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Bad Luck Succubi

Re: Bad Luck Succubi


You tried to resist the urge.. But that schoolgirl outfit was too tempting.
With your 'friend' still sleeping, you didn't really see any real reason why not to change into something bit more.. classier.

You took off your silly top, your silly thong and decided to put on the schoolgirl outfit. It came with nice white panties, blue dress, white top with bit of ribbons. The outfit seemed to be slightly modified though, there was spot for the wings to get out from in the back.

You managed to put it on. Though your big breasts were quite.. Tightly fitting in on the shirt. Your nipples were busting through the fabric a bit.

The skirt was quite short too now that you think about it, clearly running or even slight breezes would cause some panty shots for everyone to see, should probably try control moving your spade tail around too much aswell for the same reasons.

Maybe it wasn't really your size, but it was still covering more than your other outfit.
Talking about that.. You for some reason had the weird mind set to place your other stuff, the old outfit and the book between your breasts.


As you did so, they dissappeared, yet you knew exactly where they went and how to get them back!
Seems you learned your first succubi ability: Veronica's secret compartment. (Inventory/Hammerspace)


With that, while making sure your 'friend' was still a sleep, you slowly and quietly sneak out of the room and to the hallway.

You slowly walk around and down the hallway as the room you were in seemed to be at the other end of it. Looking around you seemed to notice there were quite a lot more doors here, with names carved on top of the doors. ..You could hear some familiar giggles and sounds from them.

Yep, must be the apartment for the succubi you met at the beach. No doubt there.

You decided to just walk down the hallway..


For some reason ever since you wore that school girl outfit, you could swear you've been seeing some slithering movement at the far sides of your eyesight. ..and hearing some too.

Yet each time you turned around or looked around otherwise, you saw nothing.

With bit of cold chills, you decided to continue down the long hallway.
shees, this thing sure is long.



You could swear something tendril like just took a feel up your skirt!
With fast and panic like movement you looked down but.. There's nothing there?!


You decided to walk faster and hopefully find the end of the hallway already.


The hallway finally ended to a room of a sort that had lot of paths to choose from and a quite fancy looking closed double door guarded by two fiends.

Fiends are a pretty common demon in this dimension. They are pretty avarage humanoid like creatures that are about head taller than avarage human sized creatures. They tend to be quite slender and their heads have two big horns that usualy curve downwards, in some cases they might grow differently though. Fiends tend to have red/pinkish low saturated skin colour.

The two fiends were bit muscular, yet still slender like always, clearly male. They were wearing only loin cloths and some sort of shoulder pads that had shield icons with skulls. They also seemed to have some sort of weapons leaning next to the walls at their sides.

The two fiends looked at you for a bit and seemed to talk to each other.

"Damn.. Another succubi. I hope she won't try to charm us, it's already so hard to control myself with that major turn on of outfit she's wearing."

"I know right? and check out those breasts. Why do they always have to tease us when we're on guard duty.. It's like they want to get us in trouble"

"Ofcourse they do. Huge bitches, yet you can't hate em cause then they seduce you again."

"That magic is so unfair."


With that you looked around this room a bit.
There were few chairs, some torches for light and lot of other paths with signs on them.

The hallway you came from read "Housing"

The door the fiends were guarding read "baron's quarters"

One path took to "library"

There was one more path to "portal yard"

One path took to "courty yard"

One path read "Main hall"

and last one read "Secretary's office"

well that was a lot of paths.

A) Chat with the fiends. (insert subjects, questions, or something)
B) Try see if you can get in the baron's quarters
C) Go to Library
D) Go to Portal Yard
E) Go to Courty yard
F) Go to Main hall
G) Go to secretary's office
H) Other?
Re: Bad Luck Succubi

C. Nothing bad could possibly happen in a isolated badly lit library
Re: Bad Luck Succubi

let's go with C
what could possibly go wrong in a library
Re: Bad Luck Succubi


After you think a bit.. The library started to feel most tempting out of these options. Maybe you'll learn something in the flood of knowledge that is within the pages of the books it contains!

The fiend guards followed your ass with their eyes as you walked in the path to the library. You could swear you heard a light "phew!" as you entered in the pathway.


After a short while you found yourself in the library!
..It was really, really quiet and quite.. uhh.. dusty. Seems it hasn't been used that much.. Some steps on the dust hint that there have been some people here before you.
Lot of bookshelves filled with plenty of books!
..And magazines?

"My my.."

Lot of trash magazines.. Porn magazines.. Comic books..
The books seemed to contain a lot of history related thingies, legends, stories, cooking books starting from "how to cook man" to "expertise of lava boiling of blood mana flowers".

..So many un intresting and outright boring books here.. A lot of useless books.. ...

You regardless were going to go through the shelves, there's got to be atleast few interesting titles, right?

Reaching out to highest of the shelves.. When your gaze and hands were reaching up, the tendrilly slithering feel suddenly stroke your breasts!
Something really thin and tentacly was groping your large ol boobies with a tight grip! The feel reached underneath your shirt, tying around your sensitive nipples..


Nearly losing your balance you look down and try jump, struggle whatever this thing is that is taking the feels!



"What the fuck?!"

The thing once again immidiatly stopped and completely vanished when you looked down.


Bit of fixture of posing and head shaking later you got back to checking the books. Regardless, it's safe to say this is getting really annoying.

After a while of searching through these dust filled shelves you found a few interesting books that stood out.. Guess they might contain something useful? You're not too sure, you haven't opened them yet.

Guess you could read a few.

Choose atleast 1 - 4

A) "Fire magic for dummies 101"
B) "Cig Bocks, the visual guide"
C) "Book of love"
D) "Art of lava swimming and endless breath, the basics"
E) "Instant Fun stuff"
G) Other?
Re: Bad Luck Succubi

A. C. D. for sure and I'm stuck between B and E
Re: Bad Luck Succubi

A, C, D, and E. A first, though, we might need it if that thing doesn't stop stalking us.

It might give up and go away, right? Right?
Re: Bad Luck Succubi

Just realized the schoolgirl outfit is alive, thought it was just cursed before. That is what groping us

Not sure what Cig Bocks is.
G If we get interrupted or don't have enough time to read put the rest of the books in the dimension between boobs.
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