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For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

"We aren't trying to take them on by ourselves," Chocolat reminded Adheah simply, "we're trying to organize others to take them on with us. We merely need to set the example." The su-ku-ta woman paused, seemingly about to go silent for another few moments, but then added; "We cannot do it alone, or even as we are. We need more fighters, resources... And probably one who would be more.... Publicly accepted than the four of us. Women can only do so much."
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

"Well of course we're going to need to get more men. It takes whole damn armies to even make a dent against these bastards. And even then, half the army just gets converted win, lose or draw. But none of them were prepared. If we can get people in a constant state of awareness, we'll be ready for the freaks no matter what. Hell, we could even attack them for a change! Take the fight to them." Alicia was more and more behind the idea by the second, feeling like this was an opportunity she couldn't pass up. "If we tell people straight out what we're doing, then that would no doubt get their attention and support. Last I checked, saving our skins came before anything else." Alicia sank back into the water for a moment, feeling rather chilly. "So what are we going to do about all this? We have a boon from the lord here after all. Maybe we can use it to get some start up? Money, men, weapons, maybe even a place to stay. A headquarters or something. Best military orders out there have them."
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Was that what they were? A military order? Terra closed her eyes for a moment, considering. It's what they would have to be, eventually, to win. "A headquarters, a place to stage from and retreat to, is very important, eventually. But not until there are more than just the four of us. And I don't know how I'd feel about having it on a Lord's land - whatever he said, he could take it back later."

"Better would be something outside the lands claimed by any lord. Perhaps the edge of the lands held by the Invaders. We would have to take it ourselves, but that would also provide a more immediate goal." An early, relatively easy victory would be good as well, both for the four of them, and for any attempts to recruit. But it was probably best not to mention the former, at least.

"Men or equipment would be useful, no doubt, but the whole problem is that no lord can spare that many men to fight the invaders. Here her voice turned to speculation again. "What we really need, to start, is recognition. Recognition that we are fighting the invaders, for the good of all. It would be hard to give that without also giving us the right to cross his lands, and at least a token amount of support, eventually, things of that sort."
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

"Indeed," Chocolat would say in agreement to Terra and Alicia, before lapsing into silence. They had a suggestion, an idea, but not a method by which to make good on it, nor the face that they needed in order to make their efforts legitimate in the eyes of others. Some, like Alicia and Adheah, might consider the need for a male figure to be their face unnecessary, but to Chocolat that requirement was an absolute necessity if they wished to find any sort of success.

While leaning back and pondering what to do, the half-nymph couldn't help but realize that their main problem was that they were almost all women, and even if each of them had proven themselves as capable warriors, society simply would not accept their efforts as genuine. Of course, if the conversation lapsed for more than a few moments her attention would drift, and she would recall the last time she had been surrounded by so many women in a bath. It had been back home, after a day of training, and at that point a bit of her unknown faerie heritage had arisen. She hadn't even known what she was doing at the time, playing with herself, but she had been distracted enough that she hadn't even noticed the entrance of two of her father's concubines until the giggling pair of older women had pressed hungry lips to each side of her neck, and slipped their hands into place under her own to continue the ministrations she'd been performing on herself. Such encounters weren't just accepted among women in her homeland, but were actually expected among claimed women of the same man, and while the two concubines doing so with their liege's daughter was somewhat improper it hadn't stopped them from leaving her writhing in ecstasy under their more experienced touch.

There had been no repeats of that sort of encounter between Chocolat and those two, though she wasn't sure if they'd ever let their actions slip to her father or if it simply hadn't had an opportunity to happen again, but she still occasionally dwelt upon it, just like now. Her eyes shut, the others might at most notice that the tips of her breasts had hardened, and that a slight flush had appeared on her face, but for the moment the su-ku-ta would make no other actions to suggest the direction that her memories had gone. "We might be able to get started with the boon granted by the lord of this castle, yes" he said, responding to Alicia, "but I doubt that he will grant us all the we need."
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Ahdeah smirked slightly at the Nymphkin but let any comments slide though she would have to admit she would have something pleasent to imagin later tonight. "Well it would be a start and I know we cannot fight them right now." Ahdeah let her gaze go over all her companions. Yes there would be much for her to imagin later. "However these lands face much trouble. If we can pacify some of it our reknown would grow and other like minded folk would be willing to join us." Getting up Ahdeah began to finish drying off hearing out her companions as she did so.
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

As Ahdeah gets up, several men arrive on the other side of the baths, talking about their scouting duties. The orcs appear to be retreating in almost organized fashion, and the scouts are worried that they may return later.
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Chocolat wouldn't offer any response to Adheah's statement, but when the group of men came in her eyes opened again as her fantasies faded. After listening for a few moments, the half-nymph rose partially from the bath and turned around so that she was on her knees on the bench she'd been sitting on previously, and then wrenched the curtain dividing the two baths up and leaning forward, bending forward to lean on one arm while the other held the curtain up. "What did you find?" the knight demanded, her tail standing up high and puffed out slightly despite its wetness, ensuring that the women behind her could eye up her backside just as surely as the scouts could see the rest of her naked, dripping form. The threat of the orcs they'd driven off allowed Chocolat to ignore the impropriety of the situation, a thing that wouldn't even have been an issue in her own culture given the laws and practices regarding ownership of women, but the others who had likely been at least partially revealed by the su-ku-ta's actions might think otherwise.
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Terra wasn't sure exactly what was getting the Su-Ku-Ta woman aroused - she didn't seem to be looking at anyone in particular - but she had to force herself to tear her gaze away from Chocolat's hardening nipples. And not soon enough to stop her own from doing the same. She shifted slightly, glad that her breasts were under the water.

She was just about ready to continue pushing the others towards joining her in the half-formed plans to oppose the Aliens when the catgirl was suddenly stood, exposing herself in a way that left Terra staring. It took a few seconds to realize that she had also lifted the curtain, and that the men on the other side were probably staring back. She stood up, thinking to get out of the bath and behind a towel, then sat back down again, turning around and pushing herself sideways through the water, blushing furiously and letting out an unintelligible and entirely-too-high-pitched objection as she tried to find a spot that put her out of sight of the men without exposing herself to them in the mean time.
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

The four men - young, all of them, and built for speed and stamina rather than heavy muscle - are seemingly struck dumb by Chocolat's interruption, or more likely the sight of her naked body as she can see them getting aroused. In one corner of the pool, an old timer seems to be asleep. "Uh..." one of the scouts - a redhead - starts, before swallowing visibly. "We didn't actually see very much, since the orcs have their sentries out and alert. They're moving north at a decent speed, covered maybe 5 miles today. They're acting almost like an army now, instead of a horde like before, so we figure someone new must be in charge."
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Alicia all this time had kept herself more or less in a neutral position. She wasn't all that bothered by being seen naked, much like Chocolat. Especially given that her branding was public and she was exposed to quite a number of people. Nudity was never a huge problem for her and while she expected the reactions of the other girls, she was not going to get all bothered by it. But the report from the scouts was a rather interesting one and one that she couldn't help but chime in on from her position. "Did it look like an organized retreat like they were falling back or was did it look like a reorganization like they were planning on striking us again? I understand you had a short time to get a good look at them, but what would you say is your guess?"
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Thankfully Ahdeah was on the other side of bath from Chocolate and didn't suffer the sudden exposure that Terra had. Still she was captivated by the position Chocolate put herself in and couldn't help but stare. She had to admit she was curious and this was a treat she couldn't pass up. Though a healthy blush on her face the elf couldn't look away. Thankfully Alica spoke up before Ahdeah caused a scene. Wrapping herself up she moved to get a better view of the discusion with the scouts.
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

The redhaired scout seems to have trouble concentrating, for some reason, though his libido might have something to do with it. "It didn't look like they were going to come back, at least right away. At least, we didn't see them sending any scouts this way, which a good commander would do if they're planning to come back, so I'd give it at least a few days. Of course, that's might be just what they want us to think."
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

The soldier's answer would settle Chocolat, even though it wasn't terribly useful. It would be about then that she realized just how many people were staring at her and how naked she was, however, so she let the curtain fall again and settled back down with a slight blush to her cheeks. She shouldn't have done that, but she supposed that so minor a sin against propriety could be forgiven... Hopefully. Regardless, she would quickly finish her bath and then move to dry off and get dressed again.
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Chocolat: HP 62/62 PP 41/41 EP 41/41
Terra Watson HP 66/66 PP 52/52 EP 40/46
Alicia Alcott HP 60/60 PP 42/42 EP
Ahdeah Moonwolf HP 66/66 PP 51/51 EP 47/47

After getting dressed and leaving the baths, the four warriors would find that the sun is already beginning to set. If there were still matters to be taken care of before tomorrow when everyone in the castle would be busy preparing for the feast, this would be prime time to deal with them.
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Having gotten measured, eaten, trained, and bathed, Chocolat had nothing else she felt she needed to do. The knight would give her companions a sober goodnight and head off to the chambers she'd been lent, ready to strip to the skin as she always did when preparing to sleep while not on the road or in a perilous situation - an unfortunately infrequent occurrence - and settled in for the night.
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Indeed it seemed a perfect time to retire to her room as well and take care of her needs. Smiling Ahdeah finished up and proceeded to get dressed and head out to her room. It was a shame that the group had yet to form a bound outside of combat. Spending some time with them in a more intimate manner would have been fun. Still it was not the time and far from proper given the situation.
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Terra paused at the door of her room. If it hadn't been for the interruption in the baths, the day could have had a more interesting end. Something to work on in the future, perhaps, but not tonight. Instead, she entered, prepared herself, and went to bed.
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Chocolat: HP 62/62 PP 41/41 EP 41/41
Terra Watson HP 66/66 PP 52/52 EP 40/46
Alicia Alcott HP 60/60 PP 42/42 EP
Ahdeah Moonwolf HP 66/66 PP 51/51 EP 47/47

Aust, get the fuck in here or let me know that you're leaving the thread

The morning sun rises and those who were not woken by it are awakened by servants bringing them a hearty breakfast of a sausage, eggs and porridge. The morning air is crisp and clear and from within the castle, one could almost wonder if the battle really happened at all or if it was just a dream...
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

After a rather interesting and entertaining evening, Alicia had quite a restful sleep that evening and awoke to an equally pleasant looking morning. Alicia however was up bright and early as she normally was, a force of habit from her days wandering the lands. Getting out of town early made sure no one got used to her presence. But today she had quite a different plan, given that she planned on sticking around for the feast and any other events the lord might have planned for Alicia and the other knights she associated with.

This morning, she was up at the crack of dawn and was doing what could be best described as an early morning warm up session. She started her day with a brisk jog around the castle and through town, enjoying the brisk morning air all the while. She then practiced a few of her sword stances in the privacy of her quarters, being careful not to damage anything. Finally, she concluded with a few stretches before she finally dressed in her outfit for the day. So before the feast, she'd have to pick up her weapons and armor from the grumpy blacksmith, then join the girls and grab the dress she was to wear to the feast that evening. Hopefully in between she'd get some time to chat with her sisters in arms and get to know them better. Especially if they planned on putting their little plan into action. She finished her morning workout just as the servants arrived with the hearty breakfast. These people really were spoiling them.
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

The dawn quick came and Ahdeah along with it. She couldn't help herself not after the sexy dreams she had after her shower with the other knights. Still it was best to clean up and get ready for what the day had in store for her. Streching she quickly limbered up and practiced a few incatations. After all the mind needed as much exercise as the body. When that was done she would enjoy a wonderful breakfast before contiuning to exercise a while longer having no clear goal or task for the day.