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Re: Pendulum (NOW ON SALE!)

Maybe a second Sprite scene for the bad guys? Either a second catch scene or something that unlocks in the gallery.

Also, for some reason the game takes forever to load. I don't know if I missed something, but my copy takes like 5 minutes to get through the percent loading screen.

Thanks for the suggestion. I could look into producing more scenes, though whether that happens depends strictly on how much spare time whoever ends up doing the updated art has on his hands.

I'll have to try and replicate that glitch first. It's going into my look-into list, for now.
Re: Pendulum (NOW ON SALE!)

Repure Aria blog made mention of your game.

Re: Pendulum (NOW ON SALE!)

SO, besides updated sprites and stuff, have you decided on a new project yet?
Re: Pendulum (NOW ON SALE!)

Only today I've found a guy to redraw Pendulum (huggable, amazing artist), so as of today I haven't put much thought into my next project beyond the fact that we both very much want to do another game from scratch together. I'm making him make a few mockups for Pendulum for now, in different styles, and we'll let the audience decide on which style we should go with. I'm not planning too far ahead, so that's all the info I have, for now.
Re: Pendulum (NOW ON SALE!)

Only today I've found a guy to redraw Pendulum (huggable, amazing artist), so as of today I haven't put much thought into my next project beyond the fact that we both very much want to do another game from scratch together. I'm making him make a few mockups for Pendulum for now, in different styles, and we'll let the audience decide on which style we should go with. I'm not planning too far ahead, so that's all the info I have, for now.

oh congrats on that :D, that should help you make games better, especially if you prefer focusing on programming
Re: Pendulum (NOW ON SALE!)

Only today I've found a guy to redraw Pendulum (huggable, amazing artist), so as of today I haven't put much thought into my next project beyond the fact that we both very much want to do another game from scratch together. I'm making him make a few mockups for Pendulum for now, in different styles, and we'll let the audience decide on which style we should go with. I'm not planning too far ahead, so that's all the info I have, for now.
aand? no update still :(
Re: Pendulum (NOW ON SALE!)

jojozolwik said:
cheshireCat said:
jojozolwik said:
so when the patch will be ready?
I'm not sure, though I'd like to have it up and ready by the end of october.
aand? no update still

You asked him a week ago, and he gave you an answer. It's not "the end of october" yet, so you have no reason to complain.

Man, I defended you in another thread, too. Gross.
Re: Pendulum (NOW ON SALE!)

Actually, I'm starting to wonder if it'll happen at all. I underestimated how hard it is to find a liable spriter--my current guy is great when it comes to art, but ridiculously slow in completing even the simplest tasks I throw at him. At this pace he'll have the art-style samples ready by the end of the year, and the whole game redrawn by the end of 2018. The last two guys who agreed on the terms were eaten alive by procrastination; it seems this one joined them. Is 20$/hr really not motivating enough :(?
Re: Pendulum (NOW ON SALE!)

Is 20$/hr really not motivating enough :(?

What kind of artist works per hour? For this kind of independent stuff, it's safer for everyone to agree on a completed unit price with simple deadlines. Newer artists might have a poor sense of the time it will take to complete particular blocks, but creativity tends to choke itself out when it's not anchored in reality.

Extending a failing business relationship can make you, as the creator/producer, appear as unprofessional as your partner(s), and I think you want to avoid that as you grow your portfolio.
Re: Pendulum (NOW ON SALE!)

Also, per hour wage doesn't guarantee faster work, on the contrary, the artist can drag forever just to make more, not saying this is the case but reliable and serious artists know this and work per piece to avoid doubt or skepticism from the client, unless it is office controlled work, other than that it's almost unethical.
Re: Pendulum (NOW ON SALE!)

I most certainly don't expect the guys I've tried to get any more work from me. Tried approaching some other artists, suggesting different terms, and as soon as they heard stuff like "split the income" or "nothing upfront" they stopped responding right there. So since paying by the hour is really the only thing that anyone agreed on, I don't really mind them milking it a bit, but taking two weeks to redraw just one sample screenshot I gave them is one hell of an overkill. There goes me thinking money alone is enough to find reliable team members.
Re: Pendulum (NOW ON SALE!)

Seems like the remix version won't happen. I can't seem to find an artist that'll do it for a price which would make the whole thing worthwhile for both ends. Sorry guys.

Having that settled--I'm starting to work on my next project.
Re: Pendulum (NOW ON SALE!)

Seems like the remix version won't happen. I can't seem to find an artist that'll do it for a price which would make the whole thing worthwhile for both ends. Sorry guys.

Having that settled--I'm starting to work on my next project.

Sorry to hear that about the artist thing.


People are disgusting.

Still, I'm glad you choose to remain positive and move forward. Delays or not, as long as you have the conviction to move on, you're in good shape.
Re: Pendulum (NOW ON SALE!)

"Starting to work on my next project."

It sounds like you have some idea what you're going to make. Can you give us a hint? I played the demo of Pendulum, and you had some neat ideas, but it didn't really feel like my kind of game. Still, there was potential there, and I'm interested to see what you make next.
Re: Pendulum (NOW ON SALE!)

Since all I've been doing with the next project for the past few days is just bouncing ideas around, and I only really started designing the game yesterday, all I have to show for now is the concept for the main character (wip).


The game will play out similar to Odin Sphere. The protagonist, instead of the usual sword or whatever, will use body deformations (right arm) as means of fighting foes. I also want to focus a lot more on fapability than I did in Pendulum.
Re: Pendulum (NOW ON SALE!)

Woah, that sounds pretty cool. I'll have to keep an eye on your blog.

I remember Odin Sphere had some pretty huge bosses, are you gonna do something of a similar scale? The amount of animation involved would probably be pretty taxing if you went for detailed sprites.

And the O.S. areas, I think they were looping circles dotted with doors that took you to other areas, right? Are you going for something like that or more of a traditional 2D metroidvania megamap thing?
Re: Pendulum (NOW ON SALE!)

Odin Sphere or Murasama are games with an incredible graphic style :). You'll do it alone?
Re: Pendulum (NOW ON SALE!)

...all I have to show for now is the concept for the main character (wip).

...h-heterochromia?! She's lovely.

And to be clear - splitting proceeds or profits, etc. isn't appealing to most artists. You'll need to agree on what will be delivered, and a price, and a payment schedule tied to completion of the work. Most artists have been burned or are aware of the risk in agreeing to profit share, and thus shy away. Good luck sir!