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Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

The note right next to the pad read the following:
"Complimentary to all those staying at our wonderful hotel is this state of the art Pleasure Bed! The many tentacles lying within will be able to service your every need and are customizable with the press of a button! Here are the acronyms you might have seen on the pad itself:
BDSM (Bondage Sadism and Masochism)
TNT (Standard tentacle treatment)
P&A (Parasites and Armour)
APH (Temporary enhancement drugs)
IMPRG (Impregnation)
VRE (Vore, modifiable to harmless swallowing or tentacle stomach)
INC (Increase speed of current treatment)
DEC (Decrease speed of current treatment)
FNSH (Tentacles will automatically orgasm)
WLD (Wild Card, who knows what will happen!)
RGH INC (Roughness Increase)
RGH DEC (Roughness Decrease)
And of course you can always use the directional pads to calibrate how you want your tentacles to treat you~"

...Huh, so thats what the beds purpose was. It only did this while it was turned on however so at least Ariel could get a good night of sleep if she wanted to. The note next to the fun times rack read as follows:

"All these vials contain a special transformation or effect depending on which you drink, all of these effects last for a week~! If you wish to purge all changes you may drink the vial on the far right to reset your transformation! All vials are refilled every night free of charge!"

It didnt list what the individual vials did, but Ariel knew now that the vial she picked up earlier did indeed contain a white liquid and that it was the one missing from the rack. There was so much to experiment with it almost made her giddy...
Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Reading the two notes, Ariel saw that the button pad was meant for the tentacle bed, which she saw was called a pleasure bed. After finding out that she could turn it off completely if she wished, Ariel decided that she must have one of these beds back home, that it would be just awesome to have one. Looking at all of the different settings it had, Ariel couldn't help but feel a little shudder run through her at the mere thought of it. Afterwards, when she looked at the potions note, she felt outright giddy at seeing that they replenished themselves every night and that she could try some of them out later maybe.

"Well at least I know that I'll be able to sleep in peace tonight... maybe. Unless something comes in on me that is," Ariel said to herself as she finished reading the notes.

Ariel decided to get a bite to eat while she waited for night to come, figuring she might as well while she had the chance to eat. Getting a bit of the bread she'd found along with some meat if there was any to be had, preferably some beef that she could cook up and make a steak and cheese sandwich, but she'd settle for some simple sandwich ham if there was any of that in there instead of going through all of the trouble to cook up some steak and chop it up. After eating, Ariel would clean up so that if anyone came in they would see a clean normal room instead of a dirtied up room, so that they wouldn't investigate further than simply looking inside and she'd be able to hide in here through the night at the very least. After tidying up the place a bit, Ariel would sit down on the floor and take her swords out, where she set about sharpening them and oiling them after that. Once that was done, Ariel would go over and grab one of the potions on the rack in the kitchen, deciding to try one of them out and see what it did, choosing the one with the white liquid that she'd found on the steps before first, keeping the antidote one on hand to drink if this one did something she didn't like, but not drinking it until she at least saw what this one did.
Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

It seemed like these cupboards were almost chock full of standard foods and drinks, meaning Ariel could enjoy her sandwich before she decided to try out all these vials on the walls, she decided to try out the vial that she had found on the stair case before having gained access into this room. Taking a drink of it at first she didn't feel any different but slowly over time she felt like her body was undergoing some changes, soon enough she noticed she had grown what looked like a tail, it visually resembled a succubus' tail with it being thin and ending with a small heart, however due to her angel nature the tail was in fact white instead of black, she felt her arousal start to grow a tad too. Presumably this was made to simulate the effects of being a succubus, but due to Ariel already being a angel it overrode some of the changes.
Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

After eating her steak and cheese sandwich, that she decided to go ahead and cook up since she seemed to have plenty of food to do so with, Ariel then did all of the rest of the things she'd decided to do while her food settled. Then she drank the potion down after pulling it back off the shelf, where she didn't really feel much difference in her body and at first thought it might have been a trick or something since she wasn't feeling anything yet. After a minute or so she felt and saw a succubus tail forming just above her butt where a succubus's would be, the only difference being that her's was white instead of black.

"Wow, it's... kind of cute actually. I wonder... oh... well that might not be... the best thing," Ariel began saying to herself, thinking the tail looked cute on her like that, though when she felt her arousal peaking a bit she couldn't help it when her member grew hard as a rock once more and she whimpered softly. "Oh man, why did it have to do that again? This potion would be perfect if it didn't make me... f-feel like this again," Ariel whimpered, shaking her head back and forth slowly and miserably.

Ariel debated drinking the antidote potion she saw on the wall to make this feeling go away, but the tail was cute and she liked it. But she didn't like the tingly and fluttery feeling it gave her though, as she didn't really know what arousal meant. It felt so... good though, Ariel thought to herself as she stared at her throbbing member. Ariel, though she knew not why, found her hand traveling down her body, tracing her waist as it went, where she pulled the remainder of her panties off the rest of the way and ever so slightly touched her erect cock, gasping softly at the touch from the spark of pleasure the shot through her from it. A few moments later, after wrapping her fingers around her length and stroking herself a few times, her eyes going half lidded in the process as she sighed pleasantly from the pleasure, Ariel let go of her length and her hand traveled a little further down where her fingers rubbed across her soft angelic virgin petals, shooting another spark of pleasure through her, though this one felt... different to her.

"Oh wow, that felt nice. B-But no, I s-shouldn't be doing this, I should try to resist the temptation," Ariel said from where she'd laid back on the floor after sitting down, the young angel not sure when she'd sat down really, but glad she had all the same or else she'd probably fallen over. She shook her head, trying to clear the arousal from it as she sat up, where she tried to meditate and clear her mind of all things, hoping the meditations that her mother had taught her would work in making these strange feelings leave her alone.
Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

The angel girl decided to take a little while to meditate and clear her mind of the arousal that she had accidentally picked up from drinking the vial and playing with herself a few times, after a few minutes it seemed like that it had all cleared away. Leaving ariel in her room to do what she pleased as she had already checked everything in the room, except for the bathroom of course.
Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Thankfully her meditations worked and Ariel soon found herself calmed down for now, but she wasn't sure if she wouldn't get quickly aroused again from the merest touch in the future just yet. She of course didn't want to test her theory about it though and risk making herself aroused again, so she decided to just try and sleep it off for now, since it was so late now and all. "M-Maybe I should just sleep it off, surely that'll work. Gods how do succubi live feeling this good constantly? I just don't know if I could manage it myself," Ariel said, asking nobody in particular about succubi as she went over to the main door and made sure it was locked.

Then, laying down on the bed, Ariel pressed the button to turn the pleasure bed off for the night, figuring that might not be the best thing to have on at the moment, and since it was so early and all in the night, it was probably best she try and sleep now rather than very late in the night, as the note stated that the potions would be replenished in the morning, so Ariel wasn't sure if that meant someone would be by to refill them or what and she really really hoped it wasn't the that, or else she'd likely be forced to flee or risk fighting probably an army of foes. She kept the antidote potion close by though and held it while she slept in one hand while she held her swords next to her in the other, thinking that if need be she could just drink the potion really fast and grab her swords and fly out, leaving the room behind. Reaching down and pulling the covers up over her naked body, Ariel closed her eyes, listening for anything that might indicate someone trying to get in for a few minutes as she drifted off to sleep.
Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Ariel fell asleep rather quickly, the soft velvet of the bed gently warming her off into a deep slumber as the night continued on while she slept through the majority of it...


Later she woke up, there was thankfully no one else in the room with her but there was now a note on the bedside table right next to the instructions note, as before all the vials were filled up and the room in general had a much more....cleaner feel to it. It spooked her a tad knowing someone got in without her noticing but at least they hadn't done anything to her which was always a plus for the angel girl, if she took a gaze out the window she would notice it was afternoon nearing evening. Like when she had arrived in the city much earlier yesterday.
Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Ariel fell asleep rather quickly despite trying to remain awake a few minutes to see if someone would try and sneak in on her. For the minute or two she was awake, she felt herself warming back up under the warm velvet blanket after the cold air earlier, which really was the reason she'd fallen asleep as quickly as she did.


When she woke next, Ariel jumped up from the bed, sitting upright under the blanket, which fell away from the top of her body, exposing her quite large breasts to the room's air. She looked around and quickly spotted the new note next to the set of instructions for the bed, which was very worrying to her, and that was made even worse from the fact that she noticed the room just looked generally cleaner than last night. Someone had been in there she saw and they had cleaned the room and written a note for her. She gulped as she thought of what could have happened, had whoever the person was not left her alone. Gods she could have woken up in a dungeon somewhere for all she knew, tied down and about to be tortured. Glancing out the window, Ariel saw it was just after noon again and the evening was already close... but how could it be when she'd slept last night, surely she couldn't have slept for almost 16 hours or so.

"What the heck is going on here? How is it already almost evening again? And what did my mysterious maid tell me in this note I wonder? And I also wonder why said mysterious maid didn't take me captive," Ariel muttered as she sat there on the bed, letting the covers fall off of her the rest of the way when she leaned over to grab the note and see what it said.
Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

The note read as follows...
"Hello new guest! You seem to have arrived without our knowledge and taken rest in a regular room, not to worry as we are relatively used to this. There is no need to pay or even check in or out downstairs. We have taken a liberty of cleaning your room while you slept through the very active nightlife. If you wish for any assistance please ring room service."

....Huh. Well it looks like they werent aggravated with her being here, it was almost like the opposite. It mentioned something about the active night life though, so that must be why all the demons etc. werent here when she arrived they were all asleep waiting for the night to come. Somewhat confused Ariel was once more left to her own devices.
Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Reading the note, Ariel was quite surprised to see that the owners of the hotel she was staying in didn't seem to mind her being there, and were actually rather glad she was from the sounds of it. She wondered why she didn't need to pay for the room though, it made no sense, because every inn she'd passed on the way here she'd had to pay for a room. Maybe she should ring room service and ask them about it directly, since they seemed to not mind her being here and all it made the most sense to do really. She also found out why virtually nobody was in the streets below when she first flew over the city, because they all seemed to have been asleep then and were active at night.

"Well now... this is... different than I expected. It's almost like, they don't really care that I'm here in a way. Hmm... I think I do need to find out more about this place, so that I can figure out what drew me to this city in the first place, there must be a reason," Ariel said aloud to herself, pulling the covers back up over herself some as she made a final decision on whether or not to call the room service. She leaned over and picked up the phone, calling the room service to see if she would get anyone on the phone to actually speak with, if she did then she would ask if they could send someone up for her if she was lonely, and if so then she'd tell them that she was lonely, thinking to herself that was as likely to get them to send someone up as anything really. As she sat there waiting for whoever they decided to send up, Ariel's succubus tail was swishing around behind her, mimicking her anticipation at what might happen soon when whoever they sent up got there.
Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

As soon as she pressed the button for room service, she didnt even need to bring the phone up to her ear as there was immediately a knocking sound on the door and a voice called out "Room service~!". Upon opening the door Ariel was greeted with a succubus dressed in a somewhat skimpy maid uniform, she was almost beaming with a smile as Ariel let her in, the succubus turned and clasped her hands infront of her, asking in a somewhat sweet tone "What did you require guest~?"
Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Pressing the button, Ariel was a little surprised about not having to talk over the phone to anyone about coming up. She was even more surprised when she almost immediately heard a knock on the door to her room. Folding her wings in a bit behind her so they would be slightly hard to see if looking directly at her from the front, Ariel raised up again and got up, grabbing her swords and wrapping the blanket around her to cover herself as she went over to the door. When she opened the door and saw the quite scantily clad succubus in the maid's uniform, Ariel couldn't help but feel that she posed no true threat to her... at least not at the moment. In fact she looked rather sweet and kind, Ariel thought to herself, and... quite beautiful as well. Ariel felt something stirring between her legs as she beheld the beauty in front of her and peeked down under her blanket to see her cock was getting hard again like it had been last night, though it wasn't quite as big and hard as it was when the bed had done what it did to her, she couldn't believe that she'd forgotten to shapeshift it away after waking up again. Oh well though there was no sense in worrying about it now, she idly thought to herself.

"Um... hello there, please come in, I must say I didn't expect someone so fast. I'd like to ask you something, if you don't mind answering me that is," Ariel said after she answered the door, inviting the succubus inside her room and shutting the door behind her before she walked back over to the bed and sat down on it, setting her swords down and letting her blanket fall off of her in the process since she felt that this succubus didn't seem very threatening at the moment, revealing her quite large and mostly erect member to the succubus maid, which she still forgot to shapeshift away. She sat there for a few moments, stretching her wings out along with the rest of her body to get her blood flowing from sleeping so long as she debated just what she should ask the succubus maid exactly, or rather what she should risk telling her that is.

Ariel debating is to give the succubus time to speak to her or whatever if she wishes to do before Ariel starts asking her about the city and stuff.
Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

The succubus looks like

The succubus let out a small gasp when she noticed Ariels member, but it was one of intrigue instead of surprise, regardless she looked back at Ariel and said "Go ahead, ask away~", staying where she was standing "I obey your every whim and desire miss guest~!" she said in a very cheery tone, smiling afterwards as if she hadnt even seen Ariels throbbing member.
Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Sitting down, Ariel noticed the succubus was looking very intrigued at Ariel's cock as she gasped at the sight of it. "T-thank you miss. Was it you miss who cleaned in here through the night for me? If so then thank you very much, though I'm more than a little surprised you didn't... well that you didn't try to do anything to me really. A-And I'm also wondering just what this place is exactly, this city I mean. I was... drawn here for some reason, that I don't know why, and I'm trying to figure out as much about this place as I can, to see if I can find out why fate has brought me here,” Ariel said, bowing her head slightly at the succubus in thanks for cleaning her room and not doing anything to her. "Please miss, come, sit with me. What is your name? You can call me Ariel, and I'm... heh, well I guess you can kind of tell what I am," Ariel went on to say, hanging her head somewhat, waiting to see if this succubus would attack her or not.
Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Nodding the succubus said "It was my pleasure~!", as Ariel continued on about what the hotel was and thanking her for not taking her the succubus walked over to Ariel and sat beside her saying "Dont be silly about the kidnap thing! Plenty of non demons come here! Some are just passing through and others just look for a good time~", smiling and winking at the angel "Do be careful during the night though, its when most of the denizens of this city come out to play, and we dont like guests being abducted by them in the middle of the night....so it would be a good idea to lock your doors~!", upon the request for her name the succubus said "I am Alice, very pleased to meet you miss Ariel!" in her usual cheery tone. Before asking "Do you require anything else miss Ariel?"
Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

"R-Really, I wouldn't think that anyone but demons and monsters would be around here honestly. And you all really don't mind me staying here? Even though I'm an angel," Ariel replied, blushing a bit when the succubus winked at her and smiled. "So if I went out to say... the nightclub across the street, they wouldn't try and kidnap me from there? They'd wait until I left to do something? A-And if something did try and kidnap me, would you all here look for me? And don't worry about me locking the doors, I'll make sure I do," Ariel then asked, unsure of what to make of this city, as she'd figured she'd have been taken by the ones that cleaned the room.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Alice, I'm truly surprised that I haven't been accosted more so than I already have been, despite this being a city of demons and all," Ariel said when Alice introduced herself. When Alice asked if Ariel required anything else of her, she thought for a moment about it, where she blushed a bit as she caught herself staring at Alice's body and felt a stir in her loins again as they sat there. Why did it keep doing that? "Also... I'd like to know. How do you handle it? Being a succubus and whatnot. I drank a potion over there that gave me this tail and made me feel really strange, and I... I've never felt this way before, and I've... never experienced whatever that bed did to me last night when it grabbed my, thing here and s-stroked it. I mean, it felt good, but... I don't know what it was really. Was it supposed to feel that good?" Ariel went on to say, gesturing at her cock, sounding a little worried about it.
Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

"We allow everyone to stay here, this hotel is almost like a safe haven for people who are stuck in this city!" Alice beamed out, smiling again, in response to Ariels question about how she would be attacked by demons she said "Demons and monsters would only attack while you are in the streets, for where you are most vulnerable, more...charismatic demons will try to seduce you even if you arent in the streets, so i wouldnt allow incubi or succubi to buy you drinks~" Alice giggled after saying this, "And of course we would look for you! We'd try as much as we could, we pride ourselves on preserving the well being of all guests, demon or angel~" Alice said reassuringly, kissing Ariel on the cheek quickly. Ariel asked how she managed to cope as a succubus and she shrugged saying "You get used to it over time~", then Ariel mentioned about how the bed pleasured her and Alice said "Yes thats a completely normal response Ariel, its called pleasure and arousal..." the succubus now had a somewhat naughty look on her face, winking and saying "Would you like a...demonstration~?" in a sultry and somewhat soothing tone.
Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

"That's amazing really Alice, I didn't think there was any real safe haven in the city to be honest," Ariel said when Alice beamed at her and smiled. "Thank you Alice, I'm glad that you all would look for me. So are you one of those more... charismatic demons then Alice? Or do any live here in this hotel at the moment that I should look out for? Also... would it be relatively safe enough you think for me to go to the nightclub across the street later on tonight? I... well I kind of like to party and dance, when I get the chance to do so at least anyway," Ariel went on to say, giggling a little when kissed on the cheek and blushing a bit.

As she sat there, Ariel's cock grew harder even more so until it was fully erect now thanks to the sweet kiss on the cheek she'd received from Alice, though she knew not why it did that at her touch, but it felt nice to say the least. "Pleasure? Arousal? I honestly don't know what they mean, as I've never really experienced those things before, at least until last night I believe, since that was the first time I've ever felt that good. My mother you see used to tell me that only naughty little angels even thought of those things, and that pleasure was a bad thing if I wanted to remain a virgin until the right time. I would ask her why it was, but she wouldn't tell me really. And any time I would ask her about my father, she would just get a strange look in her eye as if remembering him and then she wouldn't say anything more, so I've never known who my father was either," Ariel said after a few moments, blushing a little bit as she revealed that she was still a virgin to Alice. When the succubus asked if she'd like a demonstration and winked at her with the naughty look on her face, Ariel couldn't help but think she should take her up on her offer. "Well... I guess that you could show me... a-as long as it doesn't hurt me in any way that is. I remember reading in a book a while back about s-sex, and what all it requires and stuff, but I've never really had the opportunity to really... d-do it. I mean, if it feels a-as good as the bed made me feel last night, then surely it can't be that bad. Right?" Ariel went on to say a little timidly, blushing a bit as she told the succubus that she could demonstrate if she wished, pretty much telling Alice that the only things she knew about sex were from books she'd read over the years, meaning she had no real life experience in it.
Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Alice nodded and said "Indeed i am a succubus~" giggling afterwards, "The night club? Perhaps, if you managed to get there quickly enough and not remain in the streets for too long.", then Ariel replied and agreed to Alices request to pleasure her. Nodding Alice gently slipped her hands down to Ariels erect member, gently gripping it and saying "I will fufill your request, if you wish me to stop at anytime please say so~", before starting to gently rub and stroke the angels erect member, occasionally stopping to lightly rub Ariels slit, she brought her other arm up and groped Ariels breast.
Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

"Hmm I may try and go there sometime, perhaps later tonight. And I flew across the street over to there yesterday, because I heard something growling at me I think down on the streets," Ariel replied to Alice as the succubus maid's hand went down towards Ariel's crotch.

When Alice's hand gently gripped her length, Ariel let out a soft gasp as she felt her member twitch in Alice's hand, giving an involuntary thrust of her hips in the process. "O-Oh wow, that's... so good. A-And okay Alice, I will," Ariel whispered, leaning back a bit on the bed and letting Alice go to work.

Laying back on the bed, Ariel allowed Alice to keep going, cooing softly as the succubus stroked and rubbed her member. When Alice stopped, Ariel whimpered pitifully, as she wanted her to keep making her feel good, so when Alice began rubbing her angelic virgin flower, Ariel let out a little squeal, being so unused to pleasure and all, and she hadn't expected Alice to rub her there. Her nipples grew hard as diamonds as Alice groped her breasts, and Ariel soon found herself giving unbidden moans of pleasure for Alice, likely making the succubus giggle. The entire time that Alice was stroking her member, Ariel would give involuntary jerk of her hips every few strokes, her pre-cum squirting out a bit and lubing up Alice's hand and also her length as it was stroked.

"I-Is this... sex, Alice? I-It feels so good," Ariel asked amidst her moans of pleasure, her cheeks flushed pink with arousal.