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Amarant: Unknown Path

Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

We never tied the hook to the rope, did we? That would've been helpful right about now...


Do we remember how to swim? :confused:
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path


Wow. My feelings were almost actually hurt.

Ignoring whether or not we can actually swim, D seems like the best option of the three it had been narrowed down to. Would someone explain to me how you would manage to even throw the rapier in this situation? Being that we are holding it normally, we would only be able to toss it. If I were the captain, I'd laugh while putting a bullet through our head if we tried that. To throw it, we'd have to swing it around so it was over, not under. Again, if I were the captain, I'd shoot first rather than wait to see what happens next.

And A-1 doesn't even make sense to me at all. I can't even imagine that working. So, out of the choices provided, I made what seemed to me to be the most likely to succeed. Personally, I would have just jumped. The water can't be that far, as I think it would be rather cruel to include instant death as an option. Besides, if shit really does hit the fan, we have a red crystal.

Not that I should have to explain my decision making process, but hey.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Just tossing it out there: Did we actually bother to guesstimate the distance to the body of water, and an approximate depth of said water too?

I'd hate to fall eight metres only to find that the water is just five cm deep, or that the drop is twenty five metres down, which kills you by the way.

As a rule of thumb: less than 2.5 metres deep and we'll likely break every bone of whatever hits the water first because of velocity, more that approx.Twenty metres(less if we fall particularly unlucky) and the water surface will be akin to concrete.(Assuming we make a perfect jump, but hitting the water belly/back first is a worst case scenario and halves the safe distance to ~10m).

Also hate to burst some bubbles, but everyone's forgetting D requires us to charge the guy first, so stop wrecking other options for "risk of getting shot" since D brings us closest to him to begin with.
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Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

“Ah, the River Silver. Beautiful body of water. Runs through most of Amarant winding its way south, eventually ending in a great waterfall that pours into the Hazelands. Miles wide, it’d be perfect if my crew and I tackled the rivers instead.”

So, I'm assuming depth of the river to not be the issue. Distance could still be, though.

Also hate to burst some bubbles, but everyone's forgetting D requires us to charge the guy first, so stop wrecking other options for "risk of getting shot" since D brings us closest to him to begin with.

Fair point, I'll concede on that one. Still don't think my vote was worth negative rep, but hey.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

In the face of us having to jump off a train, I'll switch my vote from A to the popular X vote if it will keep us from going overboard, which is probably one of the worst ideas.

If it doesn't kill us, it won't kill the other guy, same for if it will kill him. If bullets fire the same way in this universe, they probably won't work when wet. We end up in the middle of nowhere with no clue where we are and no way back to civilization. And we would certainly be late for our subsequent trains, meaning we'd probably need to make a good deal of money to pay for new tickets and to replace the gear we'd lose by taking a dive. Now that I think about it, this is definitely the worst idea, even straight up submitting gives us a better chance...
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

So, I'm assuming depth of the river to not be the issue. Distance could still be, though.

Fair point, I'll concede on that one. Still don't think my vote was worth negative rep, but hey.

Most rivers have shallow points, I yearly take a trip to france, and near the campsite is a train bridge over the dordogne. The water level in the summer at that bridge is about half a metre. The bridge itself is about ten metres above water level. Sad to say is that it's confirmed people die from that.

As for neg-repping: I don't know whom, I don't care why. I was slightly miffed to see you attempt to break the stalemate with a poorly explained (first) post.

All in all: Let Cevrik make heads or tails out of this mess, he's the one who led us in it in the first place<3
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

All in all: Let Cevrik make heads or tails out of this mess, he's the one who led us in it in the first place<3

Not sure if: Leading you gloriously through the story... or Leading you into said mess. :eek:

Anyway, I'm actually leaving on a trip this Saturday morning. IF I do count Tamaito's vote as well as Sturm's vote change, then there is in fact a tie between Votes D and X at 4 votes each, leaving A-1 behind at 2.

So, here's the new plan:
I will get some rest after a very long day of work and then, when I wake up, depending on the number will then decide how to go about writing this.

I will say, though, as for the next post: I am not in the habit of... Well, "Feeling sorry(?)" for the prtagonist, so I ask that whatever transpires after the next section comes about, that you take it in stride. I've determined beforehand what decisions will lead where into the narrative and am trying my best to factor in the variables that are "Other" choices, and to make it so that I don't change it due to any sort of favoritism. All in all I shall try my best as writer to factor in all votes and deliver a believable and exciting narrative.
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Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Well if things go really bad, we have those rewind orbs. I don't think she would have much time to attach a hook to a rope in all this. He is also by himself. Forgot where but its really hard to hit a charging assailant even when trained within 10 yards even when the gun is already drawn and thats with modern weapons while standing still on solid ground. So I think charging him with the rapier when loses aim due to the train lurching or when the train goes through a tunnel which would give him temporary blindness would give us a chance. Also its almost impossible to hit a target twice in this situation with a modern gun. I mean the other option that people are voting, involves us tackling him so regardless we have to run at him, so I don't see how tackling him gives us a better chance when a rapier gives us a slight range advantage and involves the main character getting hurt less.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

I just want our character to throw our rapier at him so that (even if it doesn't hit him) we can move and draw our gun while he's distracted by it, and then shoot him.

The author claims in the choice area that he rewards creative answers, and as far as I'm concerned it's time for our heroine to actually *do* some creative, quick-thinking action-hero tricks.

Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

After looking at the narrative, the votes, and the recent posts I've come to a decision.

Writing shall commence now.

Also: Wow, a whole page. 30 posts... and only one was the story.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path


X: Throw our rapier and hope to distract him as we try to shoot him.

There you stand, on the edge of the platform, staring at this man, this pirate. His gun trained on you, he watches and waits for your decision. The choices he’s offered you are grim; none of them are simple and they all lead to some form of misfortune for you.

The wind blows by quickly, your duster and skirt blown to the side as they clutch the right side of your body. You tighten your grip on your rapier in your left hand not only because of the chill of the wind, but also because of your anger towards this sick man. He sits there, on the railing, almost seeming bored as he waits for your decision. This pirate has no regard for your life and sees you as an object he can discard as soon as he’s done with you. If anything can be said for him: at least he's patient.There is no way you can accept his offer, you decide. Not only must you escape but this man must also die.

You look at his gun; he only has two shots, half as many as you. If your fate were decided upon by how many shots each of you had then you’d be the clear victor. As it stands now, though, he has his gun out and you don’t. If you were to try and shoot him before he shot you, you would surely lose. You keep thinking of something, anything that can help you. Your grip on your sword tightens even further as you stress over coming up with a solution.

“So, are we enjoying the weather or are you still contemplating trying to stab me?” he suddenly asks, apparently noticing your sword arm trembling.

Your anger rises a bit further, but immediately subsides as you think you might have a way out of this: Your revolver is the only thing he’s really worried about - If you were to approach him he’d surely have enough time to fire. It may be a risk but, If you were to throw your rapier at him, it might be the distraction you need, as well as confuse him long enough, to get a shot off. You run the risk of losing your rapier over the side, but your life is more important and you can always acquire a new blade later.

You run through the motions in your head: you’ll bring the rapier up above your shoulder and then fling it at him. Before you even let go of the blade your hand will already be under your duster, pulling your revolver from its holster. If the rapier hits him: all the better. If not: then you’ll simply let your revolver finish him. You hope it’s a good enough plan to work and get you out of this without injury.

The man fakes a yawn and speaks up again:

“Look, if you don’t speak up soon I’m just going to fuck your cor-“

His voice is cut off as you’ve already launched into action. By the time he realizes what is happening your sword is already over your shoulder. You see the confusion in his eyes; the thought of “what the hell is this woman doing?” visible within them.

By the time he has any sort of idea that your blade is going to be making its way towards him your left arm has already launched it at him. You have no experience throwing weapons, but even so, you must admit that there’s a certain elegance to how the moonlight dances off the steel spinning through the air at him. At this point you’re no longer concerned about what he’s thinking; every fiber of your being is focused on getting your revolver out as soon as possible.

The wind, unfortunately, starts to blow the blade off course. In the second before it reaches him you can see the line of steel move off to the left. The blade, however, does not miss its mark. Your revolver still rising to fire at the man, he lets out a cry of pain as the sword manages to spin just enough so that the tip connects with, and buries itself in, his shoulder.

Time seems to almost stop as that last second comes to a close. Both of your eyes lock: his with pain and anger, yours with a cold determination, and then it all unfolds. Your revolver levels out, the sights lining up: a blurred foreground to the target that is the pirate. Your right thumb pulls back the hammer just as your left hand joins your right, and your finger squeezes the trigger.

Gunfire rings out: A loud crack that humbles even the roar of the train. It echoes out across the water and onward over the sea of mist beyond. You stand there, trembling, looking to the figure in front of you: His eyes are wide. He remains on the railing, hunched over to his side, his forearm resting on it to help him keep his balance. His mouth trembles as though he’s trying to speak, but no words come forth. You stand there, gun still pointed at the man. He shifts slightly and you cock back the hammer, ready to fire again. The man, however, does not move forward, but instead falls back. His eyes no longer wide with surprise, his whole face softens into a peaceful expression and he finally slips back over the railing… smoke trailing from the barrel of his gun as he fell.

It is then that time seems to resume its normal course, your adrenaline starting to fade, but still remaining. You look off to your right as the door to the lounge car slides open, the guard from earlier stepping out and looking around.

“Ma’am?” he calls out, as he sees you.

You try to call back to him back find yourself in a daze. A numbing, almost inhibiting feeling passes over you, a small tingling emanating from your center. You feel as though someone has jammed a blunt blade into your stomach. It seems to burn, almost as though the tip is on fire. Your legs also start to feel numb as you look down... and see red spreading out over the lower portion of your blouse.

“Ma’am!” the guard calls out again as he hops over the gap.

You try to concentrate, but you have trouble making sense of anything. Your legs feel as though they aren’t even there anymore. It’s becoming harder to stand. You try to grasp something to steady yourself but your hands fail to connect with anything.

The last thing you remember after the guard reaching out to you is the feeling of wind rushing passed you and cold water enveloping your form.

-Chapter 2:On the (Rail) Road Again… End-

Also, I'd like to apologize for that scene we experienced on the last page; I guess a bit of drama had to happen sooner or later. Hopefully, this will not make everyone bitter considering the turn the story has taken, and we can all resume with level heads. As I mentioned before: I will be traveling tomorrow morning. I will write when I have the chance but I won't be able to submit anything as I will not have access to the internet. I shall return sometime after Sunday night. I look forward to weeks to come.
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Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

I guess I expected her to get hit with one shot so I'm not surprised but now we don't have a melee weapon. Maybe we can get one off the guys she killed. Did we have a healing potion and do they just heal you up good as new?
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

An expectable outcome. Let's just wait where we end up after our blackout.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Ah well, I guess it comes with the territory. I know I can't write CYOA's because I definitely get too attached to the character. That and I wouldn't be able to put out huge updates as often as you do.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

A roar permeated the darkness; A constant rumble that never ceased. You feel it course over your form as you float through this black void. Everything you hear seemed to be drowned out. You flow through the blackness, your leveled body carried along by some unknown force. You feel cold. Before long you accelerate, your form bucking up and down as the force carrying you becomes wilder. It becomes more chaotic, your body almost thrashing about. And then… you fall. You turn end over end as you feel the air rush past you. Faster and faster you seem to descend until you eventually notice a pattern below you: It’s a web of sorts, a complex array of cracks in the abyss. They seem to shimmer, light emanating from the fissures. You draw closer to them, falling faster, farther. The distance grows smaller, and then, just when you feel as though you’re about to hit it, the light suddenly changes to red, a bright crimson glow in the blackness. You smash into and shatter the cracked surface, and once again, feel water envelop your form.

You open your eyes and gasp. The intake of air causes a pain in your chest and you start coughing, a bit of water pouring forth from your mouth. A dizzy feeling clouds your mind, and you feel weak. You’re on your stomach, dazed, confused, cold, and wet. You feel nauseous as well, a subtle feeling of wanting to retch rising up from your stomach. Your coughing fit calms down for the most part, and you blink furiously, trying to clear your blurred vision.

You look around and see that, even though it’s still dark, you can still see somewhat clearly. You notice that there are trees around you, their leaves are not green, however, instead a sickly grey. Vines of the same color also hang from the limbs and you now notice the bark has an ashy color to it. Mist also permeates the air, a constant haze that seems to cover everything.

You try to move your arms and push yourself up, but find your movements a bit sluggish. You eventually manage to position your arms and push yourself up off the wet ground. Your head reels as you do so, a spell of dizziness threatening to knock you over again. You clasp your forehead with your hand and find that silt and sand covers your face. You ignore it for now, and begin looking around once your head has recovered.

As you noticed before, it’s dark, but you’re still able to make out most of the features around you. You find yourself in a shallow pool of water, a small expanse of dead grass spanning the distance between the water and the trees. You look up to the sky, and are concerned about the blanket of clouds hanging unusually low just above the trees. You continue to turn and see that the small pool you’re in is part of a much bigger lake at the base of a massive waterfall, the rest of the water flowing away and into the tree line. You look back towards the waterfall and see that it is flanked on either side by a grand cliff, the edges of which lie beyond your line of sight as you look to either side of you. The water pounds the lake below, a roaring din in the otherwise silent space. You continue to gaze upward trying to see the tip of the waterfall and that is when it all finally rushes back to you:

You threw your sword and shot the man on the train. He fell off and you remember looking down and seeing that he shot you… You then gasp and quickly look down towards your torso. The bloodstain is still there… but the pain is gone. You hesitantly touch the area where you were shot and feel no wound: it’s healed. You lift up your blouse and see that all that remains is a small circle, a simple scar on the left side of your abdomen. “How…” Your mind wanders back to what happened next: The man fell over the side… and then so did you. You must have blacked out as you hit the water. The river then carried you downstream and… You gaze back up the waterfall, wondering how you survived such an ordeal, or, for that matter, how such a wound has healed almost instantly. Whatever the answers are, all you know for now is one thing: You are now in The Hazelands.

-Chapter 3: Under The Sea of Mist-

You keep going through the events in your mind and remember your bag. You had it across your chest before but it is no longer here. You instinctively start to look around and scan the waterline. It’s not long before you spot it washed up onto the shore a couple of yards away. You stand, slowly, your knees cracking a few times as you force yourself to stand. Your legs ache; you assume a bit sore from your trip over the cliff. You finally manage to stand upright and slowly make your way over to your belongings. You reach down and open the bag.

Inside you see that most of your stuff remains: Your ticket to Respeiro is a bit wet but still intact, same goes for the note, and your old tickets. You rummage through the bag some more and find the shirt you bought from Tinder. This will come in handy; your blouse is in a sorry state with a bullet hole, a slash across the front, and a bloodstain on the front. Not exactly something you want to keep wearing.

Done with that you lift up the shirt and find something most curious: your revolver is nestled safely inside your bag and lying beside it are the arachne’s crystals… one of them in pieces. You reach inside and take one of the broken shards in your hand, examining it. While the other ones seem to radiate with some sort of energy this one is extinguished. You start to wonder if this thing actually saved your life. You think back to the arachne’s words and find yourself almost believing them. A sense of fear also washes over you, though, as you stare at the broken shard in your hand; you only have three of these left, having just expended one. If the incident on the train is any indication of how dangerous this world is then you’re going to need them. Hopefully it doesn’t come to that.

You keep sifting through your belongings, eventually checking your pockets and pockets, and find that, besides a few coins which seem to have slipped out, you, miraculously, still posses all of your items. You’re starting to wonder if this is the doing of that crystal. “Just how vast is their power and why would that arachne be selling such items on the side of the road?” Unfortunately, your rapier is lost as it fell along with the man on the train. If you want to stick to your normal strategy of hazing a weapon for melee and weapon for range you’ll need to acquire a new blade.

Having gathered everything together you stand up, and place your bag away from the shore on a dry section of the grass. Your clothes are soaked but the air is surprisingly mild and you think that if you were able to dry out your clothes somehow you’d be fine as far as keeping warm goes. A good portion of your clothes are also covered with dirt and muck from lying on the shore; your appearance doesn't look too different from sir cairn's at this moment in time.

You look up once again towards the sky and see the wave of mist above you: The canopy of white spreads as far as you can see in every direction and has brightened up a bit allowing you to see a little bit farther, but not much.

You stand near the shore to the lake and, as you look out over it, the waterfall is on your right. The main portion of the water that it pours into seems pretty deep and hundreds of feet across. It narrows as it travels off to the left, eventually turning into a river that disappears into the treeline.

You think back to your ride on the train and remember that as you looked out over the Hazelands you were looking to the left of the train. That means that if you keep the cliff-face to your right you should be facing the general direction the train was headed. You keep thinking about any details that could help you get your bearings and jump with a start. “Of course!” You think to yourself as you bend over and retrieve the compass you purchased from Tinder. You also faintly remember your conversation with Scarper: You had inquired about Bayton and he mentioned how it was to the south of Novo. You hate to imagine what it would be like to be lost if you hadn’t of purchased this. You find the device in your bag and take it out.

The compass comes in a leather case with a latch. You flip it open and slightly motion it from side to side making sure it still works. Sure enough the disc inside spins and your suspicions are confirmed as the large “N” points towards you, the southern tip pointing outwards across the lake. You can’t help but smile, the way made a bit clearer to you. Unfortunately, you’ll have to cross this body of water. There is also the matter of your clothes and whether you should dry them out now or wait and see it you need to swim across.

You sit down and try to come up with a plan of action…

Decide on a course of action.

Primary Vote:

A) Try to swim across the lake and continue on.
B) Decide to follow the river and try to find a suitable place to cross, hopefully finding a bridge.

X) Other.

Secondary Vote:

A) Stay here for the moment and disrobe, trying to dry out your clothes now. (Not recommended with "Primary: A")
B) Continue on, letting your clothes dry out naturally, or often you've found a way to cross.

X) Other

Z) Minor Action. Available.


Minor Actions Explanation:
Minor Actions are small actions you may do in addition to your Primary Vote (A, B, C, etc). They will usually just provide you with additional information or perhaps, in rare circumstances, an item. If it would cause an encounter or runs the risk of causing general havoc then it's best to put it as an additional detail under primary vote.

Examples are asking someone a simple question, inspecting an object or feature in the environment, checking on or using an item in your bag, or changing some feature on your person. (i.e. Putting your hair into ponytail - See: Sections explained > Appearance)

They may help you, but please, try not to abuse the system. Trying to examine a couple objects in detail may be fine, but picking every item off the shelf in a store can get a bit... tedious.
And as always: I retain the right to reject them However much it may pain me to do so...


Current Inventory:

Gold: 8 -5 Gold.
-Ticket from Hangsmire to Novo. 2nd Class.
-Ticket from Bayton to Respeiro. 1st Class.
-Ticket from Novo to Bayton. 3rd Class.
-Red Discrete Crystal x3 One Shattered
-White Discrete Crystal x2
-Note from “J”
-Bundle of Rope
-Metallic Brooch (Type:?)
-Extra Shirt
-Leather Dress-Boots.
-Hook. Quite large. Three prongs.
-Compass. Points North
-Healing Potion. Will heal all but the most brutal of wounds.

-Revolver. Single Action. Single load. Holds Six Rounds.
-Rounds: x5 (3 in Cylinder)

-Belt & Holster.
-Small Belt-Pouch 1: Contains - Two revolver rounds
-Small Belt-Pouch 2: Contains - Healing Potion.
-Leather dress Gloves. Brown.
-Duster. Down to calves. Khaki. Cut on right sleeve. Wet. Covered in sand and dirt.
-Skirt. Down to ankles. Black. Couple of tears, some making your legs visible. Wet. Covered in sand and dirt.
-Blouse. White. Slightly open. Large tear along your midriff. Bloodstain covering stomach. Wet. Dirtied with sand and silt.
-Vest. Dark Leather. Wet.
-Sturdy Boots. Brown Leather. Wet.
-Bra. Black. Silk. Wet.
-Underwear. Black. Silk. Wet.
-Stockings. Transparent. Black. Slightly torn. Wet.

-Amnesiac: You have lost your memory and have little understanding of the world.
-Revolver Training: "It ain't much but you're a natural" -Tinder
-Drenched: Your clothes and inventory have been covered in water.

Physical Appearance:
-Drenched and covered in sand and silt.
-Duster is unbuttoned.
-Red/Auburn Hair: Little longer than “Shoulder Length”. Wet. Matted against your face.
-Height: ~5’ 7”
-Small cut on right arm.
-Small cut on left cheek.
-Bullet wound scar on left abdomen.

Crystal explanations can be found in the first post.

Explanation of Sections:
A "*" next to the "STATS" title will denote that there has been a modification since the last post.
A blue + will denote that an item has been gained.
A red - will denote that an item has been lost or destroyed.

Current Inventory: What you have with you.

Weapons: Objects that may be used to inflict harm on opponents. Note, that these are your primary means of damaging an enemy in combat but you may use other items you possess or objects in the environment in creative ways. This includes your bare hands and feet.

Apparel: Clothes that are currently being worn. Any damage will be detailed as well. Clothing not being worn will be held in your inventory. A “???” symbol denotes the knowledge of it being worn, but no specific details are known.

Abilities/Effects: Special abilities possessed by the character. Some may be directly linked with items/pieces of clothing. Also lists passive effects present upon the character, including passive skills and negative conditions.

Physical Appearance: A basic overview of the physical features of your character.
Some aspects may be altered via a minor action if necessary requirements are met (Tying hair up into a ponytail), or against the character’s will depending on the nature of the alteration.
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Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Probably not a great idea to walk around wet and confused. Also not a great idea to get your weapon or ammunition in more water.

B) Find a bridge later.
A) Dry out clothing now.

Minor actions: Find two reasonably sized rocks (or anything similar), extend the rope between them, and hang the clothing on the makeshift line. Load your revolver with two more rounds.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Probably not a great idea to walk around wet and confused. Also not a great idea to get your weapon or ammunition in more water.

B) Find a bridge later.
A) Dry out clothing now.

Minor actions: Find two reasonably sized rocks (or anything similar), extend the rope between them, and hang the clothing on the makeshift line. Load your revolver with two more rounds.

Pretty much the same, but I'd tie the rope between two trees, not rocks. Also, I'd unload the revolver and make sure it was dry before reloading it; same for the ammo. It would suck if we tried to fire a wet gun. We did learn basic firearm maintenance from Flint and Tinder, right?

Also, since we are here, we may as well try to rinse the dirt out of our clothes before setting them to dry. And, if we have any way of cutting the rope, attaching the hook to the length of it not being used as a clothesline. Otherwise, attach the hook anyway. The hook is kind of useless by itself.