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Eggception (thetwo)

Re: Eggception (thetwo)

As Aura was experiencing multiple orgasms as the slimes removed the eggs from her womb, Mary was rolled over onto her back and had her legs wrapped around Bell. The slime woman was now standing over her, courtesy of the strange way slime could interact with water. Their lovemaking was building in intensity as the top partner was using her height to thrust powerfully into the Mary from above and they were both crying out loudly in passion. Aura's cries were very high in volume, spiking with each of Bell's downward thrusts. Her's and Bell's cries of passion echoed around the chamber they were in. Her slime attendants continued to pleasure Aura as she had a front row seat to what happened next.

While the two women were fiercely copulating, the heart in Bell's chest area began to glow lightly and shift down towards her groin area. The closer it got to her groin, the faster the thrusts of both women and the louder their cries. Despite Bell being in the dominant position, Mary was far from a submissive partner. She was thrusting back, meeting her partner's thrusts with what would have been bruising force if her lover hadn't been made out of goo. Aura had a perfect view as thrust by thrust, the heart moved from the groin area to the phallus and up towards its tip. And then one stroke the heart was there, and then Bell plunged downward and both women climaxed with exceptionally loud, orgasmic cries. The look Mary gave Bell was one that could best be described as loving. Especially as the slime girl gently slumped down onto her and the pretty brunette pulled her into a prolonged kiss. Once they released their kiss the unlikely lovers simply lay on their slime float, cuddling and giggling in their post-coital and post-conceptional glow.

About the time they were finishing their love and baby-making, the slimes were finishing their work removing the spider eggs and gently taking her to orgasm after orgasm. Finally, Aura looked over and saw her. Her eyes widened and her joyful expression turned to shock as she saw what was happening to her friend. "Oops...Bell..." The slime lady looked over and saw her, touching her fingertips to her lips in an expression of embarrassment. "Oh dear...Sorry about that." The slimes finally withdrew from between Aura's legs and she was slowly brought to the surface of her raft again. The slimes seemed to have grown considerably after the amount of sexual feeding they had done on Aura.

The raft of slime slowly floated over to Aura and Bell's float. Mary blushed beet red and cupped her face in her hands. "Oh god, Aura...I'm so sorry. This is so embarrassing!" Bell was playing big spoon at the moment and laid an arm over Mary, cupping a gel hand over her breast, lending her at least a little modesty. "Ahem...again, sorry about that..."
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura, panting from the exertion of her odd birthing, found herself blushing as well. Finally she managed to speak. "Y-you didn't do it on purpose." She glanced down, and carefully stretched one leg. Her pussy felt sore. However gentle the slime had been, it had seen a lot of use lately, and the string of consecutive orgasms alone would have been enough for that. But her belly was more or less flat. Insofar as she could move at all, without upsetting the raft, she wasn't terribly encumbered.

The redhead gestured at her belly in case her friend hadn't noticed. "And at least I've got that problem taken care of." Part of her knew she was just putting the best face she could on her most recent rape, but a larger part of her was wondering why she'd enjoyed it so much. Probably just the aphrodisiacs, or perhaps the knowledge that she no longer had a womb full of spider eggs.

She shook her head, and glanced pointedly at Mary's belly. She was fairly sure she'd just witnessed her friend getting knocked up, but wasn't exactly familiar enough with slime reproduction to be certain.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

"Well hopefully there's no hard feelings. By the way, I'm Bell, Mary's long lost lover. Just in case you hadn't figured that bit out." The two slime-rafts came together and merged, allowing Aura to come to a rest right next to the relaxing couple.

Mary was currently happily stroking Bell's gooey arm as she gave a shy, hesitant smile to Aura. "I...sorry again...we got a little carried away. We were happy to see each other." Noticing where Aura was looking, she shifted a hand to rub over her abdomen. It didn't look swollen, especially given what they had endured recently. Still, the heart had only just arrived inside of her. "You noticed...yes that was exactly what it looked like..." When she talked about what was now inside of her Mary's face turned a slightly darker shade of red. Bell giggled and leaned over to kiss her cheek as her legs actually began to merge with Mary's, covering them in a layer of herself.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura wasn't sure how offened or hurt she should be, and so decided to err on the side of politeness. "Um, hello Bell. I'm... Aura."

She turned to Mary and smiled slightly. "I'd hate to see you really get carried away, then." The redhead glanced again at Mary's slightly-swollen belly, trying to get her blush under control. "So, um... what next? Do you want to stay until... the birth? Or longer? Does she...." Aura shook her head slightly, and addressed Bell directly. "Sorry, do you know a way out of here, back to the surface?"
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

"Aura...that's a pretty name, thou I have to disagree...you'd love to see us when we really get wild." She giggled and stroked Mary's now furiously blushing cheek.

"Uhmm... so...er...here, we should stay here until longer..." The poor, embarrassed girl struggled to find her words for a moment before finding her breath and continuing. "At least until after the birth." She exhaled heavily after that as Bell continued to slowly caress her in a way that the human girl obviously found very erotic.

When Aura asked Bell about a way out, the slime beamed and nodded enthusiastically. "Of course, there's even a somewhat civilized colony not too far from here, I'd be happy to show you the way! Although...you two are perfectly welcome to stay here, the longer the better! The three of us could have some pretty kinky fun down here..." She smiled suggestively as she slowly trailed a finger up Mary's neck, causing her to tremble and groan in arousal.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

"Well, I can't speak for Mary, but I think I'll probably be making my way to civilization." The redhead also found herself unable to turn away from the display as the slime girl continued to playfully molest her friend.

"What about you, Mary? Do you want to come to this civilization, or stay with Bell?"
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

"I...of course I want to stay with Mary, but I don't see much food down here. And you're my friend, I can't let you go back out there alone..." She sighed in a resigned manner and leaned into her lover, Bell's slime continuing to ooze over her body.

Bell made a depressed sigh, but added, "You're right unfortunately...there's not much access to food for people down here...I'd never turn down a visit, or ten..." The slime rafts continued to merge together, bringing Aura into contact with Mary and Bell's combined cuddle.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

"That's... a point. It's been forever since I had a decent meal." Depending on what you considered a decent meal, a few hundred years. Even the lesser time since she'd eaten in the Egg building felt like far too long. "Um... how long until you give birth?"

Aura was also forced to recall how Mary had said being pregnant with the slime had made her extremely horny. Another 'show' seemed likely. The redhead couldn't say she would really mind.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

"Well, our slime can sustain you, somewhat. It's not as good as real food, but it's certainly better than nothing." Bell seemed rather reluctant to suggest it, considering that it involved eating part of herself or her children.

Mary considered it for a moment before tilting her head to kiss Bell on the cheek. "Hopefully that won't be necessary. I want to be with you, we'll make it work Bell."

Bell grinned and her body spread out to cover even more of Mary in a mess of goo. At this point, the majority of Mary's body was covered in blue goo. Her face was also starting to flush, indicating an arousal that was beginning to affect her again. After a moment she reached a goo covered arm out to take Aura's hand as the slime raft began to shift her even closer to her slime-coated friend. Soon she was pressing into the coating Bell had made over Aura.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura fidgeted slightly, not entirely sure what to do. Mary was obviously getting aroused, and would only get more so. And she was cute enough... but the redhead couldn't be sure her friend was thinking clearly. Plus Bell was there, undoubtedly watching. "Um... what's up, Mary?"

Nevertheless, she didn't pull away, and she felt a spark of arousal at the touch.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

At this point, Mary was breathing somewhat more heavily than normal and the flush was continuing to deepen in her cheeks. At Aura's hesitant response, the brunette gently gripped her forearm, running her slime-covered fingers over the sensitive flesh on its underside. At the same time, the young redhead felt the Bell's gooey body body higher up on her arm than it had been before, though she couldn't tell if Bell was advancing over her as well, or if it was just Mary spreading the slime over her herself.

"Well... Right now I'm just enjoying relaxing with two beautiful women... You know, we've had intimate reactions before. But those were...forced. I've developed an attraction to you, and I'd like to experience more with you, but without being forced." She wasn't breaking eye contact with Aura, and the girl felt more slime beginning to touch her legs.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

"Well... that's..." Aura couldn't quite bring herself to look away, but was painfully aware that by now her face must match her hair. "After seeing you with Bell I wasn't sure you wanted..." she felt her pulse quicken. She still wasn't completely sure about the slime-girl, but Mary was certainly cute enough to be interesting. And she'd looked like she was quite enjoying her time with Bell. And between watching that and the aphrodisiac the unrestrained slimes had been covering her with, she was certainly... prepared.

The redhead leaned forward slightly, pursing her lips for a kiss.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Mary smiled enticingly at Aura as the redhead's blush deepened. As the slime finally brought their bodies into solid contact, breast to breast, her friend slipped an arm around her back while she tangled their legs together, further serving to spread Bell over to Aura. "I do want to..."

Bell peeked her head over her lover's shoulder. "And I think it's great that she takes a lover of her own...species. Just as long as she has enough love for me too!" Her cheerful look turned more sultry. "And I do love to share..." The look on Mary's face indicated she wouldn't mind sharing either.

As Aura leaned in for the kiss, Mary pulled the redhead's hips into hers and eagerly met her lips. At the same time, Bell spread more rapidly, covering both women in slime except for their heads. Somehow, the slime woman was even more proficient at stimulating every nerve of Aura's body with gentle touches, vibrations, and licking sensations than the regular slimes were. From Mary's sudden moans, it seemed like she was getting a similar treatment. Through the slime, Aura felt one of her human lover's hands move up to caress her breast and gently rub at a nipple. "After all we've been through, I think we deserve to experience fun sex again..."
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

"I... suppose I can see how you'd enjoy this..." The whole situation still felt a little strange - the slime creeping over her skin, and clinging to everything sensitive - but as her arousal increased it became harder to care. The redhead had some experience with women from her sessions in the egg, but not terribly much. And a threesome with another woman and a slime wasn't something she'd even thought of before. Though now that she did set her mind to it, certain benefits of a partner who could reshape their body at will did come to mind. After all, if she could make one dick...

Aura was doing her best with Mary, one hand on a breast and the other on her friend's ass, slowly working up to more intimate touches, but she wasn't really sure how to deal with Bell, who didn't even exactly have a clear body at the moment.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Mary groaned happily at Aura's touches, and again in reaction to something Bell was doing to her. "Ohhh..."

Aura could feel Bell moving over the both of them, and then another slime came up underneath them, taking Mary and holding in position next to Aura's own slime raft. At this point enough of Bell's mass had spread to Aura that the slime woman was able to constitute two smaller forms of herself, one with Aura and the other with Mary, rather than one with Mary. The two remained connected at the base though.

At this point, Mary and Aura each had their own separate Bell to play with. "So baby, what's your pleasure?" The slime woman slowly edged up Aura's body, drooping her breasts in the redhead's face as a slippery, slimy finger worked its way into her pussy. "Maybe you'd like me to take you with a dick, or maybe you'd prefer something else? I think you'll find I can be very accommodating."

Mary was already moaning helplessly again, doubtless a testament to Bell's skilled ministrations.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

"I, I don- oohhh..." the 'finger' slipping into her already sopping-wet pussy wasn't exactly unexpected, but the feeling nevertheless left her unable to speak intelligibly for a few seconds. She really was feeling... repressed. On the other hand, she wasn't quite sure she could ask a stranger - a nonhuman stranger, at that - to grow a dick and fuck her. Much what... something else.

She found herself blushing, which felt odd after all she'd been through since leaving the EGG. Her hips pushed against the penetrating digit of their own accord, starting up a gentle rhythm. And Mary certainly seemed to be having a good time. She managed to gasp out "I suppose... I want... want... oh god... more..."

It seemed impossible to express herself clearly while she was being penetrated, even gently, and she wasn't sure she could bring herself to say what she really wanted if the slime backed off and stopped touching her. She would just have to hope Bell got the general idea.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura's pleasured moans brought a mischievous grin to Bell's face and she sped up her efforts and lowered herself so her swaying breasts rubbed across Aura's own.

Despite her inability to verbalize her desires, Bell read Aura's desire loud and clear. After a few minutes of the lovely redhead raising her hips into the gel-fingers, Aura felt Mary reach across from her own slime raft to grab Aura's hand. From her orgasmic cries, it seemed she and Bell had taken up where they left off. A glance towards her would confirm that, the slime girl once again fucking the young woman with a freshly grown slime penis.

It wasn't long before Aura felt the fingers withdraw from her vagina. Her feminine delta was fairly burning with arousal, and she barely had time to voice any complaint at the withdrawal before something else slid home. The slime-girl penis filled her burning snatch perfectly, at once soothing it with its cool texture and continuing to feed her arousal. While her thrusting was building up speed, Bell leaned down and planted a steamy, slimy kiss straight on her mouth. A slick tongue found its way into her mouth, and the aphrodisiac slime aroused Aura even more as Bell french-kissed the overwhelmed girl.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura looked over at Mary as the other girl squeezed her hand. She wasn't sure if the little burn of jealousy she felt at seeing Bell fucking Mary to orgasm was because she'd wanted to be the one to make Mary cum... or if it was because Bell had so far only teased her.

At which point the slimy fingers withdrew from her body. It was enough to push Mary completely from her mind, as close to orgasm as she'd been. She gasped in indignation and need, her hips pushing harder at the spot where the fingers had been... and was rewarded almost immediately, a much larger protrusion of slime slipping neatly between well-lubricated lips. It filled her thoroughly, and even if it hadn't been made of a literal aphrodisiac would have sent shivers of pleasure through her body with each thrust.

The redhead gasped again, this time in pleasure, and if she'd been having trouble voicing her desires before, now it was utterly impossible. The lips planted on her own were a surprise, and even if she'd wanted to she couldn't have closed her mouth enough to stop the slime's tongue slipping into her mouth. It was too much. Her hips thrusted spasmodically as her pussy suddenly started clenching down on Bell's dick, her orgasm coming suddenly and strongly. It was a solid half a minute before she had enough control over her body to kiss Bell back, but the moment she was able to she did, silently indicating that she wanted more, past the point of knowing or caring how much of this was really herself and how much was the influence of the aphrodisiac.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

After holding the kiss for an abnormally long time, Bell broke it and leaned back up over Aura, her slimy hands planted firmly on the redhead's breasts, tingling and vibrating in a manner very arousing manner. She also began to focus more on delivering a good fuck from her end, thrusting hard without taking any sort of break. The force of it all would have been bruising, but with her gel consistency, it was only ever pleasurable.

Bell kept going until Aura reached orgasm twice before impossibly building up even more and finishing, so to speak, inside the redhead. After slowly drawing her slime dick out, Aura still felt a good deal of it inside her, however she knew the slime had already put its reproductive core inside of Mary, so she likely wouldn't get pregnant from the encounter. Looking over, she would see Mary and the other half of Bell on their little slime raft, watching her with rather bemused expressions.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura blushed, half-tempted to cover herself with her hands. But Mary had seen her in far more compromising positions than this - been in them with her, in fact - and Bell... was the one who had just been fucking her. Lust still burned inside her, fueled by the aphrodisiac left lingering on her breasts, in her mouth... and the considerable load left in her pussy. Even if she was fairly sure she couldn't get pregnant just from normal slime, the oddly-satisfying feeling of being stuffed and left dripping was a little disturbing.

Still, she couldn't sit around getting fucked all day. That was exactly why she was here, so she didn't have to do that. The redhead made an effort to suppress her libido. And while her body didn't seem to cooperate, she was at least able to force her mind onto a different tract. "So, uh... you said something about a colony? What's it like?"

Hopefully it wouldn't be too long until Mary gave birth, but she could at least try to learn a little in the mean time.