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Re: Kyrieru's new game!

No there is no boss in the demo.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Re: Kyrieru's new game!

I went ahead and threw $20 at the project.
I feel like I under-paid for the previous games, given their quality.
Plus there's so many more H games I've pirated than payed for, largely due to not being able to get through the Japanese DLsite.
Helping bankroll Kyrieru's game feels like the least I can do to support someone who interacts with the community and produces high quality games.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who pre-order or donated. I really appreciate the support.

I was actually surprised to see how many people paid more than $5 for the pre-order.

32% $20
31% $5
27% $10
10% $15

The pre-orders were certainly more than I deserve, as far as I'm concerned. I'll definitely try to better live up to your generosity in the future.

Thanks again ^_^
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

wish you the same success of kurovadis
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Pfffff stop underestimating yourself. You're great. ( but don't go and get too cocky either :D )

Paycheck hasn't arrived yet, but i'll be sure to throw money your way when it does.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Was not aware there was a pre-order for this. About to do so.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

It's a lot easier to open my wallet to someone who participates within the community and isn't just some faceless developer who, at best, will take the time to post about their game here and never show up again (case in point: someone recently came here, posted a bunch of useless, sometimes two word posts in a bunch of different threads so he could have 15 posts and get my hopes up in that maybe something new had happened with those games, then made a topic advertising his game and hasn't been back since). And yeah, I know that can be a little unfair when the developer is Japanese and can't communicate in English, but that's how I feel.

Of course, the quality and price of the game makes a big difference, too. I've seen games that are almost $20 that have almost no content to them, so I don't feel guilty at all if I get them from a file sharing site. I've very rarely paid for porn (the internet has spoiled me), but I like the way that the girl looks and enjoy the animations so far (sexual appeal matters in an H-game, whoda thunk it?), so I'm more than happy to support this if it needs it.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

I preordered the game yesterday after trying the demo again. I'm glad I did. I know you (Kyrieru) don't like to give to give ETAs but it would be good to know if we have days, weeks, months or years before the release. I'm not asking for a specific date but only a general idea of where the game is at now (50%, 75%, etc...). I won't hold it against you,

Again, great work, and keep it up.:cool:
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who pre-order or donated. I really appreciate the support.

I was actually surprised to see how many people paid more than $5 for the pre-order.

32% $20
31% $5
27% $10
10% $15

The pre-orders were certainly more than I deserve, as far as I'm concerned. I'll definitely try to better live up to your generosity in the future.

Thanks again ^_^

Meaning...? Releasing unfinished games as extra goodies?

I'm going to pre-order your game today, you're one of the best.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Sold. Though, says it can't find Order Number. But i'm still Sold.

You never really disappoint exactly. More them terms of saying "Akwardly interested" to begin my explaination of your products.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Sold. Though, says it can't find Order Number. But i'm still Sold.
Yeah, I got the same problem. Seems to be a timing issue on their end - just reloading the page fixed it, and I got an email with the same link anyway...
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

I just bought the preorder paying more than minimum. Kyrieru does good stuff and it's great to play a well made platformer with good h-content that isn't censored. Guy is a real perfectionist and I appreciate the effort.

On a side note, I did find it odd .. in the first version of the demo, my xbox360 controller (Afterglow) had an issue with double tap to dash, it wouldn't work on the controller. Had to do it on the keyboard. Hope I don't have to emulate. Controller was fine on the last game.

I haven't tried it with the most recent demo version. hope that was just an odd bug.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Okay... how the heck do you do scatter shot? or other shots?
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

I'm sorry, I just can't support this preorder offer considering there isn't even a specific release date available for this game. Also my opinion of preordering games mirrors this:

Re: Kyrieru's new game!

I'm sorry, I just can't support this preorder offer considering there isn't even a specific release date available for this game.

I don't always pre-pay games, but when I do, it's for games by Kyrieru (needs to be a commercial with the Dos Equis man).

In all seriousness, though, I can appreciate your position. I rarely pre-pay for games. Generally, I only do so when the artist has already proven themselves. Kyrieru has earned my trust, as a gamer, by producing two quality products (Kurovadis and Eroico). I'm happy to help support Kyrieru, because I have faith in his work.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

I'm sorry, I just can't support this preorder offer considering there isn't even a specific release date available for this game. Also my opinion of preordering games mirrors this:

Perhaps a slightly more detailed opinion, worth listening to:

Edit: I should probably qualify that with a footnote:
I think Kyrieru is doing the right thing here - not offering any sort of preorder exclusive
or other bonus content that would take away from the game everyone is getting.

That makes things clear: From an egoistical perspective, you gain nothing by preordering,
and in fact lose a bit (spending money earlier, and paying for something that might not be what you expected or, as unlikely as this is, might not work out at all).
All you get is the warm fuzzy feeling of supporting independent creators.

This means this particular preorder isn't quite as evil as that video paints them - but you should still know what you're getting into.
Effectively, this is a donation, with the promise that when the game comes out, you'll get it "for free" as a thank you for your donation now.
If you're cool with that, great! More people supporting my favorite creators is always good.
But if not - no big deal! Congratulations, you're one of the sane people.
Don't be misled by marketing selling preorders/early access as "all the cool kids are doing it".
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