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(Maptool) Land of Beasts

Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts

Then fertile and cum addiction. Could also get the first instance of beast growth for the desire to bond with women.
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts

Ok, sound as good choices
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts

I am bogged down by homework, and unable to lend myself to GM today.
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts

Its possible than the next month my work schedule change, for the moment i still have most of all the friday free but that could change.

Also i have a question. Its possible to create new mutations? or what i can notice all are focused on mind effects, is this a norm or we can suggest some more related to affect the body?
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts

Sorry about missing Friday. When I got home from class, I passed out immediately.

Also, yes, the idea of the corruption is to corrupt your 'mind'. The few physical corruptions in there, such as becoming more beast-like, have bodily corruptions that come with them, but it's the mental factor that's key.

You can't ask for a corruption to be reverse jointed legs, because that's just a cosmetic change, not a mental one.
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts

Well I got two different character ideas, depending on if we go good or evil.

'Good' Girl
Name: Nym
Race: Oni
Class: Pugilist
Element: Metal

Strength: 40
Dexterity: 15
Stamina: 45

Speed: 10
Finesse: 5
Senses: 5

Will Power: 5
Intelligence: 5
Depth: 5

Biography & Picture: Nym is a well trained wrestler, and a semi-illegal street fighting ring champ. Preferring to get into the thick of things and throw people around, she hides some extreme aggressiveness under her normally demure demeanor. She uses clawed fist weapons for when she isn't in a rule judged match, preferring the extra punch and disabling abilities they give.

'Bad' Girl
Name: Nym
Race: Human
Class: Cultist
Element: Metal

Strength: 25
Dexterity: 15
Stamina: 35

Speed: 25
Finesse: 15
Senses: 5

Will Power: 5
Intelligence: 5
Depth: 5

Biography & Picture:

A cultist that has decided the best way to worship the beings her cult believes are the representatives of their god is to leap at them and make them have relations with her if they want to or not. She's easily excitable and a poor hand at actually spreading her religion, except through making the sex look really good.
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Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts

Name:Matilda Cross
Race: Human
Class: Engineer
Element: Earth

Strength: 30
Dexterity: 25
Stamina: 25

Speed: 20
Finesse: 15
Senses: 5

Will Power: 5
Intelligence: 5
Depth: 5

Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts

Name: Randi “Bonesaw” Perkins
Race: Human
Class: Battlemedic
Element: Water

Strength: 25
Dexterity: 5
Stamina: 5

Speed: 5
Finesse: 15
Senses: 5

Will Power: 20
Intelligence: 30
Depth: 25

A noted scientist working in her lab was picked up by the military and 'guided' into adapting her experiments into their efforts in attempting to clean the continent of it's corruption. Using her skills, she designed a more mobile form of holding her concoctions by keeping her magically imbued fluids inside of her alchemy-thrower
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts

Name: Valerie Ingram
Race: Human
Class: Cleric
Element: Dark

Strength: 5
Dexterity: 5
Stamina: 15

Speed: 10
Finesse: 15
Senses: 15

Will Power: 25
Intelligence: 20
Depth: 25

Biography & Picture:

Settling the Land of Beasts is no easy task. It is a treacherous, deadly realm, filled with danger of more than one kind. And with the growing need for adventurers and mercenaries willing to brave that place to help establish some kind of control over it, the Empire became increasingly willing to support even the most unusual of groups as long as it got them talented individuals.

One such group was a relatively small sect worshipping a dark, nameless goddess, which was able to rise to some prominence locally in exchange for sending initiates to the Empire's aid. Valerie is one such individual, a promising young priestess raised from childhood within the sect. To her, this journey is a chance to spread the teachings of her goddess further, hoping to be of service to her dark mistress. Whether it's among fellow adventurers, settlers or others, it doesn't matter as much to her.
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts

Name: Kiyoko Zerako
Race: Human
Class: Duelist
Element: Lightning

Strength: 25
Dexterity: 20
Stamina: 10

Speed: 25
Finesse: 35
Senses: 5

Will Power: 5
Intelligence: 5
Depth: 5

Biography & Picture:

Kiyoko is part of the Zerako family, a prestigious family that assisted the empire with many powerful warriors during its history. Kiyoko is the eldest amongst four children however Kiyoko is the last one in line to inherit the dojo, as the first once in line to inherit the dojo are men. Together with her siblings she spend a lot of time learning their family way of life and fighting style, their focusing on strengthen ones discipline and speed rather than strength. The harsh disciplinary training would be too hard for many including Kiyoko siblings, as the only one who managed to finish the training Kiyoko grew jealous of the fact that the dojo would still go into the hands of her brothers rather than her.

However when the empire requested help from the clan, Kiyoko saw a chance to perhaps make her father reconsider outdated tradition. After arguing with her father for a while, she managed to convince him in letting her go and assist the empire instead of her closest sibling. After she got approval from her father, she couldn’t wait to show him that she deserved to be the next in line. Her goal is to make sure her father hears of as many amazing deeds as possible, she wishes to show off to her father that choosing any of her siblings would be foolish. She also wishes to see real combat and something than the inside of her dojo, as this would be a great opportunity to hone her skills against the beasts.

Name: Carmilla Shingoni
Race: Demon
Class: Feral Fighter
Element: Earth

Strength: 30
Dexterity: 20
Stamina: 30

Speed: 15
Finesse: 15
Senses: 10

Will Power: 5
Intelligence: 5
Depth: 5

Submissive[1]:The character will submit to rape if made to climax.
Scent Sensitive: The male scent of a beast makes the character's head become fuzzy. Each beast adjacent to the character lowers the character's dodge rolls by 10%, stacking additively.
Fertile[1]:The character is more receptive to the seed of a beast, and as such, during a pregnancy roll of 2d6, the requirement for a successful pregnancy lowers from 9 to 6. Further instances will reduce it to 3, and then zero.

Biography & Picture:
The land of beasts the home of many dangerous beasts, and uncharted land. Most regular people would steer clear from it, until adventures cleared the way, though Carmilla’s mother even though she wasn’t particular cut out to be an adventurer was curious about these lands. Her family however wasn’t fond of the idea of their precious child, which was unfit for it to become an adventurer, even though her family denied her access to become an adventurer it didn’t stop her curiosity. Instead of becoming a proper adventurer like she would be, she would simply try to uncover as much of the edge of the land of beasts as possible, usually staying only on the edge to avoid the beasts. One day however her curiosity got the better of her, as she ventured forth too deeply into the forest, encountering one of its inhabitants. Quickly she got overwhelmed by the beast, resulting with her getting brutally raped. After the beast abused her several times, she managed to gather the last bit of her strength and escape its clutches, she successfully managed to return back home. Her parents furious with Carmilla’s mother, though relieved that she returned, but their relief didn’t last long as soon they found out she was pregnant.

Thus Carmilla was born, against the wishes of her mother’s family, her mother kept Carmilla as she couldn’t bring herself to get rid of her own child. Carmilla looks mainly humanlike, though her arms and legs are covered with chitin and two horns protrude from her skull. There was however a demand her mother had to accept in keeping Carmilla alive, she had to stay hidden from the outside, as their family was mainly concerned with the consequences of having a corrupted child. So Carmilla live as a prisoner in her own house began, she was imprisoned in a room with just a small window, though the interior of the room wasn’t that horrible, it was still just a more civil looking prison.

Brought up in solitude, only able to talk with her mother every so often and occasionally other family members, as they would remind her how much trouble she gave the family. However when she grew older her freedom came, with the mysterious disappearance of her mother, her family had no longer need to keep her around. They volunteered Carmilla to be one of the adventurers, either she would just disappear into nothingness or she would return a hero and earning prestige for her family.

Carmilla herself became a rather shy and timid girl, believing that her own existence is a curse. She yearns for attention and is desperate to prove herself worthy to people, she wants to prove humanity that those afflicted with her curse can be heroes, and she seeks for humanity to accept her. As Carmilla never got trained in anything she primarily fights with her bestial instinct, preferring to tear things apart with her unnatural strength and chitin claw-like fingers.
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Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts

Help me I can't stop myself from making characters. If anyone wants to make a team with any of these I'm up to play.

Steampunk setting Characters
Name: Andrea
Race: Human
Class: Engineer
Element: Metal

Strength: 5
Dexterity: 5
Stamina: 20

Speed: 35
Finesse: 40
Senses: 15

Will Power: 5
Intelligence: 5
Depth: 5

Biography & Picture:

An independent engineer, Andrea spent the years becoming extremely adept in developing automated clockwork systems and repairs on vehicles and ships. While she is almost completely naive to the world outside the walls, she has seen some of the girls that come back from missions when she was repairing their vessels, and has no wish to end up broken like many of them were.

Name: Nina "White Death" Freing
Race: Human
Class: Freezer
Element: Ice

Strength: 5
Dexterity: 25
Stamina: 5

Speed: 5
Finesse: 15
Senses: 5

Will Power: 25
Intelligence: 25
Depth: 25

Biography & Picture:

A magitek creator, Nina has created many things, though eventually she settled into a few specific technologies, namely freezing technology and magic. Equipped with a small blaster that does little damage, but slowly freezes an enemy solid, along with her own brand of ice magic, Nina actually volunteered for work beyond the walls, instead of a prison sentence, eager to test out her inventions without having to worry about silly things like laws.

Fantasy Land Characters
Name: Meri
Race: Neko or Poltbold
Class: Battlelancer

Strength: 15
Dexterity: 25
Stamina: 5

Speed: 5
Finesse: 25
Senses: 5

Will Power: 15
Intelligence: 15
Depth: 25

Biography & Picture: Meri has had to work most of her life for her abilities, mostly to fend off more amorous members of the beastial races, and those humans that wanted to use her, suprisingly though this has not made her serious. Instead Meri has become more of a care-free person, though that might be because actually hitting and finding her can be quite hard, given she's developed the ability to create illusion clones of herself. (No Picture for the moment)
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Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts

Name: Izumi
Race: Human
Class: Slut... i mean Ninja
Element: White Water

Strength: 15
Dexterity: 25
Stamina: 10

Speed: 20
Finesse: 25
Senses: 20

Will Power: 5
Intelligence: 10
Depth: 5

Biography & Picture:

Personality: Izumi is a fan or tentacle lover and Sex with anything with a dick really, still she got some ninja training to hold her Nympho self in most of the fights, trying to act cold to trick her foes and then take them down to rape them, if they are humans.
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts

Name: Nixi Rondell
Race: Human
Class: Steamgunner
Element: Steam

Strength: 40
Dexterity: 30
Stamina: 10

Speed: 5
Finesse: 30
Senses: 5

Will Power: 5
Intelligence: 5
Depth: 5

Biography & Picture:

Nixi has long had a fascination with the outside world, and what technology and strange materials could be found out there and claimed and made into even more potent weaponry for her usage. Tales were always dire, but she figures even as powerful as those creatures out there may be, they couldn't be immune to the several custom bullets she had in store for them.
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts

Name:Matylda Gorski
Class:Gun Lancer

Strength: 30
Stamina: 45


Will Power:5

Biography & Picture: A militia woman by trade, Matylda hailed from a neighboring state who was looking to assist in the effort to clear out an untamed land. Given she wasn't all that skilled in a trade (She can fix her own weapon when it jams or overheats but that's it.) this was her best chance at a future.