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Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Michael HP: 46, PP: 10/36, EP: 34, Status: Fine

Michael perception 34 vs 46 fail
Michael is grouped and takes 26 pp damage

Moving up the Stairs with the utmost caution Michael is fairly disappointed to find absolutely nothing that would cause him to have such a deep sense of foreboding. Still he was right about one thing the bedrooms seemed to be up here. Not really relaxing and not quite trusting his senses Michael began to retreat back down when he heard a fait giggle and felt a cool vibrating sensation along his cock nearly sending him to his knees.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Michael sighs as his legs give out, his eyes rolling back into his head for a few moments before he recovers, shaking his head and turning around, both of his revolvers raised as he looks for the source of whatever just groped him, his heart racing as blood begins to flow to his more intimate places.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Michael perception 38 vs 51 Fail!
??? Ghost gropes Michael again! 27pp Damage Michael orgasms and is stunned

Michael HP: 46, PP: 36, EP: 34, Status: stunned

Michael whirls about trying to locate his attacker only to catch a fleeting glimpse of a silvery white body fading into the air followed by a giggle. Keeping his cool Michael started down the stairs once more attempting to escape his spectral attacker. Reaching the bottom of the stairs Michael is once more assaulted by a phantom touch that drops him to his knees his guns clattering to the floor as his rock hard member shoots its load inside his pants. Panting on the floor trying to recover his molester appears out of thin air. The creature or ghost was a buxom young woman. She was naked and smiling as she leaned down and slowly undid Michael's trousers a look of hunger in her ghostly eyes.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Michael pants as he lays on the floor, his wings buzzing out to either side of him as his antennae flop down and rest on the floor. "'S this the way..............yah greet all your guests?" he asks between breaths, struggling just to lift his head and glare at the woman, his fatigue showing as he lacks any capability to resist the woman.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Michael only got a disembodied giggle as the ghost woman freed his member. Apparently pleased with what she saw the ghost quickly mounted him her cold yet tight confines pulling Michael in. The ghost woman looked up in bliss a moment enjoying the feeling giving the insect man the moment he needed to recoup.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Michael growls as he reaches up and pushes the woman, attempting to push her on her back and take control of the situation for himself, not normally one to submit to women. With a buzz of his wings, he forces himself off the ground in an attempt to sit upright.

Try to knock her on her back and take a more dominant position, I assume this is a grapple roll.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Michael easy pushed the ghostly woman onto her back her legs wrapped around his waist trapping his member inside. Once he was in the dominate position the woman giggled as she tried to coax Michael into action. She was biting her lip in anticipation while her legs tried to force him deeper inside. Clearly the woman was desperate if the look on her face was any indication and if Michael didn't start she certainly would.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

With a grunt, Michael begins to pull out, only to push back in, his hands coming down to grip at the ghastly woman's hips, and his insectoid features softening as he began to settle into a rhythm, hoping to bring the ghost to climax before he himself tipped over the edge again

Commence the sex-combat or however this stuff is handled!
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Michael pleasures the ghost 25 pp
Ghost pleasures Michael 27 pp damage draining 39 ep but only getting 34

Michael HP: 46, PP: 9/36, EP: 0, Status: fainted

Grabbing by the ghost by the hips Michale dove deep thrusting with abandon. His prick slide home eaisly causing the ghostly woman to moan at his thrusts her own legs forcing him deeper and deeper into her. Still something was strange he could feel him self on the verge of blowing his load once more but his motions became heavy and jerky as he felt utterly drained. Blinking as his vision fadded he caught the glimpse of a highly disppointed ghost woman.

A few hours later Michael awoke head throbbing and slightly shivering. He was in much the same state as he was before except this time his pants had been left undone and his ghostly partner was no where to be seen. Looking out the window and brushing away the dried cum on his waist Michael could see he had lost alot of time. Further travel at night would be unwarrented but staying in a haunted ruin might be worse later.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Michael groans as he sits up, flitting his wings to pull himself into a stand, his hands reaching down and doing his fly back up, as well as closing his belt, muttering something about hating ghosts. When he noticed the time, he decided it would be a lot better to just continue on his way than to stay in this haunted place. With a click of his mandibles and a buzzing of his wings, he exits the building and takes to the skies, resuming his course for Badaria as well as he could fly after being drained from his encounter with the ghost woman.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Despite a mild head ache Michael was more than able to fly. Leaving the rough scrub land for the air he didn't even look back as left for greener pastures. The cool air of the rapidly falling night did wake him slightly from his stupor. He was close now the air hinted at lush grasses and dark forests. No doubt if he traveled threw the night he would reach Bardia proper by morning. The question then was what was he going to do? Still he had plenty of time to think it over.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Michael buzzes along through the air, inhaling the night air as he made a beeline in the direction of what he assumed was Artmirst, though now it was known as Acheron, in the hopes of finding out what had happened on that fateful day when he began the transofrmation into what he was now.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

The night air was brisk and a welcome change from the stifling heat of the desert. Still all this flying was taking its toll on the poor man. Landing if only rest his weary wings Michael was glad to feel soft ans lush grass under his feet. He had left the desert behind and was in Bardia proper. Though finding a way to Artmirst would be diffcult he knew he would manage. For now though getting some rest would be best. Settling in for the night after making any preperations he chose the bugslinger would soon fall into a sleep.

Several hours later

Micahle awoke to gruff voices and the sounds of crying woman. They seemed a little distant so there was little worry he would be discovered. Peaking up from some high grass Michael saw the glint of metal in the distance as well as more gruff laughter. A moment later a gunshot echoed out and the crying woman wailed even louder.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Michael clicks his mandibles in curiosity, both of his hands reaching for his rifle and drawing it as he begins to carefully wade through the tall grass, hoping to sneak up on the source of the commotion and catch them by surprise.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Michale stealth vs perception 45 (+10 from cover) vs 30, 25 success!

Michael HP: 46, PP: 36, EP: 34, Status: Fine

Michael crept closer his approach unseen thanks to the many bushes and stands of tall grass. Looking upon the scene revealed two armored looking thugs their armor battern and worn but clearly of impiral origin. Nearby sat a wagon loaded with common house hold things. Attached to the wagon was a now dead horse its large brown bodyresting on a rutted road. Three woman sat crying huddled together their dresses torn. From his distance it was hard to make out exact faceses but it was clear these woman ran a foul of dirty bandits.

"Yo Erl I think we should keep the two young ones for the boys back at camp. Fill their bellies with some bastard children before we send them off for sale in Archon." Michaels eyes where drawn to the man who spoke. He was rather tall and from the looks of it rather cruel. The man he spoke to looked very small and his featuers where sharp. "Sven you know they don't nearly pay as well for such damaged goods."
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Michael takes aim at the lead speaking bandit from his hiding position, hoping to kill him outright with the first bullet, flicking the undermounted lever to chamber a new round as he stood, his wings fanning out and his inhuman face twisting into an intimidating snarl, his mandibles stretched out wide, hoping to scare the other man as his wings begin to buzz behind him.

Normal Sneak Attack on the leader-type guy who was speaking earlier, and revealing self while trying to look as intimidating as possible to the other guy.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Michael attacks! 37 vs 35HIT! Sneak attack double damage! 46 damage!
Bandit 2 makes a resistance check 18 vs 30 fail bandit wets himself and runs away.

Michael held his breath to help stedy his aim. The round chambered in with a click. Slowly his finger depressed the trigger. *CLICK* *BANG!* The shot rang out drawing the attention of the men. Sadly only one got to see the insect terror that rose from the bushes as the other's head exploded from the round that penitrated his skull. "BY THE GODS!" Not hesitating a moment the surviving bandit dropped his gun and started to run making a mad dash for a group of trees. The woman seeing Michale in their terrified state continued to wail and hold on to each other.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Michael slings his rifle back over his shoulder in one fluid move, relaxing his muscles as the second bandit runs off. "You can stop crying now, ladies." he says in his buzzing voice, walking over and squatting next to the corpse of the bandit he had killed, looking for anything of value. "Best if you return from where you came. These roads are dangerous, and not every man will let you be on your way like me." he says, after taking anything of value from the bandit and taking a seat on the corpse, resting his arms on his knees and sighing as his wings fold back behind him and his antennae droop down in front of his face.

Loot the corpse for valuables because bandit, and let the women go on their way if they wish.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

The women simply coward in fright at Michael's appearnce not dare making a move for the moment. Turning his attention to the bandit, Michael found his first assumption to be true. The man indeed had an old military uniform on. Clearly his beloved home has fallen on hard time. Anything else of note was a Su-Ku-Ta Sniper Rifle and a revolver. The bandit also had about 20 denari on hand.

After he finished searching Michael noticed the woman where no longer cowering instead they had moved to the horse and where gently patting his head. Only then did he notice the animal was still alive though with out some sort of help it wouldn't be for long.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Michael stands from the corpse he had been using for a seat, his wings buzzing to lift him to his feet, his antennae twitching as he looks at the now-dying horse, crossing his arms and shaking his head. "I'm sorry for your loss, ladies. If I could do anything to help him, I would..." he says, reaching down and drawing the revolver from his right holster, thumbing back the hammer. "But the best thing you can do for him now is let him go peacefully and swiftly." he says, waiting for the women to respond, half-expecting them to throw rocks at him.

Loot the money, and the third revolver, then wait for response from the women.