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Chasing Tails(blueslime/Gabrielle)

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Re: Chasing Tails(blueslime/Gabrielle)

"Not in the way you mean," the green creature replies mischievously. "Though I think we'll want to discuss your taste later. I'm Viridis, what's your name?" Jeanette seems to be busying herself studying the floor, though Gabrielle can make out a slight blush on her cheeks.
Re: Chasing Tails(blueslime/Gabrielle)

"Viridis?" Gabrielle sounded out the name. She didn't know exactly whether it fit the formless creature or not. "Uh. I'm Gabrielle. And as for tasting me," she brushed some of the goop from her face. "I don't think you should make a habit of it. What exactly ARE you anyway? Jeannette? What is she? You're not surprised so I'm guessing this may be one of those things you don't want humans to know about?"

She tapped her foot, then turned to Viridis, since the ottergirl didn't seem to be the forthcoming one. "Why are you hiding in that barrel?"
Re: Chasing Tails(blueslime/Gabrielle)

Viridis eyes Jeanette. "That's one of the things we should discuss later. As for why I'm in the barrel, I was sleeping until you two came in, making noise. I'm paid to keep the vermin away from here." Jeanette blushes further. "I'm not supposed to talk about it."
Re: Chasing Tails(blueslime/Gabrielle)

Gabrielle huffed. "Well, Hamas sent us to this place in particular, did he know this - uh, sorry, but I have to call you a slime until 'later' arrives - was in here? If so, if she's here for rats and stuff, then obviously I was going to find out about it."

She looked to Jeanette.

"Am I in danger? Are you going to feed me to the slime?!"

Gabrielle appeared to be panicking, but in truth this was just a front, to make Jeanette try to open up more about things in an attempt to assuage Gabrielle's fears.

"If I'm supposed to stay in here with her, then I have a right to know!"
Re: Chasing Tails(blueslime/Gabrielle)

"N-no, of course not! S-she just kills the vermin. And I don't think Hamas knew, Viridus comes and goes as she pleases." Jeanette stammers out, obviously upset. Viridus retreats mostly back into her barrel, keeping an eye on Gabrielle and Jeanette.
Re: Chasing Tails(blueslime/Gabrielle)

Gabrielle let the fear and concern die out a little in her voice.

"Okay, okay... I trust you. It's just... I've never seen something like Viridus before. It's startling. I didn't mean to sound accusing."

She went back to her bedroll and sat down meekly.

"It's just... I'm a scholar. I like to know things. Nothing scares me more than the unknown, and well, Viridus doesn't want to discuss things, and neither do you. What am I supposed to do? Lie here and smile quietly, ignoring the barrel dweller in the room?"

She tried to smile to take the edge off. "So what can we talk about, Jeanette? Viridus?" She added the last name so as to not cut the slime out of the conversation. "Have you been in the village long?"
Re: Chasing Tails(blueslime/Gabrielle)

"Jeanette, why don't you go tell Hamas what happened? I can keep Gabrielle company and we seem to have things to talk about, so you don't need to hurry back." Viridus says gently to the girl, who starts to calm down. "I've been coming here for a few years. They give me food, I kill rats. It works out well for both of us."
Re: Chasing Tails(blueslime/Gabrielle)

Gabrielle watched the ottergirl go, and once she was gone, looked over slyly at the slime.

"Okay then. I can see how that works out. But really, what ARE you? Where do you come from? And what is this all about - tasting - humans?"

She rubbed her cheek again, trying to remove the last of the gunk from it.

"And why aren't they supposed to talk to me about it?"
Re: Chasing Tails(blueslime/Gabrielle)

Jeanette leaves quickly enough, closing the door behind her. Viridus grins. "I'm a slimegirl. We came from...things that were created under water aeons ago. Gabrielle's cheek is clean, merely a little moist. "As for taste... well, that's interesting, because you don't taste like human. You taste like fish."
Re: Chasing Tails(blueslime/Gabrielle)

"Fish, huh? Guess that'd make me a cannibal then, because I eat fish pretty regularly." Gabrielle sniffed at herself. "And I don't think I smell like one. Maybe your sense of taste is a bit off?"

She crept closer to the slimegirl, looking at her closely. "What about these otterkin. What's their deal? Why are the so secretive when it comes to humans?"
Re: Chasing Tails(blueslime/Gabrielle)

"I can think of a couple reasons why a human like you would taste like a fish. I'm sure Hamas would love to hear that. Does the name Dagon mean anything to you?" Viridus says, looking into Gabrielle's eyes intently.
Re: Chasing Tails(blueslime/Gabrielle)

Gabrielle's eyes narrowed.

"Yes, I recognize the name. It's in some texts I've read. But that doesn't tell me why you'd think I'm a fish."

In her mind, Gabrielle was already not liking this. She wanted the idea of Dagon to be far from the minds of anyone in this village and certainly didn't want to be associated with fears of Mother Hydra's consort.
Re: Chasing Tails(blueslime/Gabrielle)

"Ah, good. If you know you also know about deep one hybrids. The lamias would be glad to get their hands on one, especially a scholar such as you." Viridus says tauntingly."Do you think you could manage to convince me not to tell them, hmm?"
Re: Chasing Tails(blueslime/Gabrielle)

"You're out of your depth, slimegirl," the cultist said. "If I were a hybrid, I've not been informed of such until today. And if you're threatening to send me to the lamias under such prospects, well then, I'll deny it."

She crossed her arms defensively over her chest, looked away, then looked back. "Besides, what do you want me to give you? More rats to eat?"
Re: Chasing Tails(blueslime/Gabrielle)

"They have ways to find out. In any case, I don't think Hamas would let you stay here if he as much as suspected such a thing. I have enough food as is, and I don't like eating rats anyway. I could use some fun, though." Viridus says in a more playful tone, reaching to touch Gabrielle with a hand.
Re: Chasing Tails(blueslime/Gabrielle)

"F-fun?" Gabrielle flinched away at the touch. "What do you mean by that?"

She put her hands across herself, one arm covering her breasts and another slipping down towards her legs, defensively.

"How do I know you won't just have your 'fun' and then run me out of town anyways?"
Re: Chasing Tails(blueslime/Gabrielle)

The green slimegirl giggles excitedly. "Oh, I think you know well what I mean, if your reaction is anything to judge by. As for running you out, well, I could do that, but why would I? You're already making things more interesting for me, after all."
Re: Chasing Tails(blueslime/Gabrielle)

"But... but, you're a female aren't you? And if you really think I'm a hybrid, don't you think I'm some sort of... I don't know, Dagon worshipper or something? Why would you want anything to do with me?"

Despite her dithering, a blush had spread across Gabrielle's face. She was an extremely beautiful woman by human standards, but she was still inexperienced when it came to matters of the bedroom. And the notion that a slimegirl might be her 'first' was so odd to her, yet strangely exhilarating.
Re: Chasing Tails(blueslime/Gabrielle)

Viridus smiles almost gently. "I'm amorphous, dear. Gender isn't nearly as important as you think. And even if you do worship Dagon, what do I care? It's not like you're personally out to kill or enslave me. You might even want me as an ally." The slimegirl's well-sculpted upper body rises from the barrel again, and she leans against the edge, showing off her own assets while eyeing Gabrielle's. "Why don't you take off your clothes? I'd like to see what I'm getting without them obscuring anything?"
Re: Chasing Tails(blueslime/Gabrielle)

"Well, for the record, I *don't* worship Dagon. But..." she bit her lip. "If I really am a hybrid, I don't want it getting out. It'll ruin me, I'll do anything not to be outcast..."

She hung her head, still holding her hands over herself defensively.

"If I do this... if I *give* myself to you... you must swear you won't tell on me. Swear that you won't on pain of punishment from the gods. And if you do so, please, you must be gentle. I've never been with anyone before."
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