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Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Yeah, just got the pdf. Damn nice book. Like... the ultimate core rule book really.

I can see why they changed the weaknesses. Tremere needed to actually get hindered, and the Gangrel needed to not turn into a socially unfeasible creature after a couple of chapters worth of frenzy.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

I agree on all of those points. I don't think the Lasombra change was necessary but they were the only clan with 2 weaknesses before so I guess i makes sense too.

Their lack of weakness and the lure of flames path was what always made me dislike the Tremere before this change.

My only qualms with changes are in the abilities. I like the new talent Awareness but I think they could have come up with a better word perhaps, since it makes me think of Alertness which is still there. Also I don't know why they kept Computers dropped Linguistics and added Technology. I would have just changed Computers to Technology rather than their change. Still they are pretty minor qualms.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

I recall Awareness being something from old WoD Mage setting. (I always was intrigued by that setting but no GM was ever up to the task of running one. Vamps and Werewolves got all the love.)

I suppose for a game with a bunch of supernatural elements, Awareness makes sense, but then again... isn't this what Auspex is for?
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

I don't really get it either. It seems like some amalgamation of alertness, empathy, and occult which all still exist. I could understand it if you were playing as a mortal but it doesn't really fit in vampire. Seeing as vampires likely already realize something kooky is actually going on in the world and it does kind of butt on Auspex.

I've never got the chance to play anything but vampire out of the old WoD. Most of the others don't appeal to me as much, though I wouldn't mind finding a GM for Mage (which I also find intriguing but don't really understand).

I do like some of the new WoD games, Geist and Hunter especially. Mage also looks interesting in the new but I don't like new vampire at all.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

I am mostly confused as to the current topic, but I will maintain that Changeling: The Lost is my favorite.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

@ Blarg -- Changeling: the Lost is from New World of Darkness. Changeling: the Dreaming was the Old WoD setting. You're right though, C:tL is so much better than C:tD. Just about the only setting that I found to be an improvement from an evocative setting point of view.

@ Ronny -- I almost ran a Mage chronicle once, but it died shortly thereafter in favor of a D&D campaign. I found the setting to be really neat and the way magick worked at the higher levels was extremely potent. Starting mages though were mostly just mortals who have the ability to sense a little bit more information and maybe cause some cantrips. (So a starting vamp could really mess a starting mage up.)

Mages are all about traveling the astral plane and the Umbra (spirit world). They fight a clandestine two front war against the Technocracy (think Skynet) and the Nephandi (harbingers of oblivion). A mage is an immortal spirit (avatar) that has been reincarnated in mortal form. Based on what a mage does, they can corrupt or exalt that avatar.

It's not as political as vampire. There are clear battle lines, but mages don't have armies. They're mostly on their own, with little back up against corporations and cults aimed at turning everything against them. They're a dying breed, and humanity's continued disbelief in magic and belief in hard science is forcing them to retreat from the physical world altogether.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

I've not played Mage, but my sister did. All I remember about what she told me is they got put in jail and wound up shattering the cell's toilet (they were all in the same cell for some reason) to throw pieces at the CCTV camera so they wouldn't be caught using their powers. Oh, and at one point a very very lucky roll actually made everyone in the general area they were in into mages (even the animals)... I have no idea what they were doing x.x
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Oh, we're talking specifically about oWoD right now? Then yeah, yon oVamp was totally better. Not well-read on the rest to really give an opinion, though. <_>

Also Malks are the best, and I was mad when I found out they got shuffled over and crammed under Ventrue of all things. Ventrue suuuck.

My impression of Mage was that it was a lot more... freeformy, the way it worked. The levels don't really have concrete mechanics, like they do with other game's whatsits - there're concrete spells afterwards, but the actual level descriptions not being specifically that one power seems to leave it open to being used creatively. Which I like, but as illustrated it seems to get really weird.

Which I also like. Kinda like that Sidereal Martial Arts thing from yon Exalted, where they can kung-fu so good they fuck the laws of reality and punch you into a duck or duel with abstract concepts and emotions and shit - apparently in a not-debatey, actually-kung-fu-y manner. Haven't read enough Exalted to really wrap my head around that (charms are really fucking shitty and I hate them) but it sounds like good times.

I am also amused that they start shitty and basically level up quadratically, to be pretty much the most powerful out of all them WoDs. Dat D&D parallel.

Alsoalso I am a fan of Hunter, but mostly only because of .

Jesus, this book. It's actually a terrifying speculative commentary about the dangers of power, and the inherent barbarism of children. The moral of this game is that those with power are free to do as they please, and sadistic murder is acceptable vengeance for any slight, no matter how petty or minor.

That said, it's great inspiration for my next Hunter: The Vigil game.
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Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

So I just changed my mind about somebody's clan. Not telling who, but I think it'll be fun! :)
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

OWoD Mage was very freeform. 9 spheres of magic, each with up to five dots of mastery. Each dot gives you a bit more control over that sphere (Forces, Matter, Time, Mind, Spirit, Life, Entropy, Prime, and Correspondence (think teleportation and remote viewing/control)

1 dot was usually a sensory ability only, while usually at 3 dots you started to have decent control over that particular sphere. The really powerful stuff comes when you have power in several spheres and can combine them into one awesome spell. So yes, an end level mage can do some amazing stuff.

However, the Paradox rule still applies. If a mage casts a spell in the woods, and no body is around, the spell likely creates no paradox. If a mage casts the same spell in Manhattan, in front of a crowd of people, their collective disbelief will destroy said spell. Even if the spell does go off, it'll create mega paradox, which can physically harm the mage or even worse, summon a physical manifestation of Paradox itself -- that's REALLY bad. Like... summoning a living black hole right next to you, or a little tiny dude named Wrinkle who will make you do a Groundhog's Day temporal loop for a long ass time.

When fighting against supernaturals though, there is no paradox. They know freaky stuff exists, so they can't disbelieve. So a master mage can fuxxor lupines and vamps up. They're still squishy humans though, so a well placed sniper bullet can end them.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

So I just changed my mind about somebody's clan. Not telling who, but I think it'll be fun! :)


Also, in my apparent tradition of linking dumb shit from sup/tg/ in this thread and in honor of motherfuckin' Zorro (fuck yes), .
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Haha wow that's so appropriate! I think I've got lots of different genres in the threads. Mostly thanks to you guys for inspiring me in your character dossiers and intro posts with interesting ideas and such.

I do try to make things different and interesting though. :)
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Ooh, last minute changes. You'll have to let us know who could've been what afterward.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

I haven't had much chance to learn Changeling in new or old, though I do like what I've read on both. Mage always seemed like it would be a better game for one on one play as opposed to group play. At least in real life. I do know dark ages mage pretty well though the magic works differently there. The system is a bit easier to know what exactly you can do, probably to represent that it was more rudimentary and more people believed in it at the time. Typically I prefer the OWoD for everything, except for Geist which is of course only in NWoD. I will say hunter, mage, and changeling have some interesting points in the new version.

Also, totally was not expecting Zorro to show up but tis awesome.

Well I didn't figure we would all end up being the most fitting clan for our write-ups. I'm sure it will be interesting no matter what though plus it's fun to try and guess till we know for sure.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Having played both Old and New WoD changeling, the new kicks the old's butt. Theme is so much more 'dark' in the new versus the old. CtD had too much happiness going on - it didn't fit in with everything else. CtL would fit in perfectly with the OWoD, just a few tweaks perhaps.

I agree, Mage might be better in a single player campaign. There's a lot of room for self discovery and mystery.

I don't know Geist, but I was intrigued by Orpheus, which was a ghost hunting setting in the Old WoD, basically took the place of Wraith after the Week of Nightmares. I also liked Demon as well. The idea of playing a repentant fallen during the apocalypse had its charms.

Also, props to Zorro showing up. Very nice.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Ah, yeah old changeling does seem a bit happier than the others in it's line. Though none of them really fit in that well together if you actually try to cross them together.

Not to mention that mages don't tend to congregate in large numbers like vampires or even werewolves. Yeah they have their orders and groups but for the most part there's probably only a handful around.

Geist is sort of the new equivalent of Orpheus or Wraith, though it has parts of other lines mixed in with it. Basically you play as someone a sineater who died an unnatural death: murdered, sudden onset of disease, fire, torn to bits by wild animals, etc. However as you died a Geist appears and offers you a deal you can be brought back to life but the Geist will be a part of you. Now you're alive again but you have to share your body with the Geist and oh yeah you can see all the ghosts and other dead things hanging around. Of course you get different powers depending on how you died just like all the other game systems. That's probably a horrible explanation but it's a very fun game with a good mix of dark and creepy to it.

Demon also looks pretty good but I've never actually played it.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

I actually really liked the flavor of Geist, if only because I could make a facsimile of the main character from Splatterhouse. Promethean also slightly interested from NWoD.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

I think I like Geist because while I liked the ideas behind Wraith I couldn't see myself ever actually playing it. For one thing Wraith seemed like it would be a very depressing game rather than just dark like vampire. Geist is dark and it could be depressing but it doesn't seem to be as important as it did in Wraith. The second thing is I couldn't see playing Wraith with a group of people and more often than not I do play in a group, which Geist also works better for.

I haven't actually looked at Promethean at all, though I would assume it at least has some good points like all the other lines.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

You play a Frankenstein or Golem, basically an artificial being of some sort that's trying to become human.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

That could certainly be interesting for a one on one type game. Sounds difficult for a group game but I might change my mind if I actually looked over the book. I want to buy too many books and I'm too honest to just go looking for free downloads. At least for the newer stuff, I don't mind it so much on older books.