemed to find that as a deal of sorts. Searching the audience, she quickly found Routa as if knowing where the woman was the whole time, and dispelled the group of orcs about to rape her. The round bell was dinging, signaling that the round was over as a naked Routa made her way back to Kavika, embracing her in relief. "Fuck..." Routa said with an emotionally stressed sigh. "Thanks... I didn't see that coming at all, it was completely my fault. I just... The whole god damned crowd."

RJ: Meanwhile, Cand and Kiyri were back in their corner, being given glasses of water to drink from while Kavika and Routa were offered the same.

Tass: "Don't drink anything," Kavika warned quietly under her breath, "that filth needed to be bribed to do their job. We have to be very careful. You're up next, probably against the woman. You're stronger, but she might have tricks. Be careful." Then Kavika waited, cleaning herself up a bit while waiting for the next round to begin. "They only seem to be happy if the match is close. If we keep winning so much we'll have more issues. Try to make it look convincing I guess?"

RJ: "The score's kind of wide..." Routa replied, refusing the drink as the goblin who delivered it gave both women a foul snarl, confirming the dark nature of it. "I got an idea. What if we just... Almost lose, but then win by just a few points?" she offered, before she was sidetracked as she pointed into the audience. "It's Jungar." she whispered. Should Kavika look, the large man was shoving people aside in the audience, before making his way up directly to the Crolian man and his cronies. He gripped the man by his neck, sharing very heated words, before a few moments passed, and Jungar actually sat right next to the man in question as if watching a rabid dog.

RJ: "Does this mean we can just win now?" Routa wondered.

Tass: "It seems that that's the only real option," Kavika confirmed, before spotting Jungar. She didn't know what he did, but doubted that it would mean much in an audience so large, with a crew so heavily corrupt to guard the "rules" of this place. "It's likely to be the pattern we'll have to learn in this viper's nest. I doubt we can afford to simply win now," she said sadly.

RJ: "Okay..." She took a deep breath, bouncing a bit as she still looked shocked by the scene before. "What do I do?"

RJ: "Do I take a fall? Let her play with me? Or... I dunno, Kavika you're better at thinking than me."

RJ: Meanwhile, across the way, the other team's coach, an orc of all things, seemed to be in a heated discussion of their own. Both Cand and Kiyri were wide eyed and shocked, with Kiyri looking directly at Cand.

RJ: Thankfully Kavika had canine hearing, and could hear what was being said somewhat. The basic gist of the discussion was sending Cand out again despite how tired he is. The orc insisted they pull out a win near the end.

Tass: "They're sending the gruff out again," Kavika said, and then sighed. "Trying to get a win late in the game... I'm not sure how to take this. It'll be hard to give them points convincingly if you go out fresh against him, and the audience will only keep getting worse. Try to... Let him get some points in."

RJ: Routa had an idea, before looking at the drink, and then looking to Kavika. "I know how to convince them." she said with a bit of a tremble, taking the drink and seeking to consume it unless Kavika stopped her.

Tass: "Only pretend to drink... Or sip a tiny bit," Kavika said, before taking a tiny testing sip of her own.

RJ: Routa nodded, before they both did a test taste. Tasted like genuine water, though soon after they felt a tingle, as some kind of odd light headedness followed. It was more than managable though, so as the bell rang again, signaling that their time was over, Routa let it be seen that she drank from the cup, half a mouthful, before venturing out into the arena. Cand stepped out again, while Kavika saw Routa's feet visibly wobble. "Nnngh..." Routa groaned. "What's this? The stampede is looking a little tired on her feet! I wonder what happened?" the dark elf cooed knowingly. Cand looked confused, before seeing his chance. Routa stood her ground, bracing for impact and looking ready to take a fall as Kavika had in her first round, before Cand slammed into her, as Routa looked to have all the wind in her lungs knocked out of her. She fell back, convincing if not really shocked. Though she looked at Kavika and gave a wink.
Perhaps not bright, but a good actress. Straining, or pretending to be, Routa let out a shout as Cand mounted her. >>

RJ: Cand stripped her as he did Kavika, while Routa threw a punch at Cand, hitting his face and seemingly sending him reeling a bit. The goat man growled a bit, before throwing a punch back, hitting Routa and seemingly knocking her out in one hit. Kavika more than anyone else knew that Routa was not so weak. "Goodness! The stampede knocked out in one blow!" The ref declared. "Where did all that strength go~?" she cooed, thinking that Routa was poisoned. She was only fractionally correct. With Routa on her back, Cand got her legs around his hips, before thrusting himself into Routa's pussy. Routa cried out in pleasure as he inserted himself, before Cand began thrusting back and forth, fucking himself into her with a strained expression, trying to keep his sexual durability going.
Routa let this go on for a while, even as Cand got her into a submission hold and she pretended to wake up and act helpless, pinned down and unable to escape as Cand dumped load after load into Routa's womb until it spilled over and she was a mess of semen. >>

RJ: Even without Routa doing anything while dings were heard of Cand scoring points on her, once Cand finally brought Routa to climax, earning a whole 100 points for his team and a rather enthralled face from the hog rider, Cand simply put could not take it anymore. The gruff leaned back, his big cock slipping out, before it popped out of her pussy. He collapsed to the arena ground, spent while Routa laid on the ground, looking rather satisfied. She looked up at her partner, giving her that familiar 'what do I do now?' look.

RJ: (The points have evened. Routa let Cand earn points until he earned too many instances of weakened to stand)

Tass: Kavika watched silently as Routa essentially took a dive, acting as if the poison was working on her and allowing the gruff to pin her, pounding down into her and ermptying load after load of seed into the seemingly helpless warrior. With the crowd hopefully placated, Kavika watched as Cand eventually pulled out and flopped over, utterly exhausted after finally having brought Routa to an orgasm. There was a brief flutter of concern before Kavika sighed, watching Cand on the ground for signs of life before Kavika jerked her head, signaling for Routa to tie out. If the warrior agreed, she would go into the ring, wobbling slightly herself, and dragged Cand to his corner so that he could do the same.

RJ: Routa seemed legitimately wobbly as she somewhat crawled over, a slight grin on her face. "K-kinda having fun." she said with a chuckle, before resting against the ropes as Kavika tagged in, and Cand barely dragged his way over to Kiyri, the two tagging out on their own before the nymph stepped in warily. "I'll let you win. No more interference from the audience." she whispered to Kavika. "There is a way into the den they throw us into. Cand and I found it while trying to escape. Please, help us escape." she pleaded.

Tass: "Where?" Kavika whispered back, slowly circling her opponent before lunging in, trying to grab her.

RJ: Kiyri looked about to answer, but Kavika moving in surprised her, she looked to defend herself, but Kavika was simply too quick. "I-it's from the Pit where they hold all the contestants. You have to sneak past the guards heading into this wide space from the door you came in, and into where the audience comes in." she looked in the direction of where they tried to steal off with Routa. "Thank you... Thank you..." she thanked Kavika, as if about to cry right there.

Tass: "How will you get out?" Kavika said, essentially play wrestling with the woman while stalling for time.

RJ: "The 'customers' who come in to pay just one denarii and rape us come from an exit not far from that rape den. Once you come in and free us of our shackles, we can bolt straight out of there."

Tass: "What about the collars?"

RJ: She shook her head. "I-it's the only shot we've got..."

Tass: "Fine.... I'll try to get a key for them... Somehow," she said, before moving to let the woman pin her, essentially taking a second dive. Might as well make it look convincing to keep the audience at bay. She would reverse things midway through the round, staying on top of the woman and simply holding her down while seemingly struggling, assuming that her opponent didn't make things difficult and the crowd didn't get uppity again.

RJ: Making this into a play wrestling session, the nymph smiled a beautiful smile at Kavika, enough to make her heart skip a beat for the other woman. "Thank you... Cand was wrong about you." she said, before pinning Kavika down and kissing her directly, her saliva sweet and intoxicating, making Kavika even more soaked than she already was while the nymph slipped a pair of fingers into Kavika's pussy, fingering her while holding her down before Kavika swapped them back, returning the loving while the dark elf watched with a raised brow. "Are they fighting or just straight up fucking?" she inquired, while the audience laughed. Convinced, and happy. The two shared points back and forth, before the round ended. Kiyri returned her to corner and seemed to bounce as she told Cand the good news. Their scores were even, keeping the audience in suspense. However, as their coach heard this, Kiyri's face went pale as he seemed to tell her something she did not want to hear. >>

RJ: "You are winning this match." he ordered her, before Kiyri gave a bolt, the collar seeming to do something to her. She seemed ready to argue that Kavika was a good person, before she moved like a doll, watching Kavika from across the way. "The fuck is happening now?" Routa inquired, a bit irritated.

Tass: With the second round tying things up, Kavika could only let out a low groan at this turn of events. "Time to go to work again," she said with a sigh, "they're going to start putting up a fight again."

RJ: "How much of one?" Routa inquired with a chuckle. "We got this, Kavika! Cand's out of commission. Just follow the plan and wrestle with her some more." she said.

RJ: And so, Kavika would reenter the ring to face the controlled woman. Unfortunately for the orc, the nymph was no better than Cand. Kavika was easily able to handle the controlled fae, whlie also able to control just how much she was winning and losing. Getting in close during one of their grapples, with her face between Kavika's thick thighs and her tongue cleaning up all the gruff cum still oozing out of her pussy, she whined. "I'm sorry... It's... Not me..." she apologized, trying to let Kavika know she's being manipulated. However Kavika dealt with that, Kiyri would hook her legs with Kavika during the final minutes, and begin rubbing herself against the other woman, moaning and thrusting her hips with wild lust, slapping Kavika's ass the whole while to encourage her onwards as the whole audience was content to simply watch, largely quiet mind the whistling and gestures of encouragement. Jungar was soon up and leaving while the final seconds ticked down, seemingly called away.

Tass: "Assuming the crowd cooperates," she said dryly, before moving to do just that. With Routa's help, she could manage to control the match without much trouble, and though the nymph would apologize Kavika would keep at it, and though as things wound down and the nymph lay exhausted beneath her after a lengthy period of grinding against one another she noticed Jungar leaving once more, to some unknown business at which she could only guess. With the match ending, Kavika would return to Routa and say; "We'll need a distraction of some sort tonight."
Re: The Great Hunt (Tassadar) GM'ed by MAF

Kavika and Routa were met with the boos of the crowd behind them. The win at the end driving them into an outrage, as apparently the love making on stage was so alluring that Kavika actually made a majority of the viewers forget that score was even a thing. Orc guards came and escorted them back to the place they'd call 'home' for their month or longer stay. Meanwhile, Cand and Kiyri were picked up and hauled off into the crowd, who all seemed to be all too familiar with the two being dragged their way. The last Kavika would see is Kiyri kneeling before over a hundred various men, mostly orcs but also of various races, quickly forced into pleasing them as she stroked with two hands and took one's cock into her mouth, moving like she's done this before many times. With this match over it'd be another week before their next. "Distraction? What's the plan?" Routa inquired, and if she was told what the plan was, Routa would gasp in shock. "Are you insane!? We could fuck ourselves and never get a chance to leave this place! You heard that dark elven bitch, they'll never let us leave if we piss them off!" Routa declared. "And you heard what Jungar said too... We gotta be a little heartless." she said, all while whispering to try and remain unheard.

While walking back to join the other contestants, Kavika would note the blue and red succubus peeking from around a corner to watch their return. "Look, sister. The Huntress and Stampede are conspiring. Watch as they whisper, but what about?" the blue demoness giggled, coming out into the open as they both approached Kavika intently, their large breasts, a match for Kavika's own, bouncing as they walked with all too much seductive grace. "They want to do something naughty~ Don't we like naughty?" she asked her blue companion, and she nodded, openly stroking her horse cock while licking her demonic lips. "We love naughty~ Which is why we took an interest to you after that match~ Didn't we sister?" She asked her red twin, and she nodded, reaching a hand down to fondle her sibling's balls. Routa seemed eager to just pass them, but they blocked their path. "We did. In fact, we want to know what other kind of naughty things they'll be up to~" she declared.

"How about it?" The blue demoness extended her hand.

"We won't tell~" the red one promised.

"Demon's honor~" the blue one cooed.

"Perhaps we'll help you, if we want to~" the red one offered.

"Or we could be your enemies instead if that's what you want~" the blue one threatened, obviously if Kavika told them to fuck off.

"That also sounds fun! Just imagine if we tell Swiftclaw you're up to no good, even if you aren't~" the red one giggled.

"Fuck you both, what do you even want from us? We just want to have our wish granted." Routa spat at them.

"We want to have fun, is that so wrong?"
"We want to have fun, is that so wrong?" they cooed at the same time.
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Re: The Great Hunt (Tassadar) GM'ed by MAF

With the match over, Kavika let herself be led away from the ring, watching with no apparent emotion as their defeated opponents were hauled away. Once away, she quietly explained the plan - to try and liberate their opponents discreetly - to Routa, who took it about as Kavika had expected. The warrior's words brought a frown to her lips, the woman's logic sound but nonetheless unsettling. "I know," she whispered back with a sigh, but before she could argue the point Kavika they found themselves intercepted.

She adopted an annoyed look initially, but the demon's words made her nervous. It wouldn't be good to get punished before they could even do anything to deserve it, after all, and she realized that they needed an out quickly. Luckily, the pair seemed ready and willing to provide it, and Kavika let her nervousness show for a moment while the pair continued to tease them. Letting out a sigh, Kavika steadied herself, acting her part and nudging Routa lightly from behind, before saying; "It's alright Stampede... We might as well tell them."

The warrior's incredulous look would probably help their charade, at least, and Kavika let her gaze linger for a moment on the long, thick cock that one the demons was stroking. The interest wasn't exactly hard to fake, at least, especially as she imagined that flared tip dragging against her inner walls. "We were thinking about sneak in and jumping you two tomorrow night for... A bit of out of the ring fun~" she said, nervousness and arousal mixing in her voice, "those two weren't exactly satisfying, and we figured you could give a better showing. And it'll be a week before we have another match, right?" Hopefully this would work, though it might easily backfire on them considering what the pair were, especially if they tried to make something happen right then and there. Still, it was an easy diversion of the conversation away from getting them in trouble.
Re: The Great Hunt (Tassadar) GM'ed by MAF

Routa looked at Kavika with shock as Kavika decided to tell them. However, at her words to follow, Routa lowered her head with a deep blush at Kavika's chosen course of action. The two devils giggled at Kavika's words.

"So, you're here for fun as well?"

The blue demoness shook her head with a smile and a giggle. "She lies."

"Does she?" the red one inquired with an arched brow. "She looks to me like she truly does want us."

"Well she looks to me like she doesn't want to tell us the truth."

"But what 'is' the truth, if it isn't her primal lust for us?" the red one inquired.

"I don't know." the blue one gave up. "I concede to you, sister. After all, she didn't pick the latter option." she declared.

"She doesn't want to be our enemies. Most do. Most don't trust us to get close. But she does~" the red one cooed, approaching as per her explanation. Routa stood her ground, as the blue demoness went up to Routa and hugged the crolian close, their fat breasts squishing together with the demon's trumping Routa's own. Routa let out a small cry as the demon's cock emerged, sliding under Routa's crotch and poking out from under her ass. Meanwhile, the red one did much the same, except moving with agility, sliding behind Kavika before she could even react and hugging Kavika from behind, letting her feel the demonic horse cock slide up and get sandwiched between her plump ass cheeks which only made it grow slowly harder. "Since we're not your enemies, we'll be your friends~" she cooed into Kavika's ear, her hands gently smoothing along Kavika's thick breasts, just being held by the demon causing her to feel like her entire body was an erogenous zone, attributing to how powerful these two must be in the arena.

"We talk with people on the outside. We already know who you'll be facing next, since we took an interest to it."

"Do you want to know? We can tell you everything you want to hear~" she cooed with temptation into Kavika's ear, her mouth taking Kavika's earlobe into her lips as one hand went down to pet along Kavika's folds, while Routa was off to the side, held in a bear hug of an embrace, smiling over at Kavika while running her hips back and forth, grinding her cock under Routa's pussy and causing Routa to become a wet mess all over again, her eyes looking to the ceiling as if so overwhelmed by just the grinding. At first, Routa seemed like she was just following along with Kavika's plan, but now it seemed even if she wanted to stop the demons from touching them, Routa would want to at least cum before they do, her moans echoing through the halls as a few passing wrestlers walked by, their eyes fixed on the four girls getting to know each other. So entranced were they, that some even approached the scene, mostly males.

If Kavika didn't decide to stop this scene there, Kavika would find three Crolian men facing her, as nude as everyone else and having just left the showers. So at least they didn't smell bad. Their dicks in their hands, mutated from sex in the arena, each were above average, and were about ten inches to a foot long. Each were stroking themselves, enjoying the scene. Meanwhile, the demons seemed to ignore them entirely. As if Kavika and Routa were all they cared about, and the scum before them were like invisible bugs.
Re: The Great Hunt (Tassadar) GM'ed by MAF

Kavika internally crossed her fingers as the two demons argued over whether or not they were telling the truth, but thankfully the more sociable of the two eventually won their argument. She tensed slightly as the pair stepped up to them, readying herself, but for once she found herself completely unprepared for what followed. The blue twin pressed up against Routa, the pale warrior's smaller breasts pancaking against the blue demon's fuller, rounder ones while that long, thick, equine cock slid between her legs, poking out from between the cheeks of the warrior's round buttocks. It was certainly a distracting sight, one that would have sorely tempted the huntress to join the pair, but she couldn't even truly claim that as a distraction that allowed the red demoness to slip behind her so easily.

She frozen briefly as the demon who had chosen her pressed up against her back, but after just a few seconds of those deft fingers running over her she was like putty in the woman's hands. Kavika was used to rough folk, men and women who were far more often forceful than they were tender. Even the demons and succubi she'd encountered had been like that, the most gentle sexual encounter she'd had probably actually being the match she'd just won against the nymph, and against the skill that the demoness was showing she found herself almost completely unprepared. Even the familiar feeling of the cock hardening between her plump ass cheeks couldn't quite ground out how her fingers even glancing against Kavika's bare skin made her want to shudder and moan, both of which she did.

Caught off balance, Kavika looked to Routa after letting out another moan following the whispered offer and the nip of her ear, but she wasn't doing any better. Kavika had seen that look on Routa's face before; she was struggling to contain her arousal, and wouldn't want to go on without at least getting off once. She was as helpless before these two as Kavika, if not more so. Looking elsewhere, she only found a group of men clustering around them, stroking themselves at the erotic sight. It was fairly familiar, and were she not so overwhelmed Kavika might have let them join in, repeating what had happened in the red army village, but now she did much as the demoness who was causing her arousal to flare so casually.

"What I want to hear... I'm sure you could tell me many things~" she cooed back, fingers softly digging into the thighs of the woman behind her. "Some though... I would rather know the truth... And some... I would rather you... Show me," she cooed breathlessly, one hand drifting over and softly squeezing the demon's balls, while her hips began to roll slowly such that her ass stroked the cock trapped between its soft cheeks, and her fluffy tail wagged against the demon's stomach, tickling her crimson skin.
Re: The Great Hunt (Tassadar) GM'ed by MAF

The red demon giggled, getting Kavika to turn her head to share a quick kiss, as Kavika could taste the insides of the demon's mouth and be overwhelmed by the sweet aphrodisiac that mixed with her own human saliva. Her head became slightly dizzy with lust just from the kiss alone, threatening to let her lust take over her body and let Kavika take the back seat before the demoness drew away. Indeed, a formidable opponent who was dangerous to even touch because of her sexual nature. In fact, if this were a match, Kavika would already be in a lot of danger of losing. Reaching down in the midst of her lustful exchange, Kavika felt the demon's large sack. It might be amazing to her, a woman, that this succubus could walk normally while carrying such a thing between her legs. Each ball individually could fill the entire cup of her hand, as such she only held one of the demon's balls in her hand. What's more, she could feel the whole ball in her hand pulsing with life, filled with potent demonic seed. The demon's thigh was silky smooth to just the touch, but any attempt to grasp the flesh and it proved not to be flabby, but tough. This kind of flesh was tough. Not unlike the gruff's, whose hide alone absorbed Kavika's punches. Tough to strike, and tough to fuck, it'd be no wonder why these two demonesses loved this arena so much. It made sense because they no doubt won a lot with bodies built like these.

The red demon's hands were also incredibly skillful. Even if she resisted the pleasure, it'd be mere moments before Kavika began to succumb to the demon's dexterous fingers that somehow both managed to finger her wildly in ways she could never even masturbate herself if she wanted to, and managed to not make Kavika feel like she was being so roughly violated. Wrapped in the demon's arms as she came, the demoness snuggled her cheek against Kavika's while the human crolian huntress squirted her fluids onto the ground while leaning her forward. Kavika would realize her face was close to the cocks before her. Some pointed at her, others at Routa. So thrilled by the scene, they hardly lasted long either, groaning as they stroked themselves rapidly. The demoness reached over, and pulled the mask from Kavika's face to reveal her raw flesh to the men, before they began releasing their seed onto Kavika's face and breasts, while Routa's bare ass was coated by ropes of thick seed. The red demoness ran her hands up along Kavika's breasts, scooping up the semen gathered on her flesh, before licking it from one hand, and feeding her other hand to Kavika to drink the semen of the random men gathered around her.

Having reached satisfaction, both women were let back down as the twin demons smiled at them. "Alright now, you've had your share of love, parasites." The red one cooed coldly at the men.

"Now, get lost." the blue one ordered them. "When we want to play with you, you'll know. These two are our friends now, so give them lots of love and respect." the blue one commanded. The men, intimidated by the two demons, just nodded their heads. They didn't seem like they were on so friendly terms with the demons, and yet they did as they were told. Seemingly out of fear of someone beyond their scope.

"They're some of our toys." the red one explained.

"They're weak and pathetic, so we gave them our blessing, corrupting them, giving them bigger cocks, and sparing them from the arena. In return, they're our slaves." the blue one giggled.

"Play with them as much as you want to, if you want to." the red one offered. "We trained them well on how to use their cocks and tongues. Or, you can play with us~" she cooed.

"Also, none of those men were the one you're going to face. Come along." the blue demoness offers, taking Routa's hand, while the red one takes Kavika's hand. Should Kavika be fine with this, she'll be taken to the place where she and Routa will be sleeping tonight, fairly undefended rooms that looked fashioned more like cells, complete with a door without a lock and iron bars not allowing privacy, and a strange lock system of magical runes that seem to function as the security system, but only for the higher ups. Kavika was led through various rooms, often a lewd sight of sex or two to be seen, or outright masturbation. The twins led them on and on, until they reached a particular cell with a lot of sounds coming from it. Moaning, groaning, and wet slapping. Sounds of sex.

The twins both turned around on the same token, putting fingers to their lips for Kavika and Routa to be silent, before they both leaned over, the red one over the blue, to peek at the going ons inside the room. "Pardon us." they both cooed at the same time. "You two? I told you both to fuck off. Stop fucking with me and my whores." Kavika heard a rather strong and deep tone of voice. This man didn't sound like he was from Crolia. "Don't be like that~ We brought you a couple new girls who wanted to meet you so badly! We told them about how much fun you are~" they declared.

"The new girls? Huntress and the Stampede? They're weak." he chuckled. "Come in here then, if you're out there. Let us see what you have to say to me." he declared. Despite sounding like he had a big ego, he sounded very annoyed by the two demons before him, as if they've been a recurring problem. The red and blue demoness stepped aside and made a bow inside of his room, setting the stage for Kavika and Routa to enter. Should Kavika do so instead of bolting, she'd deliver herself before the carnivorous eyes of what appeared to be a cross breed between an Anudorian and a Crolian. His skin was dark, but his body was thick and muscular like a Crolian's. His hair was straight and shiny, white strands that ran down his back and down over the front of his shoulders and stopping short of his chest. Slightly long hair it was. Meanwhile his eyes were a piercing green, even glowing as he looked not at Kavika's body, but directly into her eyes. He had an air of dominance around him, as evident by the sight of various crolian women with marks above their crotches, the sign of slavery. In addition, there was a woman with purple hair and a figure close to Kavika's off to the side, to entertain her master. She also wore the mark the other girls had, but she looked far more decorated. His prize possession it seemed.

"You look a little bit like that red headed whore that was walking with Lord Korgoth last tournament." the man suddenly pointed out, the red demoness still holding Kavika's mask hostage. He was sitting on a special kind of chair not given in every room, naked entirely, with a long and thick shaft standing upright, glistening of female juices as it stood erect well over a foot long, which no doubt aided him in using the thing since his hands alone were beyond the size of normal men, let alone the size of the man himself. He was no giant, but still considerably tall. He still had a collar on though, just like everyone else. "You both do look delicious though. I think I will devour you thoroughly the next time I hunger for female flesh." he stated. "So? What do you two whores want from me? And refer to me as Master when you speak to me. It'll get you used to it when I brand you later." he said without mirth on his face, as if he'd already decided Kavika and Routa were going to be his property.
Re: The Great Hunt (Tassadar) GM'ed by MAF

Kavika required little prompting to turn her head and welcome the demon's kiss, moaning into her mouth as she tasted her aphrodisiac laced saliva. Added lust flushed through her body, and with their position set the huntress could do nothing but squirm, her hesitant resistance fading completely in seconds as the red demon's deft hands worked over her body, easily finding the mutated human's most sensitive zones. All she could do was work her hips up and down, fucking the demon's fingers but also stroking the thick equine shaft trapped between her buttocks while her hand lightly massaged one of the demon's balls, but her efforts weren't nearly enough to make the demoness slow before she was left squirting her juices on her hand and on the floor. Leaned forward, Kavika realized what was about to happen too late to react before the first few ropes of cum were landing on her chest and face, and she opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue, her eyes closing as she moaned through the thorough coating.

She opened her eyes once the mild bukkake was ended only to find some thoroughly sticky fingers sitting in front of her, which she leaned forward and began to clean in intimate detail with her tongue, licking the salty goo from each digit before sucking each one clean one at a time. Her hand moved to the demon's cock as she recuperated, seeing Routa's muscular but still round rear coated in semen and hunger to get on her knees and clean it, though she held herself back. Instead she looked back at the demoness meakly, now sans her mask, and simply watched their exchange with their apparent servants while letting her fingers glide across her massive tool, exploring every inch of her impressive rod from its base to its tip. She began to stroke it slowly, resting the flared tip against the soft flesh of her ass cheek and letting it jump with every stroke, rubbing into her skin.

The huntress wanted to taste it. She wanted to get on her knees and worship it in every way imaginable with her mouth, hands and breasts, and when the demon was ready she wanted to bend over and feel it entering her folds, claiming her and ultimately pulsating as it delivered the virile seed she had felt in the woman's huge balls directly into her welcoming womb. It was a constant problem she found herself running into, wanting to submit to such a worthy opponent, to let them take her like a wild beast in heat, but she had grown used to refusing such urges.

As such she simply listened to their offer without interrupting and nodded when instructed to follow, ultimately finding herself entering a chamber seemingly belonging to their next opponent. She waited around the corner with Routa, the sexual daze she'd settled into fading and her wits returning, and ultimately when invited around the corner she glanced at her second, shrugged, and moved to follow the pair. She swept her gaze around the room twice before letting it settle on the main attraction, the hulking dark skinned man who sat with his immense manhood exposed while a number of women clustered around him, seemingly demurely submitting to his desires.

She looked back into his green eyes and let her brow furrow slightly, though she offered no further outward reaction in her expression to anything that he said. Especially to the comment comparing her to someone seen on Korgoth's arm. Best let that one go by without too much thought. "I think not," she said simply in response to his boast, "we simply wanted to see what our next obstacle is. Seeing you here, I am less concerned than I was." She spoke earnestly, and with one last bored sweep over his form she politely said; "Good day to you... Until we meet in the arena." Then she turned and simply strolled out of the room confidently, pulling Routa with her, though what happened next might change depending on whether or not the two demon sisters followed them as well.
Re: The Great Hunt (Tassadar) GM'ed by MAF

As she looked around the room, she saw various etches on the wall, as if counting something, and with the addition of tribal markings not of Crolian origin. As if they could smell the cum on their bodies also, the women of the room would crawl forth, pawing lightly at Kavika and Routa. For lack of her cleaning Routa up, Routa squeaked as she found a tongue running along her ass, cleaning her rump of the semen left on her. Meanwhile, one was petting her hand along Kavika's face seductively. "I can smell it... I can't stand it... It's all over your face..." she moaned. If Kavika did not take the minimal effort needed to discourage the woman, she'd find herself being licked and eventually kissed tongue and all. Though it seemed these women were just cum addicts, broken victims of the arena.

Though, the man didn't give any smart or overconfident retort when Kavika acted unimpressed. Staring into his green eyes, Kavika found him staring right back at her. Oppressive nature suddenly gone, she got a look she didn't get in a long time, and from the worst person. The man's eyes cause Kavika to be attacked intensely with a sense of deja vu. It felt as if she were being stared at with the critical eyes of her mother. Looking and finding any and all faults. The kind of eyes that could only be owned by someone very cruel. However, he still said nothing. With Kavika leaving his domain, the muscular half-breed let her go without a fuss as he glared at the succubi twins to follow the two girls.

With her mutated ears, Kavika picked up sounds from the cell. "What did you see?" inquired a mature, feminine voice. "I saw a beast. A wolf. The white haired one, her cub." The man said, suddenly sounding like a Crolian. "Obviously not blood related, but a bond?" the woman asked. "Protective. She'd have been braver if her precious one was not with her." The man stated, before grunting. "In addition, she too has the smell of that sickness on her." he said simply, referring to Kavika's addiction. The woman hummed "Poor thing won't last till next week. The Touch of Korgoth is deep in her mind. Her willpower is strong, but in her future, I see that she will eventually be claimed by it, the tendrils of his corruption burrowed deep into her mind. She is doomed... But for whose lap she sits in as a slave? I could not tell their face. But I did see their body... So much like yours, muscular... And strong..." she moaned lewdly. "Even now, I see her needing the medicine... She steps into the arena, and falls to you, raising her ass in the air and begging you to take her. The sickness has driven her to lunacy~" she giggled, and the half-breed did as well. "As if we needed any more certainty of our victory, my love." the man said sweetly to the female speaker.

That's about when Kavika could no longer hear them speak together. A slightly confused Routa glanced at Kavika. "Hey... Kavika? What was that about? Did that asshole bother you that badly that you just wanted to leave? I didn't think anyone could get under your skin. I thought you'd be all over him, finding his weaknesses... Or did you find them that quickly?" she inquired.

"Do you want our advice?" the red demoness inquired sweetly, having followed along with Kavika and Routa.

"He is more skilled than you in the arena. You are going to lose." the blue one said coldly.

"In addition, they have a secret strategy that no one knows about. They become almost unstoppable~" the red one cooed.

"In fact, they nearly defeated us!" the blue one exclaimed with doom.

"We'd love to tell you more, but we don't know either!" they said together.

Then, they came up to and kissed Kavika and Routa on the lips. Red one for Kavika, blue for Routa. "Do not be idle, or the tales of doom will pass. We know the ears that hear were hearing." They both massaged Kavika's wolf ears knowingly. Though Routa just looked confused, while absentmindedly enjoying the sexual company of the blue succubus.
Re: The Great Hunt (Tassadar) GM'ed by MAF

Something of an awkward moment came as the half-breed man's harem of broken slaves started advancing on her and Routa, cleaning the drying cum on her companion's shapely rear and going for the huntress's face. Kavika pushed them away, denying them any chance to get their tongues on her - she wasn't interested in slaves. Of moderately more discomfort was the look that the sole man in the room was giving her, so reminiscent of the way that her mother often glared at her, but Kavika was well beyond the point at which that glare could truly get under her skin.

She ultimately left, not in haste but not lingering, at least until she picked up the conversation going on. Then she slowed, her ears flicking about until they found the optimal angle at which to hear what they were saying. Ultimately she went out of range, however, and both Routa and the two succubi ensured that she couldn't pick up anything else by speaking. "He didn't get under my skin," Kavika said quite calmly, "I don't need to touch him to recognize his most glaring weakness... Pride. The matter of how to exploit it will require piercing a veil of secrecy that he would not permit to fall if we were face to face. It will be a matter of seeing him when the situation isn't on his own terms to determine what his true weaknesses are... Besides, that isn't the sort of man that I would ever willingly lay with if I can help it. He is like Clavicus, but worse in that he has the power to enforce his vileness."

By that point the succubi caught up with them, and Kavika found herself reminded of how much she'd like to fuck one or both of the succubi as the two stepped up and embraced them once more while offering their advice. The huntress's blush only intensified as the pair started scratching behind her ears, causing her eyes to half close as he began to murmur softly in pleasure. Their advice was far from ignored, however, and as she recovered from the ear scratches she gave a thoughtful hum only to be silenced by a kiss, one that she responded to perhaps a bit more enthusiastically than was necessary, once more tasting the aphrodisiac laced saliva of the red skinned sibling.

Just like the drug, it made her head go briefly blank, her pussy gushing with need as her tongue sought to taste as much as she possibly could of the stuff. It wasn't nearly as potent, however, and Kavika was at least starting to learn to resist the effects. Once the kiss broke, she cleared her throat to give herself a second to recover and then asked; "You fought them before, but don't know what their secret is? How so? And how did you beat them?" Her hands had settled onto the demon's hips, and she made no effort to push the woman away as they spoke. Indeed, she seemed to be keeping the demoness pressed up against her, idly shifting back and forth to cause the tiniest bit of friction between their pancaked breasts, rubbing her hardened tips lightly against those of the red skinned demoness and leaving the occasional droplet of white as her milk ducts released some of her nourishing fluids, the multiple doses of potent faerie cum having almost assuredly taken root in her, and probably in Routa as well.

That reminded her.... "What happens to children born of arena participants?"
Re: The Great Hunt (Tassadar) GM'ed by MAF

The twins giggled, but it was the red one who spoke. "This beautiful huntress' eye is perhaps not so keen." she commented, smoothing a thumb along the side of Kavika's face, from the corner of her eye and soon tickling along her ear.

"You might beat him if he were alone, you might." the blue demoness nodded, one hand smoothing under Kavika's breast to cup under her nipple and collect a small pool of Kavika's milk in her palm before tipping her head back to swallow it.

"A one on one, the best outcome. But, for lack of knowing their secret, we do know that most often, pairs of fighters send out their best first to gain momentum and win. It was not he that stepped out, not the big scary man~" she shook her head.

"It was the girl~" the blue demoness giggled.

"The dancer~" they both cooed.

"When we fought her, we had to work together to stop her. Her blows brought us to our knees, but she never struck us hard. Her movements were like flowing water, always slipping from our fingers, and her strikes like snake bites." She said, bringing all of her five fingers together to try and mimic the shape of a snake head, as if showing Kavika what they saw.

"Thirty seconds before the round ended, I fell to the mat and couldn't move..." She said, as if remembering it fondly instead of badly as the blue succubus got behind Kavika suddenly in a suggestive gesture. Instinct told Kavika she was about to get plowed. "They switched, and the man with the big cock came. He took me!" she gripped Kavika hard, so skillful in binding Kavika that the huntress learned another thing about the twins. They were superb grapplers. "And he fucked me, as hard as he could! Listing as one of my top twenty five best lovers~ I came, and the points racked up in his favor while all I could do was moan with his dick in my pussy and his hand stroking my cock~"

Then, she let Kavika go, for lack of Kavika being able to shake her off easily on her own. Given a moment, perhaps she would have escaped, but not in that moment. "She became pregnant with his child, and to answer your question, we're allowed to do whatever we wish with the children. Even raise them in here, though they will only grow to be future arena combatants. I've heard of people sending their children off to their families though~!" she cooed.
Re: The Great Hunt (Tassadar) GM'ed by MAF

"So it was the dancer... I thought she might be his second, and the bigger threat," Kavika mused, before shivering slightly as the two sandwiched her between them. The news didn't come as a surprise, but the description... A skilled fighter, but not a brawler. It would be difficult to deal with her, to be sure, but knowledge of her methods would at least give them a chance to prepare. She shuddered anew as she felt the blue one grinding against her from behind, her tail flicking back and forth and her hips shifting to press her plump cheeks more firmly around the demon's thick cock.

Arousal was starting to build up, but as yet the pair weren't looking like they were going to do anything about it... Not immediately anyway. "So they fight in combination, the dancer paralyzing her opponents and the man raping them for points... That I can work with," she said, before looking to Routa. "You're going to have to get faster, we'll need to get some practice in."
Re: The Great Hunt (Tassadar) GM'ed by MAF

The twin demons looked at each other with grins. "Such confidence, but unfounded, we think." they said together.

"That woman alone almost beat a full-fledged demon like us." said the red demoness, running her fingers through Kavika's hair.

"A mere human! Just like you." the blue one teased, massaging Kavika's shoulders.

"We can't help you further than this, beyond common friends." the red one said with a pout.

"We're on the side of Swiftclaw in the end, helpful nudges is all we can give. You have to do the rest on your own, like a big girl~" the blue one cooed, sizing Kavika's breasts up in her hands as if measuring her worth.

"They might even be cheating!" the red one suggested.

The blue demoness let Kavika go, as they both began to back off and fade away into the hallways, joining each other in holding hands as if some kind of display of innocence. "Make sure to do your due diligence, Huntress~" they said together, before giving a playful wave goodbye in perfect synchronization and walking off down the hallways.

Routa shuddered. "Forget that dancer and her meathead, the hell are we gonna do if we face 'them'?" she indicated to the twins. Indeed, Routa had a point, as just their mere touch had Kavika shuddering, dripping wet, and melting into their embrace. So easy to forget herself and be lost in their temptation. It would be highly likely to just blank out and get fucked while fighting them.
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Re: The Great Hunt (Tassadar) GM'ed by MAF

The final antics of the two demons only served to make Kavika frown in the midst of her squirming, their every touch intoxicatingly pleasant even though her mind was increasingly turning towards the upcoming match. "Wait!" she said when they moved to leave, gesturing at the red one's hand which presumably still had her mask, "I'd like that back, if you please. It's only a prop, but I would like to keep it."

Whether she got it back or not, however, Kavika heaved a deep sigh and then frowned thoughtfully at Routa's question. "It's no surprise that our short training period didn't quite prepare us for this," she responded, "we'll just have to keep improving and improvise. These matches are won least of all in the ring itself, it seems. I find it as distasteful as you do, but it's what we need to think about... Eventually we might have to face those two. I think it'd be better if we at least have a better idea of how... Capable... They are first. For now though, we need to concentrate on what's ahead of us.

"I would suggest splitting up, but this place is too dangerous for that. As it is... We have things to do. A fight to train for, enemies to avoid, research to do, mischief to plan and execute, and... Pregnancies to decide things about, most likely, given how much that gruff came inside both of us."
Re: The Great Hunt (Tassadar) GM'ed by MAF

The red demoness would tuck the mask between Kavika's breasts before strutting off with her hips swaying back and forth with allure.

"If you have any plans that involve underhandedness, I don't want to be told a single word of it." Routa replied. "I drew the line with throwing explosive fruits at orcs instead of facing them in combat. I just don't want to think about anything other than what a honorable warrior would do. And to that I owe you, who rescued me from that pit of boars. A place I had all but resigned myself to. You were ready to be trapped in there with me, so I trust you in all that you do. I just... I managed to come back from being just a beast whore. I don't want to lose myself again. I want to be proud." Routa stated, effectively letting Kavika do whatever cheating she might want to do, while wanting no part of it herself.

On the bit about the pregnancies, Routa nodded. "Well... If we want to deny the seed life, we know to ask the guard..." Routa said hesitantly, holding one hand over her belly, seemingly with a mother's affection. It was as if she partly wanted the satyr's baby.