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TPD Station Brilliance


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"Pardon me, large sir," Taavan called out to get Draven's attention. Could you tell my friend and I here where the Garik Commander is?"

"Friend? Oh, just friend am I now?" Deelin huffed out a laugh, "That's not what you called me when I had my-"

"And now you're shutting up!" Taavan blushed a deeper orange. "The dockworker said she was heading to the Mess Hall, have you seen her?"
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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Draven paused for a moment, shaking his head.

"Last I saw of her was at the meeting a while ago. Wait, your here for the same reason? In that case, I should introduce myself. I am Draven Naros, I'll be working with you I suppose, if you are able to track Nadia down. Before you ask, since I have gotten it several times today, I'm an Ingrali."


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Krell crosses his arms as he slowly rolls sideways through the air, lost in thought. "Dunno about redundancies, but we have several vestigial organs we outgrew that now take up a nice hunk of our body. Can't name 'em or what they used to do off the top of my head, science isn't my thing." he says, moving his right arm to touch a wall before he slammed into it, pushing back and flipping sideways back in the other direction. "Wouldn't want to mess this up and become some kinda monster. Wait, most Terran already think of us as monsters." He follows that up with a chuckle, the whole subject starting to fly over his head


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"You're a big one, aren't you?" Deelin commented, "Deelin, Captain of the Wanderer at your service. This is my," he smirked, "Friend and crew-mate Taavan."

"I'm also the navigator and the one who pulls his ass out of the fire when he gets into trouble. We're Klarrin, in case you haven't heard of us. Taavan held out a hand for the Ingrali to shake, "We've been Terran allies for centuries but we've never heard of you. Is this your first time with us?"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Draven extended his hand, accepting the shake, careful not to break their hands with his strength.

"I have heard of your people, one of the first cultures we saw in this galaxy break the FTL barrier, but we've never contacted or met in person any species from this galaxy, save one who attempted to attack our home world many years ago. I suspect the reason you have never heard of us is because my people do not originate from this galaxy. We're from what the Terrans call the Triangulum Galaxy. However, we've kept tabs on all activities in this galaxy for the last ... hmm, I'm not sure, it must be thousands of years if not more. We don't really measure time since it is essentially meaningless to our species. To answer your question, yes, this is the first time we've ever shown ourselves directly in this galaxy."


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Deelin nodded. "I've heard of that Galaxy. I didn't think there was anything out there but dust and hydrogen."

Taavan frowned, "Where did you hear about it, sir?"

"We didn't get the same Astrotopography courses no matter what your teachers tried to tell you. I'll get you up to speed when we get to the Dividing Line."

Taavan grumbled a little but nodded. "Sure. So what'd you decide to come out of hiding for, Draven?"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Draven chuckled lightly.

"There is much more out there than that. Most species there are either virtually invisible to what you would have available because of low tech, or advanced enough to remain hidden if they so choose. Our race is one of the latter, we've remained in the shadows for thousands of years. For the most part, we prefer to keep to ourselves. What made us come out? The Nnyarthall appearing again. Long ago they attempted to attack our galaxy. They failed, miserably. The concern however is they may have had time to adapt to what they saw, and may try again. Of course, we too have advanced since then, however ... my governing council wishes to ensure they do not step foot out of this galaxy again by whatever means possible, operating within means of your galactical rules. Even though technology wise we probably could simply barge in and wipe them out ... it doesn't mix well with our style, and we prefer not to make enemies if at all possible."


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"That's a sound plan, that's what happened when the Terrans took to space. Our people did not want to make enemies of them." Deelin grinned.

Taavan tugged on his arm, "We need to find... Nadia you said her name was? We've got to get the orders and information so we can get back and get out of here. Come on, Sir"


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Caitlin nodded slightly. "Gives some space, at least. Our medic didn't seem to have qualms about treating all the races around here, yours included, So I'm sure I can get records and such from her for the finer details. I wouldn't do any procedures without knowing the results beforehand. As for becoming a monster... Reviews have not been positive on my work so far, at least not aesthetically." She explained.

"Once we get set up over there, I can devote more time to making proper inquiries, taking tissue samples and such. was there anything else you wanted to see if it could do? It's fairly limited right now, but some ideas on how to progress would be interesting. No promises, of course."


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Krell strokes the goatee he so preciously loved to protect, thinking as he floated across the bridge. "Aside from extra limbs, nothing major. My suit and its Hexweave keeps me safe enough. Speaking of....." He trailed off, pulling up a plated glove, pressing a few buttons beneath and replacing the glove where it was. After doing so, the hexagonal patterns on his armor began to glow lightly, his shield flashing around the outline of his body, before vanishing once more. "Forgot to turn it back on after we left the station." he says, grinning as he floats his way over to the scientist. "Now, you were saying something about tissue samples? Nothing......Important I hope."


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"The suit will be lightly armoured in a way, simply as it will absorb some of the energy from bullets or such that hit it before it punches through to you. I know it works with shield emitters on a ship scale, but your model is a fair bit different than the usual emitters. should be able to set it outside of it, same as your current armour." She said, taking a moment to examine the emitters covering the Pan Kor.

It was nearly a full minute before she answered again, starting a bit and looking up from her datapad. "Oh, yes, the samples. Nothing you'd miss, I'm sure. some skin and muscle tissue, for the most part. And some stem cells, to allow for the greatest synergy when you want to exert influence on it. Those usually require a needle in the spine, at least for humans. It can be rather painful, but it's also a rather short procedure."


Sex Demon
May 24, 2013
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

A faint shimmering announced the arrival of another ship exiting subspace. This one was painted red, black and white, with a hammerhead shape to the front. It was currently floating just beyond the station.

"Our docking request has been accepted, the Laughing Rogue is currently being guided into the hangar. It seems we have missed the initial briefing, and have been directed to report to the mess hall and await further orders as soon as we've docked."

"Thanks, Reno." Talen had been napping in his quarters, but awoke immediately at the sound of his ship's voice. He grabbed his jacket and LBV, which he had placed on the back of his chair, and put them on as he stepped into the main corridor. "Are you coming along?"

The door to the maintenance deck opened and out stepped an android. "Of course. You'd be lost without me." The formerly-disembodied voice now came out of this little machine. "And it looks like we're ready to go."

"Good. Lead the way." Talen followed Reno as she bounded down the exit ramp. He never did understand why she was so energetic all the time.

Upon exiting his ship, Talen noticed a large... thing seemingly having a conversation with two smaller... things. Talen had never been one for xenobiology, or science in general, actually. "Stop staring, it's rude." Reno grabbed hold of her partner's hand, "In case you've forgotten, we're late and need to get to the mess hall ASAP." She tried to drag Talen, but was getting nowhere. Being fully cybernetic, Talen was extremely... dense, weighing about 300lbs.

"I know, I know. No need to get antsy." He allowed Reno to pull him along.


Tentacle God
Sep 7, 2010
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"Bloody damn piece of garbage! I should have left you floating in space. I fixed you up and this is how you repay me!? GAH!" Annika yelled in frustration, kicking the landing gear of her ship. Sure she was just doing basic maintenance, but this thing still finds ways to act up. Before she could properly yell at her humble ship, she was approached by Fletch, the other engineer that was amongst the missions crew. Asking about some part or another. "The Axe? We're talking about a relic here, you know that? Well, I did pick up my ship in a junk pile, so maybe she's got something hiding in her databanks. Give me a second." Annika replaced her tool hand with her proper hand and climbed into her fighter, pressing a few buttons to access her ships records. As luck would have it, she did have some records of the Axe hiding in there. "We seem to be in luck. Seems my baby is older then she lets on. Got some specs in here that might help you out. Where do you want me to transfer them?"
Rule 34

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"Awesome, thanks! Just transfer them over to the Mighty Quinn," he said, pointing at his dark red ship. After a moment, he added "don't want to intrude, but have you been planetside lately? Maybe something got stuck in the gears." Saying goodbye with a tap to his baseball cap, Fletch made his way back to his ship, Lemmy still by his side. Once aboard, he headed into the back of his ship and fired up his fabrication unit, an advanced kind of 3D printer. Feeding it with the data he got from the other engineer, Fletch sat back and watched it whirr as it started to assemble the gear he needed.
Both the Klarr and Talen would see Nadia as soon as they entered the mess hall. Her midnight blue robe with gold trimmings and glowing green ocular modules gave her away quickly. She was also the only Garik in the mess hall with a data pad in her hand. She raised the see-through screen to look at people through it, shaking her head at the data popping up. As she turned towards the new arrivals, though, she halted. Lowering the pad, she straightened herself and waved towards a free table with some chairs.


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Deelin led the way and bowed deeply before pulling a chair back to the Garik woman could sit first. Taavan bowed as well, but rolled his eyes at his Captain's chair theatrics. He did, however, pull chairs out for the other two approaching. It was only polite, after all.

"I'm very sorry we're late. Captain Deelin meant to inform the Admiral of his intentions, but it seems he'd forgotten. He sat down next to her, "I'll be extra careful to make sure he sends his missives in the future."

"Ridiculous," Deelin sat on her other side, "what Ensign Taavan means is that well... " he grinned sheepishly, "Ah, he's right. Sorry for the inconvenience. We'll be out of your way as soon as we know what's going on."


Sex Demon
May 24, 2013
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Reno noticed the Garik waving at them first. "Look! That must be our contact." She waved back. Talen pulled himself free of her grip and made straight for the table, easily outpacing the smaller droid. "H-hey! Wait up!"

Upon reaching the table, Talen stopped directly before the Garik and snapped to attention, rendering a firm salute. "Our apologies as well, ma'am. Agent Talen Rackham, of ARTEMIS, reporting. This is my partner..." Talen dropped the salute and turned to look for Reno.

She had just caught up with the group, and offered a quick salute as well. "You can call me Reno. It seems there was a mix-up at HQ; we only just received the orders to report here this morning. Sorry, I mean about..." She paused to check the time mentally. " About ten hours ago."

"And we were in the middle of another job, no less. Client wasn't too happy." Shrugging his shoulders, Talen added "But hey, I follow the orders, not make them."

Reno nudged him in the ribs. "Speaking of, what would our orders be? We were given the location, but very few details." As she said this, Reno took a seat and whispered a thanks to the Klarr that had pulled it out for her. Unlike her partner, Reno was well-versed in xenobiology and many other subjects. Some were admittedly less useful, such as ancient Terran dance culture.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Having decided to give up on the metal for now, Draven made his way around the hangar looking over some of the other ships from the outside. He came upon Annika's ship. listening to her for a long moment. After Fletch had left, he casually poked his head around and spoke.

"Sounds like you might be having a few issues, anything I could help with?"


Tentacle God
Sep 7, 2010
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Having sent off the data to Fletch and his ship, the surly engineer began working on her ship again, intent on looking into the suggestion Fletch provided. In all honest, she'd be surprised if there was something stuck anywhere, given she went from her home port to the station. If anything did happen, she would have known. But before she could return to work, she was interrupted by another, this time it was that Draven. Seems everyone was worried about her baby. "If you want to take a look. Nine times outta ten, its just my baby being a stubborn bitch. But I won't stop you from looking. "


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Draven nodded a moment, looking over the ship.

"What exactly is wrong with her? It would help to know what is going on with her, then I might have an idea of where to look."


Tentacle God
Sep 7, 2010
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"See, thats the thing. She just acts up for no major reason. I perform a routine check, and before I know it wires are sparking and a panel falls off somewhere. Never anything life threatening, but I don't want to assume a thing. I just giver her a simple patch job and shes good as new. Unless you have a miracle fix all, I couldn't tell you the exact issue." she placed a hand on the ship, unsure just what to do with her.