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Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Also I can patched up some wrong or not of my imaged words.
And, one request for transrate. Don't use word "Church". it's Temple. no Church in this game.
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Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Damn! That's a big shock for me. I'm such a fan of saki quest and didn't noticed at all. Maybe I should try to translate this game myself. lol

Nah just kidding, My first language isn't english so there would be tons of grammar errors.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

So to cross-quote Monkeyman from the Virgin Island thread:

(Took a bit of digging to remember where that was!)

But yeah: provided that the editting is good and the machine translation at least somewhat intelligible to begin with, starting with machine translation and working from there is workable, although perhaps not ideal.

The machine translations are usually giving you an accurate translation... in that it's super literal. You just have to rearrange words, try to translate it in smaller chunks... then you can completely work out something like a coherent sentence with them!

Still amazing in our day and age, we don't have reliable Japanese > English (and vice versa) technology.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

So to cross-quote Monkeyman from the Virgin Island thread:

(Took a bit of digging to remember where that was!)

But yeah: provided that the editting is good and the machine translation at least somewhat intelligible to begin with, starting with machine translation and working from there is workable, although perhaps not ideal.

There's also a third approach as well, like using stuff like Rikaichan (basically, a Japanese-too-English mouseover dictionary), which is what I tend to do (as my Japanese vocabulary isn't great). I also use a custom machine translator to do screams as well (it get's boring really quick otherwise).

I actually combine the google translate and the mouse-over third method you described (I forget the name of the program right now but it essentially does the same as yours)

I totally agree though, I would like to think I get as many of the subtleties as I can but some will obviously slip through.

Back on topic however I'm still just as excited for this game as I've always been, great job ILL
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

so habisain, Are you really going to back down on translating this? You said you won't have time until october but it's not like we know when the last demo will be released anyway.

I guess that guro/scat filter is the only problem... (Don't really know much about programing this game so I wish I could understand >_>)
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Well, at the very least I won't be able to do anything until early October at the earliest. Maybe later. And that's assuming everything goes well with actually finishing the tools (which I'm working on on and off). Whilst the current version of the tools does 95% well, it is still only 95%, and the remaining 5% is pretty significant (e.g. menus).

On the other issue: Guro/Scat content is quite a big problem for me, actually. As I've stated, a translator will have no way of knowing what events correspond to what content at present, which means that uncovering something by accident is always going to be a possibility - and I'm really not a fan of either of these fetishes. Heck, I thought some of the scenes in Lilium Union were a bit squick, and this is way more extreme.

Another issue is legality: I'm a UK national, and I'm 90% certain Guro is illegal in the UK. Simply put, associating myself closely with such a translation project might not be the best move, at the very least until I've tried to understand the law in this area.

I've not yet made up my mind completely yet, but whilst when this game was first announced I was definitely behind translating it, now I'm not so sure. There's enough good reasons for me to doubt my earlier commitment to translating it.

At the very least, I will be providing the tools necessary to get a translation done quickly. Beyond that, I can't commit anything. And certainly, at the very least I would need an additional translator to do the bits of the game that I won't.

Thinking about it, one option that is on the table is me making an "Extreme Content Stripper", that strips out the events behind the filters. I reckon that this would be doable, and it would eliminate most of the problems that I have in translating the game. Worth investigating when I get a chance, at least...
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Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I don't like guro/scat either, But it's not like you fall dead at the sight of it.:) but i guess everybody's different.

Also if gore movies like Saw series, Serbian film etc, are legal i don't see why guro should be.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Translating isn't really an issue, personally. Rather, it's finding what to translate that's the issue. RPG Maker is usually a mess when it comes to multilingual support... It doesn't have the dialog in a nice XML file or something along those lines. Thus, I personally find RPG Maker translation to be a nightmare, as opposed to comic doujinshis.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

A easy way to dialog translation. all dialogs write in script file, or write it to expansion doc and load it by script. it make easy to transration.
also it can make complete multi langage system.
However, I did not it for this game. it took much time. Just an idea.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

You know, I actually did look into that when I saw the multilanguage support in D&P. However, it would require quite a few modifications to the game. Now I'm not saying that this is impossible to do or anything, but the problem then comes down to if this approach would work in other games, because RPGMaker Trans is a generic tool - to which the answer is no.

Anyhow, here's a list of things that would need to be hacked around with to get multilingual support working in the game: base EventCommand class (forgot it's exact name...), equipment system, base Interpreter class, (possibly) base Menu class, extra menus. This list is probably incomplete as well; it's only things I can think of right now.

Hence for now I'll have to say sticking with patching the game from Japanese to English is the best way to go. If someone wants to start hacking around to get a 'true' multilingual version, please, be my guest.

Also, I've set aside a bit of time later today to get the alpha patching tools out. As I said, don't expect anything too pretty.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I can't promise anything (I'm working on my own personal projects for the moment) but if this project is still looking for translators in a few months or weeks time I'd be glad to pitch in and help.

I do worry if things are getting a bit ahead of themselves though, the game itself isn't even finished yet and we're talking about translating it, guess it just goes to show the level of excitement for it :D
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I have recieved a question - Do you need the help of translation? - at several months ago. by several person.
I'll ask them to still interested to translation, later.
At now. I still don't understand clearly what habisain's tool do. What remaining. and, How can I easy to make a original copy of the text file.
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Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

OK, here we go. One very alpha VX patcher, combined with a very early partial patch (as in bits of it go all the way back to when I was translating Miene's name as Minnie). I think the patch translates Mienes room, the hall, Lynns room, and some of the downstairs. Of course, this was on the version 1.1 version, so some bits were probably added since... And also remember that this patcher does not translate anything in Scripts just yet.


Usage: Extract into the same directory as a clean version of Dungeons and Prisoners (preferably with a game.rgss2a file). Make sure that the path to the game doesn't include any Japanese characters (Patcher doesn't like these for some reason, never did figure out why...). Double click on dnppatcher.exe, and wait. It will take a while to run the first time, but subsequent runs should be faster.

The translation patch files are in the trans directory. If you change versions of the game, rerunning the translator will update the patch data. It's too late where I am for me to do a whole tutorial, but just have a look at the files that have translations in and it should be relatively obvious.

Oh, and you'll need to view/edit the patch files. Normal Notepad messes up the line endings, and Wordpad can't seem to handle utf-8.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Okay, now I understand the how to make a translated version.
Maybe it able to make multi langage option for future (need to modifying text data loading method).
And, I understand to Guro/Scat be translator's problem.
for H-scene, these extreme text lines are in the CommonEvents. you can aboid CommonEvents for none-H event translation.
but, some Mapdata has these extreme line too. and output data will not warning to show it. it hard to do who dislike these contents.

Also, did tool not work to text line it in the Script data and Mapname?
And, may I modifyring and include your script to my game script?
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Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I also use a custom machine translator to do screams as well (it get's boring really quick otherwise).

This sounds amazing, where did you find this machine?

Also: I wouldn't mind helping with the translation, even though I can't do much until sometime in November.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I saw that screenshot on your twitter ILL. Is that a new design for the default armour or is it a different armour piece?

Next demo when.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I saw that screenshot on your twitter ILL. Is that a new design for the default armour or is it a different armour piece?

Next demo when.
Re-designed default armor.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Are you the one who translated that, ILL?
I mean That pic on twitter
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Haha, I was actually a little impressed by how good the english, lol, No offence ILL :D

Also that chain in the bathroom scene seems to be missing something.
A vibrator, So when the ruffians are finished, they would put vibrator to occupy her vagina.

Got the idea while viewing this doujinshi >_>