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Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

It has been almost 24 hours, so I'll be posting soon. You can continue voting, but I can't guarantee you'll be counted if I'm close to being done.
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

B->A->C: 3
D: 1
C: 1

Sera knelt beside the crushed carcass of one of the spider. She examined it closely, poking at its joints and at the chitinous plates that made up its exoskeleton. With some casual experimentation, she figured out about how tough the chitin was, and what the best angle of attack was against it. She had already removed the venom sacs, and she examined the foul-smelling, viscous fluid. She determined that it was fairly potent, and might cause temporary paralysis in large doses (though in small doses, it just made her mouth feel numb). Satisfied with her examination, she stood and looked around the room again.

In the corner, her eyes landed on the ancient, crushed altar. She walked over to it, and found, among the rubble, and ancient leather bound book, small enough that it would fit tightly into a pocket. The pages were thick and heavy, and not very flexible. As she picked up the book, a jolt shot up her arm and through her chest, almost immediately replaced with a tingling feeling. Sera grimaced slightly, then tucked the book into her pack. A deep breath settled her nerves slightly, though she remained slightly flushed and flustered. She grumbled under her breath and turned toward the door.

She approached and pulled on the door. It didn't budge, so she put her full strength into it. The sound of wood scraping on stone echoed through the dark room beyond. Sera paused, listening and straining her eyes to see through the darkness. As her vision settled, she saw what looked like some sort of storeroom. Warily, she stepped through the door, looking all around. In the shadows, there was a skittering sound, but nothing jumped out at her. She stepped further into the gloom, opening her eyes wider as though trying to get more light into them. She saw a set of shelves against one wall, a barrel full of something, and a chest in the corner.

Now what?
A. Search the shelves.
B. Search the barrel.
C. Search the chest.
D. Search everything.
E. Read the book you picked up earlier.
F. Go back to the entrance hall.

Name: Sera Craith
HP: 25/25
SP: 9/10
Lust: 4/20
AC: 15
DR: 10
Status: Mouth Numbness: -2 to charisma checks. 1 turn.
EXP: 15/100
Battleaxe: 2d10+4 damage.
Iron Platemail: 100/100 HP
2 Chitin Plates
2 Giant Spider Venom Sacs
Leather bound book - Lust curse?
2500 GP
Strength: 8
Speed: 5
Constitution: 6
Intelligence: 3
Charisma: 3

Information gathering check: 16 vs DC 15 (Success!)
Random Encounter? 73 vs DC 75 (No attack)
Resist lust attack: 6 vs DC 10 (failed); 1d4 lust damage results: 4
Random Encounter? 46 vs DC 50 (no attack)
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

D, then back out of the room. We failed a lust check against something, which is probably the book. Either way staying in the room would be pointless after it has been searched.

Perhaps leave the temple and go to the city? If anything we could ask about what the downwards-heading staircase could hide.
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

Well, I had hoped for more votes throughout the day, but oh well.

Update is coming.
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path


Sera walked through the dark room carefully, trying to avoid whacking her shins on some low object. She arrived at the shelf and began poking through it. On its rotten shelves, she found a few moldy scrolls, written in a language Sera couldn't read, and a few gemstones. Sera tucked the things away in her pack, then leaned down to look under the shelf. There, she found some folded cloth. She pulled it out from underneath. Unlike everything else in the room, this cloth had no evidence of wear, tear, or age. It felt thick, and like it should be heavy, but was as light as paper. While she had no proper idea of what it was, she did get the sense that it was worth quite a bit. A bit more poking around found a gold clasp, almost like a cloak pin. Presumably it went with the cloth? Either way, Sera put the cloth and the pin in her pack.
2 scrolls written in an unknown language
2 rubies
1 sapphire
1 bolt of cloth of unknown type and origin
Cloth is light and strong, and shows no sign of wear.​
1 cloak pin

Bolstered by her find at the shelves, Sera walked over to the barrel next. Alas, most of the contents of the barrel had been ravaged by time and termites. All that was left was a trio of torches, of which one dissolved at the moment she disturbed it. Still, torches would come in useful, and Sera lit one right away, and tucked the other into her pack. The light poured over the room, removing the gloomy atmosphere and making it feel much less claustrophobic.
1 torch, unlit
1 torch, lit (10 rounds)
Finally, Sera approached the chest. With a foolish lack of forethought, she leaned down and forced the lid. Immediately, a blade shot out and sliced across her hand, making Sera gasp in pain and step back, cursing under her breath. While the injury wasn't too bad, she could feel pain spreading up her arm, like a fire under her skin. At the same time, her libido kicked up again, making her gasp as blood rushed to her loins. At the same time, as though to compound her problems, the shelf crashed to the ground, narrowly missing Sera, who stumbled backwards as two large goblins burst into the room through a hidden door. Immediately, the larger of the two leaped to attack!
Enemy caught Sera offguard, they get to act first.
The larger of the goblins leapt forward, swinging his sword in a wide arc. The strike glanced off her armor, sending her stumbling, but the attack failed to pierce her armor. The goblin shook its sword at Sera in anger, clearly unhappy about failing to damage her.

The smaller goblin pulled out a short crossbow, aimed, and fired! The shot flew wide, clattering against the wall. Sera grinned predatorily at the goblin, who grimaced back as he began winding the string on his crossbow up again.

A. Attack one of the goblins!
B. Use your breath attack on the goblins!
C. Make a break for the door!

Name: Sera Craith
HP: 20/25
SP: 10/10
Lust: 9/20
AC: 15
DR: 10
Status: Normal
EXP: 15/100
Battleaxe: 2d10+4 damage.
Iron Platemail: 96/100 HP
2 Chitin Plates
2 Giant Spider Venom Sacs
Leather bound book - Lust curse?
2 scrolls
2 rubies
1 sapphire
1 bolt of cloth
1 cloak pin
2500 GP
Strength: 8
Speed: 5
Constitution: 6
Intelligence: 3
Charisma: 3
Enemy Stats:
Goblin 1
-You know nothing-
Goblin 2
-You know nothing-
Random encounter while searching shelves: 27 vs DC50 (no encounter)
Search check: Natural 20! Automatic success!
Random encounter while searching barrel: 31 vs DC50 (no encounter)
Search check: Natural 1. (I gave the torches because you need them to continue. You can try to make your own, but this is easier)
Random encounter while searching chest: 37 vs DC25 (encounter!)(Set the attack for after Sera opening the chest)
Encounter difficulty: 7/8
Number of opponents: 2/6 possible
Trap avoid: Natural 1.
Trap damage: 2d8 = 8. DR for Sera is 10, so she took no damage from the trap. It still poisoned her, though.
Poison damage: 1d6 = 5 health and lust damage.
Dodge the shelves! 13 + 5 vs DC15 (barely dodged)
Is Sera caught offguard? 6 + 5 vs DC15 (Yes. Yes she is.)
Goblin Attack 1: 16 + 4 vs AC (hit); 1d12 + 4 = 8 - 10DR = 0. Armor takes 4 damage.
Goblin Attack 2: 6 + 4 vs AC (miss)
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

B Use our flame breath on the large goblin to take him out of the fight.
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path


Sera settled her feet and thrust her head forward, a great gout of flame bursting past her lips and streaking across the room to wrap around the larger goblin, who shrieked in pain, stumbling around slapping at itself fruitlessly. With a snarl, it tore its leather jerkin off and tossed it aside. The jerkin landed in the barrel of torches, which immediately burst into flames with a thud of air. If the fight drags on, the combatants may find themselves trapped by the fire!

The large goblin whirled on Sera, shrieking a challenge and leaping forward again, seemingly able to ignore the large burns down the side of its body. It slammed its sword down on Sera's shoulder, and again the sturdy armor turned the attack aside. Sera spun away, propelled by the force of the blow, and settled just out of the goblin's reach. The heat of the fire at her back didn't particularly bother her, being that she had dragonblood and all, but getting closer would be uncomfortable in her armor.

The second goblin raised its crossbow again, and fired a second bolt! This one struck true, managing to punch through the armor on Sera's upper arm. She grimaced and tore the bolt out, noting dispassionately the blood on its tip. She snarled a dire threat at the bow-goblin, who snarled back in his own guttural tongue.

A. Attack the goblins!
B. Burn the goblins!
C. Take the fight out of the room with the fire!
D. Run away!

Name: Sera Craith
HP: 16/25
SP: 8/10
Lust: 9/20
AC: 15
DR: 10
Status: Normal
EXP: 15/100
Battleaxe: 2d10+4 damage.
Iron Platemail: 83/100 HP
2 Chitin Plates
2 Giant Spider Venom Sacs
Leather bound book - Lust curse?
2 scrolls
2 rubies
1 sapphire
1 bolt of cloth
1 cloak pin
2500 GP
Strength: 8
Speed: 5
Constitution: 6
Intelligence: 3
Charisma: 3

Enemy Stats:
Goblin 1
HP ??/16+
AC <17
Goblin 2
HP ?? / 16+

Sera dragonbreath! 17 vs AC (hit!); 2d10 + 4 results: 15
Goblin attempts to put out fire: 2 vs DC 10 (fail)
Goblin 1 attack! 15 +5 vs AC (hit); 1d12 + 4 results: 8 - DR = 0(again)(armor takes 4 damage)
Goblin 2 attack! 18 + 5 vs AC (hit(2 away from being a crit)); 2d8 + 4 results: 14 - DR = 4(Sera has officially taken damage from an attack!)(armor takes 9 damage)
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

Alright. I'm invoking authorial fiat and moving forward.
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path


Sera raised her axe overhead and slammed it down at the large goblin, who quickly slipped away from the attack, laughing at the futile attempt. The axe slammed down hard on the flagstones, cracking one and bouncing upward. Sera turned quickly, keeping her front toward the goblin. She glared at the goblin, looking forward to taking the laughing head off his shoulders.

The goblin lunged forward, stabbing at Sera with his sword. She quickly spun, pulling her axe in, and backpedalled away from the goblin, whose sword hit the wall and skittered aside. The goblin whirled on Sera again, the laughter gone from its face. It snarled at her, anger showing in its inhuman eyes.

The other goblin raised his crossbow again and fired. The bolt caught Sera on the shoulder, and just barely managed to punch through her armor. Sera quickly pulled the bolt out of her shoulder, noting that there was almost no blood on this bolt. She prepared herself for the next attack, trying to watch both enemies at once. The fire, meanwhile, had begun spreading onto the collapsed shelves and the chest.

Sera lunged forward, lifting her axe like she was going to slam it down at the goblin. When he began moving to the side, she rotated her shoulders and hips and changed the swing into a sideways chop, and her axe struck true, biting deep into the goblin's side and into his hip bone. The goblin cried out in pain, and its leg collapsed from under it, sending it sprawling to the ground. Sera stood over it triumphantly, ready to slam her axe down and end the duel.

The goblin was much more hardy than Sera had expected, and it twisted and stabbed up at her desperately. She sidestepped the desperate blow easily, and slammed her axe down on the goblin's chest twice. The goblin gasped, wheezing as it tried to pull air into punctured lungs, before giving off a rattling breath and lying still.

The other goblin let out a shriek of rage and agony, and charged across the room to leap onto Sera's back, wrapping an arm around her throat and attempting to gouge at her eyes. Its grimy claws dug into the soft skin around her eyes, but did not manage to scratch the actual eyeballs. Sera cried out in pain, whirling around quickly and throwing the goblin off her back and into the fire. The goblin screamed in pain as the fire licked up its body, setting its clothing and hair on fire. The goblin scrambled away from the fire, slapping at itself ineffectually.

Sera glared at the goblin, drawing in breath through her bruised throat. With a sharp exhale, an arctic wind streamed from her mouth and around the goblin, the force of the wind slamming the small creature to the ground again. Ice crystals formed on the goblin's limbs, restricting its movements, though they did put out the fire. Sera walked over to the helpless goblin, growling in her throat. Though tiredness made her limbs heavy, she lifted her axe over her head and brought it down on the frozen goblin, the force of the blow actually completely shattering one of its frozen limbs. The goblin turned pale instantly, and struggled against the ice. Due to the heat of the fire, it was able to break out of the ice. With a desperate scream, it lunged at Sera, holding one of its bolts.

The bolt successfully pierced through the thinner material near Sera's upper thigh, and she cried out, stepping back instinctively to get away from the pain in such tender areas. She grasped the bolt and pulled it out, but she was starting to feel woozy from the injuries she had already endured. Panting, she kicked the goblin back onto its back and raised her axe again, slamming it down one final time. The goblin struggled feebly, but its death was already assured. Sera stumbled away from the goblin, exhaustion settling in as adrenaline began to fade. With a weary hand, she gathered her axe, and stumbled back to the entrance.

Now what?
A. Return home. You're hurt and exhausted. Better to come back tomorrow than risk death or defeat.
B. Press on. You are dragonborn, and you can handle this.
C. Try to bind up your injuries and rest for a bit, then press on.

Pick a skill and a stat.
A. New Skill: Dragon Blood: Spend 5 skill points to heal 5 hit points.
B. New Skill: Combat Superiority: If you hit an opponent, roll 1d20. If your roll + your strength is greater than the opponent's current HP, you gain a +10 to attack rolls against them, and +4 to damage.
C. New Skill: Dragon Skin: Gain an additional 5 DR.
D. New Skill: Taste of Elements: Gain 20 DR against one element (Fire, Ice, Electricity, Acid)​
A. +2 Strength
B. +2 Speed
C. +2 Constitution
D. +2 Intelligence
E. +2 Charisma​
Other option: Forgo level up for a full heal of all stats and return to normal condition.

Name: Sera Craith
HP: 8/25
SP: 6/10
Lust: 7/20
AC: 15
DR: 10
Status: Fatigued: -5 to all rolls.
Bloodied: + 5 to attack rolls, but with a chance of being unable to act for a round.
Level: 1
EXP: 215/100 LEVEL UP!
Battleaxe: 2d10+4 damage.
Iron Platemail: 75/100 HP
2 Chitin Plates
2 Giant Spider Venom Sacs
Leather bound book - Lust curse?
2 scrolls
2 rubies
1 sapphire
1 bolt of cloth
1 cloak pin
2500 GP
Strength: 8
Speed: 5
Constitution: 6
Intelligence: 3
Charisma: 3
I forgot to write them down. :(

I suspect Sera might be a little overpowered. She might not be very dodgy, but 10 damage resistance is pretty substantial. I'll probably start throwing stronger enemies at her earlier than I would have.

Also, I figured I would just get this fight done. It was all done legitimately, with dice rolls and everything.
Last edited:
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

Level UP: C for new skill, then A for stat. Gotta focus ye upgrades, right?

Then, for choices, C.
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

Level UP: C for new skill, then A for stat. Gotta focus ye upgrades, right?

Then, for choices, C.

Ill go ahead and second these choices.

And yeah, reading all the hits we took there seems to indicate that the DR is a bit nutty.
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

Ill go ahead and second these choices.

And yeah, reading all the hits we took there seems to indicate that the DR is a bit nutty.

Yeah.... Sera was kinda designed to be the "easy" choice, able to tank hits early on, but she would need support as she started going up in levels. However, her DR is pretty crazy. It never came up, but those three spiders we fought would have had to crit to actually do damage. Of course, their actual goal was to web her and subdue her, as opposed to killing her. But they got a lot of bad rolls.
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

A, C

Sera sat down on a collapsed pillar and (after a careful look around) pulled off her armor, grimacing at the blood staining it inside and out. The armor was looking a little dinged up, but she could hammer out the dents when she left here. The holes punched through it were a little more problematic, but could be fixed as well. Sera tore a few strips out of her cloth under-armor, and wrapped up the shallow injuries tightly. She checked to make sure the makeshift bandages were small enough to not interfere with her armor or anything of that nature, then she laid her pack on the pillar as a pillow. She felt safe enough, so she relaxed there, allowing her tired muscles to decompress and relax. After about 15 minutes, she stood and began stretching, though she tried to be careful about her injuries to avoid tearing them further. After stretching out, Sera drank some water, then splashed the rest of her canteen on her face, gently washing around her eyes. The tears near her eyes worried her, though at least they had stopped bleeding.

Finally, she felt rested enough to continue. She put her armor on slowly, meticulously checking everything to ensure it would do its job properly. She slung her axe on her back again, then relit her torch and approached the staircase down into the darkness. Carefully, she began walking down the (surprisingly long) staircase. When she was about halfway down, she heard a click behind her. She turned quickly, straining to see up the stairs, when....

WHAM! Something swung out of the darkness and connected with her temple. She pitched backward, rolling down the stairs in clattering of armor and weapon, torch singing her hair and skin as it fell next to her. She landed heavily, her axe landing with a crunch next to her. The world spun around her, and she felt vaguely nauseous. In the torch's guttering light, she saw a short humanoid come down the stairs carefully. She laid still, trying to stave off unconsciousness.

"Dammit, Kaerzbolg! How many time I tell, no break merchandise! You lucky she strong, or she be dead now!" Another creature stepped out of the shadows into the light. He was carrying a short length of sturdy wood, mahogany or oak, something strong. He was staring fiercely at the creature who had come down the stairs behind Sera, who (Sera could see from the corner of her eye, though moving her eyes that much made her entire world spin) was glaring down at her with pure malice.

"She kill Gaertog and Kaergolt! For them, she die!" The creature shouted back at the apparent leader, before adding something in his own guttural tongue. Sera vaguely recognized the language as goblin, and made the logical jump that these creatures were probably goblins, which was rather good for someone who had just taken the kind of hit she had.

"No kill until Master comes! You know rule! You kill her, Master break you down for parts!" The leader said, stepping forward until he was nose to nose with Sera's assailant. The smaller goblin glared up at the leader, but soon averted his eyes, stepping back and looking down. The leader smiled fiercely and said something in Goblin. Anger flashed across the face of the smaller goblin, but he said nothing. The leader gestured at Sera and said, "You take her to cages. Wait for Master return. Give her potion."

Sera groaned quietly, like she was starting to wake up, and turned slightly. Her half-lidded eyes landed on her axe, which looked far worse for wear. The haft was splintered at the midpoint, and one side of the axe blade had a giant nick in it. Still, it was her weapon, and the sight of it made her head stop spinning and her stomach stop doing back flips. She was a warrior. As long as she had her weapon, she was not beaten. Her hand shot out and grasped the haft near the head, and she half-rose, swinging the weapon quickly at the leader of the goblins!

The large goblin moved quickly, taking a half step back to avoid the swing. His stick came down hard on Sera's wrist, and her axe clattered out of numb fingers. She barely had time to register the blow before the stick swung back and caught her under the jaw, sending her crashing back to the ground. The leader looked down at Sera disinterestedly as she snarled up at him, spitting curses at him.

"Hm. She still has fight. Master will like her," the leader said, turning away from Sera. He looked at the smaller goblin, then looked into the shadows. "Subdue her, then take her." He turned and walked over to Sera's torch as several other goblins stepped out of the shadows, each carrying a solid looking club. The torch guttered again as the goblins raised their clubs over Sera, and then they brought darkness down with them.

Well, that was fun. See you guys tomorrow.
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

Chapter 1

Sera woke up, and immediately regretted it.

Her body felt like one giant mass of bruises, broken bones and torn muscles. She could barely lift her head without sending pain screaming from the top of her head to the tip of her tail. The darkness surrounded her, so complete that she wasn't sure she wasn't blind until she turned her head gingerly and saw torch-light flickering around the corner. She groaned, slowly sitting up and taking stock of her situation.

First off, she was naked. Completely. Immediately, the vile thoughts rose to the front of her mind. You always heard stories about goblins, and what they did to their captives. With a bit of pained concentration, Sera forced the fear and revulsion aside. The second thing she came to realize was that, despite being in serious pain, nothing seemed to be broken. Most of the pain seemed to be something closer to muscle fatigue than actual injury, though she didn't doubt that she had been rather more hurt when she lost consciousness. She couldn't quite remember how long it took before the beating she took gave way to sweet unconsciousness, but it had felt like quite a long time while it was happening. The third time she realized was how cramped she was. She appeared to be in a cage just barely long enough for her to lie down, and definitely not large enough to properly accommodate her wings. Even though they were folded down and shackled, she still found herself unable to do much more than lie down. She was a little surprised the goblins had managed to get her into this cage. She was pretty sure that shouldn't have been possible, what with her wingspan. Might make it problematic when she escaped from this cage.

"Hey. New girl. You alive over there?"

Sera jumped slightly, surprised by the soft, burbling voice. It sounded like a female, and nothing like a goblin. Her own voice sounded rough and clumsy compared to it, and at the moment, also sounded like a cat being run through the garbage disposal. "I'm awake. Still not certain if alive. You are?"

The other girl laughed, though it wasn't clear to Sera if she was laughing at her, or if she was just someone who laughed for no reason. "My dear, isn't it more polite to give one's own name before asking for another's?"

"Dunno. Never cared much for politeness. 'M Sera. Sera Craith."

"A pleasure to meet you, Ms. Craith. I am Liltu Cralubl." The awkward name sounded like a beautiful babbling brook in Litu's strange accent.

"How long was I out, do you know?"

"They brought you in about an hour ago. I don't think you were actually unconscious that long, though. They took you in to the shaman first, to get you checked and patched up. And so that she could weigh you to figure out the proper dosage for the drugs they use."

"What kind of drugs?"

Whatever Litu was, her accent was remarkably expressive. Sera could practically hear the shrug in her voice as she said, "Standard lust cocktail. They use prinap berries - you know them? They're the ones that cause euphoria. They squeeze them, then boil away half the liquid, leaving the drug much more concentrated. Then they feed it to the slaves while they... train them. The euphoria links to sex in their mind, no matter how brutal or how much they don't want it. There are side effects - most of the girls here spend all their time masturbating, or leaking juices all over their cages. They definitely aren't good conversation."

Sera frowned. "I understood about half of that. You talk a lot, Litu. I guess you haven't been here long. Too much prinap makes people stupid, I know that much."

Litu laughed again. "On the contrary, I've been here the longest. The chieftain favors me. As for why I haven't turned stupid, well.... Let's just say I'm fairly resistant to poisons and leave it at that." She paused for a moment, then continued, with her voice sounding less like a babbling brook and more like a melancholy river, "In any case, it won't be too long until you're just like the others. So I guess you'll forget all about it. I heard them talking about you. The hunter who brought you in? He's got a grudge. You killed his sister, or something like that. He was already not exactly known for his kind and gentle nature."

Sera laughed, though it made her chest hurt. "I'm not afraid of him. The scum was too weak to face me up close, so he had to hit me from behind. When I get my hands around his neck, I guess he'll be reunited with his sister sooner than he expected. And I will escape from this cage."

Litu laughed again, though this laugh sounded more bitter than anything. "Darling, I can't even get out of these cages. You're not going to have...." She trailed off, then snapped, "Shh! They're coming! They don't like us talking to each other. It's probably mealtime, so just keep your mouth shut and yourself calm."

As Litu shut up, two goblins came around the corner. Unlike their brethren Sera had seen before, they were clad from head to toe in iron armor, and each carried a spear and a sword at their hip. The two goblins flanked the door, holding torches up to light the room, showing Sera a number of cages, each filled with a girl, all of whom looked lethargically toward the light. As they did, a number of them began moaning quietly. Sera watched with horrified fascination as one of the girls, a cat-girl, shook with an orgasm, mewling quietly to herself. Several of the more lively ones pushed themselves against the bars of their cages, reaching skinny hands toward the goblins, begging without words for a taste of their cum. The intensity of the lust made the air feel ten degrees warmer, and Sera was mildly surprised to notice a slight moistening of her virgin slit. The room showed decadence in squalor, and the sheer number of girls shocked Sera more than anything else.

Through the doorway swept a tall man, definitely human (or, at least, not goblin). His eyes, shrouded by a dark hood, slid across the room, past every writhing body, past the girls who pushed against the bars harder and harder, and landed right on Sera's own. The man smiled slowly, his teeth glinting slightly in the torchlight. He walked over to her, pausing only to cruelly drive the heel of his boot into the hand of a girl who managed to grab his cloak. The girl, for her part, didn't even react, despite the obvious crunch of bones breaking. She giggled quietly to herself, looking at her hand like she had never seen such a thing before. The man continued past, looking down at Sera with a cruel grin on his face.

"So. You must be our newest slave. What do you think? Does the sight of all those girls shattered like that-" "That entrance was pointless. The whole show was meant to impress upon me the gravity of my situation, so that I would believe that there was no possible way to avoid becoming like them. Did you read past page 10 of the "Handbook for Evil Bastards," or were the words too difficult for you?" Sera snarled at the man, glaring defiance at him. He blinked twice, slowly, then laughed. His laugh was not a jovial noise. It was the sort of laugh that comes out of the grass just before the snake strikes the mouse.

"They told me you were strong, but they failed to mention that you were clever as well. And such a tongue! Oh yes, you'll make me a lot of money, my sweet lizard. And the shaman tells me you're even a virgin! It's so rare to find a young dragonborn at all, let alone one who is also a virgin. If I were you, though, I would keep that sharp tongue in your head. Spitting acid like that is fun, I know, but there are many ways to hurt you that would keep you intact for the customer, and would even keep your virgin status. After all, most of our clients are only interested in a virgin for deflowering her. Have you ever been raped in the ass, little lizard? I've been told it's one of the most excruciating experiences possible, both emotionally and physically. All the lovely emotional damage, with none of that annoying deflowering. And I'm sure there's more than one of your caretakers who wants to make you put that sharp tongue to better use. So, if you were as clever as you think you are, you would not talk back to me again. I'd rather not deliver a broken product to my clients."

Sera curled her lip in disgust as the man talked about rape as though it were something as simple as the weather. "Yeah, spitting acid is fun. You know what's more fun than that? Fire." Like a striking snake, Sera shot her head forward, mouth opening to admit... a tiny curl of flame. At the same time, her throat began screaming in pain, like someone had taken knives down her esophagus. She cried out, clapping her hands around her throat and coughing hard.

The hooded man watched dispassionately. "Yes, it is a rather clever enchantment, isn't it? I imagine that wasn't very comfortable for you." With that, he turned his back on Sera and walked back to the entrance. "Go ahead and let the chief know that she's ready to start training. Keep her intact. I'm sure he knows the drill by now. Now, I'm leaving. This hole is no place for a man of my stature."

With that, he swept away, the guards following close behind him. As the darkness fell over the room again, the gentle murmur of girls pleasuring themselves, moans and cries of ecstacy, poured over the room like a light blanket. Over the sound of it all, Litu let out a breath, like a wave crashing against the beach. "Sera, I don't know if you're brave or stupid. Or both."

"I'm going with stupid myself. Of course there was a counter measure. It's not like it's a secret that dragonborn can breathe fire."

"Well, yeah, that too. On the plus side, at least you're a virgin. Means you won't be getting the lust drug like the other girls. That'll be nice, at least until they sell you."

"They're not going to sell me. I'm getting out of here, tonight."

And how will you do that?
A. Attempt to force the cage open.
B. Wait for the guard to come and then try to subdue him.
C. Wait for the hunter with the grudge to come.
D. Wait for the meal, then force your way out when they open the cage.
E. Give up and accept your fate <----- Sera sez: Don't do this one. Giving up is for little girls and elves.
F. Other? (include your other suggestion)

Name: Sera Craith
HP: 30/30
SP: 10/10
Lust: 5/20
AC: 15
DR: 5
Status: Sealed: Cannot use any active skills.
Level: 2
EXP: 115/200
Active Skills:
Dragon Breath: Breathe fire, ice, lightning, or acid. Cost: 2 SP
Passive Skills:
Wings: You can fly, giving you a bonus to avoiding melee attacks and traps outdoors.
Dragon Skin: Your scales have begun to harden, giving you +5 DR that stacks with armor.
You are currently naked, and have no inventory.
Strength: 8
Speed: 5
Constitution: 8
Intelligence: 3
Charisma: 3
No Rolls

If you can guess what Linu is, I'll give you a fake internet cookie.

Also, this was 4 pages long in Word. I'm not longwinded, I swear.
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Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

A, actually.
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path


A water sprite? Or a Undine as they might be called.