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New Text-Based Game (Title to Come!)


Jungle Girl
Feb 20, 2010
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Hello Everyone~

I created this thread for my new upcomming text-based game.
I'd like to have your ideas and well everything that could help me is welcome!

I'd split this post in two different part, basically the Technical part and the story/game Part.

First off technical Part c:

I created the game's engine in C# and SQL. In a layout similary to RAGS game for the moment.
Since I create pretty much how the game should work I'd need a lot of help in testing.
Also, I'm used to code for business-related applications, So if you know rad things in C# for games it's appreciated!

For now, the form looks like this :

i.imgur (dot) com/jXm0BEf.jpg
PS. I'm using Classic Windows theme, that's why it's all grey, the forms adapt to your computer's theme.

It's seperated in multiple sections.

The big text box is where the text will be (Duh, thank you captain obvious!)
After that, if we start from the Left, we have
Your character's info, followed by her/your trait and sexual traits.
In the middle you have the mouvements controls.

Next is (top) the object in the current room, (Bottom) the object inside (if applicable) the selected object.
Next to the object is the list of present NPC in the room.

The last list are pretty self-explanatory, your inventory and clothes.

Now, Story part.

I have a general idea of what I want to do.
Basically, it's simply the life of a woman that you customize a bit at the start, but then evolve with the story.
In the likes of Cursed or Corruption of Champions if you guys know them. But I want to push the customisation to the max
and remove all the repetition I can get rid of.

But then, I have other aspect that I can't choose, I'm just really bad at decision making, I thought I could go with the favorite
of most of the people.

First, The era, Medieval, Current Time or Future.

Second, the narrative, I'm not a native english speaker, So I'm not sure what is the best to make the game feel personal.
I explain : If we take the text in the screenshot. where the bedroom's description should be.

My Vs Your
This is my bedroom vs This is your bedroom.

The "You/I can see" vs "Complex" Description.
This is my/your bedroom , I/You Can see my bed, my/your drawer and my/your wardrobe. VS
This is my/your bedroom, It has a small bed in the middle and a drawer next to it. Finally, a second door leads to a wardrobe where you/I store your/my clothes.

What's better, what looks better, I don't really know that's why I ask you guys.
You may have another way to narrate that's even better too.

I want this game to be comunauty work. When I'll have a solid base and fighted off the bugs, I'll enable event / character / everything else submission.

I'm working on getting a small website on for the game and i'll probably host an alpha version of the game on it
for you guys that want to mess with it.
Re: New Text-Based Game (Title to Come!)

I'd be interested in writing a few scenes. (see signature)

Also 1st person or 3rd person... 1st is more interesting and engaging to read especially for something like this, but 3rd person omniscient is easier to write and work with.

I've followed things like Flexible Survival and Corruption of Champions and while they were interesting they just went wrong somewhere. CoC was fun as hell when it first started but now it's all dick nipples and crazy shit.

If I had any suggestions It would be to keep it realistic... (ish) focusing on story, exploration, and enemies and NOT TRANSFORMATION.

I'd be interested in hearing what fetishes you plan to include / focus on. You might consider a work around for turn-offs. Like an option to cut out outlier scenes (like the ones I'd write) while still being able to enjoy the main story.

Think elevator music. Try to please the crowed with generalized enjoyable content without alienating people. It's like this, a camel is a horse created by a committee. Your main story is a horse (elevator music) not a conglomerate of rock, jazz, metal, rap, and bluegrass.
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Re: New Text-Based Game (Title to Come!)

Thanks for the reply ;)

I think too that first person makes you more feel like you are the character.
I think i'll probably go with first person, except if there's alot of people that prefers 3rd.

I don't have any particular fetish that I like, I'll probably do a little bit of everyting.

As for CoC, I liked it, the only part that I dislike is that it's impossible to control how you look since it's way too easy to transform.
I wasn't thinking in adding these kind of transformation, some surgeries and workout to change how you look. But not some intense things like these.

I also think that the games needs flags, it's easy to implements for me and people that helps me. I just need to add a few lines and tables in SQL.

If you want to work with some writing, you're probably better than me xD
Don't know if you can contact me by email or MP.

PS. Checkin' your site tomorrow, it's getting late here xD
Re: New Text-Based Game (Title to Come!)

I've followed things like Flexible Survival and Corruption of Champions and while they were interesting they just went wrong somewhere. CoC was fun as hell when it first started but now it's all dick nipples and crazy shit.

While there certainly is quite a bit of transformation and weird stuff in CoC, there's plenty of normal stuff as well...

And @Malarkey, if you're planning on having input from us, this thread probably belongs in the Hentai>Under Construction subforum.

Also, if you're really going through with this, you have to get used to decision making, haha.
Re: New Text-Based Game (Title to Come!)

Ok thanks xD

I'm not used to this forums, I wasn't sure where to put the thread.

Yeah, it sure that I'll have to make decisions xD
But I want to have the future player advices and likes.

and I Hope I won't stop now xD
Writin' that goddamn engine took days xD
It changed a lot since my first ideas and codes.
I had to rewrite the whole thing at least twice,

The latest one though looks pretty solid. I hope so xD
Re: New Text-Based Game (Title to Come!)

Aww poo..

You'd be going in the opposite direction that some people want though..

I for one always though of the "customization" to be annoying and
not really required..

The sex/battle scenes were all I cared about.. Ending up with a horse-dick
or a tail just got in the way of the fun..

If they had made a version of CoC where there was NO mutations or customizability.. THAT would be cool..
Re: New Text-Based Game (Title to Come!)

there's plenty of normal stuff as well...

O'RLY? used to be... (links will 404 in a day or two)
Corruptions of Championts drawthread:

this one's gotta be my fav.

6 tits, 6 cocks, odd random tentacles, bee wings, something coming out of its ass, and of course giant fuckable (can be fucked, and can fuck) nipples


Again will die within a day or two so check it out for the luls
Re: New Text-Based Game (Title to Come!)

I've worked some more on the game engine. I think I'll be able to release something stable for test purposes soon enough c:

Aww poo..

You'd be going in the opposite direction that some people want though..

I for one always though of the "customization" to be annoying and
not really required..

The sex/battle scenes were all I cared about.. Ending up with a horse-dick
or a tail just got in the way of the fun..

If they had made a version of CoC where there was NO mutations or customizability.. THAT would be cool..

I'm not thinking about that kind of customisation.

First, i'm not into furry at all, So that's already something's off.

And it'll be all about normal customisation, and it will be optionnal.
It's kinda hard to explain, but I disliked too having to "manage" my customisation In CoC for example.
Where you cannot do certain things because it'll change your character.
I'll try to not make it happen in my game.
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Re: New Text-Based Game (Title to Come!)

Most of these things are at least medival-ish or post apocolyptic.
Not sure how current time would work exactly but that or a proper future (instead of world is destroyed, here's some robots) would help set it apart.
Re: New Text-Based Game (Title to Come!)

I've finally finish the first version of the game engine !

For now, the only possible things is Moving around an appartment, wearing some clothes, taking items and talking to an NPC.

It's pretty simple but I still have to test a lot of things and make sure the Engine works before starting the story.

Here's the first version if you want to try it.
(https: )//www(dot)dropbox(dot)com/s/qmxsvy7atbboz6j/Mikan%20Engine%20v0.01.rar

EDIT : I'm also looking for writers for the game. Ranging from writing events, to items and room description as well as person's chat.
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Re: New Text-Based Game (Title to Come!)

Huh... I don't know how this missed the radar.

Anyway, sorry dude, but until we're able to see visible progress, I'm going to move this to Under Construction. Gimme a PM when things have really gotten off the ground.
Re: New Text-Based Game (Title to Come!)

Any update on this? Did you quit working on it? :confused:
Re: New Text-Based Game (Title to Come!)

I'm still working on it,

I am slowed by final exams and some other projects im working on.

I'm mainly in the phase of story writing, that is not really mu strenght