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Bad Luck Succubi


The user formerly known as MoT
Nov 16, 2008
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So here she is, the lesser succubi known as Azaleila. Being from the succubi bloodline it is the luck of the draw that you have gained the beauty and shapes that the succubi proudly show.
Nice DD cups that are held together by a rag of clothing going underneath your armpits. that is tied behind your back with a simple knot. Small, but not too small waist where your nice wide hips begin and your firm ass slaps it’s spade tail. Small black thong keeps your most private place in check.

Your eyes are yellow and bright, your skin bright, low saturation red. You have small wings from your shoulders, on your head you have two small horns that twist behind downwards with your medium long black hair.
Truly, you look beautiful and menacing like a succubi should.. But that’s where the good news end.

A curse is on our little Azeleila, curse of the worst luck seen in this part of the hell dimension. Nothing seem to have gone right ever since you got your status, since you grew to your full looks. Magic just doesn’t work out, you can’t seem to fly properly, nothing seems to respect you, not even imps, the lowest of the low. You could deal with that but it doesn’t stop here, the worst is yet to come:

You don’t seem to have the usual succubi abilities either! Sex does not empower you like it should, you don’t seem to constantly feel the lust.. In Fact it’s nearly opposite. If it weren't for your demonic looks, you’d certainly be mistaken for a weakling of a human with your current status.

So here you are, on the rocky fields all by yourself, frustrated by these thoughts of what you have turned out to become..
This field area is pretty bland really. Small rocks, medium rocks.. Just rocks on a flat area and little dust, brim.. The usual hellish look really. Can't say you'd see too far with the brim and dust, nor be interested on that anyway.

A) Kick some of these rocks. Take out your frustration on em!
B) Let’s think about this all over.. Get lost in thoughts, surely you’ll figure something out.
C) Ugh. Better take a nap of a hour or two, you’ll feel better after a nice nap.
D) Take out your frustration on walking, walk somewhere more interesting..
E) Other
Re: Bad Luck Succubi

D Vent that anger... by exploring!
Re: Bad Luck Succubi



B. We'll be thinky as fuck.
Re: Bad Luck Succubi


Show those fucking rocks that you are a MAN. Kick them in the FACE. HARD.
Re: Bad Luck Succubi

D. We will find something interesting someplace else, I just know it.
Re: Bad Luck Succubi

A. I wanna see how some bad luck affects rock kicking.
Re: Bad Luck Succubi

D. (already giving her the D eh)

With the big temptation to take out your frustration on these rocks, you decided to go for a walk instead.
What's the point of staying around here to mumble about your fate? Better to take your negative energy on walking around instead.

You began to walk a head on these rocky plains..
They don't call them rocky plains for nothing. Yep yep, flat area.. Rocks there.. Rocks here.. Rocks over there again.. Oh look more rocks!


Wait thats not a rock. That's something more hairy.
You see a big hairy demon sitting around not too far from where you were.
A big taurus demon, one of those minotaur like guys. He's just sitting around, all crouched up.. Doing something with its hands.


Better leave it at that actually. But now thinking about it.. Knowing your luck it's actually good that you didn't kick those rocks before. 100% sure you'd have hit this guy with em.
As you walk away some more you also hear some crackling sound from where you were from originally at, for some reason you feel like you just dodged a bullet by deciding to go for this walk after all.


The plains seemed to stop after you had walked about 10 minutes or so into a single direction.. And instead you now found yourself at a gravel beach next to a purple lake.

Touching the waters slightly, seems to be normal ol hell waters, it's either this or lava lakes, no clear waters here. But hey, better little purple water than lava lakes, you ain't got no anti fire magic with ya anyway.


The air in this area was pretty humid and cool. The water was pretty nice and the gravel beach was quite soft.

Not a bad spot at all to hang around. You already feel quite a lot better.

A) Rest at the gravel beach. That oughta brighten the day
B) Swim that purple lake. Seems there could be something a head there.
C) Don't just swim, lets dive actually, who knows what could be down there?
D) Walk around the beach, maybe there's something interesting.
E) Other?
Re: Bad Luck Succubi


Rest after showing the gravel beach your MANHOOD. With your FISTS. And kicks to the FUCKING FACE.
Re: Bad Luck Succubi

C is for Scuids
Re: Bad Luck Succubi

A. All that walking? We need to rest for now... wouldn't want to tire ourselves out if we need to move to another location rather quickly. Of course, why we'd need to do thaaaat is beyond me.

Gravel kicking/punching Optional.