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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B7 (Updated August 20th, 2013)

i downloaded it and played it for a while to pass some time :3 so current thoughts

the old lady who wants you to help her after you have helped others
i got everything except grapes which as far as i cna tell is only obtainible after your captured :3
thru that creepy demon guy

what purpose does trauma hold?
if you give up your baby to the demon(i personally do i don't want a baby :3)
then it goes up
also the unavoidable loss to the spider brings it up a little
im sure if it gets to high something bad would happen
in realistic terms you could go crazy/lifeless and end up dying if it was bad enough
but in such a case would their be a way to reduce it?

after your captured it seems that their is no lighting?
tho it certainly makes sense in that day of age for their to be no lights underground
it seems that the lantern also does not work at least not in the area where you hang out :3

water after getting captured i have like 24 or so water bottles but theirs no way to get more lol...shouldn't they be sold in the store?
thats it for now :3
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B7 (Updated August 20th, 2013)

If you give the NPC farmer (that you helped with their farm) some veggies they will give you grapes for each one.

Trauma reduces your life points by one for each point of it, until it is cured by drinking tonics. Trauma is inflicted whenever Sienna's body comes under extreme duress. The creepy demon guy is unduly rough. xP

I should probably make higher levels of trauma inflict health loss. Not sure.. I guess the max life reduction is punishment enough though. If you have 100 trauma then you'd be missing a rather large percentage of your life.

The lantern shouldn't be necessary in the primary area (where you sleep, etc..). Is it dark? If so then I need to fix that.
(Edit: I tested and saw the problem. Should be an easy fix. I'm quite glad that it's only a lantern effect. To fix it just enter another area and return.. or cast the Safety spell)

I'll may add some resources via other stores or such later on. You can actually get quite a bit by using the alchemy kit on the table and using leaves. Though if that area is dark I can't imagine you'd be able to find it... >.<
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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B7 (Updated August 20th, 2013)

the lighting was probably like a lantern effect at night
the real issue with this would be in the lounge area as when you go near the edges of the stage the light would not stay over you so you would be out of sight :3
other then that its not really a issue as far as playing the game you have plenty of vision to dodge enemys and look around as needed :3

also i think i forgot to note this last time but the scenarios for the chilling area dont seem to do anything i read one of your earlier messages that it changes whats going on in their but everyone was in the same spot,same messages ect :3
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B7 (Updated August 20th, 2013)

The bartender will be having sex with one girl if it's set to 1, and the other if it's set to 2. They start when you enter and finish shortly after, so it's possible to miss it entirely.
Also, it resets to 0 every time one of the events happens.

August 27, 2:04 AM
Not really satisfied with the primary fairy movement sprites so I have been working on redoing them. It's a LOT of work but should make Sienna and the other fairies blend in better with the other slightly smaller sprites once completed.

August 28, 12:13 AM
I've spent 2 days trying to get the new sprites done correctly and it's still problematic.
Putting that project on hold for now. I'll go back to it later. Just feel like it's wasting valuable time right now.
Edit: Among other things wasting my time... But anyway. Maybe I can continue working soon.
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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B7 (Updated August 20th, 2013)

An excellent game ! But one thing you should realy add. An explenation about the game mechanics after all. Or you write a manual. Your game is very very depp but some points are a little bit unclear.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B7 (Updated August 20th, 2013)

their is open the journal or press 1-3 on the keypad gives you all details besides the story

btw any progress on updates?
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B7 (Updated August 20th, 2013)

I've been working on another area, The Crypts. Added one boss there and working on another one. I'll probably go back to that later.

I also started working on redoing the intro. There will be an aggressive tutorial but I'll add an option to bypass it at some point. There's the issue of too much information all at once so I have to be careful about that. The new tutorial is where I feel my primary focus should be. I also want to remake the starting area. I find the current one is lacking in character and story development.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B7 (Updated August 20th, 2013)

true,to be honest it could be half the size it is as most of it is unused
including the ponds in the top right and bottom left which
if you had a fishing pole maybe you could fish lol...

as of now your just a friendly fairy who helps her forest friends then one day draws the attention of a pervert who has you abducted and you have to fight you way out of the dungeon to escape :3

if only i had drawing talent id make a game about a neko.kisune and lamia and a vampire :D
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B7 (Updated August 20th, 2013)

Yes. Originally I made the first area large because it just seemed more realistic to do so, but after playing through it several times it's just annoying. Sometimes realistic just does not = fun. So yes I will be making that area much smaller.

Paint.NET is a very useful (and free) program if you're lacking artistic talent. Anyone can do sprite work... with enough patience. It often takes me all day just to do one sprite set, and those are usually other sprites that I have modified. With practice it can be very easy to make an animation (just takes 3 frames).
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B7 (Updated August 20th, 2013)

so up,down then left or right(assuming theirs a way to mirror it so it looks the other way :3)
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B7 (Updated August 20th, 2013)

Yeah. I flip horizontal, copy the left (or right) sequence, then undo that and past it in. Each direction requires 3 frames of animation, but it's not always necessary to have all 4 directions.

Edit: Sorry progress is a bit slow right now. I drastically reduced the starting area (seriously, it's like 5% of the original size now) but I still need to redesign it, move the events around, redo those, etc.. And I have a serious case of tutorial writer's block so I've been working on Yellow's event. Hopefully working on other stuff will give me the boost of creativity I need to redo the first section of the game.

Edit 2: I'm working on redoing the spider cave now. I think I'll combine the other cave with it. Why not? It'll let me make the primary map even smaller. Plus I want to do a small dungeon. Five levels or something.
I'll completely change the tutorial such that you don't have to go on with the game until you're ready. And the game will let you know. Something like that. Anyway I'll be working on that and stuff.
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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B7 (Updated August 20th, 2013)

was interested in this but updates are just coming out to slow for me :( dropping sub :(
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B7 (Updated August 20th, 2013)

There's new content but I can't really update in the middle of overhauling the intro.

Though I will admit it will be a while before I can post another update. Things are just slow right now.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B7 (Updated August 20th, 2013)

Does anyone know where is the scruffy old man?
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B7 (Updated August 20th, 2013)

After you beat the slime boss it will drop some acid. You can use that to open up some of the locked gates. You'll find him in one of those areas.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B7 (Updated August 20th, 2013)

Which dungeon is the slime boss in? is there an easier way to make money? i cant seem to get any money in the game.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B7 (Updated August 20th, 2013)

The easiest way is probably by selling large numbers of items you find or craft too many of. The merchant in the tavern/hangout will buy anything. You can even sell him the "Another Place" amulet for about 500 gold. Just be careful not to sell him any tools because then you'd have to buy them back at double the price.

Sorry there are no easy ways to get much gold right now. In future versions I hope to remedy that with several NPCs offering Sienna gold for quests, errands, sexual favors, etc..

October 20th: Worked on the intro a bit more. Hope to continue tomorrow night. I'm removing the NPCs and quests as they don't really belong there. That section of the game will change a lot and will no longer last just one day, but rather end when the player reaches a certain point.

I changed the spiders so they don't poison as often. Antidotes will be more limited and/or you'll have to make them. I'll try and put in a tutorial for that.

Oct 21st: No time tonight. Gotta get up early. Maybe I can work on it some more tomorrow or tomorrow night.

Oct 24th: Just finished remaking the portraits for Nadie. Not 100% happy with them so I might remake them again. >.>

Oct 25th: Redid Nadie's portraits again. Tried to reposition her neck so it would look smaller.
There's not as much need for face variety with Sienna's children so I added a blinking set. Think I'm satisfied with them now.

Oct 30th, 12:37 AM: Worked on the tutorial some more and added a mini-boss. Need to lengthen the encounter just a bit though.
Satisfied with it aside from that.

I removed the starting quests but have some leftover mechanics from that. Not sure what to do with those.. might just remove them and use the variables for other stuff.

Oct 31st, 3:36 AM: More tutorial work. It's slow, but at least it's getting done. After I'm finished with the tutorial I'll add an option to skip all the tutorial dialogue.
I also want to add some story elements to the intro after the basics of it are finished. I think I will also add a few quests after the intro or bosses to get the early game equipment, rather than having to buy them for 1000 gold each, since Gold is rather scarce at such an early point in the game (and the tools would help with that problem, to some degree).

I'll likely add the tools to early dungeon bosses to encourage players to explore each area's first couple levels before deciding that one would be easier/more advantageous to do than the others.

Nov 2nd, 4:27 AM: Just finished the 2nd tutorial boss. Now I need to go back through and add story elements, remove tutorial texts for those that opt out, etc..

Nov 4th, 2:33 AM: Worked on the tutorial some more. The tutorial bit where stuff is explained is completely skippable. You just have to say you want to skip it at the start.
Later I might add a one-time option of restarting the tutorial, for players who get stuck after choosing to skip it. Likely via the tombstone.

Got a lot done. Added another of Sienna's children. Rosevynne. Added a little dialogue and playtested through the first tutorial boss. Fixed a lot of issues you'll never know about. xP
Off to bed now. Hopefully I can get the tutorial finished soon so I can go back to working on the overall game.

Nov 5th, 9 PM: Still working on the tutorial, and playing through it.

Nov 8th, 3 AM: Finished the intro and also got it all re-connected to the rest of the game.
A lot of the dialogue in the rest of the game needs reworking but I might go ahead with a new update anyway.

Nov 8th, 8:30 PM: Changed the hatchet & pickaxe acquisition into a small quest involving a fight that is somewhat difficult.
Speaking of which, most monsters will now hit much harder. I'm not sure yet if it makes the game too difficult or not but at the same time wound occurance is substantially reduced.

There's still a lot to do but I might go ahead with a new release soon.. just not sure.

Nov 9th, 12:55 PM: I've decided that most NPCs won't have portraits. At least not yet.
I've been redoing the daughters' portraits. I still need to redo Kendra's and some other NPCs in Kendra's Palace
(decided that would be the ideal name for the hangout. The Blood Red Bitch sounded tacky).
I like Kendra's ports the best of the originals but she still needs the new portrait background.
Actually I might wait on doing the others so I can work on adding story content.

Nov 9th, 8 PM: Working on intoxication now. I think it'd be too much work to go through and add alternate dialogue for Sienna.
Especially considering there's going to be quite a bit of it when I'm finished.
Being intoxicated will, however, affect her judgement. There might be some things you can get drunk Sienna to do that she normally wouldn't.
She'll still know everything she does, and maybe even dislike that she's doing it.. but that's just how it is.

There will be advantages to getting her drunk. Her spirit will temporarily increase, which could help a lot in some circumstances.
Spirit gains will be very limited now, of course, so allowing Sienna to get repeatedly raped isn't a good idea if you want her spirits high.

And.. her body processes alcohol pretty fast. xD
I might improve that later, somehow.
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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B8 (Updated November 10th, 2013)

Updated with new intro/tutorial.

There's also a new Crypt area but it doesn't have any monsters there yet. There is one new boss there.

Known issues:
1. Ores after the tutorial could possibly have issues.
2. Sienna's dialogue could possibly be inconsistent, considering what she should know at certain points. I've went over some of it but not all. In time I will get to all of it.
3. One type of rat is backwards during combat. If you notice other backwards monsters please tell me.
4. No spirit gain from quests / defeating bosses after the intro.
5. Lurkers, Golems, and ??? other monsters still need their makeover. If you find issues with others please let me know.

There's probably other issues, but anyway I thought I'd reupload primarily in case anyone wanted to try out the new intro (which adds some new story elements) and the Crypts boss.

Also added a gold & gem dealer in Kendra's Palace, at the top center. It's Ralph. xD His graphic is temporary though.

Also you can skip on getting the Holy Bible and there won't be any religious references now. If you left it behind and do happen to find any then let me know and I will fix it.

Also, I changed Jennifer's look. I guess I could have darkened her as before but that was mostly, originally, to match the RTP succubus content. There was no need to do that again.

Content warning
Shortly after the 2nd boss is a new story scene. It's, well, chilling. At least IMO. I wanted to give players a good solid reason to hate Jennifer and also show her personality/character a bit.

November 11th, 2:19 AM: Working on adding more children. Got the hair and skin colors a bit off. Might have to redo the portraits but... not really a big deal. It'll do for now.
Tirrrrred. xP Maybe I can work on another one tomorrow. There will likely be 6 birth-able fairy children in all. I had initially planned on more but I think too many characters can tend to dilute the story.
As it is I want each one to have their own personality, goals, and abilities... or something like that.

As the game stands right now I don't really like how long it takes to get a child to a playable state. Plus you have to fail to accomplish this. It's not at all ideal.
I'll try and think up an alternative way for Sienna to get the other 5 children. Right now I'm thinking the alternative method should involve lengthy quests and/or heavy resource costs.
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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B8 (Updated November 10th, 2013)

Just a quick note. To get Sienna to talk to the guy at the top left in Kendra's Palace you have to drink a few beers or some whiskey first. Otherwise she will refuse. After she talks to him once there's no need for intoxication to talk to him again.

I haven't done much else with intoxication yet but I do plan to have the player able to give her some very bad judgement calls if her intoxication is high enough.

Nov 12th: 3:15 AM: Finalized the fairy children & sprite concept. There will be Nadie + 5 other fairies. You can now consider Nadie a freebie.
I decided to cut down sprites from 20 to 10. There will be 2 sprite types for each fairy type.
Once you've had that fairy child and get pregnant under those same circumstances again you'll have one of two types of sprites.

I want to get this part done soon, so this makes it easier for me to do that (and less confusing). Making good progress. Marissa is almost done (need to do her spell list and her assigned daily tasks, etc..).
Still need to do Adivia's sprites. Her ports are done though. After I get all children in the game I can go through and assign monsters each child very easily so none of them should have issues any longer in 1B9.
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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B8 (Updated November 10th, 2013)

I'm thinking about speeding up getting the fairy children (time rather than day oriented). And also allow you to feed them more often. Opinions on that?
And I could also just put in items that speed things up.

Nov 13th, 3:10 AM: Been working on the last two children. Both have full sprites and I just finished Adivia's spells. Just need to do Marissa's now and their events in-game.
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