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Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

The lord gave a surprise reaction when both girls began nursing his cock and balls all on their own. To that end, he remained in place for a moment, enjoying the sensations of their lips and hands. "Both you girls...~" the well fed lord cooed at them both, moaning as Seras took and shared his constantly dripping pre into her mouth and with the angel's. He looked especially pleased when Seras acted taken with his swollen ball sack. All the while she applied her mouth to the man, a particular scent coming from the large and lewd cock would enter her nostrils. This male scent seemed almost supernatural in the way it made her feel. Seras felt herself getting even more moist than before, her heartrate quickening. Her statement on his delicious cock began to become more true to reality than she likely intended as his dirty flesh would seem to satisfy a certain voracious hunger. Just then, the angel looked at Seras again, and she seemed no longer interested in 'saving' her from this man's attentions. She was now greedily trying to hog his cock all to herself. "Hee-hee~ They all fall in love with my dick eventually, but you two came to love it particularly quickly~"

His words seemed lost on the angel, and likely Seras too. The angel was staring Seras down, knowing she was competition for the phallus they so eagerly desired. "Mine." the angel declared. When Seras likely pulled back, the angel got more forceful, until the lord was little more than a stick in a tug-o-war. "N-now, now, girls! I'll get to you once I'm finished with-" he chuckled as he reached for Seras to take her, before suddenly the angel flipped the man onto his back. "No! I get to go first!" she declared in a lust consumed state, leaning over and putting his cock between her breasts, rubbing it between her large orbs while trying to compete with Seras over his pole. "W-what are you doing!? I am your master, you will-!" And then the angel placed her ass upon his face, moaning lustfully as she stuck a tongue out at Seras. "Master's tongue is mine~" she declared.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

For how much in control of herself she felt, Seras body seemed to freeze once the lord turned to her "N-now, now, girls! I'll get to you..." his gaze seemed to send Seras to lean back gently the girl resting up against her hands behind her, her curvaceous upper body arched alluringly to show off her cups, her lips glinting with the mans own pre.

It would be all too easy to blame the angel girl for her current state, but it was something else. Something the girl couldn't place that had her body in sheer need. The lord reached for her alluring bent legs in front of him and pushed one of the leg aside, his palm firmly gripping the girls knee as he inched forward. Seras whole body bracing for the cock, the cock she actually wanted? No. Needed! "...once I'm finished with-"

Just in the nick of time, perhaps not even under intentions the cock would suddely arch upwards as the lord was pulled back and onto his back, his hands slipping of Seras luscious legs with the angel climbing right on top?!

"No!" the girl cried out and quickly lunged forward as well, rapidly crawling on all four and pressing her own massive cups against the cock to envelop it between the two girls. In a almost competitive fashion the two girls licked at the cock locked between their pillowy breast, their bodies going into a even deeper lust-craze. Each unknowingly starting to much too eagerly lick at the cock, lapping up the potent tainted spunk, the angel girl licking and kiss the top of his massive crown while Serina trated the underside. Reason and thought would soon take a backseat as both girls eyes grew empy "mm~ Hmm~" their tongue seemingly began to contest the lord tainted spunk before long the angels ecstasy overcame her, the girl leaning out and locking the lords head with a lewd cry,

"HA~! Than I get masters cock!" Seras quickly crawled up, gently pushing the massive cock up for her position above it on her knees. It's sheer size and scope were just flatout absurd! Seras lustfully ran her hand across her shaft as she lowered herself on the cocks side, her slick wet folds spreading against one of the many ridges "Haaa~" she'd grip the lord mushy body tightly and slowly begin to grind herself up and down the shaft, her eyes shivering as each bump felt all too divine.
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Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

The angel gave a saddened pout at Seras as her opponent in sex claimed the valued target before she could. But the angel still looked pleased where she was, with the lord's arms holding her legs and his tongue squirming up into her folds from below.

Meanwhile, Seras had her own fun to enjoy, as she began moving her hips to take in the massive length. Her experience with Leo and the demon lord made this much more bearable, and as such, the massive length entered her body without much fuss, stretching her easily beyond what someone might consider healthy for a human being. It wouldn't slow her down very much, and thus allowing Seras to pump her hips up and down his length, stretching herself out on his cock while the man himself bucked his hips up to meet her, driving his length inside of her in full, until their hips met each other, and Seras looked full and round in her belly. All three squirmed and thrusted against one another, before the angel was the first to cum, followed by Seras, and followed by the man himself, his throbbing length exploding into Seras' body, inflating her belly as his cum spilled into her womb. Only after a moment did his seed spill out around her lustful folds, soaking the bed.

But such wouldn't be the end of it all. The man would happily thrust up and fuck Seras eagerly while the two women rode him. Driven by lust, and moaning the entire while. All of the passionate and primal sex would blur together, until Seras would suddenly find the man's length limp, and flopping out of her. His shape changed as well, looking quickly less human. His white skin became red, and horns could be seen sticking out from his scalp.

The angel yelped in surprise upon seeing this, though the lord didn't react. He seemed to be rather unconscious. "A... A demon!?" she exclaimed. "Wait... T-this means I won! Hah!" the angel suddenly grinned. "I beat a demon! Quick, let's take him into cust..." The angel cut short, seeing Seras and her bloated belly full of demon cum. "... Are you okay?"
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

The angels voice pierced the lewd cries first, swiftly sending the final chill across Seras body as she succumbed to their sex and only then followed by the demons own grand orgasm.

Whatever the angel cried out was utterly ignored as Seras collapsed and pushed away from the man lieing nearby. By the gods, the succubi weren't the largest of beasts, so why oh~ why, did these demon bastards cum so hard each and every time!

The girl still clearly dizzy, but the lust-haze lifted spoke up to the question with a fairly obvious "No..." she sighed with a certain satisfaction, for questionable the consequences were... by the cocks, her body just basked in ecstasy. She turned to face the angel girl, still fresh of her own orgasm "H-help me with this real quick, 'kay?" for how utterly embarassing it was... getting so filled was not the first time for the girl.

Be it comical, gruesome or otherwise, Seras would regain her proper body forms. Whatever happened in this land clearly altered her body, letting the girl adapt to even the wildest and strangest situations.

Still even if she looked a tad more presentable, minus the utter galons off spunk glinginting on her legs. She was hardly in a condition to stand up and start running right off the bat "We... we need to restrain him. Could you look around the room for something?" she smiled gently "I'll need a moment..." Seras paused briefly "If we can't restrain him, we'll need to kill him... Look for a something for the deed too." the addition sounded much darker, but hesitating to kill such creatures was a mistake Seras had burnt from before...
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Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

HP: 50/50 EP: 35/35 PP: 35/35
Status: Nude

The angel quickly helped Seras with expelling all of the cum from her body. Once she had made a large puddle, Seras would get a good assessment of the corruption that had flowed into her body.

(Seras acquires 50 corruption, and 4XP as well as a high five for humping ye demon unconscious.)

"I've got just just the thing!" The angel declared, using the bed sheets, and searching around the room, digging into the demon's clothes, before pulling out a key. "Bingo!" she announced, before using the key to remove the collars from hers and Seras' necks. Almost immediately, she placed her own collar around the demon's neck, before binding him with the sheets.

Then, once he was bound, he started to wake up. Opening his eyes, and looking to the two women, he paled. "U-uh... You're just being kinky, right?" he inquired with a smile.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Actually the second colllar worked wonderfully as a means to bind the demons hands together. Still feeling some aftereffects from the... fairly gratifying sex Seras helped the angel out and soon enough. Like fat turkey ready to be served the demon was bound, but not yet gagged.

"Alright I'll look around the room for weapons, let's keep quiet incase the guards decide to pop up." the raven haired girl smiled and scanned around the room for anything of use... whatever her search yielded soon enough the Lord would awake. Only for the sigh of the angel girl he so lusted for and the absolutely delicious surprise girl, that felt all too wonderful on his cock.

"Ofcourse, 'my lord.' " Seras spoke in a fake lusting tone. The girl suspected the demon had some sort of charm spell, there was no way she'd have turned like she did earlier without... and it involved looking at his. Or perhaps his voice? Whatever the case was using whatever means she had and avoiding eye contact Seras would gaga the demon for now. One of the sheets used to tie around his head to keep the gag in place. Her next actions depended on what she had found earlier...
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Searching around the room a bit, Seras found ornamental weapons, but those were rather blunt and ineffective, not even worthy of beating a lazy husband. Searching around a bit though, Seras would find a connected room filled with various things. It appeared that all of Seras and the angel's gear wasn't sold off. Her clothes and her trusty short sword were in one box, and rather beautiful angelic armor was in another. Very beautiful plates glowing seemingly with powerful magic enchantments.

If told about it, the angel would redress herself in her heavy armor, and take her weapon, a large halberd, in hand.

Gagged, the lord began to squirm at seeing that the two slaves were armed. He seemed panicked. He even began to cry.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

"Hey! Over here!" Seras would ofcourse give the angel all of her gear aswell as get herself in check aswell. For some reason her cloak were still here, including her blade. Or perhaps it was just someone elses, either way finally things were starting to look up! Though there was still a matter to settle...

The demon looked all too sad - gagged, bound and squirming helplessly. It was almost a sight worth taking pity upon... though Seras would only have to think back to the girls he forced himself upon and enslaved as his 'maids'.

"You should probably look away..." Seras turned to the angel girl, before walking past her and to the Lord. The girl drew her blade and approached her heart hardened and gaze determined "Send my regards to Wittle." unless the angel protested, Seras would decapitate the lord on the spot, cleaning his foul blood to the pristine sheets before looking to the angel girl "I could use your help ending whats this demon has started here, please??"
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

The angel wouldn't protest, stepping back, but not looking away as Seras would sever the demon's head. With that done, she sighed. "Shame a more fitting punishment couldn't be found." she sighed. "With the sealing collar off, I can handle the rest here. You should take care of whatever business you have. Hopefully, with the lord dead, the men here will find a more honest line of work. I don't think the men here earning a paycheck are exactly guilty, but I'll determine how innocent they are." the angel announced, ready to walk out, and fight the guards if need be, leaving Seras to her own devices.

She may also remember that the horse she was sent to kill and take the mane from was being held on the lord's property.
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Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

"I've learned to never stutter when fighting your enemy." Seras looked down sadly and resheathed her blade, she had held her hand from striking someone down before... what came of that still haunts her "He's too influencial and rich for any other justice."

"Hey, we got here together. Let's resolve this together." the girl approached with a smile "Besides my business is likely akin to yours, free the girls and defeat those that would still fight for their wretched dead lord."

"I'm Seras by the way. Thank you, for everything." Seras looked to the angel earnestly and went to join her in sweeping out the mansion. Atleast that was her wish.
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Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

The angel looked hesitant, but soon nodded at Seras. "Very well, I will accept your aid, Seras. You may call me Star." the angel introduced herself. "You have no need to thank me, Seras. You helped me greatly as well. I likely would have had much trouble escaping from that demon without your assistance." she said, before rushing through the doors. The two guards on station gave a start, before seeing the dead lord's head on the floor.

Stared down, the two men looked fearful, before they suddenly turned and fled. "Running!" one shouted, both fleeing down the hall. "Thelordwasademonandtwowomenaregonna DESTROYUSALL!" the other guard quickly cried out, too fast for some to hear, though they got the message quickly enough: Run.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Seras would swiftly rush right beside her and soon enough the duo fully armored and ready to battle the whole mansion bursted out! There they were! Seras gripped her blade tightly as she saw the unmistakeable figures of the guards turn to the commotion, the two warriors meeting the two men gazes head on.

The girl steadied her breath, it was time to see did her blade skill improve--- "Running!" Seras blinked at the sudden cry followed by his friend incomprehensible babble. Utterly stumped Seras looked on to the sight of the two utterly legging it the fudge away.

Seras relaxed her combat stance and looked to the angel, clearly confused "G-guess they were here just for the paycheck?" still there seemed to be no need to draw their blades. This whole manor seemed far different from her earlier ventures... surely something was wrong? Maybe the guards were just playing? Maybe the manor had some sort of defensive measurement if it's lord dies? Poison? Incineration? Hundreds of Wolves and spiders? Maybe she was just being paranoid.

"Huh... well. After you..." she actually smiled to the angel, a smile that wasn't there for too long.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

"Keep your guard up. The general guard of the manor seem to be just normal people the lord hired while in human form to ignorantly serve him, thinking he was of their kind. Still, there might be more who were actually aware of the lord's true form." Star declared, before carefully moving through the manner, allowing Seras to appreciate the fine living area. The guards fled by the dozens. Word quickly spread of the angel apparently present to kill everyone in the manor, but Star just let them go. "I haven't seen the maids..." Star commented, though they'd find that there was a good reason for that.

When they reached the main hall, Seras and Star would find themselves facing the entire staff of maids, the girl Seras knew included. Among them, the apparent leader stepped forth, not bothering to hide her demonic features "You've done enough. Please leave." the maid declared.

Star frowned. "I knew he wouldn't be the only one. How do I know you won't just continue where he left off?" she inquired.

"He had us under a spell, but that spell is broken now. If you would kindly leave, then we can turn this place from our place of servitude and into our home where we may live in peace." the maid replied.

"As if demons ever consider peace!" Star snapped.

"You may accuse us of crimes when we commit them. Until now, we've been the victims. Are you saying you're going to slaughter us, just because of our race, angel?" the maid inquired firmly.

Star went silent, debating her options.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

"Star..." Seras looked to Star sadly and would try to place a hand on her pommel "Wait..." the girl knew that not all demons were the same, a certain traveling magic duo proved her that... though that didn't mean she'd just blindly trust one of their kin just on words.

"And who are you to speak for everyone inside this manor?" Seras turned to speak to the leader, before the girls eyes glanced over the girls and stopped her gaze at the girl she most definedly knew.

Don't rush ahead. I wanna hear the answer from the demoness before approaching the maid from the city
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Star's decision seemed to take a helping from Seras, as she let the human speak to the demon. The demon was rather firm, and unwavering. She seemed like a strong woman. "I am the caretaker, the head maid. It has been my job to look after and care for the other maids here, and that has not changed with the death of the slug upstairs." she stated.

As Seras looked at the village girl, she seemed surprised to be under focus. Stepping forth, she made it somewhat clear that she didn't remember Seras. Though she seemed to know why she was being looked at. "I was blackmailed by a mayor named Wittle in my home town, and sold into slavery after he and his men violated me. I went through a lot before I ended up being sold to this lord... Forced to couple with him at his pleasure... But she kept my spirits up... And all the other maids are like my friends now." she said, while all the maids shared smiles with her, including the head maid.

"We thank you, but we would like to make this our home now. We have much work to do, so please be on your way," the head maid requested a second time. "And if you could take care of that monster horse known as a Nightmare outside in the barn, that would be appreciated. We have no use for such a beast."
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Seras looked through the crowd of smiles and turned to Star with a smile aswell, clearly the girls had their own minds and the demoness likely served like a brothel mistress. Keeping all the girls healthy and safe, perhaps even happy with what limited amount of joy they could grasp.

"Well personally I have no use of this manor, ofcourse you can keep it and do as you see fit." Seras turned to Star again to see if she had any objections "Though, we could use some rations and directions. We were taken away just like you."the girl sheepishly smiled "Honestly I have no idea what part of the world we're in right."

As for the Nightmare... "Ofcourse!" Seras smiled widely, even her original object was offered to her on silver plater. Something had changed, but the change was so sudden and jarring... Seras couldn't help but remain sceptical at all of this fortune.

Ask for some rations and travel provisions. Maybe a map.
Head outside and check on that Nightmare (ask Seras for help, she'll explain in detail when they reach it or just tell about her masters task for her as they walk)
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

"Our lord was a glutton. We of course have an excess of food, and you're welcome to take some, within reason." The head maid said, allowing Seras to have a week's supply of food. "You may also have a map." the woman announced, before a scroll of paper was given to Seras, allowing her to discover that she was taken a bit to the south of where she was before, so heading north would put her near a town where she might be able to find her friends.

Then, walking outside, Star would hear Seras' reasons for hunting down that Nightmare. "You got involved in all of this just because you were after that!?" Star inquired incredulously, shocked. "Well, it shouldn't be too much trouble to kill it and take it's mane." she declared, before they'd approach the cage that held the demonic beast. "Be ready..." Star cautioned Seras, preparing herself with magic, as Seras felt the angel's strength increasing dramatically.

Star counted to three. "One... Two... Three!" she declared, before throwing the doors open and ready to kill the beast. But rather than try to flee, or attack them, the nightmare stood inside it's cage, the fiery mane on the back of it's neck dancing in the wind flowing through the stale cage. It merely turned it's head to Seras, seemingly glaring at her, as if it understood their words outside, knowing what she was here for, before looking to the angel, and seemingly deciding that there was no point in fighting. The two women would kill it before it made a move.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Since when had the girl become a killer. Seras looked to the beast briefly and then glanced to her blade, speckles of the Lords blood still lingering across the steel "Star... this beast. It's suffering right?" she turned to the angel sadly "From what I gathered it's a creature who has been overwhelmed by corruption?" she looked quizingly to the angel.

She paused before asking what was really bothering her "Killing it, would be a good thing... right?" Seras wasn't sure what answer she wanted to hear, but her doubts at the constant slaughters wouldn't go away otherwise.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

"It's much worse than a normal horse, Seras." Star informed her. "It's a monster of Hell, like the Demon we saw back there in that house. It's a beast of great intelligence and power, even capable of speech, though I've never personally heard one speak. This one doesn't seem very talkative either." she stated. "Though it's intelligence is clear. It's not attacking or fleeing from us despite it's nature. And it looked at me as if it could see right through me. It's likely aware of the situation it's in. Still... It's a demonic creature, we can't trust it enough to let it live. It's too dangerous."
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Seras would nod to the angel, even if this felt more like an execution of a creature she didn't know - her master gave her these orders and her angelic friend explained that even if the form was different this creature was just as vile and evil "Alright... stick close. If it's what you say it is, it may be a trap."

The girl gripped her blade tightly and took a deep breath, looking to the Nightmare sharply. Her master precisely told her not to attack it head-on, but the creature was bound here and seemed to accept it's fate. More than likely thanks to Stars radiant aura "Time for you to rest aswell demon."

Hopefully the duo did not encounter any particular problems and deed would be done without injury. Seras cut off the dead beasts mane and coiled, before placing it into her pouch. Her task was complete.

"Thanks Star." Seras smiled earnestly at the angel "So... what now? I'll need to head back and find my friends. You could join me if you'd like, I'd love for you to come." they had a map handy and Seras at the very least knew where her master last was or could potentially be. Seemed their business in the manor was done.