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ACT [Kaijo] Nagai Yamiji - NOW ONLY $4.99

Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

I'm curious, is it possible to use a save from a previous version of the game? perhaps one from the versions of the game where you didn't need to install it?
You should be able to, yes. You just need to put the save file into the game's AppData folder (C:\User\AppData\Local\Nagai_Yamiji\)

You have my upvote. One thing: increase the movement acceleration. Right now it feels almost like walking on ice.

Also, the walljumping is seriously shit. You need to improve that. Why not replace the roll button with up + jump?

This is a problem with gamemaker that I've been having. The controls don't work for other people the way they are supposed to.
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

Also, the walljumping is seriously shit. You need to improve that. Why not replace the roll button with up + jump?

+1 to this idea, the roll interaction is really weird and doesn't like working for me
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

+1 to this idea, the roll interaction is really weird and doesn't like working for me

I suppose that could work... Alrighty I'll change that 'round

EDIT: Actually, I remember why I made the dodge button in the first place. Making it up+jump would make things even more difficult, would it not? I mean, right now to walljump it's just jump-dodge-jump-dodge. With the other control idea it would be jump-up-jump-release up-jump-up-jump. Seems complicated to me
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Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

TL;DR: If you have problems with the controls, try this version and tell me if the display shows what keys you're pressing properly.

Okay to get a better understanding as to what's wrong with the controls I'm releasing another update for those who are having issues.

This version has slight changes to the control code, but the main difference is that there's a display showing what keys are being registered.

When you press a key, the display will flash solid red, and as long as you hold that key it will show a soft red. If you're not holding the key, it will be clear.

So what I want you to do is test this version, and see if the display accurately shows what keys you're pressing and holding. If not, see which ones don't react properly, and under what circumstances.

If your controls are working, then don't bother with this update as there shouldn't be any other changes.

If by some miracle the slight tweak to the control code actually fixed the problem, let me know about that too, because I would just shit.

Played this version. The control display works smoothly except for the spell button not working at all, so I can't past that door where you have to hit with a spell to open.

Unless, of course, I'm doing something wrong.
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

Played this version. The control display works smoothly except for the spell button not working at all, so I can't past that door where you have to hit with a spell to open.

Unless, of course, I'm doing something wrong.

That is just the strangest thing... Well I'm at least in contact with YoyoGames, so hopefully they have a solution.
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

The input seems to have a lot of difficulties with multiple key presses and jumping off walls doesn't always happen. Very frustrating in certain parts, especially with the lasers. Essentially you don't always jump up when you hit jump key when sliding down the wall is my biggest issue.
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Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

The input seems to have a lot of difficulties with multiple key presses and jumping off walls doesn't always happen. Very frustrating in certain parts, especially with the lasers. Essentially you don't always jump up when you hit jump key when sliding down the wall is my biggest issue.

I'm currently in contact with YoyoGames about the problems with the controls not working for everyone. Hopefully they'll have a solution for me
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

I'm currently in contact with YoyoGames about the problems with the controls not working for everyone. Hopefully they'll have a solution for me

If it's multiple key presses that are the problem, is there a chance that it's due to the keyboards? I've got a gamer keyboard so I can press basically all the keys at once, but with regular, cheap, or old keyboards I could definitely see jumping causing problems. On a lot of keyboards, you can only get three or four keys pressed at once before you run into issues. I know up and left was a problem spot in most old keyboards I used, a couple just wouldn't register anything at all if I was already holding those two.
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

@Kajio: Dunno if that helps, but it's worth a shot:

Do you use hard-coded ascii values for recognizing keystrokes/defining keys? Anything that game maker doesn't have a constant for (eg. vk_left, vk_space, and so on) can give you a completely different value, depending on what keyboard you're using (no really, this is entirely a hardware-difference thing). So eg. ord('Z') will return 90 on nearly every system, but for some it'll return something else like 65.

Also, never ever check whether a key was released and base your functions on that, because game maker won't catch the cue with some keyboards (again, its hardware dependent).

Oh, and see if your if else loop for recognizing keystrokes doesn't have any errors--game maker sometimes will recognize a key you're holding as constantly being pressed--you can avoid that by checking if the key is held down, before checking for any other state of the same key.
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)


I know my last post was rude (on this thread), but the frustration from platforming really kicked me in the buns. Thanks for the game regardless!
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

If it's multiple key presses that are the problem, is there a chance that it's due to the keyboards? I've got a gamer keyboard so I can press basically all the keys at once, but with regular, cheap, or old keyboards I could definitely see jumping causing problems. On a lot of keyboards, you can only get three or four keys pressed at once before you run into issues. I know up and left was a problem spot in most old keyboards I used, a couple just wouldn't register anything at all if I was already holding those two.
Yeah I'm aware of that, my keyboard has that limitation. However, I don't believe that's the problem... unless other people's keyboards are even more limited compared to mine (which is a laptop keyboard, so I kinda figure it's on the lower end of things).

@Kajio: Dunno if that helps, but it's worth a shot:

Do you use hard-coded ascii values for recognizing keystrokes/defining keys? Anything that game maker doesn't have a constant for (eg. vk_left, vk_space, and so on) can give you a completely different value, depending on what keyboard you're using (no really, this is entirely a hardware-difference thing). So eg. ord('Z') will return 90 on nearly every system, but for some it'll return something else like 65.

Also, never ever check whether a key was released and base your functions on that, because game maker won't catch the cue with some keyboards (again, its hardware dependent).

Oh, and see if your if else loop for recognizing keystrokes doesn't have any errors--game maker sometimes will recognize a key you're holding as constantly being pressed--you can avoid that by checking if the key is held down, before checking for any other state of the same key.
Nope I use "ord()" to get the ASCII values.

I don't ever use keyboard_check_released() anywhere so that's good :p

My code shouldn't have problems with it (it's simple enough, haha) and the YoyoGames assistant I'm in contact with said the code looked fine. It wouldn't really make since for it to be a coding error anyway, since it works on like every other machine.

Thanks for the help though :)


I know my last post was rude (on this thread), but the frustration from platforming really kicked me in the buns. Thanks for the game regardless!

No worries. Hopefully the frustration was just due to the controls and that'll be fixed (hopefully).
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

Wall jump too complicated. Because of this unplayable. please correct
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

By the way dude

I like your game and attitude. Not enough game devs willing to listen to player input without getting super defensive. And aside from the walljumping issue (and maybe that most of the baddies don't do damage when they do the dirty), I think the game is fangoddamntastic. Keep it up man, and take your time with this.
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

By the way dude

I like your game and attitude. Not enough game devs willing to listen to player input without getting super defensive. And aside from the walljumping issue (and maybe that most of the baddies don't do damage when they do the dirty), I think the game is fangoddamntastic. Keep it up man, and take your time with this.

Well thanks brodactl, I don't see the point in getting all upset if people don't like my stuff... unless like everyone hates it because then that kinda means I'm up shit creek and no one will buy it XP. But in general, people simply have different tastes as well as different standards, you can't please everyone, eh?

Anyway, still waiting to hear back from YoyoGames on the controls issue, hopefully they'll have some answers for me... otherwise it's just going to kinda have to be how it is...

And yeah I've meant to implement enemies doing damage during the rape animations.
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

The area I'm having the most trouble with is where you have to take the teleporter and go down to get the stone. Getting back up is very hard because jumping off walls doesn't always happen. Especially noticeable in room with dog and satyr and going the other way as well. In the room next to save point below teleporter, jumping up columns works pretty well.

I see the issue mostly on walls, not columns. Almost seems like it doesn't properly grip the wall after roll jumping.
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Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

The area I'm having the most trouble with is where you have to take the teleporter and go down to get the stone. Getting back up is very hard because jumping off walls doesn't always happen. Especially noticeable in room with dog and satyr and going the other way as well. In the room next to save point below teleporter, jumping up columns works pretty well.

I see the issue mostly on walls, not columns. Almost seems like it doesn't properly grip the wall after roll jumping.

Yeah that sounds like an issue with the controls people are having. I'm still waiting for a full response from YoyoGames about it
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

Alright, so I've been talking with YoyoGames about the controls issue, and they can't seem to replicate the problem.

So if you've have problems with the controls or walljumping, please post your computer's specs.

From what I can tell, there's nothing wrong with Gamemaker or Nagai Yamiji, so I don't know what to tell y'all. I don't know if you've been trying to play the game on a toaster or a Mac, but either one wouldn't be able to play the game.
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

Windows 7 Pro 64 bit
Mobo: Gigabyte Z68A-D3H-B3
Intel Core i3-2100 @ 3.1 GHz
4 GB (2x2GB) RAM from G.Skill
AMD Radeon HD 6700 Series Graphics Card
Microsoft Natural Ergonomic Keyboard
Logitech G500 Mouse

Need anything else?
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

The weird thing is the problem is inconsistent. After your latest update, the walljump seemed perfectly fine, and then it suddenly cuts out after a random amount of time. I can't discern a pattern for when it happens.