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TPD Station Brilliance

Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Krell continued on to the hangar, his weapon case held tightly in his grip as he entered, and eventually found his way to Caitlin's shuttle, knocking on the wall of it as he climbed the ramp. "Anybody home?" he asks, setting the crate down inside the shuttle and walking towards the front. "Hope you don't mind me bargin' in."
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Draven made his way around the station, pausing as he saw what seemed to be the aftermath of a marine having his clock cleaned by someone or something. Half shrugging, he carefully made his way down the hallway, making sure to avoid running into anyone. He had no idea what had happened, but obviously people were on edge. Once past, he made his way to the armory, attempting to inquire about any spare energy containers or munitions that might be compatible or easily installed that might be available.
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"Yup, in here!" Caitlin responded, turning halfway to see the Pan Kor striding in. "Ah yes. Just need to send a copy of Draven's schematic to the staion for their use, then I'll pilot us over. I forgot to ask earlier, but do you have any allergies I should know about?"
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"I'm allergic to pompous marines who think they're hot shit." Krell says, grinning as he reaches a hand up and grabs hold of something solid, slouching more than normal. "Some hook-nosed marine with an attitude thought it'd be a good idea to mess with me. Proved him wrong, HA!" the Pan Kor follows up, realizing that the cripple the marine was talking about lugging around might be the good doctor.
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"Seems like that one gets on everyone's nerves." She commented back, recognizing Jared from his description. She spent a few more seconds in silence before pushing away from the console she was at. "Station's received the schematics, and there's an opening for us to leave in just a minute or so. Do you mind closing the docking hatch for me?" She asked.

While he was busy with that, the scientist rolled her own chair beside the pilot's seat and deftly lifted herself into it, there being a few welded-on handholds around for seemingly just that purpose. "I'd say find a seat, but I don't think you'd fit any. Settle in wherever, I don't expect it to be a bumpy ride." She commented, waiting a few seconds for the Pan Kor to get settled before lifting off, letting the station's system guide them out of the dock. "How do you feel about null gravity, come to think of it? I tend to leave the gravity lenses on the Concordance offline, makes it easier to move around, but I can turn them on if it makes you queasy."
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Krell nods when she asks him to close the docking hatch, thumping back and pressing the button to close it, before squatting next to his crate, opening it once the GPS lock had disabled itself. "I don't really have a problem with low gravity. Just don't be surprised if I slam into something on accident." he says, taking his revolver out of the case and slipping it into its holster, as well as placing his hammer on his back and taking out his grenades, storing them on his person. "May wanna have bulkheads ready or something. Pan Kor explosives tend to be rather extravagant." he says, taking out his grenade launcher and powering it up, checking that everything was still functional, before loading both magazines in and powering it down, storing it on a special clip next to his hammer. He loved being ready for a fight.
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"Please don't blow holes in my ship, she's old." Caitlin said calmly, taking over from the autopilot when they were far enough out from the dock, sending their shuttle in a wide arc around to the far side of the station. If Krell was watching out the front viewpoint, he'd notice the Concordance come into view shortly.

The ship itself was old, an angular hex-shaped hull and overall blocky look attesting to that, compared to the more streamlined ships zipping around. That was barely noticable though, as the eye was immediately drawn to a greyish-green growth that covered the majority of the ship, a ripple passing through it here or there every few seconds. She piloted around the back, where one of what appeared to be two or three docking hatches remained uncovered, opening to admit the shuttle. "Here we are, watch your step." She told him, turning off the gravity on the shuttle as well as soon at is had landed securely, waiting for him to exit before following him out, to keep from crowding.

"I have one of the old barracks still open, room for six or so Terrans. I have my own room, so there's plenty of space in there for you and your stuff, though I'm not sure if you'll be around long enough to unpack. This way." She said, pushing herself off down one of the corridors at a slow pace.
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Krell's eyes widen slightly when he sees the ship out the viewport, thinking it looks a lot like some of the algae from back home. "I carry my valuables with me everywhere. No need to store 'em." he says after exiting the shuttle, pushing his own self down the corridor, though his awkward shape causes him to slowly tumble as he floats "Our bodies weren't made for zero-G." he says, slowly tumbling down the corridor and growling in frustration as he does so.
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Maria blinked at the sudden burst of laughter over the comm, "You ok?" she queried. When he announced his affirmative, she went on, "Looks like its the FTL drive. I dunno why it would stop dead in the water like that, though..."
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"Hmm... Try feet-first, like you're falling towards your destination." She said, mimicing the stance herself and arrowing down a longer corridor. Her legs seemed to be able to shift about in null gravity, she likely had some control, just not the strength to use them properly.

Two more turns, and they reached a door, the woman palming the pad beside it, having to shift aside a fleshy tendril lazily drifting the hall to do so. "This is the room." She said, shifting aside so he could see. The door was wide enough for two or three Terrans to use it simultaneously, but it wasn't any taller than usual. Inside was a half dozen beds, three down each side of the room, with associated footlockers and such, and thankfully, none of the odd growths that seemed to permeate most of the ship. "I'm stopping at my lab for a moment, then headed for the bridge, if you'd like to accompany me. I can't say there's much to do here, but let me know if you need anything regardless, the comm on the wall should reach me wherever, if you decide to stay behind."
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"No offense, miss. But I'd rather stay near you on a ship with.....That. Floating around." Krell punctuates the pause by pointing one of his large fingers at the tendril and turning because of the sudden shift. "Plants back home are just as dangerous as predators. You hear that you whatever you are? I'm on to you." he says, moving his head as close to the vine and glaring at it, before his body began to tumble once more.
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"That's Bob." Caitlin explained, turning in place and heading off to an elevator. "And as far as you need to worry about, he's completely harmless. I created him as a possible biological enhancement to ships. Military stopped funding my research a while ago, advancement has been slow since then. I've seen examples of some wildlife from your planet though, so I suppose i can understand your hesitation."

The elevator led up a floor, the woman holding the handrail to prevent herself from simply wallowing on the floor as it rose. It opened up to what appeared to be the engineering floor, though most of the internal parts for the propulsion system seem to have been removed entirely, the area replaced with desks full of equipment, cabinets, and various larger devices, most of it appearing almost medical in nature. One section of the room seemed to hold a massive section of Bob, likely whatever passed for organs in the massive creature, as it pulsed at regular intervals. Finally, there was an obviously added wall
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Krell bumps the top of his armor on the roof of the elevator as it stops, turning on his side and pulling himself out of the elevator and into the engineering room. "I take it Bob's been your only travelling companion for quite some time." he says, once again losing his balance midair and practically flailing as he tumbles through engineering. "Rah! A blessing and a curse!" he shouts as he bumps into one of the walls and begins to float back towards the good doctor. Space was not his forte, it would seem.
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"I've had colleagues on board on and off, but more the most part, yes. As you can tell, he isn't very talkative, but at the same time, I find him incredibly engaging."

A small smile crossed the scientist's face as Krell slowly floated across the room, spinning lightly and out of reach of anything to half himself with for almost a full minute before reaching the other wall. "Would you like to reconsider me keeping the gravity offline?" She asked lightly, pushing herself away from the desk to one of the larger machines, opening a small door and peering at some experiment inside. "I have another chair in a storage closet not far from here, so it wouldn't be difficult."
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Krell floats across the space with a slight grimace on his face "Nope. It's your ship, not mine. I don't tell the ferryman, or in this case, ferrywoman, how to do their job." he says, closing his eyes and thinking. "Though something to hold onto would be welcome." he says, his arms crossing as he slowly tumbles across the room.
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"Have it your way." Caitlin said, her smirk a bit more prominent. Closing the door to the mechanism and pushing herself off again, she made her way through the cluttered lab space to the pulsing mass of Bob's core. Her own suit matched the fleshy grey-green tone perfectly now that Krell saw it so close together, and he got to see the sleeve grow up around one of her hands, the fingertips ending in small cillia right where her fingertips usually resided.

The scientist places her 'gloved' hand against the side of the mass and it gave a shudder, one of the tendrils laying across the wall nearby peeling itself free and reaching for the Pan Kor, stopping in his arm's reach. "Come on then. I'm almost done here, then we're off to the bridge." She told him. If he did grab on, it would coil once around his wrist for a secure hold, then draw him down to the floor, near the door out. The texture wasn't too far off from his own armoured hide, though with a little more give, due to the lack of bone structure inside. It let go then, but stiffened in place, so he could keep grasping on and avoid floating away again.

Caitlin let go of the main mass then, the glove sliding away back into her sleeve, and went back to her work, messing with some test tubes and one of the smaller machines.
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Krell grabs hold of the vine, grunting as he pulled himself into a mildly-standing position, staring at the vine with interest. "Plants back home don't do much of that. Nor do we have suits like that back home." he says, keeping hold of the plant and grinning "You Terrans sure are something else. For being a lesser race, of course." He finishes this sentence with a chuckle, showing off his rather coarse sense of humor.
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"There's nothing like Bob anywhere else but on my ship." Caitlin said, a hint of pride entering her voice. "I built it from the ground up. The suit is the interface between ship and pilot, as much a part of either as both. Works incredibly well, but the amount pf precision needed for it all makes it impossible to mass produce, at least so far." She explained.

"I'm about done here, last stop is the bridge, we're ready to get underway whenever. Might actually be a good idea to leave before the others, my FTL drive is rather dated, and I'm sure you wouldn't want to miss the fighting, hmm?"
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"Any chance I could get some of this stuff for my own armor? Would be nice to be able to grab someone from across the room with one of these." Krell states, pushing off the tendril and once more tumbling through the air, though, a bit more gracefully than last time, towards the door to the elevator. "I intend to be the first one on that station. Gonna find the jackass in charge and clock him one like I did hook-nose." he says, seeming to have adapted to Zero-G finally, waiting in the elevator for the woman to finish her business.
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Caitlin thought for a moment. "I'm not sure about using extra limbs in combat, and I haven't even begun processes towards non-human pilots, but it is theoretically possible, yes. I'm, uh... Not sure it would be a good idea, though. At least, not attempting with any sort of speed. It's a rather complicated process." Caitlin replied, pushing off into the bridge when the doors opened.

The room looked even more gutted than the engine compartment had been, what looked to be space for three or four people with associated consoles cleared out and replaced with more living tissue, the room dominated by a large mound in the center of the room, a depression in it that looked rather conspicuously like a chair.

"Just let me patch in and see where we stand for leaving, I'll request an early departure on my end, to make sure you don't miss anything." She said, drifting over and resting in the depression, her suit covering her hands again, as well as the back of her neck, more cillia extending from there into the seat.

Concordance to Station Brilliance. We're ready to leave, I need info on when and where. Do we have a way to stagger departure times to account for the different FTL drives in use?