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ACT [Kaijo] Nagai Yamiji - NOW ONLY $4.99

Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

I'd respond to each post like I normally do, but there's a lot, I'm ill, and they all essentially say the same thing; that being "fix the walljumping". To which I'll reply "Yeah, kinda working on it, chill yo tits"

I'll remind those who are saying things along the lines of "The walljumping makes this game unplayable D: Will not buy!!!11" that this is the whole purpose of these demos. To work these sort of things out before I actually release the game in full. I'm trying all I can to work this issue out before launch, because it is rather critical.

I appreciate that some of y'all are trying to help out, but I think at this point the only thing that will work is the good ol' "Try random shit until it works somehow for no apparent reason" tactic. A bug that doesn't make any sense needs a solution that doesn't make any sense, eh?


Here's another version for y'all to test out. I've pretty much just rearranged the walljumping code... essentially the same thing, just checks the values differently. Again, if this works I'll just shit, in both rage and relief.

I also added some different diagnostic output for y'all. The first line tells you if you have the wall jump ability. This should obviously read "0" until you get the powerup, and "1" from there on out. If it changes, then there's a problem.

The second and third line tell you if you're in a position where you can walljump. This will read "0" or "1" depending on your position (essentially if you're sliding it'll read "1" unless you already walljumped against that wall not too long ago).

The fourth line tells you if you've successfully walljumped. It'll read "1" for a moment after you walljump, but otherwise it should read "0"
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

I just want to confirm one of digitz wall breaking attempts. Pushing down while standing reproduces the wall breaking glitch for me every time (I'm playing V0.4).

Anyways, this games pretty cool. I'll buy it when it comes out.
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

Tried new version the down key still breaks it however. The thing also still says that I can wall jump and that I have wall jumped even though I didn't.

Look at the code for the crouch it only breaks when you're standing still however. If this is the problem and it's fixed if you drink I would send you some money if I could just to have a beer with me in celebration!

Also, can you elaborate some more what stats does what I want to make a fighter?
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Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

Tried new version the down key still breaks it however. The thing also still says that I can wall jump and that I have wall jumped even though I didn't.

Look at the code for the crouch it only breaks when you're standing still however. If this is the problem and it's fixed if you drink I would send you some money if I could just to have a beer with me in celebration!

Dude if this is the solution to all my problems then I should fuckin' pay you, man! I'll look into the code and see if there's something fucking up or if I just need to switch something around...

I could simply completely remove the down key, but then you'd lose the ability to duck/lowkick (although that's a small price to pay for the game to function properly otherwise).
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

Put me in the credits or fix some of the animations after you finish everything else in the game and we'll call it even Haha jk. Seriously, though it just shows how much I enjoyed your game that's making want to go this far to try and find out what's causing the problem. Going do a bunch more stuff to make sure nothing else causes it though.

Not like it'll really be missed you can kill just about everything pretty easily if you put you magic points high enough. That's not enough of a challenge though so I'm going fists of fury as much as I can.
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

Put me in the credits or fix some of the animations after you finish everything else in the game and we'll call it even Haha jk. Seriously, though it just shows how much I enjoyed your game that's making want to go this far to try and find out what's causing the problem. Going do a bunch more stuff to make sure nothing else causes it though.

Sweet man, thanks! I'll definitely add you to the credits and the H-animation changes will probably be something in the V1.1 patch or something :p
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

Good work Dijitz, hopefully now this'll get released sooner. Also I didn't even know there was a low kick so no big lose.

Also, can you elaborate some more what stats does what I want to make a fighter?

Yeah I was gonna ask about this too. I don't have a clear idea what the different stats do.
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

Awesome definite first second buyer here! There is one downside about having the down key moved is that it's the only way to get down to your stats to edit them. I did just confirm that after using my down key on the stat screen that I was still able to wall jump though.
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

Good work Dijitz, hopefully now this'll get released sooner. Also I didn't even know there was a low kick so no big lose.

Yeah I was gonna ask about this too. I don't have a clear idea what the different stats do.

I've been sorta meaning to add an in-game explanation for the stats... But here you go:

INT: Raises spell damage and mana regen
DEX: Increases enemy miss chance, and decreases yours
CON: Increases max hp, defense, and melee damage (This is your fighter stat :p)
LUK: Lots of small bonuses (Enemies more likely to drop orbs, you're more likely to do higher damages and less likely to miss, enemies more likely to do lower damages or miss)

Awesome definite first second buyer here! There is one downside about having the down key moved is that it's the only way to get down to your stats to edit them. I did just confirm that after using my down key on the stat screen that I was still able to wall jump though.

Well I'm very glad :D I think I figured out what the problem was... it might have been that whenever you duck, it changes the sprites mask (the invisible box around the player that's used for collision checking) to a smaller one, and it looks like it might not have been switching back.

Hopefully that's fixed now though, so if you wouldn't mind terribly, here's another version to try out.

Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

Place your fist on the screen so I can give you a brofist! It worked!! I used the duck key and it I was still able to use the wall jump afterwards. I even knocked her down and held the down key, which showed me that you can apparently hold down the arrow key to get up much quicker (will still mash keys as its funner) and it still worked. Great job man!

You should update the title to say possible fix so more people will know.

Sweet I know what stat I'm putting up the most now thanks!
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

Place your fist on the screen so I can give you a brofist! It worked!! I used the duck key and it I was still able to use the wall jump afterwards. I even knocked her down and held the down key, which showed me that you can apparently hold down the arrow key to get up much quicker (will still mash keys as its funner) and it still worked. Great job man!

You should update the title to say possible fix so more people will know.

Hehe oops, you're not actually supposed to be able to hold down the keys to get up :p That was a silly mistake I made, that'll be fixed in the next release :p

I gotta say, I thank you whole-heartedly! You are a real life saver here!
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

Cool. No problem man I actually enjoyed it. I'm hoping this will turn a lot of the naysayers into buyers now. I wanna see you be successful and possibly churn out more awesome games, H or not I wanna see what you come up with next.
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

Cool. No problem man I actually enjoyed it. I'm hoping this will turn a lot of the naysayers into buyers now. I wanna see you be successful and possibly churn out more awesome games, H or not I wanna see what you come up with next.

Thanks man, you are a pretty cool dude. I really appreciate the support :) I hope that I'm successful enough to do this full time so I can really churn these babies out :p
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Walljumping fixed!)

YAY its working.....its still fucking hard to do though. and I'm stuck, room with the snake pit, room with black pick up not sure what it was, then go up out of that room and then that room just brings me back to the snake pit room...
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Walljumping fixed!)

Fixed the issue for me, thank you for your patience listening to all our rants.
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Walljumping fixed!)

YAY its working.....its still fucking hard to do though. and I'm stuck, room with the snake pit, room with black pick up not sure what it was, then go up out of that room and then that room just brings me back to the snake pit room...
I don't really know how to make it easier without making is too easy :p

That area is a loop. After you get the pick up you have to go back and find the other before continuing on.

Fixed the issue for me, thank you for your patience listening to all our rants.

Haha, no problem :) Very happy to have this problem fixed!
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Walljumping fixed!)

Oh man. I'd totally read most of the thread, people complaining about the walljumping being too hard to do or not working and stuff. But I tell myself, I'm playing the latest, fixed version.

How bad could it be?

I was totally unprepared for how hateful the walljumping is. Completely blindsided. Hand cramping combination of button presses and precise timings needed to even manage basic walljumping. It took me like 15 minutes or something stupid just to get out of the room with the rune, and that only needs two successful walljumps.

Seeing what I then had to backtrack up? Soul destroying. Why on earth does pressing jump whilst sliding down a wall not just jump you away from the wall automatically? Preferably far enough that you can actually get to the next wall along for the average walljump. I didn't expect to have to mid-air roll for every single walljump just to make it work. That's a lot of very quick button presses needed.

EDIT - Yeah, sheer mechanical repetition and determination got me out of there, but frankly walljumping is so far from fun that it's a complete dealbreaker for me. I just don't want to do it.
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Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Walljumping fixed!)

I made a video showing me doing the walljumping.

It shows how you don't have to be doing anything super fast, and the timing's not that hard.

If what's happening for y'all isn't how it looks in this video, then let me know.

Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Walljumping fixed!)

Eh, it almost looks like it does when I can get the timing and button combinations down.

But I definitely DID need to pull a direction when sliding, otherwise the character just fell straight off the wall. Didn't manage to get up as far as the second set of jumps there, so it's hard to say but I suspect jumps without needing a roll wouldn't have been quite so hard, it's the combination of needing directions and mid-air rolls that make it so difficult, I think.
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Walljumping fixed!)

But I definitely DID need to pull a direction when sliding, otherwise the character just fell straight off the wall.

So if you're sliding down a wall, and press no keys except for jump you don't do a little hop off of the wall?