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TPD Station Brilliance


Sex Demon
May 24, 2013
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Talen listened as the announcement blared through the mess hall. "Good, I was getting tired of waiting." He set off towards the hangar to find Reno. As he walked away, he gave a brief nod to Kars and shook his head with a chuckle as he passed by the three Klarr.


Once at the hangar, he looked but couldn't see Reno anywhere. He sent her a private message, to which she immediately responded with "I'm already on the ship. Also, I was able to get plenty of ammo for the railgun; it's stored in its usual place in the starboard cargo hold."

"Nice job, thanks. Did you-?"

"Warm up the engines? Of course. All pre-flight operations have been initiated. We are awaiting the GO command, Captain."


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"Uh. Can we avoid the needles bit until we're on the station? I tend to have......Uh.....Bad reactions to things being forcefully shoved in me." Krell says, drifting away from the woman warily, crossing his arms protectively as he did so. "Plus I'm more a fan of my shield than anything else. Old gal's served me well since I left home." he says, still floating himself away from the woman.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"Of course, I don't think we have time anyways. Message just came out, we're leaving in a half hour. There will be time for such after we have the station secured." Caitlin agreed. "You have a little time, but i'm guessing you'll want to be down in the hangar before we jump, so you can get your feet on the station as fast as you can."


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Krell grins, floating towards the door. "Aye. I intend to kill everything on board that station, and woe be the fool who gets in my way." he says, chuckling as he floats. "Give Bob my regards." And with that, he entered the elevator, bound for the hangar bay.


Tentacle God
Sep 7, 2010
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Meera nodded somewhat sheepishly, afraid that her words may have upset them with her words. But they had little time to discuss the matter. They had to make ready to depart. "I understand the concern, sir." She said, directed at Deelin's comment. "Then let us be off. Let us fight for a brighter future of not only ourselves, but for all people." Her voice was filled with confidence and her face bore a calming smile. "Gentlemen. I'll follow your lead." Meera marched off, returning to her ship. She began making final preparations, ensuring nothing was out of place.

Hearing the word from her assistant, Annika fired up the ship. All lights were green and everything seemed to be in working order. "Brilliant work back there. I guess I'll have to see to giving my baby a proper tune up later. Can't thank you enough." The voice came over the intercom, meaning it was time to head out. "Seems we gotta get ready to head out. Lets get to that station and clean it up so we can work on this in peace. See you on the other side!" She gave Draven a thumbs up to indicate her thanks again, hopefully him getting the signal.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

“Oh, he knows.“ Caitlin answered with a smirk, leaning back in her seat and focusing on her connection for a moment, causing one of the tendrils floating around to stretch towards Krell, giving him a playful swat on the rear on his way to the elevator, sending him off balance a bit in his flight.

The hanger didn‘t look much different as when he left it, large blast doors holding out the void of space, with the shuttle they had used previously sitting. Right where they had left it. Now that he had a few moments to look around however, he spotted another ship in there, a small Terran fighter by the looks of it, and much newer than the ship that carried it. Like the larger ship, it seemed grown over by the odd lifeform Caitlin cultivated, explaining hoŵ he had missed it the first time.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Draven nodded back, returning the thumbs up, if not just a little strangely given the size of his hands.

"You're most welcome, and yes, I will see you on the other side."

He turned and started out, then stopped for a moment.

"When we arrive, I will send a transmission to you and the others. You'll understand why when we get there."

With that, he was gone, off to his own ship, running pre-flight checks in preparation for the journey.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Kars ponders just where the Cyborg was sending that liqueur, and whether he could actually taste it or not, but before he could consider asking, the announcement sounded out diverting his attention. "Right then. Time to wander back then, I guess." He says, having to crane his view up to see Talen's nod. Thirty minutes still felt like a rather long time to the Kopak right now. Regardless, off he sets to return to the hanger.

Arriving back at the Hell Strafer he finds Ko lounging around on top of it again, tapping periodically at the buttons on her suits wrist. Probably reading something or poking around on the extranet using her helmets HUD display.

"Oi runt. We get to lift anchor soon. You managed to fight off that saboteur then?" Kars calls over on the approach.

"He was just doing dull hanger checks. And you never signed out those lifting robots properly, so they thought we were still using them." She replies without looking over.

"Well whatever. As long as you taught him a lesson about snooping around my ship." Kars rambles on un-bothered, "Time to get in your hole. We're gonna float out and wait for that cyborg to launch so we can hitch a lift."

At this Ko wordlessly kicks her legs and slides off from the craft. Both of them stepping over to underneath the cockpit hatches. Taking hold of the bars either side, and swinging themselves up and into the narrow slots. The engines hum as they come to life, and Kars grumbles as he waits for the docking drones to guide them out in their painfully safe and controlled manner.

"Alright Mr Talen. I'm just floating out here and will come over to dock with your ship soon as you're out and ready." Kars transmits back to 'The Laughing Rogue'

Ko meanwhile opens her cockpit hatch and shuffles up and out of the tiny craft, latching on with her suits magnetic boots to casually stand on the hull. Looking back to the Station Brilliance and watching out for the launch of The Laughing Rogue. "These ships are all so huge. It's scary to think that they actually need people like us when they have all this..." She comments idly to herself and Kars over suit coms.

"Ehh. They just need expendable resources to head out in front, so that their dreadnoughts know where to line up when we get overrun, is all it is." Kars responds flatly, drawing a slight glum glance from Ko down at his cockpit hatch.

"You really think that's how it is?"

"Doesn't really matter, as long as we're ready for the possibility. Never trust anyone that offers you money, whether you intend to take it or not. Everyone will try to use you for as much as you're worth, but only as much as you let them. As long as you always keep an eye on that line where a deal becomes a scam, nobody owns you." Kars elaborates on his 'cheerful' view of things. Ko making the odd small grimace or frown, although it did match up perfectly with her limited experience of the world, she still couldn't help but feel there was at least a bit more warmth in the Galaxy than Kars was letting on, or knew of. "And hey, you did say that you wanted some payback against the bugs anyway."
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Rule 34

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Lemmy played with Maria for almost the entire half hour they had, enjoying her company with the simple, child-like joy that only an animal can show. The moment of their departure drew nearer and nearer, and still Fletch was nowhere to be seen. Only a minute before their scheduled start did he emerge from the engine room, holding his head and cursing under his breath, wishing something bad happened to somebody's shallow grave. "I'm fine," he announced before Maria could say anything. "Your FTL drive's good as new. C'mon boy, we need to start the Quinn up." Taking back the InvisiLeash, the large man stomped out, his mood clearly sullied by something. Lemmy was hesitant to follow, but eventually he skipped down the stairs behind Fletch before the leash forced him to move.

A moment later, everybody's comm flared up. "Alright everybody, this is your CO-to-be speaking. Time to rev up your engines and get this show on the road. Everybody get ready for lift off. The slowest ships will jump first - that'll probably be the Concordance. That way we'll probably arrive at the same time. If you pop out and nobody else is there yet, do not, I repeat, DO NOT close in on The Dividing Line. No matter how badly the Pan Kor wants to bash some faces in. We'll gather a bit outside the station for the jump, I'll set a waypoint for you." With a beep, everybody received coordinates a few hundred yards away from the Brilliance. "Coordinates received. Mighty Quinn checked and ready. Meet you there." Fletch's voice carried an underlying growl over the intercom, as if he was upset at something.
One after the other, the ships got their GO to lift off and leave the hangar. They were greeted by a ship as dark as space itself, only identifyable by the soft shimmer the stray lights of the Brilliance cast on it. It had the shilouette of an old aquatic ship, even going so far as having a mast sprouting from its deck. "You know your ships the best, so start off at your own convenience. The Black Wind will jump as soon as everybody's through."


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Maria followed his departure with a frown of her own, but as Nadia's voice rang through she pushed her questions to the side. "Coordinates received, ma'am. Ship's been fixed and we're ready to head out. " She disengaged her ship from the hangar and puttered out a little ways off from the other ships, waiting for the Concordance to make her jump. "Jumping in 3...2...1..." her ship seemed to stretch before it vanished into empty space.


The two Klarr spent their last quarter hour running through the diagnostics, getting their ship ready to go in silence. To Taavan, there would be plenty of time for talk later; getting to the station was the most important thing. His mate on the other hand...

Deelin was staring out of the viewport into empty space with a discouraged look on his face.

"Don't think about it." Taavan nestled his face in Deelin's upper back and wrapped his arms around the other Klarr's waist. "We can talk about it later."

A sigh and a nod from Deelin made Taavan grin. "You're right."

Hearing the comm message the two headed for their stations and Deelin opened the channel up, "Hear you loud and clear, we're heading out as soon as we can get away from the station." He disengaged from the hangar and took his jump right after Maria. His ship, unlike hers, merely blinked from existence.


Tentacle God
Sep 7, 2010
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Annika and her small fighter were close behind as they took off from the hanger. "Coordinates received and locked into systems. Preparing to jump." Annika paused for a moment and removed a photo from her jump suit. It was of a small girl with hair exactly like hers and blue eyes. "Don't worry, Noel. Momma's going to be OK. She'll make things safe for you and then she'll come back to see you again. Just stay safe for me." She slipped the photo into her pocket as the final countdown began. "Jump in 3...2...1" Without ceremony, her ship followed suit, vanishing into the void of space.

Meera had hopped into her ship and was thinking about what she had said to her kinsman. Did she really just volunteer for being a surrogate for two married men? She'd basically be giving both of them a child each and she was a little nervous. The weight was on her now to live through this and see to it that they lived as well, so that they could all be happy. In silence, she received the coordinates as well and entered them into her system, jumping shortly after her kinsman ship did. She'd follow them into the void and hopefully to a better future.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Caitlin routed the Garik's transmission down to her hanger, so Krell could hear it as well. Copy that. Got the Pan Kor with me, he won't have much to do until we clear the space around the station anyways, if necessary. Powering up now, over and out. The scientist sent back, powering both the FTL engine and the capacitors for her MAS weapon, so she could use it quickly if necessary on the other side. That done, the concordance entered subspace, headed for their destination.

"Hear that, Krell? Sounded like they don't trust your sense of restraint." She sent down to the hangar, relaxing during the trip, knowing she would need her focus when she arrived.


Sex Demon
May 24, 2013
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Talen had reached the bridge of the "Laughing Rogue" just before he received Kars' transmission. He responded flatly, "Don't call me 'mister.' Just Talen is fine. Leaving the hangar now, will jump as soon as you've latched on to the Rogue's underbelly."

A small purple hologram of Reno appeared on the dashboard just beside Talen. "GO code received, Captain. Initiating final launch sequence." The Rogue's engines hummed to life as it lifted up and out of the hangar. "Confirmed. 'Hell Strafer' has successfully anchored on.

"Roger that, Reno." Talen punched a few buttons on the console before transmitting out to everyone else. "'Laughing Rogue' reporting in. Jumping in ten."

Accounting for increased mass...
Calculating estimated arrival point...
Engaging warp drive...

The warp engines of the "Laughing Rogue" let out a deep, rolling belch as they fired up. The space around the Rogue seemed to shimmer as the whole ship hummed with energy.

Warp in 3...2...1...

The humming noise quickly reached a crescendo. There was a burst of light and a *pop* just before the Rogue vanished into space. The only trace of it having been there was a faint shimmering that quickly dissipated.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Krell makes it to the hangar, grumbling as he floats out of it, listening to the transmission. "They're right, too. Three days jumping from port to port without so much as a bar brawl, and you'd be hankering for some action too. Then again, the TPD is pretty boring like that, ha!" the Pan Kor says, floating around the hangar, when he finally spots the ship. "Hey Doc, what's with the little bastard of a fighter craft? Looks like something my brothers'd serve for a victory feast." he says, floating his way over towards it.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

A slight chuckle passed over the intercom, Caitlin explaining afterwards. "That one's Albert, he was the first iteration of my research. The ship itself was provided by the military as part of my funding, they didn't want anything to do with it once they decided not to fund me anymore. Sold off the engines and a lot of the cockpit since I don't use them, otherwise it's still in perfect order. I use it to show off for prospective funders, it's a fair sight more impressive then the Concordance." She told him.

Up in the cockpit, the scientist floated freely, curled slightly around her datapad as she worked and spoke simultaneously.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Spotting their ride leaving the hanger, Ko hops up from the hull and does a four limbed 'snow angel' wave in the direction of the Laughing Rogue. Soon firing a minute jet to land back on the Strafer, and hastily climbing inside her cockpit. The craft in motion before the hatch has even been closed.

Swooping in towards The Laughing Rogue, the Strafer rolls round to the underbelly and draws closer. Despite what might have appeared as a fairly fast and loose initial approach, the docking manoeuvre and touch down itself was so precise and subtle that the anticipated sound of metal meeting metal was almost absent. Were one not listening out for it, it was easy to imagine it going unnoticed or ignored.

"Hell Strafer fully secured and good to go. Going stealth." Kars announces, activating the 'deception device' and setting it to mask the Strafer's energy signatures. Next to a larger ship like this it would be invisible to all but highly thorough sensor scans.

Inside, both settle in for the journey.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Draven smiled at Nadia's words, having no intention of closing in on the station. His sensors would tell him all he needed to know from far enough away, and on the off chance something were waiting for them well ... it would never know what hit it. Slowly, gracefully his ship rose from it's docking clamps, pushing out into space. Upon receipt of the co-ordinates, Draven took the time to send a short message back.

"Draven aboard the Deadly Mist, coordinates received, course plotted. Engaging hyper-drive, see you on the other side."

Moments later the sleek looking vessel's rear lit up brightly, a purplish cloud forming a short distance in front of it. In the blink of an eye, the small ship rapidly surged forward into said cloud, a flash of brilliant teal light lighting up the space around them, and when it faded, the cloud, and the ship were simply gone, the only trace of it being a decaying radiation signature of unknown properties.